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eaver County PA Archives Newspapers: Selected items from 
the Western Argus, 1830 
Copyright. All rights reserved. 

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Alice Kern 
and the Beaver County Genealogical Society

These extracts are from microfilmed copies of the Western 
Argus newspaper. Original punctuation and spelling have been 

June 6, 1830 Runaway from the subscriber, on or about the 
24th of May last, James SCOTT, an apprentice to the 
plastering business, aged about 18, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches 
high-had on when he went away, a white fur hat, a suit of 
blue cassinett clothes.  Whoever returns said apprentice, or 
gives information where hi is shall have the thanks of the 
subscriber.  James B. CLOW North Sewickly Township June 1, 
1830 N.B. All persons are cautioned against harboring said 
SCOTT as legal measures will be resorted to against anyone 
doing so. J.B.C.

July 9, 1830 $20 REWARD Broke jail, on the night of the 12th 
inst. Joseph DILWORTH and Jeremiah WOODS, the former for 
petty larceny, and the later for surety of the peace, 
DILWORTH is about 35 years of age, about 5 feet ten inches 
high, dark complexion.  WOODS is eighteen or twenty years of 
age, about five feet six inches high, set make, fair 
complexion.  Whoever returns said prisoners, shall have the 
above reward, or one half for either.  David PORTER, sheriff 
Beaver June 17, 1830

September 10, 1830 $10 REWARD Runaway from the subscriber in 
the town of Beaver, on the night of the 17th inst. An 
indentured apprentice to the carpenter, house joiner and 
cabinet business, named Eli BROOKS, a lad about nineteen 
years of age, about five feet seven inches high, fair 
complexion, rather a down look, had it is believed on when 
he went away a white roundabout, linnen pantaloons, a black 
hat, it is supposed he has gone to his fathers in Allegheny 
County, near the Franklin Road, on the direction of Harmony, 
fourteen miles from Pittsburgh, whoever returns said 
apprentice shall have the above reward. Wm. CAIRNS Beaver 
August 19, 1830

December 10, 1830 Married In the Beaver Jail, on the 7th 
inst. By William CLARKE, Esq.  Mr. Josiah S. M'DONALDto Mrs. 
Elizabeth FARREE

April 1, 1831 Six Cents Reward Runaway from the subscriber 
living in Economy Township on the 20th inst. An apprentice 
boy named George RUFF, aged 15 years stout build cassinet 
clothes &e. The above reward, but no charges will be paid, 
upon his delivery to the submitter George FINK Feb. 22, 1831

August 5, 1831 Caution The public are hereby cautioned not 
to trust my wife Jane, her daughter Mary Ann BRADY or 
William Harrison HART her son, on my account, as I am 
determined not to pay debts of their contracting.  Peter 
TEDROW South Beaver Township July 13, 1831

August 12, 1831 6 Cents Reward Ranaway from the subscriber, 
on the 20th day of June last, a bound girl named Ellen 
ALLISON, aged about 15 years.  The above reward will be paid 
to any person bringing her back.  All persons are forewarned 
not to trust or harbor her on my account William ADAMS, 
Sharon, August 10, 1831

December 9, 1831 Six Cents Reward Ranaway from the 
subscriber on the 20th day of November last an indented 
apprentice to the tailoring business named John BILES.  He 
had on when he went away a black cloth strait coat, black 
mixed pantaloons and vest, and a new fur hat.  Whoever takes 
up said apprentice and returns him shall have the above 
reward, but no charges.  All persons are forewarned from 
harbouring him or trusting him on my account.  William 
ADAMS, Sharon, December, 1831

March 10, 1832 Six Cents Reward Ranaway from the subscriber 
on the 27th ult. Amos RANDALL an indented apprentice to the 
Boot and Shoemaking business.  He is between 17 and 18 years 
old; his person is slender, about six feet three or four 
inches high, light complexion-had on when he left a dark 
grey cassinett roundabout and pantaloons, black seal skin 
cap and square toed shoes.  All persons are forbid trusting 
or harboring said boy at their peril, and whoever will 
apprehend and return said apprentice to the subscriber shall 
be entitled to the above reward, but no charges will be 
paid.  William FOWLER, Fallston, March 1, 1832

July 6, 1832 Six Cents Reward Ranaway from the subscriber 
living in Economy township, Beaver County, a short time 
since, four indented children of the following ages and 
names viz: Ulrich Weinberg   age 16 years William Weinberg  
age 13 years Caroline Weinberg age 10 years Joseph Weinberg  
 age  6 years. The above reward, but no charges will be paid 
upon their delivery to the subscriber. Frederick 
EKENSPERGER, May 25, 1832

August 10, 1832 Four Cents Reward Ranaway from the 
subscriber, on Section No.5 Beaver Division Penna. Canal, on 
the 4th inst an apprentice to the Blacksmith business named 
Benjamin ARNES, aged about 18 years about 5 feet 8 inches 
high, down look, except when looking up-a good workman when 
so disposed, which on the average is about once a month-full 
breasted, if his head was turned the other way.  He had on 
when he went away a grey coat, blue pantaloons, but no 
shirt!  Any person harboring or trusting him on my credit, 
shall be answerable at the great day of accounts, when their 
bills may be heavy enough without this in addition.  Any 
person bringing back said apprentice or lodging him in the 
New Castle jail, so that I can get him again shall have the 
above reward of four cents and a sound drubbing from  George 
FARROW, Section 5, August 7, 1832

Sept. 14, 1832 Caution Whereas my wife Polly BOWEN left my 
bed and board sometime since and shows no disposition to  
return.  This is to caution all persons from trusting her on 
my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her 
contracting from this date John BOWEN Big Beaver tp.Aug. 8, 

October 26, 1832 Ranaway from the subscriber in North Beaver 
township, Beaver County a young woman named Peggy SHAFER.  
Which being a bound girl aged about 16 years about 5 feet 6 
inches high Whoever takes up said runaway and brings her 
back to me shall have the above reward and no charges.  John 
Venatta August 21st, 1832

November 16, 1832 A gentleman direct from Cincinnati, states 
that the cholera has abated and is nearly extinct in that 
city and Louisville, and that business is reviving.  At 
Pittsburgh there are still a few cases principally among the 
blacks in the suburbs of the city.

November 23, 1832 Runaway Boy! Ranaway from the subscriber 
living in Chippewa township on the 9th of October last, his 
son, a lad about thirteen years of age fair complexion, fair 
hair, small of his age, rather forward and talkative.  His 
clothing when he went away was anew Rorem hat, shirt, 
waistcoat and pantaloons. Whoever returns said boy shall be 
reasonably rewarded for his trouble.  And further, all 
persons are hereby notified not to harbor said boy.  Eli 
POWEL Chippewa township Nov. 7th, 1832

January 4, 1833 Caution In consequence of mental 
derangement, the public are cautioned not to trust my wife, 
Mary, as it is very inconvenient to pay debts that she 
contracts, which are of no benefit to the family.  As this 
is the second notice the subscriber his given to the public, 
it is hoped that this will be sufficient.  James IRWIN 
Hopewell twp. Dec. 6, 1833

January 18, 1833 Information Wanted Of Joseph WOOSTER, who 
resided in Chenango county, New York, about twenty years ago 
since, who is now about 38 years of age.  He was the son of 
Joseph and Annah WOOSTER , who now reside in Mercer county, 
in this State. Any person giving information of said Joseph 
WOOSTER, will confer a favor by addressing a letter, with 
all possible information, to the subscriber, at Mount 
Jackson, Beaver county, Pa.  Stephen BRIANT  Nov. 24, 1833

January 25, 1833 Married On Tuesday, the 22d inst. By the 
Rev. Jonathan Davis , Mr. John GARBER, merchant, of Wilmore, 
Cambria County, Pa. To Miss Eliza, daughter of Gen. Samuel 
POWER, of this borough.  (With the above marriage notice we 
thankfully acknowledge the receipt of a handsome slice of 
Wedding Cake; and in return, we tender the youthful pair our 
most sincere wishes for their happiness and prosperity.-To 
those who are yet single, we would say ----"Go and do 
likewise.") On the 24th inst. By the Rev. W. Maclean Mr. 
Isaac WILLIAMS to Miss Ann DAVIDSON, both of Brighton 
township. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Abraham LANE to 
Miss Mary HOOPER, both of Freedom. On the 20th inst. By C.S. 
Reno, Esq. Mr. William FRENCH to Miss Elizabeth MURRAY , 
both of Bridgewater.

Died-On the 21st inst. Mr. James MOORE, of New Sewickly 
township, a soldier of the Revolution, aged rising 80 years. 
On the 19th inst. Mrs. USSELTON. Consort of Mr. Samuel 
USSELTON, of Moon township aged about 40 years.

March 1, 1833 Married On yesterday evening by the Rev. Wm 
Maclean, Mr. James HARTAN, of this borough to Miss Eliza 
ELLIOT of Brighton Township. On the 21st alt. by the Rev. T. 
E. Hughes, Mr. Milo REED, of Brighton Township to Miss Nancy 
BRADSHAW of South Beaver Twonship. On the same day, 
by_________, Mr. John BARNS to Miss Amanda MOORE, both of 
Ohio Township.

March 5, 1833 Died On the 12th instant, Miss Deborah  
YARDLEYof Borough township, aged about21 years.

March 8, 1833 Six Cents Reward Ranaway from subscriber, 
living in Economy, Beaver County on the 24inst. An indented 
apprentice boy in the blue dyeing business, Jacob MARTIN 
aged 15 years, light complexion, stout build.  The public 
are warned from harboring him by the consequences of the 
law.  The above reward, but no charges, will be given upon 
his delivery to the subscriber in Economy.  Michael 
WEINGAERTNER February 27, 1833.

March 22, 1833 Married On the 19th inst. By the Rev. Jas. 
Wray, Mr. Dawson B. DOWDS, of Moon towrnship, to Miss Mary 
IRONS of Hopewell Township. On the 21st inst. By John Kerr, 
Esq. Mr. John MEANOR to Miss Elizabeth STONE, both of Moon 
township. On the same day by_________, Mr. Andrew EBERHAR, 
of Brighton township, to Miss ________KELLY, of North 
Sewickly township. On the 23d ult. By the Rev. Robert 
Semple, Mr. Joseph MATHENY to Miss Mary MACGREGOR, both of 
North Sewickly township.

March 29, 1833 Married On Wednesday evening the 27th inst. 
By the Rev. W. Maclean , Dr. Robert CUNNINGHAM, of North 
Sewickly township, Beaver County, to Miss Jane, daughter of 
James ALLISON, Esq. of this borough. On Thursday the 14th 
inst. by William RAYL, Esq. Mr. John NEVEL to Miss Sarah 
NEVEL all of Ohio township. Died Of consumption, on the 19th 
inst. Major Enoch W. BARRIS, of North Sewickly township aged 
about 35 years. On the 26th inst. Elvira, daughter of Mr. 
George FLEMING of New Sewickly township age 9 years.

Six Cents Reward Ranaway from the subscriber living in 
Economy, Beaver County on the 26th inst. an indented 
apprentice girl, named Christiana HOEHR aged 17 years, light 
complexion stout build.  The public are warned from 
harboring her by the penalties of the law.  The above 
reward, but no charges will be given upon her delivery to 
the subscriber in Economy.  Lewis SCHREIBER March 27th, 1833

Information Wanted The subscriber is anxious to obtain 
information of Henry FERGUSON, son of Richard FERGUSON, late 
of Adms county, Pennsylvania.  It is believed he is now in 
some part of Washington county.  He will oblige his borther 
Joseph's daughter, if he addresses a letter to Alexander 
BROWN, Fallston Post Office, Beaver County, Pa.   Margaret 
Ann BROWN  Feb. 20, 1832

April12, 1833 Married In Beaver, on the 10th inst. By the 
Bev. Geo. Holmes, Mr. George C. BARNS to Miss Jane ROBINSON 
, both of Fallston. On the 14th inst. By Wm. Morton, Esq. 
Mr. Jacob LUTTON, of Shenango township, to Mrs.. Ruth 
SPRINGER, of North Sewickly township. At Erie, (Pa.) on the 
2d.inst. by the Rev. G. A. Lyon, Mr. Samuel D. SHANNON, 
formerly of this county, to Miss Sarah SALTSMAN , of the 
former place. Died-On Monday morning the 8th inst. After a 
lingering illness of rising two years, William LEET, Esq. Of 
Sharon Beaver County aged about 75 years. He has been for a 
long time a resident of this county, and much respected by 
his neighbors and fellow citizns. On the 5th inst, Mr, 
William HAMILTON, of South Beaver township, aged about80 
years. On the 8th inst. Miss_____M'KENZIE, of Borough 
township, aged about 13 years.

April 5, 1833 Information Wanted The subscriber is anxious 
to obtain information of his brother, John EBERHART, a 
German, who came to this country rising two years since.  He 
attended a mill at Baltimore, two years ago.  The last 
information had of him he was at Chambersburg.  Any 
information from him, or from any person having a knowledge 
of his place of residence will be gratefully received, by 
letter, directed to Newcastle, Mercer County, Pa. Jacob 
EBERHART April 1833

Notice On Tuesday evening last, a man calling himself Harry 
MARR, borrowed a horse from the subscribers wife, and it is 
believed that he has cleared out with him.  The horse was a 
bay, blind in the right eye, a small lump or scar on the 
right flank, mane cut off, and foretop square.  Said MARR 
called himself WILLIAMS, at Sharon; but it is very probable 
that such a consummate scoundrel has a number of aliases.  
Any person apprehending him or securing the horse, so that I 
can get him again, shall be reasonably rewarded.  John LINE, 
Big Beaver Township, March 27, 1833

April 19, 1833 Six Cents Reward Ranaway from the subscriber 
living in North Sewickly township, about the 1st of April, a 
bound boy named Washington STEWART near 15 years of 
age-light hair-had on a fur hat-half worn coat &c. Any 
person taking up said boy shall have the above reward, but 
neither thanks nor charges. Caleb PYLE North Sewickly 
township April 12, 1833 Married On Thursday evening the 18th 
inst by the Rev. W. Maclean, William HENRY, Editor of this 
paper, to Miss Eliza S. HAMILTON of Sharon, Beaver County. 
On Wednesday the 17th inst. by Elihu T. PUGH, Esq. Mr. 
Joseph T. PUGH to Miss Nancy M'CREARY, all of the borough of 
Fallston. (In the absence of the Editor, who is enjoying 
similar luxuries, the 'Printer's Devil' takes it upon 
himself to acknowledge, with the above marriage notice, the 
receipt of a splendid slice of wedding cake, for which he 
returns his thanks, and hopes that the parties may, through 
life, fully enjoy the new world upon which they have 
entered.) On the 11th, by Nathaniel HARNET, Esq. Mr. John 
TAYLOR, merchant, of Little Beaver township to Miss 
Cathaerine PHILLIPS of North Beaver Township.

Died- On the 14th inst. Jackson, son of Mr. Samuel PORTER, 
of this borough, aged 5 years.

June 21, 1833 $20 Reward Broke the jail of Beaver County, on 
the evening of the 11th instant, three prisoners to wit: 
Powers INMAN, a debtor, John M'CALL, a debtor, and John 
CONWAY, for surety of the peace. INMAN, is a large raw boned 
man, 5 feet 11 inches high, aged about 26 or 28 years, large 
nose, and blue eyes; a kind of Yankee-he had on an old faded 
blue or grey coat, short in the waist, too small to button, 
with woolen strings at the buttons.  M'CALL is about 5 feet 
8 or 9 inches high, coarse visage, thick lipped, freckled 
and quite assumming in his manners.  CONWAY is a large stout 
man, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, with a very bad 
countenance, down look-he had on a green wamus.  A reward of 
$10 will be paid for the apprehension and delivery of Powers 
INMAN and $5 for each of the others. Wm. CONN, Jailer Beaver 
Jail, June 13, 1833

May 3, 1833 Married On the 1st. inst. By James Cochran, Esq. 
Mr. Joseph MADDEN, of Darlington, to Miss Juliet M'CLOSKY, 
of Columbiana county, Ohio (Accompanying the above we 
received a handsome slice of Wedding Cake, for which the 
parties will please accept our thanks, and our most sincere 
wishes for their happiness and welfare.) On the 25th ult. By 
John Imbrie, Esq. Rev. Daniel LAWRENCE to Miss Lucinda, 
daughter of Mr. James DILLEN, all of Beaver County.

Died----On the 6th ult. Miss Ann FOWLER, consort of Mr. Wm. 
FOWLER, of South Beaver township, aged about53 years.

June 21, 1833 Married On the 13th of June, by Nathaniel 
Harnit, Esq.  Mr. John SPROTT, to Miss Margaret BOVARD, both 
of Little Beaver Township.On the same day by the Rev. George 
S. Holmes, Mr. Joseph I WHITNEY, to Miss Emiline W. MORGAN.

Died-At Baltimore, on the 14th inst., Mrs. Mary KELSO, 
daughter of Daniel MOORE, Esq. Of Washington, Pa. In the 
19th year of her age.

July 5, 1833 Cholera The Board of Health of the city of 
Pittsburgh report that eighteen persons have died of Cholera 
in that city, from the 25th of May to the 1st inst. We 
learn, however, from various sources, that for a week past 
the number of deaths have been from five to ten per day.  
The flying reports may be much exaggerated, but we think the 
Board of Health are as much under the true number.  A Mr. 
Waters, (scythe manufacturer,) who lately removed to 
Fallston, in this county, visited Pittsburgh last week, was 
attacked with Cholera and died in 15 hours.   The disease 
continues with unabated mortality down the river.

July 19, 1833 Died-In Cambria county, on Monday the 8th 
inst. Ann Maria, daughter of Doctor E. APPLETON, of 
Bridgewater, aged 7 months and 10 days. "The Lord gave, and 
the Lord taketh away-blessed be the name of the Lord." July 
26, 1833

Died-On the 21st inst. At his residence in Ohio township, in 
this county, Mr. Hugh GRAHAM, a soldier of the Revolution, 
aged 77 years.  He was an honest man and a true patriot. 
Died-Suddenly, on the 21st. Mr. Edward DOWNEY , of New 
Brighton, aged about 40 years.

August 16, 1833 Married On the 5th inst. By the Rev. G. S. 
Holmes, Mr. Jonathan GHRIST to Miss Margaret COOPER, both of 

Sept 27, 1833 Died on the 16th of Sept. inst. Of Scarlet 
fever, Matilda M'CLYMONDS, daughter of John M'CLYMONDS. Esq. 
of Darlington, aged 5 years three months and twenty three 
days.  Although she was sorely afflicted, yet she bore up 
under all her sufferings with a composure and resignation, 
which would well become a saint of three score years and 
ten-standing on the very banks of Jordan; and just waiting 
to pass over. Happy child, they days are ended, Thy short 
pilgrimage is o'er; Gone, by Heavenly guards attended, To be 
here on Earth no more.

Farewell sweet child, farewell, In heavenly mansions roam; 
Take, take her soul, with thee to dwell, Yes, take thy 
little exile home.

Died-on the 2d September inst. John SCROGGS M'ILROY, only 
child of Thomas M'ILROY, of Darlington, aged sixteen months 
Oh cruel Death, so soon to pull, So fair a Rose, not quite 
blown full; And leave the parents to bemoan; And much lament 
their infant gone.

But why should we Death cruel call? He's quit a world of 
woe; Yet nature says lament his fall, And tears unbidden 

October 4, 1833 Married On Tuesday the 1st inst by_______ 
Mr. Elihu EVANS of Fallston district, to Miss Eliza, 
daughter of Stephen STONE, Esq., of Beaver Point.

October 18, 1833 Died-On the 14th inst. of Bilious fever, 
Mr. Matthew J KENNEDY, of Brighton township, aged 32 years.  
The deceased left an amiable wife and several small children 
to deplore their loss.

October 25, 1833 Caution Whereas my wife, Catherine, has 
left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, 
I therefore forewarn  all persons from haboring or trusting 
her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her 
contracting from this date.  Samson MARKER  Oct. 24, 1833

November 1, 1833 Died On the 4th inst. Of a lingering 
illness, Mr. Piercifer TAYLOR, of this borough, aged about 
65 years.  He has been long a resident of this county, and 
always bore the character of an honest and upright citizen. 
On the 23 inst. At his residence in Green township, Mr. Wm. 
M"Harg, age rising 80 years. On the 4th inst. Horace, infant 
son of Hanry STROCK, of this borough.

November22, 1833 Married On Thursday the 7th inst. By 
William Porter, Esq., Mr. George PIERSOL, of New Sewickly 
township, to Miss Suhannah BARRIS, of North Sewickly 

November 29, 1833 Married On the 6th inst. By the Rev. J. 
Dilworth, Mr. Henry SMITH merchant of Warren, Ohio, to Miss 
Catharine H. daughter of Stephen STONE, Esq. Of Bever Point 
At Pittsburgh, on Thursday the 21st by the Rev. Martin 
Ruter, D.D. Rev. E APPLETON, M. D. of Bridgewater, Beaver 
Co. to Mrs. Sarah M'CORMACK, of the former place. (With each 
of the above notices we received a handsome piece of Wedding 
cake,and as in duty bound, return our acknowledgements and 
good wishes to the parties, individually and collectively, 
hoping they may long enjoy prosperity and happiness, here 
and hereafter.)

December 6, 1833 Caution Whereas my wife Sarah has left my 
bed and board, without any just cause or provocation and as 
it is neither desired nor expected that she will return, I 
hereby forwarn all persons from trusting her on my accounty, 
as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting.  
Solomon Irons Hopewell Township Nov. 26, 1833

December 20, 1833 On the 19th inst. By______ Mr. William 
EAKIN, of Bridgewater, to Miss Nancy RILEY, of Allegheny 
county. On the 7th ist. By the Rev. W. Maclean, Mr. Joseph 
HENNAN, of Bridgewater, to Miss Ruth Piersol, of Economy 
township. On the 5th by Wm. Porter Esq., Mr. Edward 
GARDENER, to Miss Sarah MOORE, both of New Sewickly. On the 
10th by the same, Mr. Wm. BOYD to Miss Amanda BUCHINS, both 
of Mercer County. On the 12th by the same, Mr. John CAMPBELL 
to Miss Hannah GASTON, both of Beaver County.

Died On the 14th inst. Mrs. Sarah LAWRENCE widow of the late 
Samuel LAWRENCE, Esq. Of  Beaver township, aged rising fifty 

No microfilm of papers from Jan-March

March 28, 1834 Six Cents Reward Ranaway from the subscriber 
living in Economy on the 15th inst. Michael SCHANBACKER, an 
indented apprentice 15 years old, light complexion, had on a 
grey cassinett  roundabout and pantaloons, &c.  Whoever 
brings the said apprentice back to me  have the above 
reward, but no charges paid him.  George BENTEL Economy, 
Feb. 18, 1834

April 4, 1834


On the 27th ult. By the Rev. Mr. Monro, Mr Jefferson 
THOMPSON, to Miss Timy SWEASEY,  both of Sharon, Beaver 

On the 25th March last, by Jordon M. Nye, Esq. John C. 
CUNNINGHAM of Chewton, to Miss Rachel DAVIDSON, of Big 
Beaver Township

Died On the 2d inst. Mr. ________ Donnell, of Brighton 
Twonship, aged about 80 years.

April 11, 1834


On the 27th March, by Nathaniel Harnit Esq. Mr. Samuel 
NICELY to Miss Mary Powers,  all of this county.


On the 1st inst. at his residence, in North Beaver Township, 
Mr. William MEVAY,  aged 73 years.

On Friday, the 4th inst. John LIGHT, Sr. of Brighton 
township, aged 80 years.   He has been a resident of this 
neighborhood about 40 years, and was a respected citizen. On 
the same day, Mrs. Jane ATKINSON, of Bridgewater, aged 73 

April 25, 1834


On the 24th inst. by the Rev. W. Maclean, Mr. James PETERMAN 
to Miss Jane BEATTY,  both of Big Beaver Township.

On the 22d inst. by D. Porter, Esq. Col. Alva LEONARD to 
Miss Elizabeth FORBES,  both of North Beaver Township.

On the 24th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Monroe, Mr. Samuel ENGLISH 
to Miss Margaret ANDENY, both of Bridgewater.

May 16, 1834

$5 Reward Escaped from my custody, on the night of the 5th 
inst., Robert N POOL (on a charge  of rape) whoever takes up 
said POOL and delivers him to me, shall have the above 
reward.   Henry WEYAND, Constable of Noth Beaver.

May 30, 1834


On Thursday, the 22d instant by the Rev. Mr. Gilmore, Col. 
Jas. A. SHOLES, of Fairport,  Beaver County, to Miss 
Margaret ANDERSON, of Allegheny County, Pa.

On Thursday, the 22d inst., by James Jackson, Esq., Mr. Levi 
JACKSON, to Miss Harried  JACKSON, all of Brighton Township, 
Beaver Co., formerly of Chester County, Pa.

July 4, 1834

Six Cents Reward Ranaway from the subscriber on South Beaver 
Township, Beaver County, a young woman named  MARY 
CURNELOUS, a bound girl, aged 16 years, about 5 feet 5 
inches high.  Whoever takes  up said runaway and brings her 
back to me, shall have the above reward , but no charges. 
Francis Johnston June 2, 1834

Died-At Brighton, Beaver county, Pa on the 29th June, of 
Pulmonary Consumption, MARY  ANN, daughter of HENRY SIMS, 
aged 29 years

Married-On the 25th ult. By the Rev. Mr. Sample, Mr. JOHN 
MOORHEAD, to Miss JANE  McCLEARY, both of Mercer County.

July 11, 1834

Obituary Died in Brighton, Beaver Co Penna on the 29th June, 
of Pulmonary Consumption MARY  ANN, daughter of HENRY SIMS, 
aged 29 years. The deceased was originally gifted with a 
mind of superior order, which she diligently  cultivated and 
improved by study and reflection,-naturally open and 
generous in her disposition, she possessed a peculiar 
sweetness and urbanity of manners, and was a  person of the 
finest sensibility.-In her was seen the dutiful child, the 
affectionate  sister, and the warm and faithful friend.  Her 
chief excellence and that which crowned  all the rest, was 
her uniform and exemplary piety.  She in early life became a 
member  of the Methodist society;-hers was the religion of 
the heart, it was not a sort of  morality too often and too 
fatally mistaken for religion-it deeply interested 
affections,  it was a powerful principle which pervaded her 
life, and directed her conduct, a religion  that sustained 
and consoled her in the hour of trial and deep affliction, 
and in the  prospect of death raised her completely above 
its terrors.-Her death was as might have been expected from 
her holy life-it was peaceful and happy-altho'in her last 
moments  she could converse but little, yet she remembered 
her friends that were particularly  dear to her, and with 
great composure of mind distributed to them the mementos of 
her  love, and gratitude.  Her loss will long and deeply be 
felt through the whole circle  of her numerous acquaintances 
and friends to whom she was so much endeared.

Died, on the 8th inst. Mrs. ELLEN KERR, consort of JOHN 
KERR, Esq. of Moon township

July 18, 1834


On the 17th inst. Mr. JESSE MENDENHALL, of Fallston, aged 
about 22 years. 

On the 8th inst. JAMES, son of WILLIAM HAYS, Esq. of 
Pittsburgh; aged 23 years

On the 11th inst. M1. JOHN G. JOHNSTON, of South Beaver 
township, aged about 50 years.

August 1, 1834


On Thursday the 31st ult. By the Rev. George Scott, Mr. 
DANIEL REED, of Hookstown,  to Miss MATILDA CAROTHERS of 
Hanover township


On Sunday evening last, Mr. JAMES M'ILROY, of Fallston, aged 
about 30 years

August 8, 1834

Died Louisville, Ky, on 23d ult. Mr. JAMES GLENN, formerly 
of this county, aged about 33

August 15, 1834

Cholera Since our last paper was issued, several cases of 
cholera have occurred in this county,  most of which have 
proved fatal.  On Thursday night of last week, RICHARD 
BAXTER, a  young man residing at Fallston, was attacked, and 
died the next morning.  On Friday,  JOHN COLLIER, a young 
man of the same place, fell victim to the destructive 
disease,  after a few hours illness.  On Wednesday, a man 
named JAMES COURTRIGHT, residing a  mile north of the 
borough, was attacked and died the evening following.  

We learn that JEREMIAH SAUNDERS, a young man residing at 
Fallston, was attacked at  Zelienople, (Butler county) on 
Tuesday last, and died in a short time.

We have been furnished with the following list, which we 
believe comprises all the  cases that have occurred in this 
county, since the first appearance of the disease  among us. 
SAMUEL HOOPER, steamboat Byron, dead EPHRAIM KNOWLES, s.b. 
Eclipse, dead MRS. VENATTA, died MRS. BRACY, convalescent 
Children of do, do MRS. M'ILROY, convalescent JAMES 
convalescent JAMES KELLY, do MRS. PUGH, do MARY SMITH, dead 

August 22, 1834


On the 18th inst. Mrs. RU-ANAH M'ILROY, consort of the late 
JAMES M'ILROY of Fallston,  aged about 27 years.  The 
deceased was respected by all her acquaintances, and has 
left  two small orphans to mourn their loss. 

$25 REWARD Escaped from the constable of Little Beaver 
township, on the morning of the 18th inst.  WILLIAM WELSH, 
arrested on a charge of adultery.  Said WELSH is about 5 
feet 10 inches  high, about 49 years of age, corpulent and 
ruddy complexion, light hair and sandy whiskers.   The above 
reward will be given to any person who will deliver him to 
the Jailor in Beaver,  or to the subscriber. WILLIAM TAYLOR, 
constable, Aug. 18, 1834

August 29, 1834


On the 4th of July lst, by John Harshe, Esq. JOHN LOGAN, 
Esq. editor of the Beaver  Republican to Miss ELIZABETH 
ROBERTSON, both of this borough. (We should have taken very 
great pleasure in publishing the above marriage at the 
proper time, had it been made public.  The reason for 
secrecy in the affair can be  best explained by the parties 
themselves. )

September 5, 1834


At  Brighton, on the 29th ult. By the Rev. Jonathan Davis, 
Mr. JAMES BONNER, of  Warren county, Pa to Miss AMANDA LEET, 
of Sharon, Beaver county.


On Tuesday the 2d instant, Mrs. _______MULVENON, consort of 
Mr. FELIX MULVENON, of  Borough township, aged about 60 
years.  Her character was such as to command the respect   
and admiration of all her acquaintance.

September 19, 1834

Cholera We had hoped that this fell destroyer had altogether 
left our borders; but it seems  that such is not the fact.  
We learn that JAMES M'CORMICK, Esq. a respectable citizen  
of Hopewell township, aged rising 60 years, died of the 
disease last week and about six  miles down the Ohio, five 
cases have occurred, two of which proved fatal on last 
Friday,  viz: the wife and son of Mr. JOHN WILSON.  The 
others we understand are recovering. 


On the 9th inst. by E_eadbury, Esq. JOHN NESBIT, Esq. of 
Mount Jackson, Beaver  county, to Mrs. MARY DANFORTH of 
Hubbard, Trumball county, Ohio.

On the 15th by Rev. D. Norwood, Mr. ___MES MILLER to Miss 
______M'COU__IE, both of  North Beaver township

Died- On Monday evening last, the___inst. after protracted 
illness, Mr. ELI___ORE,  Innkeeper, of this borough aged 
about 35 years.

On the 13th, Mrs. _______ROBINSON, consort of Mr. ROBERT 
ROBINSON of Moon township  aged rising 60 years. 

September 26, 1834

Married - On the 26th by the Rev. J. D. Wray, Mr. George 
Quinn of Columbiana Co. Ohio  to Miss Jane Bruce, of Raccoon 
township, Beaver County.

Died on Saturday last the 20th inst. at Fairview, in this 
county, Mr. John Dickson  aged about 40 years, leaving a 
wife and small family to deplore the loss of an  
affectionate husband and tender father. 

October 10, 1834

Married on yesterday morning, by the Rev. W. Maclean, R. 
Charles Rowan of Pittsburgh,  to Miss Sarah Carson of this 

On the 23rd ult. Mr. Joseph Scott, of Little Beaver 
township, Beaver County, to Miss  Martha Dildine of 
Columbiana County Ohio

On the 2d. October inst. by the Rev. J. Monroe, Mr. David 
Whitla, to Miss Jane Reaves,  both of Brighton.

October 17, 1834


On Thursday, the 9th inst. by John Nisbet, Esq. David Connor 
of Mercer County, to  Miss Julian Davis, of N. Beaver

On Thursday, the 2nd inst by the Rev. George Scott, Mr. 
Johnston Calhoun, aged 82  years to Mrs. Nancy Miller aged 
55 years , all of Green township.

At Hookstown, on Saturday morning, the 4th inst. Mr. 
Benjamin Hooke, of consumption  aged 50 years.

October 24, 1834

On Thursday the instant by the Rev. Mr. Monroe Mr. 
Atlas E. Lacock, of New  Sewickly township, to Miss Louisa 
daughter of James Lyon, Esq. of this borough.

On Tuesday the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Maclean, Mr. 
John Sutherland, of this  borough to Miss Sarah Jane Rhoads, 
of Brighton township.

November 7, 1834

On Tuesday the 16th ult. By the Rev. Mr. Ray;, Mr. Samuel 
Ustelton to Miss Ellen Baker,  all of Moon township.

In Phillipsburgh, on the 2d inst. by the Rev. Mr. Daubort, 
Mr. Jacob Wagoner to Miss  Christiana Haet.

November 21, 1834


By C. S. Reno, Esq. on the 13th inst. Mr. Samuel Stidham, to 
Miss Patty Gordon, all of  New Sewickly township.

By the same on the same day, Mr. A. Powel, to Miss Patty 
Lozier, all of New Sewickly  township.

By the same on the 16th inst. Mr. Thomas Demer to Miss 
Elizabeth Hastings, both of New  Sewickly township.

Mr. J. King, Portrait Painter, late from Philadelphia, 
Pittsburgh, & c. Respectfully  informs the citizens of 
Beaver County, that he has taken lodgings at the house of  
Samuel M'Clure, Beavertown, where he will remain for a few 
days, to wait on the Ladies  and Gentlemen, who may favor 
him with their patronage. The flattering encouragement which 
he has hitherto received, induces him to expect,  that the 
citizens of this vicinity will improve the present 
opportunity, to secure  correct likenesses of themselves and 
their friends;at prices far below the usual  charges, for 
the same style of Painting.  Ladies and Gentlemen of 
Beavertown, and  the neighboring villages, are invited to 
call and examine for themselves, a number  of specimens, and 
among others, several from Pittsburgh, Fallston, Brighton, & 
c.   For other particulars, Mr. K is pernitted to refer to 
Dr. C. T. Whippa, James Patterson,  Joseph W. Meynard and M. 
T. C. Gould, of Brighton-in whose families he has just  
executed eighteen portraits; some of which through their 
politeness, he is now  permitted to offer as specimens of 
his art.  November 20th, 1834.