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Military: Civil War: PA Soldiers Interred in the Military Asylum Cemetery, DC

  List acquired by and ©; 1997 Debby Masterson

  Transcribed and contributed to the USGenWeb Archives
  by Judy Nelson and Kathy Dix

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  Roll of Honor:

  Names of Pennsylvania Soldiers Who Died in Defense of the American Union

  Interred in the Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C., opened on or about

  August 1, 1861, and closed May 12, 1864.

  NAME                  RANK            REGIMENT             CO.   DIED

  Armgust, A. W.        Private         33d                   I    29 Oct 1861

  Abraham, Wm. H.       Private         11th Reserve          F    10 Jan. 1862

  Agan, Timothy         Private         62nd                  E    10 Mar. 1862

  Allen, I.             Private         23rd                  K    10 Mar. 1862

  Atwell, A. D.         Private         6th Cavalry           K    15 Mar. 1862

  Aimes, Joseph         Private         42nd                  I    27 Mar. 1862

  Anderseon, W. H.      Private         11th Reserve          I    22 Apr. 1862

  Albert, J.            Private         103rd                 E    27 May 1862

  Atherton, E. R.       Private         6th                   H    12 June 1862

  Abbott, William       Private         1st Rifles            D    15 June 1862

  Albert, John          Musician        84th                       25 June 1862

  Anderson, T. L.       Private         1st Rifles            E    26 Sept. 1862

  August, Carl          Private         1st Artillery         A    02 Oct. 1862

  Allen, W.             Private         106th                 G    25 Oct. 1862

  Avis, Caleb R.        Private         93rd                  B    01 Nov. 1862

  Ashley, F. B.         Private         149th                 A    14 Nov. 1862

  Anderson, C.          Private         8th Reserves          A    02 Jan. 1863

  Archer, David C.      Private         16th Cavalry          K    04 Jan. 1863

  Alt, Charles          Private         155th                 G    28 Mar. 1863

  Adamson, S.           Sergeant        105th                 F    20 May 1863

  Allen, C. B.          Private         151st                 I    09 July 1863

  Allis, I. J.          Private         17th                  D    10 July 1863

  Adams, W. J.          Private         153rd                 G    14 July 1863

  Arnold, W.            Private         96th                  C    21 Nov. 1863

  Andrews, C. S.        Private         145th                 E    11 May 1864


  Babb, William         Private         6th                   B    08 Aug. 1861

  Brickinal, P.         Private         1st                   E    06 Sept. 1861

  Benson, Jacob         Private         1st Cavalry           B    21 Sept. 1861

  Boyd, Samuel          Private         33rd                  G    02 Oct. 1861

  Bartlett, John        Private         33rd                  G    13 Oct. 1861

  Biddett, Charles      Private         33rd                  M    22 Oct. 1861

  Boardman, W.          Private         1st Rifles            D    24 Oct. 1861

  Bouch, John           Private         33rd                  I    24 Oct. 1861

  Bennett, E.           Private         4th                   H    25 Oct. 1861

  Bein, Adam            Private         Reserves V. C.             07 Nov. 1861

  Boyer, Jas. K.P.      Drummer         62nd                  A    23 Nov. 1861

  Batty, F.             Private         4th                   E    30, Nov. 1861

  Ballard, V. W.        Private         15th                  H    04 Dec. 1861

  Burk, Thos.           Private         8th Mounted Rifles    I    06 Dec. 1861

  Brant, Milton         Private         53rd                  A    06 Dec. 1861

  Baker, John           Private         1st                   I    10 Dec. 1861

  Bridewell, S. D.      Private         52nd                  H    11 Dec. 1861

  Bolinger, J.          Corporal        4th Cavalry           L    17 Dec. 1861

  Bell, R. W.           Private         57th                  C    28 Dec. 1861

  Busham, Amos          Private         1st                   D    31 Dec. 1861

  Burnett, Chas. F.     Private         23rd                  D    03 Jan. 1862

  Baker, Isaac          Private         23rd                  L    08 Jan. 1862

  Baker, L.             Private         104th                 C    16 Jan. 1862

  Brown, Chas.          Private         31st                  A    31 Jan. 1862

  Baker, Henry          Private         52nd                  F    07 Feb. 1862

  Boyles, T.            Private         104th                 I    23 Feb. 1862

  Brinland, T.          Private         61st                  K    09 Mar. 1862

  Burtram, G.           Private         4th Cavalry           F    27 Mar. 1862

  Brooks, James         Private         103rd                 D    13 Apr. 1862

  Beck, D.              Private         11th                  I    19 Apr, 1862

  Blutzstein, C.        Private         104th                 F    02 May 1862

  Briney, J.            Color Private   62nd                  F    30 July 1862

  Brewster, J. C.       Private         11th                  C    23 July 1862

  Boyle, Jas. R.        Private         103rd                 F    17 Aug. 1862

  Barbright, Ransom     Private         112th                 E    21 Aug. 1862

  Bryan, Jno            Private         107th                 D    21 Aug. 1862

  Bozarth, Richard      Private         88th                  D    01 Sept. 1862

  Bell, John            Private         114th                 B    08 Sept. 1862

  Brown, Robert H.      Private         7th                   E    09 Sept. 1862

  Boyer, J.             Private         53rd                  A    09 Sept. 1862

  Bass, Andrew J.       Private         1st Battery                11 Sept. 1862

  Bambrick, William     Sergeant        48th                  D    12 Sept. 1862

  Boyer, Jeremiah       Corporal        88th                  A    14 Sept. 1862

  Buck, William         Private         109th                 G    15 Sept. 1862

  Bommar, Jno.          Private         11th                  H    18 Sept. 1862

  Brady, Robert         Private         11th                  E    21 Sept. 1862

  Best, John            Private         100th                 I    21 Sept. 1862

  Burchfield, Jesse     Private         4th Cavalry           I    26 Sept. 1862

  Bliss, William        Corporal        63rd                  C    29 Sept. 1862

  Burge, Adam           Private         125th                 E    30 Sept. 1862

  Bickford, Edwin       Private         149th                 K    03 Oct. 1862

  Blake, Jas. H.        Private         56th                  H    05 Oct. 1862

  Buchanan, Jas.        Private         8th Cavalry           C    07 Oct. 1862

  Blaker, Joseph        Private         104th                 G    14 Oct. 1862

  Brentlinger, D.       Private         4th Cavalry           D    23 Oct. 1862

  Blocher, William      Private         141st                 A    25 Oct. 1862

  Bergen, Thomas        Private         96th                  K    26 Oct. 1862

  Borban, S.            Private         110th                 B    30 Oct. 1862

  Bosh, David           Private         11th                  I    06 Nov. 1862

  Beeman, Jas. W.       Private         150th                 H    05 Nov. 1862

  Bellman, C.           Private         51st                  A    19 Nov. 1862

  Baird, J.             Private         26th                  D    23 Nov. 1862

  Barnes, J. B.         Private         134th                 F    23 Nov. 1862

  Burget, H.            Private         137th                 E    30 Nov. 1862

  Brumbough, J.         Private         127th                 D    01 Dec. 1862

  Bolan, Daniel         Private         149th                 G    03 Dec. 1862

  Broom, D.             Private         131st                 A    08 Dec. 1862

  Bailey, E.            Private         121st                 F    15 Dec. 1862

  Boise, A.             Private         123rd                 C    19 Dec. 1862

  Boyer, C. P.          Private         111th                 E    21 Dec. 1862

  Black, U. J.          Corporal        11th Reserve          C    26 Dec. 1862

  Bassler, M.           Private         142nd                 B    29 Dec. 1862

  Bush, A.              Private         131st                 G    29 Dec. 1862

  Book, J. E.           Private         100th                 E    03 Jan. 1863

  Bell, Joseph          Private         134th                 F    05 Jan. 1863

  Bricker, G. B.        Private         10th Reserve          A    04 Jan. 1863

  Berky, E. H.          Private         142nd                 C    04 Jan. 1863

  Ball, John            Private         84th                  F    08 Jan. 1863

  Beusley, Charles      Private         142nd                 G    12 Jan. 1863

  Bollinger, J.         Private         131st                 F    22 Jan. 1863

  Bussler, Abram        Private         131st                 C    24 Jan. 1863

  Barnes, C.            Private         141st                 C    03 Feb. 1863

  Daniel, Boren         Private         96th                  K    03 Feb. 1863

  Bouser, A. D.         Private         137th                 B    13 Feb. 1863

  Brownell, I.          Private         145th                 E    15 Feb. 1863

  Beatty, D. W.         Private         63rd                  K    20 Feb. 1863

  Berger, Jno. W.       Private         118th                 C    04 Mar. 1863

  Boyer, John           Private         142nd                 D    06 Apr. 1863

  Bidwell, B. F.        Private         137th                 A    16 Apr 1863

  Breckenridge, G. W.   Private         124th                 G    21 Apr. 1863

  Barricklow, J.        Private         16th Cavalry          G    02 May 1863

  Bush, Geo.            1st Lieut.       98th                 I    09 May 1863

  Blumey, H.            Private         147th                 C    09 May 1863

  Bell, J.              Corporal        17th Cavalry          K    16 May 1863

  Buckley, J. B.        Private         62nd                  D    17 May 1863

  Bulinger, J. F.       Private         62nd                  G    24 may 1863

  Barrett, Ed           Private         31st                  B    28 May 1863

  Brawdy, Wm.           Private         63rd                  D    12 June 1863

  Bruce, Joseph S.      Private         63rd                  K    15 June 1863

  Barr, W. H.           Private         148th                 I    15 June 1863

  Berch, Andrew         Private         121st                 E    16 June 1863

  Brown, Geo.           Private         143rd                 G    16 June 1863

  Brannan, Wm.          Private         149th                 G    18 June 1863

  Blain, Jno.           Private         143rd                 I    19 June 1863

  Billmeyer, W. H.      Lieut.          16th Cavalry          F    05 July 1863

  Bicking, K.           Private         175th                 E    11 July 1863

  Barnett, W. P.        Ass't Surg       72nd                      12 Aug. 1863

  Barricklow, A.        Corporal        16th Cavalry          G    13 Sept. 1863

  Beam, G. W.           Private         1st Cavalry           F    16 Sept. 1863

  Blublaw, Jno.         Private         16th                  H    21 Sept. 1863

  Benson, A. P.         Private         13th Cavalry               28 Oct. 1863

  Bland, M.             Private         141st                 I    30 Oct. 1863

  Boyer, V.             Private         143rd                 D    08 Nov. 1863

  Brunskill, J.         Sergeant        99th                  I    27 nov. 1863

  Butler, J.            Private         6th Cavalry           G    09 Dec. 1863

  Boarts, P.            Private         148th                 K    16 Feb. 1864

  Boyer, C.             Private         112th                 L    27 Feb. 1864

  Bullock, J. M.        Private         90th                  C    24 Mar. 1864

  Brockway, P.          Private         24th                  A    27 Mar. 1864

  Burnett, H.           Private         18th Cavalry          B    13 Apr. 1864

  Bavart, J.            Private         3rd Cavalry           L    19 Apr 1864

  Bradford, H. C.       Private         18th Cavalry          A    01 May 1864


  Carnes, Robert        Private         33rd                  C    05 Oct. 1861

  Callihan, Harvey      Private         8th                   H    10 Oct. 1861

  Chase, Victory        Private         10th                  H    13 Oct. 1861

  Chapman, William      Private         33rd                  G    13 Oct. 1861

  Cooper, C. W.         Private         8th                   I    16 Oct. 1861

  Campbell, John F.     Private         Harlin's Cavalry      L    24 Oct. 1861

  Criswell, Jackson     Private         11th                  K    07 Nov. 1861

  Christianson, C.      Sergeant        40th                  B    11 Nov. 1861

  Caraket, Daniel       Private         96th                  H    27 Nov. 1861

  Cooncer, Harvey       Private         62nd                  K    09 Dec. 1861

  Cowen, John           Private         85th                       16 Jan. 1862

  Connor, George        Private         36th                  I    25 Jan. 1862

  Casey, Thomas         Private         57th                  E    31 Jan. 1862

  Cropley, C. B.        Private         104th                 H    06 Mar. 1862

  Canaghan, P.          Private         53rd                  E    11 Mar. 1862

  Cruse, D.             Private         112th                 K    17 Mar. 1862

  Charmelia, S.         Private         91st                  H    22 May 1862

  Confru, W. H.         Private         49th                  A    24 May 1862

  Crouse, W.            Private         85th                  F    11 June 1862

  Cady, Vernon F.       Private         111th                 D    29 July 1862

  Christy, J. R.        Private         8th Cavalry           A    08 Sept. 1862

  Campbell, William     Private         12th Cavalry          H    12 Sept. 1862

  Collier, James        Private         27th                  I    16 Sept. 1862

  Chandler, William     Private         61st                  E    18 Sept. 1862

  Comfort, G.           Private         53rd                  A    18 Sept. 1862

  Carney, G.            Private         134th                 E    18 Sept. 1862

  Copp, Samuel S.       Private         10th Reserve          E    22 Sept. 1862

  Canada, Alfred        Private         11th Reserve          E    29 Sept. 1862

  Clossen, Daniel       Private         135th                 A    03 Oct. 1862

  Cable, J. S.          Private         88th                  F    09 Oct. 1862

  Cook, J. G.           Private         116th                 G    07 Nov. 1862

  Cozel, William        Private         147th                 E    17 Nov. 1862

  Carbaugh, M.          Private         130th                 D    19 Nov. 1862

  Colgrove, T. D.       Private         150th                 G    21 Nov. 1862

  Cook, John            Corporal        1st Cavalry           E    28 Nov. 1862

  Clarke, E. D.         Private         8th Reserve           I    02 Dec. 1862

  Crook, F. C.          Private         145th                 D    12 Dec. 1862

  Cash, U.              Private         48th                  B    20 Dec. 1862

  Coil, Isaac           Private         16th Cavalry               21 Dec. 1862

  Cohill, J.            Sergeant        69th                  C    29 Dec. 1862

  Conklin, Josiah       Private         1st                   A    30 Dec. 1862

  Casey, John           Private         84th                  D    01 Jan. 1863

  Connor, J. W.         Private         81st                  D    01 Jan. 1863

  Cassidy, Patrick      Private         69th                  B    04 Jan. 1863

  Carroll, J. W.        Private         130th                 E    09 Jan. 1863

  Callaghan, D.         Private         131st                 I    12 Jan. 1863

  Collins, John         Private         96th                  K    13 Jan. 1863

  Carnochan, W.         Private         12th Reserve          C    20 Jan. 1863

  Cole, Wm. H.          Private         11th                  K    31 Jan. 1863

  Chambers, S.          Private         145th                 F    02 Feb. 1863

  Clayson, E.           Private         57th                  G    03 Feb. 1863

  Chambers, G.          Private         123rd                 F    18 Feb. 1863

  Cole, L. B.           Private         145th                 A    19 Feb. 1863

  Conch, Benjamin       Private         6th Cavalry           I    21 Feb. 1863

  Campbell, S.          Private         30th                  K    02 Mar. 1863

  Chambers, Stephen     Private         145th                 F    30 Mar. 1863

  Corbin, D. W.         Private         140th                 K    21 Apr. 1863

  Connor, T. C.         Corporal        4th Cavalry           A    18 May 1863

  Chandler, A.          Private         17th Cavalry          D    22 May 1863

  Camp, Peter           Private         73rd                  B    22 May 1863

  Cassidy, P.           Private         11th Ind't bat.       H    13 June 1863

  Cogsley, H. J.        Sergeant        139th                 B    17 June 1863

  Camp, Henry           Private         17th Cavalry          D    25 June 1863

  Cornman, F. J.        Sergeant        16th Cavalry          I    07 July 1863

  Collins, Edward F.    Private         157th                 C    18 Aug. 1863

  Corkell, John         Private         159th                 A    24 Aug. 1863

  Colgin, M.            Private         13th Cavalry          M    18 Sept. 1863

  Cunningham, I.        Private         18th Cavalry          G    16 Oct. 1863

  Campbell, J. W.       Corporal        49th                  B    01 Dec. 1863

  Creamer, J. T.        Private         1st Reserve           K    21 Dec. 1863

  Criswell, M.          Corporal        49th                  C    16 Feb. 1864

  Connor, M. O.         Private         2nd Artillery              25 Mar. 1864

  Cutler, F. H.         Private         149th                 G    27 Apr. 1864


  Dye, George W.        Private         8th                   K    01 Sept. 1861

  Downs, Samuel         Private         33rd                  B    14 Oct. 1861

  Davis, William        Private         12th                  C    25 Oct. 1861

  Davis, Levi           Private         45th                  C    17 Nov. 1861

  Deitrick, John        Private         35th                  B    23 Nov. 1861

  Darling, Daniel       Private         6th                   C    20 Dec. 1861

  Dryfoos, Marcus       Private         96th                  G    22 Dec. 1861

  Devlin, Joseph        Private         62nd                  F    08 Jan. 1862

  Douglas, J. C.        Private         57th                  D    12 Jan. 1862

  Day, Thomas           Private         103rd                 I    03 Apr. 1862

  Duffy, Simon          Private         103rd                 I    10 May 1862

  DeWolf, M.            Private         83rd                  K    09 Mar. 1862

  Dickerson, P. E.      Private         85th                  G    25 May 1862

  Dyke, William         Private         107th                 C    11 Sept. 1862

  Davis, Jacob          Private         136th                 C    12 Sept. 1862

  Dungeon, James        Private         123rd                 C    14 Sept. 1862

  Durst, Dennis         Private         10th Reserve          A    16 Sept. 1862

  Daley, John           Private         11th                  G    06 Oct. 1862

  Davis, Thomas         Private         132nd                 K    11 Nov. 1862

  DeMartigua, L.        Private         28th                  H    11 Nov. 1862

  Davis, William        Private         115th                 G    20 Nov. 1862

  Davis, S. O.          Private         139th                 D    01 Dec. 1862

  Darrow, L. F.         Private         141st                 H    18 Dec. 1862

  Derr, J. H.           Corporal        48th                  D    02 Jan. 1863

  Davis, R. A.          Private         134th                 K    02 Jan. 1863

  Degains, J.           Private         134th                 I    05 Jan. 1863

  Downey, Albert        Private         116th                 I    06 Jan. 1863

  Denver, Peter         Private         121st                 E    16 Jan. 1863

  DeLong, George E.     Private         141st                 G    18 Jan. 1863

  Donehoo, F.           Private         17th Cavalry          A    25 Mar. 1863

  Davis, John           Private         135th                 A    16 May 1863

  Dodd, N. A.           Private         151st                 F    15 June 1863

  Don, W. L.            Private         83rd                  F    08 Oct. 1863

  Ditterline, C.        Private         13th Cavalry          G    23 Oct. 1863

  Depoaly, William      Private         118th                 I    30 Oct. 1863

  Delaney, J. C.        Sergeant        56th                  D    31 Oct. 1863

  Davis, E. G.          Farrier         17th Cavalry          L    01 Nov. 1863

  Dilley, Avery         Private         143rd                 G    02 Nov. 1863

  Divier, J.            Artificer       90th                  A    17 Nov. 1863

  Dixon, James          Private         17th Cavalry          G    28 Nov. 1863

  Dougherty, M.         Private         2nd Artillery         M    15 Dec. 1863

  Davis, William        Private         149th                 E    02 Jan. 1864

  Deringer, J.          Private         16th Cavalry          H    11 Jan. 1864

  Dotre, Charles        Private         2nd Artillery         L    27 Feb. 1864

  Deves, A.             Color Corp.     56th                  C    12 Mar. 1864

  Davy, C.              Private         71st                  K    20 Apr. 1864


  Edwards, H. C.        Private         8th                   F    12 Aug. 1861

  Ehrmin, David         Private         12th R.V.C.           G    29 Aug. 1861

  Ewing, Samuel P.      Private         R.H. Volunteers       A    19 Sept. 1861

  Esenbraun, A.         Musician        47th                  G    25 Oct. 1861

  Etzel, William        Private         2nd                   C    17 Nov. 1861

  Eberle, Jacob         Private         31st                  B    16 Dec. 1861

  Erwin, George         Private         3rd Cavalry           D    15 Dec. 1861

  Eddy, Robert          Private         57th                  G    30 Dec. 1861

  Earle, R. E.          Private         91st                  F    19 Feb. 1862

  Erritt, M.            Private         11th                  I    16 Apr. 1862

  Ebner, E.             Corporal        5th Cavalry           H    24 Apr. 1862

  Elwell, Charles, E.   Private         1st Artillery         G    31 May 1862

  English, James        Private         52nd                  C    17 June 1862

  Erwing, Robert        Private         56th                  B    25 July 1862

  Ebert, Lenions        Private         12th Reserve          E    07 Sept. 1862

  Elston, William G.    Private         61st                  D    23 Sept. 1862

  Evans, J. F.          Private         132nd                 B    15 Dec. 1862

  Essick, J.            Private         5th Reserve           A    17 Dec. 1862

  Eiding, J.            Private         27th                  C    26 Dec. 1862

  Emory, Joseph G.      Private         99th                  G    01 Jan. 1863

  Elessor, P.           Private         134th                 B    02 Jan. 1863

  Evans, James          Private         48th                  F    02 Mar 1863

  Evans, Walter         Private         111th                 F    02 Apr 1863

  Eshelman, F.          Private         63rd                  F    25 Apr. 1863

  Elliott, John         Corporal        2nd Cavalry           E    05 May 1863

  Epley, J.             Private         145th                 A    13 Nov. 1863

  Elmer, H.             Sergeant        18th Cavalry          F    20 Feb. 1863

  Elliott, O. W.        Private         148th                 D    27 Apr. 1863

  Eyler, A.             Private         143rd                 C    27 Apr. 1863


  Fisher, Frederick     Private         27th                  H    13 Aug. 1861

  Fox, William          Private         1st                   F    19 Aug. 1861

  Foreman, I. M.        Private         33rd                  H    15 Oct. 1861

  Frew, Joseph          Private         33rd                  A    15 Oct. 1861

  Fince, Henry          Private         4th Cavalry           G    22 Nov. 1861

  Franklin, James       Private         45th                  G    29 Nov. 1861

  Frazier, Andrew       Private         45th                  F    17 Dec. 1861

  Forster, Robert       Private         62nd                  E    26 Dec. 1861

  Franks, John          Private         49th                  E    17 Jan. 1862

  Foulk, John           Private         8th Cavalry           H    07 Mar. 1862

  Fitzgerald, James     Private         53rd                  E    11 Mar. 1862

  Farra, N. L.          Private         49th                  B    18 Mar. 1862

  Flanagan, William     Private         73rd                  H    14 Apr. 1862

  Fry, W.               Private         57th                  B    25 June 1862

  Findley, L. C.        Private         85th                  C    17 July 1862

  Ferguson, Alexander   Private         112th                 E    21 July 1862

  Fitzpatrick, William  Private         126th                 F    28 Aug. 1862

  Figert, Henry         Private         8th Reserve           F    17 Sept. 1862

  Funk, Wrenklin        Private         9th Reserve           K    18 Sept. 1862

  Fritz, L.             Private         50th                  B    26 Sept. 1862

  Freed, William H.     Private         124th                 K    02 Oct. 1862

  Fox, Frederick        Private         9th Reserve           B    14 Oct. 1862

  Flatch, A.            Private         128th                 G    07 Nov. 1862

  Frank, J.             Private         135th                 E    22 Nov. 1862

  Fulton, G. H.         Lieutenant       88th                 C    31 Dec. 1862

  Fairchild, W.         Private         106th                 B    31 Dec. 1862

  Fisher, Jacob         Private         131st                 K    01 Jan. 1863

  Fritz, Jer            Private         2nd                   G    14 Jan. 1863

  Flemming, J. W.       Private         81st                  E    15 Jan. 1863

  Frisler, Jeremiah     Private         133rd                 D    20 Jan. 1863

  Fergerson, J.         Private         142nd                 G    29 Jan. 1863

  Forsyth, Lee          Private         135th                 C    31 Jan. 1863

  Fenderson, T. D.      Private         137th                 C    01 Apr. 1863

  Freulick, J.          Sergeant        98th                  F    07 May 1863

  Funiack, J.           Private         155th                 C    08 May 1863

  Fisher, J.            Private         87th                  I    26 Oct. 1863

  Farrell, M.           Private         84th                  A    16 Jan. 1864

  Freymoyer, F.         Private         2nd Cavalry           K    01 Feb. 1864

  Farron, W.            Private         18th Cavalry          F    22 Feb. 1864

  Follow, M.            Private         88th                  D    16 Mar. 1864

  Foutz, J. A.          Private         2nd Artillery         B    27 Mar. 1864

  Franklin, J.          Private         90th Reserve          G    28 Mar. 1864

  Fisher, L. J.         Private         149th                 K    25 Apr. 1864

  Flager, John          Private         4th Cavalry           I    28 Apr. 1864


  Goold, Wilson         Private         63rd                  I    23 Sept. 1861

  Geary, John           Private         Ind. Rifles           .    27 Oct. 1861

  Gavitt, P.            Private         52nd                  A    17 Nov. 1861

  Gross, Joseph         Private         52nd                  D    19 Jan. 1862

  Green, John R.        Private         62nd                  B    27 Mar. 1862

  George, Thomas        Private         61st                  B    10 Mar. 1862

  Gloss, Elijah         Private         98th                  G    25 Mar. 1862

  Gillett, Oliver       Private         3rd Reserve           B    21 May 1862

  Glenons, Patrick      Private         1st Artillery         D    07 July 1862

  Gorman, John          Private         81st                  G    09 July 1862

  Goodspeed, Forest     Private         83rd                  C    18 July 1862

  Grubb, Jacob          Private         93rd                  E    02 Aug. 1862

  Gearry, Thomas        Private         109th                 I    28 Aug. 1862

  Gerenger, William     Private         45th                  H    07 Sept. 1862

  Geisler, Frank        Private         74th                  B    30 Sept. 1862

  Gouge, George         Private         150th                 C    30 Sept. 1862

  Gillespie, James      Private         2nd Reserve           B    11 Oct. 1862

  Georges, W.           Private         4th Cavalry           C    21 Nov. 1862

  Gill, George          Private         53rd                  C    28 Nov. 1862

  Groves, J. F.         Private         62nd                  G    24 Dec. 1862

  Galushe, U. S.        Private         145th                 D    26 Dec. 1862

  Galagher, William     Private         116th                 C    29 Dec. 1862

  Gorrick, T.           Private         51st                  I    01 Jan. 1863

  Glinn, James G.       Private         81st                  H    02 Jan. 1863

  Grandeson, L. B.      Private         11th                  H    13 Jan. 1863

  Gratton, John         Private         145th                 I    19 Jan. 1863

  Grotuant, G. N.       Private         6th Reserve           K    28 Jan. 1863

  Geary, J. S.          Corporal        8th                   A    06 Feb. 1863

  Gatewood, Charles     Private         29th                  I    13 Feb. 1863

  Golden, J.            Private         140th                 K    15 Apr. 1863

  Grimes, F.            Private         105th                 K    21 May 1863

  Gray, J. C.           Private         63rd                  D    21 May 1863

  Gossett, Stephen      Private         157th                 C    05 Aug. 1863

  Graham, T. L.         Sergeant        63rd                  C    15 Aug. 1863

  Gifford, E. A.        Private         1st Cavalry           B    19 Sept. 1863

  Galagher, J.          Private         157th                 C    26 Nov. 1863


  Herbrant, Jos.        Private         3rd                   F    23 Aug. 1861

  Holmes, Jos.          Private         33rd                  A    14 Oct. 1861

  Hoyt, Clinton         Private         Harlin's Cavalry      H    25 Oct. 1861

  Holt, Frank M.        Private         Ind. Rifles           .    27 Oct. 1861

  Haskall, B. F.        Sergeant        1st Rifles            D    30 Oct. 1861

  Hauner, John          Private         53rd                  C    21 Nov. 1861

  Hayes, John           Private         62nd                  H    25 Nov. 1861

  Hill, William McD     Private         85th                  E    05 Dec. 1861

  Heath, Charles R.     Private         52nd                  H    01 Jan. 1862

  Hildebrand, J.        Private         104th                 C    01 Jan. 1862

  Hollenbaugh, I.       Private         57th                  I    07 Jan. 1862

  Hall, William         Sergeant        13th                  F    23 Jan. 1862

  Humphreys, William    Private         52nd                  I    28 Jan. 1862

  Henn, Jacob           Private         104th                 E    28 Jan. 1862

  Horfard, James        Private         104th                 F    17 Feb. 1862

  Haverstraw, William   Private         104th                 D    21 Feb. 1862

  Hickman, Henry        Private         83rd                  B    07 Mar. 1862

  Holenbrock, E. M.     Private         4th                   H    10 Mar. 1862

  Highberger, A. L.     Private         102nd                 L    18 Mar. 1862

  Huffieton, J.         Private         103rd                 E    08 Mar. 1862

  Hernkey, E.           Private         103rd                 B    09 Mar. 1862

  Hickman, Robert       Private         49th                  F    23 Apr. 1862

  Howell, John          Private         91st                  G    25 Apr. 1862

  Hughes, T.            Private         11th Reserve          K    01 May 1862

  Hinckley, P.          Private         107th                 F    05 May 1862

  Hoffman, F.           Private         101st                 G    19 May 1862

  Hamilton, S. S.       Sergeant        103rd                 D    01 June 1862

  Harbaugh, H.          Private         10th                  B    03 June 1862

  Henderson, J. Q.      Private         101st                 E    03 June 1862

  Harback, D.           Private         3rd Reserve           A    07 June 1862

  Henderson, John H.    Private         57th                  F    29 June 1862

  Henu, Adam            Sergeant        105th                 C    05 Aug. 1862

  Hesbilman, A.         Private         111th                 E    26 Aug. 1862

  Hustin, Aug't         Private         44th                       30 Aug. 1862

  Harvey, John          Drummer         12th Reserve          I    30 Aug. 1862

  Hughes, J. M.         Private         6th Reserve           F    03 Sept. 1862

  Halfin, Lawr.         Private         11th                  F    10 Sept. 1862

  Hyder, Comf't         Private         83rd                  A    10 Sept. 1862

  Harper, James         Private         127th                 D    11 Sept. 1862

  Huff, W. L.           Private         49th                  A    13 Sept. 1862

  Hoover, Elijah        Private         107th                 F    18 Sept. 1862

  Hill, John            Private         63rd                  H    18 Sept. 1862

  Heagles, Joseph       Private         11th                  G    21 Sept. 1862

  Hines, J.             Private         95th                  D    25 Sept. 1862

  Hoffman, Benjamin     Private         48th                  I    25 Sept. 1862

  Hutchinson, William   Private         105th                 A    23 Oct. 1862

  Hite, Perry           Private         2nd                   E    02 Nov. 1862

  Hichox, J. W.         Private         105th                 A    15 Nov. 1862

  Hellems, S.           Private         139th                 B    17 Nov. 1862

  Hair, Jacob           Private         133rd                 H    25 Nov. 1862

  Hughes, L.            Private         151st                 C    02 Dec. 1862

  Hunnel, J. B.         Corporal        137th                 D    03 Dec. 1862

  Harding, W. D.        Drummer         49th                  E    11 Dec. 1862

  Hilger, Peter         Private         157th                 F    13 Dec. 1862

  Hayes, Peter          Private         9th Reserve           E    22 Dec. 1862

  How, Winfield         Private         61st                  D    23 Dec. 1862

  Helson, M.            Private         142nd                 D    24 Dec. 1862

  Howell, William W.    Private         11th Reserve          G    25 Dec. 1862

  Hand, Thomas          Private         71st                  A    27 Dec. 1862

  Herring, J. A.        Private         133rd                 D    03 Jan. 1863

  Haass, Christopher    Corporal        8th Reserve           A    03 Jan. 1863

  Hamilton, S. C.       Private         145th                 K    03 Jan. 1863

  Hovey, Josiah         Private         8th Reserve           H    04 Jan. 1863

  Hanna, Abraham        Private         150th                 H    10 Jan. 1863

  Hubbs, James G.       Private         142nd                 B    12 Jan. 1863

  Harman, O. J.         Private         145th                 K    14 Jan. 1863

  Hessinger, H.         Private         53rd                  K    15 Jan. 1863

  Hackett, S.           Private         11th Reserve          F    16 Jan. 1863

  Hunsinger, S.         Private         129th                 E    20 Jan. 1863

  Hutchinson, C.        Private         134th                 G    20 Jan. 1863

  Heagy, B.             Private         7th Reserve           C    29 Jan. 1863

  Harmon, J.            Private         148th                 E    30 Apr. 1863

  Harding, L.           Private         143rd                 G    18 June 1863

  Hagen, D.             Private         62nd                  C    19 June 1863

  Hiney, John           Private         151st                 H    21 June 1863

  Hartline, S.          Private         167th                 C    14 July 1863

  Hoffman, R.           Private         173rd                 D    31 July 1863

  Horner, J.            Private         157th                 C    11 Aug. 1863

  Hemmings, A.          Private         2nd Cavalry           E    20 Nov. 1863

  Holobaugh, T.         Private         63rd                  K    27 Nov. 1863

  Hughes, B.            Private         149th                 B    19 Dec. 1863

  Hart, William         Private         130th                 I    21 Jan. 1864

  Hineline, I.          Private         67th                  D    07 Feb. 1864

  Hartley, J.           Private         90th                  I    04 Mar. 1864

  Henson, J.            Private         16th Cavalry          G    07 Apr. 1864

  Hudson, L.            Private         17th Cavalry          K    19 Apr. 1864

  Huonker, J. J.        Private         116th                 F    24 Apr. 1864

  Heamen, J.            Private         57th                  H    10 May 1864


  Immel, William        Private         8th                   K    29 Nov. 1861

  Irwin, Robert         Private         109th                 C    24 May 1862

  Irwin, Albert         Private         132nd                 H    15 Dec. 1862

  Irwin, L. H.          Private         148th                 E    07 Nov. 1863


  Jains, J.             Private         36th                  A    06 Nov. 1861

  Judd, D. H.           Private         46th                  H    12 Nov. 1861

  Jeffers, William      Private         53rd                  D    01 Dec. 1861

  Jones, David          Private         52nd                  I    06 Apr. 1862

  Jones, A.             Private         83rd                  H    01 May 1862

  Johnson, John         Private         109th                 G    28 May 1862

  Johnson, J. B.        Private         11th                  D    30 May 1862

  Jackson, H.           Private         49th                  F    02 July 1862

  Joseph, William       Private         103rd                 I    02 July 1862

  Jerolds, Samuel W.    Private         101st                 B    28 July 1862

  Jenkins, Henry        Private         48th                  F    15 Sept. 1862

  Jifford, William      Private         124th                 C    21 Sept. 1862

  Johnson, G. M.        Private         105th                 A    20 Sept. 1862

  Johnson, William      Private         88th                  C    01 Oct. 1862

  Johnson, William      Private         114th                 K    19 Nov. 1862

  Johnson, J.           Private         122nd                 K    25 Nov. 1862

  Johnson, John         Private         112th                 E    13 Dec. 1862

  Johnson, W. H.        Private         134th                 K    31 Dec. 1862

  Johnson, J.           Private         131st                 F    15 Jan. 1863

  Johnson, I.           Private         148th                 H    18 Feb. 1863

  Jones, William        Private         4th Cavalry           E    30 June 1863

  Johnson, W.           Private         2nd Artillery         L    27 Mar. 1864

  Jones, G.             Private         100th                 F    25 Apr. 1864

  Jenkins, W.           Private         105th                 G    27 Apr. 1864


  Kunzil, John          Private         35th                  K    17 Nov. 1861

  Kogler, David         Private         36th                  I    08 Dec. 1861

  Kelly, Isaac          Private         12th Cavalry          D    10 Dec. 1861

  Kachell, E. H.        Private         4th Cavalry                11 Jan. 1862

  Kuser, M. H.          Private         6th                   D    21 Apr. 1862

  Karass, Abbott        Sergeant        4th Cavalry           A    28 Apr. 1862

  Kenyon, J. R.         Private         1st Reserve Cavalry   G    28 May 1862

  Kibbe, D.             Private         12th Cavalry          L    21 June 1862

  Keimer, Joseph        Private         1st Rifles            I    27 Aug. 1862

  Kelly, Henry          Sergeant        116th                 E    06 Sept. 1862

  Knoer, Theodore       Private         27th                  A    08 Sept. 1862

  Katen, Wesley         Private         51st                  G    23 Sept. 1862

  Kenney, James         Private         61st                  E    25 Oct. 1862

  Kennedy, Patrick      Private         49th                  A    27 Oct. 1862

  Kneply, John          Private         93rd                  E    09 Nov. 1862

  Kliue, J. W.          Private         131st                 F    29 Nov. 1862

  Krignow, F.           Private         12th Cavalry          A    04 Dec. 1862

  Kennedy, T.           Private         137th                 A    05 Dec. 1862

  Kendall, R.           Private         145th                 E    23 Dec. 1862

  Kelso, M. C.          Private         134th                 A    28 Dec. 1862

  Keene, George         Sergeant        121st                 B    04 Jan. 1863

  Kendall, G.           Private         81st                  F    04 Jan. 1863

  Keck, E. W.           Private         145th                 G    16 Jan. 1863

  Kennedy, William      Private         69th                  K    24 Jan. 1863

  Kuhn, Charles E.      Private         28th                  K    29 Jan. 1863

  Kerby, E. B.          Sergeant        51st                  I    21 Feb. 1863

  Kryder, S.            Private         157th                 B    28 Aug. 1863

  Killinger, A.         Private         148th                 B    16 Sept. 1863

  Kennedy, John         Private         143rd                 B    20 Sept. 1863

  Krest, H.             Private         56th                  F    13 Oct. 1863

  Kastner, J. F.        Private         90th                  D    24 Nov. 1863

  Keys, J. C. F.        Private         63rd                  C    06 Dec. 1863

  Kepple, M. G.         Private         142nd                 D    24 Jan. 1864

  Knowles, M. M.        Private         67th                  D    08 Feb. 1864

  Krymer, J.            Private         16th Cavalry          F    29 Mar. 1864


  Leary, Charles        Private         22nd                       29 Sept. 1861

  Lehey, P.             Private         Harlin's Cavalry      G    25 Oct. 1861

  Leonard, P.           Private         1st Artillery         C    15 Nov. 1861

  Luce, Henry           Private         57th                  C    14 Feb. 1862

  Layport, John         Private         8th Cavalry           I    23 Feb. 1862

  Lurk, Augustus        Private         40th                  H    05 Mar. 1862

  Lord, William         Private         102nd                 G    14 Mar. 1862

  Loudenberg, R.        Private         1st Cavalry           D    26 Mar. 1862

  Lewis, William        Private         46th                  A    21 May 1862

  Limberger, Charles    Private         109th                 C    26 June 1862

  Laub, Jacob           Private         107th                 E    04 July 1862

  Long, S. W.           Private         7th                   F    08 July 1862

  Loll, John            Private         103rd                 C    10 July 1862

  Lyons, W.             Private         57th                  G    25 July 1862

  Lorman, Henry         Private         1st Reserve           A    30 July 1862

  Leech, George         Private         62nd                  I    18 Aug. 1862

  Lanuer, William       Private         68th                  C    06 Sept. 1862

  Laughlinback, Wm. F.  Private         71st                  H    10 Sept. 1862

  Lucas, Sam'l P.       Private         45th                  D    10 Sept. 1862

  Laird, Albert         Sergeant        1st                   C    23 Sept. 1862

  Lath, W. M.           Private         51st                  C    03 Oct. 1862

  Letts, James          Private         106th                 K    07 Oct. 1862

  Lind, Peter           Private         111th                 D    29 Oct. 1862

  Lehmerer, John        Private         63rd                  A    08 Nov. 1862

  Larabee, N. H.        Private         106th                 K    30 Nov. 1862

  Leffell, D. C.        Private         68th                  H    25 Dec. 1862

  Leitzel, E.           Private         127th                 D    26 Dec. 1862

  Lindsley, Fran        Private         11th Reserve          C    04 Jan. 1863

  Lynch, H. W.          Private         36th                  K    04 Jan. 1863

  Lichty, H.            Private         135th                 E    20 Jan. 1863

  Lester, L.            Private         132nd                 C    09 Feb. 1863

  Lyon, H. D.           Private         17th Cavalry          B    10 May 1863

  Lindsay, J.           Private         18th Cavalry          A    13 July 1863

  Longstreth, W.        Private         18th Cavalry          A    19 Aug. 1863

  Loucks, O. D.         Sergeant        145th                 E    09 Dec. 1863

  Lane, J.              Private         87th                  I    12 Feb. 1864

  Long, R.              Private         2nd Cavalry           L    09 Apr. 1864

  Luce, G. W.           Private         53rd                  D    06 May 1864


  McEwn, Wm.            Private         1st                   C    16 Aug. 1861

  Marsh, O.             Private         8th                   K    31 Aug. 1861

  McClurg, Jas.         Private         1st Vol. Artillery    B    29 Sept. 1861

  McChesney, R. W.      Private         33rd                  K    13 Oct. 1861

  McConnuaha, Jack'n    Private         33rd                  C    14 Oct. 1861

  Moltzer, Geo.         Private         46th                  A    28 Oct. 1861

  McCoy, Jas.           Private         33rd                  E    22 Oct. 1861

  Miller, Edw.          Private         12th                  D    01 Nov. 1861

  Mensburger, Wm.       Private         12th                  G    03 Nov. 1861

  Munzer, C. F.         Private         4th Cavalry           M    21 Nov. 1861

  Moore, Jno.           Private         85th                       08 Dec. 1861

  Menard, John L.       Private         1st Artillery         D    08 Dec. 1861

  Myhoff, T. C.         Private         57th                  I    21 Dec. 1861

  Miller, Milo          Private         57th                  H    29 Dec. 1861

  Morris, James M.      Private         104th                 H    18 Feb. 1862

  Munnis, J.            Private         61st                  D    19 Mar. 1862

  Meddaugh, C.          Private         83rd                  K    26 Mar. 1862

  Mayor, S.             Private         81st                  I    01 Apr. 1862

  McIntire, William     Private         56th                  A    07 Apr. 1862

  Machner, Henry        Private         1st Cavalry           L    07 Apr. 1862

  Myers, John           Private         103rd                 F    22 May 1862

  McKinney, Fry, W. H.  Private         11th Rifles           D    31 May 1862

  Mitchell, R. M.       Sergeant        11th Rifles           B    30 May 1862

  Myers, Henry          Private         4th Reserve                31 May 1862

  Mixer, C. D.          Private         83rd                  D    10 June 1862

  McLaughlin, P.        Private         103rd                 I    10 June 1862

  McNulty, J. D. S.     Private         11th                  K    16 June 1862

  Means, T.             Private         105th                 A    20 June 1862

  Mercer, William       Private         83rd                  I    15 July 1862

  McCloskey, F. P.      Private         63rd                  F    24 July 1862

  Mason, Alfred B.      Corporal        4th Reserve           A    26 July 1862

  Malat, Andrew S.      Private         4th Cavalry           I    01 Aug. 1862

  Mahler, X.            Sergeant        74th                  E    28 Aug. 1862

  Messler, G. T.        Private         26th                  C    04 Sept. 1862

  Miles, T. F.          Sergeant        141st                 A    05 Sept. 1862

  Minick, H.            Private         61st                  H    05 Sept. 1862

  Malconley, J. G.      Private         100th                 K    11 Sept. 1862

  Moore, John W.        Private         90th                  E    12 Sept. 1862

  Mee, William          Private         83rd                  E    12 Sept. 1862

  McClellan, Th. R.     Private         1st Artillery         K    13 Sept. 1862

  McNaughton, David     Private         56th                  D    15 Sept. 1862

  Martin, Alex          Private         11th                  E    16 Sept. 1862

  McDowell, J. B.       Private         11th                  C    17 Sept. 1862

  McKenery, James       Private         11th                  I    18 Sept. 1862

  Morgan, Thomas        Private         11th                  A    21 Sept. 1862

  Machline, Philip      Private         11th                  I    21 Sept. 1862

  Mackey, Samuel        Private         10th Reserve          D    30 Sept. 1862

  Maine, C.             Private         45th                  F    01 Oct. 1862

  Michell, John B.      Private         45th                  C    01 Oct. 1862

  Morris, Jacob         Private         75th                  B    02 Oct. 1862

  Matlis, William       Private         88th                  C    07 Oct. 1862

  Muick, V. C.          Private         149th                 G    10 Oct. 1862

  Maulkins, Charles     Private         136th                 D    11 Oct. 1862

  Messinger, J. H.      Corporal        12th Reserve          E    16 Oct. 1862

  Merrill, Joseph       Private         2nd Cavalry           F    17 Oct. 1862

  McClintock, William N. Private        28th                  F    18 Oct. 1862

  Meehan, Samuel B.     Private         7th Reserve           D    20 Oct. 1862

  Morrison, J. J.       Private         48th                  F    23 Oct. 1862

  McNiel, R. W.         Private         40th                  D    25 Oct. 1862

  Major, Thomas         Private         48th                  E    31 Oct. 1862

  Moyer, Nathaniel      Private         109th                 E    01 Nov. 1862

  Morse, Charles        Private         9th Reserve           K    01 Nov. 1862

  Mallin, James A.      Private         4th Cavalry           C    04 Nov. 1862

  Morse, David A.       Private         150th                 G    03 Nov. 1862

  Mauk, J.              Private         105th                 I    13 Nov. 1862

  McChean, William      Private         149th                 K    17 Nov. 1862

  McDonald, William     Private         105th                 I    18 Nov. 1862

  McCune, John          Private         132nd                 B    20 Nov. 1862

  McAndlass, G.         Private         139th                 D    22 Nov. 1862

  Millard, R.           Private         151st                 C    03 Dec. 1862

  McGraw, M.            Private         6th Cavalry           F    03 Dec. 1862

  Miller, D. M.         Private         84th                  C    09 Dec. 1862

  McCormick, T.         Private         137th                 F    11 Dec. 1862

  McGriegor, J. F.      Private         8th                   A    17 Dec. 1862

  McFadden, L.          Private         11th Reserve          K    19 Dec. 1862

  Morris, A.            Private         155th                 D    20 Dec. 1862

  Myers, William H.     Private         114th                 H    22 Dec. 1862

  Montgomery, R. S.     Private         105th                 I    23 Dec. 1862

  Mathews, J.           Private         84th                  C    23 Dec. 1862

  Miller, James         Private         1st Cavalry           I    25 Dec. 1862

  Manson, James P.      Private         121st                 A    25 Dec. 1862

  McEvoy, J.            Private         99th                  H    28 Dec. 1862

  Murdock, George J.    Private         145th                 I    31 Dec. 1862

  Megonigal, A.         Private         125th                 I    31 Dec. 1862

  Marsh, G. J.          Private         1st Reserve           G    01 Jan. 1863

  May, David            Private         18th Cavalry          E    02 Jan. 1863

  Mundel, August        Private         123rd                 D    02 Jan. 1863

  McLaughlin, James     Private         155th                 I    02 Jan. 1863

  Maguire, Thomas       Private         53rd                  D    03 Jan. 1863

  Morton, Jerome        Private         111th                 F    04 Jan. 1863

  Murphy, D.            Private         62nd                  F    04 Jan. 1863

  McDonald, P.          Private         69th                  H    07 Jan. 1863

  Mockler, William      Private         81st                  G    10 Jan. 1863

  Matteson, Albert      Private         56th                  G    11 Jan. 1863

  McKey, William        Private         149th                 E    12 Jan. 1863

  McGee, Jefferson      Private         45th                  F    12 Jan. 1863

  Moore, James          Private         8th Reserve           E    19 Jan. 1863

  Mauk, George          Private         125th                 E    23 Jan. 1863

  Moody, Edward         Private         49th                  F    05 Feb. 1863

  Miller, William       Private         141st                 E    22 Feb. 1863

  Manning, P.           Private         49th                  B    26 Feb. 1863

  Meredeth, J. S.       Private         137th                 K    11 Mar. 1863

  McLaughlin, T. P.     Private         139th                 K    24 Mar. 1863

  Males, Thomas         Private         71st                  A    05 Apr. 1863

  Markle, John          Private         56th                  H    20 Apr. 1863

  McNeely, E.           Private         139th                 I    23 Apr. 1863

  McGuire, W. W.        Private         148th                 G    09 May 1863

  Martin, Edward        Private         124th                 G    08 May 1863

  Michel, R.            Private         61st                  C    12 May 1863

  Mustard, John         1stPrivate      141st                 E    23 May 1863

  Moyer, George         Private         149th                 C    23 May 1863

  Miller, John          Private         4th Cavalry           E    18 June 1863

  McDonald, J.          Private         1st Rifles            C    25 June 1863

  Moyer, Charles        Private         12th V.C.             G    04 July 1863

  Murphy, J. A.         Private         149th                 B    11 July 1863

  McKeever, James       Private         169th                 D    22 July 1863

  Maurer, D.            Private         167th                 G    25 July 1863

  Miller, P.            Private         75th                  H    01 Aug. 1863

  McVaugh, J.           Private         147th                 D    02 Aug. 1863

  McKeever, John        Private         169th                 E    03 Aug. 1863

  McEwen, P.            Private         2nd Artillery         L    10 Aug. 1863

  May, Samuel           Private         145th                 F    01 Sept. 1863

  McCann, E.            Private         69th                  G    27 Sept. 1863

  May, H. M.            Private         87th                  C    13 Oct. 1863

  Malone, William       Private         46th                  C    14 Oct. 1863

  Minser, D.            Private         67th                  K    28 Nov. 1863

  Morse, J. H.          Sergeant        8th Cavalry           D    13 Dec. 1863

  Mills, A. W.          Private         141st                 A    05 Feb. 1864

  McCoy, George         Private         62nd                  E    25 Feb. 1864

  McClintock, L.        Private         16th Cavalry          A    22 Mar. 1864

  Miller, A.            Private         148th                 H    28 Mar. 1864

  Mulligan, J. W. H.    Private         143rd                 E    23 Apr. 1864

  Monroe, D.            Private         53rd                  G    28 Apr. 1864


  Norris, William H.    Private         13th                  H    26 Oct. 1861

  Nickerson, E. W.      Private         57th                  E    05 Jan. 1862

  Norgan, John L.       Private         8th Cavalry           E    22 Feb. 1862

  Nahler, Christian     Private         4th                   E    07 Mar. 1862

  Nagle, G.             Private         107th                 G    22 Mar. 1862

  Nelson, Lafayette     Private         86th                  F    23 May 1862

  Nichols, Charles E.   Private         83rd                  D    26 July 1862

  Neville, Thomas G.    Corporal        83rd                  F    17 Sept. 1862

  Nale, John A.         Private         107th                 F    09 Oct. 1862

  Navel, Michael        Private         5th                   A    12 Nov. 1862

  Nihoff, William       Private         6th Cavalry           E    16 Dec. 1862

  Noland, M.            Private         69th                  F    25 Dec. 1862

  Neeson, Jasper        Private         81st                  E    07 Jan. 1863

  Nelson, J.            Private         155th                 A    31 Jan. 1863

  Nichols, J.           Private         141st                 I    19 May 1863

  Newton, D.            Private         168th                 A    13 July 1863

  Noll, I.              Private         1st Cavalry           E    19 Jan. 1864


  Osborne, Charles      Private         104th                 I    26 Feb. 1864

  Otis, Oral            Private         83rd                  D    11 Aug. 1862

  Otto, Joseph, B.      Corporal        150th                 G    30 Oct. 1862

  Ott, Michael          Private         1st Artillery         G    22 Nov. 1862

  O'Gara, John          Private         12th Reserve          C    04 Jan. 1863

  Otto, Harkin          Private         119th                 K    06 Jan. 1863

  Oakes, G. H.          Private         12th Cavalry          L    03 Feb. 1863

  Olf, Eli              Private         130th                 F    25 Feb. 1863

  Oliver, John          Private         126th                 B    05 June 1863

  Osterhaut, George     Private         151th                 F    21 June 1863

  Oliver, I.            Private         149th                 F    27 June 1863


  Park, James           Private         27th                  F    09 Sept. 1861

  Peters, Dennis        Private         57th                  D    28 Dec. 1861

  Patterson, A.         Private         8th Cavalry           C    08 Mar. 1862

  Pepperman, J.         Private         8th Cavalry           K    14 Mar. 1862

  Porter, J. C.         Private         83rd                  E    13 Apr. 1862

  Payne, G.             Private         62nd                  E    30 Apr. 1862

  Price, John           Private         103rd                 K    17 June 1862

  Paul, George B.       Private         4th                   H    29 June 1862

  Pringle, N.           Corporal        94th                  G    17 Sept. 1862

  Phipps, Robert        Private         30th                  E    20 Sept. 1862

  Prough, Daniel        Private         49th                  D    23 Sept. 1862

  Patterson, D. L.      Private         2nd Cavalry           M    30 Sept. 1862

  Powell, Thomas        Private         100th                 D    07 Oct. 1862

  Phillips, George H.   Private         4th Cavalry           E    22 Oct. 1862

  Parker, War'n         Private         137th                 D    15 Nov. 1862

  Platt, George         Private         143rd                 C    27 Nov. 1862

  Pearse, Robert C.     Private         11th Reserve          C    13 Dec. 1862

  Peters, T.            Private         137th                 D    17 Dec. 1862

  Platt, H.             Private         155th                 G    21 Dec. 1862

  Parke, W. J. D.       Private         132nd                 H    28 Dec. 1862

  Pierce, N. W.         Private         82nd                  C    08 Jan. 1863

  Patch, A.             Private         145th                 E    10 Jan. 1863

  Patterson, P. N.      Private         150th                 H    10 Jan. 1863

  Powers, George        Private         141st                 E    13 Jan. 1863

  Pitcher, Jos.         Private         150th                 H    16 Jan. 1863

  Pentz, John           Private         126th                 E    31 Mar. 1863

  Powell, H.            Private         17th Cavalry          K    01 Aug. 1863

  Patterson, H.         Private         140th                 E    10 Aug. 1863

  Price, A.             Private         167th                 K    22 Aug. 1863

  Pennington, J. C.     Private         149th                 F    17 Sep. 1863

  Paul, J. H.           Private         172nd                 .    13 Oct. 1863

  Pontzler, J.          Private         13th Cavalry          L    14 Dec. 1863

  Peck, S.              Private         2nd Artillery         L    17 Dec. 1863

  Potter, J.            Private         2nd Cavalry           F    07 Jan. 1864

  Perry, James          Sergeant        13th Cavalry          M    30 Jan. 1864

  Parker, S.            Private         4th Cavalry           H    08 Apr. 1864

  Palmer, D.            Private         56th                  A    24 Apr. 1864


  Quirk, Jno.           Private         83rd                  D    20 Dec. 1861

  Quary, G.             Private         107th                 D    01 Apr. 1862

  Quirk, Oliver         Private         141st                 K    25 Dec. 1862


  Ray, Jno.             Corporal        33rd                  A    25 Sept. 1861

  Rosenberger, A.       Private         2nd Cavalry           M    09 Nov. 1861

  Russell, Jno. W.      Private         4th Cavalry           K    13 Nov. 1861

  Rye, Chas.            Private         4th Cavalry           G    13 Nov. 1861

  Russel, Chas.         Private         52nd                  H    18 Nov. 1861

  Ryan, C.              Private         8th                   K    29 Nov. 1861

  Reeves, H.            Private         23rd                  H    04 Feb. 1862

  Russell, Robert       Private         101st                      12 Mar. 1862

  Ross, J.              Private         49th                  E    15 Mar. 1862

  Reif, John            Private         40th                  K    18 Mar. 1862

  Randolph, James       Private         103rd                 G    03 Apr. 1862

  Reed, T. B.           Private         103rd                 F    31 May 1862

  Richey, H. S.         Corporal        101st                 D    02 June 1862

  Rosenberg, Samuel S.  Private         11th                  D    03 June 1862

  Richardson, T.        Private         109th                 I    09 June 1862

  Rempher, B.           Private         107th                 I    21 June 1862

  Rozell, James         Private         11th Cavalry          K    16 July 1862

  Rogers, Joseph F.     Private         12th Cavalry          K    22 Aug. 1862

  Ramer, David          Corporal        48th                  D    06 Sept. 1862

  Russell, S. S.        Private         100th                 E    08 Sept. 1862

  Robert, John B.       Private         48th                  A    12 Sept. 1862

  Robinson, D. F.       Private         10th                  H    14 Sept. 1862

  Rodgers, Wiliam H. H. Private         100th                 E    15 Sept. 1862

  Richards, John        Private         51st                  D    26 Sept. 1862

  Rodgers, Reading      Private         23rd                  K    06 Oct. 1862

  Romick, Samuel        Private         49th                  E    12 Oct. 1862

  Richel, D.            Private         137th                 F    27 Nov. 1862

  Ruff, John            Private         48th                  A    03 Dec. 1862

  Reief, Henry          Private         112th                 G    23 Dec. 1862

  Russell, C. G.        Private         134th                 H    25 Dec. 1862

  Russell, William      Private         90th                  B    01 Jan. 1863

  Reddick, A.           Private         62nd                  C    03 Jan. 1863

  Rinice, A.            Private         81st                  B    07 Jan. 1863

  Raeper, Frederick     Private         49th                  B    10 Jan. 1863

  Rankin, James         Corporal        140th                 E    10 Jan. 1863

  Roark, Samuel         Private         99th                  C    13 Jan. 1863

  Ramsey, John S.       Private         16th Cavalry          A    27 Jan. 1863

  Riggs, Peter          Private         124th                 C    01 Feb. 1863

  Raffensperger, D. T.  Private         130th                      11 Feb. 1863

  Ryall, Wm. C.         Corporal        121st                 E    17 Feb. 1863

  Robwir, Charles       Private         115th                 G    19 Feb. 1863

  Robinson, W.          Private         5th Reserve           C    26 Mar. 1863

  Russell, J.           Private         136th                 A    16 May 1863

  Reed, Daniel          Private         135th                 B    22 May 1863

  Riley, M.             Private         122nd                 G    24 May 1863

  Rhine, G. W.          Private         149th                 I    31 May 1863

  Rogers, G. W.         Private         17th Cavalry          D    12 July 1863

  Reed, Peter           Private         165th                 A    22 July 1863

  Reifsnyder, W.        Private         179th                 A    30 July 1863

  Rogers, H. C.         Private         16th Cavalry          A    20 Aug. 1863

  Rhodewalt, J.         Private         1st Reserve Cavalr    M    23 Sept. 1863

  Ross, J.              Private         67th                  E    25 Nov. 1863

  Reily, M.             Private         67th                  B    29 Nov. 1863

  Russell, James U.     Private         4th Cavalry           I    02 Feb. 1864

  Roesener, C.          Private         61st                  B    11 Feb. 1864

  Roberts, G.           Private         2nd Artillery         I    23 Feb. 1864

  Rauner, S.            Private         2nd Artillery         H    25 Feb. 1864

  Rayes, L. A.          Private         13th Cavalry          B    07 Apr. 1864

  Ross, John            Private         17th Cavalry          B    18 Apr. 1864

  Robinson, J.          Private         6th R.C.              G    09 May 1864


  Schortz, Nathan       Private         6th                   B    10 Aug. 1861

  Shaw, John            Private         13th                  A    12 Oct. 1861

  Sassaman, N.          Private         50th                  E    12 Oct. 1861

  Still, W. H.          Private         4th Cavalry           M    12 Oct. 1861

  Stunkard, R. W.       Private         12th                  H    13 Oct. 1861

  Speck, William        Private         3rd Cavalry           D    16 Oct. 1861

  Snyder, Jacob         Private         33rd                  B    16 Oct. 1861

  Shaffer, Theodore     Private         1st                   B    16 Oct. 1861

  Scott, James          Private         9th                   E    29 Oct. 1861

  Smith, William F.     Private         4th Reserve           K    07 Nov. 1861

  Shaw, J.              Private         33rd                  E    07 Nov. 1861

  Schmidt, Frederick    Private         35th                  G    12 Nov. 1861

  Stone, Joseph G.      Private         45th                  A    14 Nov. 1861

  Stonic, William       Private         12th                  B    18 Nov. 1861

  Smith, F. M.          Private         11th                  C    29 Nov. 1861

  Scrowl, James         Private         23rd                  E    03 Dec. 1861

  Strawcutter, D.W.     Private         45th                  D    09 Dec. 1861

  Smith, T. R.          Private         104th                 C    23 Dec. 1861

  Shaw, Andrew          Private         6th Cavalry           F    30 Dec. 1861

  Shay, Daniel          Private         93rd                  G    15 Jan. 1862

  Scofield, C.          Private         1st Rifles            F    22 Feb. 1862

  Smith, John           Private         6th                   K    27 Mar. 1862

  Smith, Lorenzo        Private         107th                 D    11 Apr. 1862

  Sanders, James        Private         103rd                 E    12 Apr. 1862

  Shutt, Mark           Private         26th                  K    23 May 1862

  Smith, E.             Private         85th                  F    29 May 1862

  Stultz, J.            Private         103rd                 D    04 June 1862

  Stewart, John         Private         101st                 C    06 June 1862

  Subert, Matthew       Private         74th                  K    07 June 1862

  Sherer, Henry         Private         93rd                  K    12 June 1862

  Spacht, Michael J.    Private         52nd                  D    24 June 1862

  Skite, George W.      Private         83rd                  F    12 July 1862

  Sanderson, Joseph     Private         109th                 B    25 Aug. 1862

  Stratton, J. M.       Private         56th                  H    03 Sept. 1862

  Smith, R. E.          Corporal        45th                  G    07 Sept. 1862

  Smith, Jacob          Private         44th                  K    13 Sept. 1862

  Smith, Robert D.      Private         11th Reserve          B    17 Sept. 1862

  Simpson, George       Private         50th                  C    19 Sept. 1862

  Smith, Amos C.        Capt's ser't    137th                 K    20 Sept. 1862

  Spragg, L. F.         Private         100th                 H    20 Sept. 1862

  Shatto, David         Private         7th                   B    03 Oct. 1862

  Sterling, Robert L.   Private         8th Cavalry           L    04 Oct. 1862

  Snores, Buss          Private         83rd                  I    04 Oct. 1862

  Slater, Henry         Private         142nd                 E    07 Oct. 1862

  Smith, Samuel S.      Private         1st Reserve           I    08 Oct. 1862

  Smith, Harvey         Private         4th Reserve           G    11 Oct. 1862

  Scherer, Henry        Private         73rd                  A    13 Oct. 1862

  Scarlett, George      Private         58th                  C    15 Oct. 1862

  Spess, James          Private         10th Reserve          F    19 Oct. 1862

  Seidel, G. A.         Private         2nd Cavalry           H    26 Oct. 1862

  Soltzer, John         Private         56th                  F    07 Nov. 1862

  Slade, Edwin E.       Sergeant        8th Cavalry           G    10 Nov. 1862

  Stegmeyer, Lewis      Private         63rd                       13 Nov. 1862

  Smith, David          Private         6th                   F    14 Nov. 1862

  Swearer, Daniel       Private         137th                 C    22 Nov. 1862

  Smith, Simon          Private         145th                 G    14 Dec. 1862

  Sharp, William        Private         69th                  B    15 Dec. 1862

  Shaner, C.            Private         134th                 G    19 Dec. 1862

  Squires, S.           Private         16th Cavalry          A    25 Dec. 1862

  Subre, J.             Private         133rd                 D    26 Dec. 1862

  Stewart, R.           Private         8th Reserve           I    28 Dec. 1862

  Short, William        Private         141st                 G    29 Dec. 1862

  Sheeler, A.           Private         11th Reserve          A    29 Dec. 1862

  Sayers, R. A.         Private         16th Cavalry          M    01 Jan. 1863

  Stoneycipher, Samuel  Private         131st                 G    02 Jan. 1863

  Smith, P. H.          Private         143rd                 B    02 Jan. 1863

  Summers, Robert       Private         7th                   D    04 Jan. 1863

  Smith, Samuel M.      Private         142nd                 B    09 Jan. 1863

  Sipe, Jacob           Private         142nd                 D    10 Jan. 1863

  Sloan, George         Private         150th                 I    11 Jan. 1863

  Sheithaner, N.        Private         48th                  B    13 Jan. 1863

  Smeltzer, J.          Private         11th                  F    27 Jan. 1863

  Slausher, Aug'st      Private         139th                 E    29 Jan. 1863

  Shroeder, E.          Sergeant        75th                  I    30 Jan. 1863

  Sealer, Charles       Private         45th                  C    01 Feb. 1863

  Stoneman, J. W.       Private         12th                  F    12 Feb. 1863

  Stetler, H.           Private         53rd                  D    12 Feb. 1863

  Smith, C. S.          Private         134th                 K    14 Feb. 1863

  Streightiff, J.       Private         125th                 B    15 Feb. 1863

  Stotler, H. H.        Private         136th                 H    23 Feb. 1863

  Shirtle, George       Private         48th                  D    21 Mar. 1863

  Simpson, R.           Private         19th                  A    23 Mar. 1863

  Swarer, L.            Private         98th                  H    23 Apr. 1863

  Sly, Vincent F.       Private         1st. D.M.             C    24 Apr. 1863

  Shoemaker, E.         Private         61st                  G    07 May 1863

  Snare, Henry M.       Corporal        61st                  C    12 May 1863

  Sing, Peter           Private         74th                  I    22 May 1863

  Spense, Adam          Private         157th                 D    30 May 1863

  Stephens, N.          Corporal        143rd                 E    15 June 1863

  Smith, O.             Private         149th                 E    17 June 1863

  Stevenson, William    Private         149th                 C    28 June 1863

  Snyder, J.            Corporal        148th                 H    28 June 1863

  Schlotterer, F.       Private         2nd Artillery         A    12 July 1863

  Spease, T.            Private         17th Cavalry          F    12 July 1863

  Smith, J.             Private         168th S.M.            G    12 July 1863

  Soler, D.             Private         167th                 H    15 July 1863

  Stomm, H.             Private         84th                  C    20 July 1863

  Shipley, L. D.        Private         171st                 I    21 July 1863

  Schuban, C.           Private         15th                       23 July 1863

  Stince, E.            Private         173rd                 K    30 July 1863

  Shaner, John          Private         167th                 C    05 Aug. 1863

  Smith, G. W.          Private         2nd Artillery         D    24 Sept. 1863

  Sylor, P.             Private         16th Cavalry          M    05 Nov. 1863

  Shoup, J.             Private         16th Cavalry          B    25 Nov. 1863

  Smith, H.             Private         90th                  B    01 Dec. 1863

  Sharkey, A.           Private         13th Cavalry          K    12 Dec. 1863

  Stradley, J. W.       Private         148th                 G    03 Feb. 1864

  Swartz, H.            Private         2nd Artillery         C    22 Feb. 1864

  Small, William        Private         67th                  E    27 Feb. 1864

  Strunck, J.           Private         29th                  H    09 Mar. 1864

  Schilling, E.         Private         2nd Artillery         A    20 Apr. 1864


  Thomas, Geo.          Private         3rd                   H    24 Aug. 1861

  Traub, Wm.            Private         6th Reserve           E    18 Oct. 1861

  Taylor, Wm. L.        Private         49th                  B    15 Mar. 1862

  Tovy, Wm.             Private         53rd                  E    20 Apr. 1862

  Taylor, David         Private         10th Reserve          G    03 June 1862

  Thompson, J.          Private         102nd                 H    03 June 1862

  Thompson, John        Private         53rd                  G    06 June 1862

  Torbert, Hugh         Private         4th Reserve           I    24 July 1862

  Turk, J. E.           Private         9th Reserve           F    01 Aug. 1862

  Thomas, John P.       Private         111th                 G    31 Aug. 1862

  Towney, D.            Private         50th                  C    05 Sept. 1862

  Torrey, George E.     Corporal        149th                 K    29 Oct. 1862

  Thompson, J.          Private         145th                 F    22 Nov. 1862

  Treible, Peter A.     Private         141st                 H    23 Nov. 1862

  Tebo, Lewis W.        Private         106th                 K    02 Jan. 1863

  Titus, L. J.          Sergeant        51st                  E    07 Jan. 1863

  Thompson, F.          Corporal        155th                 I    07 Jan. 1863

  Thorp, John W.        Private         142nd                 E    31 Jan. 1863

  Tompkins, C.          Private         142nd                 K    07 Feb. 1863

  Teitch, H.            Private         61st                  C    10 May 1863

  Thatcher, William C.  Private         95th                  I    15 May 1863

  Thomas, J.            Private         140th                 G    12 Aug. 1863

  Tarman, Edward        Private         3rd Cavalry           H    29 Oct. 1863

  Thompson, G.          Private         155th                 K    29 Nov. 1863

  Thomas, G. M.         Blacksmith       3rd Cavalry          I    28 Jan. 1864

  Taylor, B.            Private         116th                 K    05 May 1864


  Urbane, Jacob         Private         23rd                  C    14 Nov. 1861

  Umpherd, S. W.        Sergeant        56th                  I    26 June 1862

  Unberger, J.          Private         12th Reserve          F    27 Dec. 1862

  Unchaper, W.          Private         11th                  F    12 Feb. 1863

  Unknown Soldier       Private         Cavalry                    12 Oct. 1863


  Vale, Silas           Private         60th                  E    07 Aug. 1861

  Vanwetchen, H.        Private         57th                  H    21 Jan. 1862

  VanHorn, William      Private         129th                 G    18 Sept. 1862

  Vosmer, Henry         Private         75th                  H    05 Oct. 1862

  Vanness, H.           Private         171st                 D    16 July 1863

  VanBuren, P.          Private         91st                  F    14 Nov. 1863


  White, Henry E.       Private         3rd                   B    23 Sept. 1861

  Wagner, John          Private         33rd                  L    06 Oct. 1861

  Witzel, Reun          Private         47th                  G    17 Nov. 1861

  Wilde, James S.       Private         45th                  F    18 Nov. 1861

  Wise, Henry           Private         11th                  A    28 Nov. 1861

  Williams, T.          Private         23rd                  L    19 Dec. 1861

  Willison, Samuel      Private         4th Cavalry           E    30 Dec. 1861

  Wasner, Mark          Private         1st Artillery         E    31 Dec. 1861

  Wells, John G.        Sergeant        1st Cavalry           I    26 Feb. 1862

  Work, A.              Private         47th                  D    27 Feb. 1862

  Williams, B. G.       Private         8th Cavalry           E    12 Mar. 1862

  Weiber, Henry         Private         103rd                 E    29 Mar. 1862

  Wilcox, Moses         Private         8th                   G    15 May 1862

  Wyland, Simond        Private         9th Reserve           F    17 May 1862

  Weaver, Reuben        Private         11th Reserve          K    20 June 1862

  Wilson, John          Private         101st                 K    24 July 1862

  Welch, Christie       Private         85th                  E    03 Aug. 1862

  White, Abraham        Private         84th                  G    07 Aug. 1862

  Walker, Robert        Private         71st                  F    10 Aug. 1862

  White, J. S.          Private         90th                  I    23 Aug. 1862

  Webber, John          Private         107th                 G    06 Sept. 1862

  Werner, John C.       Private         27th                  B    11 Sept. 1862

  Worth, I. H.          Private         56th                  A    15 Sept. 1862

  Warnick, William      Private         106th                 B    22 Sept. 1862

  Webster, W. D.        Private         83rd                  H    24 Sept. 1862

  Walrath, Daniel G.    Private         56th                  F    27 Sept. 1862

  Williams, R.          Private         28th                  C    04 Oct. 1862

  Wilson, Charles       Private         149th                 K    15 Oct. 1862

  Wrenn, Thomas         Private         29th                  K    22 Oct. 1862

  Ward, James           Private         49th                  K    01 Nov. 1862

  Walter, C. W.         Private         99th                  G    07 Nov. 1862

  Walton, Miles         Private         4th Cavalry           K    15 Nov. 1862

  Wheaton, James        Private         57th                  H    17 Nov. 1862

  Welsh, H. S.          Private         149th                 G    21 Nov. 1862

  Weir, George W.       Private         134th                 H    22 Nov. 1862

  Wilber, C. C.         Private         137th                 A    17 Dec. 1862

  Wilson, G. W.         Private         53rd                  E    17 Dec. 1862

  Wiseman, T.           Private         155th                 C    19 Dec. 1862

  Withneck, James       Private         121st                 A    21 Dec. 1862

  White, Benj.          Private         16th Cavalry          L    22 Dec. 1862

  Wilton, Wm. M.        Private         118th                 B    27 Dec. 1862

  Wright, W. H.         Private         145th                 H    28 Dec. 1862

  Wiggins, J. F.        Private         133rd                 F    31 Dec. 1862

  Woodington, D. S.     Private         68th                  I    01 Jan. 1863

  Williams, Ev'n        Private         136th                 F    01 Jan. 1863

  Webber, J.            Private         134th                 G    03 Jan. 1863

  Wilson, J.            Private         49th                  E    04 Jan. 1863

  Wyland, L. A.         Private         51st                  G    06 Jan. 1863

  Woodard, E. F.        Private         33rd                  I    06 Jan. 1863

  Woolenweber, L.       Private         90th                  K    06 Jan. 1863

  Webb, O. R.           Private         53rd                  G    14 Jan. 1863

  Williams, William     Private         9th Reserve           K    16 Jan. 1863

  Whitehead, J.         Private         136th                 H    22 Jan. 1863

  Wireman, S. F.        Corporal        127th                 B    30 Jan. 1863

  Williams, J. R.       Private         137th                 B    05 Mar. 1863

  Woodside, G.          Private         118th                 I    18 Apr. 1863

  Wilson, C.            Private         84th                  K    31 May 1863

  Wheeler, Joseph       Private         151st                 D    14 June 1863

  Whalen, P.            Private         12th Reserve          G    19 June 1863

  Witherwax, William    Private         149th                 F    27 June 1863

  White, R.             Private         2nd Reserve           B    27 June 1863

  Williams, T. K.       Sergeant        18th Cavalry          K    10 July 1863

  Warriner, S. P.       Corporal        149th                 K    26 July 1863

  Walker, D.            Private         49th                  D    09 Aug. 1863

  Waltz, J.             Private         157th                 B    22 Aug. 1863

  Ward, James           Private         147th                 D    28 Sept. 1863

  Witheright, William   Private         1st Cavalry           E    10 Oct. 1863

  Waran, J.             Private         90th                  E    04 Dec. 1863

  Wilson, H. K.         Private         149th                 C    09 Dec. 1863

  Witzman, J.           Private         118th                 H    09 Dec. 1863

  Works, William        Private         1st Reserve           L    26 Dec. 1863

  Wells, J.             Private         2nd Artillery         G    05 Jan. 1864

  Waspis, M.            Private         87th                  C    11 Feb. 1864

  Wilson, A.            Bugler          18th Cavalry          A    01 Apr. 1864

  Weaver, G.            Private         4th Artillery         C    06 Apr. 1864

  Watkins, M.           Private         148th                 I    07 May 1864

  Weivie, J.            Private         143rd                 C    10 May 1864


  Young, William        Private         47th                  G    24 Nov. 1861

  Yoler, J.             Corporal        11th Reserve          F    01 July 1862

  Young, Jacob          Private         149th                 D    29 Oct. 1862

  Yardly, William       Private         121st                 C    09 Nov. 1862

  Young, J. C.          Private         137th                 C    05 Dec. 1862

  Young, F. D.          Corporal        141st                 F    14 Dec. 1862

  Young, Samuel D.      Private         136th                 D    01 Jan. 1863


  Zook, Azariah         Private         2nd                   M    20 Oct. 1862

  Zuver, James W.       Private         134th                 A    03 Jan. 1863

  Zimmerman, B. F.      Corporal        145th                 G    19 Jan. 1863

  Zarfoss, A. S.        Private         133rd                 D    08 Feb. 1863