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Chap XI: 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens
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  Prominent Physicians of the Past and of the Present.
  The first to practice the healing art in New Castle was Cornelius
  Hendrickson, who settled here about 1798 or 1799. He was not a regular
  physician, but was always known as Dr. Hendrickson. He dealt in herbs
  and simples, and doubtless in the absence of any higher medical
  authority accomplished much good by his superior knowledge of domestic
  The first regular practitioner of medicine who settled in New Castle
  and, we believe, in Lawrence County, who practiced medicine as a means
  of a livelihood and to whom the title of M. D. was due, was Dr. John
  Dickey, who practiced here successfully until the War of 1812, when he
  entered the army and died in the service in the year 1813.
  His immediate successor was Dr. Alexander Gilfillan, a native of
  Ireland, who settled in New Castle in 1813. Before coming here he was a
  surgeon in the United States regular army. After practicing his
  profession here for about two years he was accidentally drowned while
  seining in the Neshannock Creek, June 17, 1815.
  Soon after we hear of a Dr. Quimby, who was followed by a Dr. Stevenson
  and Dr. Cribble, none of whom, however, remained here for more than a
  short time, departing for other and more promising fields.
  One of the earliest and at the same time one of the most successful
  physicians of the county was Dr. William H. Shaw. He was born in Troy,
  N. Y., in 1790. He received a regular collegiate education, and choosing
  medicine as a profession, graduated in the city of New York. He took
  part in the War of 1812, first as a volunteer, subsequently as a
  surgeon. He first settled in Jamestown, N. Y., but left there finally
  with the intention of locating at some eligible point in the West or
  Southwest. His library he shipped by boat, intending to intercept it at
  some point on the Ohio River, while he came overland. Upon arriving at
  New Castle he put up at a tavern kept by Alexander Hawthorne. He then
  had no intention of settling in New Castle, but, on account of high
  water in the streams, he was compelled to stop, as he thought for only a
  few days, but the fact becoming known that he was a physician, his
  services were requested in several cases, and it finally resulted in his
  making New Castle a place of permanent residence. He never heard
  afterwards of his library which he had shipped by boat.
  DR. A. W. COWDEN was one of the early practitioners of the county, and a
  very successful one. He settled in New Castle in the year 1829, and
  followed his profession in this vicinity until 1865, when he removed to
  Princeton, where he died December 6, 1875. Dr. Cowden was not a regular
  graduate of medicine, but he was a close observer of disease, and an
  excellent diagnostician, rivaling many who had the superior advantage of
  an early medical education. As a man, he was genial and wholesouled;
  always cheerful, always affable, [p. 164] but with these qualities
  somewhat sullied with his jealousy of new doctors, or "new fangled"
  ideas of medicine. Unfortunately, like many physicians, especially those
  of the earlier days, he was a poor collector, and after practicing
  arduously for more than forty years, was little better off, financially,
  than when he commenced his career; for in those times a load of refuse
  hay or straw was considered sufficient to pay for a whole year's
  DR. POLLOCK settled about four miles south of New Castle, in 1826. He
  was born in the year 1788, and finished his collegiate course in 1808.
  In 1810 he commenced the practice of medicine in Washington County, near
  Monongahela City. Dr. Pollock was known, not only for his medical
  abilities, but was recognized as one of the leading men in the western
  part of the state, and was a frequent contributor to various
  periodicals, on many questions that were of interest to the public. Many
  of his articles are used as historical data to this day. He died on the
  6th of October, 1856.
  About the year 1830, DR. JAMES A. COSSITT settled in New Castle, having
  come here from Mercer. After remaining here a few years, he again
  changed his location, removing to the state of Illinois. He remained
  there about two years, and returned to New Castle, in which place he
  settled permanently, and followed his profession until within a few
  years of his death, which occurred in 1875. Dr. Cossitt was born in
  Hartford, Conn., in the year 1795. He served in the War of 1812 as
  assistant surgeon, settling afterwards in Mercer. The doctor was a
  perfect model of a true gentleman of the "old school," polite, affable,
  and courteous in the extreme, but tempered with a great deal of dignity.
  He had a high opinion of the honor pertaining to the profession, and of
  the code of ethics which should govern professional brethren.
  DR. A. ANDREWS, settled in New Castle in 1834. He practiced here for
  some years, when he finally removed to Mahoningtown, where he shortly
  afterwards died. He was known as a zealous churchman, and left the
  greater part of his property to the Episcopal Church in this city. He
  was followed by DR. BARLOW, who opened a drug store in connection with
  his practice.
  DR. WILLIAM WOODS practiced in Pulaski at an early date, and
  successfully through a long period of years, and enjoyed, in a marked
  degree, the confidence of the community in which he resided. He died in
  DR. ISAAC COWDEN practiced for many years in New Wilmington; in fact,
  the name of Cowden may be called a medical one in this and adjoining
  counties, and has furnished more physicians, if we except the name of
  Cunningham, who afterwards removed to New Brighton, Beaver County.
  DR. SETH POPINO, a student of Dr. Cowden's, graduated at Cleveland, and
  settled in New Wilmington, where he remained practicing his profession
  successfully until his death, which occurred during the winter of
  1875-6. He was universally respected apart from his medical abilities,
  as a man of honor, and his word was known literally to be as good as his
  bond. He was always to be found at his post, rarely absenting himself,
  even for a day, from the duties of his profession.
  DR. WILLIAM SMITH removed from Beaver County to the lower part of
  Lawrence County in 1853, and settled near Moravia. He at one time
  represented the former county in the State Legislature. He soon enjoyed
  all the advantages and disadvantages of a large country practice, and
  rode extensively all over the lower part of the county. He changed his
  location to Enon Valley in 1872, but shortly afterwards his health began
  to give way, and he died in the latter place, July 5, 1873. Dr. Smith
  was a man universally liked and respected for his many good qualities
  and his genial, whole-souled manner.
  DR. J. B. REINHOLDT was born in Lawrence County in the year 1837. He
  graduated from Jefferson College, Philadelphia, in the year 1862. He
  immediately entered [p. 165] the army as volunteer surgeon, and remained
  until the close of the rebellion. He then settled in Muscatine, Iowa;
  but in 1868 returned to his native county and resumed the practice of
  his profession. He practiced with honor, and attained success chiefly as
  a surgeon, but his health failing, he took a trip to Minnesota, in the
  hope that a complete change of climate would effect a cure, but returned
  in the fall with his health still impaired, and wholly unfit to resume
  the practice of his profession, and, in spite of all medical treatment,
  continued to fail until death came to his relief. He died March 31,
  1873, at the early age of thiirty-six years.
  DR. WILCOX practiced for some years in Mount Jackson. His health giving
  way under the arduous duties of his profession, he opened a drug store
  in New Castle, but shortly afterwards removed to California.
  DR. GEMMIL, a contemporary with Doctors Shaw, Cowden, Woods and Cossitt
  practiced most successfully in New Castle for a long period of years,
  and rode from one end of the county to the other, being at the same time
  in the drug business. He afterwards removed to Cincinnati, but returned
  in a few years. After practicing in this part of the county for some
  time, he became interested in the oil business in Slippery Rock, and, it
  is said, met with some success, long after the business had been given
  up by everybody else as a failure.
  DR. DANIEL LEASURE graduated at Jefferson Medical College in 1846. He
  settled in New Castle in 1849, and practiced in the city successfully
  until the breaking out of the rebellion, when he organized two military
  companies in the vicinity. He was shortly afterwards promoted to a
  colonelcy, and served with distinction during the entire war, at the
  close of which he was breveted brigadier-general. He then practiced a
  few years in this city, removing, in 1870, to Allegheny City.
  DR. J. H. M. PEEBLES graduated at Jefferson College in 1850, and
  immediately afterwards settled in New Castle. He soon took a front rank
  among the physicians of the county, and practiced successfully until
  1860, when he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, remaining there but a short
  time. He returned to New Castle and resumed the practice of his
  profession in the latter place. During the war he was appointed
  examining surgeon of the county, and in 1877 was president of the Select
  Council of the city.
  DR. J. M. WALLACE graduated at Jefferson Medical College in 1846. He
  practiced a few years in Darlington, Beaver County, but settled in New
  Castle in 1850. He was elected to Congress in 1860, and took part in
  that Congress which directed the movements of the war. After serving his
  term, he was appointed paymaster, which position he held until 1865,
  when he returned to New Castle and resumed the duties of his profession.
  In 1874 he was re-elected to Congress.
  DR. JAMES J. WALLACE graduated at Jefferson Medical College in 1851, and
  the same year settled in New Castle, where he met with marked success.
  He was a great favorite throughout the rural districts, his practice
  extending over the whole county.
  DR. R. D. WALLACE, graduated in the Cleveland Medical College in the
  year 1853, after which he joined the tide of emigration westward and
  settled in California. He returned to the East in 1856, and settled in
  New Castle the same year.
  DR. E. M. BARKER graduated at the Cleveland Medical College, and
  subsequently attended a course of lectures at the University of
  Pennsylvania. He settled in New Wilmington in 1859, and practiced his
  profession there until 1861, when he returned to New Castle.
  DR. MITCHLETREE practiced for a series of years in Edenburg, and had a
  large and successful business in that part of the county.
  DR. E. BRUGH graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1851, and
  for a short time was resident physician to the [p. 166] Philadelphia
  Hospital. He practiced for a while in Steubenville, Ohio, but located in
  Wilmington in 1861.
  DR. JOHN WOODS, a graduate of the Cleveland Medical College, first
  settled in Greenfield, Mercer County, but subsequently located in New
  Wilmington. Remaing there a short time, he returned to New Castle and,
  after practicing here for some years, again settled in New Wilmington.
  DR. SILAS STEVENSON practiced for some years in Bedford, locating there
  upon the departure of Dr. Alex. McClure.
  DR. C. K. RILEY settled in Pulaski in 1861, at the earnest solicitation
  of Dr. William Woods, whose health at that time was failing. He was
  appointed contract surgeon during the rebellion, but having to abandon
  the service on account of ill health, he again settled in Pulaski.
  DR. D. CUNNINGHAM, a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, after
  serving as assistant surgeon in the army during the Civil War, settled
  in Wurtemburg, where he continued in the successful practice of his
  profession for a number of years.
  DR. THOMAS MEHARD, a graduate of Cleveland Medical College, settled in
  Wampum in the early seventies. He took a prominent rank among the
  physicians in the county and succeeded to an extensive practice.
  DR. HALL practiced for a number of years in Harlansburg, carrying on a
  drug store in connection with his profession.
  DR. M. P. ROBINSON, a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, first
  settled in the northern part of the county, but in a short time moved to
  Mahoningtown, where he soon gained the confidence of the community and
  established himself in a good practice.
  DR. JOHN C. McKEE, graduated at Miami Medical College in 1873. He
  located in Princeton where he rapidly became known as a successful
  DR. H. P. PEEBLES, also a graduate of Miami College, in 1873, settled in
  New Castle and practiced for some time with his father, Dr. J. H. M.
  DR. DAVID P. JACKSON graduated at Miami Medical College in 1874 and in
  the same year settled in New Castle. He was a specialist in ophthalmology.
  DR. W. D. SMITH, a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, settled in
  Eastbrook in 1876, where he established himself in a large practice.
  I. A. WINTERNITZ, M. D., now deceased, was born in New Castle in 1860.
  He was a member of the class of 1882 of Miami Medical College, in
  Cincinnati, and there after practiced in New Castle until 1888. He at
  that time went West to Hoxie, Kan., and is now deceased.
  HOWARD E. CAMPBELL, M. D., formerly a practicing physician of New
  Castle, Was born in Lawrence County in 1858. He graduated from the
  medical department of the University of New York in 1890, and located in
  practice at New Castle. He left this city in 1895.
  JOHN A. BLAIR, M. D., who is now living in retirement near Greenville,
  was born in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, in 1855; attended Edinboro
  Normal School and Jefferson Medical College, from which he graduated in
  1890. He located in New Castle in 1891, and was a specialist on the eye
  and ear.
  ARTHUR FOSTER, M. D., formerly a practitioner of New Castle, was born in
  1868, and was educated at Grove City College; he graduated from the
  Toledo Medical College in 1890, and during 1891 was in practice at New
  Castle for a few months. He is not now in practice.
  FREDERICK G. FRESHKORN, M. D., a graduate of the Western University of
  Pennsylvania, was located at New Castle a short time, then moved to
  PARIS SHOAFF, M. D., a graduate of Western Pennsylvania Medical College
  in 1892, practiced from that date until 1894 in New Castle, then moved
  to Mahoningtown, where he subsequently died.
  JOSEPH R. LUTTON, M. D., began practice [p. 167] in New Castle in 1896,
  remained about one year, then located at Rose Point, where he still
  MARK F. TONER, M. D., was born in Westmoreland County in 1867, graduated
  from Jefferson Medical College in 1893, and then practiced a few years
  in New Castle. He is now deceased.
  We have thus sketched briefly above the records of some of the more
  prominent among the early physicians in New Castle and the county
  generally. There were a number of others, both of the regular and
  homeopathic schools, who practiced for a longer or shorter period, but
  of whom we have been unable to obtain a reliable account. As they have
  mostly passed away or have removed to other localities, we shall devote
  the remainder of this chapter to sketches of physicians now practicing
  in the city or county.
  EDWIN C. McCOMB, M. D., was born in Alliance, Ohio, September 3, 1870,
  and was two years old when his parents moved to New Castle. He was
  educated in the public schools and at Grove City College, after which he
  taught for five years in the public schools of Lawrence County. In the
  meantime he read medicine under Dr. R. A. Wallace, of New Castle, and in
  1898 was graduated from the medical department of Western Reserve
  University. He was resident physician of the Shenango Valley Hospital
  one year, since which time he has engaged in general practice. He is a
  member of the medical staff of that institution at the present time. He
  belongs to the Lawrence County Medical Society, the State Medical
  Society, and the American Medical Association.
  WALTER C. KISSINGER, M. D., of New Castle, was born in that city October
  13, 1879, and was reared in Sharon, Pa., where he attended the high
  school and Hall Institute. After graduating from Jefferson Medical
  College in 1903 he was resident physician of the Shenango Valley
  Hospital one year, then engaged in general practice in New Castle. He is
  a member of the Lawrence County Medical Society, the State Medical
  Society, and the American Medical Association.
  JOHN CHARLES HOYE, M. D., who has been in practice at New Castle since
  1901. He was born in Venango County, Pennsylvania, November 28, 1863;
  was educated in the public schools and Grove City College. He read
  medicine under the direction of Dr. A. A. Cunningham, who at that time
  was located at Volant, but is now of Denver, Colo. He was graduated from
  the medical department of Western Reserve University of Cleveland, and
  first engaged in practice in West Middlesex. Four years later he located
  at Volant and there practiced nine years, coming to New Castle June 15,
  1901. He engaged in general practice until the summer of 1908, then
  pursued post-graduate courses in the New York Polyclinic and the New
  York Post-Graduate College. He makes a specialty of diseases of children
  and skin diseases. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical
  Society, the State Medical Society and the American Medical Association.
  HENRY REED WILSON, M. D., of New Castle, was born in New Wilmington,
  Pa., March 4, 1852, and received an educational training in the public
  schools and at Westminster College. He read medicine under Dr. M. P.
  Barker, of New Castle, and in 1873 received his degree from Miami
  Medical College, of Cincinnati, Ohio. He located at Porterville, Butler
  County, where he resided for a period of twenty-eight years, but was not
  in practice during the last year and a half of that time. In 1901 he
  began practice in New Castle, and specializes on diseases of the
  stomach. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical Society, the
  State Medical Society, and the American Medical Association.
  ROBERT G. MILES, M. D., has been engaged in practice in New Castle since
  1895, in which year he was graduated from Jefferson Medical College. He
  came from Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. He is a [p. 168] member of
  the Lawrence County Medical Society and the New Castle Physicians' Club.
  SAMUEL R. W. McCUNE, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Wilkinsburg, Pa.,
  July 8, 1875, and there received a preliminary education in the public
  schools. He then attended Geneva College at Beaver Falls, after which he
  read medicine under Dr. Joseph Z. Dickson a leading surgeon of
  Pittsburg, continuing with him for eight years. He attended the medical
  department of the Western University of Pennsylvania two years and a
  like period in Jefferson Medical College, graduating from that
  institution in 1906. During vacations he spent much time in Pasavant
  Hospital in Pittsburg. He began practice in New Castle in November,
  1906, and has made a specialty of surgery. He is a member of the
  Lawrence County Medical Society and the State Medical Society.
  M. LUTHER ROSS., Ph. B., M. D., was born in Newburg, N. Y., February 7,
  1869; was graduated from Bucknell University in 1899, and from the
  medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1902. He was
  interne in St. Francis Hospital at Jersey City for six months, then
  located in practice at Kaylor, Armstrong County, Pa. In August, 1907, he
  moved to New Castle, where he has since been in practice. He is a member
  of the Lawrence County Medical Society.
  SAMUEL JOHN BRITTON, M . D., specialist on skin diseases, has been a
  resident of New Castle since 1896. He was born in Darlington, Beaver
  County, Pa., November 19, 1850; was educated in Darlington Academy, and
  after leaving that institution read medicine with Dr. W. H. Grim, of
  Beaver Falls, three years. He was graduated in 1875 from the medical
  department of Western Reserve at Cleveland. He engaged in practice at
  Moravia, Pa., for twenty years, then in 1896 moved to New Castle.
  R. G. BOAK, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Slippery Rock Township,
  Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, March 16, 1865, and received his
  educational training in the public schools and Edinboro State Normal
  School. After graduating from that institution he engaged in teaching
  for seven years. He read medicine under Dr. Charles Hunt, of Princeton,
  and attended Baltimore Medical College one year, and the medical
  department of the University of Pennsylvania two years, graduating from
  the last named in 1896. The following year he pursued a post-graduate
  course in gynecology and surgery at the Philadelphia Polyclinic. He
  practiced his profession at Eastbrook until 1900, then removed to New
  Castle. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical Society, the State
  Medical Society, and the American Medical Association.
  ALBERT MERRITT COOK, M. D., was born in Jamestown, N. Y., September 15,
  1854. After finishing his high school course he attended Cornell
  University at Ithaca, N. Y. He taught school for a time and during 1876
  and 1877 engaged in the drug business at Jamestown. He read medicine
  under Dr. William Whitney, of that place, and also under Dr. Whippo, of
  New Castle. He graduated from the University of Buffalo in 1880, and
  from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1883. He engaged in practice
  in New Castle immediately thereafter, and has since continued there in
  general practice. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical Society
  and of the State Medical Society.
  ALLAN W. URMSON, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Sharon, Pa., January
  16, 1871, and was in infancy when his parents moved to New Castle. He
  attended the public schools and Washington and Jefferson College, after
  which he read medicine under Dr. E. A. Dounan. He was graduated from
  Jefferson Medical College in 1897, then for one year was resident
  physician of the Shenango Valley Hospital. He then turned his attention
  to general practice, at which he has since continued. He is local
  surgeon for the Carnegie Steel Works. He is a member of the Baltimore &
  Ohio Railroad Surgeons' Society, the [p. 169] Erie Railroad Surgeons'
  Society, the spent a year at studv in these schools in the Army and Navy
  Surgeons' Society, and of the American Medical Association.
  D. P. JACKSON, M. D., an eye and ear specialist, who moved from New
  Castle to New Jersey in 1892, was born in Lawrence County in 1852. He
  practiced in this city continuously from his graduation from medical
  college in 1874 until his departure.
  JOSEPH I. McKEE, M. D., a native of Lawrence County, was graduated from
  Miami Medical College in 1876, and twice within a few years located in
  New Castle and engaged in practice, then moved to Penn, Westmoreland
  County Pa.
  S. E. McCREARY, M. D. who graduated from Miami Medical College in 1880,
  engaged in practice in New Castle for seven years, then went West.
  JOHN D. WOOD, M. D., the oldest practicing physician in New Castle, was
  born in Franklin, Pa., and received an educational training in the
  public schools and in Allegheny College. He read medicine for two years
  under Dr. John W. Wallace, of New Castle, and attended Cleveland Medical
  College and the University of Pennsylvania. He has enaged in continuous
  practice in New Castle since 1868. He was one of the founders of the
  Lawrence County Medical Society of which he served as secretary off and
  on for about sixteen years. He also was president of that body one year.
  WILLIAM GREY MILLER, M. D., specialist on the eye, ear, nose and throat
  at New Castle, was born in this city December 25, 1873. After completing
  the prescribed course in the high school, he read medicine under Dr. E.
  A. Donnan, and attended the Medical department of Western University of
  Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated in 1898. He was then resident
  physician at the Shenango Valley Hospital one year, and took a
  post-graduate course at Johns Hopkins University in 1899. He also
  completed a post-graduate course in London Royal Opthalmic Hospital and
  at Westminster Opthalmic Hospital, receiving a certificate from each
  institution. He spent a year at study in these schools in London, and
  four months in the University of Vienna, where he pursued a course on
  the ear followed by three months in the Wiedener Ear Hospital in Vienna.
  Dr. Miller was assistant Surgeon of the Fourteenth Regiment,
  Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, during the Spanish-American War, and
  after six months of service was mustered out with the rank of major
  surgeon. In 1899, he went into the United States Army as captain
  assistant surgeon and served six years in the Philippines, leaving the
  army with the rank of captain. He is a member of the Lawrence County
  Medical Society, the State Medical Society, the American Medical
  Association, and the Association of Military Surgeons of the United
  States. He opened an office for practice in New Castle, April 1, 1908.
  JOHN FOSTER, M. D., of New Castle, was born at Rossville, Pa., December
  13, 1872; attended the public schools of Venango County, New Castle High
  School, and the medical department of the Western University of
  Pennsylvania, graduating in 1894. He has practiced in New Castle
  throughout his professional career. He is a member of the Lawrence
  County Medical Society, the American Medical Association and the
  Physicians' Club of New Castle. He is on the surgical staff of Shenango
  Valley Hospital.
  HARRY W. McKEE, A. M., M. D., of New Castle, was born May 16, 1862;
  attended the public schools, Washington and Jefferson College, and
  Jefferson Medical College, graduating from the last named institution in
  1887. He pursued a post-graduate course in New York Polyclinic in 1895,
  and in the Post-Graduate College of New York City, in 1898. He first
  practiced in Glenshaw, Allegheny County, where he continued until 1898,
  then located in New Castle. He is on the staff of surgeons of the
  Shenango Valley Hospital. He belongs to the Lawrence County Medical Society.
  LENORA HAMILTON GAGEBY, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Johnstown,
  Pa.; [p. 170] attended New Castle High School and then the Women's
  Medical College of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, graduating therefrom
  in 1901. She pursued a post-graduate course in the New England Hospital
  at Boston, then opened an office for practice in New Castle, making a
  specialty of diseases of women and children. She is a member of the
  Lawrence County Medical Society and the American Medical Association.
  E. HUNTER PERRY, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Townville, Crawford
  County, Pennsylvania, March 20, 1878; attended the public schools,
  LeBouf Academy, at Waterford, Pa., and Allegheny College. He read
  medicine under Dr. T. C. Whitney, of Frewsburg, N. Y., and was graduated
  from the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, in 1902. He
  practiced one year at McKean, Pa., four years at Salisbury, Somerset
  County, and, in December, 1906, began practice in New Castle, where he
  has since continued. He is a member of the Physicians' Club of New
  Castle, the Lawrence County Medical Society, the State Medical Society
  and the American Medical Association.
  LEWIS O. PHILLIPS, M. D., has been engaged in practice in New Castle
  since 1891. He was born at Edinburg, Lawrence County, in 1862; attended
  the public schools and Butler University at Irvington, Ind. He read
  medicine under Dr. M. Linville, of New Castle, and attended the
  Jefferson Medical College, from which he was graduated with the class of
  1885. He located in New Castle in 1891, and has since been in practice here.
  DAVID R. HARRIS, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Dowlais, South Wales,
  in 1854, and was eight years old when brought by his parents to America.
  He was educated in the public schools of Pittsburg and Western
  University of Pennsylvania. He began his preparation for the profession
  under Dr. J. H. Buffum, of Pittsburg, and continued his studies in the
  Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia, from which he was graduated
  March 11, 1878. He came to New Castle in July of that year, and has
  practiced here since. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical
  Society, the State Homeopathic Medical Society and the American
  Institute of Homeopathy.
  WILLIAM H. LEE, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Addison, Somerset
  County, Pennsylvania, March 8, 1862, and is a son of Dr. Charles H. Lee,
  of New Castle; after completing a preliminary educational training in
  the public schools and Tarentum Academy, he read medicine under his
  father and attended Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, from which he
  graduated in 1886. He practiced in New Castle several years, then
  pursued a post-graduate course on the eye, ear, nose and throat in the
  Hospital Ophthalmic College, of New York, graduating therefrom in 1891.
  In 1894 he completed a course on the eye, ear, nose and throat in the
  New York Post-Graduate College. In his practice he specializes on these
  CHARLES H. LEE, M. D., who has been in practice in New Castle since
  1880, was born in Allegheny City, Pa., May 31, 1840; was educated in the
  public schools and in a private school in his natal city; then read
  medicine under Dr. John Cooper, of Allegheny. He was graduated from the
  Hahnemann Medical College in 1864, then for one year was resident
  physician of the Pittsburg Homeopathic Hospital. He went from there to
  Tarentum, where he remained ten years, being out of practice one year;
  then spent one year in Butler prior to coming to New Castle. He
  completed a post-graduate course on diseases of the chest, nose and
  throat in the New York Post-Graduate College.
  JOHN D. TUCKER, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Beaver County,
  Pennsylvania August 14, 1873, and was young when brought by his parents
  to New Castle. He was educated in the high school, and took his medical
  course in Jefferson Medical College, from which he graduated in 1900. He
  was for a time house physician of the Shenango Valley Hospital. He is a
  member [p. 171] of the Lawrence County Medical Society, the State
  Medical Society, the American Medical Association and the Physicians'
  Club of New Castle.
  ANNA M. JACK, M. E., M. D., has been in the practice of her profession
  in New Castle since 1899. She was born in Alexandria, Westmoreland
  County, Pa., and received an educational training in the public schools,
  and in the Indiana State Normal School, from which she was graduated in
  1890 with the degree of M. E. She engaged in teaching two years, then
  entered the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia,
  graduating in 1897. She did post-graduate work at Johns Hopkins
  University. She practiced one year in Williamsburg, then in 1899 located
  in New Castle. She is a member of the Lawrence County Medical Society
  and the State Medical Society.
  C. FENWICK McDOWELL, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Shenango County
  [sic], Pennsylvania, February 14, 1874; was educated in the public
  schools and Grove City College. After teaching in the schools for two or
  three years he entered the medical department of the University of
  Michigan, from which he was graduated in 1899. He one year as resident
  physician at Shenango Valley Hospital, and has since been in practice at
  New Castle. He is a member of the Physicians' Club, the Lawrence County
  Medical Society, the State Medical Society and the American Medical
  DON C. LINDLEY, M. D., eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, of New
  Castle, was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, April 23, 1876; he
  was graduated in the grade and high schools, and the California State
  Normal School. He read medicine under Dr. E. H. Cary, of Prosperity,
  Pa., and was graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1901. He
  pursued a post-graduate course in the same institution on the eye, ear,
  nose and throat, and also in the Philadelphia Polyclinic, from which he
  graduated in 1903. He, in the meantime, been engaged in general practice
  at New Wilmington for two years, and in 1904 located in New Castle. He
  is a member of the Lawrence Medical Society, the State Medical Society
  and the American Medical Association.
  EDMUND ARTHUR DONNAN, A. M., M. D., has been in active practice in New
  Castle since 1881. He was born in Hickory, Washington County, Pa.,
  February 22, 1858; he attended Jefferson Academy at Canonsburg and the
  high school at Washington, after which he entered Washington and
  Jefferson College. He was graduated with the degree of A. B., in 1877
  and several years later that institution conferred upon him the degree
  of A. M. He read medicine in Pittsburg, with a cousin, Dr. Ing. Donnan,
  and was graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1880. He was
  visiting surgeon for the Charity Hospital in Philadelphia six months,
  then in 1881 located in New Castle, where he has since continued. He is
  a member of the Lawrence County Medical Society, and the Pennsylvania
  State Medical Society.
  LOUIS P. KNOLL, PH. G., M. D., a specialist on the eye, ear, nose and
  throat, who is engaged in practice in New Castle, was born in Buffalo,
  N. Y., March 7, 1877. After graduating from Buffalo High School, he took
  a two years' course in biology in the University of Maryland. He read
  medicine under his brother, Dr. John G. W. Knoll, of Buffalo, and was
  graduated from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 1904. He
  spent six months in the German Deaconess' Hospital, at Buffalo, then
  moved to New Castle, where he has since continued. The degree of Ph. G.
  was received by him from the University of the State of New York. During
  the Spanish-American War, he enlisted as hospital steward, and was first
  assigned to the Norfolk Naval Hospital, and later to the Monitor
  Puritan, and the Gunboat Mangrove. He is a member of the Lawrence County
  Medical Society, the State Medical Society and the American Medical
  ELIZABETH McLAUGHREY, A. B., M. D., [p. 172] of New Castle, was born in
  New Wilmington, Pa., and received a classical education in Westminster
  College, from which she graduated in 1887. After teaching three years in
  the high school, at Braddock, Pa., she entered the Woman's Medical
  College of Pennsylvania, located at Philadelphia, and was graduated in
  1894. She spent one year at the New England Hospital in Boston, then
  located in New Castle in 1895. She has taken two post-graduate courses
  at Johns Hopkins University, in gynecology and diseases of children;
  spent two months in Great Ormond St. Hospital, London, on diseases of
  children, and a like period on gynecology and obstetrics in Algeminen
  Krankenhause, at Vienna. She is a member of the Lawrence County Medical
  Society and the State Medical Society.
  HOLLIS G. DEAN, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Mercer County,
  Pennsylvania, June 23, 1865; was educated in McElwain Institute in New
  Lebanon, and then read medicine under Dr. J. M. Douds, of Mercer. He
  graduated from the Chicago Homeopathic College in 1891, then engaged in
  practice at Franklin, Pa., and in Oil City, until his removal to New
  Castle some seven years later. He took post-graduate work in New York
  Post-Graduate School and Hospital, in 1907, especially on diseases of
  the stomach. He is a member of the Pennsylvania State Homeopathic
  Medical Society, the American Institute of Homeopathy, the Lawrence
  County Medical Society and the American Medical Association.
  JESSE R. DEAN, M. D., has been in practice in New Castle since 1894. He
  was born near Portersville, in Butler County, September 24, 1871; was
  educated in the public schools and Grove City College, and attended the
  medical department of Western University of Pennsylvania, from which he
  was graduated in 1894. For nearly a year he was in attendance at St.
  Thomas Hospital, London, then located in New Castle. He is a member of
  the Lawrence County Medical Society, the State Medical Society, the
  American Medical Association and the Physicians' Club of New Castle.
  EDWARD BARNES, M. D., specialist on chronic diseases at New Castle, was
  born in Sandy Lake, Mercer County, Pa., November 30, 1856; was educated
  in the common schools and Edinboro State Normal School, and read
  medicine under Drs. M. R. Boyd and J. R. Borland, of Franklin. He
  graduated from the Eclectic Medical College of Indianapolis, in 1882,
  and first located for practice in Westmoreland County. He was in ill
  health for about fifteen years and did little practice. In 1899 he
  located in New Castle and as a specialist has since been in active
  practice. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Eclectic Medical
  Association and the Eclectic National Medical Association. In 1889 he
  pursued a post-graduate course in the New York Post-Graduate School. He
  has served as a member of the Common Council of New Castle, and, in
  1903, was city physician. He is a member of the staff of the Shenango
  Valley Hospital.
  JAMES M. POPP, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Allegheny City February
  11, 1863; was educated in the public schools, and read medicine under
  Dr. Charles Clifford, of Braddock, Pa. He was graduated from the medical
  department of Western University of Pennsylvania, March 25, 1897, then
  took an additional year of post-graduate work in that institution. He
  was then for a time interne in the Western Pennsylvania Hospital, and in
  1898 located in New Castle. He is a member of the Physicians' Club, of
  the Lawrence County Medical Society, the State Medical Society and the
  American Medical Association. He has specialized somewhat in surgery.
  WILLIAM ALEXANDER WOMER, A. B., M. D., became established in practice in
  New Castle in 1905. He was born at Mercer, Pa., February 26, 1881;
  attended the public schools and McElwain Institute at New Lebanon, and
  in 1896 was graduated from the academic department and in music, at
  Allegheny College, from which [p. 173] he was graduated in 1900, with
  the degree of A. B. During this time he was for a year principal of the
  commercial department, and during the last year was assistant to the
  professor of biology. He graduated from the medical department of
  Western University of Pennsylvania in 1905, and began practice in New
  Castle. He is a member of the Physicians' Club of New Castle, the
  Lawrence Medical Society, of which he is secretary; the State Medical
  Society and the American Medical Association. He is author of a volume
  entitled, "German for Physicians."
  WILLIAM GILBERT WILSON, M. D., has been in practice in New Castle since
  1893. He was born in Wilmington Township, Lawrence County, January 27,
  1850, and attended the public schools and Westminster College. He then
  engaged in teaching for eight years in the public schools of Lawrence
  and Mercer Counties and in the meantime read medicine under Dr. A. C.
  Pettitt, of New Wilmington. He attended Cleveland Medical College one
  term, then the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, from which he
  was graduated in 1876. July 19, 1876, he opened an office for practice
  at Pulaski, where he continued until his removal to New Castle, May,
  1893. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical Society.
  JAMES K. POLLOCK, M. D., was born in New Castle April 19, 1845, and was
  educated in the public schools. He read medicine under the direction of
  Dr. M. P. Barker and was graduated from Miami Medical College of
  Cincinnati in 1873. He has practiced in New Castle continuously since
  that time. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical Society and the
  American Medical Association.
  WALTER LOWRIE CAMPBELL, B. S., M. D., of New Castle, was born in
  Moniteau, Butler County, March 4, 1876, and was educated in Grove City
  High School and Grove City College, graduating from the latter in 1900.
  He graduated from Jefferson College in 1903, and after practicing two
  years in Mobile, located in New Castle on April 1, 1905. He is a member
  of the Physicians' Club of New Castle, the Lawrence County Medical
  Society, the State Medical Society and the American Medical Association.
  SAMUEL WARNER, M. D., of New Castle, was born at West Newton, Pa., March
  27, 1876; was educated in the public schools and a commercial college.
  He was graduated from Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College in 1899,
  doing hospital work during the last two years of his college course. He
  has practiced in New Castle since that time.
  THOMAS F. COLLINS, A. B., M. D., was born at Volant, Lawrence County,
  Pa., February 14, 1878; graduated from Volant College, and in 1904 from
  the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati. He practiced at Jackson
  Center for less than a year, then in Volant three years, and, in March,
  1908, located in New Castle. He is a member of the Alumnal Association
  of the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati.
  JOHN W. COVERT, M. D., of New Castle, was born at Covert Station,
  Lawrence County, July 18, 1837, and is a son of Dr. William Covert, who
  was a native of Lawrence County and practiced in that and Mercer
  Counties for many years, living near Edinburg. John W. Covert was
  educated in the high school at New Lebanon, and read medicine under Dr.
  S. A. Boynton, of Cleveland, Ohio. He graduated from the Cleveland
  Homeopathic Medical College in 1879, and immediately after located in
  New Castle. During the Civil War he served one year in the One Hundredth
  (Roundhead) Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and two years in
  Battery H., Third Light Artillery of Pennsylvania.
  JESSE D. MOORE, A. B., M. D., who has been in active practice of his
  profession in New Castle since 1885, making a specialty of the eye, was
  born in Neshannock Township, Lawrence County, July 2, 1859. He was
  educated in the district schools, the public schools of New Castle and
  what was known as "the one study" school, afterwards [p. 174] called New
  Castle College, and in Westminster College, from which he graduated in
  1882. He read medicine under Dr. R. D. Wallace, and attended the medical
  department of the University of the City of New York, graduating in the
  spring of 1885. He has since done post-graduate work in the New York
  Polyclinic, and the University of New York. He is medical inspector for
  Lawrence County, chief clinic of the dispensary for tuberculosis for the
  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is a member of the International
  Congress on Tuberculosis. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical
  Society and has served as delegate to the State Medical Society.
  ROBERT A. WALLACE, M. D., was born in New Castle July 29, 1855, and is a
  son of Dr. James J. Wallace, now deceased. He was educated in the public
  schools and read medicine under his father. He was graduated from Miami
  Medical College of Cincinnati, in 1877, and was thereafter associated in
  practice with his father until the latter's death in 1887; since that
  time he has practiced alone. He is a member of the Lawrence County
  Medical Society, the State Medical Society and the American Medical
  JAMES J. WALLACE, M. D., who was one of the original members of the
  Lawrence County Medical Society and for many years a practitioner of New
  Castle, was born in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, September 29, 1824, and
  died December 19, 1887. He was educated at Darlington Academy and
  Meadville College, and read medicine with Dr. Frazier, of Darlington. He
  also read for a time with his brother, Dr. John W. Wallace, and then
  entered Jefferson Medical College, from winch he was graduated in 1850.
  He immediately after began practice in New Castle, where he continued
  without interruption until his death.
  J. W. WALLACE, M. D., one of the early physicians and surgeons in New
  Castle, was born in Beaver County, in 1817, and died in 1889, He was
  graduated from the old Darlington Academy, and afterward served as an
  instructor there. In the meantime, he prosecuted the study of medicine
  with Dr. Frazier, a man of advanced ideas, far ahead of his time. Dr.
  Wallace graduated from Jefferson College in 1848, and in that year began
  practice in New Castle. He was twice a member of Congress from his
  district and one of the foremost men of his day. He was a member of the
  old Lawrence County Medical Society.
  J. R. Cox, M. D., coroner of Lawrence County, began the practice of his
  profession in New Castle in 1898. He was born in Pulaski Township,
  Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, received his early educational training
  in the district schools and Grove City College, and his professional
  training in the Cleveland Medical College, from which he was graduated
  in 1896. After practicing two years at Edinburg, he removed to New
  Castle, where he has since continued. He has served five years as
  coroner of Lawrence County. Dr. Cox is a member of the Lawrence County
  Medical Society.
  ELMER PATTERSON NORRIS, M. D., with offices in the Henderson Block, at
  New Castle, has been engaged in practice in that city since 1902. He was
  born in New Castle October 28, 1871, attended the public schools and
  Edinburg State Normal School, and in 1892 matriculated in Jefferson
  Medical College, at Philadelphia; he graduated from that institution in
  1856 having also, in the meantime, pursued special courses under Drs.
  Kyle and DaCosta, eminent specialists connected with St. Agnes', Lockley
  and Jefferson Hospitals. He spent one year in hospital work in
  Philadelphia prior to engaging in private practice. Dr. Norris was
  located in practice at Hillsville three years, then in 1902 moved to New
  BRANT E. SANKEY, M. D., of New Castle, was born in Pittsburg Pa., in
  1873, and was educated in the public schools of New Castle, whither his
  parents had moved when he was young. He entered Cleveland Medical
  College, and after his graduation [p. 175] with the class of 1895, began
  practice in New Castle. He is affiliated with the Lawrence County
  Medical Society, the Physicians' Club, the State Homeopathic Medical
  Society and the American Institute of Homeopathy.
  WALTER E. MILLER, M. D., who, in addition to the practice of medicine in
  New Castle is proprietor of the Avenue Hotel, was born in that city in
  1871. After completing the prescribed course in the public schools he
  attended Oberlin College for two years. He attended medical lectures at
  the Western University of Pennsylvania and was graduated in 1894. He has
  since practiced in his natal city. He is a member of the Lawrence County
  Medical Society.
  D. E. EVANS, M. D., a member of the firm of Evans & Williams, medical
  practitioners of New Castle, was born in Wales in 1852 and was about
  sixteen years of age when he became a resident of this country. He
  attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Baltimore, Md., and
  received his degree from Baltimore University in 1892. He located in
  practice in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, where he continued until 1899
  in which year he became associated with Dr. T. V. Williams in New Castle.
  T. V. WILLIAMS, M. D., of the medical firm of Evans & Williams, was born
  in Wales, where he received a preliminary education and began
  preparation for the medical profession. He came to the United States in
  his twenty-eighth year, and completed his professional training in the
  College of Physicians and Surgeons at Baltimore, graduating in 1892.
  Prior to locating in New Castle he practiced for some time at Antioch, Pa.
  S. W. PERRY, M. D., of New Castle, was born in that city in 1874, and
  there received his early schooling. He began the study of medicine under
  a preceptor and subsequently entered the medical department of the
  University of Michigan. He latter entered Washington and Jefferson
  College and was graduated in 1899, immediately thereafter engaging in
  practice in New Castle. He is a member of the Physicians' Club, the
  Lawrence County Medical Society, the State Medical Society, and the
  American Medical Association.
  LOYAL WILBUR WILSON, M. D., of New Castle was born in Beaver Township,
  Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, March 25, 1866. He attended the public
  schools and pursued a special course in Latin and Greek under Professor
  Roup, of the Western University of Pennsylvania. He subsequently
  attended the medical department of that institution and was graduated in
  1891. Some years later, in 1898, he took a course in the Post-Graduate
  College of New York City. Dr. Wilson was an interne at St. Francis
  Hospital, Pittsburg, in 1891, and later in the same year began practice
  at Wampum, Lawrence County; he continued there until February, 1898,
  then located at Mahoningtown, where he practiced until 1904, the year in
  which he moved to New Castle.
  CHARLES A. REED. M. D., with office at No. 26 North Mercer Street, New
  Castle. was born in Shenango Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania,
  September 18, 1858. He attended the district schools of his native
  township, and subsequently the New Castle High School and Edinboro
  Academy. He read medicine several years prior to entering Miami Medical
  College at Cincinnati in 1882, from which institution he was graduated
  in 1885. He served as resident physician in Western Pennsylvania
  Hospital at Pittsburg for a short time, then, in July, 1886, began
  practice at New Castle, where he has been located continuously since.
  MONTGOMERY LINVILLE, M. D., who has been continuously engaged in the
  practice of medicine in New Castle since 1873, was born in Washington
  County, Pennsylvania, March 9, 1854. He graduated from Bethany College
  in West Virginia, and subsequently from Jefferson Medical College,
  Philadelphia, in 1873, being then nineteen years of age. He shortly
  thereafter embarked in practice in New Castle. He is a [p. 176] member
  of the Lawrence County Medical Society, State Association of Physicians
  and Surgeons and the National Association of Railway Surgeons.
  EDWIN S. COOPER, M. D., whose residence and office are located at No. 74
  North Mill Street, New Castle, was born in Taylor Township, Lawrence
  County, Pennsylvania, January 3, 1872. He attended the public schools of
  New Castle and Grove City College. In 1892 he entered upon the study of
  medicine under the direction of his brother, Dr. Joseph L. Cooper, now
  deceased, and subsequently attended Western Pennsylvania Medical
  College, from which he was graduated March 25, 1896. He then practiced
  in partnership with his brother in New Castle until the latter's death,
  since which time he has continued alone. He is a member of the Lawrence
  County Medical Society, the State Medical Society and other fraternal
  THOMAS J. BLACKWOOD, M. D., has been engaged in the practice of his
  profession in New Castle for a period of more than thirty-four years. He
  was born in Slippery Rock Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania,
  January 13, 1844; he attended the district schools and Beaver Academy at
  Beaver Falls, after which he entered Jefferson Medical College of
  Philadelphia. He was graduated from that institution in 1866, and
  thereafter practiced in Butler County until his removal to New Castle in
  JAMES M. BLACKWOOD, M. D., of New Castle, is engaged in practice in
  association with his father, Dr. Thomas J. Blackwood. He is a graduate
  of Beaver Falls College and Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia.
  FRANKLIN WHEELER GUY, M. D., of Mahoningtown, was born in Chewton,
  Lawrence County, Pa., July 28, 1870. His educational training was
  received in the district schools of Lawrence, Morgan (Ohio) and Beaver
  Counties, and in the Beaver Falls High School. After his graduation from
  the last named school in 1889 he engaged in teaching for seven years in
  Beaver and Lawrence Counties. In 1902 he matriculated in the medical
  department of the Western University of Pennsylvania and was graduated
  in 1906. He has since practiced in Mahoningtown. He is a member of the
  Lawrence County Medical Society.
  WILLIAM L. STEEN, M. D., is located in practice at Mahoningtown and
  maintains offices in the Postoffice Block. He was born in Clarion
  County, Pennsylvania, April 21, 1874, and received his early schooling
  in the graded and high schools of New Castle. After leaving the latter
  he was for seven years postal clerk on the Pennsylvania Railroad. In the
  meantime he had begun preparation for the medical profession, and in
  1901 he entered the medical department of the Western University of
  Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1905. He is a member of
  Lawrence County Medical Society.
  FRANK FORREST UREY, M. D., of Mahoningtown, with office at No. 208 North
  Liberty Street, was born at Sandy Lake, Mercer County, Pa., August 16,
  1872. He attended the district schools, McElaine Institute at New
  Lebanon, and Slippery Rock Normal School after which he engaged in
  teaching for five years. In 1894 he entered the drug business at Wampum
  and continned at various points in Northwestern Pennsylvania at
  different times, becoming a licensed pharmacist. In September, 1896, he
  entered the medical department of the Western University of Pennsylvania
  and was graduated in 1900; he then engaged in hospital work in Shenango
  Valley one year, and June 1, 1901, began practice at Wampum, where he
  was located until his removal to Mahoningtown. Prior to 1906 he was for
  some time a partner, in a drug store at Wampum. He is a member of the
  Lawrence County Medical Society, the State Medical Society and the
  American Medical Association.
  CHARLES W. DAVIS, M. D., of Mahoningtown, was born in Shenango Township,
  Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, September 29, 1866, and has been engaged
  in practice [p. 177] in this village since 1895. He was reared on a farm
  and attended the district schools, and subsequently the State Normal at
  Edinburg four years, graduating therefrom in 1890; in the meantime he
  had taught school winter terms, and continued two years after
  graduation. In 1892 he entered Western Pennsylvania Medical College,
  from which institution he received his degree in 1895. He pursued a
  postgraduate course at the New York Polyclinic in New York City. His
  only field of practice has been at Mahoningtown. He is a member of the
  Lawrence County Medical Society.
  EDWIN D. JACKSON, M. D., whose office is at No. 207 North Cedar Street,
  has been engaged in practice in Mahoningtown since June 15, 1904. He was
  born in Wayne Township, Lawrence County, July 3, 1874, and in his
  younger days attended the public schools of Chewton. He attended Grove
  City College five terms and also Slippery Rock Normal, after which he
  took up the study of medicine. He graduated from the medical department
  of Western University of Pennsylvania in May, 1889. He was successively
  engaged in practice at Allenport, Washington County, in Fayette County,
  in Edinburg, Lawrence County, and at West Pittsburg, prior to his
  residence in Mahoningtown. He is a member of Lawrence County Medical
  Society and State Medical Society.
  H. E. ZIMMERMAN, M. D., has been in the practice of his profession at
  Mt. Jackson, Lawrence County, since 1865. He was born in Lehigh County,
  Pennsylvania, June 11, 1831; he attended Greenville Academy and studied
  medicine under the direction of Dr. F. H. Judd, of Greenville. He began
  practice July 13, 1854, near Fredonia, Mercer County; moved to
  Clarksville in the fall of the same year; in 1858 moved to Middletown,
  Mahoning County, Ohio; June 1, 1862, located at Mt. Jackson; in March,
  1863, returned to Clarksville, and in 1865 returned to Mt. Jackson,
  where he has been located continuously since.
  HON. SILAS STEVENSON M. D., who has been in practice at Ellwood City
  since 1891, was formerly a representative from Lawrence County in the
  Pennsylvania Legislature. He was born in this county February 18, 1845;
  was a soldier in Company K, 100th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer
  Infantry, during the Civil War; in 1865 entered Western Reserve Medical
  College at Cleveland, and was graduated from that institution March 4,
  1868. On April 15, 1868, he began practice at New Bedford and continued
  until 1891; in the meantime be served as postmaster, from 1872 until
  1884; was elected to the Legislature in 1884 and re-elected in 1886. He
  has been a member of the Pension Board at New Castle since 1889, except
  for the four years of Cleveland's second administration. He is a member
  of the council of the borough of Ellwood City.
  SAMUEL S. DAVIDSON M. D., of Ellwood City, was born at Wampum, Big
  Beaver Township, Lawrence County, November 23, 1859; was educated at
  Western University of Pennsylvania and Jefferson Medical College. After
  graduation from the latter in 1882 he spent two years in medical studies
  and scientific investigations in the hospitals of London, Vienna and
  Berlin. Upon his return to America he began practice at Mercer, Pa., and
  continued for twelve years, five years of which he was in charge of the
  State Hospital. He has been located at Ellwood City some six years. Dr.
  Davidson is a member of the American Medical Association and the
  Pennsylvania State Medical Society.
  CHARLES M. ISEMAN, M. D., a practitioner of Ellwood City since 1895, was
  born near Freeport, Armstrong County, Pa., December 4, 1868. He attended
  Freeport Academy and Tell College at Greenville, Mercer County, from
  which he received the degree of A. B. in 1891; Western Reserve Medical
  College at Cleveland, and Western Pennsylvania Medical College at
  Pittsburg, from which he received the degree of M. D. in 1894. He
  practiced in Armstrong County fifteen months, then moved to Ellwood
  City, where he has since [p. 178] resided. He is a member of the Beaver
  County Medical Society, Pennsylvania State Medical Society and the
  American Medical Association.
  OSCAR EVANS BRADLEY, M. D., who is engaged in the practice of osteopathy
  at Ellwood City, was born at Memphis, Scotland County, Mo., August 30,
  1874; attended State Normal at Kirksville, Mo.; the American School of
  Osteopathy at Kirksville, and pursued a post-graduate course in
  osteopathy at St. Louis in 1903. He first practiced at Macomb, Ill., and
  in October, 1906, located at Ellwood City.
  WILLIAM A. SHANNON, M. D., of Ellwood City, was born in Mercer, Mercer
  County, in 1863; was graduated from Grove City College with the degree
  of A. B. in 1888, and from Jefferson Medical College in 1892. He has
  practiced in Ellwood City since 1893.
  EDWIN E. LAMB, M. D., of Ellwood City, was born in Worth Township,
  Mercer County, Pennsylvania, September 30, 1869. He attended McElaine
  Institute at Lebanon, Grove City College and the Cleveland Homeopathic
  Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1897. He has been
  located at Ellwood City throughout his professional career.
  JOSEPH RHODES, M. D., of Chewton, was born in that village, Wayne
  Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, April 23, 1848. He attended New
  Sewickley Academy and Muhlenberg College, and in 1871 entered Belleview
  Hospital Medical College, from which he graduated in 1874; he has since
  practiced in Chewton.
  C. B. HUNT, M. D., of Rose Point, Slippery Rock Township, was born in
  Lawrence County, March 20, 1867; he attended Sunbury Academy and Grove
  City College, the Baltimore Medical College, the Medico-Chirurgical
  College of Philadelphia, the Post-Graduate College of New York, and
  pursued a special course on the eye in the New York New Polyclinic. He
  engaged in practice at Princeton, Lawrence County, four years, then for
  three years represented an opticianal firm as commercial traveler. In
  1901 he located at Rose Point.
  CHARLES S. McGEORGE, M. D., of Enon Valley, was born in Darlington
  Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, May 5, 1875. He attended Slippery
  Rock College, and later the medical department of Western University of
  Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated in 1900. He engaged in
  practice at Mars, Butler County, until November, 1906, since which time
  he has been located at Enon.
  GEORGE H. MEHARD, M. D., who has been in practice at Wampum since 1891,
  was born at Wurtemburg, Wayne Township, September 22, 1857. He was
  graduated from Washington and Jefferson College at Washington, Pa., in
  1879; from, Western Reserve Medical College in 1881, and from Jefferson
  Medical College in 1882. He engaged at practice in Wurtemburg nine
  years, then in 1891 located at Wampum where he now lives.
  HARRY H. DAVIS, M. D., of Wampum, was born on a farm near New Castle May
  31, 1871; he attended the Moravia public schools and the State Normal at
  Edinburg, after which he engaged in teaching four years. He was
  graduated from the medical department of Western University of
  Pennsylvania in 1895, but prior to that time had pursued the study of
  medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. Joseph Cooper, of New Castle. He
  engaged in practice in Warren County for six years, then located at Wampum.
  WILLIAM L SMITH, M. D., who has been a resident of New Wilmington since
  1880, was born in New Bedford, Pa., January 10, 1846. After completing a
  course in Westminster College he studied medicine at Jefferson Medical
  College at Philadelphia, graduating in 1875. He engaged in practice at
  East Brook four years, then located at New Wilmington in 1880.
  CHARLES E. TRAINOR, M. D., New Wilmington, was born at Vicksburg, Miss.,
  June 18, 1876; he attended private schools in Vicksburg, the high school
  at New Wilmington, and obtained his education in [p. 179] medical
  science in Jefferson Medical College, from which he graduated in 1902.
  He was successful in a competitive examination which entitled him to a
  position as interne in the Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia, which
  institution he served for thirteen months. He then returned to New
  Wilmington, where he has since been in practice.
  WILLIAM A. CLARK, JR., M. D., of New Wilmington, was born at Great Belt,
  in Butler County, Pa., April 3, 1879. His education was obtained in the
  pnblic schools and under private instructors. He came into possession of
  an electric light plant at New Wilmington, which had been installed by
  his father, and operated that up until the time he entered Western
  Reserve College at Cleveland, when he sold out. He had previously
  pursued a preparatory course at Westminster College. After one year at
  Western Reserve he entered Jefferson Medical College and attended one
  year, then took a special course of study on diseases of the stomach at
  Chicago University. He engaged in practice at Volant, Pa., two years,
  then located at New Wilmington.
  HERBERT E. BARR, M. D., has engaged in practice at New Wilmington during
  his entire professional career. He was born at Gujoanwalla, India,
  December 4, 1871. He is a graduate of Westminster College, took a
  special course in Johns Hopkins University at Baltimore, and was
  graduated in medicine at the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia.
  His practice has been solely at New Wilmington.
  SAMUEL WESLEY PERRY, M. D., was born in New Castle May 10, 1874, and was
  educated in the high school of the city. He read medicine under Dr.
  Montgomery Linville, attended the medical department of the University
  of Michigan two years and the Jefferson Medical College two years,
  graduating from the last named in 1899. He was resident physician of
  Shenango Valley Hospital one year and then embarked in practice. He is a
  member of the Physicians' Club of New Castle, Lawrence County Medical
  Society, the State Medical Society and the American Medical Association.
  He is at present on the surgical staff of the Shenango Valley Hospital.
  H. ELMORE ZERNER, M. D., who has been a resident of New Castle since
  1893, was born in Johnstown, Pa., July 19, 1872; he was taken by his
  parents to Braddock, Pa., in 1875, and there received his education in
  the common and high schools. He graduated from the medical department of
  the Western University of Pennsylvania in 1899, and during the last year
  was in the Reinman Maternity Hospital and Free Dispensary, a privilege
  accorded to the ten students having the highest marks. He engaged in
  practice in New Castle after graduation, to which city he had moved in
  January, 1893. He is a member of the Physicians' Club of New Castle, of
  which he was one of the organizers; the Lawrence County Medical Society,
  the State Medical Society and the American Medical Association.
  CHARLES L. KIRKHAM, D. O., was born in Rushville, Ill., January 6, 1872;
  was educated in the public schools of Gem City and the State Normal
  School at Galesburg. He was graduated from the American School of
  Osteopathy, at Kirksville, Mo., in 1902, and located in October of that
  year. About eight months later he went to Niagara Falls, where he
  remained about two years; then, in January 1906, returned to New Castle.
  ELMER D. ROGERS, D. O., of New Castle, was born in Brooklyn, Iowa, July
  14, 1861, attended the high school of his native town, and later the
  American School of Osteopathy, at Kirksville, Mo., graduating therefrom
  in 1903. He has practiced in New Castle since that date. He is a member
  of the Western Pennsylvania Osteopathic Association, and the American
  Osteopathic Association.
  DR. ANNIE McCASLIN osteopath, at New Castle, was born in Armstrong
  County, Pennsylvania, and educated in the common schools and Slate Lick
  Academy. She took up the profession of nursing, and later [p. 180]
  entered the American School of Osteopathy, at Kirksville, Mo., from
  which she graduated in 1906. She has since practiced in New Castle. She
  is a member of the Western Pennsylvania Osteopathic Association and the
  American Osteopathic Association.
  THE LAWRENCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY was first organized in New Castle on
  April 19, 1868 (or 1869), and the following officers were elected: R. D.
  Wallace, president; Silas Stevenson, vice-president; John D. Wood,
  secretary, and H. P. Peebles, treasurer. This body passed from existence
  in 1876, and thereafter there was no medical society until 1886. In the
  latter year, through the activity of Drs. M. Linville and R. A. Wallace,
  a new organization was effected, and the present Lawrence County Medical
  Society came into being, with Dr. J. W. Wallace as its president.
  20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and
  Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing
  Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
 Updated: 11 Oct 2001