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Bios: WILLIAM A. McKEAN, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens
    Copyright.  All rights reserved.
  File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
  Ed McClelland
  An html version of this volume may be found at
  [p. 902] whose valuable farm of ninety-five and one-half acres is
  located in Little Beaver Township, in Lawrence County, near the Ohio
  State line was born on the old home farm in Darlington Township, Beaver
  County, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1862. His parents were Daniel Adams
  and Mary E. (Marshall) McKean.
  The grandfather, Johnston McKean, was born in Westmoreland County,
  Pennsylvania, and from there came to Lawrence County at a very early
  day. He married Margaret Adams, who was born near the site of the farm
  now owned by William A. McKean. They both died at the home of their son,
  Daniel Adams, in Beaver County. They had the following children: Daniel
  A., George, John, Mary, Lucinda, all deceased, and Margaret, Nancy and
  Levina, surviving.
  Daniel Adams was born April 4, 1828, and died in February, 1904. He
  acquired the old home farm and purchased an adjoining one and at the
  time of death owned 265 acres all of which remains in the family. Daniel
  A. McKean married Mary E. Marshall, who was born and reared in Little
  Beaver Township. She still resides in Darlington Township, Beaver
  County. The following children were born to Daniel A. McKean and wife:
  Johnston M., William Adams, Elizabeth A., Robert H., Clara E., John W.
  and Charles A.. Of the above family Robert H. and John W. are deceased.
  Clara E. is the wife of G. O. Young.
  The boyhood of William Adams McKean was pleasantly spent on the old home
  farm in Darlington Township, where he attended the district schools and
  took part in the usual social life of the neighborhood. He assisted his
  father on the home farm until 1899, when the latter purchased the
  present farm from the Sproatt estate, and then he came to Little Beaver
  Township and took charge of it. The place had been neglected by former
  tenants and Mr. McKean found a large amount of hard work awaiting him
  before he could get the farm into satisfactory condition. He has carried
  on general farming here ever since and through good management and much
  improving has made his land productive and the property exceedingly
  Mr. McKean was married in 1892, in Little Beaver Township, to Bella
  Watt, who is a daughter of Samuel Watt. In politics he is a stanch
  Republican, has frequently been called upon to fill office, and is
  serving his second term as constable and has been assessor and tax
  collector. Mr. McKean has other interests in this section and is a
  stockholder in the Enon Valley Telephone Company.
  20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and
  Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing
  Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
  Co. Histories <>
  Updated: 24 Jan 2002