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Vital Statistics: Greene County, PA - Death Register 1893-1902: H Surnames

Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by James Fordyce.

USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals
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Greene County, Pennsylvania - Death Register (Alphabetical Sort)

NOTE:  The file as presented here are the alpha surnames combined from two files
created by Jim Fordyce.  So they are in order from 1893 to 1902 and then begin
again with 1903-1915 listings.  [1903-1915 in separate file for H Surnames.]

The transcript below is an alphabetical listing of all of the records found in the 
first of two Deaths Registers found in the Greene County Courthouse at Waynesburg, 
Pennsylvania.  This register contains death records from 1893 to 1915, although 
there are a few records from 1892.  Death records were not kept by the county prior 
to 1893.  Death records were kept by the state after 1915.

The transcription was made from digital images taken in December of 2000.  The 
transcripts were then compared to the actual records and corrections made where 
necessary.  Every effort has been made to copy the records exactly as they appear 
in the books.  A few records were quite difficult to read due to the legibility of 
the recorder's handwriting.  Where doubt existed as to the information recorded in 
the book, it has been indicated with a question mark.

Copyright, 2001, James Fordyce (
This file may be freely distributed and copied provided this copyright notice is 
included.  It may not be used, in part or in whole, in any publication, electronic 
or printed, which is offered for sale or for which a fee is charged without the 
permission of the editor.

 The above link is a 1.6 Megabyte file so if you want to see the 1893-1902 list 
 at once and have the capability to view a large file that is also available.
 Is the file for 1903-1915 and is about 1.4 Megabytes in size.


                                                                                                   Father's Name                 Mother's Name                 Married                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Duration of
Page Ln  Surname                  Given Name               Color     Sex       Age                  (if minor)                    (if minor)                   or Single Place of Birth                                    Occupation                           Date of Death          Place of Death                                    Cause of Death                                    Last Illness        Place of Interment                      Date of Interment   Date of Record      Page  Ln

067  29  Haines                   Cyrenus                  white     male      76                                                                              married   Perry Twp.                                        Farmer                        February       12     1899    Perry Twp.                                        Lagripp                                           1 wk.               Cedar Grove Cem.                        Feb. 14, 1899   
067  11  Haines                   Elijah                   white     male      58                                                                              married   Greene Co.                                        Retired Soldier               May            5      1898    Taylortown                                        Typhoid Gripp                                     One month           Fairview Cemetery 
064  20  Hall                     Mrs. Belle               white     female    75                                                                              married   Fayette Co., Pa.                                                                May            21     1893    Greensboro, Penna.                                Paralysis                                         4 weeks             Monon. Hill Cem.                        May 23, 1893        Dec. 11, 1893
068  21  Hamilton                 Robert                   white     male      1 yr.               Rev. Jas. Hamilton            Lurna (?) Hamilton            single    Carmichaels                                                                     September      12     1900                                                      Whooping Cough                                    six weeks           Brownsville                             Sept. 14, 1900  
065  04  Hamilton                 Susan                    white     female    73                                                                              widow     New York                                                                        June           14     1894    Greensboro                                        Gen. Debility                                     1 mo.               Mon. Hill Cem.                          June 16, 1894       Aug. 8, 1894 
069  37  Hamilton                 Wm. C.                   white     male      39                                                                              single    East Wbg.                                         Assesor of Twp.               September      19     1902    Morrisville                                       Typhoid fever                                     3 week              Morrisville Cem.                        Sep. 21, 1902   
067  09  Hammers                  Ida J.                   white     female    30 yrs.                                                                         married   Greene Co.                                        Housekeeper                   December       26     1897                                                      Typhoid Fever                                     6 weeks             Bula, Pa.                               Dec. 28, 1897   
064  08  Hampson                  Dennis R.                white     male      4 mo. 4 day         John Hampson                  E. F. Hampson                 single    Richhill T. P.                                                                  September      11     1893    Richhill Twp.                                     Cholera & Fantum                                  4 days              Clay Lick                               Sept. 12, 1893      Jan. 19, 1894
064  16  Hampson                  John Lauren              white     male      12 yr 1 mo. 15 d.   T. R. Hampson                 Nancy Hampson                 single    Greene Co., Pa.                                                                 June           15     1893    Morris Township                                   Typhoid Fever                                     2 weeks             West Union                              June 16, 1893   
067  12  Hampson                  Wiley                    white     male      69                                                                              married   Washington Co., Penna.                            Farmer                        November       11     1897    Holbrook                                          Paralysis                                         12 hours            Claylick Cemetery                       Nov. 14, 1897   
066  21  Hanna                    Jesse                    white     male      73                                                                              single    Mapletown, Pa.                                    Farmer                        December       12     1896    Mapletown, Penna.                                 Stomach Trouble                                   1 yr.               Hanna Cem.                              Dec. 14, 1896   
069  36  Hanna                    Richard                  white     male      86                                                                              married   Fayette Co.                                       farmer                        November       12     1902    Sigsbee                                           Complication                                      1 week              Hanna Cem.                              Nov. 13, 1902   
064  17  Hanna                    Robert                   white     male      60                                                                              single    Mapeltown, Pa.                                    Farmer                        December       26     1893    Mapeltown, Greene Co., Pa.                        Heart Trouble                                     2 weeks             Hanna Grave Yd.                         Dec. 28, 1893       Dec. 30, 1893
067  15  Hanna                    Sarah                    white     female    78                                                                              single    Fayette Co., Pa.                                                                November       13     1898    Sigsbee                                           Stomach trouble                                   7 wks.              Sugar Grove Cem.                        Nov. 14, 1898   
068  32  Harkins                  Mary                     white     female    64 yr. 3 mo.                                                                    married   Wheeling W. Va.                                                                 February       21     1901    Aleppo, near Higbee, Pa.                          Paralysis                                         3 weeks             Jacksonville                            Feb. 23, 1901   
069  17  Harkins                  William                  white     male      67                                                                              single    Philadelphia                                      Farmer                        May            3      1902    Aleppo                                            Pneumonia                                         1 wk.               Jacksonville                            May 5, 1902 
065  08  Harris                   Mandy                    white     female    40 yrs.                                                                         single    Greene County                                                                   November       17     1894    Franklin Twp.                                     Dropsy                                            1 year              County Home                             Nov. 18, 1894       Nov. 19, 1894
064  02  Harris                   Samuel                   white     male      83                                                                              married   Bridgton, N. Y.                                   Capitalist                    September      23     1893    Waynesburg, Wayne St.                             Typhoid Fever                                     16 Days             Greene Mt. Cemetery                     Sept. 24, 1893      Dec. 1893
068  13  Harsh                    Delila                   white     female    72 yrs.                                                                         single    Woodsfield, Ohio                                                                May            27     1900    Colas, W. Va.                                     Catarrh of Stomach                                2 yrs.              Mt. Hope, W. Va.                        May 30, 1900
064  38  Harsh                    Mary L.                  white     female    2 mo.               W. C. Hoge                    Alice Hoge                              Richhill twp.                                                                   March          27     1894    Richhill Twp.                                     Whooping cough                                    2 weeks             Mt. Hope, W. Va.                        Mar. 28, 1894       June 1, 1894 
068  22  Hart                     Eman                     white     male      64                                                                              married   Greene Co., Pa.                                   Laborer                       December       21     1900    Jefferson, Pa.                                    Consumption                                       30 days             Jefferson Boro                          Dec. 23, 1900   
064  33  Hart                     Emma                     white     female    25                                                                              married   Greene Co., Pa.                                                                 March          24     1894    Morris twp. Greene Co., Pa.                       Consumption                                       6 weeks             Bethlehem                               Mar. 25, 1894   
068  34  Hart                     Guy                      white     male      8 months            W. Z. Hart                    Ella Hart                     single    Cumberland Twp.                                                                 March          3      1901    Ceylon                                            Pneumonia                                         1 week              Hanna Cem.                              Mar. 5, 1901
069  14  Hart                     Hannah                   white     female    60                                                                              married   Greene Co., Pa.                                   Housekeeper                   July           24             Jefferson                                         Paraylsis                                         30 days             Jefferson, Pa.                          July 26, 1901   
065  01  Hart                     J. S. N.                 white     male      41                                                                              married   Washington Co.                                    L.                                                          Dunkard Township                                  Coal Bank fell in on him                          Sudden Death        Wolf Cem.                                                   June 20, 1894
069  30  Hart                     Matilda                  white     female    80                                                                              married   Cumberland                                                                                            1902    Ceylon                                            Heart Trouble                                     Four weeks          Glades Cem. 
068  14  Hart                     Maud B.                  white     female    16 yrs.             J. C. Hart                    Anna B. Hart                  single    Monghella Twp.                                                                  September      5      1900    Paisley, Pa.                                      Typhoid Fever                                     2 wks.              Glades Cem.                             Sept. 6, 1900   
070  01  Hart                     Minerva A.               white     female    43                                                                              married   Dolls Run, W. Va.                                 Housewife                     November       1      1902    Carmichaels, Vine St.                             Lung Trouble                                      8 mos.              Glades B. Ground                        Nov. 2, 1902
067  41  Hart                     Neri                     white     male                                                                                      married                                                     Farmer                        June                  1899    Cumberland                                                                                          3 da.               Glades                                  June 1899   
069  10  Hart                     Rebecca                  white     female    50                                                                              married   Monongalia Twp.                                                                 October        7      1901    Cumberland Twp.                                   Complication of Dis.                              1 month             Glades Cemetery                         Oct. 9, 1901
064  30  Hart                     Williamson               white     male      68 yrs.                                                                         married   Monogahela Tp.                                    Farmer                        May            13     1893    Cumberland Township                               Heart Disease                                     Suddenly            Sugar Grove Cemetery                    May 15, 1893        Dec. 16, 1893
069  19  Hartley                  Leroy                    white     male      61                                                                              single    Cumberland Twp.                                   Farmer                        May            12     1902    Sigsbee                                           Brights Disease                                   3 mos.              Glades Cem.                             May 14, 1902
064  18  Hartley                  Lewis                    white     male      45                                                                              married   Washington Co.                                    Laborer                       January        17     1893    Jefferson township                                Nemonia                                           20 days             Belleville Cemetry                      Jan. 20, 1893       Dec. 18, 1893
066  03  Hartley                  Nancy                    white     female    70                                                                              married   Monongahela Twp.                                                                February       10     1896    Monongahelia Twp.                                 Gen. Debility                                     1 wk.               Glades Church                           Feb. 12, 1896   
064  35  Hartly                   Sarah                    white     female    82                                                                              single    Pa.                                                                             March          15     1894    Ceylon                                            Cancer of Stomach                                 1 year              Glades Cem.                             Mar. 17, 1894       June 17, 1894
066  40  Hartman                  William                  white     male      80                                                                              married   Washington Co., Pa.                               Carpenter                     February       18     1897    Carmichaels, Pa.                                  Pneumonia                                         3 days              Laurel Pt. Cem.                         Feb. 20, 1897   
068  12  Hartsell                 Samuel                   white     male      40 yrs.                                                                         married   Durbin, Pa.                                       Miner                         November       22     1900    Durbin, Pa.                                       Broken back                                       5 mos.              Rock Lick, W. Va.                       Nov. 23, 1900   
069  04  Hartzell                 Johnnie Ray              white     male      2 - 3 - 16                                                                      single    Harveys, Pa.                                                                    March          16     1901    Harveys, Pa.                                      Pils (?)                                          2 days              Slonaker, Pa.   
066  39  Hartzell                 Mariah                   white     female    50                                                                              married   Waynesburg, Pa.                                                                 April                 1897    Waynesburg, Pa.                                   Consumption                                       some time           Wbg.  
069  29  Harvey                   Samuel                   white     male      73                                                                              married   Franklin Tp., Greene Co.                                                        April          26     1902    Waynesburg, Main St.                              Cancer                                            Several Mos.        S-Ten Mile Bap. Ch.                     Apr. 29, 1902   
065  18  Hatfield                 Harry Morris             white     male      13                  Madison Hatfield              Emma L. Hatfield              single    Mt. Morris, Pa.                                                                 February       17     1895    Whitely Twp.                                      Scatlet fever                                     2 weeks             Mt. Morris                              Feb. 19., 1895      May 15, 1895 
064  05  Hatfield                 Mary                     white     female    87                                                                              single    Fayette Co., Pa.                                                                June           6      1893    Whitely Twp.                                      Caused by Heart                                   1 week              Whitely Chap.                           June 8, 1893        Dec. 19, 1893
067  16  Hathaway                 Acy (?)                  white     female    74                                                                              widow     Cumberland Twp.                                                                 October        31     1898    Carmichaels                                       St. Cloud                                         1 wk.               Laurel Point Cem.                       Nov. 4, 1898
064  37  Haver                    John                     white     male      91                  John L. Harsh                 Sarah J. Harsh                          Greene Co.                                        farm                          April          17     1894    Jefferson Twp.                                    Old Age                                           3 days              Jefferson C. P. G. Y.                   Apr. 19, 1894       May 30, 1894 
066  33  Hawkins                  Emaline                  white     female    77                                                                              married   Washington Co., Pa.                                                             August         10     1897    Morgan Township                                   Paralysis                                         6 wks.              Jefferson Cem.                          Aug. 12, 1897   
068  20  Hawkins                  Richard C.               white     female    86                                                                              married   Wash. Co.                                         Farmer                        October        26     1900    Morgan Twp.                                                                                         About 1 week        Jefferson Cem.                          Oct. 28, 1900   
064  19  Hayden                   Ruth                     white     female    80                                                                              widow     Fayette Co., Pa.                                                                October        8      1893    Greensboro, Penna.                                Old Age                                           2 weeks             Monon. Hill Cem.                        Oct. 9, 1893        Dec. 11, 1893
069  38  Hayes                    John W.                  white     male      9 mo.               John Hays                                                   single    Wbg.                                                                            August         5      1902    Waynesburg                                        Infla. of Bowels                                  5 days              Waynesburg                              Aug. 6, 1902
069  33  Hays                     James W.                 white     male      85                                                                              widower   Wbg., Pa.                                         Retired Mcht.                 November       11     1902    Waynesburg, N. Richhill St.                                                                         4 mos.              Greene Mt. Cem.                         Nov. 13, 1902   
067  22  Hays                     Jennie                   white     female    78                                                                              single    Zollersville                                      Domestic                      March          19     1899    Clarksvill                                        Infirmity                                                             Roses Cem.                              Mar. 21, 1899   
068  41  Hays                     Mary                     white     female    19                                                                              married   W. Va.                                            [fragment missing]            December       26     1901    Swarts                                            Consumption                                       5 weeks             Hopewell                                Dec. 27, 1901   
067  36  Headlee                                           white     male      55 hrs.             T. M. Headlee                 Pleasant Headlee              single    Perry Twp.                                                                      May            27     1899    Perry Twp.                                        Unknown                                           All its life        Olive B. G.                             May 28, 1899
065  26  Headlee                  Addie Bell               white     female    9 yrs.              Thomas Headlee                Pleasant Headlee              single    Perry Twp.                                                                      November       14     1895    Perry Township                                    Catarrh Fever                                     8 days              Olive G. Yd.                            Nov. 15, 1895   
067  14  Headlee                  Lucy Leonie              white     female    17                  G. W. Headlee                 Catharine Headlee             single    Perry Twp., Greene Co.                                                          January        3      1898    G. W. Headlee                                     Brain fever                                                           Davistown                               Jan. 4, 1898
067  07  Headlee                  Maria                    white     female    81 yrs.                                                                         married   Perry Township                                    Housekeeper                   May            15     1898                                                      Heart trouble                                     4 1/2 months        Headlee Graveyard                       May 16, 1898
065  28  Headlee                  Mariah                   white     female    83                                                                              married   New York State                                                                  October        7      1895    Perry Township                                    Old Age                                           2 wks.              Family G. Yd.                           Oct. 8, 1895
065  27  Headlee                  Nancy                    white     female    70                                                                              married   Perry Twp.                                                                      September      27     1895    Perry Township                                    Pneumonia                                         5 wks.              Cedar Grove Cem.                        Sept. 29, 1895  
069  02  Headley                  A. J.                    white     male      35                                                                              married   Bristoria, Pa.                                    Farmer                        October        9      1901    Ryerson's Station, Pa.                            Not Known                                         10 minutes          Fairview, Pa.                           Oct. 11, 1901   
067  24  Headley                  Cora                     white     female    18 yrs.             William O. Headley            Margaret Headley              single    Greene Co., Pa.                                   School Girl                   April          29     1899    Waynesburg, Pa., West St.                         Pneumonia                                         3 wks.              Mt. Morris, Pa.                         May 2, 1899 
065  23  Headley                  Geo.                     white     male      9 mo, 18 d.         F. M. Headkey                 Pleasant Headley              single    Perry Twp.                                        farmer                        February       16     1895    Perry Township                                    Stomach Trouble                                   7 days              Olive Grave Y.                          Feb. 17, 1895       May 24, 1895 
066  36  Headley                  George                   white     male      61                                                                              married   Greene Co., Pa.                                   Farmer                        September      7      1897    Gilmore Twp.                                      Heart Failure                                     1 yr.               Gilmore Twp.                            Sept. 12, 1897  
064  14  Headley                  Hester Della             white     female    24                                                                              married   Mt. Morris P. O.                                  Housekeeping                  November       20     1893    Mt. Morris P.O.                                   Inflamation of Stomach                            8 days              Mt. Morris                              Nov. 21, 1893       Dec. 9, 1893 
064  09  Headley                  Jane                     white     female    33                                                                              married   Richhill T. P.                                                                  January        8      1894    Richhill Twp.                                     Confinement                                       5 hours             Fair View                               Jan. 10, 1894       Jan. 12, 1894
064  10  Headley                  Mabel L.                 white     female    2 1/2 mo.           Frank P. Headley                                            single    Richhill T. P.                                                                  September      12     1893    Richhill Twp.                                     Cholera Infantum                                  4 days              Fair View                               Sept. 13, 1893      Jan. 12, 1894
069  40  Headley                  Maggie                   white     female    34                                                                              married   Greene Co.                                        Housekeeping                  September      28     1902    Perry                                             Consumption                                       2 wks.              Fairview Cem.                           Sep. 30, 1902   
067  25  Headley                  Rebecca                  white     female    67 yr.                                                                          single    Perry Twp., Greene Co.                            House Keeper                  May            24     1899    Perry Twp.                                        Comp. of Diseases                                 7 wks.              Headley B ground                        May 25, 1899
065  22  Headley                  Samuel                   white     male      66                                                                              married   Perry Twp.                                        farmer                        March          19     1895    Perry Township                                    Heart Failure                                     6 hrs.              Headley G. Y.                           Mar. 22, 1895       May 22, 1895 
069  11  Headley                  Samuel H.                white     male      63 - 3                                                                          married   Ruffs Creek                                       Farmer                        November       28     1901    Westgrave (?)                                     Apoplexy                                          1 week              Eakin Cemetery                          Nov. 30, 1901   
069  12  Hedge                    Mary                     white     female    78                                                                              married   Washington Co.                                    Farmer                        May            22     1901    Morgan Township                                         
066  28  Hedge                    Sidney                   white     female    48                                                                              single    Waynesburg, Pa.                                   Teacher                                                     Waynesburg, Penna.                                Heart Disease                                                         Wbg. Cemetery   
067  34  Helpenstin               William                  white     male      98                                                                              married   Va.                                               Farmer                        June           21     1899    Waynesburg S. W.                                  Old Age                                                               Waynesburg                              June 23, 1899   
068  39  Helphenstine             Mrs. Charles             white     female    33 (?)                                                                          married   Morrisville                                                                     December       12     1901    Waynesburg, Pa., Wash. Street                     Pneumonia                                         3 days              Greene Mt. Cem.                         Dec. 15, 1901   
067  19  Hendershot               Delia                    white     female    79                                                                              married   Wash Co., Pa.                                                                   September      25     1898    Rutan                                             Heart trouble                                     10 wks.             Harveys Church                          Sep. 26, 1898   
068  04  Hendershot               Elizabeth                white     female    82 yrs.                                                                         married   Washington Twp.                                                                 May            4      1900    Washington Twp.                                   Complication                                                          Bethlehem                               May 5, 1900 
067  35  Henderson                Abraham T.               white     male      74                                                                              married   Jackson Twp.                                      Famrer                        July           22     1899    Bluff                                             Comp. of Diseases                                 3 wks.              Henderson B. G.                         July 23, 1899   
068  03  Henderson                Hannah                   white     female    49                                                                              married   Perry Twp., Greene Co.                            Housekeeper                   March                 1899    Greene Twp.                                       Infla.of Bowells                                                      Whitely Chap. Cem.                      Mar. 1899   
065  03  Henderson                John                     white     male      73                                                                              married   Greene Co., Pa.                                   Farmer                        April          28     1894    Springhill Twp.                                   Palsy                                             1 mo.               Windy Gap                               Apr. 29, 1894       June 2, 1894 
067  23  Henderson                Lida                     white     female    6 yrs.                                                                                                                                                                    December       14             Jollytown                                         Being Burned                                                          Days run, W. Va.                        Dec. 15 
065  20  Henderson                Susannah                 white     female    65                                                                              married   Jackson Twp.                                                                    January        12     1895    Bluff                                             consumption                                       1 year              Family B. Ground                        Jan. 13, 1895       May 10, 1895 
067  39  Hennen                   John M.                  white     male      18                                                                              single    Jollytown                                         Farmer                        December       6      1899    Jolleytown                                        Shot accidental                                   12 hrs.             Ples. Hill                              Dec. 8, 1899
064  21  Hennen                   John Sr.                 white     male      85                  M. M. Hennen                  Rebecca Hennen                married                                                     farmer                        December       30     1893    Gilmore township                                  Lagrippe                                          3 days              Mt. Tabor                               Jan. 1, 1894        Dec. 7, 1893 
069  08  Hennen                   Spencer O.               white     male      57                                                                              married                                                     Laborer                       November       7      1901    Waynesburg, Pa., 2nd Ave.                         Typhoid Fever                                     3 weeks             Greene Mt. Cem.                         Nov. 9, 1901
067  38  Hennen                   T. M.                    white     male      60                                                                              married   Jollytown                                                                       September      20     1899    Hero                                              Heart Failure                                     Instant             Fairview Cem.                           Sept. 21, 1899  
065  11  Henry                    Ida B.                   white     female    32 yrs.                                                                         married   Greene Co., Pa.                                                                 January        10     1894    Aleppo Twp.                                       Consumption                                       9 mos.              Sugar grove                             Jan. 11, 1894       June 2, 1894 
066  02  Henry                    John                     white     male      68                                                                              single    Summersett Co., Pa.                               Farmer                        January        16     1896    Springhill Twp.                                   Palsy                                             1 day               Windy Gap                               Jan. 29, 1896   
069  34  Henry                    John                     white     male                                                                                      married                                                     farmer                        August                1902    Aleppo                                            Peritonitis                                       3 weeks             Sugar Grove 
065  09  Henry                    Sadie Hattie             white     female    5 yrs.              Peter Henry                   Addie B. Henry                single    Aleppo Twp.                                                                     October        14     1894    Aleppo Twp.                                       Scarlet Fever                                     25 days             Sugar Grove cem.                        Oct. 15, 1894       Dec. 11, 1894
068  31  Herod                    Cyrena                   white     male      63 years                                                                        married   Dunkard Twp.                                                                    November       17     1900    Washington Township                               Polases                                           8 weeks             Bethlehem Cem.                          Nov. 18, 1900   
066  16  Herod                    George                   white     male      51                                                                              married                                                     Farmer                        October        1      1896    Dunkard Township                                  Fever 
068  30  Herod                    Mary                     white     female    46 years                                                                        single    Dunkard Twp.                                                                    March          27     1901    Taylortown, Pa.                                   Lagrippe                                          2 weeks             Fairview Cem., Taylortown               March 28, 1901  
065  17  Herod                    Nancy                    white     female    78                                                                              married   Dunkard Twp.                                                                    February              1895    Dunkard Twp.                                                                                                            Dunkard                                 Feb. 1895   
068  29  Herrington               John                     white     male      55 years                                                                        married   Greene Co., Pa.                                   Laborer                       April          4      1901    Springhill Twp.                                   Gunshot wound                                     3 month             Hutchinson                              Apr. 5, 1901
069  22  Herrod                   Lafa E.                  white     male      11 - 4 - 7          I. T. Herrod                  M. I. Herrod                  single    Dunkard Twp.                                                                    April          30     1902    Dunkard Twp., Davistown, Pa.                      Spinal Disease                                    1 week              Steel B-ground                          May 1, 1902 
067  30  Herrord                  Miles                    white     male                                                                                      married                                                     Laborer                                                                                                                                                                             Fairview Cem.   
068  38  Hertie                   Joseph Shuwalter         white     male      66 years                                                                        married   Fayette County                                    Dentist                       January        6      1901    Waynesburrg, Main Street                          Complication                                      6 or 7 days         Greene Mt. Cem.                         Jan. 8, 1901
069  31  Hessel                   Rosenia                  white     female    73                                                                              married   Wurtenburg, Germany                               H. Keeper                     October        9      1902    Waynesburg, Pa. 145 E. M. St.                     Apoplexy                                          9 days              Greene Mt. Cem.                         Oct. 12, 1902   
066  38  Hewitt                   Eliza                    white     female    69                                                                              married   Washington Co., Pa.                                                             June           9      1897    Bristoria, Pa.                                    Paralysis                                         3 yrs.              Fairview                                June 10, 1897   
068  36  Hewitt                   Glen R.                  white     male      6 years             J. A. Hewitt                                                          Cumberland Twp.                                                                 January        7      1901    Ceylon                                            Heart failure                                     1 day               Glades Cem.                             Jan. 8, 1901
065  37  Hewitt                   Ley Olive                white     female    23                                                                              single    Richhill Twp.                                                                   July           28     1895    Richhill Twp.                                     Consumption                                       3 mos.              Lazears Cem.                            July 27, 1895   
066  12  Hewitt                   Morgan L.                white     male      10                  Oliver Hewitt                 Addie Hewitt                  single    Cumberland Twp.                                                                 April          8      1896    Cumberland Twp.                                   Brain Fever                                       1 wk.               Glades Cem.                             Apr. 9, 1896
064  12  Hewitt                   Samuel                   white     male      50                                                                              married   Aleppo Twp., Pa.                                                                September      4      1893    Richhill Twp.                                     Heart Failure                                     Almost Instant      S. Wheeling                             Sept. 5, 1893       Dec. 14, 1893
069  35  Hewitt                   Samuel                   white     male      40                                                                              married   Aleppo                                            Laborer                       September      15     1902    Aleppo                                            Consumption                                       1 year              Hewitts B. Ground                       Sep. 8, 1902
068  08  Hewitt                   Samuel H.                white     male      36 yrs.                                                                                                                                     Farmer                        February       9      1900    West Union                                        Fever                                             3 wks.              West Union                              Feb. 11, 1900   
067  10  Hickman                  Catharine                white     female    86                                                                              married   Delaware                                          Housekeeper                   April          29     1898                                                      Gripp                                             One week            Fairview Cemetery                       Apr. 1898   
067  01  Hickman                  Mary                     white     female    57                                                                              married   Kentucky                                                                        May            21     1897    Jefferson Township                                Unknown                                           6 mos.              Morrisville Cem.                        May 22, 1897
066  11  Hickman                  Morgan                   white     male      67                                                                              married   Greene Co., Pa.                                   Farmer                        March          29     1896    Jefferson Twp.                                    Spinal Disease                                    18 mos.             Morrisville                             Mar. 30, 1896   
068  33  Hickman                  W. M.                    white     male      74 years                                                                        married   Greene Co.                                        Farmer                        March          15     1901    Perry                                             Gripe                                             4 weeks             Cedargrove Cem.                         Mar. 17, 1901   
065  06  Hight                    Catharine                          female    94                                                                              married   Chambers Burgh                                                                  February       14     1894    Greene Township                                   Dropsy                                            5 weeks             Whitely Cem.                            Feb. 15, 1894       Nov. 27, 1894
069  01  Hill                     -----------              white     male      3 days              Walter Hill                   Anna Hill                               Washington Co.                                                                  April          17     1901    Lone Pine                                                                                           3 days              Lone Pine                               Apr. 18, 1901   
066  13  Hill                     Alice                    white     female                                                                                    married   Jefferson, Pa.                                                                  September      10     1896    Jefferson, Penna., Main St.                       Consumption                                                           Cumberland G. Yd.                       Sept. 11, 1896  
065  02  Hill                     Edna C.                  white     female    2 yr.               W. S. Hill                    Alice M. Hill                 single    Jefferson Boro.                                                                 January        14     1894    Main St. Jefferson Boro.                          Diptheria                                         Twelve Days         C. P. Cemetry                           Jan. 15, 1894       May 28, 1894 
064  36  Hill                     James                    white     male      22                                                                              married   Greene Co.                                        Carpenter                     January        14     1894    Jefferson Twp.                                    Diptheria                                         1 week              Jefferson C. P. G. Y.                   Jan. 15, 1894       May 30, 1894 
065  25  Hill                     Jesse                    white     male      80                                                                              married   Greene County, Pa.                                farmer                        August         16     1894    Waynesburg, Penna.                                gangrene                                          5 mo.               Greene Mt. Cem.                         Aug. 18, 1894   
066  18  Hill                     John                     white     male      46                                                                              single    Washington Co,. Pa.                               Laborer                       September      14     1896    Jefferson Township                                Heart Trouble                                     4 wks.              Jefferson C. P.C.                       Sept. 16, 1896  
066  01  Hill                     Matilda                  white     female    91                                                                              married   Washington Co., Pa.                                                             March          8      1896    Center Township                                   Old Age                                           One year            Harveys                                 Mar. 9, 1896
066  08  Hiller                    J. H.                   white     male      35                                                                              single    Jefferson, Pa.                                    Painter                       April          5      1896    Jefferson, Penna.                                 Hem. of Lungs                                                         Baptist G. Yd.                          Apr. 8, 1896
067  03  Hiller                   Jennie L.                white     female    2 mo.               William Hiller                Kit Hiller                    single    Franklin Twp.                                                                   August         5      1897    Franklin Twp.                                     Cholera Infant.                                   3 days              Gordons' B. Gd.                         Aug. 6, 1897
066  17  Hiller                   Samuel                   white     male      64                                                                              married   Jefferson                                         Farmer                        July           5      1896    Franklin Township                                 Lung Trouble                                      4 mos.              Gordons' G. Yd.                         July 6, 1896
068  23  Hiller                   William                  white     male      34                                                                              married   Laurell Run                                       Carpenter                     December       24     1900    Stone School House                                Falling Limb                                      4 hrs.              Gordon Home B. G.                       Dec. 26, 1900   
064  29  Hineman                  Nelson                   white     male      40                                                                              single    Aleppo Tp.                                                                      November       17     1893    Aleppo Twp., Pa.                                  Collic                                                                Windy Gap                               Nov. 18, 1893       Dec. 14, 1893
065  10  Hinerman                 Ida L.                   white     female    28 yrs.                                                                         single    Aleppo Twp.                                                                     July           15     1894    Aleppo Twp.                                       Typhoid fever                                     10 days             Windy gap                               July 16, 1894       Dec. 14, 1894
066  31  Hinerman                 Luther W.                white     male      26                                                                              single    Aleppo Twp.                                                                     March          15     1897    Aleppo, Penna.                                    Epileptic Fits                                    4 days              Windy Gap Cem.                          Mar 16, 1897
068  06  Hinerman                 Thomas                   white     male      85 yrs.                                                                         married   Millsboro, Pa.                                    Farmer                        May            21     1900    Aleppo Twp.                                       Dropsy                                            3 mo.               Windy Gape Cem.                         May 22, 1900
068  02  Hirdman                  Mary                     white     female    79 yrs.                                                                         married   Morris & Road (?), Fayette Co.                                                  December       8      1899    Greensboro, Pa.                                   Paralysis                                         1 wk.               Oak Grove Cem.                          Dec. 9, 1899
065  15  Hitchcock                James L.                 white     male      25 yr.                                                                          single    Richhill Township                                                               November       1      1894    Richhill Township                                 Diptheria                                         7 days              Lazears Cem.                            Nov. 3, 1894        Nov. 19, 1894
069  03  Hitchcoxk                Fannie Elizabeth         white     female    37                                                                              single                                                                                    October        11     1901    Video, Pa.                                        Dropsy                                            2 weeks             Leasures, Pa.                           Oct. 13, 1901   
067  06  Hixenbaugh               Hagan                    white     male      6 days              Harry Hixenbaugh              Rebecca Hixenbaugh            single    Hoovers Run                                                                     December       19     1897                                                      Don't know                                                            Eddy's                                  Dec. 19, 1897   
067  17  Hixenbaugh               James                    white     male      50                                                                              married   Wadestown, W. Va.                                 Farmer                        June           24     1898    Jollytown                                         Consumption                                       2 wks                                                       June 7, 1898
065  12  Hoard                    Ruth                     white     female    25                                                                              married   Perry Twp.                                                                      November       20     1894    Perry Twp.                                        Consumption                                       3 weeks             Cedar grove                             Nov. 22, 1894       Dec. 28, 1894
069  27  Hoge                     --------                 white     male                                                                                                Waynesburg                                                                      March          1      1902    Waynesburg                                                                                                              Rogersville, Pa.                        Mar. 2, 1902
068  10  Hoge                     ----------               white     male      3 days              E. M. Hoge                    Ella Hoge                     single    Oak Forest                                                                      March          11     1900    Pursley Creek                                     Premature Birth                                   3 days              Fairall Chapel                          Mar. 12, 1900   
064  39  Hoge                     Daniel                   white     male      2                   Thomas Hughes                 Ruth Hughes                             Holbrook, Center Tp.                                                            June           9      1894    Rutan, Centre twp.                                Lung Fever                                        2 mo.               Pursley Cem.                            June 10, 1894       June 11, 1894
069  13  Hoge                     Eelix                    white     male      24                                                                              single    Morgan Twp.                                       Laborer                       August         27     1901    Washington                                        Panacetis (?)                                                         Jefferson Cem.  
065  29  Hoge                     Helen Hunt               white     female    9 mo.               W. H. R. Hoge                 Emma Hoge                     single    Morgan Twp.                                                                     September      21     1895    Morgan Township                                   Chol. Infant.                                     2 days              Jefferson Cem.                          Sept. 22, 1895  
066  32  Hoge                     Jacob                    white     male      56                                                                              married                                                                                   April          2      1897    Morgan Township                                   Penumonia                                         2 wks.              Jefferson Cem.                          Apr. 4, 1897
066  35  Hoge                     Jane                     white     female    84                                                                              married   Washington Co.                                                                  September      1      1897    Center Township                                   Paralysis                                         6 mos.              Pursley                                 Sept. 2, 1897   
067  28  Hoge                     John                     white     male      73                                                                              married   Center Twp.                                       Farmer                        March          21     1899    Pursley                                           Heart Trouble                                     1 hour              Pursley Church                          Mar. 23, 1899   
064  24  Hoge                     Joseph Sr.               white     male      87                                                                              married   Morgan Tp.                                        farmer                        November       9      1893    Centre Township                                   Old Age                                           4 mo.               Wayne twp.                              Nov. 11, 1893       Dec. 5, 1893 
067  20  Hoge                     Margaret                 white     female    62                                                                              married   Franklin Twp.                                                                   June           5      1898    Oak Forest                                        Lung trouble                                      7 mos.              Pursley Church                          June 6, 1898
067  08  Hoge                     Mary A.                  white     female    73 yrs.                                                                         married   Franklin Twp.                                     Housekeeper                   December       13     1897                                                      Dropsy                                            six months          Pursley Church                          Dec. 15, 1897   
065  34  Hoge                     Tillie                   white     female    35                                                                              married   Richhill Twp.                                     farmer                        October        1      1895    Center Township                                   Consumption                                       1 year              Johnson's                               Oct. 2, 1895
065  24  Holbert                  Helen E.                 white     female    5 mos.              W. R. Holbert                 Eliza I. Holbert              single    Waynesburg, Pa.                                                                 December       20     1894    Waynesburg, Penna.                                Neal assimilation                                                     Greene Mt. Cem.                         Dec. 22, 1894   
065  30  Holder                   T. J.                    white     male      68                                                                              married   Morgan Twp.                                       farmer                        June           30     1895    Morgan Township                                   Gen. Debility                                     3 mos.              Lutheran Cem.                           July 2, 1895
066  05  Holmes                   A. J.                    white     male      36                                                                              married                                                     Blacksmith                    April          10     1896    Richhill Township                                 Consumption                                       15 mos.             Jacksonville                            Apr. 12, 1896   
065  38  Holmes                   Henry                    white     male      52                                                                              married   Marshall Co., W. Va.                              farmer                        October        25     1895    Richhill Twp.                                     Suacide                                                               Lazears Cem.                            Oct. 26, 1895   
065  39  Holmes                   Lancy                    white     female    77                                                                              married   Greene County                                                                   November       23     1895    Jackson Twp.                                      Consumption                                                           Lazears Cem.                            Nov. 24, 1895   
066  22  Holmes                   Thomas                   white     male      47 y. 5 mo. 16 d.                                                               married   Richhill Twp.                                     Farmer                        October        8      1896    Ryersons Station, Pa.                             Inflam. of Stomach                                4 wks.              South Wheeling                          Oct. 10, 1896   
065  33  Holt                     Della                    white     female    22                                                                              married   P?, Wirt. Co.                                     farmer                        November       15     1895    P?, Wirt Co., W. Va.                              Consumption                                       6 mos. 10 days      W. Va.                                  Nov. 17, 1895   
066  15  Holt                     Wm. O.                   white     male      13 y. 3 m 12 d.     Rev. Jas. Holt                Mother Deceased               single                                                                                    June           29     1896    Greene Township                                   Pneumonia                                         2 wks.              Whitely Chapel                          June 30, 1896   
068  37  Hook                     Eliza                    white     female    83 years                                                                        widow     Wbg. Penna.                                                                     May            4      1901    Wbg., Pa. Main Street                             Heart failure                                     15 hours            Greene Mt. Cem.                         May 7, 1901 
065  35  Hoover                   Jacob                    white     male      56                                                                              married                                                     Gun Smith                     August         13     1895    Wash. St. Waynesburg, Pa.                         Dysentery                                         3 wks.              Waynesburg                              Aug. 14, 1895   
066  27  Hoover                   Sarah                    white     female    76                                                                              married   Waynesburg, Pa.                                                                 January        22     1896    Waynesburg, Penna.                                Paralysis                                                             Wbg. Cemetery   
064  03  Hopkins                  Anne                     white     female    72                                                                              single                                                      Farmer                        November       24     1893    Washington Twp.                                   Tumor                                             6 Days              Greene Grove                            Nov. 25, 1893       Dec. 15, 1893
068  25  Hopton                   William                  white     male                                                                                      single    Carmichaels                                                                     October        21     1900    Carmichaels                                       Pneumonia                                         1 wk.               Glades Cem.                             Oct. 22, 1900   
068  35  Hopton                   William                  white     male      15 years            H. K. Hopton                  Belle Hopton                  single    Cumberland Twp.                                                                 October        20     1900    Ceylon                                            Pneumonia                                         4 days              Glades Cem.                             Feb. 22, 1900   
068  07  Hopton                   Z. R.                    white     male      70 yrs.                                                                         married   Cumberland                                        Farmer                        February       24     1900    Cumberland                                                                                                              Glades Cem.                             Feb. 26, 1900   
068  40  Horne                    Ralph Raymond            white     male      8 mo.               James Horne                   N. S. Horne                   single    Waynesburg, Pa.                                                                 January        5      1902    Waynesburg, Pa., Lincoln Street                   Spinal Meningitis                                                     Greene Mt. Cem.                         Jan. 6, 1902
069  21  Horner                   ----------               white     female                        William Horner                Elizabeth Horner              single    Clarksville                                                                     March          2      1902    Clarksville                                       Unknown                                                               Luthern Cem.                            Mar. 3
066  29  Horner                   A. N.                    white     male      39                                                                              single    Cumberland Twp.                                   Farmer                        January        17     1897    Cumberland Twp.                                   ----------                                        ----------          Horners' Cem.                           Jan. 19, 1897   
065  07  Horner                   Amy                      white     female    52                                                                              married                                                                                   August         24     1894    Morgan Township                                   Lung Trouble                                      1 yr.               Luthernan Cem.                          Aug. 26, 1894       Dec. 7, 1894 
069  18  Horner                   Anna J.                  white     female    20 - 8 - 12                                                                     single    Springhill T. P., Greene Co.                                                    December       19     1901    Washington twp.                                   Catarrh Consumption                               2 wks.              Bethlehem Cem.                          Dec. 21, 1901   
069  07  Horner                   Chas.                    white     male                                                                                      married   Cumberland Twp.                                   Laborer                       September      13     1901    Cumberland Twp.                                   Accidental                                                            Horner B. G.                            Sept. 15, 1901  
066  19  Horner                   Josiah                   white     male      66                                                                              married   Monongahelia Co., W. Va.                          Farmer                        September      13     1896    Springhill Twp.                                   Palsy                                             3 yrs.              Sand Hill                               Sept. 13, 1896  
069  09  Horner                   Marell                   white     female    2                   Harry Horner                  Reppa Horner                            Cumberland Twp.                                                                 May            4      1901    Cumberland                                        Scrofula                                          1 month             Hewitts Cemetery                        May 5, 1901 
066  34  Horner                   Mariah                   white     female    73                                                                              married   Greene Twp.                                                                     October        4      1897    Carmichaels, Penna.                               Cancer                                            6 mos.              Horner B. ground                        Oct. 6, 1897
066  10  Horner                   Thomas                   white     male      87                                                                              married   Pennsylvania                                      Farmer                        March          2      1896    Jefferson Twp.                                    Old Age                                           4 days              Hewitts' Cem.                           Mar. 4, 1896
067  21  Hoskinson                Elizabeth R.             white     female    3                   P. D. Hoskinson               Cassie Hoskinson              single    Springhill Twp.                                                                 July           11     1898    Springhill Twp.                                   Spinal fever                                      3 days              New Freeport                            July 12, 1898   
068  18  Hoskinson                Mrs. Robert              white     female                                                                                    married   Greene Co.                                                                      August         3      1900    Morrisville                                                                                                             Greene Mt. Cem.                         Aug. 5, 1900
064  06  Hoskinson                Ola L.                   white     female    27                                                                              married   Greene Co., Pa.                                   Housekeeper                   November       4      1893    Springhill Twp.                                   Consumption of Bowls                              9 months            New Freeport, Pa.                       Nov. 14, 1893       Dec. 28, 1893
103  06  Householder              Moses                    white     male      52                                                                              married                                                     Laborer                       June           19     1897    Greensboro                                        Palsy                                             1 year              Mon. Hill Cemetery                      June 21, 1897   
065  16  Howard                   Latonie                  white     female    7 mo.               John Howard                   N. E. Howard                  single    Dunkard Twp.                                                                    May            15     1895    Davistown, Pa.                                    Spinal Disease                                    3 wks.              Masons Ridge                            May 16, 1895
064  13  Howard                   Thomas                   white     male      16 wks.             J. L. Thomas                  Ida Thomas                    married   Manington, W. Va.                                                               August         5      1893    Richhill Twp.                                     Cholera Infantum                                  5 days              Fair View                               Aug. 6, 1893        Dec. 23, 1893
066  14  Hoy                      Emma                     white     female    20                  Lewis Hoy                     Luiza Hoy                     single    Perry Township                                                                  October        18     1896    Perry Township                                    Stomach Trouble                                   9 days              Claughton G. Yd.                        Oct. 20, 1896   
064  15  Hoy                      Isabelle                 white     female    82                                                                              single    Brock, Greene Co., Pa.                            Housekeeping                  October        2      1893    Brock, Greene Co., Pa.                            Old Age                                           2 weeks             Brock, Pa.                              Oct. 4, 1893        Dec. 12, 1893
067  26  Hoy                      Louiza                   white     female    51 yr.                                                                          married   Perry Twp., Greene Co.                            House Keeper                  February       24     1899    Perry Twp.                                        Heart Trouble                                     20 da.              Claughton Chap.                         Feb. 26, 1899   
067  37  Hoy (?)                  Elmer                    white     male      57 yr.                                                                          married   W. Tp.                                                                          September      9      1899    Wh. Twp.                                          Consumption                                                           C. Chap.                                Sept. 11, 1899  
066  09  Hudson                   Henry                    white     male      76                                                                              married   Fayette Co.                                       Cooper                        March          9      1896    Cumberland Twp.                                   Brights Disease                                   1 wk.               Glades Cem.                             Mar. 10, 1896   
064  41  Hudson                   James                    white     male      68                                                                                        Cumberland Twp.                                   Laborer                       January        22     1894    Cumberland Twp.                                   Heart Failure                                     suddenly            New Prov. Cem.                          Jan. 24, 1894       June 6, 1894 
067  31  Huffman                                           white     male      4 days              J. A. J. Huffman              Catharine Huffman                       Bluff                                                                           December       27     1898                                                                                                                            Mt. Zion                                Dec. 28, 1898   
068  15  Huffman                  Blanch                   white     female                                                                                    single    Center Twp.                                                                     October        30     1900    Pursley Creek                                                                                       A few days          Pursley Church                          Oct. 31, 1900   
069  39  Huffman                  Earl                     white     male      1 1/2               D. B. Huffman                 Mrs. D. B. Huffman                      Oak Forest                                                                      July                          Oak Forest                                        Catarrhal Dysentery                               4 days              Pursley Ch. 
067  13  Huffman                  Eddie L.                 white     male      25                                                                              single    Greene Co., Pa.                                   Laborer                       October        25     1897    Ninevah, Pa.                                      Typhoid Fever                                     10 days             Waynesburg, Pa.                         Oct. 27, 1897   
068  26  Huffman                  Emaline                  white     female    59 years            John Porter                   Hannah Porter                 married   Franklin Twp.                                     Farmer                        September      20     1900    Sugar Run                                         Paralysis                                         3 mo. 22 days       Wbg. Green Mt. Cem.                     Sept. 22, 1900  
068  17  Huffman                  Emaline                  white     female    45 yrs.                                                                         married   Greene Co.                                                                      September      20     1900    Sugar Run                                         Paralysis                                         4 mos.              Greene Mt. Cem.                         Sept. 22, 1900  
067  05  Huffman                  George                   white     male      81 yrs.                                                                                   Washington Twp.                                   Farmer                        October        16     1897    Washington Twp.                                   Tumor                                             2 weeks             Bethlehem Cemetery                      Oct. 17, 1897   
069  16  Huffman                  I. J.                    white     male      72 1/2                                                                          married   Oak Forest                                        Farmer                        March          7      1902    Oak Forest                                        Pneumonia                                         3 mos.              Pursley Church                          Mar. 8, 1902
064  31  Huffman                  James                    white     male      65                                                                              single    Washington twp.                                   Farmer                        April          22     1893    Sycamore                                          Consumption                                                           Bethlehem                               Apr. 23             May 28
068  19  Huffman                  Jessie                   white     female    17                  Joseph Huffman                Nannie Huffman                single    Greene Co.                                        Housekeeper                   November       29     1900    Ninevah                                           Typhoid Fever                                     4 wks.              Greene Mt. Cem.                         Dec. 1, 1900
069  05  Huffman                  John M.                  white     male      32 - 3 - 3                                                                      married   Bristoria, Pa.                                    Farmer                        July           28     1901    Bristoria, Pa.                                    Fever                                             10 days             Fairview, Pa.                           July 29, 1901   
064  27  Huffman                  Lara                     white     female    20                  George Huffman                Susie Huffman                 single    Centre Tp.                                                                      November       16     1893    Centre Township                                   Diptheria                                         One week            Wayne twp.                              Nov. 16, 1893       Dec. 7, 1893 
064  28  Huffman                  Lizzie                   white     female    5                   John Huffman                  Mary L. Huffman               single    Centre Tp.                                                                      November       20     1893    Centre Township                                   Diptheria                                         4 days              Wayne twp.                              Nov. 20, 1893       Dec. 7, 1893 
065  19  Huffman                  Lizzie D.                white     female    11 wk.              Jacob Huffman                 Emma Huffman                  single    Center Twp.                                                                     April          5      1895    Center Twp.                                       catarrh                                           10 days             Rogersville                             Apr. 5, 1895        May 15, 1895 
064  25  Huffman                  Mariah                   white     female    10                  George Huffman                Nancy J. Huffman              single    Centre Tp.                                                                      November       10     1893    Centre Township                                   Diptheria                                         One week            Wayne twp.                              Nov. 10, 1893       Dec. 7, 1893 
065  32  Huffman                  Milton                   white     male      54                                                                              married   Washington Twp.                                   farmer                        November       2      1895    Jefferson Township                                Brights Disease                                   2 wks.              Waynesburg                              Nov. 4, 1895
066  07  Huffman                  P. J.                    white     female    50                                                                              married   Washington Co., Pa.                                                             March          9      1896    Washington Twp.                                   Throat Trouble                                    3 mo.               Bethlehem                               Mar. 10, 1896   
068  28  Huffman                  Rhoda                    white     female    76 years                                                                        married                                                                                   March          9      1901    Bluff, Pa.                                        Pneumonia                                         4 days              Mt. Zion Cem.                           Mar. 11, 1901   
065  31  Huffman                  Ross                     white     male      36                                                                              married   Washington Twp.                                   farmer                        October        18     1895    Washington Township                               Fever                                             9 days              Sycamore                                Oct. 19, 1895   
067  33  Huffman                  S. B.                    white     male                                                                                      married   Greene Co.                                                                      February       5      1899    Waynesburg                                        Heart Failure                                                         Pleasantridge   
064  26  Huffman                  Spencer                  white     male      3                   George Huffman                Nancy J. Huffman              single    Centre Tp.                                                                      November       18     1893    Centre Township                                   Diptheria                                         One week            Wayne twp.                              Nov. 18, 1893       Dec. 7, 1893 
069  28  Huffman                  Susan                    white     female    85                                                                              widow                                                                                     March          17     1902    Waynesburg, Greene St.                                                                                                  Bethlehem                               Mar. 19, 1902   
065  41  Huffman                  William                  white     male      22 y. 6 m. 18.                                                                  married                                                                                   December       20     1895    Morris Twp.                                       Typhoid Fever                                     2 weeks             E [fragment missing]                    [frag missing]  
067  04  Hufford                  Hazel Dell               white     female    8 mos.                                                                                    Hope, Greene Co., Pa.                                                           November       16     1897    Hope, Pa.                                         Lung Trouble                                                          Private Cemetery                        Nov. 17, 1897   
065  05  Huggins                  Asell                              male      81                                                                              married   Dunkard Township                                  Laborer                       August         9      1894    Greene Township                                   Heart Trouble                                     2 weeks             Whitely Cem.                                                Nov. 27, 1894
069  15  Huggins                  Elizabeth                white     female    80                                                                              married   Not Known                                         Housekeeper                   March          26     1902    Willow Tree                                       Paraylsis                                         Died Suddenly       Whiteley                                Mar. 27, 1902   
066  06  Huggins                  George H.                white     male      3 yrs.              Holmes Huggins                Ellen Huggins                 single    Morris Twp.                                                                     April          28     1896    Richhill Township                                 Croupe                                            3 days              Beulah                                  Apr. 30, 1896   
064  04  Hughes                   Andrew                   white     male      82                                                                              married   Franklin township                                 Farmer                        June           8      1893    Washington Twp.                                   Stomach Trouble                                   6 weeks             Bethlehem                               June 9, 1893        Dec. 19, 1893
068  05  Hughes                   Bennie                   white     male      2 wks.              Lee Hughes                    Maggie Hughes                 single    Washington Twp.                                                                 December       15     1899    Washington Twp.                                   Brain Fever                                       2 wks.              Bethlehem Cem.                          Dec. 18, 1899   
064  32  Hughes                   Bessina                  white               69                                                                              widow                                                                                     June           3      1893    Ruffs Creek                                       Parlitic Stroke                                   10 days             Bethlehem                               June 5              June 8
066  23  Hughes                   Blanch                   white     female    3 yrs.              Isaac Hughes                  Elisabeth Hughes              single    Nettle Hill                                                                     December       11     1896    Nettle Hill                                       Croup                                             24 hours            Centennial                              Dec. 12, 1896   
064  07  Hughes                   Floran                   white     female    9 yr.               William Hughes                Kate Hughes                   married   Richhill T. P.                                                                  January        4      1894    Richhill Twp.                                     Invagination                                      4 days              Sugar Grove                             Jan. 5, 1894        Jan. 5, 1894 
069  20  Hughes                   Florence May             white     female    24 - 3 - 18                                                                     single    Bristoria, Pa.                                    House work                    April          3      1902    Bristoria, Pa.                                    Spinal Trouble                                    1 week              Jacksonville, Pa.                       Apr. 6, 1902
064  40  Hughes                   Henry C.                 white     male      18 mo.                                                                          single    Rices Landing                                                                   January        30     1894    Cumberland Twp.                                   Pneumonia                                         2 weeks 1 da.       Hewitt Cem.                             Feb. 1, 1894        June 6, 1894 
065  13  Hughes                   Howard                   white     male      11 mo.              W. T. Hughes                  Rettie Hughes                           Jackson Twp.                                                                    November       27     1894    Jackson Twp.                                      Burn                                              4 hours             Bethel                                  Nov. 28, 1894       Dec. 20, 1894
068  24  Hughes                   Minor C.                 white     male      23                                                                              single    White Cottage                                     Laborer                       September      30     1900    Bluff                                             Typhoid Fever                                     4 weeks             Mt. Zion Cem.                           Oct. 1, 1900
066  25  Hughes                   Pearl M.                 white     female    7 yrs.              Rose Hughes                   Elisabeth Hughes              single    Nettle Hill                                                                     December       26     1896    Nettle Hill                                       Scarlet Fever                                     6 days              Higgins Burial Ground                   Dec. 29, 1896   
067  32  Hughes                   Thomas                   white     male      79 yrs.                                                                         married   Greene Co.                                        Farmer                        February       16     1899    White Cottage                                     Poison                                            24 hr.              Rogersville Cem.                        Feb. 18, 1899   
066  24  Hughes                   Thomas A.                white     male      7 yrs.              Isaac Hughes                  Elisabeth Hughes              single    Nettle Hill                                                                     December       10     1896    Nettle Hill                                       Croup                                             5 days              Centennial                              Dec. 12, 1896   
068  16  Huhn                     Mary                     white     female    2 mos.              Bentley Huhn                  Ella Huhn                     single    Sigsbee                                                                         August         27     1900    Sigsbee                                           Stomach trouble                                   3 wks.              Hanna Cem (?)                           Aug. 28, 1900   
065  36  Hull                     Francis R.               white     male      1 yr.               Mark Hull                     Emma Hull                     single    Richhill Twp.                                                                   September      1      1895    Bristoria, Penna.                                 Chol. Infant.                                     48 hrs.             Hull Grave Yd.                          Sept. 2, 1895   
065  14  Hull                     Ruth C.                  white     female    3 y. 6 mo.          H. H. Hull                    Jessie Hull                             Waynesburg, Pa.                                                                 October        21     1894    Morris Street, Waynesburg                         Scarlet fever                                                         Waynesburg                              Oct. 1894   
066  26  Hunk                     James                    white     male      5 yrs.                                                                          single    Waynesburg, Pa.                                                                                       1896    Waynesburg, Penna.                                Complication of Diseases                                              Wbg. Cemetery   
066  04  Hunnel                   David                    white     male      65                                                                              married   Greene Co., Pa.                                   Tailor                        March          18     1896    Franklin St., Waynesburg, Pa.                     Paralysis                                         10 days             Greene Mt. Cem.                         Mar. 20, 1896   
068  11  Hunnell                                           white                                                                                               married   Durbin, Pa.                                       Miner                         November       22     1900    Durbin, Pa.                                       Broken back                                       5 mos.              Rock Lick, W. Va.                       Nov. 23, 1900   
066  37  Hunnell                  Dessie                   white     female    5 yrs               John Hunnell                  Mary Hunnell                  single    White Cottage                                                                   September      6      1897    White Cottage, Pa.                                Burned                                            6 hrs.              Mt. Zion                                Sept. 7, 1897   
069  06  Hunnell                  Hazel A.                 white     female    2 days              L. M. Hunnell                 Mary Hunnell                            Holbrook                                                                        August         18     1901    Holbrook                                          Hemorrhage                                        12 hours            Mt. Zion Church                         Aug. 19, 1901   
068  27  Hunnell                  Jacob                    white     male      67 years                                                                        married                                                     Farmer                        May            2      1901    White Cottage                                     Paralysis                                         1 year              Mt. Zion Cem.                           May 4, 1901 
064  01  Hunnell                  Jesse                    white     male      41                  James Hunnell                 Catharine Hunnell             married   Waynesburg                                        Carpenter                     January        24     1893    Waynesburg                                        Consumption                                                           Greene Mt. Cemetery   
068  01  Hunnell                  Margaret A.              white     female    68 yrs.                                                                         married   Carmichaels                                                                     June           15     1899    Carmichaels                                       Paralysis                                         16 mos.             Laurel Point Cem.                       June 17, 1899   
069  24  Hunnell                  McKinley                 white     male      6 y.                Geo. Hunnell                  Margaret Hunnell              single    Waynesburg, Greene Co.                                                          January        17     1901                                                      Lock-Jaw                                                              W. Wbg. Franklin Twp.                   Jan. 11, 1901   
067  18  Hunnell                  Morgan                   white     male      69                                                                              married   Greene Co., Pa.                                   Machinist                     November       6      1898    Main St., Waynesburg                              Disease of liver                                  9 mos.              Green Mt. Cem.                          Nov. 8, 1898
068  09  Hunt                     Blanche                  white     female    10 mos.             C.B. Hunt                     Emily Hunt                              Morris Twp.                                                                     November       3      1899    Old Concord                                       Scrofula                                          1 wk.               West Union                              Nov. 4, 1899
064  11  Hunt                     Catharine                white     female    78                                                                              married   Not Known                                                                       September      7      1893    Richhill Twp.                                     Pneumonia                                         4 days              Eno Cemetry                             Sept. 8, 1893       Dec. 5, 1893 
064  22  Hunt                     Clarinda                 white     female    74                  Henry Bristor                 Elizabeth Bristor             married   Washington Tp.                                    Housekeeper                   March          31     1893    Gilmore township                                  Palsy                                             1 1/2 yrs.          Bethel Church                           Apr. 1, 1893        Dec. 7, 1893 
067  40  Hunt                     George                   white     male      38                                                                              married   Wash Co., Pa.                                     Laborer                       July           30     1899    Pittsburg, West Penn Hospital                     Appendicitis                                      6 wks.              Greene Mt Cem.                          Aug. 1, 1899
064  23  Hunt                     John                     white     male      75                  William Hunt                  Elizabeth Hunt                married   Washington Tp.                                    farmer                        July           4      1893    Gilmore township                                  Apoplexy                                          2 weeks             Bethel Church                           Apr. 7, 1893        Dec. 7, 1893 
065  21  Hunt                     John                     white     male      45                                                                              married   Greene County                                     farmer                        March          22     1895    Gilmore Twp.                                      consumption                                       5 mo.               Bethel Cem                              Mar. 24, 1895       May 21, 1895 
067  02  Hunt                     Minnie                   white     female    14                  Taylor Hunt                   Elizabeth Hunt                single    Richhill Twp.                                                                   September      26     1897    Durbin, Penna.                                    Typhoid Fever                                     3 wks.              Laziers Cem.                            Sept. 27, 1897  
069  23  Hunt                     Phoebe                   white     female    41 y.                                                                           single    Greene Co.                                                                      January        3      1902    Morris Twp.                                       Consumption                                       10 week             West Union                              Jan. 5, 1902
069  25  Hunter                   John                     white     male      65                                                                              married   Cumberland                                        Laborer                                      18     1902    Cumberland                                        Palsy                                                                 New Providence                          19, 1902
066  30  Hupp                     Eliza A.                 white     female    72                                                                              married   Fayette Co., Pa.                                                                January        16     1897    Aleppo Twp.                                       Caused by a fall                                  5 days              Freeport Cem.                           Jan. 18, 1897   
069  32  Huss                     Charles (Rev.)           white     male      26                                                                              single    Franklin Twp., Greene Co.                         Preacher                      November       23     1902    Waynesburg, Cor. Wayne & Wash. St.                Nervous Prostra.                                  12 days             Greene Mt. Cem.                         Nov. 25, 1902   
064  34  Huston                   Amanda                   white     female    70                                                                              married   Pa.                                                                             January        13     1894    Ceylon                                            Lagrippe                                          1 mo.               Glades Cem.                             Jan. 15, 1894       June 18, 1894
066  20  Huston                   Infant                   white     male      4 days              W. L. Huston                  M. E. Huston                  single    Grays Landing                                                                   April          10     1896    Monongahelia Twp.                                 Unknown                                           4 days              Glades Church                           Apr. 11, 1896   
069  26  Huston                   Joseph                   white     male      70                                                                              married   Cumberland                                        Farmer                                       21     1902    Cumberland                                                                                          three days          New Providence                          22, 1902
065  40  Huston                   Samuel                   white     male      64                                                                                        Washington Co., Pa.                               farmer                        July           3      1895    Aleppo Twp.                                       Kicked by horse                                   2 days              Sugar Grove                             July 4, 1895
067  27  Hyett                    Mesheck                  white     male      74                                                                              married   Fayett Co., Pa.                                   Stone mason                   February       13     1899    Greensboro                                        Paralysis                                         2 yr.               Monongahela Hill Cem.                   Feb. 14, 1899