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Bios: WILLIAM M. ALLISON, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens
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  File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
  Ed McClelland
  An html version of this volume may be found at
  [p. 978] who owns a farm of eighty acres about one mile east of
  Princeton, in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, is a veteran of the Civil
  War and has followed farming as an occupation all his life, but is now
  living, practically, in retirement. He was born in Butler County,
  Pennsylvania, May 5, 1838, is a son of George and Jane (Kennedy)
  Allison, and a grandson of William Allison.
  William Allison, the grandfather, was born in Ireland and upon coming to
  this country located near Prospect, Pa., where he passed the remainder
  of his days in agricultural pursuits. His widow, whose maiden name was
  Gardner, died near Wurtemburg, Lawrence County.
  George Allison was born near Prospect, Butler County, and received his
  educational training in the primitive schools of that neighborhood. Late
  in the forties he moved to what has since been known as the old Allison
  homestead in Slippery Rock Township, Lawrence County, acquiring 160
  acres of wild and undeveloped land. He made a clearing, erected a cabin
  and there farmed until his death in 1853. He married Jane Kennedy, a
  daughter of Miller Kennedy, of Lawrence County, he having come
  originally from east of Pittsburg. Five children were the issue of this
  union: William M.; James, who died upon his return from the war;
  Gilbert, of New Castle; Martha, widow of Bitner Allen, lives in
  Oklahoma, and Mary Jane, deceased, was the wife of David P. Crable and
  lived in Nebraska.
  William M. Allison received his intellectual training in the public
  schools of Lawrence County, and lived on the old home farm throughout
  his active business career, except for the time spent in the Union army
  during the Civil War. He farmed with great success and in 1906 turned
  the home place over to his son, and moved to his present location. In
  August, 1861, he enlisted in the One Hundredth Regiment, Pennsylvania
  Volunteer Infantry, known as "Round Heads," and served one and a half
  years, being discharged at the end of that time on account of physical
  disability, caused by a spell of sickness. During that time he
  participated in numerous important battles and skirmishes, among them
  James Island, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain and Antietam.
  Mr. Allison was united in marriage with Mary Jane Burnside, whose
  parents came to the Muddy Creek community of Lawrence County from their
  native land, Ireland. Eight children were born to bless this home:
  James, of Colorado, who married Nora Book and has a son, William; John,
  who also is in the West; Albert, who lives on the home place; Samuel,
  who married Nina Annibal, of Rose Point, has three children, Earl, Paul
  and Bessie Marie; Bessie, wife of John L. Gillespie, lives in Colorado;
  Audley, living on the old homestead, married Lillie Munnell; Edward, a
  dentist by profession, lives in Lowellville, Ohio, and Howard lives on
  the home place. Politically, Mr. Allison is a stanch Republican and
  takes a deep interest in his party's success. Religiously he is a member
  of the Oak Grove United Presbyterian Church.
  20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and
  Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing
  Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
  Co. Histories <>
  Updated: 12 Feb 2002