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Cemeteries: Rich Hill U. P.: Washington Township, Lawrence Co, PA

Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Barb Nicolls.
Read and copyrighted by Barbara Nicolls 1997.

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                            Cemetery Readings from
                               Rich Hill U. P.
                               Church Cemetery
                             Washington Township
                             Lawrence County, PA


The Rich Hill U. P. Church and cemetery is located in Washington Township
approximately 2 miles south of Volant, PA, on Route 168.

This reading was compiled in 1997. Any comments within brackets [ ] are my
own and not actually engraved on the tombstones. Names which are grouped
together without a completely blank line separating them indicates that they
are engraved on the same stone. At times I found it difficult to read the
engravings, so I occasionally referred to Dwight Edward Copper's 1989
reading (which I didn't know existed until last year).

The Lawrence County Courthouse has s Dec. 1893 - Dec. 1905 from
which I transcribed all the information I could find concerning those buried
at the Rich Hill Church Cemetery. If someone died between those dates and is
buried at the cemetery but I have no record listed for that person, it means
that there is no record for that person. 

To obtain obituaries for any of these people, contact the New Castle Public
Library. They have a Lawrence County obituary index file beginning in 1849
and divided into decades. 
For more information, see

I have provided a brief history of the church and three short biographical
sketches concerning three families with members buried in the cemetery as
they appear in the 1877 History of Lawrence County, PA.

I also compiled some information from varying sources (which are fully
listed at the bottom of the Military Records page) about the military
service of those buried at the cemetery. I provided no information about
World War I and on veterans because the records are closed.

Finally, I included the 1929-1948 death register as complied by Dwight
Edward Copper and the 1874-1939 baptisms from the History of Rich Hill
Presbyterian Church 1840-1990 for the church. Both references are in the
history room at the New Castle Public Library.

                              Cemetery Readings

Row 1

 Young, Mary E.                          1856-1946

 Young, William I.                       1854-1934

 Dick, J. A. [Albert]                    Aug. 26, 1844-May 30, 1913
 G.A.R. medallion
 Dick, Susan                             Feb. 21, 1848-July 2, 1904

 Welker, James W.                        1853-1923
 Welker, Amanda L.                       1857-1931
 Welker, William C.                      1883-1901

 Jordan, Isabella                        died Feb. 6, 1891 in her 61st year
 wife of Henry Jordan
 Jordan, Henry                           died May 15, 1902 in his 81st year

 Rice, Richard T.
 G.A.R. medallion                        died Mar. 16, 1882 aged 45 yrs.
 Rice, Rebecca                           June 20, 1835-May 16, 1900

 Drake, William W.                       1822-1914
 Drake, Elizabeth I.                     1832-1858
 Drake, Amanda Mc.                       1834-1919

 Jordan, Angeline                        1853-1913

 Jordan, John A.                         1855-1935

Row 2

 Jordan, Grace M. Park
 wife of Ralph A. Jordan          1891-[blank]

 Jordan, Ralph A.
 Pvt. - U.S. Marine Corps. - WWI  1897-1966

 Jordan, M. Amanda                1888-1936
 Jordan, W. Melville              1880-1960

 Bockus, Daniel                   Aug. 3, 1785-Aug. 24, 1869



 McConnell, John R.               1834-1891
 McConnell, Margaret O.           1841-1928


 McConnell, James                 died Apr. 16, 1878 aged 72 yrs.
 McConnell, Adilade               died Sept. 3, 1873 aged 64 yrs.

 Anderson, Samuel                 Feb. 20, 1839-Dec. 5, 1922
 Anderson, Hannah                 May 1, 1840-Oct. 7, 1893
                                  aged 53 yrs., 5 ms., & 6 ds.

 Anderson, Thomas J.              died Apr. 19, 1873
 son of S. & H. Anderson          aged 10 yrs., 6 ms., & 5 ds.

 Allen, Samuel J.                 Aug. 29, 1856-Mar. 26, 1860
 Allen, Eva M.                    Apr. 13, 1863-Nov. 8, 1864

 Allen, Martha
 wife of Henry Allen              May 10, 1827-Oct. 5, 1889

Row 3

 McConnell, Mary E.                           1896-1974
 McConnell, Sherman J.                        1892-1965

 McCreary, Christopher                        died Jan. 26, 1850 aged 21 yrs.
 son of John & Barbara McCreary

 McCreary, Samuel
 son of John & Barbara McCreary
 [NOTE: Dwight Edward Copper's 1989 reading
 lists date of death as "6/26/1848?" and      died Jan. 26, 1850
 age at death as 21 yrs. Seems highly 
 unlikely that Christopher and Samuel 
 would die on the same day at the same age, 
 so Mr. Cooper's reading seems more likely.]

 McCreary, Barbara                            died Jan. 21, 1864 in her --
 wife of John M. McCreary                     year

 McCreary, John                               died Dec. 1, 1865

 Law, James                                   died Aug. 6, 1846 in his 79th year

 Banks, James
 G.A.R. medallion
 [NOTE: It seems highly unlikely that James   died Apr. 17, 1881
 Banks at such an advanced age would have     aged 89 yrs. & 10 ms.
 served in the Civil War!
 So, it is probably for James' son Andrew
 who did serve in the war and whose grave is
 unmarked.]                                   died Nov. 30, 1867 aged 83 yrs.
 Banks, Mary Y.
 wife of James Banks

 Power, William Henry
 son of Theodore M. & Pataline Power          died June 9, 1845 aged 5 yrs.

 Power, William                               died Nov. 13, 1854

 McConnell, Alex                              Jan. 23, 1812-Mar. 5, 1883

 Carr, Sarah                                  died Apr. 3, 1848 in her 59th year

 Carr, William                                died Sept. 15 1850 aged 19 years

 Jordan, Margaret                             Mar. 22, 1816-Mar. 19, 1849
 Jordan, Julia                                Oct. 10, 1814-Nov. 17, 1883
 Jordan, Alex                                 Aug. 20, 1814-July 11, 1884
 "In Memory of Three Children" - [no names or dates]
 [NOTE: Dwight Edward Copper's 1989 listing gives
 Margaret's date of birth as 1818.]

 Anderson, Margaret J.                        died Mar. 26, 1854 aged 12/17 yrs.
 daughter of B. & H. Anderson

 Jordan, Mary                                 died Oct. 29, 1850
 daughter of A. & M. Jordan                   aged 10 yrs., 11? ms., & 19 ds.

 Anderson, Barnet
 32 Regt. PA Mil. - War of 1812

 Carter, Nathaniel                            died Sept. 3, 1850
                                              aged 55 yrs., 5 ms., & 11 ds.
 Carter, Elizabeth                            died Mar. 19, 1890
 wife of N. Carter                            aged 87 yrs., 1 m., & 4 ds.
 Carter, Nathaniel                            died Mar. 12, 1854
 son of N. & E. Carter                        aged 15 yrs., 3 ms. & 4 ds.

 Carter, George C.                            Apr. 16, 1837-Feb. 28, 1870

Row 4

 Miller, Elizabeth M.                  1926-1932
 Miller, Florence E.                   1889-1961
 Miller, William B.                    1874-1944

 McCreary, Joseph                      1809-1900
 McCreary, Jane B.                     1817-1874

 J. L.

 Carlon, Eliza                         died Mar. 7, 1845 aged 40 yrs.
 Carlon, George                        died Aug. 10, 1871 aged 77 yrs.

 Welker, Daniel F.                     died July 13, 1881
                                       aged 52 yrs., 6 ms., & 17 ds.
 Welker, Margaret A.                   died Mar. 19, 1871
                                       aged 35 yrs., 1 m., & 4 ds.
                                             died Dec. 13, 1868
 Welker, Christian                           aged 71 yrs., 11ms., & 9 ds.
                                             died Dec. 30, 1890
 Welker, Eliza                               aged 81 yrs., 10 ms., & 25 ds.
 wife of Christian Welker 
 Welker, Francis S.                          died Oct. 16, 1851
                                             aged 18 yrs., 1 m., & 17 ds.
 Welker, George W.                           died Nov. 1, 1847
                                             aged 4 yrs. & 10 ds.

 Welker, ---                                 died Nov.? 11, 185(1?)

 Carter, John A.                             died Mar. 3, 1852
 son of ----- Carter                         aged -- yrs. & 11 ds.

 Carter, Susanah                             died Dec. 3, 1867
 daughter of J. & L. Carter                  aged 1/11 yrs., 8 ms. & 15

 Carter, James                               died Jan. 5, 18(5?)8
 son of J. & L. Carter                       aged 5? yrs. & 1? d.

 Anderson, Hannah                            1819-1909

 Anderson, Thomas                            1818-1856

 McCarns, Annice M.                          died Apr. 4, 1861
 daughter of A. & H. McCarns                 aged 4 yrs. & 1m.

 Simonton, William Henry                     died Jan. 11, 1858 
 son of -- & -- Simonton                     aged 9 yrs., 7 ms., & 28 ds.
 [NOTE: Dwight Edward Copper's 1989 reading 
 lists the age at death as 5 yrs., 7 ms., & 28 ds.]

 Simonton, Catharine                         born Nov. 13, 1811
                                             died July 24, 1882

 Simonton, William                           born Feb. 18, 1804
                                             died Aug. 19, 1869

Row 5

 McConnell, Sarah Elmyra                     1894-1958
 McConnell, James N.                         1891-1960

 McConnell, Mildred Elmyra                   Aug. 1961

 McConnell, Elizabeth                        1862-1952
 McConnell, John M.                          1863-1940

 McBride, Mary Cotton                        1843-1911

 McBride, Samuel J.
 1st Lt. Co. E 78 PA Vol. - Civil War        1839-1907

 Cotton, Hannah                              died Sept. 8?, 1881
 wife of Hugh Cotton                         aged - yrs., 8 ms. & - ds.


                                             died Feb. 11, 1861
 Dunavin, Margaret                           aged 58 yrs., 10 ms., & 22 ds.

 Dunnavan, James                             died Mar. 6, 1875
                                             aged 70 yrs., 2? ms. & 26 ds.

 Michaels, William                           died Nov. 21, 1864
                                             aged 52 yrs. & 2(3?) ds.

 Michaels, William J.
 Co. F 199 Reg. - Civil War                  Aug. 28, 1910

 Rice, Robert                                died Oct. 21, 1864
                                             aged 55 yrs.

 Rice, Wallace C.                            died Oct. 6, 1864
 son of R. & M. Rice                         aged 21 yrs. & 8 ms.

 Lockhart, Mella                             died Oct. 9, 1883
 [NOTE: Dwight Edward Copper's 1989          aged 63 yrs.
 reading lists Mella's year of death as 
 1888 and age as 53 yrs.]

 Lockhart, Rachel                            died May 24, 1856

Row 6

 Hall, Ruth Boyles                           1920-1942

 Anderson, Mary E.
 daughter of J. M. C. & Sarah Anderson       [sunken in ground]

 Carr, Lydia A.                              died Dec. 21, 1845
 wife of Barney Carr                         aged 23 yrs.

 Carr, Hannah
 wife of David Carr                          died Nov. 7, 1842
 [NOTE: Dwight Edward Copper's 1989          aged [sunken underground]
 reading gives the age at death as 52 yrs.]

 Pettit, Lemuel                              died Oct. 2, 1855/3
                                             aged ---- 25 ds.

 McConnell, Martha                           died Mar. 27, 1861

Row 7

 Boyles, Hazel M.                        1897-1976
 Boyles, Howard M.                       1893-1986

 M. R. A.

 Carr, Amos                              died Dec. 1/4, 1846
 son of John & M. Carr                   aged 5 yrs., 6 ms., & 22 ds.

 Banks, Ida

 Simonton, Metta
 Simonton, David
 Simonton, Mary L.
 infant children of James & M. Simonton

Row 8

 Young, Martha E.                         1898-1947
 Young, Everett G.                        1897-1971

 Bryan, Enoch C.                          Sept. 22, 1834-May 21, 1896

 Bryan, W.                                aged 84

 Patterson, Mary J.                       died Sept. 20, 1901
 wife of T. F. Patterson                  aged -- yrs.
 Patterson, Thomas F.                     Aug. 24, 1842/3-Mar. 7, 1904
 G.A.R. medallion
 Patterson, Laura E.                      died May 3, 1880 aged 17 yrs.
 daughter of T. F. & M. J. Patterson
 [NOTE: Dwight Edward Copper's 1989  as
 reading gives 1890 the year of death.]
 Patterson, John                         1876-?
 son of T. F. and M. J.
 [NOTE: All I could read was the name,
 so the rest comes from Dwight Edward 
 Copper's 1989 reading.]

 Clark, Elizabeth
 daughter of T. H. & M. Clark             died June 30, 1849 aged 19 yrs.

 Patterson, Samuel S.                     died Feb. 27, 1842
                                          aged 2 yrs. & 7 ds.

 Patterson, George
 [NOTE: Dwight Edward Copper's 1989       died May 27, 1855
 reading lists the age at death as        aged 53 yrs., 9 ms., & 5 ds.

 Patterson, George S.                     died Oct. 6, 1861
                                          aged 11 yrs., 6 ms., & 22 ds.

 Bryson, Mary J.                          1837-1912

 Deemer, Nancy                            died Feb. 25, 1886 in her 77th year
 [NOTE: Dwight Edward Copper's 1989
 reading lists the day as 15.]

 Deemer, William C.                       died Nov. 11, 1863
 G.A.R. medallion                         aged 22 yrs., 2 ms. & 25 ds.

 K----her, Nancy L.                       died Dec. 12, 186(7?)
 wife of James E. K----her                aged 2(1?) yrs., 10 ms. & 1 d.

 Simonton, Venice E.                      died Jan. 30, 1884 in her 20th year
 wife of Willis Simonton

Row 9

 Verelst, George Wesley                   June 9, 1944-Oct. 13, 1951

 Slater, Archibald                        died Mar. 7, 1890 aged 71 yrs.

 Davis, Minnie F.                         died Nov. 15, 1886 aged 24 yrs.
 wife of Rev. R. M. Davis
 Davis, Rev. R. M. [Robert]               died Nov. 10, 1889 aged 41 yrs.

 Kelley, Harrison                         died May 25, 1851
                                          aged 24 yrs., - ms., & - ds.

 Drake, James W.                          Sept. 12, 1875-Oct. 29, 1905

 I. E. D.

 F. C. D.

 Drake, Laura B.                          died Aug. 1, 1871
 daughter of B. F. & M. Drake             aged 2 yrs., 3 ms., & 27 ds.

 Drake, Frances D.                        died Mar. 22, 1884 aged 15 ds.
 daughter of B. F. & M. Drake
 Drake, Margaret                          died Feb. 20, 1882
 wife of B. F. Drake                      aged 49 yrs. & 8 ms.
 Drake, B. F. [Benjamin]                  Jan. 9, 1843-June 6, 1919
 [writing of 4th side of monument is unreadable]

 Father - War of 1812

 Drake, Fannie C.                          died Aug. 12, 1865
 daughter of J. H. & E. Drake              aged 1 yr., 4? ms. & 12 ds.

 Drake, Samuel M.                          1855-1895
 Drake, James                              1818-1878
 Drake, Elizabeth                          1821-1889
 wife of James Drake

 Dannels, William                          born Mar. 22, 1832
                                           died July 21, 1897

 S. D.

 L. D.

 M. D.

 H. D.

 E. D.

 C. D.

 H. D.

 W. D.

 Dannels, Daniel                             died Sept. 27, 1856
 son of K. & M. Dannels                      aged 3 yrs., 3 ms., & 12 ds.

Row 10

 Carr, Susanna                               1891-1923
 Carr, Norman M.                             1879-1955

 Jordan, Arthur W.
 Pvt. HDQ Co. School Trps. C.O.Q.S. -        1893-1951
 World War I

 Jordan, Mary M.                             1890-1951
 Jordan, G. Warren                           1890-[blank]

 Carr, William                               born Sept. 7, 1823
                                             died Oct. 31, 1906
 Carr, Sarah                                 born Apr. 10, 1829
                                             died Jan. 5, 1900

 Walters, Smith L.                           1850-1916
 Walters, Sarah H.                           1852-1915
 Walters, infant daughter                    died 1885

 Walters, infant
 infant of L. S. & S. H. Walters             died Mar. 21, 1885 aged 84 ds.

 Dicks, Laura
 [first wife of William A. Dicks]            1877-1904

 Dicks, William A.                           1868-1945
 Dicks, Orietta P.                           1880-1952

 Parshall, John R.                           died Dec. 19, 1886
                                             aged 27 yrs., 7 ms., & 13 ds.

 Boozel, Daniel                              1800-1877
 Boozel, Elizabeth                           1800-1876

Row 11

 Pettit, W. Ernest                            1896-1954
 Pettit, Margaret                             1876-1973

 Munnel, Mary Jane                            died Feb. --, 1895
 wife of Bradley Munnel                       aged 5(3?) yrs., 3 ms., & 26 ds.

                                              died July 21, 1879
 Munnel, Mary                                 aged 47 yrs., 4 ms., & 20 ds.

 Munnel, Robert B.                            died June --, 1866
 pvt. Co. H 134 Reg Vol Inf - Civil War       aged 23 yrs., 4? ms., & 8 ds.
 [NOTE: I could find no evidence of his 
 having served in Co. H 134th Regiment PA
 Volunteer Infantry.]

 Munnel, Agnes
 wife of David Munnel                         died Mar. 23, 18(52?)

 Munnel, David                                died Apr. 27, 1865
 G.A.R. medallion                             aged -9 yrs., 3 ms., & 25 ds.
 [NOTE: I could find no record of his        
 service in any PA Volunteer Regiment.]

 Munnel, Samuel S.                            died May 19, 1869
                                              aged --

 Munnel, James A.                             died June 2(2?), 18(5?)8
 son of -- Munnel                             aged 11 yrs.

 Munnel, infant
 infant daughter of -- & R. Munnel            died Oct. 6, 1858

 Munnel, H. B.                                died Sept. 4, 1885
                                              aged 57 yrs., 10 ms., & 6  ds.
 Munnel, Ann G.                               died June 23, 1910
 wife of H. B. Munnel                         aged 80 yrs. & 22 ds.

 Munnel, Robert Boyles                        died Nov. 8, 18--
 son of H. B. & A. Munnel                     aged 11 yrs., -- ms., & --

 Munnel, Agnes Ida Jane                       died Mar. 6, 1876
 daughter of H. B. & A. Munnel                aged 7 yrs., 7 ms., & 23 ds.

 Dannels, Kinsey                              born Nov. 19, 1827
                                             [death date left blank]
                                              [Nov. 10, 1905 aged 78 yrs.]
 Dannels, Martha                              born July 30, 1830
 his wife                                     died May 30, 1902
                                              aged 71 yrs. & 16 ms.

 Dannels, Mary                                died Jan. 5, 1893 in her 27th year
 wife of Joseph Dannels
 [NOTE: I stumbled upon her marriage
 announcement in the following local 
 newspaper: The Lawrence Guardian -
 Friday - Sept. 16, 1887 - p. 4 - Married -
 Daniels- Graham - On September 6, 1887 by Rev. R.
 [Robert] M. Davis [of Rich Hill Presbyterian Church],
 Mr. Joseph Daniels of Wilmington township and Miss
 Mary Graham of Washington township.]

 Dicks, Mary J.                             1842-1920

 Dicks, Robert                              1844-1905

 Dicks, Henry J.
 [son of Robert & Mary J. Dicks]              1871-1878

 Dicks, Christena B.
 [first wife of Solomon B. Dicks]             1870-1909

 Dicks, Viola                                 1865-1945
 Dicks, Solomon B.                            1867-1947

Row 12

 Thompson, Ester H.                        1903-1982
 Thompson, Clarence                        1897-1977
 Snyder, Anna M.                           1878-1933

 Snyder, Jacob M.                          1871-1939

 Wilson, Samuel B.                         1883-1966

 Wilson, Susan
 Wilson, Hugh                              1854-1935
 G.A.R. medallion                          1829-1895

 Wilson, Alice M.                          1887-1963
 Wilson, Andrew O.                         1881-1959

 Speer, Harold J.
 Sgt. U.S. Army - World War II

 Speer, Harold J.                          Mar. 9, 1916-Dec. 7, 1985
 Speer, Martha E.                          June 18, 1915-[blank]

 Smith, Margaret                           died Nov. 22, 1865
 [NOTE: Dwight Edward Copper listed her    aged 67 years
 death month as Sept. in his 1989 reading.]

 Smith, Enoch                              died Mar. 16, 1862
                                           in the 80th year of his age

 Ellis, J. Edgar                           1904-1983
 Ellis, Maida V.                           1901-1973

 Vosler, William M.                        Nov. 17, 1860-Jan. 28, 1934
 Vosler, Margaret L.                       Sept. 11, 1860-May 5, 1924

 Vosler, Jean Ann                          Jan. 8, 1898-July 3, 1898

 Stevenson, W. Grover                      1887-1963
 Stevenson, Nana Vosler                    1899-1958

 Carlon, Taylor J.                         1847-1886
 Carlon, Susan                             1849-1913
 Carlon, Alma V.                           1880-1889

 Carlon, Taylor J.

 Carlon, Alma V.                           died May 13, 1886
 [NOTE: I had trouble reading the age at   aged 37 yrs.
 death, so I went by                       died June 21, 1889
 the one given in Dwight Edward Copper's   aged 8 yrs. & 6 ms.
 1989 reading.]

 Carlon, Joseph                            born Dec. 16, 1807
                                           died Jan. 10, 1889
 Carlon, Sarah                             died July 19, 1881 in her 70th year
 wife of Joseph Carlon

 Rice, Clarissa                            died July 9, 1878
 wife of James Rice                        aged 47 yrs., 9 ms., & 5 ds.

 Potter, Anna M.                           died Dec. 15, 1888
 wife of ---                               aged 31 yrs., 4 ms., & 15 ds.
 [NOTE: I had a good deal of trouble
 reading this one, so I used Dwight Edward 
 Cooper's 1989 reading to fill in the
 blanks. What I could read matched his

Row 13

 O'Brien, Robert H.     1944-1992

 Butia, Betty L.        1945

 Butia, Anna G.         1910-[blank]
 Butia, Walter          1910-1963

 Butia, Darrel E.       1935-1935
                        aged 3 ms. & 4 ds.

 Vosler, R. McKean      Nov. 7, 1831-Oct. 12, 1905
 Vosler, Jane A.        Sept. 25, 1837-Apr. 4, 1913

 Drake, Margaret        born May 10, 1849
 Drake, Wilson          died Aug. 2, 1924
 died Apr. 5, 1889      born Jan. 20/30, 1849

 Drake, Leroy M.        Aug. 9, 1885-July 29, 1887

 Drake, Edmund M.       June 3, 1895-Aug. 29, 1895

 Wareham, Catharine G.  1879-1935
 Wareham, Thomas B.     1880-1934

 Reed, M. Melissa       1856-1937

 Reed, James H.         1856-1933

 Emery, Mary Florence   Aug. 9, 1913-May 8, 1981

Row 14

 Butia, Sophia                           1882-1944

 Butia, Michael F.                       1883-1968
 Jordan, Elizabeth C.                    1828-1907

 Jordan, George                          1827-1891

 Dicks, Peter M.                         1846-1925
 Dicks, Florence M.                      1847-1928

 Kaufman, D. Y.                          died Aug. 27, 1898 aged 63 years
 Kaufman, Martha
 wife of D. Y. Kaufman                   died Apr. 30, 1890 aged 49 years

 Kaufman, D. Y.
 Pvt. Co A 134 Reg PA Vol. - Civil War

 Drake, Francis Robert                   1928-1941

 Pettit, Eva M.                          Sept. 23, 1859-Sept. 8, 1937

 Pettit, N. R.                           Apr. 29, 1856-Dec. 14, 1928

 Drake, Martha J.                        1860-1935
 Drake, William M. C.                    1860-1933

 Martin, Dora M.                         Mar. 1, 1885-May 21, 1955

 Martin, James W.                        Jan. 18, 1882-Nov. 18, 1959
 [NOTE: I must have overlooked the Martins
 when I read the cemetery, but they are 
 listed at the end of this row in
 Dwight Edward Copper's 1989 reading.]

Row 15

 McConnell, Robert S.                          1950-1976

 McConnell, George N.                          1890-1890

 McConnell, Isabel                             1872-1938

 McConnell, Mary E.                            1894-1895

 McConnell, Elizabeth J.                       1850-1936

 McConnell, William C.                         1846-1914

 Welker, Andrew J.                             1845-1927
 Welker, Altamira                              1858-1949
 Welker, Ernest M.                             1880-1945
 Welker, James A.                              1886-1979

 Wareham, Nancy C.                             1852-1923
 Wareham, James Q.                             1849-1923
 Wareham, Mollie E.                            1874-1888

 Jordan, Hazel G.                              1900-1918

 Jordan, Olive B.                              1851-1925

 Jordan, William                               1852-1910

 Rodgers, Edward A.                            1885-1893
 Rodgers, Amelia J.                            1860-1912
 Rodgers, Lawrence                             1856-1943

 McCune, Hazel J.                              Oct. 12, 1907-Sept. 19, 1908

 Rush, John E.                                 1904-1938

 McCurdy, Robert
 G.A.R. medallion                              1843-1908
 Gearing, Amelia                               Mar. 9, 1844-May 21, 1891

 Gearing, Mary H.
 daughter of W. M. & S. M. Gearing             May 8, 1895-Sept. 21, 1897

 Gearing, Arthur
 [NOTE: I found it difficult to read, so I     Mar. 24, 1893-Feb. 9, 1900
 went by Dwight Edward Cooper's reading from 1989.]

Row 16

 Boyles, Mary V.        1926-1980
 Boyles, Kenneth W.     1923-[blank]

 Michael, William A.    1869-1929
 Michael, Mary G.       1867-1945
 Michael, Amanda M.     1884-1971

 Michael, Ora G.        1892-1900

 Welker, David P.       1838-1919

 Welker, Raymond S.     1905-1973

 Welker, Viola M.       1917-1917

 Welker, Cecil E.       1896-1927

 Welker, Carrie         1875-1939
 Welker, D. Sheridan    1870-1951

 McCune, Howard C. Jr.  1933-1933

Row 17

 Carter, George L.            1869-1924

 Carter, Newton B.            1846-1914
 Carter, Sarah R.             1847-1907

 Carter, O. Clyde
 World War I                  1886-1953

 Jordan, Sarah A.             1847-1906

 Fisher, Prudence M.          1854-1936

 Fisher, Burns                1849-1928

 Axe, Tyson                   1858-1941
 Axe, Sara                    1862-1952
 Axe, Nellie                  [no dates] [d. Jan. 11, 1895 aged 8 ms.]

 Mitchell, Elizabeth Jean     1917-1990

 McConnell, Edna              1895-1976
 McConnell, Clair R.          1894-1978
 McConnell, Delbert R.        1921

 Sonntag, Earle W.            1912-1930

 Sonntag, W. Harold           1910-1917

 Sonntag, A. Grace            1888-1968
 Sonntag, John W.             1882-1959

 Shalenberger, John E.
 infant                       Apr. 19, 1965

 McDowell, Amanda Carlon      1832-1917
 McDowell, Benjamin           1830-1864

 Ricketts, Rev. Joseph B.     1859-1919

 Ricketts, Sadie McDowell
 wife of Rev. J. B. Ricketts  died Mar. 9, 1909 aged 49 yrs.

 McDowell, Emma S.            1878-1940
 McDowell, Benjamin F.        1870-1963

Row 18

 McConnell, James J.                      1875-1944

 Lee, Annetta Pearl                       1882-1962

 Kloss, James                             1933-1993

 Kloss, William C.                        1893-1956

 Barkley, Eliza J.                        1886-1919

 Barkley, Henry S.                        1882-1966

 Barkley, Eva L.                          1891-1969

 Smith, Mary E.                           1916-1937

 Barkley, Mary                            1848-1934

 Barkley, William                         1849-1919

 Weakley, Thomas F.
 T5 21st General Hospital - World War II  1912-1964

 Latimer, Joyce D.                        1940-1990
 Latimer, David L.                        1938-[blank]

 Welker, Joseph C.                        1881-1959
 Welker, Elizabeth A.                     1879-1962

Row 19

 This property was given in memory of Charles
 & Mary Fassinger by their children - 1963

 Barkley, Caroline E.                     1908-1984
 Barkley, Walter A.                       1905-1973
 married Sept. 21, 1927

 Cameron, William S.                      1914-[blank]
 Cameron, M. Louise                       1918-1990

 Lichkay, Gertrude E.                     1910-1968

 Lichkay, Anthony J.
 PA Pvt. 1918 SVC Comd Unit - World War II  Dec. 9, 1897-July 8, 1968

 Wetzel, Samuel B.                        1898-1982
 Wetzel, Laura R.                         1898-1991

 Buchowski, Thomas J.                     May 20, 1966-Nov. 8, 1987
 McConnell, Ralph C.                      1913-[blank]
 McConnell, Bertha M.                     1917-[blank]

Row 20

 Moore, Billie Jo               1980-1996

 McConnell, D. Walter           1916-1995
 McConnell, Mary L.             1924-[blank]

 Dicks, Lester G.               1915-1970

 Martin, Helen P.               1912-1975
 Martin, Clare E.               1912-1987

 Martin, Clare E.
 AMM3 U.S. Navy - World War II  Jan. 7, 1912-Apr. 24, 1987

 Garwig, Harold L.              1908-1993
 Garwig, Ethel M.               1906-1996

 Kloss, Jessie B.               1922-1982

 Kloss, William C.              Nov. 18, 1918-Mar. 11, 1995
 S2 U.S. Navy - World War II
 Kloss, Geraldine S.            Sept. 9, 1915-Mar. 17, 1994

Row 21

 Carter, Rev. Edwin V.                       1914-1990
 Carter, Marie M.                            1920-[blank]

 Booher, Eva L.                              1881-1969
 Booher, Martin R.                           1882-1973

 Walton, Robert M.
 SP 4 HHSB 6th BN. 11th Arty. - Vietnam War  1948-1970

 Walton, Aubrey M.                           1914-1995
 Walton, Ila M.                              1919-[blank]

 Shalenberger, Willis E.                     1912-[blank]
 Shalenberger, Gladys L.                     1914-1992

 Kretzer, Earl E.                            1921-1991
 World War II
 Kretzer, Ann                                1921-[blank]

 Emery, William P.
 Cpl. U.S. Army - World War II               Sept. 1, 1927-Feb. 7, 1992

Row 22

 Whiting, Jeva J.
 Whiting, Lee E.       1909-1991
 U.S. Army veteran     1909-1992

 Whiting, Thelma       1919-1980

 Cook, William A.      1914-1972
 Cook, Dorothy P.      1916-[blank]

 Conant, Kyle Vincent  Oct. 7, 1980

 Robinson, Andrew V.   May 17, 1974

 Conant, Vincent V.    1913-1991
 Conant, Alice A.      1922-[blank]

Row 23

 Butia, Tina         1914-1970
 Butia, Harry        1911-1993

 Booher, Wilson      1911-1996
 Booher, Pansie N.   1912-[blank]

 Booher, Dale N.     1942-1986
 Booher, Shirley R.  1944-[blank]

Row 24

 Shaw, Harold F. Sonny         1938-1994
 Shaw, Terry A. Meade          1948-[blank]

 Osborn, Janet R.              1928-1993

 Osborn, Rev. David C.         1909-1986

 Urelet, Grace Martha O'Brien  born June 22, 1917
                               died Feb. 4, 1994 aged 76

                          Unmarked/Location Unknown

 BANKS, Andrew                         d. Apr. 7, 1902 aged 78 yrs.

 BANKS, Hannah                         d. Aug. 7, 1894 aged 64 yrs. old

 BOOZEL, Nancy                         d. July 20, 1905 aged 79 yrs.

 DICKS, Aaron Ephraim                  d. Feb. 12, 1937 aged 68 yrs.

 ELDER, male
 son of A. M. & Bessie Elder           d. Apr. 23, 1902 aged 1 dy.

 JORDAN, Earl Oskey
 son of J. & Emma Jordan               d. Feb. 9, 1895 aged 9 ds.

 JORDAN, Eurasia E.        d. Feb. 25, 1897 aged 34 yrs.

 McCONNELL, Mary B.        d. Feb. 1, 1899 aged 75 yrs.

 PATTERSON, Matilda        d. Oct. 29, 1904 aged 92 yrs.

 PETTITT, Mary Ann         d. Dec. 10, 1901 aged 76 yrs.

 RICE, [Mary] Elizabeth    d. Apr. 15, 1899 aged 61 yrs.

 RICHAEL, W. J.            d. Feb. 15, 1895 aged 45 yrs.

 STINEDURF, infant female
 daughter of R. W. & Lizzie Stinedurf  d. Mar. 5, 1899 aged 1 dy.

 son of Smith & Sarah Walters          d. Apr. 10, 1895 aged 12 yrs.

 WAREHAM, Virginia        d. Sept. 1894 aged 62 yrs.

 WOODS, A. Howard         d. May 11, 1904 aged 57 yrs.