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Bios: R. C. G. WHITE, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens
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  Ed McClelland
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       R. C. G. WHITE,
   [p. 501] one of the most prominent funeral directors of New Castle, Pa.,
   has been a resident of the city for a period of thirty-three years and
   is widely known among the citizens of Lawrence County. He was born in
   Slippery Rock Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, in 1850, is a son
   of James B. White, and grandson of James White, who was one of the
   pioneer settlers of the county.
   James B. White, father of R. C. G. White, was born in Perry Township,
   Lawrence County, in 1823, and throughout his active life followed the
   trade of blacksmith.
   R. C. G. White was reared and educated in Slippery Rock Township, and in
   early life learned the trade of a harness maker and saddler in
   Harlansburg, after which he worked at his trade several years in New
   Castle, and then for two years at Grove City. He disposed of his
   establishment in the latter place because of poor health and went into
   the woods, working at coaling some two years. He then became a grocer
   and an extensive dealer in produce, following that business some ten or
   twelve years with unqualified success. At the end of that time he sold
   out and assumed charge of the office work in the establishment of J. J.
   Dean, wholesale grocer. He was elected treasurer of Lawrence County, and
   efficiently discharged the duties of that office one term, after which
   he embarked in the furniture and undertaking business as a member of the
   firm of Offutt, White & Company. At the end of five years, he sold out
   his interest to his partner and engaged in the undertaking business for
   himself. He has continued ever since, and has one of the largest and
   best paying establishments in that line in Lawrence County. He is a man
   of enterprise and spirit and has the highest esteem and confidence of
   his fellow men. He has always been deeply interested in matters
   pertaining to education, and is serving his ninth year as a member of
   the School Board, and has been president of that body four years, and is
   also chairman of the Building Committee.
   Mr. White was first married in 1872 to Miss Mary J. Dean, who died
   leaving one daughter, Bertha, who is the wife of Homer Lamson of East
   Liverpool, Ohio. His second union, in 1881, was with Miss Margaret
   Colnot, by whom he has two children: J. Russell, who is connected with
   the auditing department of the Standard Car Works of Butler,
   Pennsylvania, and Ralph, who is a student in the High School at New Castle.
   Mr. White is a member and secretary of Lodge of the Craft No. 433, F. &
   A. M., of which he is also Past Master. He is a member of the Delta
   Chapter No. 170, R. A. M., of Hiram Council R. & S. M., and of New
   Castle Lodge of Perfection, A. A. S. R. He is Past Commander of Lawrence
   Commandery, No. 62 Knights Templar; Recorder of the Commandery; a member
   of Syria Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Pittsburg; of Shenango Lodge No.
   195 and Encampment No. 86, I. O. O. F., and is Past Grand, Past Chief
   Patriarch and Past Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias. He is also a
   member of the New Castle Club. He is one of the most active members of
   the Western Pennsylvania Undertakers' Association, serving as a member
   of the executive committee, and also belongs to the State Undertakers'
   Association. Religiously, he is a member of the First Christian church,
   and for a great many years has been on its official board.
   20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and
   Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing
   Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
   Updated: 30 Oct 2001