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Bios: DR. JESSE R. COOPER : Lawrence County, Pennsylvania


  Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Lawrence Co transcribers.
  Coordinated by Ed McClelland

  Copyright 2004.  All rights reserved.

  Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
  Lawrence County Pennsylvania
  Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
  An html version with search engine may be found at

    [p. 624] a prominent member of the medical profession of New Castle,
  Lawrence County, was born in Butler County, near Grant City, this State,
  Sept. 24, 1872. His education was commenced in the common schools of Grant
  City, Pa., and continued in the Slippery Rock State Normal School of Slippery
  Rock, Pa., and Grove City College, Mercer Co., Pa. Then wishing to adapt
  himself for work in business fields he attended Duff's Business College at
  Pittsburg, from which he graduated in 1889, after which he taught a short
  time in the same college. He pursued his medical studies in the Medical
  Department of the Western University of Pennsylvania, and graduated with the
  highest of honors in 1894. His first field of practice was in New Castle,
  where he has been successfully engaged in medical practice since 1894; as a
  physician he is well and favorably known throughout a very large circle of
  patrons, a reputation which he has won by an energy, determination and skill
  that have secured for him an extensive field of practice and have fairly
  given him a leading place among the practitioners of his profession.
    Socially, he is a Mason, belonging to Mahoning Lodge No. 243, of New
  Castle, Pa.; he is also a member of Lodge No. 909, I. O. O. F., of
  Portersville, Pa. His religious sympathies link him to the Baptist Church.
  Although a Democrat on general principles, he is no slave to party lines, but
  supports the candidates whom he thinks are best qualified to fill the offices;
  especially is this true in local elections.
    Dr. Cooper is a son of Robert and Elizabeth (Pence) Cooper, the former a
  native of Butler County, and the latter a native of Lawrence County. Our
  subject's grandfather, Thomas Cooper, was a native of Ireland and came to
  America when a young man, settling two miles east of Grant City, Pa., where
  he bought a tract of uncultivated land, and was engaged the remainder of his
  years in clearing and cultivating it, wresting a comfortable livelihood from
  the virgin soil. He married Phoebe Dean, who bore him seven children: Jacob;
  Jesse D.; Marshall, who was killed in the United States service in the late
  war; Harvey; Robert; Mary E.; and Polly. They were stanch supporters of the
  Baptist Church.
    Robert Cooper, the youngest son of Thomas, was educated in the school of
  Grant City, and upon attaining manhood's estate turned his attention to
  agricultural pursuits, following the life of a farmer until his death in
  1878. He was uniformly successful in his labors, and was esteemed a valued
  member of the community. Politically he was a firm Democrat, but as his taste
  did not run to the holding of offices nor to active political life, he did not
  permit his name to be placed in nomination as an aspirant for honors. His
  wife, Elizabeth, was a daughter of James Pence, a native of Scotland; to our
  subject's parents were born four children: Martha J.; James Mc; Phoebe; and
  our subject, Dr. Jesse R. The eldest daughter married William English of
  Portersville, Pa., and bore him four children: Robert B., Maggie J., Franklin
  B., and Ira. James Mc married Anna Davis of Jacksville, Butler Co., Pa.; their
  union was blessed with four children, namely: Frank, Porter, Harry, and an
  infant. Phoebe married W. P. Book of Harlansburg, Pa.; three children were
  born to them: Howard, deceased, Jessie, and George. Both of our subject's
  parents were Baptists. Mrs. Cooper died in 1894, aged sixty-six years; her
  husband was forty-seven years at his death.
    Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
    Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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    Updated: 24 Jul 2001