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History: Part 1 - pp. 5 - 17: S.W. and P.A. DURANT: History of Lawrence County, PA, 1877

transcribed by Tami McConahy and Ed McClelland

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                           1770. --- 1877.
                     HISTORY OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, PA
                       S.W. and P.A. DURANT.

                  L. H. Everts & Co., Philadelphia
   THE HISTORY OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, as contemplated in the plan of this
   work, involves a vast amount of research, of careful discrimination and
   incessant application. The various topics, which are treated more or
   less extensively, cover every profession and calling.
   The Pioneer, the Soldier, the Missionary, the Minister of the Gospel,
   the Legislator, the Attorney, the Farmer, the Manufacturer, the
   Merchant, and the Miner, have each their respective and proper places in
   the pages of the work, which we have endeavored to make as thorough and
   complete as the time allowed us would possibly admit of. The "Oldest
   Inhabitant" has been everywhere consulted, and the fading memories of
   the veterans who have passed their four-score years, have been
   brightened up, and persuaded to contribute their storied wealth to the
   edification of coming generations. What is preserved in these
   overflowing pages, can never be lost; and, though it may be mingled
   with, and obscured by many imperfections, yet, in the main, it will be
   found a valuable contribution to the general history of this interesting
   and beautiful region.
   Situated in the historic valley of the Beaver, its early history
   partakes largely of the romantic; and the dim traditions of the ancient
   Lenape, and their powerful enemies and conquerors, the farnous
   Mengwe--the Iroquois of the French--are strangely blended with the
   almost equally obscure and marvelous legends of the pioneers who first
   set foot in these picturesque regions.
   Hither, in the full faith of their young manhood, came the Moravian
   pioneer Missionaries--Post, Heckewelder, Zeisberger, Senseman and
   others--bearing aloft the standard of the Cross, and burning with zeal
   in their Master's cause--literally bearing their lives in their hands,
   and risking all for the propogation of that faith which they believed
   Following these, in the closing years of the eighteenth century, came
   the Pioneers--"the first low wash of waves, where soon should roll a
   human sea"--"bold, hardy men," Who left the luxuries and allurements of
   the older settlements to found a new empire in the wilderness, and leave
   behind them an inheritance for their children. Civilization rapidly
   followed, and soon the country was filled with an industrious and
   thriving population, who looked well after not only the physical and
   temporal, but also the spiritual welfare of the State, and founded
   towns, schools, churches, and institutions of various kinds, which still
   bear witness to the foresight and determination of the fathers.
   In the arrangement of the work, each city, borough and township is
   treated separately, and a full and complete history given, including
   early settlements, schools, churches, manufactures, soil, timber,
   mining, minerals, &c., &c., from the earliest date down to the present.
   A very interesting chapter upon the Geology of the county, in which are
   principally discussed the four subjects, Stratifications, Coal, Iron and
   Oil, has been prepared from a variety of information, largely obtained,
   from experienced men engaged in the various branches of industry
   involving the use of these materials.
   The General History of the county is so closely interwoven with that of
   the townships and boroughs, that only a limited amount of space is
   occupied by its details. The organization of the county, and a list of
   all its officers and legislators, is furnished in this connection.
   The city of New Castle being the focal point around which the history of
   the entire county centres, necessarily monopolizes a large share of the
   space allotted to the work.
   The history of each township and borough is as thorough as careful
   research and diligent application could make it, and will be found very
   full and interesting. Educational and religious topics are treated with
   much ability, and in detail; and the history of the various churches, in
   particular, has been carefully prepared, to a great extent, by pastors,
   and others familiar with the subject, and competent to do it justice.
   The Medical and Legal Professions are represented in two excellent arti-
   cles, written by well-known gentlemen, which will be read with interest.
   The Biographical Department embraces numerous sketches of representative
   men and prominent citizens in the various walks of life, faithfully
   given, carefully written, and readable--making, altogether, a most
   interesting and instructive chapter. Accompanying these are a large
   number of excellently executed portraits, making a choice selection of
   representative men and women from various parts of the county.
   The Military Record, Rosters and Roll of Honor, close the volume, and
   have been as carefully prepared from the best authorities to be
   obtained, as it was possible to make them. The record of any military
   organization, great or small, after the lapse of fifteen years, is
   exceedingly difficult to be obtained of sufficient correctness to be
   entirely reliable and atisfactory. We have made the best use of the
   material at hand.
   The work is highly embelished with a large number of views of public and
   private property, natural scenery, &c., &c., executed in the best manner.
   We sincerely trust that our attempt to rescue from oblivion, and embody
   in readable form the early and later facts constituting the history of
   Lawrence county, will be appreciated; and while we do not claim an
   absolutely perfect work in every particular, we insist that our labors
   have been directed solely with the view of giving as accurate and
   reliable a work as could be gathered from authentic records and
   documents, and from the recollections of the few remaining men and women
   of the "olden time."
   In conclusion, we would respectfully acknowledge our many obligations to
   those who have obligingly furnished us with information upon the various
   subjects which constitute the finished work.
   The following list embraces the majority of those who have kindly aided
   us in this enterprise:
   To the following-named gentlemen we are under special obligations:
   Hon. David Sankey, Major E. Sankey, Rev. David X. Junkin, D. D., Rev.
   Robert Audley. Browne, D. D., Joseph Justice, Esq., Joseph T. DuShane,
   Esq., J. H. M. and H. P. Peebles, M. D., Colonel R. B. McComb, Colonel
   Edward O'Brien; George W. Penn, editor of the Paragraph; George W.
   McCracken, of the Guardian; E. S. Durban of the Courant; Ellis Morrison,
   City Clerk and Engineer; Rev. Thomas Greer, of King's Chapel; Professors
   W. N. Aiken, Superintendent Public Schools; Martin Gantz, Superintendent
   of City Schools of New Castle, and John R. Steeves, of the New Castle
   College; Rev. E. T. Jeffers, D. D., President of Westminster College;
   Samuel Foltz, Esq., Joseph S. White and Shubael Wilder.
   And to the following we also express our grateful obligations:
   In New Castle--Reverends Youmans, Wilson, Blaisdell, Calkins, Crowe,
   Cowden, Father W. F. Hayes, Bateman, Fritz, and the clergy generally;
   the county officers; Captain M. S. Marquis, Captain O. H. P. Green,
   Messrs. Reis and Berger, the Holton brothers, Samuel Kimberly, T. and J.
   Pearson, Thomas Fisher, Hon. L. L. McGuffin, P. Butz and son, R. W,
   Cunningham, Joseph Kissick, E. M. McConnell, Isaac Dickson and son,
   Henry C. Falls, Esq., Hiram Pollock, J. F. Reynolds., Colonel D. H.
   Wallace, Cyrus Clarke, J. D. Bryson, David Tidball, John Mitchell, the
   bank officers generally, R. M. Allen, Messrs. Phipps & Johnston,
   photographers, for excellent work fur- nished; the Police and Fire
   Departments, Colonel Cubbison, Captain Hale, Rev. W. T. McConnell, of
   Lowellville, Ohio, and many others who have contributed valuable
   In New Wilmington borough--Hon. Thomas Pomeroy, Hon. Wm. M. Francis, J.
   W. Scott, Burgess, Samuel Blair, James A. McLaughry, Robert Ramsey and
   In Wampum borough--Rev. J. J. Imbrie, Edward Kay and son, William
   Thompson, Mrs. Davidson.
   In Big Beaver township--John Davidson, Esq., R. J. Davidson, James
   Cochran, John Ramsey, Mrs. Whan, Charles Harmony, Mr. Coon, and others
   at Newport.
   In Little Beaver township--James Mountain, Wm. Porter, George
   Aughinbaugh, Joseph Marshall, T. McCowin, Robert and Thomas Sprott,
   Charles and Israel Long, Isaac Houston, Captain John W. Hague, M. L.
   Andrews and mother, Cyrus Grey, John D. Caskey and others.
   In North Beaver township--William Williams and mother, Samuel D. Clarke,
   Major Wm. Woods, Dr. Allen Nesbit, Captain William Nesbit, John Carson,
   Samuel Martin and wife, Ann Poak, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Vance, Mrs. E.
   Blackburn, Robert Brewster, Robert Fullerton, Rev. William M. Taylor,
   Rev. R. H. McClelland, Robert Tait, Rev. R. M. Bear, Wm. Alsworth and
   In Hickory township--Samuel Casteel, John H. Gormley, Thomas Patterson,
   John Waddington, Aaron Hinkson and son, J. Patton, A. McConaghy and others.
   In Mahoning township--J. K. Rowland, Wm. Morrison, Mrs. Book, Joseph
   Wright, A. McBride, Arney Biddle and brother, Wm. Brown, The Parks, John
   Hoover, J. J. Thornburg and wife, Dr. James Mitcheltree, George Sell and
   others at Hillsville, members of the various churches--Rev. W. T.
   McConnell, E. S. Sharpless and others.
   In Neshannock township--Jesse Moore, Henry Jordan, Miss Nancy Watson,
   Thomas McCreary.
   In Perry township--Mr. Murray, James Aiken, John Miller, J. H. Van
   Gorder, and others.
   In Plain Grove township--old Mrs. McCracken, J. M. Burns, Margaret
   McCommon, Geo. Rodgers, J. M. Lawrence, Esq., Mr. Williams, J. P.
   Elliott, David George, U. Ramsey, Esq., Wm. Gealey, Sr., David McCune,
   Esq., A. McKinney.
   In Pulaski township--Wm. McCready, John Marquis, Mr. Bentley, John
   Porter, Mrs. Elizabeth Satterfield, Alexander Neal, Wm. W. Walker, E. M.
   Stevenson, Wm. Van Fleet, Isaac McFarlane, Mrs. Van Meter and sister,
   Thomas Shields (of Coitsville, Mahoning county, O.), "Father" Begel and
   "Mother" Anna, of " Sisters of Mary, Orphan Farm," Dr. John Cowden, Wm.
   M. Stitt, J. F. Scott, David A. McKee, Mrs. Henry Kyle, and others.
   In Scott township--H. Young, John Cooper, James H. Locke, Wm. Martin and
   mother, the Hettenbaughs, McCrackens, McFarlands, Jacob Harlan, Robert
   Bentley, Esq., W. Wilkin, and others.
   In Shenango township--Mr. and Mrs. George Grigsby, Zachariah Tindal
   Edward Irwin, Mrs. J. P. McMillen, R. M. Gibson and wife, Seth Rigby, J.
   P. Lutton and wife, the Wilsons, John McKee, Wm. Manning, Joseph Baldwin
   and wife, Mrs. Henderson, the Houks, J. R. Sherrard, Abraham Shaffer,
   and others.
   In Slippery Rock township--John Fox, Henry Kennedy, Alex. Frew and wife,
   Murray Frew, Levi Hazen, Abraham Shaffer, Aaron Boak, George Shaw
   Archibald McMillen, Charles Dombaugh, George Young, Thomas J. Kelly, Jr.
   and mother, John Stewart and wife, Rev. Hiram Kildoo, J. C. Smith and
   others at Rose Point, John Randolph, Abraham McCurdy and others.
   In Taylor township--Samuel L.,Vandivort, James Raney, Mrs. Samuel
   Sample, Samuel Hawthorne, Samuel Copper, John Wallace, Joseph Cox, Rev.
   J. K. Andrews and William Lutton.
   In Union township--Colonel Wm. R. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Paisley,
   C. B. Lower.
   In Washington township--James and Jamieson Watson, Jane Watson, James
   Banks, the Wilsons, J. P. Locke, Mr. King, and others.
   In Wayne township--Hon. Joseph Cunningham, R. S. Cunningham, George
   Hennon, John Hennon, Esq., Wm. Work, Esq., Samuel Booher and wife, John
   McConahy and wife, Levi Ward, Isaac Newton, E. G. Matheney, Wm. Gaston,
   Revs. George P. Rice and John D. Glenn, R. M. Leech, and others at
   Chewton, Michael Liebendorfer and others at Wurtemburg.
   In Wilmington township--Henry Jordan, Sr., Solomon Brown, Mr. Donley,
   Mrs. Samuel Collins, Abraham Grim, and others.
   SAMUEL W. DURANT.       NEW CASTLE, March 20, 1877.
   [p. 7] The county of Lawrence is situated nearly in the centre of the
   State from north to south, and along the Ohio line. It is bounded north
   by Mercer county, south by Beaver county, east by Butler county, and
   west by the State of Ohio. Its superficial area is about three hundred
   and sixty square miles. The latitude of the court house is about 41
   degrees north, and its longitude about 3 degrees and 20 minutes west
   from Washington. It is situated in the Beaver valley, and is wholly
   drained by that stream and its numerous branches, the principal of which
   are the Shenango and Mahoning rivers, and the Slipperv Rock and
   Neshannock creeks. The Conoquenessing creek flows for about four miles
   through the southern part of the county, in Wayne township, and enters
   the Beaver river exactly on the line between Lawrence and Beaver
   counties. The principal of the smaller streams are the Little Neshannock
   creek, in Wilmington township, Hettenbaugh run, in Hickory; Big run, in
   Shenango; Taylor's and Jameson's runs, in Plain Grove; Little Beaver
   creek, in the southwest part of the county; Hickory creek, in North
   Beaver, and Deer creek, in Pulaski township.
   The scenery shows great variety in different portions of the county.
   Along the Shenango, Mahoning and Beaver rivers, are extensive bottoms on
   one side or the other, from the north and west lines of the county to a
   point near the old town of Moravia, where the hills close in and hug the
   river, generally very closely, from thence to the southern line of the
   county. Along the Mahoning, the bluffs in the vicinity of Edenburg and
   below are quite precipitous and afford much picturesque scenery; the
   bottom lands generally alternating with the hills on the opposite side
   of the river. Along the Shenango the hills are less precipitous, and the
   valley is very beautiful and highly cultivated. The Neshannock valley
   abounds in fine scenery from the Mercer county line to New Castle. Broad
   and fertile bottoms alternate with high, steep, and in places,
   precipitous hills, showing perpendicular escarpments of rock, overhung
   in many localities by a dense growth of hemlock, giving the landscape a
   look of primitive wildness seldom found away from mountainous regions.
   In the neighborhood of New Castle the scenery is surpassingly beautiful;
   the hills generally rising gradually to various elevations of from sixty
   to three hundred feet, being disposed in a system of terraces or
   plateaus, forming enchanting sites for residences, and giving every
   variety of view. The location of the city is scarcely surpassed for
   pleasing and varied scenery by that of any town in the State.
   The wildest and most stupendous views are found along the Slippery Rock
   and Conoquenessing creeks, where dame Nature has been prodigal of her
   material and arranged it in the grandest and most picturesque manner.
   These streams flow through deep and narrow gorges, walled by
   perpendicular masses of sandstone, over whose loose fragments and
   bowlders they tumble and foam in wild and ceaseless confusion.
   Here is a magnificent field for the student of nature, and a splendid
   region for the Summer tourist and pleasure seeker, and it needs but the
   advent of a railway to bring hither thousands from the busy centres of
   trade and population.
   The city of New Castle is situated very near the geographical centre of
   the county, of which it is the commercial as well as the civil capital.
   A great number of roads converge upon this point from all the towns and
   hamlets of the county, while several lines of railway traverse the
   principal valleys giving ample facilities for travel and commerce with
   all parts of the country.
   For civil purposes, Lawrence county is sub-divided into seventeen
   townships, one city, and two boroughs, arranged with a view to
   accommodate in the best possible manner their respective inhabitants.
   The distances of the several post-offices from New Castle, is as
   follows, given in miles and tenths:
       Enon Valley Station, 14.7 miles.
       Wurtemburg, 12 miles.
       Harlansburg, 10.3 miles.
       Princeton, 6.9 miles.
       Chewton, 8.1 miles.
       New Wilmington, 10.4 miles.
       Pulaski, 10.6 miles.
       New Bedford, 11.4 miles.
       Edenburg, 5.2 miles.
       Eastbrook, 4.7 miles.
       Plain Grove, 12.4 miles.
       Volant, 9.9 miles.
       West Moravia, 6.4 miles.
       Mahoningtown, 2.3 miles.
       Newburg, 11.4 miles.
       Mt. Jackson, 6.4 miles.
   Lawrence county belongs, geologically, to the region included in the
   sixth bituminous coal basin of Pennsylvania, and the coal to the Clarion
   group (the northwest outcrop of the lower measures). The rocks of this
   region, and, indeed, of all Western Pennsylvania, belong to the
   Paleozoic series; that is, the lowest sedimentary rocks containing
   evidences of organic life. Capping some of the highest hills is found
   the ferriferous, or iron-bearing limestone; but the greater portion of
   this formation, which once probably overlaid a vast region, has been
   denuded, and carried away to the valley of the Mississippi, and far out
   into the Mexican Gulf by the tremendous washings of the latter ages of
   the glacial epoch, the subsequent attrition of rains and frost, and the
   cuttings of the streams. This formation is, in the neighborhood of New
   Castle, about seventeen feet in thickness, with from three to five feet
   of hard bluestone at its base. This limestone is extensively used for
   fluxing purposes in blast furnaces, and contains about ninety per cent
   of carbonate of lime. At Wampum a company is extensively engaged in the
   manufacture of hydraulic cement from the substratum of blue stone.
   Quarries of this stone are extensively worked at New Castle, and in
   Taylor, North Beaver, Mahoning and Slippery Rock townships, and perhaps
   other localities.
   At the New Castle quarries of Messrs. Green, Marquis and Johnson, one
   mile east of the post-office, this formation is immediately underlaid by
   about one foot of coal, of inferior quality, mixed with shale. Below the
   coal seam appears the Tionesta sandstone, with a thickness of about
   sixty feet. Below the sandstone is a second stratum of coal about
   eighteen inches in thickness, and underlying this is a stratum of fire
   clay twelve feet in thickness. Sixteen feet below the clay is a third
   stratum of coal, with a thickness of about four feet. The distance of
   the upper surface of the Tionesta sandstone above the surface of
   Neshannock creek, at New Castle, is 240 feet. The lowest twenty feet
   consists of shales.
   The following is a section, showing the stratification on Big Run, below
   New Castle: [p. 8]
   Tionesta Sandstone, about                   50 feet.
   Blue Shale, with iron ore,                   6   "
   Coal,                                        l½  "
   Blue Shale argillaceous),                    8   "
   Rotten Sandstone,                            2½  "
   Blue and Brown Shale, with sandstone,        2½  "
   Bituminous Shale,                            2½ to 3 feet.
   Mercer Limestone,                            A small amount.
   Blue Shale,                                  3 feet.
   Shale and concretions of iron ore,  Interval of 25 to 30 feet.
   *Section on a creek emptying into the Neshannock, two miles above New
   Castle, in Neshannock township:
   Tionesta Sandstone,                         50 feet.
   Iron Ore,                                    6 inches.
   Limestone and Chert,                         2 feet.
   Interval,                                    8  "
   Blue Slate,                                  2  "
   Clay,                                        6 inches.
   Black Shale,                                 1½ feet.
   Light colored Shale,                         3½	 "
   Light blue Shale, with bands of sandstone,   4 or more.
   Interval,                                    6½  "
   Mercer Limestone,                            1½  "
   Light colored Shale, with sandy seams,       5   "
   Bituminous Coal,                             6 to 8 inches.
   Slate,                                       2 feet.
   Bluish, crumbly Shale                        2½  "
   Grayish, rotten Sandstone.                   1½  "
   Flaggy Sandstone,                            8   "
   Brown Shale,                                 5 to 6 feet.
   Bituminous Shale,                            1½  "
   Bluish or gray, slaty Sandstone,             5 feet.
   Sandstone,                                  70   "
   Section one mile northwest of New Castle:
   Tionesta Sandstone,                         50 feet.
   Coal and Bituminous Shale,                   3 inches.
   Brown and blue Shale,                        1 to 3 feet.
   Limestone Chert (ferruginous),               2       "
   Coal,                                       12 inches.
   Light colored Shale,                         6 to 8 feet.
   Argillaceous Sandstone,                      2       "
   Light colored Shale,                        12 to 13 "
   Biturainous Shale and Conl,                  4 feet.
   Blue sandy Shale,                            6  "
   Flaggy Sandstone (argillaceous at top),     75  " or more
   Section at the gas well of the Shenango Iron Works, of Messrs. Reis,
   Brown & Berger, bored in 1874-75:
   Gravel,                                     15 feet.
   Blue Mud and Quicksand,                    125  "
   Slate Rock,                                  3  "
   Slate,                                      61  "
   Sand Shale,                                 14  "
   Slate Rock,                                 54  "  Gas.
   Gray Sand,                                  44  "
   Slate Rock,                                 26  "
   White Sand,                                 78  "  Salt water.
   Slate Rock,                                 35  "
   Red (sand) Rock,                            70  "  Gas.
   Slate Rock,                                151  "  Gas.
   Gray Sand,                                  43  "  Gas.
   Slate,                                      70  "
   Sand Shales, (very hard),                   30  "
   Slate,                                      75  "
   Gray Sand,                                  31  "
   Red Rock,                                    3  "
   Slate,                                     226  "
   Hard Shales,                                21  "
   Slate,                                     155  "
   Sand Shales,                                47  "
   Hard Slate                                  68 feet.
   Gray Sand,                                  50  "
   Slate,                                     154  "
   Gray Sand,                                   8  "
   Slate,                                      64  "
   Gray Sand,                                  15  "
   Slate,                                      69  "
   Gray Sand,                                  17  "
   Slate,                                     103  "
   Gray Sand,                                  80  "
   Very hard Slate,                           190  "
   Black Sand,                                 10  "
   Very hard Slate,                            30  "
   Additional, with about same changes,       525  "
   Hard Slate at bottom.                    _____
   Total,                                   2,800  "
   *From Geology of Pennsylvania.
   Seral Conglomerate Sandstone.--"Down the Beaver the rocks are not well
   exposed. The seral conglomerate sandstone passes under the water level
   above the mouth of the Conoquenessing creek. At Wampum Hill, a bed,
   supposed to be the Mahoning limestone, is seen 42 feet above the Beaver,
   river. At the mouth of the Conoquenessing the Tionesta sandstone is seen
   on the hill, where large blocks are lying on the surface, and on
   Slippery Rock creek, from its mouth up to the bridge at the Mercer
   turnpike. There it passes under the water level.
   "From the mouth of the Conoquenessing down towards Brighton, the
   Tionesta sandstone may be seen on both sides of the Beaver river,
   declining gradually to a lower level, until at length it sinks into the
   bed of the river and forms the upper fall above Brighton. At the
   junction of the Shenango and Mahoning rivers the seral conglomerate
   sandstone is well seen, and also in the immediate vicinity of New
   Castle. In some portions it is highly argillaceous, but above the middle
   of the bed it is thick-bedded, soft, and but little mixed with
   argillaceous bands. Its whole thickness is about one hundred feet. The
   Tionesta measures average sixty feet, and the upper or Tionesta
   sandstone, which is more solid in this locality than the seral
   conglomerate, may be estimated at about the same thickness.
   "Beneath the main seral conglomerate appears a bed of brown shale
   containing ore well exposed at the west end of the bridge over the
   Shenango river.
   "This ore may be properly considered the representative of the upper
   shale ores." *
   *State Geological Survey
   In the vicinity of Willie Roy furnace, on Slippery Rock creek, near the
   mouth of Muddy creek, is a very interesting locality to the geologist.
   Here have been discovered extensive deposits of iron ore. It is situated
   immediately upon the upper surface of the ferriferous limestone, which
   is abundant in the vicinity. The limestone caps the hills in all
   directions cropping out along the slopes. This ore yields an average of
   forty per cent of the finest iron, and frequently gives fifty per cent.
   It is slightly inclined to "cold short" at the furnace.
   Upon the highest hills, and located about thirty feet above the
   limestone is a three-feet vein of coal. Between the coal and limestone,
   and next below the coal is a stratum of fire clay, and underlying the
   clay are shale and slate. The ore was extensively mined at one period by
   the process of "stripping," which developed a coarse, gray slate down to
   within a short distance of the ore, below which was a stratum of red
   slate, followed by six inches of white clay.
   Below the clay was a coating of flint, sometimes a foot in thickness,
   and lying below this upon the limestone was found the ore, lying where
   the stone was open, in pockets. Where the rock was close and compact,
   the ore was found more regularly deposited. This limestone is from ten
   to twelve feet in thickness, resting upon shale and slate, which extend
   to a depth of thirty feet, and below this comes in the Tionesta
   sandstone, which is exposed in many localities, and forms the fall on
   Muddy creek, a most remarkable and interesting one.
   Immediately under the sandstone a very extensive deposit of what is
   technically known as "blue ore" is found, mingled with black slate. It
   is finely exposed near the furnace and also at the falls. Beneath this
   ore-vein are alternate shale and slate.
   A short distance below the furnace, at James Allen's old mill, may be
   seen exposed in the bed of the creek a second vein of very hard
   ore--probably as extensive as the first mentioned. It lies about thirty
   feet below the [p. 9] "blue ore." The limestone vein of ore follows the
   formation along the creek to its junction with the Beaver river. Five
   miles southwest of Willie Roy furnace is the Lawrence furnace, and the
   same stratifications are continuous between the two points, with similar
   developments of ore. The limestone is very abundant, and the ore
   correspondingly so, and is of the finest quality.
   These deposits follow the creek for forty miles, increasing in amount as
   they approach the Beaver river. West of Lawrence furnace, three miles,
   in Shenango township, are located the famous "Houk banks," where the
   entire limestone formation is displaced by a deposit of iron ore,
   fifteen feet in thickness, one of the most extraordinary in the county.
   The same kind of formations and deposits exist in similar quantities,
   and under similar conditions, in Wayne township.
   An extensive deposit of the "blue ore" also underlies the coal lands of
   the New Castle railroad and mining company, in Neshannock township. It
   is found at a depth of about seventy-five feet below the workable coal
   vein, and the stratum is from six to eighteen inches in thickness. Iron
   ore is also abundant in the vicinity of the Croton glass works, where
   two firms are at present operating--Messrs. P. and G. Cluse and Mr.
   David Hoover.
   The first discovery of coal within the bounds of Lawrence county, was
   probably made by John Stockman, in Big Beaver township, about the year
   1810. This mineral is found in various parts of the county, the most
   extensive deposits being along the Beaver river, in Big and North
   Beaver. It is also found underlying a large area in Neshannock township.
   Another deposit occurs in the west part of Union township.
   The coal of the Beaver valley proper, is everywhere known as the "Beaver
   valley gas coal," from the abundance of illuminating gas which it
   contains. This gas can often be seen spurting "out from the coal in a
   common grate, and burning with a bluish, white flame. It is also an
   excellent coking coal. The workable veins, or seams, are from three to
   four feet in thickness, and are found at various depths, according to
   the topography of the locality. The Beaver valley coals closely resemble
   those of the well-known Pittsburgh measures, being in continuous seams,
   or nearly so, while the deposits in Neshannock and Union townships
   resemble more closely those of the celebrated Mercer or Sharon block
   coals, being found in basins, or "swamps," as the miners and dealers
   call them, sometimes several hundred acres in extent, and again only in
   small "pockets." The aggregate of coal mined annually in Lawrence
   county, approximates 200,000 tons, quite a large proportion of which is
   consumed in the immediate neighborhood of the mines, for manufacturing
   and other purposes.
   In Neshannock township are found quite extensive deposits of firebrick
   and potter's clays, the latter of which is utilized upon one of the
   Watson farms, where a pottery has been in operation for many years. It
   is also manufactured into various forms at New Castle.
   At New Bedford are found mineral springs highly impregnated with iron;
   and similar springs are also found on the farm of Jesse Moore in
   Neshannock township.
   The first discovery of petroleum in the pebble or sand rock deposit, was
   made by Colonel Drake, near Titusville, in Crawford county, Pa., in 1859.
   "The Pennsylvania oil-sands lie in the middle Devonian system, and the
   Canada oil limestone in its lowest part. It would take three thousand
   feet to reach the horizon of Canadian petroleum by borings on Oil creek."*
   Geologists and oil producers and dealers have divided petroleum into two
   grades or classes--light and heavy oils. The light oil forms the great
   bulk of the commercial article, and is found in the eastern portion of
   the oil-producing region of Pennsylvania, in the more porous formation
   of the pebble rock; while the heavy or "amber" oil is only found in the
   western portion of this territory, and in the closer grained and more
   compact rock. This rock is of similar materials throughout the oil
   region but varies in its texture, and produces a crude or refined oil
   according as it is more or less compact in its grain. The oil-bearing
   rock dips from the west a little towards the southeast, at the rate of
   some fifteen feet per mile, and, consequently, the borings on the
   Allegheny river and its branches are much deeper than along the Ohio
   State line.
   Prof. J. P. Lesley's report on the oil territory, in speaking of this
   rock, says: "Every foot of gravel rock may be considered to consist of
   three- fourths quartz, &c., and one-fourth cavity, cleaned out by long
   percolation, and now occupied by water and oil. The proportion which the
   oil bears to the water in the bed is unknown. But supposing the oil to
   occupy only the uppermost four inches of the whole pebble rock, we have
   under each square mile 551,706 barrels."
   This estimate has been proven by experience to be very low, the actual
   yield having exceeded 1,500,000 barrels, in many instances.
   "The oil is generally found at a certain level, independent of any
   strata; it has an oxidized tint from the possible accession of
   atmospheric air, and when this has occurred to any considerable extent,
   it has transformed a light into a heavy oil."*
   The probable area of the oil territory in Pennsylvania is about 3,200
   square miles, of which the light or commercial-oil territory occupies
   some- thing less than 2,000 miles. Lawrence county is supposed to lie
   mostly within the heavy oil district. The Pennsylvania oils are found at
   depths varying from 150 to 1,200 feet below the surface.
   Soon after the discovery by Colonel Drake, borings were made in various
   parts of the country. In 1860, great excitement was produced in the
   western part of Lawrence county, along the valley of the Mahoning, in
   consequence of the discovery that oil existed in that locality. The
   first well in the valley was put down by D. W. C. Strawbridge, some time
   in that year, about one-and-a-half miles above Edenburg, on the
   northeast side of the river. Oil was found at a depth of about 157 feet,
   but it proved to be only the leakage from fissured rock. Several hundred
   barrels were, however, taken out, when the surface water got in and
   stopped operations.
   Another well was bored on the Angus farm, now owned by J. McWilliams, by
   a party consisting of Colonel J. M. Power, Frank Zeigler, Dr. D. Douds,
   N. Henkston, George L. Reis, Samuel Harnett, and Colonel D. H. Wallace.
   The depth of this well was 230 feet, and the production reached 1,000
   barrels, when the same difficulty that the Strawbridge well had
   encountered, put an end to the working. This well was in swampy ground,
   and the muck was completely saturated with oil, which can be pumped
   to-day from the spongy soil in considerable quantities.
   A correct knowledge of the peculiar characteristics of the oil-bearing
   rock, and of the proper and necessary mechanical appparatus for
   obtaining it, was then in the future, and not until vast sums bad been
   expended, and reliable information obtained by costly practical
   experience, did the operators know how to proceed. Tubing the wells to
   keep out the surface water was not at first thought of. People supposed
   that all that was necessary to procure the oil was to bore a well and
   commence pumping. The operations extended from Edenburg up the Mahoning
   river as far as Lowellville, in the State of Ohio. Hundreds of wells
   were sunk, and the country was covered with derricks. Oil was invariably
   found at about the average depth of 300 feet, and always of the same
   variety--the heavy amber, or lubricating oi1. The oil-bearing sand rock
   of this vicinity is very close-grained, and acts as a filter, so to
   speak, cleansing the oil of a great share of the foreign matter which is
   found in the oils produced on the eastern margin of the district, where
   the rock is more open and porous.
   This rock has been traced from a little west of the Ohio line eastward
   to the Slippery Rock, dipping gradually toward the southeast. Borings
   have penetrated it at New Castle, on the Big Run, and in the Slippery
   Rock hills, west of the creek.
   The result of the crude experiments has been a general "drowning out" of
   all the wells in the valley, and unless some heavy corporation could buy
   or lease all the oil lands, and clean out and plug all the wells in the
   region, leaving only a few of the best for practical operations, there
   can be no success in the business. If this could be done, there is no
   doubt but oil can be obtained in paying quantities, though it can never
   be produced from this rock as rapidly as the lighter oils of the
   Allegheny valley. The rock has an average thickness of about 30 feet. J.
   D. Bryson drilled a well on the Douglass farm, near the north end of the
   bridge at Edenburg, in 1861. Oil was found in the usual pebble rock, at
   330 feet. A dozen wells were drilled in this vicinity, and all obtained
   oil at about the same depth. Mr. Bryson afterwards sunk the well first
   spoken of to a depth of 700 feet. When down about 400 feet, a solid, but
   comparatively soft white sand rock was struck, having a thickness of
   about 40 feet. Gas and salt water were found in this rock, which flowed
   so strongly as to completely clear the well of the debris of the
   drilling. Below this formation a red sand rock was found with soap
   stone, or shale, lying between. The red rock was about 30 feet in depth,
   and, underlying it, were shales.
   Oil had flowed on the surface of a spring where the Strawbridge well was
   sunk, since the early settlement of the country. Wells were also sunk at
   [p. 10] Lowell and Youngstown, Ohio, but they were so near the western
   margin of the oil territory that very little oil was obtained.
   Operations were carried on in the Mahoning valley for about four years,
   and a few isolated wells were worked until within a few years; but the
   surface water gradually compelled the abandonment of the whole region.
   Some future day may see the locality in the hands of a wealthy
   corporation, the wells cleaned and plugged, and a successful business
   inaugurated, for there is no doubt but the material exists in large
   quantities, requiring only judicious management to develop a large and
   profitable industry. Experimental operations have been carried on for a
   number of years along the Slippery Rock creek, at times promising
   complete success; but the same difficulties encountered along the
   Mahoning have existed here, and only a general system of operations,
   under one control, will make the business profitable.
   Dr. Gemmill, at the iron bridge on the Slippery Rock, has been
   experimenting for a series of years, and is reported to have lately
   succeeded in making a valuable discovery. At the latest accounts there
   were three wells in one vicinity producing altogether twenty-three
   barrels of fine lubricating oil daily. In 1863, Messrs. Smith & Collins
   sunk a well in this vicinity, which yielded altogether about four
   thousand barrels, when the surface water drowned it. A company, known as
   the "New Castle Oil Company," with abundant capital, are operating on
   the Slippery Rock, and there is evidently a determination on the part of
   operators to test the matter thoroughly. A new oil-refinery has lately
   been put in operation at New Castle for the refining of these
   lubricating oils.
   Lawrence county is rich in minerals. Her coal and iron deposits, her
   ferriferous limestone, and her fire-clays and inexhaustible building
   stone, are tangible realities; and, predicating nothing upon her
   prospective and even probable wealth in oil, these first-mentioned
   minerals alone will eventually be utilized to an extent not now
   foreseen, and she cannot fail of becoming one of the most prosperous
   counties in the State.
   *State Geological Survey

                      GENERAL HISTORY OF THE COUNTY.
   [p. 11] The history of the movement having for its object the erection
   of a new county from portions of Mercer, Beaver and Butler counties, is
   a very interesting one. The subject began to be agitated as early as
   1820, and was persistently continued, through many failures and
   disappointments, until the spring of 1849 saw the effort crowned with
   success. The people within the limits of the proposed new county had
   many valid reasons for the movement. The town of New Castle was a
   growing place, finely located for business, and a point where numerous
   roads converged from all parts of the surrounding country. The line
   between Beaver and Mercer counties passed through the borough of New
   Castle, cutting it in twain, and compelling its inhabitants to attend
   the two widely separated capitals of Beaver and Mercer counties, in the
   transaction of all their legal business. Any process issued in either
   county against parties living in New Castle, could be readily avoided by
   stepping across the county line. New Castle was centrally and
   conveniently located for the business of the region proposed to be
   formed into a new county, and, in the nature of things, must sooner or
   later become a large and flourishing town. Prominent among those who
   advocated the division, were Hon. L. L. McGuffin, Wm. Dickson, Wm.
   Moore, John L. Warnock, Joseph T. Boyd, James Dickson, Isaac Dickson,
   Thomas Falls, Joseph Kissick, John N. Euwer, Dr. Charles T. Whippo,
   James Cubbison, and many others, inhabitants both of the borough and the
   surrounding country. A thorough organization was effected, and year
   after year saw petitions presented to the Legislature, which as often
   resulted only in disappointment.
   The opponents of the scheme were equally untiring in their determination
   defeat the project. They urged, also, two very good reasons against it:
   First, that the counties out of which it was proposed to erect the new
   one, were small enough already; and, Secondly, and by far the most
   important objection from a partizan standpoint, the two counties of
   Mercer and Beaver were strong Whig counties, and the townships to be
   included in the new county were the strongest Whig townships. By taking
   them out, both the before-mentioned counties would become Democratic. In
   other words, the Whigs would gain one county and lose two by the
   operation. Consequently, the Whigs were opposed to the project from
   political considerations, and the Democrats in favor of it for the same
   reasons. This state of things was afterwards turned to good account by
   the friends of the measure. Matters continued in statu quo until about
   1840, when the advocates of the division opted a new line of policy, and
   began making friends of the Democratic party. Party lines were ignored,
   and "protective tariffs" and "State rights" forgotten in discussing the
   all-absorbing topic. By indefatigable exertions, the friends of the
   measure at length succeeded in electing their canidates to the
   Legislature, but only to be again disappointed by their proving recreant
   to the interests committed to them. But the people would not give up the
   matter; they adopted the well-known motto of the gallant Lawrence when
   going into his last battle with the British frigate Shannon, "Don't give
   up the ship!" and proposed to fight on until success crowned their
   efforts, and name their county in honor of the heroic Commodore--Lawrence.
   In the Fall of 1847 they succeeded in electing David Sankey to the State
   Senate, and at the next election for members of the House they elected
   three out of the four representatives which Mercer and Beaver counties
   were then entitled to. For Mercer county, David M. Courtney and Joseph
   Emery were elected, and for Beaver county, John Sharp, of Slippery Rock,
   and Dr. William Smith, who lived on the south side of the Ohio river.
   This last member was of course hostile to the movement. The friends of
   the new county now rallied all their forces, and put forth their utmost
   strength. Numerously-signed petitions were forwarded, and able men were
   chosen and sent to Harrisburg to look after them, and urge them to a
   successful hearing.
   Among those who attended the session of the Legislature was Major E.
   Sankey, who remained at his post until a bill granting their petition
   was passed.
   The bill for the division was introduced in the House of Representatives
   early in the session, but no action was taken upon it until the month of
   March, 1849, when it was passed by a two-thirds vote. It passed the
   Senate a few days later by a vote of twenty-two to eight, and was signed
   by Governor Wm. F. Johnston, on the 5th day of April, 1849.*
   *See Session Laws of 1849.
   The influence of Senator David Sankey and his co-workers in the House,
   David M. Courtney, Joseph Emery and John Sharp, was very effectual in
   procuring the passage of the act. By the act the new county was to be
   called LAWRENCE, and the county-seat was to be located in the borough of
   New Castle.
   The people of New Castle were greatly rejoiced over the passage of the
   bill, and the friends of the measure called a public meeting, and had a
   grand barbecue, with roasted-ox accompaniments--the whole spiced and
   flavored with numerous patriotic speeches, the firing of guns, music and
   general rejoicing.
   The following named gentlemen were appointed to superintend the running
   of the lines of the new county, and to fix the locality for the county
   buildings, to-wit: Colonel James Potter, Sr., of Mifflin county; Hon.
   Wm. F. Packer, of Lycoming county, and Hon. Wm. Evans, of Indiana
   county. Mr. Packer failing to meet the others, on their arrival at New
   Castle, May 16, 1849, they appointed Colonel John Potter, of Mifflin
   county, in his place.
   The State Commissioners selected as surveyor to run the boundary lines,
   Mr. Henry Pearson, with Lot Watson and Harvey Tidball as chain-bearers,
   and Henry C. Falls as axeman. The commissioners of Beaver and Mercer
   counties and sundry individuals accompanied the party in the survey,
   which occupied about four weeks' time. Warner Pearson, son of Henry
   Pearson, then a lad of eleven years, was also with the party during the
   entire survey. An impression prevails extensively in the county that a
   portion of Butler county was included in Lawrence; but this is an error.
   The following are the minutes of the survey, as taken from the report of
   the State Commissioners, accompanied by a plat of the county, on file in
   the prothonotary's office: "Commencing at a post at the corner of Wolf
   Creek and Slippery Rock townships, Mercer county; thence north forty-two
   degrees west, with the line dividing said townships, three miles and
   three hundred and twelve perches, to a post, the southeast corner of
   Springfield township; thence north eighty-eight and one-fourth degrees
   west, between the townships of Springfield and Slippery Rock, five miles
   two hundred and forty-four [p. 12] perches, to a white-oak stump, the
   southwest corner of Springfield township; thence north along the line
   dividing Springfield and Lackawannock (now Wilmington) townships,
   three-fourths of a mile to a chestnut tree; then south eighty-nine
   degrees west, parallel with the south line of Mercer county, thirteen
   miles two hundred and ten perches to a post on the Ohio State line;
   thence south with the said line eighteen and three-fourths miles to a
   post; thence north eighty-nine degrees east parallel with the north line
   of Beaver county, eighteen miles two hundred and fifty-two perches to an
   iron-wood tree, on the line between Beaver and Butler counties; thence
   north two degrees west along the line of Butler county, nine miles two
   hundred and forty-four perches, to a post, the corner of Beaver, Butler
   and Mercer counties; thence north thirty-five and three-fourths degrees
   east along the line between Butler and Mercer counties, five miles three
   hundred and ten perches, to the place of beginning."
   The area within these lines is about equivalent to a square of nineteen
   miles, and would, therefore, contain three hundred and sixty-one square
   miles, or 231,040 acres.
   The ground selected by the State Commissioners upon which to locate the
   county buildings, was situated on the northeast corner of Jefferson and
   Lawrence (now Falls) streets, and was owned by Thomas Falls. According
   to the report of the commissioners, it was one hundred by one hundred
   and sixty feet in dimensions, with the longest diameter east and west.
   The following extracts from the report shows that Mr. Falls agreed to
   donate the land to the county: "The said Thomas Falls has agreed to
   convey and assure, free of charge, to the Commissioners of Lawrence
   county and to their successors forever, the said lot of ground; and he
   further agrees that the streets and alleys forming the boundaries of
   said lot may be kept open for public use forever--all upon consideration
   that the public buildings of said county be placed upon said lot."
       [Signed,]     WM. EVANS.     JAMES POTTER, SR.     JOHN POTTER.
   The site chosen by the Commissioners for the location of the county
   buildings, seems to have been not altogether satisfactory; and during
   the Fall and Winter of 1849, the excitement upon the subject became very
   great. There had been numerous competing sites, and the partisans of
   each had put forth strong efforts, and when the matter was decided in
   favor of the Falls location, the disappointed parties were loth to give
   up the contest.
   Absurd statements, regarding the ground selected, were put in
   circulation, and the matter was discussed in crowded public meetings, in
   the hotels and business places, in the street, and in the family circle.
   At length it was suggested by Colonel McComb and others, that the matter
   be settled by petitioning the Legislature to rescind their former
   action, and allow it to be decided by subscriptions--the locality
   securing the largest amount to be the one where the buildings should be
   erected. Various localities were discussed, including the lots where the
   Disciples' Church now stands, those at present occupied by the new city
   buildings, the Maitland block, the one now occupied by the county
   buildings, and perhaps others.
   The County Commissioners elected in the Autumn 1849, were John K.
   Swisher, John Randolph and James Oliver, all of whom where in favor of
   choosing a new location.
   The movement, headed by R. B. McComb, Esq., and the County
   Commissioners, went on vigorously. Petitions and memorials were
   forwarded to Harrisburg, and subscription papers were circulated in
   favor of several of the localities mentioned. Finally, an Act,
   supplementary to the one passed in March, 1849, erecting the new county
   of Lawrence, was passed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor
   on the 25th day of March, 1850, the tenth section of which reads as follows:
   "That the Commissioners of the county of Lawrence shall, as soon after
   the passage of this act as shall be practicable, designate by numbers,
   and in such other manner as they shall think proper, four several sites
   for the location of the county buildings for said county, in or within
   one-fourth of a mile from the borough of New Castle, including the site
   already fixed by the Commissioners appointed for that purpose; they
   shall also procure a book in which to receive subscriptions of money,
   land, labor and materials to aid in defraying the expenses of erecting
   said buildings for each of said sites, and shall permit all and every
   person, or persons, body politic or corporate, by themselves or their
   agent, to subscribe in either of said books such sum or amount of money,
   land, labor or materials, as he, she or they may think proper for the
   purpose aforesaid; and it is hereby made the duty of said County
   Commissioners to give every person or persons, body politic or
   corporate, within said county, every facility within their power to make
   subscriptions as aforesaid, for the space of two months from the time of
   opening said books; and at the expiration of said term they shall
   forthwith determine upon which of said sites as aforesaid the said
   buildings shall be erected, and proceed to erect the same in the manner
   directed by law, having due regard to the healthfulness of the site,
   convenience and interest of the citizens of said county, and the amount
   of subscriptions to each of said sites: Provided, That before proceeding
   to erect said buildings, they shall take such security as in their
   judgment shall be ample to insure the payment of the whole amount
   subscribed to the successful site." Section 12: "So much of the act to
   which this is a supplement, or any other law, as is hereby altered or
   supplied, or is inconsistent herewith, be and the same is hereby
   repealed." Approved the 25th day of March 1850.       WM. F. JOHNSTON
   The site where the buildings were finally located succeeded in obtaining
   the largest amount of subscriptions (some sixteen hundred dollars), and
   the lots were donated to the county by David Crawford. The Commissioners
   proceeded to advertise for sealed proposals for the erection of the
   necessary buildings under their plans and specifications, and the
   contract was let in August, 1850, to Messrs. James M. Craig and William
   Hamilton, for the sum of twelve thousand and four dollars; they being
   the lowest responsible bidders. The work was commenced in the Fall of
   that year, and the buildings were completed in 1852. The plans, both of
   the court house and jail, were very materially changed from the original
   designs by the Commissioners during the progress of the work. The
   elaborate and costly portico of fluted Ionic columns, constructed of
   gray sandstone, was not contemplated in the original design, and
   material alterations were made inside the buildings, and much extra work
   was also done in grading the grounds, erecting walls in front, &c.,
   which brought the total cost up to about $32,000.
   All extra work was arranged for and understood by the Commissioners and
   contractors. Labor and material were very cheap in those days, and the
   ex- penses were probably less by one-half than they would be for similar
   improvements at the present time.
   The court house occupies a fine and commanding position, fronting the
   west, and elevated some sixty feet above low water in the rivers.
   The population of Lawrence county at the time of its organization was,
   by the United States census, 21,079, including 132 colored. The
   population of New Castle, at that time, was 1,614, including 51 colored.
   In 1860, the population of the county was 22,999, and of New Castle
   1,882. In 1870, the county contained 27,298, and the city of New Castle
   6,164 inhabitants.
   At the first election held in the fall of 1849, the following were the
   names of the county officers chosen: Sheriff, David Emery; Prothonotary
   and Clerk of the Courts, James D. Clarke; Treasure, Joseph Justice;
   Register and Recorder, James McClane; County Commissioners, John K.
   Swisher, James Oliver, John Randolph; County Auditors, Isaac P. Rose,
   Wm. Work, A. Galloway; Coroner, John L. Warnock.
   At the time of the organization of the county, Hon. John Bredin was
   President Judge of the Courts, with Hons. Jacob Bear and Charles T.
   Whippo, associates. The first election for judges was held October 14,
   1851, when Hon. Daniel Agnew, now Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
   the State, was elected President Judge, and John Reynolds and James
   Henry, Associates. Mr. Henry died, and Jacob Bear was elected in 1852.
   In 1856, Hon. Thomas Pomeroy was elected Associate Judge, and in 1857,
   Samuel Van Horn.
   In 1861, Hon. Daniel Agnew was re-elected President Judge, and Joseph
   Cunningham, Associate.
   In 1863, Judge Agnew was elected to the Supreme Court of the State, and
   Hon. L. L. McGuffin was appointed, and in October, 1864, elected
   President Judge in his place.
   In 1862, James McClane was elected Associate.
   In 1866, Samuel Taylor, and in 1867, Thomas Pomeroy were elected Associates.
   In 1871, Samuel Taylor, and in 1872, Thomas Pomeroy, were re-elected
   In 1874, Hon. Ebenezer McJunkin was elected President Judge, and Hon.
   James Bredin, Law Judge.
   In 1876, James P. Aiken was elected Associate. The four last named are
   the present incumbents.
   [p. 13]
   The President Judges are elected for ten years, and the Associates for
   five years.
   The office of Law Judge was created by the new constitution, 1873.
   The following is a list of the county officers from 1850 to 1876:
   Sheriffs--1852, Andrew B. Allen; 1855, Robert Gailey; 1858, Silas
   Stevenson; 1861, Andrew B. Allen; 1864, Thomas McConnell; 1867, David C.
   Rhodes; 1870, James Davis; 1873, James H. Cooper; 1876, William B. Miller.
   Prothonotaries--1852, James D. Clark (died December 2, 1854), David M.
   Kissinger appointed to fill term; 1855, Cyrus Clarke (resigned); 1857,
   John S. Pomeroy; 1860, John Elder; 1863, John Elder, re-elected; 1866,
   Jacob Haus; 1869, Samuel K. McGinness; 1872, S. C. McCreary, re-elected
   in 1875.
   County Commissioners--1850, John Randolph; 1851, Robert Bentley; 1852,
   William R. Wallace; 1853, Marmaduke Wilson; 1854, Robert Reynolds; 1855,
   William Carlon; 1856, William Gaston; 1857, Isaac P. Cowden; 1858,
   Robert, Fullerton; 1859, Thomas Cairns; 1860, James Forrest; 1861, John
   Wilson; 1862, William B. Lutton; 1863, Jacob Rowland; 1864, Henry H.
   Emery; 1865, William Y. Greer; 1866, Asa Eckles; 1867, John H. Gormley;
   1868, Alex. Carpenter; 1869, Joseph Douthett; 1870, James McLawrence;
   1871, David M. Courtney; 1872, William McClelland; 1873, Robert Mehard;
   1874, James D. Bryson. In 1875, under the new constituion, three were
   elected: James Patterson, for three years; James D. Bryson, for two
   years, and Robert Mehard, for one year.
   County Auditors--1850, John Elder; 1851, John S. Foy; 1852, James C.
   Brackey: (Mr. Brackey died, and David Sankey was appointed in - his
   place); 1853, Pearson McCreary (died in office); 1854, A. Tyler and
   Thomas Pearson; 1855, William Drake and William Nesbit; 1856, Joseph M.
   Burns; 1857, James R. Miller; 1858, Isaac P. Cowden; 1859, Philo S.
   Morton; 1860, John H. Gormley; 1861, D. S. Robinson and Joseph R.
   Sherrard; 1862, William C. Harbison - 1863, E. M. McConnell; 1864, David
   Warnock; 1865, Zebina N. Allen; 1866, Peter R. Sedwick; 1867, William M.
   Gibson; 1868, Matthew Stewart; 1869, John Jellison; 1870, Peter R.
   Sedwick and Robert Elder; 1871, John M. Power; 1872, George Y. Leslie;
   1873, Lafayette Baldwin; 1874, John M. Power; 1875, Lafayette Baldwin,
   William Weller and George B. Gibson.
   County Treasurers--1851, Archibald Cubbison; 1853, James S. Tidball;
   1855, James Mitchell; 1857, Isaac N. Phillips; 1859, Alexander
   Carpenter; 1861, E. I. Agnew; 1863, Matthew D. Tait; 1865, Wm. H. Shaw;
   1867, Cochran Leslie; 1869, John A. Porter; 1871, Isaac Murdock, Jr.;
   1873, Forbes Holton; 1875, John Blevins.
   Registers and Recorders--1852, Hugh Moore; 1855, John Hoffman; 1858,
   John W. Fulkerson; 1861, Robert Boyd; 1864, Sylvester Gaston; re-elected
   in 1867; 1870, James Crowl; 1873, re-elected (resigned); 1873, Isaac
   Murdock, Jr., appointed (died); 1874, William W. Officer appointed;
   1874, James C. Stevenson.
   District Attorneys--1849, W. P. Buchanan, appointed by Governor
   Johnston; 1850, James Pollock; 1853, David Craig; 1856, B. B. Pickett;
   1859, John P. Blair; 1862, Robert Gilliland; 1865, J. Smith Du Shane;
   1868, O. L. Jackson; 1871, A. L. Hazen, reelected in 1874.
   Coroners--1852, J. H. N. Peebles; 1855, Philip Miller; 1858, Daniel
   Leasure; 1861, Dr. G. W. Coulter (removed from county); 1862, Malachi
   P.Barker; 1865, Dr. A. M. Cowden; 1867, Malachi P. Barker; 1869, M. P.
   Barker; 1870, J. B. Reinholdt; 1873, James Pollock; 1875, David P. Jackson.
   County Surveyor--Henry Pearson was appointed by the State Commissioners
   to survey and mark the original boundaries of the county, in 1849. He
   was elected Deputy Surveyor, in 1850, by a vote of the people, and there
   seems to have been no election for surveyor, afterwards, until 1865,
   when Mr. Pearson was again elected. He held the office until his death,
   about 1872. There is no record of any surveyor for the county since 1865.
   School Superintendent--This officer is elected by the School Directors
   of the county. The following gentlemen have filled the position since
   the first election, under an Act of the Assembly, of May 18, 1854:
   Thomas Berry, Stephen Morrison, Geo. W. McCracken, W. N. Aiken.
   Senate--The State Senators, who have been elected from Lawrence county,
   are Hon. Wm. M. Francis, Hon. John Ferguson, and Hon. Samuel McKinley.
   Representatives--Thomas Dungan, 1851 and 1852; John D. Raney, 1853; R.
   B. McComb, 1854, 1855, and 1856; G. P. Shaw, 1857 and 1858; J.D. Bryson,
   1859 and 1860; John W. Blanchard, 1861 and 1862; Isaiah White, 1863 and
   1864; Samuel McKinley, 1865 and 1866; Wm. C. Harbison, 1867; John
   Edwards, 1868 and 1869; David Craig and George W. McCracken, in 1870; A.
   P. Moore and Samuel D. Clarke, in 1871; A. P. Moore in 1872; George W.
   McCracken, in 1873; E. S. N. Morgan, in 1874 and 1875; J. Q. Stewart, in
   1875 and 1876; and E. S. N. Morgan and J. Q. Stewart, in 1877 and 1878.
   The Representatives in Congress who have been elected from Lawrence
   county, are Hon. John W. Wallace, in 1860, William McClelland, in 1872,
   and John W. Wallace, again in 1874.
   Lawrence became a separate Representative district in 1871. Under the
   new constitution adopted in 1873, it became entitled to two
   Representatives in the State Legislature.
           FIRST COURTS.
   The first Court held in Lawrence county convened at the First Methodist
   Episcopal Church, in New Castle, on Monday, January 7, 1850. It was
   presided over by Hon. John Bredin, assisted by Hon. Jacob Bear.
   The attorneys admitted to practice at that term, belonging to Lawrence
   county, were Jonathan Ayres, L. L. McGuffin, J. K. Boyd, David Craig,
   Lewis Taylor, W. P. Buchanan, D. B. Kurtz, J. Hoffman, D. C. Cossitt,
   John M. Crawford, Geo. W. Watson, John N. McGuffin and James Pollock.
   Attorneys were also present and admitted to practice, from Beaver,
   Butler, Mercer and Indiana counties.
   The court house was not completed ready for occupancy until 1852.
   At the time of the organization of the county it was divided, like the
   original colonies, into thirteen civil sub-divisions or townships; these
   were Pulaski, Wilmington, Slippery Rock, North Slippery Rock, Mahoning,
   Neshannock, North Beaver, Big Beaver, Little Beaver, Shenango, Wayne,
   Perry and North Sewickley. Of these Pulaski, Wilmington, North Slippery
   Rock, Mahoning and Neshannock were formerly a part of Mercer county, and
   the remainder were taken from Beaver county.
   There have been material changes in the names and arrangements of the
   townships since 1850. The first new township formed after the erection
   of the county was Taylor, which was created from portions of Shenango
   and North Beaver, on the 19th of February, 1853. On the 13th of April,
   1854, North Slippery Rock was cut in two, and the two townships of
   Washington and Scott were formed from it, and the old name abandoned.
   On the 14th of February, 1855, Plain Grove township was formed from
   parts of Washington and Scott townships. Pollock township was formed May
   28, 1858, from parts of Neshannock and Shenango townships. Upon the
   erection of New Castle into a city, February 25, 1869, this township was
   included within the city limits, and now constitutes the third and
   fourth wards. On the 15th day of February, 1859, Washington township was
   enlarged by taking a strip of land three-fourths of a mile wide from
   Plain Grove township, and another strip a half mile wide from Scott
   township. Union township was formed from portions of Mahoning,
   Neshannock and Taylor townships, September 10, 1859.
   Hickory township was formed from a part of Neshannock township in the
   winter of 1859-60.
   Evidences of the ancient or pre-historic people, sometimes known as the
   "Mound Builders," are not altogether wanting in Lawrence county, though
   they are not found as plentifully as in many other portions of the
   State. The most noted example of their work is undoubtedly the
   well-known mound situated near the village of Edenburg, and also near
   the site of the famous Indian village of Kush-kush-kee.*
   *See History of Mahoning township.
   The traditions of the Lenni Lenape and Mengwe nations, whom the first
   Europeans found inhabiting the vast region stretching from the Atlantic
   ocean and the St. Lawrence river to the Mississippi valley and southward
   to the Carolinas and the Ohio river, point unmistakably to this
   mysterious people, who rose and flourished; who built extensive cities
   and gigantic fortifications; who worked the wonderful copper deposits of
   Lake Superior, and who manufactured millions of the elaborate stone
   implements of war and husbandry still found upon the hills of the Ohio,
   the grand prairies of the West and the broad savannahs of the South.
   The Indian nations had a tradition that their ancestors came from the
   far western wilds of the continent many centuries ago, and crossing the
   great river Mississippi, which they called Namoesi-sipu, or river of
   fish, fell upon this [p. 14] ancient people, and after many years of
   bloody and terrific warfare succeeded in driving the shattered remnant
   of the once powerful race toward the vast region of the South and West.
   After this great conquest, the Lenni Lenape and the Mengwe, who had
   joined hands against the Allegewi, as the conquered people were called,
   divided the country between them; the Lenape or Delawares, as they were
   known by the English, taking the region lying along the Ohio--the famed
   "La Belle Riviere" of the French, and the Mengwe, the Iroquois, or Six
   Nations, or Mingoes of the French and English, choosing the region lying
   around the great lakes and on both sides of the St. Lawrence river.
   These nations eventually grew hostile to each other, and in the wars
   which succeeded, the Lenape, were finally reduced from their former high
   estate to the condition of women, by the haughty Six Nations, whom De
   Witt Clinton called the "Romans of America." The first knowledge
   obtained by white men of this region was undoubtedly that of the French
   traders and explorers who pushed into the wilderness, and even
   penetrated as far as the west end of Lake Superior as early as 1616.
   Their missionaries had established themselves at various points in the
   vicinity of the northwestern lakes by the middle of the seventeenth
   century, and their great discoverer, the Chevalier De LaSalle, had
   penetrated from the head of Lake Michigan to the mouth of the
   Mississippi river in 1682.
   The date of their first appearance within the bounds of the present
   county of Lawrence cannot be certainly determined. They had two routes
   from Lake Erie to the Ohio river--one by way of Erie (Presq' isle),
   French creek, and the Allegheny river, by which route came Captain
   Contrecoeur, in the Spring of 1754, when on his way to the capture of
   "the forks," as the site of Pittsburgh was then called. The other route
   was from Presq' isle, over the dividing ridge, and down the Shenango or
   Mahoning and Beaver rivers. They probably began to visit this region
   about 1731, for the colonies of Pennsylvania, New York, and Virginia
   were complaining of their encroachments in that year. The dominant
   Indian nation in northwestern Pennsylvania, at the date of their advent,
   was the Senecas; but there seems to have been several different tribes
   of the Senecas, the Delawares, the Shawanese, and, perhaps, others
   intermingled. The Neshannock creek is said to have been named by the
   Delawares, and the Shenango by the Senecas. The Cornplanter tribe of the
   Seneca nation (called after one of their chiefs), was the most powerful
   and numerous one in this region, among the lesser organizations. Their
   principal village was on the Allegheny river.
   The first white man who visited this region, from the English colonies,
   was Christopher Gist, the friend and companion of Washington, who went
   in the interests of the Ohio Land Company, on a visit of exploration, as
   far west as the Miami, in 1750. He did not, however, visit the territory
   of Lawrence county, but, probably, passed down the right bank of the
   Ohio river.
   It is probable that the first white man from "beyond the mountains" who
   visited the territory now comprised within the limits of Lawrence
   county, was Christian Frederick Post,* who was sent on a peace mission
   to the western Indians, in the year 1758, in advance of General Forbes'
   army, then on its way toward Fort Duquesne. He arrived, according to his
   journal, at Kush-kush-kee, the Indian capital of King Beaver, on the
   12th of August. This was twelve years previous to the settlement made by
   the Moravian missionaries, Zeisberger and Senseman, at what is now
   Moravia station.
   *A Moravian Missionary.
   Whether "King Beaver" was identical with the chief Pack-an-ka, who ruled
   in the valley afterwards, we cannot know, but it is at least probable.
   On the 17th of August a grand council was held. All the chiefs and
   rulers, for many miles around, were present, and there was also a French
   captain, and fifteen men on the ground. Among the celebrated kings and
   chiefs present, were King Beaver, King Shingis, Teedy-us-kung, and
   Delaware George, of the Delawares, and there was present, also, a party
   of Shawanese and Mingoes.
   This French captain and detachment of soldiers, may, very probably, have
   thrown up the fortification described in the history of Taylor township,
   at old Moravia village. The times were precarious, and the French knew
   not at what moment the treacherous savages would turn against them. From
   that date, until the Spring of 1770, we have little or no account of
   this region. Hunters, traders, and trappers probably visited it, but the
   savages were undisturbed in their possessions.
   In April, 1770, two Moravian missionaries, Zeisberger and Senseman, came
   into the valley of the Beaver river, by invitation of the principal
   chief or king, the venerable Pack-an-ka. These missionaries had
   attempted to establish a mission at the mouth of the Tionesta creek, but
   meeting with little encouragement, and not liking the rough country,they
   very gladly accepted the chief's offer of land and protection, and
   commenced a settlement a little west of where the old village or hamlet
   of Moravia now stands, but in the course of a few weeks, finding the
   location too low, and subject to malaria, they crossed the river and
   made their permanent settlement on the high bluff a little northwest
   from the present Moravia station, on the E. and P. railway. The mission
   remained and flourished for nearly three years, when for some reason
   they were persuaded to move farther west, and, accordingly, they
   destroyed their church building, and removed to a point on the upper
   waters of the Muskingum, in the present State of Ohio, in 1773. The
   largest village of the Indians, who appeared to have been mostly
   Delawares, was no doubt at Kush-kush-kee, which Post describes as being
   composed of four separate towns, and containing about "ninety houses,
   and two hundred able warriors." Pack-an-ka was the head chief, or king,
   and his capital, called New Kas-kas-kunk, was located on the ground
   where New Castle now stands. Another town called Old Kas-kas-kunk, was
   located near the mouth of the Mahoning river. The principal chief,
   orator, and statesman, under King Pack-an-ka, was called Glik-ik-an, who
   was afterwards converted to Christianity by the Moravians, and finally
   perished in the massacre at the mission towns in Ohio, in March, 1782.
   The king was never converted, but nevertheless remained the steadfast
   friend of the missionaries so long as they remained in the Beaver valley.
   The pedigree (so to speak) of the counties covering the territory from
   which Lawrence county, was formed, is as follows: First. Chester, one of
   the original counties of the province. Second. Lancaster, formed from
   part of Chester, May 10, 1729. Third. Cumberland, formed from part of
   Lancaster, January 27, 1750. Fourth. Bedford, formed from part of
   Cumberland, March 9, 1771. Fifth. Westmoreland, formed from part of
   Bedford, February 26, 1773; and, in 1785, a part of the purchase of 1784
   was added. Sixth. Allegheny, formed from parts of Westmoreland and
   Washington, September 24, 1788. Seventh. Beaver and Mercer, formed from
   part of Allegheny, March 12, 1800. Eighth. Lawrence from parts of Beaver
   and Mercer, April 5, 1849.
   The region covering about twenty counties in the northwestern part of
   Pennsylvania, was purchased from the Six Nations by the Commonwealth, at
   the treaty of Fort Stanwix,* in October, 1784.
   *Now Rome, N. Y.
   The lands north and west of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers were surveyed
   into what were known as "warrant" and "donation" tracts. The former,
   supposed to contain an average of 400 acres to each tract, and the
   latter, (which were surveyed to accommodate the soldiers of the
   Pennsylvania line, who served during the Revolution,) into tracts of
   200, 250, 300 and 500 acres.
   Soldiers' certificates and warrants were purchased and speculated in by
   immense corporations, "Population" and "Land companies," and by
   individuals. The most prominent of these were the "Pennsylvania
   Population Company" and the "Holland Land Company." Considerable tracts
   known as "academy lands," &c., were reserved for the benefit of schools
   and churches.
   An act passed the State Legislature on the 3d of April, 1792, providing
   that all the lands north and west of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers and
   Conewango creek, not heretofore reserved for public or charitable
   purposes should be offered for sale to persons who would cultivate,
   improve and settle them, at the rate of seven pounds and ten shillings
   ($20) per hundred acres, with an allowance of six per cent for highways.
   For such as had made actual settlements, it was provided that warrants
   should be issued for tracts of not more than 400 acres to each settler.
   But by the ninth section it was provided, "That no warrant or survey to
   be issued or made in pursuance of this act, for lands lying north and
   west of the rivers Ohio and Allegheny and Conewango creek, shall vest
   any title in or to the lands therein mentioned, unless the grantee has,
   prior to the date of such warrant, made or caused to be made, or shall
   within the space of two years next after the date of the sale make or
   caused to be made, an actual settlement thereon, by clearing, fencing
   and cultivating at least two acres for every hundred acres contained in
   one survey, erecting thereon a messuage for the habitation of man, and
   residing or causing a family to reside thereon, for the space of five
   years next following his first settling of the same, if he or she shall
   so long live; and that in default of such actual settlement and
   residence, it shall and may be lawful for this Commonwealth to issue new
   warrants to other actual settlers for the said lands, or any part
   thereof, reciting the original warrants, and that actual settlements and
   residence have not been made in pursuance thereof, and so often as
   defaults shall be made for the time and in the manner aforesaid, which
   new grants shall be made under and subject to all and every the reg-
   [p. 15] ulations contained in this act. Provided always, nevertheless,
   that if any such actual settler or grantee, in any such original or
   succeeding warrants shall, by force of arms of the enemies of the United
   States, be prevent from such actual settlement, or be driven therefrom,
   and shall persist in his endeavors to make such actual settlement as
   aforesaid, then, in either case, he and his heirs shall be entitled to
   hold the said lands in the same manner as if the actual settlement had
   been made and continued."
   Soon after the passage of this act, John Nicholson applied at the land
   office for three hundred and ninety warrants, to be located in the
   triangle, and for two hundred and fifty warrants, to be located on the
   waters of Beaver creek, representing in all about 260,000 acres. Before,
   however, completing his purchase, the Pennsylvania Population Company
   was formed, of which he was made President, and Messrs. Cazenove,
   Irvine, Mead, Leet, Hoge and Stewart, managers.
   The capital stock of the company consisted of 2,500 shares, which was
   laid out in the purchase of 500,000 acres of land. To this company
   Nicholson transferred his claims, and they perfected the purchase by
   paying the legal price for them. In addition they purchased 500 more
   warants for lands in the "donation" district. The terms of their
   purchase were of course those provided in the law--the payment of seven
   pounds ten shillings per hundred acres, and the making or causing to be
   made of a legal settlement on each tract covered by a warrant. In order
   to induce emigrants to settle on their lands, the company proposed to
   grant in fee simple to every settler one hundred and fifty acres of
   land, if he should comply with the requisitions of the law imposed upon
   them; and in that way it was designed that the occupant should secure
   his land, together with his implements, and the company should secure
   250 acres through him. But the fact that each actual settler could
   secure for himself, by the payment of the stipulated purchase money, a
   tract of 400 acres under the law, prevented, in a great measure, the
   success of the company's scheme of monopoly. Settlers generally, indeed,
   located themselves on lands covered by their own warrants, though in
   some cases these infringed upon lands of the company. In consequence,
   suits of ejectment were instituted against those who had encroached upon
   the lands to which the company had an incomplete title, and this state
   of things became a fruitful source of litigation for many years."*
   *From Surveyor General's Report--1865.
   The Academy lands were mostly situated in the southeastern portion of
   the county. Benjamin Chew, of Philadelphia, the owner of the celebrated
   "Stone House" at Germantown, which lost Washington the battle fought
   there on the third of October, 1777, secured a large tract of land in
   the southern portion of what is now Lawrence county, being in the
   present townships of Big Beaver, Wayne, Shenango, Slippery Rock and
   Perry. This tract was some four miles in width, and eight or ten miles
   in length,,and was known as the "Chew Tract." It was mostly surveyed
   into 400-acre tracts, and each settler was allowed one-half for settling.
   The lands in the vicinity of New Castle were mostly "donation" tracts,
   and were entered upon soldiers' warrants--a portion of them by the
   original holders of the warrants, but probably a majority by parties to
   whom the patents had been sold and transferred. There was a body of
   land, located principally in the present Perry township, amounting to
   eight tracts, which was marked on the surveys "depreciated lands" or
   lands unfit for settlement, but it was found they included some of the
   finest lands in the county, and they were speedily taken by settlers.
   The first white settlers, following the departure of the Moravians, came
   to Mahoning township in 1793. They consisted of a party of about
   forty-five persons, who left Allegheny city with the intention of
   settling on the north side of the Mahoning river. They had a surveyor
   along, one Arthur Gardner, who professed to be able to locate the lands
   they were in search of, but they passed by the lands, and went as far
   west as the spot where Youngstown, Ohio, now stands, where many of the
   party, becoming dissatisfied, returned to Allegheny; but about seventeen
   of them returned to Pennsylvania, and settled on both sides of the
   Mahoning. Subsequently to this settlement, others were made in various
   parts of the county, from 1795 to 1800. New Castle was first settled and
   a town laid out by John Carlysle Stewart and others in April, 1798.
           EARLY ROADS.
   When this region was first settled the only roads were Indian trails,
   which generally followed the larger streams, though they occasionally
   followed the "divides" or high land between the streams, as was the case
   with the trail leading from Moravia to Kusk-kush-kee. All the great
   trails in this region centered at Kush-kush-kee, which was for many
   years the principal Indian town in this region, being the capital of
   "King Beaver," and a place of much importance. A common means of
   locomotion was by canoe navigation on the Beaver and its branches, the
   Mahoning and the Shenango. The white settlers for several years had only
   foot-paths through the forest, along which they transported supplies and
   household furniture from Pittsburgh on horse-back, using the
   pack-saddle. The State of Pennsylvania at an early day--probably as
   early as 1805--appointed "viewers" to lay out and establish roads, which
   are to this day known as "State roads." One of the earliest of these was
   laid out from the "Scrub Grass Creek" in Venango county, via New Castle,
   to Youngstown, Ohio. It passed through New Castle on North street, which
   at that time was the principal thoroughfare of the town. The Pittsburgh
   turnpike was opened at an early day, and a road to Mercer was among the
   first running north from New Castle. The Beaver-river road was opened as
   early as 1805. It followed the river as near as practicable. The oldest
   road between New Castle and Mercer passed through Fayette. Another was
   afterwards opened via Wilmington.
   A company bearing the above title was chartered by the Legislature in
   1850. The first officers were A. L. Crawford, President; William Dickson
   Secretary and Treasurer, and Shubael Wilder, G. W. Crawford, John M.
   Crawford, R. H. Peebles, Thomas Falls, Joseph Kissick and Frederick
   Rheinholdt, Diretors. Work was commenced in 1851. The principal
   contractors were David Emery and John Morehead. The charter contemplated
   a connection with New Wilmington, situated nine miles north of New
   Castle, but the road was only constructed to the coal banks, in
   Neshannock township, about four miles from the city. It was completed
   and opened to the public in 1852. Toll gates were erected, and Mr. A.
   Cubbison was appointed the first toll-keeper. One track consisting of
   three-inch oak plank, eight feet in length, was laid; the loaded teams
   coming into New Castle, taking the plank, and all teams going north
   using the portion of the grade not planked. The road bed was handsomely
   graded, and the track was so perfect that a common load for two horses
   was from three to four tons. It was an immense improvement over the old
   wagon road, and a very large traffic was constantly passing over it.
   A. L. Crawford served as President five years, and was succeeded in 1856
   by Thomas Falls, who served four years, when Frederick Rheinholdt was
   elected, and served two years. He was succeeded in turn by Henry C.
   Falls, in 1863, who continued to act in that capacity until the
   dissolution of the company, in 1872, when the toll gates were removed,
   and the charter surrendered. During the nine years, from 1863 until
   1872, the following persons served as officers of the company: Henry C.
   Falls, President; William Patterson, Secretary and Treasurer; R. H.
   Peebles, G. W. Crawford, R. W. Cunningham, Shubael Wilder, Joseph
   Kissick, A. L. Crawford and Frederick Rheinholdt, Diretors.
   These years were exceedingly satisfactory to the stockholders, in the
   matter of business and annual dividends, and pleasant to the officers of
   the company.
   The road was a great convenience to the public, and was not only a
   source of profit to its stockholders, but also to the owners of coal
   lands, and to coal dealers, and the farming community generally. But
   when the iron rail and the powerful locomotive came into competition in
   the transportation of coal, the once valuable plank road was forced to
   succumb, for the very good reason that horse-power cannot compete with
   During the palniy days of the road it was not an uncommon occurrence to
   see as many as sixty teams, loaded with coal and country produce,, at
   the same time on the road.
   The old bed is now used as a turnpike, making the best wagon road in the
                           WAR OF 1812.
   The portion of the counties of Beaver and Mercer, now constituting the
   county of Lawrence, was settled with the same thrifty, persistent and
   energetic race which originally peopled a large share of Western
   Pennsylvania--the hardy Scotch-Irish. Zealous in their religious belief
   and full Of muscle and brawn, they conquered the wilderness while they
   sang the "Psalms of David," and reared the church of round logs
   simultaneously with the, dwelling and the schoolhouse.
   At the breaking out of the war between the United States and Great
   Britain, in June, 1812, this region was quite thickly settled and the
   people were not slow to respond to the calls of the State and Nation for
   volunteers [p. 16] to preserve and defend the honor of the common
   country. A large number went from what is now Lawrence county, a portion
   of them in General Crook's Brigade, which marched from Pittsburgh, in
   the Fall of 1812, and joined General Harrison on the Sandusky and Maumee
   rivers. Others were called to Erie at different periods, some going as
   many as three separate times. A few of these men had served during the
   Revolution, but most of them were too far advanced in years to enter the
   army.* During the Mexican war there were only a few who went out from
   Lawrence county.
   *A list of Revolutionary soldiers, and those of 1812 and the Mexican
   war, is given in another place.
   The record of Lawrence county made during the Great Rebellion is a
   glorious one. By reference to the Rosters furnished in another portion
   of this work, it will be seen that nearly four thousand men volunteered
   or were drafted in the county during the four years of the war. They
   served in all parts of the field of operations, from Georgia to Kansas,
   and from Pennsylvania to Texas, and in all branches of the service. Of
   those who went forth full of life and hope, nearly five hundred never
   returned, having laid down their lives in testimony of their love of
   country on the countless battle-fields, in the gory hospitals, and among
   the prison-pens of the Confederacy. Many came back maimed and disfigured
   for life, but with the proud consciousness of duties nobly performed,
   and no stain left upon the escutcheon of their country. Lawrence county
   turned out a very large number of men in proportion to her
   population--the largest number being in the celebrated 100th or
   "Roundhead" Regiment. Her soldiers everywhere bore themselves as became
   intelligent citizens of the great Republic, and left a record which
   their children and children's children, to the latest generation, shall
   ever cherish with the fondest recollections.*
   *See Military Record.
                          CANALS AND RAILWAYS.
   The Beaver Division of the Pennsylvania canal was completed to the
   "Western Reserve Harbor," about five miles above New Castle, in
   November, 1833, and opened for business. The Ohio division, called the
   "Cross-Cut" canal, was finished and opened for traffic in 1838. From
   those dates down to about 1871, when the canals were abandoned for
   transportation purposes, a vast amount of business was transacted, and
   the canal system of navigation was considered the ne plus ultra of all
   schemes having for their object the transportation of goods and passengers.
   The first boats constructed were calculated for both freight and
   passenger business. The first "packets," which were calculated expressly
   for the accommodation of the traveling public, and which ran at a much
   greater rate of speed than the regular "liners," were put on by Captain
   Thomas Campbell, Bridgewater. The pioneer boat was the "General Mercer,"
   which commenced her trips, in the Spring of 1843, between New Castle and
   Bridgewater, (now Rochester.) Subsequently, another line known as the
   "New Castle Packet Line" was put in operation. These were built for both
   freight and passengers, and made night trips, hauling berths fitted up
   for the comfort of passengers. The days of the canal were busy and jolly
   ones, and many a veteran "Captain" won his "name and fame" by patient
   labor along the slack-water navigation of the Beaver valley.
   But the "boatman's horn" is heard no more, and the sailorless hulks lie
   here and there, slowly rotting in the sun.
   The first and only steamer ever built in New Castle was built by Doctor
   Joseph Pollock, and put on the line between the city of Pittsburgh and
   New Castle. The builder was one Daniel Frisbie, a ship and steamboat
   builder from New York city. The vessel was constructed and launched at
   the canal basin in July, 1840. Frisbie knew how to construct a sea-going
   vessel, and he put his knowledge into practical operation in the
   construction of Doctor Pollock's boat. The Doctor's son Hiram, and his
   son-in-law, Captain William McMillen, each had an interest in the new
   venture. When completed and launched she was christened the "Isaphena,"
   after the Doctor's daughter, and was put in command of Capt. McMillen.
   She was built as large as the locks on the canal would admit. After
   making a few trips to Pittsburgh it was found that the new vessel was
   built too sharp at the bow and too deep for the waters of the Beaver
   river, and accordingly a new flat-bottomed hull was constructed and her
   upper works and engine were transferred to the new hull in October,
   1840. Doctor Pollock constructed two very peculiar wheels from an idea
   of his own, which worked in such a manner as not to produce any wake,
   and so avoided the washing of the banks which an ordinary steamer
   produces. The new craft was very popular, and took all the passenger
   business, until Messrs. Reed, Parks & Co., who were running the packet
   line, constructed two new packets fitted up with sleeping berths and
   every convenience for passengers, and withal more comfortable than the
   steamer. These boats connected with a line of fine steamers at Beaver,
   and the passengers were carried between New Castle and Pittsburgh
   without delay. This new arrangement in its turn took all the passenger
   traffic from the "Isaphena" and compelled the proprietors to seek other
   channels for business, and the steamer was accordingly put on the
   Monongahela river, and ran for a number of months in 1841 between Pitts-
   burgh and Monongehela city. She was soon after enlarged and improved,
   and in 1842 was taken down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and put into
   the cotton trade between Vicksburg, Miss., and the region about the
   head- waters of the Yazoo river.
   Dr. Pollock came from Williamsport, now Monongahela city, where he had
   practiced medicine for twenty years, and settled on a farm in Shenango,
   township, then in Beaver county, in 1826. He removed to New Castle in
   1835, where he resided until his death, in 1856. He practiced medicine
   only among a limited few after he came to New Castle.
   Dr. Pollock was a member of the Legislature in 1831-2, and at one time a
   member of the State Equalization Board. He was also superintendent of
   the Beaver division of the canal, in 1841-42-43. The doctor was a strict
   and earnest advocate of temperance from his fourteenth year, at which
   date he was in college, and was the only one in his class who abstained
   from the cup. He lived to see his classmates all fill the drunkard's grave.
   There are four lines of railway which traverse the county or some
   portion of it. These, in the order of their construction, are the
   Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago, completed through a portion of
   Little and Big Beaver townships in 1850-1; the Erie and Pittsburgh,
   completed to New Castle from the South, June 15th, 1864; the Ashtabula,
   Youngstown and Pittsburgh, completed in 1864, and the New Castle and
   Franklin, opened in the Summer of 1874.
   The P., F. W. and C. railway has about 4 miles of track.
   The E. and P. railway about           24
   The A., Y. and P. railway about       10
   The N. C. and F. railway about        12
   Coal roads about                      10
      Total miles in the county,         60
   The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago road is one of the great trunk
   lines of the country, connecting the greatest grain, lumber and
   provision market in the world with Philadelphia and other seaboard
   cities. It does a very heavy business. The Erie and Pittsburgh, as its
   name indicates, connects the Ohio river and Lake Erie, and is also a
   heavy business line. The Ashtabula, Youngstown and Pittsburgh connects
   the lines centering at the latter point with the Ohio system, and is
   doing a fair proportion of the business of the region through which it
   passes. The New Castle and Franklin line opens up a connection with the
   oil regions. These lines all handle large quantities of coal and coke.
   The county of Lawrence contains about 361 square miles, equivalent to
   231,040 acres. According to the Second Annual Report of the Bureau of
   Statistics for the years 1873-74, the number of acres of forest land in
   the county was 49,500, which, deducted from the whole number of acres,
   leave 181,540 acres of cleared land or land destitute of timber. The
   amount of swampy or untillable land is not shown, but there are probably
   about 150,000 acres of land suitable for cultivation.
   The assessed valuation of the real and personal property for the year
   1875 was $4,958,000. The number of taxables in the county, at the same
   date, was 7,085, and the amount of county taxes levied for the same
   year, was $50,801.35, equal to about $7 per capita to each tax-payer.
   The following figures for Lawrence county were furnished to the Bureau
   of Statistics by Mr. Luther Sample, a practical farmer. They are given
   for the years 1874-75:
   Number of acres under cultivation,         150,000
   Value of the same, per acre,                $50.00
   Total value of improvements,           $12,000,000
   Bushels of wheat raised,                   250,000
   Bushels of rye raised,                      25,000
   Bushels of Indian corn raised,             400,000
   Bushels of oats raised,                    500,000
   Bushels of barley raised,                   20,000
   [p. 17]
   Bushels of buckwheat raised                 30,000
   Bushels of peas and beans raised,            1,100
   Bushels of common potatoes,                400,000
   Bushels of clover seed,                      1,000
   Bushels of grass seed,                         200
   Pounds of wool,                            300,000
   Pounds of  butter,                         800,000
   Pounds of cheese,                           10,000
   Pounds of flax,                             60,000
   Pounds of maple sugar,                       5,000
   Pounds of honey,                            14,000
   Pounds of beeswax,                             200
   Tons of hay,                                30,000
   Gallons of wine,                               500
   Gallons of milk sold,                       20,000
   Gallons of sorghum molasses,                 1,500
   Gallons of maple molasses,                   2,500
   Total value of all farming implements,    $350,000
   Number of men employed on farms,               500
   Average wages per month,                    $25.00
   Average wages per day,                       $1.25
   The Lawrence County Agricultural and Horticultural Society was organized
   in 1852. In 1853, the following were its officers: President, R. W.
   Stewart; Vice-Presidents, Thomas Cunningham and W. P. Hamilton;
   Secretary, D. Craig; Treasurer, Webster Justice; Managers, John Simpson,
   John K. Swisher, William Brown, J. P. Cowden, William Blanchard, and
   Thomas Pearson.
   The society, in 1852, offered premiums to the amount of $450. In 1853,
   premiums awarded, $250. The society leased, for the term of ten years,
   four and a-half acres of land near the borough of New Castle.
   The receipts for the year 1855, were $937.50. Amount of premiums paid, $500.
   The premiums paid in 1856 amounted to $510.
   In 1857 the total receipts were $670.50.
   Amount of premiums paid in 1858, $713.25. Since the last named year, the
   society has held no fairs.
   The Lawrence County Agricultural Society, of Harlansburg, was organized
   in 1871. Andrew Nelson, President; Alexander McBride, Jr.,
   Vice-President; Jesse B. Locke, Secretary; W. E. Kirker, Treasurer.
   Three annual fairs have been held. The average annual premiums paid
   since its organization, have been $1,500. The lands occupied by the
   society are leased--value, $7,000.
   We have no statistics at hand showing the number of domestic animals in
   the county, later than the year 1870, and as the numbers then given have
   been materially changed, we omit them. It will be seen that the county
   is extensively engaged in the cultivation of grain, particularly wheat,
   Indian corn, and oats. Large amounts of wool and hay are also produced,
   and the cultivation of the potato is very extensively carried on.