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Bios: JOHN CHARLES McKINNEY, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens
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  File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
  Ed McClelland
  An html version of this volume may be found at
  [p. 639] a well-known and respected citizen of Big Beaver Township, is
  the owner of 100 acres of land and is extensively engaged in
  agricultural pursuits. He was born in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania,
  November 6, 1867, and is a son of Robert and Julia (Delaney) McKinney.
  William McKinney, grandfather of John C., was born in Ireland and in
  early life came to America. He became one of the early settlers of
  Butler County, Pennsylvania, and was there the owner of a farm, which in
  after years became valuable through the discovery of oil. He died at the
  age of forty years. He was the progenitor of five children, of whom
  Robert was third in order of birth. The latter was born in Butler
  County, and was there reared on a farm. Some years after his first
  marriage he and wife, Rebecca, moved to Iowa, and just two hours after
  arriving at their destination she died of cholera. By that union he had
  two children: William, deceased, and Thomas. He subsequently was joined
  in marriage with Julia Delaney, and they moved to Arkansas, where they
  lived until the outbreak of the Civil War. Being Union sympathizers,
  they were given twenty-four hours' notice to leave the country, and they
  returned to Pennsylvania. They located in Allegheny County, where he
  followed the trade of blacksmithing and also practiced as a veterinary
  surgeon. He was a skillful mechanic and could successfully turn his hand
  to various trades. He remained in Allegheny County about ten years, then
  moved to Lawrence County and for a period of twelve years rented a farm
  in Big Beaver Township. At the end of that time he returned to Iowa,
  where he lived until his death, in 1903, at the age of seventy-three
  years. His wife preceded him to the grave, dying in 1898. They were
  parents of the following children: Mary L., wife of S. R. Shuller; Sarah
  (Simpson); Amelia, wife of John Smith; Carrie, wife of S. E. Drew, and
  John Charles.
  John Charles McKinney was about five years of age when he moved with his
  parents from his native county to Big Beaver Township, Lawrence County,
  where he was reared until his sixteenth year. He then went to Iowa with
  his people, but returned alone about four years later. He was married
  about that time and purchased the place of his father-in-law, the old
  Patterson homestead, in Big Beaver Township, his present farm. He has
  followed farming since and has met with good results, and now takes rank
  with the substantial men of the vicinity.
  Mr. McKinney was married in October, 1888, to Anna Mary Patterson, a
  daughter of Robert Patterson, who was one of the old and respected men
  of the township. This union resulted in the birth of eleven children, as
  follows: Lamont, Earl, Laura, Glen, Homer, Martha, Mildred, Margaret,
  Wilda, James and Pauline. Politically Mr. McKinney is a Republican, but
  has never sought for political preferment.
  20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and
  Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing
  Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
  Updated: 20 Nov 2001