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Bios: JOHN W. COX 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens
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  Ed McClelland
  An html version of this volume may be found at
      JOHN W. COX,
  [p. 414] one of Wilmington Township's most prominent citizens, who is
  extensively engaged in farming, is also identified with the scientific
  department connected with the State Agricultural Department of the
  Government. Mr. Cox was born in Wilmington Township, Lawrence County,
  Pennsylvania, December 27, 1868, and is a son of Thomas and Annie
  (Layton) Cox.
  The late Thomas Cox was born in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and was
  a son of William and Hannah Cox, who came to this section from England.
  Thomas Cox subsequently located in Lawrence County, acquired a large
  body of land and followed an agricultural life until his death on March
  15, 1907.
  John W. Cox resides on his own farm of 125 acres, which is situated on
  the west side of the Wilmington Junction road, in Wilmington Township.
  He is the executor of his late father's estate and cultivates 215 acres
  of the old homestead farm. He obtained a good public school education
  and later took a commercial course in Duff's Business College. From
  boyhood he has taken a deep and intelligent interest in all matters
  pertaining to agriculture and has made a special study of many branches.
  Agriculture is a liberal profession, embracing, as it does, a perfect
  knowledge of the earth and its products, together with a philosophy of
  economics that understands the necessities of demand and supply. The
  time has passed when a farmer is only a farmer. For some years Mr. Cox
  has been a lecturer on agricultural subjects and is commissioned to
  attend the farmers' institutes in different parts of the country, his
  duties requiring about twenty-five days' absence from home in the year.
  He represents the division of Zoölogy, although his studies and
  investigations have made him acquainted with many other special lines.
  This scientific work requires a large part of his time.
  On September 24, 1895, Mr. Cox was married to Susan E. Foster, who is a
  daughter of Rev. J. M. and Louisa (Cross) Foster, the former of whom is
  pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Parker's Landing, Pa. Mr.
  and Mrs. Cox have a family of three sons and two daughters, namely:
  Lawrence, who was born July 18, 1896; Anna, who was born December 7,
  1897; Harriet, who was born July 5, 1900; Thomas, who was born January
  23, 1905, and Norman, who was born June 21, 1907. Mr. Cox and family
  belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church at New Wilmington, in which
  they are active and of which he is a trustee. He is an official in the
  beneficiary order of the Protected Home Circle. For a number of years he
  has been a much interested member of Neshannock Lodge No. 521, Odd
  Fellows, of which he is treasurer.
  20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and
  Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing
  Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
  Updated: 17 Oct 2001