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Allegheny County PA Archives Cemetery Law.....Protection of Cemeteries
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ellis Michaels, <>, Jan 2008

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This transcription was made by OCR Scanning of an original provided by PA
State Senator Sean Logan's office Dec 2007

Act of Apr. 9, 1873, P.L. 67, No. 45	Cl. 22
For the further protection of cemeteries in the state of Pennsylvania.

Section 1.  Watchmen; powers of police officers It shall be lawful for the
trustees, directors or other officers of all organized cemeteries within this
State, to appoint as many day and night watchmen of their grounds as they may
deem expedient; and such watchmen and also all of their superintendents,
gardeners and agents, stationed on said grounds, are hereby authorized to
take and subscribe before any mayor or justice of the peace in the township
where such cemeteries may be situated, an oath of office, similar to the oath
required by law of constables; and upon the taking of such oath, such
watchmen, superintendents, gardeners and agents shall have, exercise and
possess all the powers of police officers within and adjacent to said
cemetery grounds; and they, and each of them, shall have power to arrest, on
view, all persons engaged in violating the laws of this State in reference to
the protection, care and preservation of cemeteries, and of the trees,
shrubbery, structures and adornments therein, and to bring such persons so
offending before a mayor or justice of the peace within such township, to be
dealt with according to law. 1873, April 9, P.L. 67, Sec. 1.