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History: Part 7 - Pages 202-240. - CHRISTOPHER GIST'S JOURNALS, 1750-53: William M. Darlington, 1893.
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        WILLIAM M. DARLINGTON [1815-1889]

         PITTSBURGH, J. R. WELDIN & CO.,


                [Part 7.]

   [Pages 202-240. Page numbers appear in the text in brackets.]

           [Transcription is Verbatim.]

              Thomas Cresap.
           General James Grant.
           Treaty of Lancaster.
              Ohio company.



   October 31, 1750.‹Colonel Thomas Cresap was
   the earliest permanent settler in Western
   Maryland. He established himself at Old Town
   in 1742 or 3. At the treaty made at Lancaster,
   Pennsylvania, with the Six Nations, in June,
   1744, the Chief Cannassatego in his speech
   said: "We are willing to renounce all right to
   Lord Baltimore of all those Lands lying two
   miles above the uppermost Fork of Potowmack or
   Cohongoruton river near which Thomas Cresap
   has a Hunting or Trading Cabin, by a North
   line to the bounds of Pennsylvania." ("Treaty
   at Lancaster with the Six Nations." "Colonial

   Cresap's cabin or fort was on or near the site
   of an old town of the Shawanese, a portion of
   that tribe inhabiting in and about the
   northern part of the river Potomac from 1698
   to 1728‹9, when they removed to the Ohio and
   Allegheny and placed themselves under the
   protection of the French. ( "Report of
   Assembly, Journals of 1755.") On the map
   constructed by William Mayo for Lord Fairfax,
   in 1737, the bottom lands on this part of the
   Potomac are marked "Old Shawnee fields
   deserted. Also on Fry and Jefferson's, and
   Scull's maps. Its locality is marked on Dr.
   Mitchell's map of 1755 "Shawnee Old Town." In
   the Table of Distances to Ohio in 1754,
   ("Pennsylvania Archives," Vol. II, p. 134.)
   the first is "New Store at the mouth of Wills
   creek on Potomack to Cressaps fifteen miles."
   The name Old Town is yet retained; it is in
   Old Town District [203] of Allegheny County,
   Maryland, fifteen miles southeast of
   Cumberland, on the north side of the Potamac
   and opposite to Green Spring station, on the
   Baltimore and Ohio Railway.

   Colonel Thomas Cresap was a native of Skipton,
   in Yorkshire, England. He emigrated to
   Maryland about the year 1720, when he was but
   fifteen years of age. He first settled at
   Havre de Grace, at the mouth of the
   Susquehanna River. Lord Baltimore, the
   Proprietary of Maryland, claiming to extend
   the boundaries of that Province to the
   fortieth degree of latitude, Cresap obtained a
   Maryland warrant for 500 acres, and about the
   year 1731 removed to the locality of his
   grant, over twenty miles north of the present
   boundary-line between Pennsylvania and
   Maryland, at the ferry-landing opposite the
   "Blue Rock," about five miles below the
   present town of Wrightsville, on the
   Susquehanna, in York County.

   Cresap's house is marked on Evans' map of
   Pennsylvania, 1749. His house was the most
   northerly situated of the Maryland claimants,
   of whom he was the leader, being a man of
   great strength, courage and indomitable
   resolution. Violent and bloody collisions
   frequently occurred between the Pennsylvanians
   and Marylanders. On November 24, 1736,
   Cresap's house or fort was surrounded by an
   armed company of twenty-three men, headed by
   the Sheriff of Lancaster County with a judge's
   warrant. ("Pennsylvania Archives.") After a
   sharp conflict Cresap's capture was only
   effected by burning the house. He was ironed,
   taken to Philadelphia and there imprisoned for
   near two years. Reprisals by the authorities
   of Maryland speedily followed.

   This bitter border warfare was allayed by an
   order of the King, in Council, May 25, 1738.
   The prisoners of both Provinces were released
   and a provisional boundary-line established in
   1739. ("Pennsylvania Archives.") It continued
   to be the subject of protracted [204]
   litigation between the Penns and Lord
   Baltimore before the High Court of Chancery,
   in England. The controversy was conclusively
   settled by amicable agreement and the running
   of the famous Mason and Dixon's Line, in 1769,
   and its completion, in 1784 A full and
   complete history of this boundary controversy
   would make a large but interesting volume.
   (See the printed "Case of Messieurs Penn and
   the people of Pennsylvania and the three lower
   Counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex on
   Delaware in relation to a series of Injuries
   and Hostilities made upon them, for several
   years past, by Thomas Cresap and others by the
   Direction and Authority of the Deputy Governor
   of Maryland." To be heard before the Honorable
   Lords of the Privy Council for Plantation
   affairs at the Cockpit, White Hall, on
   Thursday 23d February 1737. "Colonial
   Records." "Pennsylvania Archives.")

   Col. Cresap was by nature well adapted for a
   leader in border contests. He seemed as one
   "born unto trouble," certainly he never
   shunned it. Originally a carpenter, afterwards
   a surveyor, planter and Indian trader, as well
   as Indian fighter. ("Pennsylvania Archives,"
   Vol. 1, pp. 311-52.) He made an excellent map
   of the western boundary of Maryland for Lord
   Baltimore, which is now in the possession of
   the Maryland Historical Society. Soon after
   his return from captivity, in Philadelphia, in
   1737 or 8, he removed to a tract of land on
   the Antietam Creek, in the present Washington
   County, Maryland, and engaged in the Indian
   trade and failed. He then fixed his residence
   at Old Town, or Skipton, as he named it. He
   was an agent for the Ohio Company and also a
   member of it. (See "Sketch of the Ohio
   Company.") This Company made the first English
   settlement at Pittsburgh, before Braddock's
   war; and it was through their means and
   efforts that the first road was made through
   the Allegheny Mountains. The war placed Col.
   Cresap in a perilous situation, and he removed
   his family to Conococheague; he had to fight
   his way, being attacked by a [205] party of
   Indians. He soon raised a company of
   volunteers and marched to attack the Indians;
   his son, Thomas, was killed in their first
   skirmish. Soon after, peace was made and he
   returned to his farm at Old Town.

   Col. Cresap's literary attainments were small,
   but by industry and application he obtained a
   sufficient knowledge of surveying to be
   entrusted with the surveyorship of Prince
   George's County, and frequently represented
   his county in the Legislature. When he was
   upwards of eighty he married for the second
   time. He had five children‹three sons and two
   daughters. His youngest son was Michael, who
   was represented by Mr. Jefferson, most
   probably unjustly, "as infamous for his many
   Indian murders and the massacre of Logan's
   family. (See "Biographical Sketch of the Life
   of the late Captain Michael Cresap," by




               Philadelphia, Dec. 31, 1797.

   I took the liberty the last summer of writing
   to you from hence, making some enquiries on
   the subject of Logan's Speech, and the murder
   of his family, and you were kind enough in
   your answer among other things, to correct the
   title of Cresap who is said to have headed the
   party, by observing that he was a Capt and not
   a Col. I trouble you with a second letter
   asking if you could explain to me how Logan
   came to call him Col. If you have favored me
   with an answer to this it has [206]
   miscarried, I therefore trouble you again on
   the subject, and as the transaction must have
   been familiar to you, I will ask the favor of
   you to give me the names and residence, of any
   persons now living who you think were of
   Cresap's party, or who can prove his
   participation in this transaction either by
   direct evidence or from circumstances, or who
   can otherwise throw light on the fact. A Mr.
   Martin (Luther Martin, Attorney-General of
   Maryland, married a daughter Captain Cresap.)
   of Baltimore has questioned the whole
   transaction, suggesting Logan's Speech to be
   not genuine, and denying that either Col or
   Capt Cresap had any hand in the murder of his
   family. I do not intend to enter into any
   newspaper contest with Mr Martin; but in the
   first republication of the notes on Virginia
   to correct the Statement where it is wrong and
   support it where it is right.

   My distance from the place where witnesses of
   the transactions reside is so great, that it
   will be a lengthy and imperfect operation in
   my hands. Any aid you can give me in it will
   be most thankfully received. I avail myself
   with great pleasure of every occasion of
   recalling myself to your recollection, and of
   assuring you of the sentiments of esteem and
   attachment with which I am

              dear Sir, your most obedt and
             humble Servt
           TH. JEFFERSON.



   An extensive landed estate, with a castle and
   village, at the confluence of the Avon and
   Spey, Parish of Inveravon, Banffshire,
   Highlands of Scotland, where a large district
   of the present counties of Elgin and
   Banff‹ancient Morayshire‹ was long known as
   the country of the Grants or people of
   Strathspey, one of the most ancient Highland
   clans. The chiefs and most of the clansmen
   were Whigs, and supporters of the House of
   Hanover, in opposition to the Stuarts. After
   studying law James Grant entered the army in
   1741, as Ensign, at the age of twenty-two, and
   became Captain in the 1st Battalion, 1st Royal
   Scots, October 24, 1744. In 1747 he was
   appointed aid to General James St. Clair,
   Ambassador to the Courts of Vienna and Turin.
   David Hume, the historian, was Secretary to
   the Embassy. Captain Grant served in the wars
   in the Netherlands.

   In January, 1757, he was commissioned Major of
   the new 77th Regiment, 1st Battalion, known as
   Montgomery Highlanders, commanded by
   Lieutenent-Colonel Archibald Montgomery,
   afterwards Earl of Eglintown. They were
   ordered to America, and sailed from Cork,
   Ireland, and arrived at Halifax, America, in
   August. ("Pennsylvania Gazette." "Scot's
   Magazine.") Sailed for Charleston, South
   Carolina, arriving there September 29th,
   having been ordered there with a portion of
   the Royal Americans, in apprehension of an
   attack by the French, from the West Indies. In
   1758 the regiment arrived at Philadelphia from
   Charleston, South Carolina, and [208] encamped
   beyond the new barracks. A few days afterwards
   they were reviewed by General Forbes, in the
   presence of a great number of people, who were
   highly gratified by the display, the fine
   military appearance of the troops and the
   novelty of their dress. General Forbes, in
   command of the Southern Department, was
   engaged in assembling an army in Philadelphia,
   intended for the capture of Fort Du Quesne.

   1758.‹In September, Major Grant was sent with
   eight hundred men to reconnoitre the fort.
   Dividing his force, to draw the enemy into an
   ambuscade, he was himself surprised and
   defeated, with a loss of a third of his party
   killed, wounded and missing. Grant and
   nineteen officers were captured. (See letter
   in "Fort Pitt.") He became Lieutenant-Colonel
   of the 40th Foot in 1760, and was appointed
   Governor of East Florida. In 1761 he was
   despatched by General Amherst, with a force of
   thirteen hundred Regulars, against the Indians
   of Carolina. (Cherokees.)

   Grant succeeded to the family estate on the
   death of his nephew, Major William Grant. In
   1772 he became Brevet-Colonel; in 1773 he was
   returned to Parliament for Wickburghs, and at
   the general election of the year after for
   Sutherlandshire. In December, 1775, he was
   appointed Colonel of the 55th Foot. In 1776
   Grant went as a Brigadier to America, with the
   reinforcement under General Howe. He commanded
   two British brigades at the battle of Long
   Island, was employed by Lord Howe on special
   services in New Jersey, accompanied the army
   to Philadelphia, and commanded the 1st and 2d
   Brigades of British at the battles of
   Brandywine and Germantown. (Letters of Grant.)

   In May, 1778, he was sent with a strong force
   to cut off Lafayette, but was unsuccessful. He
   commanded the force [209] sent from New York
   to the West Indies, which captured St. Lucia
   in December, 1778, and defended the island
   against an attempt to recapture it, made by a
   French force under the Count d'Estaing.

   Grant became a Major-General in 1777,
   Lieutenant-General in 1782, General, in 1796.
   He was transferred from the 55th to the 11th
   Foot, in 1791, and was Governor, in
   succession, of Dumbarton and Stirling Castles.
   He was noted for his love of good living and
   became immensely corpulent.

   He died at Ballindalloch, April 13, 1806, in
   his eighty-sixth year. Having no descendants
   his estate went to his grandnephew, George
   Macpherson, who assumed the surname of Grant.
   (Anderson's "Scottish Nation.")


       [210] GUYASUTA (KIASUTHA.)

   A SENECA chief, one of the Indians who
   accompanied Washington from Logstown to
   Venango and LeBoeuf as a guard in 1753,
   mentioned by Washington as the young hunter
   and by Gist as a "young warrior." After the
   defeat of Braddock the Indians generally went
   over to the French.

   Guyasuta with a party of twenty Senecas
   visited Montreal with Joncaire, the
   interpreter. At the castle of Montreal the
   Indians were received in the council chamber
   with much ceremony by the Governor of Canada,
   the Marquis de Vaudreuil, and council.
   Guyasuta, chief and orator of the Senecas,
   addressed Vaudreuil. They remained all winter
   in the neighborhood, it being too late to
   return home. He was with the Indians when
   they, with the French, defeated Grant, in

   Guyasuta, two other chiefs and sixteen
   warriors of the Six Nations, a large number of
   Delawares, Shawanese and Wyandots assembled at
   Pittsburgh in July, and held a conference
   lasting a week with George Croghan, Sir
   William Johnson's Deputy Indian Agent, Colonel
   Hugh Mercer, commandant, and the officers of
   Fort Pitt. Most of the Indians had been allied
   to The French, and this was their first treaty
   with the English subsequent the capture of
   Fort Du Quesne, in November preceding.

   In August, 1762, at the conference with the
   western Indians at Lancaster, Thomas King, in
   behalf of the chiefs of the Six Nations in his
   speech before the council said: "We want a
   little lad that lives among you; he is
   Kiasuta's [211] (Guyasuta) son. The father
   ordered that he should live at Philadelphia,
   in order to learn English, to be an
   interpreter. We think by this time he has
   learned it, and we now think it time for him
   to come home. His relations that are present,
   desire that he may now go home with them." On
   August 27th, the Governor replied: "The little
   boy, Kiasuta's son, is, I hope, on his way
   here, having sent for him to Philadelphia."

   At a treaty held at Fort Pitt in May, 1768,
   Keyashuta (Guyasuta) rose with a copy of the
   "Treaty of 1764 with Col. Bradstreet" in his
   hand, and addressing the commissioners said:
   "By this treaty we agreed that you had a right
   to build forts and trading-houses where you
   pleased, and to travel the road of peace from
   the sun rising to the sun setting. At that
   treaty the Shawanese and Delawares were with
   me, and know all this well, and I am surprised
   they should speak to you as they did
   yesterday." He had been present at this treaty
   with fifteen warriors, and was one of the
   orators; Turtle Heart, Custaloga, and Beaver
   were the others. He desired the several
   nations "to be strong in complying with their
   engagements, that they might wipe away the
   reproach of their former breach of faith, and
   convince their brothers the English that they
   could speak the truth," adding that he would
   conduct the army to the place appointed for
   receiving the prisoners.

   On November 9, Col. Bouquet, attended by most
   of the principal officers, went to the
   conference-house. The Senecas and Delawares
   were first treated with. Kiashuta and ten
   warriors represented the former; Custaloga and
   twenty warriors the latter. Kiashuta addressed
   the conference and was answered by Col.
   Bouquet. In Washington's "Tour to the Ohio in
   1770": "When encamped opposite the mouth of
   the Great Hockhocking we found Kiasutha and
   his hunting party encamped. Here we were under
   a necessity of paying our [212] compliments,
   as this person was one of the Six Nation
   chiefs and the head of those upon this River.
   In the person of Kiashuta I found an old
   acquaintance, he being one of the Indians that
   went with me to the French in 1753."

   May, 1774.‹A meeting was held at Col.
   Croghan's house, Ligonier, at which were
   present Guyasutha, White Mingo and the Six
   Nation Deputies. Guyasutha was one of the orators.

   July, 1776, he was present at a conference at
   Fort Pitt and was one of the orators. He was
   in command of one of the parties of Indians
   that in July, 1782, made the attack on
   Hannastown and burned it.



   BROTHERS: The Sons of my beloved Brother Onas.
   (Penn.) When I was young and strong our
   country was full of game, which the Good
   Spirit sent for us to live upon. The lands
   which belonged to us were extended far beyond
   where we hunted. I and the people of my nation
   had enough to eat and always something to give
   to our friends when they entered our cabins;
   and we rejoiced when they received it from us;
   hunting was then not tiresome, it was
   diversion; it was a pleasure.

   Brothers: When your fathers asked land from my
   nation, we gave it to them, for we had more
   than enough. Guyasuta was amongst the first of
   the people to say, "Give land to our brother
   Onas for he wants it," and he has always been
   a friend to Onas and to his children.

   [213] Brothers: Your fathers saw Guyasuta when
   he was young; when he had not even thought of
   old age or weakness; but you are too far off
   to see him, now he is grown old. He is very
   old and feeble, and he wonders at his own
   shadow, it is become so little. He has no
   children to take care of him, and the game is
   driven away by the white people; so that the
   young men must hunt all day long to find game
   for themselves to eat; they have nothing left
   for Guyasuta; and it is not Guyasuta only who
   is become old and feeble, there yet remain
   about thirty men of your old friends, who,
   unable to provide for themselves or to help
   one another, are become poor and are hungry
   and naked.

   Brothers: Guyasuta sends you a belt which he
   received long ago from your fathers, and a
   writing which he received but as yesterday
   from one of you. By these you will remember
   him and the old friends of your fathers in
   this nation. Look on this belt and this
   writing, and if you remember the old friends
   of your fathers, consider their former
   friendship and their present distress; and if
   the Good Spirit shall put it in your hearts to
   comfort them in their old age, do not
   disregard his council. We are men and
   therefore need only tell you that we are old
   and feeble and hungry and naked; and that we
   have no other friends but you, the children of
   our beloved brother Onas.



   To Colonel George Morgan.

   On or about the 9th of November last I was
   sent by General Hand to Connewago, a Seneca
   Town on the Allegany River, with a friendly
   Message to the Six Nations. I arrived there
   the 14th of November and after executing my
   orders waited there till the 24th of the
   Month. During my stay there, Conengayote or
   the White Mingo, returned from Niagara with a
   Horse load of Goods, which he told me he had
   purchased for Horses he had stole from near
   Ligonier in Pennsylvania about the month of
   ___ last, at which time he and his Party
   killed four Men. On or about the 23 (?)d of
   November Co, co, caw, can, keteda or the
   Flying Crow, with twenty five Warriors of the
   Senecas of the Turtle Tribe, among whom were
   Joneowentashaun and Coneotahanck or the Leaf,
   (War Chief) arrived at Connewago with two
   scalps, and a Woman they had taken Prisoner
   about fifteen days before from near Ligonier
   aforesaid. On conversing with her and with the
   Indians, I was informed that the Indians had
   killed and scalped her Husband, Forbes, and
   had beat out the brains of their only Child
   against a Tree in the Road.

   Kushgwehgo or Full Face, and twenty seven
   others of the Senecas of the Eagle Tribe, had
   been to war against the people of Pennsylvania
   East of the Alleghany Mountain (I understood
   in Bedford County); they were out eighteen
   days when I arrived at the Town; they were
   daily expected back [215] when I came away.
   Two Prisoners the Senecas had taken from
   Pennsylvania they had put to death in one of
   their Upper Towns.

   Old Keyashuta (Guyasuta) is now among our
   warmest Enemies. He and the others say they
   have been deceived or treated ill at Fort
   Pitt, and that the Americans intend to cheat
   them of their Lands, for which reason they
   have now determined to join the King of
   England's Troops agreeable to the repeated
   Invitations of Col. Butler and the Commanding
   Officer at Niagara &c, who have on that
   condition promised to supply them and their
   women and children with every necessary;
   wherefore they were determined to exert
   themselves in committing Hostilities against
   the Frontier inhabitants early in the Spring,
   with all their Abilities and this I am
   persuaded they will do unless Keyenguatah,
   (General Schuyler's great Friend, who fought
   on the side of the English at Fort Schuyler
   should alter his conduct and order them to sit
   still; for they have agreed to be directed by
   him and so have all the Six Nations. The
   Indians had not heard of General Burgoyne's
   defeat or of his Army's being made Prisoners,
   nor would they believe me when I informed them
   thereof. Keyashuta informed me that a Party of
   seventy two, consisting of Indians and twenty
   five Whitemen from Detroit, and some Delaware
   and Munsies from Guyohoga had been to war
   against the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania (I
   understand north of Ligonier) and had taken
   two Scalps at a Fort near Connemaugh, where
   they lost the Commanding Officer who was
   killed from the Fort. Joneowentashaun told me
   the English had lately erected a Store House
   at Guyahoga, to supply all the Indians in that
   Neighbourhood with every necessary to enable
   them to commit Hostilities against the
   Frontier Inhabitants of Pennsylvania and

   The Indians after consulting together,
   informed me that I [216] must go with them to
   Niagara, to which I pretended to consent, and
   finding that to be their resolution I made my
   Escape and arrived here the 27th of November.

      In the presence of
           JOHN BOREMAN.

              SIMON GIRTY
            (His X mark.)

   PITTSBURGH, January 17th, 1778

   The Chief Guyasuta's interest in the farm,
   (The residence of the family of William M.
   Darlington. M. C. D.) now in O'Hara township,
   was purchased by General O'Hara. In a
   letter-book of General O'Hara's, mention is
   made of provision sent to Guyasuta, who seems
   to have lived continuously at that farm during
   his last years, and was buried there in the
   Indian Mound, by General O'Hara. The name is
   spelled in many ways‹Kayashuta, Guyashutha,
   Guashota, Kia-shuta, Keyashuta, Kiyashuta,

   Mr. Craig writes in the "Olden Time": "We
   recollect him well, have often seen him about
   our father's house, he being still within our
   memory, a stout active man." There is a
   picture of his grave in "Fort Pitt."


       By Mary Carson Darlington,
  Pittsburgh, J. R. Weldin & Co., 1892.



   At a Council held at Philadelphia, on October
   14, 1736, by Thomas Penn, Governor and
   Proprietary of Pennsylvania, James Logan, the
   President, and members of the Provincial
   Council, with the Chiefs of the Six Nations,
   the Indians requested that a letter be written
   to the Governors of Maryland and Virginia,
   requesting compensation for their lands
   claimed by right of conquest, and upon which
   the white settlers had intruded, along the
   Cohongoronto or Potomac, and west of the great
   Allegheny mountain ridge, on the frontiers of
   Virginia; that being the boundary claimed by
   the Indians as agreed, upon with Governor
   Spotswood in 1722. ("New York Colonial
   History.") This demand was renewed, and
   pressed by the Indians at the treaty held at
   the same city in 1742; Canassetego, the great
   chief of the Onondagas, saying that if not
   compensated for their lands, they would take
   payment themselves.

   The threatening attitude of the powerful Six
   Nations or Iroquois, the war with France, and
   the necessity of conciliating the Indians,
   occasioned the famous Treaty of Lancaster in
   1744, between the Confederated Tribes and the
   Provinces of Virginia, Maryland and
   Pennsylvania. ("Colonial Records." Colden's
   "Twelve Nations.")

   Thomas Lee and Colonel William Beverly were
   the Commissioners of Virginia; Edmund Jenings,
   Philip Thomas, Col. Robert King, and Col.
   Robert Colville, of Maryland. Governor Thomas,
   of Pennsylvania, presided. (Thomas Lee was
   Judge of the Supreme Court, and Councillor of
   State; [218] William Beverly, Lieutenant of
   the county of Orange). (Virginia State
   Papers.) There was a warm discussion, and on
   the part of the Indians at least, a great
   display of eloquence.

   The Virginia Commissioners said to the Chiefs
   : "Tell us what Nations of Indians you
   conquered any lands from in Virginia, how long
   it is since and what Possession you have had;
   and if it does appear, that there is any land
   on the Borders of Virginia that the Six
   Nations have a Right to we are willing to make
   you satisfaction." The Chief, Tachanoontia,
   proudly answered: "We have the Right of
   Conquest, a Right too dearly purchased and
   which cost us too much Blood to give up
   without any reason at all as you say we have
   done at Albany. All the World knows we
   conquered the several Nations living on the
   Susquehannah, Cohongoronto (Potomac) and on
   the back of the great Mountains in Virginia.
   They feel the effects of our conquests, being
   now a part of our Nation and their lands at
   our disposal." He admitted that the Virginia
   Colonists had conquered a certain tribe he
   named and "drove back the Tuscaroras and on
   that account a right to some part of Virginia;
   but," he continued, "as to what lies beyond
   the mountains we conquered the Nations
   residing there; and that land if the
   Virginians ever get a good right to it, it
   must be by us."

   Commissioners replied, "that the great King
   holds Virginia by right of Conquest, and the
   bounds of that Conquest to the westward is the
   great Sea." "Though great things are well
   remembered among us," said the Indians, "yet
   we don't remember that we were ever conquered
   by the Great King, or, that we have been
   employed by that Great King to conquer others,
   if it was so, it is beyond our memory."

   After much feasting, drinking, and bestowal of
   presents by the whites, the Indians agreed to
   release their claim to what [219] is now
   Western Maryland, to Lord Baltimore, "as far
   as two miles above the uppermost Fork of the
   Potomac or Cohongoronto river near which
   Thomas Cresap has a Hunting or Trading Cabin,
   (at Old Town, fourteen miles east of
   Cumberland), in consideration of £300 payable
   in goods. With the Commissioners of Virginia
   they agreed for £200 in gold, and goods to
   value of £200 more, to "immediately make a
   Deed recognizing King's right to all the Lands
   that are or shall be by His Majesty's
   appointment in the Colony of Virginia,"
   together with a written promise of further
   remuneration as settlements increased
   westward. ("Treaty of Lancaster," printed by
   Franklin, 1744.) With the Governor of
   Pennsylvania they confirmed former treaties
   and received a present of goods to the value
   of £300 The deeds were signed and the money
   paid and the merchandise delivered. ("Treaty
   of Lancaster," printed by Franklin, 1744.)

   It was not until the year 1768 that the Six
   Nations, by the Treaty at Fort Stanwix,
   relinquished all their rights to the country
   on the east and south side of the Ohio River,
   from the Cherokee River (Tennessee), to
   Kittanning, above Fort Pitt, and also east of
   a specified line described in the deed,
   continued to Wood Creek, near Fort Stanwix, in
   consideration of the sum of £10,460. 7. 6.
   sterling. At the same time it was agreed that
   no old claims under the treaties of Lancaster,
   and Logstown should be allowed. ("New York
   Colonial History.") It was after the Treaty of
   Lancaster that large tracts of land were
   granted to the Ohio Company.


          [220] OHIO COMPANY.

   (MSS. from Record Office, London.)

   August 21, 175 1.‹Notwithstanding the Grants
   of the Kings of England, France or Spain, the
   Property of these uninhabited Parts of the
   World must be founded upon prior Occupancy
   according to the Law of Nature; and it is the
   seating and cultivating the soil and not the
   bare travelling through a Territory that
   constitutes Right; and it will be politic and
   highly for the Interest of the Crown to
   encourage the seating the Lands Westward as
   soon as possible to prevent the French; which
   I Hope will be accomplished as the Freedom and
   Liberty of our Government will so much sooner
   invite into the British Colonies, Foreigners.
   We have not been able to prevail with the
   northern Indians to come to Fredericksburg to
   accept of his Majesty's Present, and the
   Reason they offer is, the immense Distance and
   the Death of several of their Great Men, which
   they attribute to the Journeys they have taken
   to the Places where Conferences have been
   held, but they acquaint us at the same Time
   that they will meet any persons the Government
   think proper to send to Log's Town, a Place
   not far from our back Inhabitants, where they
   frequently hold their Councils; this I
   communicated [221] to his Majesty's Council,
   who with myself approved of it, and this Fall
   I shall send a Messenger to acquaint them that
   I purpose next May to send Commissioners to
   meet them at the Place they desire; and at the
   Conference I shall endeavour to obtain a
   confirmation of the Grant of the Lands made to
   his Majesty at the Treaty of Lancaster, in
   Order to give the Company an Opportunity of
   surveying the large Tract of Land his Majesty
   was pleased to grant to them. I shall at the
   same Time, make a remonstrance to them of the
   inhuman treatment they have shewn to some of
   our back Inhabitants, by robbing and
   plundering their houses, and last June because
   a poor woman would not with patience see her
   House robbed of every thing in it, they in a
   most horrible Manner murdered her. These
   outrages have been committed upon our shewing
   too much lenity to them, and will be a means
   of drawing upon ourselves much more ill
   Treatment if not properly resented, and
   therefore in as mild Terms as is consistent
   with the nature of the thing I shall insist
   that the offenders be given up to Justice.


             FROM COL. LEE.
     (MSS. from Record Office, London. Letter from
     Col. Lee, President of the Council and
       Commander-in-Chief of Virginia.)

               WILLIAMSBURG, June 12, 1750.

   My Lords:
   I have lately received a letter from the
   Governor of New York dated the 8th of April,
   proposing my prevailing with the Catawbas, an
   Indian Nation bordering on the Carolinas, to
   meet the Six Nations at Albany to confirm the
   peace Governor Sir William Gooch made between
   them, which has been broke by both Parties,
   and further the French are [222] at this time
   assiduous in their Endeavours to incite the
   several Nations that are dependent on, and
   friends to the English, to a war with one
   another, and make large presents to the
   Indians on the Ohio. I have accounts from
   other hands that the French have endeavoured
   to persuade those Indians to drive the English
   Traders from thence, which being refused, the
   French threaten to treat them as enemys, so
   that the Mohocks expect a war with their
   Father Onantio; as they call the Governor of
   Quebec. ("Céleron's Expedition.") I have
   received His Majesty's present for the Indians
   of the Six Nations, and several of their
   Tribes on the Ohio, and have taken the best
   methods I could think of, to bring those
   Nations to Fredericksburg in their Colony, and
   I have invited the Catawbas to meet them, to
   make a peace personally, which has never been
   done yet, and is the reason that it has been
   of no effect. When the Indians hearts and Eyes
   are Open, on receiving the King's present, I
   hope to secure their affections to the British
   Interest in General, and persuade them to be
   friends, and faithful subjects to His Majesty,
   and as this is the antientiest and most
   central Colony, it will save an expence by
   having future treatys here, especially, when
   the business to be transacted relates to the
   affairs of this Colony."



   In the year 1609 a new charter was obtained
   (for Virginia) in which all the Lands,
   Countries and Territories were granted in that
   part of America called Virginia, from the Cape
   or Point Comfort, two hundred miles Northward,
   and two hundred miles southward along the
   sea-coast; and all that space and [223]
   circuit of land, lying from the seacoast of
   the Precinct aforesaid up into the main Land
   throughout from sea to sea west and north
   west, and also all the Islands lying within
   one hundred miles along the coast of both seas.

   The French claimed the Lands along the
   Mississippi. Monsieur de la Sale was the first
   Frenchman, that discovered the Mississippi,
   who in the year 1682, with Monsieur de Tonti
   and others from Montreal travelled through the
   Nation of the Iroquois, called now the Six
   Nations, to a nation of Indians named
   Illinois, living on an east Branch of
   Mississippi, of the same name with the Nation,
   but he called it Seigne bay. On this river he
   built a Fort, which he named Lewis, according
   this to Tousels account, but Hennepin calls it

   Monsieur de la Sale went down this river to
   the Mississippi and down it to the mouth,
   which he found to be in the Bay of Mexico. He
   then returned by Canada to France, and
   obtained from the King ships and men in the
   year 1684 to discover the Mouth of the
   Mississippi by sea, but he missed it, and
   landed on the Continent to the south west.
   From thence he made some journeys into the
   country to look for the river, but was
   murdered by some of his own men without
   finding it. In the year 1742 one John Howard
   received a commission from our Governor to
   make discoveries westward, and with four or
   five others set out from the branches of James
   river, and came to the New river. There they
   made a Boat with Buffaloes Hides, and went
   down, till they found the river impassable on
   account of Falls. Leaving it they travelled
   south westerly a considerable way to another
   river, which proved to be a south branch of
   the New river, for they made another boat and
   went down to that river, and with it to the
   Allegany (Ohio.) river.

   Howard and his men proceeded down this river a
   long way, by their reckoning above eight
   hundred miles, to the Mississippi, and went
   down it a great way till they were surprised
   [224] by about ninety men, French, Indians and
   Negroes; were made Prisoners and carried to
   New Orleans. They set out from the branches of
   the James river March the 16th, came to
   Allegany May the 6th, to Mississippi June the
   7th and were taken July the 2d. In all this
   time and large tract of country they had seen
   nobody till they were taken, but about fifteen
   Indians in several Companies and they too were
   chiefly if not all of the Northern Nations.

   John Peter Salley, one of the men who went
   with Howard, mentions in his Journal three
   French Towns on an Island in the Mississippi
   above the mouth of the Owabache.

   Howard and his men had been confined a long
   time at New Orleans, when after the French War
   broke out he and one or two of them were
   shipped for France, but on the Voyage were
   taken by an English Ship, and carried to
   London. The rest of them made their escape out
   of prison, and through great difficulties got
   to South Carolina, and thence to Virginia.

   The first Peace the Colony of Virginia made
   with the Indians was at Albany by Col. Coursey
   in the year 1677, which after some breach made
   by the Indians was renewed in the year 1679 by
   Col. Kendal, and again in 1684 by Lord Howard,
   Governor of Virginia. This peace was soon
   broken and renewed by Col. William Byrd and
   Col. Edmond Jennings in the year 1685. When we
   began to take up Lands and settle beyond the
   Blue Ridge, the Six Nations grew uneasy; the
   Indians claimed the Land as theirs. This
   brought on the Treaty of Lancaster in the year 1744.

                 OHIO COMPANY.
   (Copied from the Mercer Papers, which belonged
          to the Ohio Company.)

   In 1748 John Hanbury, a Merchant of London,
   Thomas Lee, President of the Council of
   Virginia, with a number of others, mostly
   prominent Virginians, formed the "Ohio
   Company." [225] The King granted them two
   hundred thousand Acres of Land, to be taken on
   the South side of the river Allegheny,
   otherwise the Ohio, between the Kiskiminites
   Creek and Buffalo Creek, and between Yellow
   Creek and Cross Creek, on the North side; or
   in such other part of the Country west of the
   Allegheny Mountains as they should think
   proper, on Condition that they should settle
   one hundred families thereon within seven
   years, and erect and maintain a Fort. On
   compliance therewith, the Company was to
   become entitled to Three hundred thousand
   Acres more, adjoining the first grant.

   The Company bought and sent out a large Cargo
   of goods from England in 1749-50, and built a
   Store House opposite the mouth of Wills Creek,
   now Cumberland Maryland, from which place to
   Turkey Foot, or the Three forks of the
   Youghioghany, they had a road opened in 1751.
   In 1750 they employed Christopher Gist to
   explore and examine the Country west of the
   Mountains. He was a Native of Maryland, like
   his Father Richard, a Surveyor. A man of
   excellent character, energetic, fearless and a
   thorough woodsman.




   Arthur Dobbs, Esq'r               Ex'rs of Law'e Washington
   John Hanbury                      Angus'ne Washington
   Samuel Smith                      Richard Lee
   James Wardrop                     Nath'el Chapman
   Capel Hanbury                     Jacob Giles
   Robert Dinwiddie, Esq'r           Thomas Cresap
   The Exec. of Thomas Lee late      John Mercer
   President & Governor of Virginia
   2 shares                          James Scott
   John Taylor, Esq                  Robert Carter
   Prestly Thornton, Esq             George Mason


   The Humble Petition of the Ohio Company

   That your Petitioners upon Intimation given by
   several Nations of Indians residing near the
   Ohio and other Branches of Mississippi and
   near the Lakes westward of Virginia, that were
   desirous of trading with your Majesty's
   Subjects and quitting the ffrench; and knowing
   the value of those Rich Countrys which were
   given up and acknowledged to be your Majesty's
   undoubted right by the Six Nations, who are
   Lawfull Lords of all these Lands by Conquest
   from other Indian Nations, at the treaty of
   Lancaster on the 2nd day of July 1744. Your
   petitioners being sensible of the vast
   consequence of securing those Countrys from
   the ffrench, did in the year 1748, form
   themselves into a Company to Trade with the
   Indians and to make settlements upon the Ohio
   or Alleghany River, by the name of the Ohio
   Company. That the Company in the beginning of
   the year 1749 Petitioned your Majesty, wherein
   they set forth the vast Advantage it would be
   to Britain and the Colonys to anticipate the
   French by taking possession of that Country
   Southward of the Lakes, to which the French
   had no Right, nor had then taken possession,
   except a small Block house Fort among the Six
   Nations, below the falls of Niagara, they
   having deserted Le Detroit fort Northward of
   Erie Lakes, during the War and retired to

   The Reasons for securing the same being
   mentioned at large in their said former
   Petition, and in which they prayed that your
   Majesty would give orders or Instructions to
   your Governor of Virginia, to make out to your
   Petitioners five hundred thousand Acres
   betwixt Romanittoe and Buffaloe Creeks on the
   South side of the Allegany or Ohio River, and
   between the two Creeks and Yellow Creek on the
   North side [227] of that River, upon the Terms
   and with the Allowance therein mentioned to
   which they beg leave to Refer.

   That your Petitioners in pursuance of the said
   Petition, obtained an order from your Majesty
   to your Lieutenant Governor of Virginia dated
   March the 18th 1749, to make them a grant or
   Grants of Two hundred thousand Acres of Land
   between Romanetto and Buffaloe Creeks, on the
   south side of the Ohio, and betwixt the two
   creeks and Yellow Creek on the North Side
   thereof, or in such part to the Westward of
   the great Mountains as the Company should
   think proper for making settlements and
   extending their trade with the Indians, with a
   Promise if they did not erect a Fort in the
   said Land, and maintain a sufficient Garrison
   therein and seat at their proper Expense a
   hundred families therein in seven years, the
   said grants should be void. And as soon as
   these terms were accomplished, he was ordered
   to make out a further Grant or Grants of three
   hundred thousand Acres, under like Conditions,
   Restrictions and allowances as the first
   200,000 Acres, adjoining thereto and within
   these limits. These orders were delivered to
   the Honourable William Nelson on the 12th of
   July following (1749) and upon producing them
   before the Governor and Council, they made an
   entry in the Council Books, that the said
   Company should have leave given them to take
   up and survey 200,000 Acres within the Place
   mentioned in your Majestys said Instructions
   and Order. That your Petitioners upon their
   entry in the Council Books, sent to Great
   Britain for a Cargo of Goods to begin their
   Trade, and purchased Lands upon the Potomack
   River, being the most convenient place to
   erect Store Houses, and in September following
   (1749) employed Gentlemen to discover the
   Lands beyond the Mountains, to know where to
   place their surveys. But they not having made
   any considerable progress, the Company in
   September 1750 agreed to give Mr. Christopher
   [228] Gist £150 certain, and such further
   handsome allowance as his service should
   deserve, for searching and discovering the
   Lands upon the Ohio and its several Branches
   as low as the falls on the Ohio, with proper
   Instructions. He accordingly set out October
   1750 and did not return until May 1751, after
   a tour of 1200 Miles in which he visited many
   towns and found them all desirous of entering
   into strict friendship and Trade with your
   Majestys Subjects.

   That your Petitioners at their General Meeting
   in May 1751, judging it necessary for their
   Trade and passage to the Ohio, to have a Grant
   of some Land belonging to Maryland and
   Pennsylvania, wrote to Mr. Hanbury to apply
   for the same to the Proprietors, and laid out
   and opened a wagon road thirty feet wide from
   their Store house at Wills Creek, to the three
   branches on Ganyangaine River computed to be
   near Eighty Miles; and applied to the
   President and Masters of William and Mary
   College for a Commission to a Surveyor to lay
   out the Lands, as they pretend they had a
   right to do, proposing to begin the survey
   after receiving Mr. Gists Report.

   Your Petitioners finding by the said Gists
   journal that he had only observed the Lands on
   the North side of the Ohio, and finding that
   the Indians were unwilling that they should
   then settle on the Miami River, or on the
   north side of the Ohio, and the Land lying too
   much exposed and at too great a distance, They
   employed the said Gist to go out a second time
   to view and examine the land between Mohongaly
   and the Big Conhaway, Wood or New River on the
   south East side of the Ohio, which employed
   him from the 4th of November 1751 to the March
   following 1752; but he could not finish his
   Plan and report before October 1752, at which
   time the company gave in a Petition to the
   Governor and Council, praying leave to survey
   and take up their first 200,000 Acres between
   Romanettoes, otherwise Kiskominettos Creek,
   and the fork of [229] the Ohio and the great
   Conhaway otherwise New River, otherwise Woods
   river, on the south side of the river Ohio in
   several Surveys. The Governor and Council
   having not thought fit to comply with the
   prayer of the said Petition, to allow your
   Petitioners to survey their Lands in different
   Tracts as would best accomodate the settlers
   and secure their frontiers from attacks, the
   President and Masters of the College also
   refusing to give out a Commission to a
   Surveyor; and the late Governor and Council
   having made out large Grants to private
   persons Land-gobbers, to the amount of near
   1,400,000 Acres. Immediately, even the same
   day, after your Majestys Instructions for
   making out your Petitioners Grant and Surveys,
   became publicly known where the Lands were not
   properly described or Limited, nor Surveyed,
   by which means their several Grants might have
   interfered with the Lands discovered and
   chosen by the Company, your Petitioners now
   laid under difficultys in surveying and
   letting their Lands and Erecting the fort,
   tho' your Petitioners have been at very great
   Expence and are willing to be at a much
   greater, to secure those valuable Countrys and
   the Indian Trade. That your Petitioners
   apprehend from these instructions, and the
   Delay and Expence attending Surveys, and from
   the suits that may be commenced upon account
   of the Grants made out to other Persons since
   the Instructions given by your Majesty to
   grant to your Petitioners the Land mentioned
   in the said instructions which may occasion
   longer Delays. The Company may be prevented
   from fulfilling their Covenant of settling the
   Lands and Compleating their Fort in the time
   specified by the said Contract. And as
   boundaries to large Grants are much more
   natural and easy to be ascertained by having
   Rivers for their Limits, and streight Lines or
   Mountains to connect them from River to River,
   and at much less Expence and delay in fixing
   them, Therefore your [230] petitioners pray,
   that upon Condition your Petitioners shall
   enlarge their settlements and seat 300
   families, instead of one hundred by their
   former Contract, and in consideration of their
   erecting two forts, one at Chartiers Creek and
   the other at the Fork where the great Conhaway
   enters the Ohio and maintain them at their own
   expence, That your Majesty will be graciously
   pleased to enlarge their Grant under the same
   Exemption of Rights and Quit Rents as in the
   former Instructions, and to fix the Bounds
   without any further delay or Survey, from
   Romanettos or Kiskomenetto Creek on the South
   East side of the Ohio, to the Fork at the
   entrance of great Conhaway River; and from
   thence along the North side of the said
   Conhaway River to the Entrance of Green Briar
   River, and from thence in a streight Line or
   Lines along the Mountains to the South East
   Spring of Mohangaly River; and from thence
   Northward along the Mountains to the North
   East springs of Romametto or Kiskominetto
   Creek, or till a West Line from the Mountains
   intersect this said Spring and along it to its
   entrance into the Ohio; which will prevent all
   Disputes or Delays about the Limitts which are
   necessary to be immediately determined, as the
   season is advancing to procure foreign
   Protestants and other of your Majestys
   subjects to go on with the settlement, and to
   provide materials to erect the second Fort at
   the mouth of the great Conhaway River, (the
   Fort on Chartiers Creek being now building) in
   order to prevent the Intrusions and
   incroachments of the Indians in the French
   aliance and secure our settlements upon the
   Ohio; which if not immediately put in
   Execution before they get permission may be
   highly detrimental to the Colonys and occasion
   a great future Expence to Britain.

   And your Petitioners will ever pray etc.

   The Lords of the Committee referred the
   petition to the Lords Commissioners for Trade
   and Plantations to consider thereof and Report
   their Opinion thereupon to the committee.

   [231] The Petition was granted by King and
   Council. At a meeting of the Company held at
   Stafford Court House, some of the Members
   resigned and George Mason was received. They
   advised Mr. Hanbury of the proceedings of the
   meeting, and desired him to offer the Duke of
   Bedford a share, if he chose to be concerned,
   upon the terms of the Association. As Mr.
   Hanbury had wrote us that we were obliged to
   his Grace for his Assistance in obtaining his
   Majesty's Instruction, and his declaration of
   the advantage he conceived it would be of to
   Great Britain and this colony, for that
   notwithstanding we expected a great deal of
   interested opposition and should think
   ourselves happy in having such a patron at the
   head of the Company. They then agreed with H.
   Parker for the carriage of all their goods
   from the falls of Potomack to their general
   factory on the River Ohio, and authorized Col.
   Cresap to have a road opened to those places.
   They desired the Ohio Indians might be invited
   to a Treaty, and an Interpreter might be
   employed by Virginia, and Mr. Parker their
   factor be put in the commission of the Peace
   for Augusta County. George Mason was appointed


    OHIO COMPANY, APRIL 28th, 1752.

   Whereas the Governor has been pleased to grant
   you a commission empowering and requiring you
   to go as an agent for the Ohio Company to the
   Indian Treaty to be held at Logs Town on the
   16th day of May next. You are therefore
   desired to acquaint the chiefs of the several
   nations of Indians there assembled, that his
   Majesty has been graciously pleased to grant
   unto the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie Esq'r, Governor
   of Virginia, and to several other gentlemen in
   Great Britain and [232] America, by the name
   of the Ohio Company, a large quantity of Land
   on the river Ohio and the Branches thereof,
   thereby to enable and to encourage the said
   company and all his Majesties subjects, to
   make settlement and carry on an extensive
   Trade and commerce with their Brethren the
   Indians, and to supply them with Goods at a
   more easy rate than they have hitherto bought
   them. And considering the necessities of his
   children the Six Nations, and the other
   Indians to the Westward of the English
   settlements, and the hardship they labor under
   for want of a due supply of Goods and to
   remove the same as much as possible, his
   Majesty has been pleased to have a clause
   inserted in the said Companies Grant obliging
   them to carry on a trade and commerce with
   their Brethren the Indians, and has granted
   them many privileges and immunities in
   consideration of their carrying on the said
   trade, and supplying the Indians with Goods;
   that the said Company have accordingly begun
   the Trade and imported large quantities of
   goods, but have found the expence and Risque
   of carrying out the Goods without assistance
   from the Inhabitants, not having any place of
   safety by the way to lodge them at, or
   opportunity of getting provisions for their
   people, so great that they cannot afford to
   sell their Goods at so easy a rate as they
   would willingly do; nor are they at such a
   distance able to supply their Brethren the
   Indians at all times when they are in want.
   For which reason the company find it
   absolutely necessary, immediately to cultivate
   and settle the Land his Majesty has been
   pleased to grant them, which to be sure they
   have an indisputable right to do. As our
   Brethren the Six Nations sold all the Land to
   the Westward of Virginia at the Treaty of
   Lancaster to their Father the King of Great
   Britain, and he has been graciously pleased to
   grant a large quantity thereof to the said
   Ohio Company, yet, being informed that the Six
   Nations have given their Friends the Delawares
   leave to hunt [233] upon the said Lands, and
   that they still hunt upon part thereof
   themselves, and as the settlements made by the
   English upon the said land may make the Game
   scarce, or at least drive it further back, the
   said Company therefore to prevent any
   difference or misunderstanding, which might
   possibly happen between them and their
   Brethren the Indians touching the said Lands,
   are willing to make them some further
   satisfaction for the same and to purchase of
   them the Land on the east side of the river
   Ohio and Allagany as low as the great Canhaway
   providing the same can be done at a reasonable
   Rate; and our Brethren the Six Nations and
   their Allies will promise and engage their
   Friendship and protection to all his Majesties
   subjects settling on the said Lands. When this
   is done the Company can safely venture to
   build Factories and Store Houses upon the
   river Ohio, and send out large Cargoes of
   Goods which they cannot otherwise do, and to
   convince our Brethren the Indians how desirous
   we are of living in strict Friendship and
   becoming one people with them, You are hereby
   empowered and required to acquaint and promise
   our Brethren, in the name and on behalf of the
   said Company, that if any of them incline to
   take land and live among the English, they
   shall have any of the said company's Land upon
   the same Terms and conditions as the white
   people have, and enjoy the same privileges
   which they do as far as is in the Company's
   power to grant.

   And that you may be the better able to
   acquaint our Brethren the Indians with these
   our proposals you are to apply to Andrew
   Montour the interpreter for his assistance
   therein, and the Company hereby undertake and
   promse to make him satisfaction for the
   trouble he shall be at. If our Brethren the
   Six Nations approve our proposals the Company
   will pay them whatever sum you agree with them
   for, and if they want any particular sort of
   Goods, you are to desire them to give [234]
   you an account of said Goods and the Company
   will immediately send for them to England, and
   when they arrive will carry them to what ever
   place you agree to deliver them at.

   If our Brethren the Indians do not approve
   these proposals and do refuse their protection
   and assistance to the subjects of their Father
   the King of Great Britain, you are forthwith
   to make a return thereof to the said Ohio
   Company, that they may inform his Majesty

   You are to apply to Col. Cresap for what
   Wampum you have occasion of on the Companys
   account for which you are to give him a
   receipt. You are to apply to him for one of
   the Companies Horses to ride out to the

   As soon as the Treaty is over, you are to make
   an exact return of all your proceedings to the

   Given under my hand in behalf of the said Ohio
   Company the 28th day of April 1752.

                     GEORGE MASON Treasurer


     (From Records and Minutes of the Ohio Company.)

   Upon your arrival at the Treaty if you find
   that the commissioners do not make a general
   Agreement with the Indians on behalf of
   Virginia for the settlement of the Land upon
   the waters of the Ohio and Mississippi, or
   that in such agreement there are any doubtful
   or ambiguous expressions which may be
   prejudicial to the Ohio Company, you are then
   to endeavour to make purchase of the Lands to
   the Eastward of the Ohio River and Allagany,
   and procure the Friendship and protection of
   the Indians in settling the said Lands upon
   the best terms you can for a quantity of Goods.

   [235] You arc to agree with them to deliver
   the said goods at the most convenient place
   you can, if possible at the Forks of the
   Mohongaly, if the Indians give you a list of
   Goods which they desire to be sent for in
   return for their Lands, you are to enquire and
   to find out as near as you can the usual price
   of such Goods among the Indians, that we may
   be as near the sum you agree with them for as

   You are to engage Andrew Montour the
   Interpreter in the Company's Interest and get
   him to assist you in making a purchase of the
   Indians, and as the Company have great
   dependance and confidence in the said Andrew
   Montour, they hereby not only promise to make
   him satisfaction for the trouble, but if he
   can make an advantageous bargain for them with
   the Indians, they will in return for his good
   offices, let him have a handsome settlement
   upon their land without paying any purchase
   money, upon the same Terms which the said
   Company themselves hold the Land, and without
   any other consideration than the King's Quit rents.

   If you can obtain a Deed or other written
   agreement from the Indians, it must be taken
   in the names of the Honb'le Robert Dinwiddie
   Esq'r, Governor of Virginia, John Hanbury
   Esqr. of the City of London, Merch't, Capel
   Hanbury of the said city of London Merch't,
   John Tayloe, Presly Thornton, Philip Ludwell
   Lee, Thomas Lee, Richard Lee, Guwin Corbin,
   John Mercer, George Mason, Lawrence
   Washington, Augustus Washington, Nathaniel
   Chapman Esquires and James Scott Clerk, all of
   the Colony of Virginia. James Wardrop, Jacob
   Giles and Thomas Cresap esqrs of the province
   of Maryland and their Associates, members of
   the Ohio Company; in the said agreement or
   Deed You are to mention the Bounds of the Land
   as expressly as possible, that no dispute may
   arise hereafter. And we would have the Indians
   clearly understand what Land they sell us,
   that they may have [236] no occasion to
   complain of any Fraud or underhand dealings,
   as is often the custom with them. The said
   Ohio Company do hereby agree and oblige
   themselves to make you satisfaction for the
   Trouble and expence you shall be at in
   Transacting their affairs at the said Treaty,
   pursuant to the Instructions by them given to
   you. Given under my hand in behalf of the Ohio
   Company this 28th day of April 1752.

                     GEORGE MASON, Treas'r.

   If Col Cresap has not agreed with any person
   to clear a Road for the Company, you are with
   the advice and assistance of Col. Cresap to
   agree with the proper Indians, who are best
   acquainted with the ways, immediately to cut a
   road from Wills Creek to the Fork of Mohongaly
   at the cheapest Rate you can for Goods, and
   this you may mention publicly to the Indians
   at the Loggs Town or not as you see occasion.

                     GEORGE MASON, Treas'r.

   At a meeting of the Committee of the Ohio
   Company at Stratford in Westmoreland County,
   the 25th of July, 1753, and continued to the
   26th and 27th of the same month:
   "Resolved that tis absolutely necessary that
   the Company should immediately erect a Fort
   for the security and protection of their
   Settlement on a hill just below Shurtees
   (Chartiers.) Creek upon the south east side of
   the river Ohio; that the walls of the said
   Fort shall be twelve feet high, to be built of
   sawed or hewen logs, and to enclose a piece of
   ground ninety feet square, besides the four
   Bastions at the corners of sixteen feet square
   each, with houses in the middle for stores,
   Magazines &c. according to a plan entered in
   the Company's Books. That Col. Cresap, Capt.
   Trent, and Mr. Gist, be appointed and
   authorized on behalf of the Company to agree
   with labourers, Carpenters and other workmen,
   to build and complete the [237] same as soon
   as possible and employ hunters to supply them
   with Provisions, and agree with some honest
   industrious man to overlook the workmen and
   labourers as Overseer, and that they be
   supplied with flour, salt and all other
   necessaries at the Companys expence. That all
   the Land upon the hill on which the said Fort
   is to be built be appropriated to the use of
   the said Fort, and that two hundred acres of
   land exclusive of streets be layed off for a
   town convenient and adjoining to the said Fort
   lands, in squares of two acres each, every
   square to be divided into four lots so that
   every Lot may front two streets, if the ground
   will so admit, and that all the streets be of
   convenient width, that twenty of the best and
   most convenient squares be reserved and set
   apart for the Company's own use, and one
   square to build a School on for the education
   of Indian children and such other uses as the
   Company shall think proper and that all the
   rest of the lots be disposed of."

   Mr. George Mason having informed the Committee
   that he has written to Mr. Hanbury for twenty
   swivel guns and other arms and ammunition for
   the use of the Fort

   "Resolved that the committee do approve of the
   same and that the said arms and ammunition as
   soon as they arrive be delivered to Captain
   Trent the Company's Factor in order to be sent
   out to Shurtees Creek."

   At a Meeting of the Committee of the Ohio
   Company, November 2d, 1753,
   "Agreed and Ordered that each member of the
   Company pay to Mr. George Mason their
   Treasurer, the sum of twenty pounds current
   money for building and finishing the Fort at
   Shurtees Creek, Grubing and clearing the road
   from the Company's store at Wills Creek to the
   Mohongaly, which are to be finished with the
   utmost dispatch and for such other purposes as
   shall be directed by the Company."

   [238] The proposed fort was not built. There
   was some doubt to whom the Forks of the Ohio
   belonged‹by Consent of the Penns, Governor
   Dinwiddie sent Captain Trent's Company to
   build a Fort there. The Fort was commenced
   under the direction of Ensign Ward. On the
   17th of April, 1754, Captain Contrec¦ur
   descended the Allegheny with a considerable
   force of French and Indians and summoned Ward
   to surrender his unfinished work. Resistance
   was out of the question, he surrendered.
   Contrec¦ur finished the Fort and called it Duquesne.

   July 9, 1755.‹Gen. Braddock was defeated by
   the French and Indians under the command of
   Captain Beaujeu. Beaujeu was killed and
   Captain Dumas was the Commander from the time
   of Beaujeu's death to the latter part of the
   following year, 1756 or early in 1757, when he
   was transferred to Canada, and served in the
   operations against Fort William Henry.
   Montcalm mentioned him in his dispatches as
   "an officer of great distinction." His merits
   were fully recognized by the French Governor.

   He was Major of Brigade at the Siege of
   Quebec, and after his return to France in 1761
   was appointed Governor of the Mauritius and
   Isle of Bourbon. (Garneau, Histoire du Canada.)

   General Grant was defeated by the French and
   Indians before Fort Duquesne, October, 1758.
   November, 1758, General Forbes' army advanced
   and found the Fort in flames. The French
   escaped by the river.

   Fort Duquesne having been destroyed it was
   determined to erect a small work, to be
   occupied by two hundred men.

   A small square stockade, with a bastion at
   each angle, was erected on the bank of the
   Monongahela between Liberty and West Streets.
   Col. Mercer was left in command.

   Fort Pitt was built in 1759-60. Its eastern
   boundary [239] extended nearly to the present
   Third (formerly Marbury) and West Streets. The
   Fort had two powder magazines under ground,
   built with heavy timber and covered with
   tarred cloth and earth. One of them was
   brought to light near the corner of Liberty
   and Marbury or Third Street in 1855, when
   excavations were made for the Depot of the
   Pennsylvania Railroad Company.

   In 1763 Fort Pitt was invested by the Indians
   while Captain Ecuyer was in command. January
   5, 1769, a warrant was issued for a survey of
   the Manor of Pittsburgh, which was made on the
   27th of March. Fort Pitt was kept up until
   1772, after which a Corporal and a few men
   only were continued at the Fort. (See Fort

   October, Major Charles Edmonstone, Commander
   of the Fort, sold to Alexander Ross and
   William Thompson, all the pickets, brick,
   stones, timber and iron in the buildings,
   walls and redoubts of the Fort. After several
   houses had been built of the material the sale
   was set aside. 1773, Richard Penn advised a
   small garrison to be kept at Fort Pitt as a
   protection from the Indians. Its demolition
   had been ordered by General Gage. The boundary
   between Virginia and Pennsylvania not having
   been settled, in 1774 John Conolly, by orders
   of Lord Dunmore, took possession of the ruins.

   1781, General Irvine, in a letter to
   Washington, speaks of Fort Pitt as a heap of
   ruins and that at best it was a bad situation
   for defence. He recommends the mouth of
   Chartiers Creek (Shurtees) for a Post. The
   redoubt built by Bouquet still remains.
   (Letter of General Irvine.)

   1781, Col. John Conolly, who formerly lived
   upon the Ohio, and was arrested in 1775, after
   his exchange proceeded to Quebec, and proposed
   "with all the refugees he can collect at [240]
   New York, he is to join Sir John Johnson in
   Canada, and they are to proceed with their
   united forces to attack Fort Pitt."

   NOTE.‹The Redoubt built by Bouquet is now
   owned by the Pittsburgh Chapter of the
   "Daughters of the American Revolution"; it
   having been recently given to them by Mrs.
   Schenley, the granddaughter of General James
   O'Hara, from whom she inherited it. A large
   portion of the ground formerly occupied by
   Fort Pitt was bequeathed by General O'Hara to
   his daughter Mary Carson O'Hara, who married,
   after her father's death, William Croghan,
   Esq., son of Major William Croghan of
   Kentucky. Major Croghan was a cousin of George
   Croghan, who took so prominent a part in
   Indian affairs.
