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                       FRONTIER FORTS OF PENNSYLVANIA.

                                 VOLUME TWO.

                             CLARENCE M. BUSCH.

                       STATE PRINTER OF PENNSYLVANIA.



                               FORT LIGONIER.

                                  Part II.

                               Pages 236-290.

      (See Historical Map of Southwestern Pennsylvania.)

   Journal Kept at Ligonier During the Building of the Stockade

       Fort of the Revolution, Called Fort Preservation.

   Septr 28th. [1777] 12 o'clock an Express from Palmer's
   Fort that George Findlay (69) come in wounded and some
   more men missing. In the Evening Capt Shannon (70) with
   16 Men was ready to March, but the Night's being very
   dark thot it most advisable to wait till day break.

   [Sept.] 29. When Day appeared the Men Marched to Palmers
   Fort and were reinforc'd with 9 Men more then proceeded
   for Findlays about Twenty Miles distance from Ligonier.
   4 Miles from Palmers we met with Capt Hinkson (71) & 12
   Men returning from burying a Boy that the Indians had
   kill'd & scalp'd at Findlays (72.) We proceeded to
   Rogers within a mile of the place that Night & next
   Morning we examin'd the Woods‹coul'd find but 4 Tracks
   leading into the Laurell Hill towards Bedford. As they
   had so much start judg'd it more prudent to take the
   Kittanning Path in order to meet with any partys that
   might be coming into the Inhabitants. We cross'd over
   the Chestnut Ridge, Brushy Valley, Blacklick Creek,
   Yellow Creek, & Twolicks Creeks to James Wilkins without
   discovering any Signs of Indians. We encampd before the
   House & kindl'd Fires. The Inhabitants in all this part
   of the County having fled some Weeks before.

   [Sept.] 30. Before Day we left the Fires and march d
   into the Woods in order to have an equal chance with the
   Enemy shou'd they be on Watch. After Day Broke we took a
   course across the Country to discover if any partys from
   the Alleghenny had lately come into the Inhabitants.
   About Nine O'clock we came on the Tracks of a large
   party of our People steering a Course for the River. We
   thot it needless to proceed any further, as that Party
   was to range the course we were steering. We then took a
   Road for Wallaces Fort & came there about 12 o'clock
   from which place the Men Went the Day before to look for
   Col. Campbell who was thot to be kill'd with 5 more Men.
   We return'd that night to Ligonier.

   Octr. 1st. This Day we were inform'd the Men who went
   from Wallaces Fort to look for Col. Campbell (73) had
   return'd. The Indians had taken him & the other Men
   Prisoners by a Memorandum left along with five
   proclamations from the Comn [Commandant] of Detroit
   offering a continuance to all officers in their Stations
   & Ranks in the King's Army if they wou'd repair to his
   Standard at Detroit. * * * *

   Memorand: On our return to Ligonier 4 Miles Distance we
   were inform'd of Thomas Woods being kill'd about five
   miles from the Town, which occasioned us to make a
   forc'd March after Dark into the Town to have the
   greater certainty. * * * *

   Octr. 3. Capt Shannon & myself went up to Col. Lochry
   (74) to know if he had adopted the Plan of Building a
   Fort & Magazine at Ligonier for the Support of the
   Country and to keep the Communication open to Fort Pitt.
   He inform'd us that he approv'd of the same, & wrote a
   letter of Instructions to Col. Pollock (75) to appoint
   persons to superintend the Works & go on with them

   [Octr.] 4. Sent Col. Lochry's Letter to Col Pollock.

   [Octr.] 5. Col. Pollock came to Town and appointed Capt.
   Shannon & Myself to Superintend the Works. We
   immediately collected the People & inform'd them of Col.
   Lochry's Orders. They desir'd to know the Pay which we
   cou'd not exactly ascertain. As an unwillingness seem'd
   to prevail with some of working at an uncertainty, Col.
   Pollock propos'd riding up to Col. Lochry and having
   every thing done to their satisfaction.

   [Octr.] 6th. Col. Pollock & Capt Shannon rode up to Col.
   Lochry, who wrote to the People that he cou'd not
   ascertain the Pay, but* assur'd them of pay equal to
   those engag'd in the same Business in the Continental

   [Octr.] 7th. We laid out the plan of the Fort & began
   with Trench:­ Enter'd 2 Teams in the Service.

   [Octr.] 8th. Continu'd digging the Trench, cutting &
   haling Pickets‹ Enter'd three Teams.

   [Octr.] 9th. Continu'd digging the Trench cutting &
   haling pickets.‹ Began to set the Pickets.

   [Octr.] 10th. Employ'd as the day before.

   [Octr.] 11th. Employ'd as the day before.

   [Octr.] 12th. Being Sunday the People refus'd to Work.

   [Octr.] 13th. At Two O'clock, P. M., an Express from
   Capt Lochry at (76) Stoney Creek that he had three
   Brigades of Packhorses with Continental Stores under
   escorte; that a Man had been kill'd & Scalp'd the day
   before within half a Mile of that place; that he look'd
   upon it unsafe to stir them without a further*
   reinforcement, as he had only fifteen Guns to defend one
   hundred & forty Packhorses with their Drivers. At Day
   break Capt. Shannon with 24 Men march'd to Stoney Creek
   to his Relief. The Works lay still for want of men‹there
   being only a Guard for the Town left.

   [Octr.] 14th. About 4 o'clock this afternoon the escorte
   arriv'd safe at Ligonier without any Accident on the
   Road;‹The Works lay still.

   [Octr.] 15th. The Horse Masters apply'd to the militia
   Capts., vis, Knox & McGuffey for a Guard of Twenty Men
   to escorte them to Hanna's Town, which they refus'd.
   Capt. Shannon with 20 Men then set off & convey'd them
   to Capt. Lochry's, when he was reliev'd. Nothing done in
   the Works this Day.

   [Octr.] 16th. The Escorte return'd from Capt.
   Lochry's.‹A few Pickets set & some work done in the

   [Octr.] 17th. Carried on the digging of the
   Trench‹cutting, haling & setting up Pickets.

   [Octr.] 18th. About sunrise James Clifford shot at an
   Indian near the Mill Creek, about a Quarter of a Mile
   from the Fort (77) A Party Immediately turn'd out. From
   the Blood it appear'd he was shot through the Body‹a
   large stream spouting out on each side of the path, as
   he ran, for about 40 Rods when the Blood was stopp'd &
   the Tracks of three or four making into a close thicket.
   The Party examin'd the Thicket as narrowly as possibly
   but cou'd make no discovery, impossible to discover any
   Track. The remaining part of the day employ'd in the
   Trench & setting up the Pickets.

   *[Octr.] 19th. A party was order'd out to reconnoitre if
   any sculking partys were near the Town or any Tracks.
   About 10 o'clock return'd without making any discovery
   Col. Pollock came & held a Conference with me & Capt
   Shannon on the propriety of having a Militia Officer to
   Command the Garrison & regulate the Militia‹as Capt
   Shannon's Company consisted altogether of Volunteers,
   the Militia look'd upon him with a Jealous Eye of
   reaping all the Honour of erecting the Fort by the
   Indefatigable labour of his Men, we inform'd him [that]
   many of the Militia had come to the Works with a design
   to draw provisions & look at others working that I told
   them [that] unless they did Duty in the Works I shou'd
   absolutely refuse to Issue provisions to any such
   without an express order from the Lieut. of the County.
   Col. Pollock inform'd us the whole Battalion was order'd
   into pay & service. I told him when in actual service* I
   would issue, but not otherwise. To remove all Jealousies
   it was agreed upon, that a Commandant shou'd be
   appoint'd to Issue the Orders of the Superintendants to
   the Officers of the several Companys. The following is a
   list of the Companys & the Number of their Men:‹
               Captn Knox & 20 privates,
               Captn Shannon‹27 privates.

   A Lieut. of Capt McGuffey & 4 privates * * * * * * Captn
   Knox was appointed Commandant of the Garrison & of the
   Militia then in the Works.

   [Octr.] 20th. Capt. Knox proceeded in the Orders of the
   Supr. in dividing the Men into proper partys. The Works
   went on well.

   [Octr.] 21st. *The Works went forward briskly.

   [Octr.] 22nd. The People began to grow tir'd of
   Work‹disputed the Authority of the
   Superintendts‹disallowed of Captn Knox & fell into
   confusion.‹About five O'clock P. M, news was brot that
   about two hours before the Indians had kill'd two
   Children & scalp'd them, two more they scalp d alive
   within 200 yards of Palmer's Fort. A party pursued them,
   & in a short time the People of the Fort fired off their
   Guns to give those persons notice who had gone to their
   plantations, which the party in pursuit hearing,
   imagin'd the Fort to be attack'd, immediately quit the
   pursuit & return'd.

   [Octr.] 23rd. The People fell to work again‹a few Loads
   of Pickets cut & haul'd & some Men appointed to repair
   the outhouses for the reception of the Inhabitants.

   [Octr.] 24th. The People fell into confusion again‹many
   of them went home; this morning Daniel Grafins House &
   Grain was burnt* within a mile & a half of Palmers
   Fort.‹The People return'd in again. James Clifford on
   his Return saw an Indian on the opposite side of Mill
   Creek‹he imagined him (the Indian) to be one of his own
   Company & challenged him‹on which the Indian immediately
   whipped on his Horse, & it being very Dark got into the
   Woods. On receiving this news at the Town, Capts Shannon
   & Knox with 19 Men about Midnight set off to examine the
   Houses on Mill Creek between the Ford & Laurell Hill
   before Day Break, which they accomplish'd before day
   without discovering any appearances of Fire. On their
   return in the Morning being rainy, they discoverred a
   Track about a Mile from Ligonier which cou'd not be made
   out any further than a few Rods, as the Leaves had
   fallen much & the Weeds kill'd with the frost. Near to
   where the Indian was kill'd they discoverd two more
   tracks, but raining hard the tracks cou'd not be made
   out with any degree of certainty.‹The Artificers wrought
   at the Gates.‹Clifford's Team discharg'd.

   [Octr.] 25th. Rain'd. McDowell & Johnston's Teams
   hawling Fire wood for the Inhabitants.

   [Octr.] 26th. Being Sunday the People went out in Partys
   to their Plantations. In the afternoon an escorte came
   from Bedford with two Brigades of Pack horses loaded
   with Continental Stores. The Horse-masters made
   application to the Military Officers for an escorte,
   which was refused.

   [Octr.] 27th. Rainy.‹Col. Pollock & Capt. Knox set off
   this afternoon for Col. Lochry's. Before they set off
   Capt Shannon & myself requir'd some Men to turn a run of
   Water out of the Trenches which was washing & filling
   them:‹He gave us for answer he [that is, Pollock] cou'd
   do it himself in Fifteen minutes. Without doing it
   himself or ordering Men to do it, we were obliged to
   hire two Men to turn the Water & dig a Trench to carry
   it off clear of the Works. This day the Sergeant of
   Capt. Knox's Company & Lieut. Curry log'd a Complaint
   with Capt. Knox against me as Commissary‹that I wou'd
   not Issue their Provisions & was partial in favour of
   Capt. Shannon. When he spoke to me on the Complaint, I
   told him the Flour was not come in; that I had offer'd
   the Beef yesterday but they wou'd not take a part
   without the Whole. This Evening they received the Beef.
   This Day we receiv'd an Acco'nt of Jno. Cunningham being
   shot at & pursued by an Indian 10 miles below Ligonier.
   Cunningham had shot a Turkey & as he went to pick it up
   the Indian fired at him.

   [Octr.] 28th. This Morning Lieut. Curry sent over his
   Provision return. I had not Flour to spare, & told his
   Man that I wou'd Issue d'uble Rations of Beef. The
   Fellow insulted me, when Mr. George Reading (78) lent me
   the Quantity‹Rain'd the whole day excessive hard.‹the
   Loyalhanna overflowing the Banks.‹ Partys out for a
   considerable Distance round the Town
   Reconnoitering:‹made no discovery.‹2 Springs spouted out
   in the Trenches, which keeps them full of Water.

   [Octr.] 29th. This day snow'd & Rain'd excesive
   hard‹Nothing done except a few reconnoitering‹Wm.
   Halferty made a return of the Grain and Forage brot into
   the Garrison. The Waters still continue high.‹Capt.
   Ourrie (79) gave us agreeable news of the Enemy being
   pent up near Philada. and a Defeat unavoidable: fresh
   Courage & more Whiskey wou'd * make our People Fight the
   English or the D: a Scout order'd for to-morrow to Range
   the Chestnut Ridge and Laurell Hill between Palmers Fort
   and Ligonier.

   [Octr.] 30th. This, day Capt. Shannon & myself rode up
   to Col. Lochry's. At Capt. Lochry's a complaint was made
   to me by the former Magistrates that Col. Proctor, while
   in the Assembly, had laid past for the use of the
   Magistrates the Votes and the Different Asemblies from
   1744, together with a complete set of the Laws, which
   have not been sent to them. They desired the Copyes may
   be Furnish'd them as their Properties, from an Ordinance
   of Convention pass'd the 3rd Sept., 1776. The Scout
   turn'd out this Morning consist'g of 18 Men return'd
   without any Discovery of any Indians or Tracks.

   [Octr.] 31st. This day Lt. Col. Pomroy came to take
   Command of the Garrison. (80.) The Trenches continued
   full of Water. The teams employ'd in haling Pickets‹the
   Men in Cutting.

   [Novr.] 1st. The People employ'd in Cutting, Hawling &
   Setting of Pickets. & clearing the Trenches of
   Water.‹Set up the North Gate 10 Feet Wide‹12 Feet High
   in the clear.

   [Novr.] 2nd. The People generally inclined to go Home.
   Many Familys did go about 2 oclock, P. M.‹Mr. Woodruff
   came and inform'd us that Wm. Richardson was found
   kill'd & scalped about 3 miles from Ligonier‹3 Strokes
   of a Tomhawk in his head & the upper part of his Scull
   broke in.‹About 3 miles from Richardsons 2 men were
   killd & Scalp'd & a Woman missing. 24 of our Men turn'd
   out and bury'd Richardson. There appear'd only 4 tracks.
   It was Dusk before we got him bury'd. ‹Return'd to

   [Novr.] 3rd. Employ'd in setting, cutting & hawling
   Pickets‹The Forage Guard went to Richardsons to thrash
   Oats and Wheat yesterday.‹As a party was returning to
   Palmers Fort from a Scout about a mile from that, one of
   the party being a small distance behind was call'd on to
   stop‹first in a low voice, a second time louder, & a
   third time very loud. The Person made up to the Party
   but being dusk did not return to the place until the
   next morning. * * * found the * * * (81.)

   *[Novr.] 4th. Employ'd about the Pickets.‹digging the
   Trench‹the Forage Guard continu'd at Richardson's.‹Col.
   Pollock came down from Hanna's Town & inform'd us that
   Gen. Hand had return'd to Fort Pitt‹that the expedition
   was set aside for this season. (82.)‹Clifford began to
   Hawl with his Team. * * * Yesterday Morning Capt.
   Shannon with 5 Men sett off to meet the Scout from
   Barr's Fort & Wallace's Fort to range the Chestnut Ridge
   for fifteen miles, which they did without any discovery
   of Indians except at the Places where the People were
   kill'd. * * * * They likewise found a Mare belonging to
   Saml. Craig who had been coming to Ligonier for Salt on
   Saturday. * * * * he is suppos'd to be taken prisoner as
   his body cou'd not be found. (83.)‹These Scouts fir'd
   the Ridge in many places. * * * * Capt. Shannon
   return'd. * * * * Col. Pomroy demanded from me the
   Continental Salt to have it in his own keeping. * * * *
   refus'd delivering it without an Order from a
   Continental Officer. * *
   Let him have half a Bush for Palmers Fort & 1/2 a bushl.
   for Barrs Fort. (84.)‹Sent 2 Light Horse Men up to Col.
   Lochry for an Order to detain some of the Arms &
   Ammunition for this Fort. * * * * About one half a Mile
   from Ligonier, being very dark, they heard some human
   Voices, but cou'd not distinguish who they were.

   [Novr.] 5th. The Light Horse Men return'd with the news
   that Yesterday about 11 o'clock Wallace's Fort was
   attacked by a number * of Indians on one Side while a
   White Man on the Other Side came wading up the Tail Race
   of his Mill with a Red Flag which seem'd to be intended
   as a deception for the attack. When the Man appear'd
   open to the Fort in the instant of the Attack 7 Balls
   were fir'd thro him. * * * * 2 of the Balls went thro 2
   Letters he had ty'd in a Bag which was hung round his
   Neck down his Breast. * * * * From what cou'd be
   discover'd by the Letters they were proclamations from
   Detroit to the same amount of those found with Col.
   Campbell.‹The same day the People about Palmers Fort
   were fir'd on. * * * * Several Partys were discover'd
   about there & Squirrell Hill. * * * * Tomorrow we expect
   an Attack. * * * * This evening Capt. Shannon & 2 Men
   set off for Col. Lochry's for Ammunition. * * * *
   Return'd at Night with 41 lbs. Powder, 15 lbs. Lead. * *
   * As the Light Horse return'd some of our working party
   being near the place where they heard the Voices, they
   went and examin'd the Ground. * * * * Found 5 Indians
   Tracks. ‹At the same time the Indians fir d on the
   People at Palmers Fort they fir d on the Forage Guard
   about one and a fourth mites from the Fort without doing
   any damage.

   This day Capt. Williams brot seven Men part of 25
   Order'd by Col. Pollock out of his Company into the
   Works. * * * immediately on receiving the news they all
   ran away, having first drawn their provisions. * * * *
   25 Men more were order'd from Capt. McGufichs comp'y. *
   * * He having only 6 Men & those in the Works, the Men
   cou'd not be furnish'd. * * * Capt. Shannon having 27
   Men constantly in the Works of his Volunteer Comp'y, he
   sent orders for 27 Men to relieve.

   [Novr.] 6th. This day Centries posted out & Guards. * *
   * * Some Pickets set & hawl'd.‹I demanded an Escorte to
   Bedford on public Business from Col. Pollock & Capt.
   Knox, which* they refus'd.‹I apply d to Capt. Shannon of
   the Volunteer Company who with 3 Men escorted me. We
   left Ligonier at 8 o'clock P. M.‹Came over the Laurell
   Hill to Jollys. (85.)‹ Very Dark.

   [Nov.] 7th. We came safe to Bedford.‹The People on the
   Road all Fled for 42 Miles from Ligonier.

   [Novr.] 8th. I left Capt. Shannon on his Return to
   Ligonier. As I came thro Bedford news had come that a
   Man was kill'd directly after I pass'd the Mountain
   (upon it).

   It will be seen from the last entries in the foregoing
   journal that on November 8th (1777), Thomas Galbraith,
   or the writer thereof, was in Bedford. The information
   which the Council of Safety obtained from "verbal
   accounts," and which in a communication from Lancaster,
   November 14th, 1777, they addressed to the Delegates of
   Pennsylvania in Congress, was in all probability
   obtained from him. They say (86):

   "This Council is applied to by the people of the County
   of Westmoreland in this Commonwealth with the most
   alarming Complaints of Indian Depredations. The Letter,
   of which the inclosed is a copy, will give you some Idea
   of their present situation.

   "We are further informed by verbal accounts, that an
   Extent of 60 Miles has been evacuated to the Savages,
   full of Stock, Corn, Hoggs & Poultry, that they have
   attacked Palmer's Fort about 7 miles distant from Fort
   Ligonier without success; and from the information of
   White Eyes & other circumstances, it is feared Fort
   Ligonier has, by this time, been attacked. There is
   likewise reason to fear the ravages will extend to
   Bedford, & along the frontier. We shall order out the
   militia of Bedford County, & take such other steps as
   may be immediately necessary for the relief of those
   settlements, but we find they are greatly deficient in
   the articles of arms, & especially ammunition & Flints.
   In Fort Ligonier, when our Informants left it, there was
   no more than 40 lb of powder & 15 LB of Lead‹Flints are
   sold at a Dollar a piece.

   "We must beg the assistance of Congress in these
   articles‹ arms we dare hardly ask, but ammunition &
   Flints we hope may be supplied by Congress both to
   Westmoreland & Bedford; and we must also intreat the
   attention of Congress to the general Defence of the
   Frontier. We know not the situation of Gen. Hand, his
   forces or his views; but we have reserved the militias
   of Bedford & Westmoreland, for the purpose of
   co-operating with him in those parts of the State, & the

   "Mr. Thomas Galbraith will call on you in a few Days on
   his way to Ligonier, the supplies should be furnished to
   him from Carlisle, to be carried from thence on Pack
   horses. He will explain more at large their situation &
   it might not be amiss to communicate to him what may be
   expected from Gen. Hand, as well as what Congress shall

   Col. Lochry reports to Pres. Wharton, under date 6th of
   December, 1777, the following (87):

   "I Wrote to your Excellency by Col. Shields, giving a
   State of the Ravages Committed by the Indians on the
   Inhabitants of this County; they have still Continued to
   Destroy and Burn Houses, Barns and Grain, as you will
   see more Particular in a Patation from the People to the
   Honnorable Assembly, Praying Relieff. My Situation Has
   Been Critical; Genneral Hand required more Men than I
   could Possibly furnish from Two Batalions, which is all
   I can Pertend to have jurisdiction over, on acc't of the
   unsettled Boundery between this State and Virginia. I
   sent One Hundred men for the Remainder was Stopt by His
   Order, at the same time the frontears of our County Lay
   Expossed to the Marcy of the Savages, Not a Man on Our
   fruntears from Logenear to the Alegenia River, Except a
   few at fort Hand, on Continental Pay. I was Oblidged, by
   the Advice of the sub-lieutenants & other Principal
   People of the County, to adopt the Measures I Before
   Laide Down to your Excellency, I Requested Genneral
   Hands Approbation on the Plan, which he Declined, as you
   May see His Letter of the 18th October, if our Measures
   Had not been adopted, I am very Cartain there Would Not
   been Many Persons on the North Side the Greate Roade
   Now, if there is Not Stors Laide in this Winter, In
   Spring they Must undoubtedly Leave the Countery; they
   Have no Salt to lay up Meat, of which there is a greate
   Plenty, their Grain is all Burn'd & Destroy'd on the
   North of Connemoch, if there is no Store of Provision
   for Next summer, and the People Hindred from Getting
   Spring Crops the Countery is undoubtedly Broke up The
   Plan we Have addopted Has Been Put in Execution at the
   Expence of a few Individuals, which Cant Be Long
   Continued without supported by the Publick. I Have sent
   five Indian Scalps taken by One of our Scouting Party,
   Commanded by Col'l Barr, Col'l Perry, Col'l Smith, &
   Cap't Kingston [Hinkston?], Being Voluentears in the
   Action. The Action Hapned Near Kittaning, they Retoock
   Six Horses the Savages Had Taken from the suffering
   fruntears, for Encouragement to other partys I Hoop your
   Excellency Will make a Retaliation [compensation or
   reward?] for these Scalps."

   We have an account of the affairs about Ligonier towards
   the middle of the next year, 1778, in a letter from
   Thomas Galbraith, from Lancaster, May 20th, 1778, to
   Col. Hambright. (88.)

   "I left Ligonier the 2d May, the people had entered into
   an association to defend the place while their
   provisions would last or ammunition; their store
   amounted to one month's provisions & about 1 lb powder &
   1 LB of lead per man. The Time will soon elapse that
   necessity will compell the inhabitants to seek for
   assistance elsewhere in the more interior parts of the
   Country. There are now two Brigades of Pack-horses in
   Canicocheague, to go with loading for Fort Pitt. The
   Pennsylvania Road for some time hath been shut by the
   Enemy, & prevents the necessary supplies being left on
   the line; if two Companies of Militia would be sent to
   guard the supplies of ammunition & Provisions up to
   Ligonier & Hanna's Town, the Inhabitants will be
   encouraged to defend the Posts more stoutly. The
   attention of the State to the Frontier will revive their
   drooping spirits; their situation will not permit those
   to move who can have supplies, to act on the Defensive,
   & their necessitys at present requires an immediate

   Col. George Reading addressed the following letter from
   Fort Ligonier, April 26th, 1779, to President Reed (89):

   "From our former acquaintance I am the more emboldened,
   to make free with you. Your letter of the 27th ult. I
   rec'd per Col. Jno. Shields. I accordingly communicated
   it [to] the inhabitants and used [m]y best influence
   with them to stand their Ground, in consequence of which
   several staid here which otherwise would have gone in
   hopes of speedy relief, which is yet delayed. This day
   the Enemy made a breach upon us, killed one man, taken
   one prisoner, another man missing, two families living
   some distance from the Fort, not known what is become of
   them, we not having men sufficient at this post to send
   out, being reduced to a very few inhabitants, and but
   eight men and boys as a guard to the Fort. I am sorry to
   say that unless we have some speedy support, and
   protection we shall be obliged to abandon this important
   Post, several of the families being entirely out of
   bread, must go 40 or 50 miles for what is got, and pay a
   most exorbitant price for. We dread being blocked up in
   a few days, the Enemy appearing numerous, and of course
   our creatures all destroyed, if that should be the case
   our situation will be most distressing, our case is not
   agrivated but rather mitigated."

   Col. Lochry was notified by Gen. McIntosh in a letter
   from Fort Pitt January 29th, 1779, that he (Mcintosh)
   was just informed that a large party had just then set
   out to strike the inhabitants about Ligonier and
   Blackleg Creek. This information to Lochry was sent by
   an express so that the neighborhood might be acquainted
   of it and be upon their guard. (90.)

   By orders from the Commander-in-Chief, General
   Washington, from headquarters at Morristown, April 12th,
   1780, the supplies which were to be furnished by the
   State for the Continental service in these parts were
   directed to be deposited at Fort Pitt and Ligonier. To
   Ligonier was apportioned three hundred barrels of flour,
   eight hundred and fifty gallons of rum, forty tons of
   hay, and two thousand bushels of corn. (91.)

   Owing to the difficulty of transportation, and from
   other causes, it is probable, however, that these
   supplies never came up to this quantity at any one time.

   On June the first, 1780, Col. Lochry writes to President
   Reed that "Since Mr. Sloan, our representative, left
   this county, we have had three parties of the savages
   amongst us‹they have killed and taken five persons two
   miles from Ligonier, and burned a mill belonging to one
   Laughlin." (93.)

   In speaking of the ravages of the Indians in the county
   during the summer of 1781, Col. James Perry writes to
   President Reed July 2d, of that year, that on the last
   Friday two young women were killed in Ligonier Valley.

   After the destruction of Hannastown in 1782 there was,
   during that fall, a ranging company, consisting of about
   twenty-two privates and two officers, stationed at
   Ligonier for the defense of that quarter. When these
   disbanded there was probably no force kept at this point
   after that, as the war of the Revolution was now over.

   (See Plan of Fort Ligonier with Part of the Retranchment.)

   The original fort erected at the Loyalhanna was called
   Fort Ligonier after the name of the head of the British
   army at that time. In October, 1757, Sir John Ligonier
   was made Commander-in-Chief of the land forces in Great
   Britain, and raised to the peerage by the title of
   Viscount Ligonier, of Enniskillen. He had greatly
   distinguished himself as a soldier, under the Duke of
   Marlborough, and afterward in Germany. In 1763 he was
   created an English Baron, and in 1766 an English Earl.
   He died in 1770, aged ninety-one years. He was born in
   France, his father was a Huguenot of a noble family. He
   fought in the battles of Blenheim, Oudenarde, Ramilies,
   and at Malplaquet twenty-two balls passed through his
   clothes without injuring him. (96.)

   The old Fort Ligonier, as is evident from the plan here
   annexed, which was copied from the original in the
   British war office, was a work of strength and of some
   magnitude. It was intended to be such a place of defense
   as would meet all emergencies, and was especially
   constructed in conformity with the requirements of
   warfare peculiar to the time. It was designed and
   constructed to answer for more than a shelter against
   the Indians, and was made to resist the artillery and
   the appliances of civilized warfare. As it was on the
   direct line of communication with Fort Pitt, and from
   its location would necessarily be a relay station for
   convoys and a depository for war munitions, provisions
   and material, it was arranged with barracks and ample
   accommodations for a permanent garrison. As such a post
   it served its purpose throughout the French and Indian
   War, and the perilous time when the English held the
   line between the colonists and their enemies. In
   Pontiac's War, we have seen, it was one of the four
   posts which withstood the siege of the barbarians with
   much honor and to good purpose.

   The Fort proper was but a part of the poet, which with
   its outward retrenchments, fascine batteries and
   redoubts, was really the harborage for a small army. The
   situation of the Fort, with its appurtenances, was, from
   a military point of view, excellent. It stood on an
   elevated ground within easy distance of the Loyalhanna
   Creek, being on the north or eastern bank, the stream
   here flowing northward. Eastward the ground was nearly
   level, but on all other sides it declined rapidly. At
   its highest point it was probably more than forty feet
   above the level of the creek, but where the passage way
   was made for access to the stream, the bank was such as
   to make the approach easy. A deep ravine extended along
   the side marked by the small stream as indicated in the
   plan. There is some traditional evidence, supported by
   circumstances of a probable character, that on the bank
   opposite this ravine, which is now partly built upon by
   the town, was the burying-ground used by the garrison
   and by the first settlers near the Fort. On the side of
   this sloping land within range of the guns of the Fort
   were the cabins of the settlers and those who had
   business at the post. The buildings which are referred
   to in the accounts of the siege during Pontiac's War
   were likely in this quarter. Many relics have been
   gathered about the ground, such as bayonets,
   gun-barrels, hatchets, knives, pieces of wagon-tire,
   flints and arrow-heads.

   The fort which St. Clair speaks of in 1774, into which
   the people of the valley gathered during that Summer,
   was probably the old fort rehabilitated by St. Clair
   himself; for during this time this was the center from
   which he directed operations as the agent of the Penns.
   It is also probable that a part of the fort‹the magazine
   and storehouse­had been kept up for the accommodation of
   the property belonging to the Province, down to at least
   1772 or 1773. These structures from the nature of the
   material used in their construction logs and earth
   embankments and exposed as they were to the inclemency
   of the weather, could not last long without constant
   reparation. While the material of Fort Ligonier was of
   this perishable character, yet the earth-works, the
   bastions, the store-house, and the magazine were
   originally intended, as we have said, to be more
   permanent and substantial than was usual in the ordinary
   forts of that period.

   The stockade of the Revolutionary period was an entirely
   different affair. The place which it occupied cannot be
   pointed out, but it is altogether probable that it was
   built near the site of the old fort, some remains of
   which, such as the ditch, were then utilized. The new
   structure was probably nearer the creek, and lower than
   the site of the old fort, as the circumstance of the
   water flowing into the ditch, mentioned in the
   "Journal," when it was building, would indicate.
   Doubtless , however, it embraced within its limits the
   magazine of the old fort, and was within proximity to
   the spring of the ravine.

   It is proper to observe, without any motive of
   adulation, that the people of Ligonier Valley have ever
   manifested a spirit of patriotic interest in the
   historic events which are connected inseparably with old
   Fort Ligonier. Nor is there any place within the
   Commonwealth more deserving of remembrance or better
   calculated to arouse sentiments of filial gratitude and
   patriotic reverence.

   Its history begins with the earliest appearance of
   civilization in these wilds. Its record antedates every
   other point west of the mountains secured by the
   English-Americans. The British historian in narrating
   the story of the conflicts of England with those nations
   of Europe which her valor and diplomacy conquered, and
   especially with France, with whom struggled for life or
   death for the supremacy, must mention the campaign of
   Forbes and the fort on the Loyalhanna; the annalist of
   the Province which the Penns founded, cannot help
   dwelling on the names of Ligonier and St. Clair; the
   history of the Commonwealth would be incomplete without
   allusion to it. Nor could the student of history whose
   attention is directed to the frontier wars, avoid, if he
   would, a recurrence to this place; for it is peculiarly
   identified with the history and traditions of a long and
   bloody savage warfare waged about her fields and round
   her stockade walls. The ground on all sides was wetted
   with innocent blood; families were torn asunder,
   captives were carried off, and widowed women and
   orphaned children left shelterless to the compassion of
   their neighbors. The unwritten events far outnumber
   those of authentic narration. For all the region of the
   Ligonier Valley between the mountain ridges extending to
   the limits of the occupancy of the whites, Fort Ligonier
   was the citadel, the place of refuge, the harbor of

   In two things particularly is the place notable. The one
   is in the interest that attaches to the circumstantial
   account Washington's great peril, and the other is in
   the association of the career of St. Clair with its
   early history. Of the memory of St. Clair, this whole
   region partakes. A character singular and unique, a life
   checkered and of many experiences, a career remarkably
   unfortunate‹there is no personage more marked in its
   individuality during the Revolutionary period than his.
   He was a patriot, a soldier and a statesman, but
   unfortunate in a degree to arouse commiseration. This is
   not the place to do justice to his services or his
   character, and only a reference to him can be made. It
   may well be, however, that for no thing that he did will
   his memory be more likely to endure in the gratitude and
   respect of his countrymen than for the part he took in
   directing these people in the early days of the
   Revolution, particularly in their sentiments and
   attitude as manifested in the Resolutions passed at
   Hannastown, May 16th, 1775. (97.)

                  Notes to Fort Ligonier.

   (1.) This regiment was authorized by Act of Parliament.
   It was to consist of four battalions of one thousand men
   each, and intended to be raised chiefly of the Germans
   and Swiss, who, for many years past, had come into
   America, where waste land had been assigned them on the
   frontiers. They were generally strong, hardy men,
   accustomed to the climate. It was necessary to appoint
   some officers, especially subalterns who understood
   military discipline and could speak the German language;
   and as a sufficient number could not be found among the
   English officers, it was further necessary to bring over
   and grant commissions to several German and Swiss
   officers and engineers. [Smollett's History of England,

   The Royal American regiment is now the Sixtieth Rifles.
   * * * * Its ranks at the time of Pontiac's War were
   filled by provincials of English as well as of German
   descent [Parkman's Pontiac, Chap. 18, n.]

   (2.) The Virginians wanted the expedition to advance on
   the road made by Braddock. Washington had an interview
   with Bouquet midway between Fort Cumberland, where his
   regiment lay, and Bedford, and spared no effort to bring
   him to his opinion. The final decision was not made
   until Forbes came to Raystown; for even then the very
   strongest efforts were put forth by those who favored
   the lower route. Washington gave many reasons why it
   should be preferred. Col. John Armstrong, of the
   Pennsylvanians, in a letter to Richard Peters from
   "Ray's Town, October 3d, 1758," says that Col.
   Washington was "sanguine and obstinate" as to the
   opening of the road through Pennsylvania, and adds, "The
   presence of the General has been of great use in this as
   well as other accounts."‹Arch. iii, 551.

   (3.) Some reports says 1,700 men. * * * * Col. Jos.
   Shippen in a letter to Richard Peters from the camp at
   Rays' Town, 16th of August, 1758: "The army here
   consists now of about 2,500 men, exclusive of about
   1,400 employed in cutting and clearing the road between
   this and Loyal Hanning, a great part of which I suppose
   by this time is finished, so that I am in hopes we shall
   be able to move forward soon after the General comes up,
   who we hear is at Shippensburg on his way up. * * * *
   Col. Washington and 400 of his regiment have not yet
   joined us, nor has any of Col. Byrd's (of Virginia)
   except two companies."‹Arch. iii, 510.

   The number reported as so engaged, August 1st,in Sparks
   Washington, Vol. ii, p. 289, is 1,700. The numbers in
   all occasions vary, from obvious reasons, and
   particularly for the reason that the position of the
   troops was constantly changing.

   (4.) Parkman‹Montcalm and Wolfe, et seq. This authority
   is followed wherever necessary, and given literally.

   (5.) The Pennsylvania Regiment consisted of three
   battalions. The Hon. Wm. Denny, Esq., Lieut.-Gov. of the
   Province of Penna., Colonel-in-Chief.

   First Battalion‹Colonel Commandant, John Armstrong.
   Second Battalion‹Colonel Commandant, James Burd.
   Third Battalion‹Colonel Commandant, Hugh Mercer.

   (6.) We have no present information as to the date when
   Bouquet first came to Loyalhanna. He says, in a letter
   reporting Grant's defeat dated at Loyalhanna, Sept.
   17th, 1758. * * * "The day on which I arrived at the
   camp, which was the 7th [of Sept.,] it was reported to
   me that we were surrounded by parties of Indians,
   several soldiers having been scalped or made prisoners."
   See Fort Pitt, by W. M. Darlington, Esq., p. 75.

   From the side of the French we have some account of this
   period. Vaudreuil to Massiac, from Montreal, 28th of
   Sept., 1758, says: "M. de Ligneris has written to me
   from Fort Duquesne on the 30th of last month; he
   continues to have parties out, who brought him two
   prisoners on the 30th, [August] from whom he learned
   that Gen. Forbus [Gen. Forbes?] was immediately expected
   at Royal Amnon; where there were not more than 2,000
   men, under the command of Col. Bouquet, with eight
   pieces of cannon or field carriages and several mortars;
   that a fort had been built there of piece upon piece,
   and one sawmill; as for the rest, they are ignorant
   whether Fort Duquesne is to be attacked this fall; that
   the Provincials had orders to go into winter quarters;
   that they had been since countermanded, but that people
   still spoke of dismissing them; that there are no more
   horned cattle at Royal Amnon, but plenty of provisions
   of flour and salt meats." Arch. vi, 2d ser. p. 553.

   (7.) An early mention of the place, Loyalhanna, is in
   connection with the points on the Old Trading Path.
   (Records v, 747-750.) March 2, 1750, the Governor laid
   before the Council Mr. John Patten's Map of the Distance
   to the Ohio, together with the account given of the same
   by Mr. Weiser and the Traders in former examinations. He
   desired them to peruse the map carefully, and to examine
   a witness on the subject, who had accompanied Col. Fry
   to Loggs Town to a treaty held there in the year 1752.

   The following distances are given as computed by the
   Indian Traders from Carlisle to Shanoppin's Town:

   "From Ray's Town to the Shawonese Cabbin 8 miles * * *
   To the Top of Allegheny Mountains 8 m * * * * to
   Edmund's Swamp 8 m * * * * to Cowamahony Creek 6 m * * *
   * to Kackanapaulins 5 m * * * * to Loyal Hannin 18 m * *
   * * from Loyal Hannin to Shanoppin's town 50 m.

            The Courses of the Road by Compass.

   From Kackanapaulin's House N. 64 W., 12 miles to Loyal
   Hannin Old Town.
   From Kackanapaulin's House N. 20 W., 10 miles to the
   Forks of the Road.
   From Kackanapaulin's House West 10 miles to ____.
   From Kackanapaulin's House N. 80 W., 15 miles to
   Shanoppin's Town.

   Mention of the place in C. Gist's Journal:

   Christopher Gist, as the agent of the Ohio Company, set
   out from Col. Thomas Cresap's at the Old Town on the
   Potomac River in Maryland, Oct. 31, 1750, on a journey
   of exploration. He was required to keep full notes for
   an official report. The Journal of the tour is found in
   Pownall's "Topographical Description of North America,"
   published in London in 1776, but later reprinted in
   Christopher Gist's Journals, &c., by Wm. M. Darlington,
   Esq., Pittsburgh, 1893.

   Following is an extract: "Monday, 12th Nov., 1750, set
   out from Stoney Creek N. 45, W. 8 N crossed a great
   Laurel Mountain [Laurel Hill] * * * * Tuesday 13.‹Rain
   and Snow * * * * Wednesday 14.‹set out in 45 W. 6 M. to
   Loyalhannan an old Town on a Creek of Ohio called
   Kiscominatis, "then N. 1 M., NW. 1 M. to an Indian s
   camp on the said Creek * * * * Thursday, 15, the Weather
   bad and I unwell I staid here all Day: the Indian to
   whom this Camp belonged spoke good English and directed
   Me the Way to this Town, which is called Shannopins
   Town: He said it was about 60 M. and a pretty good Way."
   Observe here the place is called an old town, and the
   creek the Kiskiminetas.

   In the map accompanying the Report of Gist, called "Fry
   and Jefferson's Map, 1755." Loyalhanna is marked as an
   Indian place, not as the name of the "stream" which is
   called the Kishkeminetas. * * * * See infra.

   George Croghan, the Indian trader in a letter to R.
   Peters, March 23d, 1754, giving the distance to the
   points on the trading paths westward, says: * * * * "The
   road we now travel * * * * from Laurel Hill to Shanopens
   [near the forks of the Ohio], is but 46 miles, as the
   road now goes, which I suppose may be 30 odd miles on a
   straight line." Arch. ii, 132.) Croghan, it must be
   remembered, was very zealous for action on the part of
   the province, and consequently did not magnify the

   In the "Account of the Road to Loggs Town on Allegheny
   River, taken by John Harris, 1754" (Arch. ii, 135) the
   following distances are noted from the points designated
   * * * * From Ray's Town to the Shawana Cabbins 8 M. * *
   * * to Allegheny Hill 6 M * * * * to Edmond's Swamp 8 M
   * * * * to Stoney Creek 6 M * * * * to Kickener Paulin's
   House, (Indian) 6 M * * * * to the Clear Fields 7 M. * *
   * * to the other side of the Lawrel Hill 5 M. to Loyal
   Haning 6 M. * * * * to the Big Bottom 8 M. * * * * to
   the Chestnut Ridge 8 M. * * * * to the parting of the
   Road 4 M. * * * thence one Road leads to Shannopin's
   Town the other to Kisscomenettes, old Town."

   On Lewis Evans' Map, 1755, it is called "Loyalhanning,"
   and it is marked as an Indian town, or camp, and is
   located on the south or western side of the creek.

   From an "Analysis of a General Map of the Middle British
   Colonies"‹from which this information is derived‹"The
   greatest part of Virginia is composed with Assistance of
   Messieurs Fry and Jefferson's Map of it. * * * * The Map
   in the Ohio, and its Branches, as well as the Passes
   through the Mountains Westward, is laid down by the
   Information of Traders and others, who have resided
   there, and travelled them for many years together.
   Hitherto there have not been any Surveys made of them,
   except the Road which goes from Shippenburg which goes
   round Parnell's Knob and by Ray's Town over the
   Allegheny Mountains." * * * * This Map and Analysis were
   printed in Phila. by B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755. The
   Maps of the Ohio Company Surveys of 1750-51-52, were
   copied from the original in the Public Record Office
   London, by J. A. Burt, 1882 for Wm. M. Darlington, Esq.,
   to whose work "Christopher Gist's Journals, with notes,
   etc." Pittsburgh, 1893, we are indebted for this, and
   other relevant data.

   According to John Heckewelder‹Names which the Lenni
   Lennape or Delaware Indians gave to Rivers, Streams and
   Localities, within the State of Pennsylvania, etc.,
   Moravian Society's Publications," the word Loyalhanna is
   corrupted from Laweellhanne, signifying, the middle

   Other words in which time root of these two words are
   found, are Le-la-wi, the middle * * * * Lawi-lo-wan,
   mid-winter * * * * La-wit-pi-cat, mid-night * * * *
   La-wu-linsch-gan, the middle finger. (From the vocables
   to above on authority of David Zeisberger.)

   Han-ne, signifies stream, and is applicable to river or
   creek. It appears in many names and in different forms.
   Kittanning from Kit-hanne, in Minsi Delaware,
   Gicht-hanne, signifying, the main stream, i. e., in its
   region of country. Tobyhanna, corrupted from Topi-hanne,
   signifying alder stream, i. e. a stream whose banks are
   fringed with alders. Youghiogheny, corrupted from
   Jud-wiah-hanna, signifying a stream flowing in a
   contrary direction, or in a circuitous course. * * * *
   Cawanshannock, corrupted from Gawunsch-hanne, signifying
   green-brier stream. The stream called Stony Creek in
   Somerset county is the English of the Indian name:
   Sinne-hanne, or Achsin-hanne.

   A large creek on the eastern side of Laurel Hill is
   called by Frederick Post, Rekenpalin. Vide Journal.

   The designation, Middle Creek as given to the Loyalhanna
   was applicable probably from the fact that it was about
   midway between the Allegheny or Ohio and the Raystown
   Branch of the Juniata. It was direct on the Indian
   trail, as we have seen, between these two points. There
   was a Shawanese town on the site of Bedford, it is
   said.‹(See Note to Juniata, in Heckewelder, supra.)

   Heckewelder says that Hanne means a stream of flowing
   water. Mr. Russell Errett says, however, (Magazine of
   Western History, May, 1885, page 53), that the word in
   common use among the Algonkin tribes for river is sipu,
   and this includes the idea of "a stream of flowing
   water." But in the mountainous parts of Pennsylvania,
   Maryland and Virginia, sipu does not sufficiently convey
   the idea of a rapid stream, roaring down the mountain
   gorges, and Hanne takes its place to designate not a
   mere sipu, or flowing river, but a rapid mountain

   Proper Indian names, we have seen, were written
   phonetically, so that the least deviation was liable to
   convey a different impression. Thus some of
   Heckewelder's names, it is said, do not exactly give the
   correct pronunciations to the English, for the reason
   that he naturally gave his vowels and diphthongs German

   We have preserved a remarkable incident of the
   correctness of this observation in this particular word
   . * * * * The Hon. Wm. Findley, member of Congress for
   many years from the Westmoreland district, an intimate
   friend of Washington, in reporting a conversation which
   they had touching Fort Ligonier, says (in part):

   "The Fort, which is conversant with me, he [Washington
   and many others called Layalhana, after the name of the
   creek, was also named Ligoniers, [Ligonier's] near which
   there is now a town of that name." Wm. Findley to editor
   of Niles' Register for May 9th, 1818, p. 180. Letter
   dated Youngstown, Pa.; March 27th, 1818.

   From the examination of a Delaware Prisoner [about] May,
   1757, Arch. iii, 147 "they reported (while yet the
   French were at Duquesne), that 135 Indians had set off
   from Fort Duquesne, not designed against any Particular
   Place, but divide and fall separately in different
   places on the frontier: A party divided at Lawelpanning,

   In the French official report it is called Royal Hannon.
   The Indians it is known, could not pronounce "r." The
   only explanation of the French form is that they made it
   an English name. The vulgar conception of the name is
   that which gives it an English derivation. * * * * "The
   absence of the r, f, and v, the accumulation of the k
   sounds (all from the depths of the throat), * * * * are
   marked peculiarities of their [the Delawares] dialect."
   Trans. Mor. His. Soc. Introduction to Names,

   It is known that the Indians generally could not say
   rum, called it lum. Heckewelder says, in one place, an
   Indian called him Quackel, taking him for a Quaker
   (Indian Nations, p. 144.)

   John McCullough's narrative of his captivity, written by
   himself is among the best productions of the kind, on
   account of its being accurate as well as entertaining.
   He is quoted frequently by Mr. Parkman‹(See the
   Conspiracy of Pontiac, Chap. xviii, et seq.) * * * The
   author of the Narrative says, as part of his
   introduction, that "his endeavour throughout the whole
   is to make it intelligible to the meanest capacity;
   wherever he had deemed it necessary to retain Indian
   words, he has divided them into syllables, in order to
   give the reader an idea of the pronunciation." * * * *
   He was captured on the 25th day of July, 1756 from the
   Conococheague settlement, now Franklin county, near Fort
   Loudoun. He says: "I must pass over many occurrances
   that happened on our way to Pittsburgh, excepting one or
   two. The morning before we came to
   Kee-ak-kshee-man-nit-toos, which signifies Cut Spirit,
   an old town at the junction of La-el-han-neck, or Middle
   Creek, and Quin-nim-mough-koong, or Can-na-maugh, or
   Otter Creek, as the word signifies."

   (8.) Western Penna., page 136‹note.

   As evidence of this see Post's Journal for 9th Nov.,
   1758. On this day he left Forbes and the army at the
   Loyalhanna, and proceeded with his friendly Indians on
   his journey to persuade the tribes about the Ohio to
   take part with the English. He says: "We waited till
   almost noon for the writing of the General. We were
   escorted by an hundred men, rank and file, commanded by
   Capt. Hazlet; we passed through a tract of good land,
   about six miles on the old trading path, and came to the
   creek again, where there is a large fine bottom, well
   timbered; from thence we came upon a hill, to an
   advanced breast-work, about ten miles from camp, well
   situated for strength, facing a small branch of the
   aforesaid creek; the hill is steep down, perpendicular
   about twenty feet, on the south side; which is a great
   defence on the west side the breastwork, about seven
   feet high, where we encamped that night." * * *
   Note‹This was before the advance of the army under

   This place is easily located now. It is on the Nine Mile
   Run, a stream which flows into the Loyalhanna about a
   mile east of Latrobe. The land belongs to the heirs of
   John Rumbach, dec'd., and is situated in Unity township,
   Westmoreland county, about a mile and a half from
   Latrobe. The hill has always been known as the
   breastwork Hill. The breastwork running across the
   plateau, is within the memory of many persons still
   living. There can be no doubt that it marked the old
   Indian trail or trading path to Shannopin's Town from
   Loyalhanna: as to which see Post's Journal, same date.

   Also Col. Bouquet's letter from Loyal Hanna, Sept 17th,
   1758, to Gen. Amherst, (Fort Pitt by Wm. M. Darlington,
   p. 75), in which he explains the part he had in Grant's
   Expedition, contains the following : "I begged them to
   give me their opinion upon a project, of which I had
   spoken several times to Maj. Grant at Raystown, which
   was to attack during the night the Indians camped round
   the Fort in huts, and that the disposition could be made
   thus: Lieut.-Col. Dagworthy should march with 900 men to
   the post which was known to be 10 miles distance, there
   construct an entrenchment and remain with 200 men. The
   Major should march with 300 Highlanders, etc." * * * *
   By this "post" he probably meant the Nine-Mile Run

   He says further: "On the 9th he departed, and I joined
   him on the 10th at the post, where Lieut-Col. Dagworthy
   should have stopped. I remained here all night, and saw
   him depart on the 11th with his detachment in good
   order. This post being nearly ready for defence, I
   returned to the camp." Id.

   Also Gen. Forbes in a letter dated Raystown, Sept 23,
   1758, (referred to in the text hereafter) to Col.
   Bouquet at Loyalhanna, says:

   "I understand by these officers that you have withdrawn
   the troops from your advanced post, which I attribute to
   its being too small for what you intended it, or that it
   did not answer the strength that you at first described
   it to me. I shall be glad to hear all your people are in
   spirits, and keep so, and that Loyal Hannon will be soon
   past any insult without cannon." * * * * From Bouquet
   Papers, British Museum; quoted in Fort Pitt, supra, p

   Quaere. Whether Col. John Armstrong in letter to R.
   Peters, from Raystown, Oct. 3, 1758, Arch iii, 551 does
   not mean this when he says: "The Road to be opened from
   our advanced Post is not yet fully determined, and must
   be further reconnoitred." * * * * This letter to be
   compared with Forbes letter above, as to the order for
   examining the country for a road from this point * * * *
   See also the letter of Forbes first quoted. * * * At no
   place in the correspondence of this period have we seen
   the distance from the Loyalhanna post to Fort Duquesne
   fixed at 40 miles, and it is not likely that Forbes
   alluded to the Loyalhanna post in that letter.

   (9) James Grant was born in the Parish of Inveravon,
   Banffshire, Highlands of Scotland, and after studying
   law entered the army in 1741, at Ensign, at the age of
   twenty-two, and became captain in the 1st Battalion, 1st
   Royal Scots, October 24, 1744. In 1747 he was appointed
   aid to Gen. James St. Clair, ambassador to the Courts of
   Vienna and Turin. Captain Grant served in the wars in
   the Netherlands.

   In January, 1757, he was commissioned Major of the new
   77th Regiment, 1st Battalion, known as Montgomery
   Highlanders, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Archibald
   Montgomery, afterwards Earl of Eglintown. They were
   ordered to America, and sailed from Cork, Ireland, and
   arriving at Halifax, America, in August. Sailed from
   Charleston, South Carolina, arriving there September
   29th, having been ordered there with a portion of the
   Royal Americans, in apprehension of an attack by the
   French, from the West Indies. In 1758 the regiment
   arrived at Philadelphia from Charleston, South Carolina,
   and became part of Genl. Forbes army in his campaign of
   that year.

   Grant and nineteen officers were captured. He was soon
   exchanged, and became Lieutenant Colonel of the 40th
   Foot in 1760, and was appointed Governor of East Florida
   In 1761 he was despatched by General Amherst, with a
   force of thirteen hundred Regulars, against the Indians
   of Carolina.

   Grant succeeded to the family estate on the death of his
   nephew, Major William Grant. In 1772 he became
   Brevet-Colonel; in 1773 he was returned to Parliament
   for Wickboroughs, and at the general election of the
   year after for Sutherlandshire. In December, 1775, he
   was appointed Colonel of the 55th Foot. In 1776 Grant
   went as a Brigadier to America, with the reinforcement
   under General Howe. He commanded two British brigades at
   the battle of Long Island, was employed by Lord Howe on
   special services in New Jersey, accompanied the army to
   Phila., and commanded the 1st and 2d Brigades of British
   at the battles of Brandywine. And Germantown.

   In May, 1778, he was sent with a strong force to cut off
   Lafayette, but was unsuccessful. He commanded the force
   sent from New York to the West Indies, which captured
   St. Lucia in December, 1778, and defended the island
   against an attempt to recapture it, made by a French
   force under the Count d'Estaing.

   Grant became a Major-General in 1777, Lieutenant-General
   in 1782, General, in 1796. He was transferred from the
   55th to the 11th Foot, in 1791, and was Governor, in
   succession, of Dumbarton and Stirling Castles. He was
   noted for his love of good living and became immensely

   He died at Ballindalloch, April 13, 1806, in his
   eighty-sixth year. Having no descendants his estate went
   to his grandnephew, George Macpherson, who assumed the
   surname of Grant. [Wm. M. Darlington in C. Gist's
   Journals, p. 207.]

   Maj. Grant having been severely criticized on all sides
   for his rashness and what was regarded, his imprudence,
   it may be interesting to note the comments of an Indian
   chief, which have been preserved in the Narrative of
   Captain James Smith. He says: "When Tecaughretango had
   heard the particulars of Grant's defeat, he said he
   could not well account for his contradictory and
   inconsistent conduct. He said, as the art of war
   consists in ambushing and surprising our enemies, and in
   preventing them from ambushing and surprising us, Grant,
   in the first place, acted like a wise and experienced
   officer, in artfully approaching in the night without
   being discovered; but when he came to the place, and the
   Indians were lying asleep outside the fort, between him
   and the Allegheny river, in place of slipping up
   quietly, and falling upon them with their broad swords,
   they beat the drums and played upon the bagpipes. He
   said he could account for this inconsistent conduct in
   no other way than by supposing that he had made too free
   with spiritous liquors during the night, and became
   intoxicated about daylight.

   Montcalm reports to Marshall De Belle Isle of an
   engagement as follows: "Montreal, 15th of Nov., 1758. We
   have just received news from Fort Duquesne of the 23d of
   Oct., Capt. Aubray of the Louisiana troops, has gained a
   tolerably considerable advantage there on the 15th. (?)
   The enemy lost on the occasion 150 men, killed, wounded
   and missing; they were pursued as far as a new fort
   called Royal Hannon, which they built at the head of the
   river d'Attique. We had only two men killed and seven
   wounded." (Arch. vi, 2d Series, 426.) The River Attique,
   is the name which is set down in early French maps for
   the Kiskiminetas. * * * * It is hardly enough
   exaggerated to answer for the French report of Grant's
   Defeat, but that is doubtless the one alluded to. * * *
   * Bougainville to Cremille reporting (Arch. 2d Series,
   vi, 425) the affair with Grant says: "Five hundred of
   them have been killed or taken, and almost all the
   officers. On our side, only eight men have been killed
   or wounded."

   (10.) Quoted in Arch. xii, 392. Also History Western
   Penna., p. 139, n.

   The following is a list of killed, wounded and missing:
   Highlanders, 1 killed; First Virginia Regt., 4 killed,
   and 6 wounded; Md. Companies, 2 killed, 6 wounded, 11
   missing; First Penna. Regt., 4 killed, 5 wounded, 12
   missing; Second Penna. Regt., 1 killed,4 wounded; Lower
   Country Company, 1 missing. Total‹12 killed, 17 wounded,
   31 missing."

   (11.) See letter quoted in Fort Pitt, by Wm. M.
   Darlington, p. 81.

   (12.) This engagement is mentioned in the Journal of
   Col. Samuel Miles, who says: "When the army lay at
   Ligonier [1758], we were attacked by a body of French
   and Indians, and I was wounded in the foot by a spent
   ball." * * * * Miles was then a lieutenant in the second
   battalion in the Penna. regiment. * * * * Mile's
   Journal, Arch. ii, 2d ser., p. 560.

                       * * * * * *

   That Col. Burd was recognized as the hero of this
   engagement is very evident from a letter of a domestic
   character, recently made public in a biographical paper,
   entitled "Col. James Burd, of Tinian," by Mr. A. Boyd
   Hamilton, published in the Historical Register for
   September, 1884, Vol. ii, No. 3, the following letter is
   produced. The importance of this engagement would have
   been more generally recognized had it stood out alone,
   and had not the magnitude of succeeding operations
   somewhat obscured it. The letter is from Edward Shippen,
   Esq., the father-in-law of Col. Burd. It is of a private
   nature, and was not, of course, intended originally for
   the public. In this case, however, it serves the purpose
   of establishing the facts narrated. The preface is from
   the article.

   "Colonel Bouquet writes Burd, on the 16th of October,
   that "General Forbes had fired a feu de joie for your
   affair" [meaning the engagement and repulse at the
   Loyalhanna]. That Burd actively participated in the
   victorious engagement at Loyal Hannon there can be no
   question, and the following from his father-in-law,
   Shippen, never hitherto published‹ the original is among
   the papers of the Dauphin County Historical Society‹is
   interesting. It presents his conduct as it was
   understood by the public authorities and his
   fellow-soldiers. The neat self-glorification on the part
   of the writer gives a pleasant glimpse of the pride of a
   family circle over this "feat in arms" of a favorite
   son-in-law. The superscription bears an elaborate
   address [indicated by the lines of separation]. The
   bearer was Colonel George Gibson, father of the late
   Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of this State, John
   Bannister Gibson, whose mother was Fanny West, a niece
   of Hermanus Airicks;

   "To Coll. James Burd, commander of the Second Battalion
   of the Pennsylvania Regiment at Loyal Hanning Per Favour
   of Mr. George Gibson, Q. D.:

   "Lancaster, 6th Nov., 1758.
   "Dear Mr. Burd: About the 15th or 16th ultimo, Johnny
   Gibson, Messrs. Hans Barr, & Levi Andrew Levi, wrote us
   from Raystown, that an acc't was just arrived there from
   Loyal Hanning, of your being attackt by a very large
   party of French & Indians from Fort du Quesne, & that
   you had killed two or three hundred and taken as many
   prisoners & beat off the rest. This now, you may be
   sure, gave us great cause of rejoicing, as it did the
   people of Philada., to whom Mr. Barnabas Hughes carryed
   copy's of these letters. Nay, I sent down two or three
   copies of them to cousin Allen & Neddy, [his son, the
   Judge]. In two days afterwards we had the pleasure to
   see your letter to Sally [Mrs. Burd], of the 14th ulto.,
   with a confirmation of the repulse you had given the
   enemy; and tho you were quite silent as to the number
   killed, &c., yet our joy was greatly increased. I make
   no doubt you have slain a considerable number of the
   enemy, and I don t care a farthing whether I ever know
   the quantity, nor do I care whether you have killed more
   than half a dozen of them; it is enough for me to be
   convinced that you have driven off the enemy, & have
   bravely maintained the Post you were sent to sustain; &
   were you certain you had killed two or three hundred,
   out of 12 or fourteen hundred before their retreat, yet
   you could not be sure of success had you sallyed out and
   pursued them. Indeed, by taking such a greedy step, you
   might have been drawn into an ambuscade, & by that means
   been defeated, which might have put an end to the
   present expedition. You happily called to mind, that a
   Bird in hand was worth two in the Bush; & tho you don't
   pretend to equal skill with an experienced officer, yet
   I think you may lay claim to some share of Bravery, as
   you have so well defended your post, & I make no
   question but y'r General will pronounce you a good &
   faithful servant & will entrust you another time. I
   suppose he is with you by this time, considering the
   season of the year, the badness (now) of the road and
   the quantity of Provisions now at Raystown and Loyal
   Hanning, and the difficulty, or rather, (if ye winter
   should shut in immediately,) the impossibility of
   getting ye any more before the spring; I say he is
   without doubt considering all things; and so am I. And I
   am almost ready to conclude it will be impracticable,
   not to say imprudent, to attempt to march a step further
   this fall. But let the glorious attempt be made now, or
   at any other time, I pray God to give Him success, &
   return you all home in peace and safety."

   Extract from French Archives: On the side of the French
   there is a letter reporting their movements about this
   time. Vaudreuil to Massiac, in the letter above referred
   to (Arch. vi, 2d Ser., p. 553), adds: "The English
   suppose us to be very numerous at Fort Duquesne. I am
   not sure whether the enemy will organize an expedition
   this fall, or wait until spring; the advanced season and
   the two advantages we have gained in succession over
   them would lead me to hope that they will adopt the
   latter course. [Does he here allude to the defeat of
   Grant and the attack on the camp at Loyalhanna as the
   two victories?]ŒTis much to be desired, for Œtwould not
   be profitable for M. de Ligneris to resist the
   superiority of the enemy's forces. Meanwhile, he will
   use all means in his power to annoy them; embarrass
   their communications and intercept their convoys. It is
   a great pity that be has been absolutely obliged, by the
   scarcity of provisions, to reduce his garrison to 200

                        * * * * * *

   (13.) Fort Pitt, p. 82.

   (14.) Technically, a tenth part of a legion‹about five
   or six hundred soldiers‹sometimes applied to about that
   number of fort soldiers. Here used probably in a sense
   other than literal.

   (15.) Letter before referred to in Fort Pitt, p. 75.

   (16.) Fort Pitt, p. 71.

   (17.) Montcalm and Wolfe, Chap. xxii.

   (18.) Olden Time, Vol. ii, p. 545. In a report by George
   Croghan and the rest of the gentlemen who had been
   appointed by Mr. Morris, Governor of Pennsylvania, to
   lay out a road from Carlisle to Fort Cumberland, etc.,
   they say: "He [Sir John Sinclair] is extremely warm and
   angry at our province; he would not look at our
   draughts, nor suffer any representations to be made to
   him in regard to the province, but stormed like a lion

   To be fair with Sir John, he had no better opinion of
   the provincials or of those with whom he was
   associated,‹Indians included. He wrote at the tail of a
   letter to the Swiss colonel: "Adieu my dear Bouquet. The
   greatest curse that our Lord can pronounce against the
   worst of sinners is to give them business to do with
   provincial commissioners and friendly Indians."
   Parkman‹Montcalm and Wolfe, Chap. xxii. * * * * See
   mention of Sir John Sinclair at note to Col. Adam
   Stephen, below.

   (19.) Montcalm and Wolfe, Chap. xxii.

   (20.) All of the army had not yet come up on the 7th of
   Nov., as on that date Post sets forth in the Journal:
   "We rose early, and made all the haste we could on our
   journey; we crossed the large creek, Rekempalin, near
   the Lawrel Hill. Upon this hill we overtook the
   artillery; and came, before sun set, to Loyal Hanning.
   We were gladly received in the camp by the general, and
   most of the people. We made our fire near the other
   Indian camps, which pleased our people." * * * * It
   appears by a return quoted in Provincial Letters, p.
   142, of Oct. 21st, (1758), that Col. Washington,
   commanding the Virginia regiment, was then encamped at
   Loyal Hannon with 461 rank and file. On the 25th of Oct.
   the companies of the Royal American regiment, under Col.
   Bouquet, Captains Ralph Harding, Francis Lander, and
   Thomas Jocelyn, were there in want of numerous articles
   of clothing, as were also the Maryland troops under
   Lieut. Col. Dagworthy. * * * * As to Captn. Jocelyn, see
   quotation from Arthur Lee's Journal, infra.

   (21.) Montcalm and Wolfe, Chap. xxii, et seq.

   Washington desired to show his zeal and patriotism for a
   common cause, actuated as he invariably was, by motives
   the most noble. He was accused of being obstinate to an
   unwarranted degree in opposing this route. He had
   insisted with unusual warmth that the Braddock route was
   the one the expedition should pursue. It has been
   observed that the chances were against the success of
   Forbes, at least until the summer of the next year, but
   for Washington and his men and their ways. That these
   were large elements in the success in that campaign, is
   certain. See Bancroft's History U. S., Vol. iii, p. 204,
   Cent Ed.: "Vast as were the preparations, Forbes would
   never, but for Washington, have seen the Ohio." See
   Sparks' Washington, Vol. ii, p, 315, etc.

   (22.) Wm. Findley to the editor of Niles' Register, for
   May, 1818, p. 180, Vol. ii, new series.‹Extract: "Since
   I am in the way about writing about Washington, I will
   add one serious scene through which he passed, which is
   little known and with which he concluded this
   conversation. He asked me how near I lived to Layalhana
   Old Fort, and if I knew a run from the Laurel Hill that
   fell into the creek near it. I told him the distance of
   my residence, and that I knew the run. He told me that
   at a considerable distance up that run his life was in
   as great hazard as ever it had been in war. That he had
   been ordered to march some troops to reênforce a
   bullock-guard on their way to the camp‹that he marched
   his party in single file with trailed arms, and sent a
   runner to inform the British officer in what manner he
   would meet him. The runner arrived and delivered his
   message, but he did not know how it was that the British
   officer paid no attention to it, and the parties met in
   the dark and fired on each other till they killed thirty
   (30) of their own men, nor could they be stopped till he
   had to go in between the fires and threw up the muzzles
   of their guns with his sword." Letter dated at
   Youngstown, March 27th, 1818. * * * A charitable
   allowance, which is no apology for the integrity of Mr.
   Findley, may be made from the fact that this incident
   depended largely on his memory His veracity is not to be

   By Gordon's account, a lieutenant and 13 or 14
   Virginians were killed.

   The following, from the Gazette, "is said to be the best
   account that can be given at Philadelphia, November 30,"

   "On the 12, Col. Washington being out with a scouting
   party, fell in with a number of the enemy about 3 miles
   from our camp, whom he attacked, killed one, took 3
   prisoners (an Indian man and woman, and one Johnson, an
   Englishman, who, it is said, was carried off by the
   Indians some time ago from Lancaster county), and
   obliged the rest to fly. On hearing the firing at Loyal
   Hanning, Colonel Mercer, with a party of Virginians, was
   sent to the assistance of Colonel Washington, who
   arriving in sight of our people in the dusk of the
   evening, and seeing them about a fire the enemy had been
   drove from, and the two Indians with them, imagined them
   to be French; and Colonel Washington being under the
   same mistake, unhappily a few shots were exchanged, by
   which a lieutenant and 13 or 14 Virginians were killed.
   That Johnson being examined, was told he had forfeited
   his life by being found in arms against his king and
   country, and the only way to save it and make atonement,
   was to give as full an information of the condition of
   Fort Du Quesne, and of the enemy, as he could, which
   being found to be true, his life should be spared, and
   in case of success he should be well rewarded; but if he
   should give any false intelligence, or not so full as be
   had it in his power then to do, he should certainly be
   put to death in an extraordinary manner. That upon this
   threatening and promise Johnson said, that the Canadians
   who had been with Mons. Vetri at Loyal Hanning were all
   gone home; that the Ohio Indians had also returned to
   their several towns; that the attempt made by Vetri at
   Loyal Hanning was only to make us apprehend their
   strength at Fort Du Quesne to be very great, whereas
   they were very weak there, and added that our army would
   certainly succeed. That the Indian man being likewise
   examined, his relation, we are told, agreed with that of
   Johnson; and they both said the French were very scarce
   of provisions, as well as weak in men, and that upon
   this information Colonel Armstrong, with 1,000 men and
   part of the train, was ordered to march next day, and
   the General designed to have followed the next day after
   with the whole army, but was necessarily detained till
   the 17th, when he certainly marched, and we hope is now
   in possession of Fort du Quesne."

   "The General marched from Loyal Hanning 4,300 effective
   men, all well and in good spirits, besides Indians, and
   left a strong garrison there and at Ray's Town," &c.

   "It is said Vetri and his people on their return from
   Loyal Hanning, were obliged to kill and eat several of
   our horses, whose skins and bones were afterwards found
   by some of our men."

   Extract of a letter from Loyal Hanning, dated November

   "This day the General marched with the rear division of
   the army. The front division, under the command of
   Colonel John Armstrong, is now about 16 miles from Fort
   Du Quesne, and they have made a good road to their camp
   from this garrison."

   "The party of the enemy mentioned in last week's paper
   to be attacked by our people near Loyal Hanning, we hear
   consisted of above 200 French and Indians, and it is
   said that had before taken and sent off Lieutenant James
   Hayes, of our Provincials, and another man."

   (23.) Western Penna. Appx., p. 300.

   (24.) Records, Vol. viii, 224.

   (25.) In his Journal for December 2d, 1758, Post
   mentions Pittsburgh." On the 4th he speaks as having
   drawn provisions for "Fort Ligonier" on his return. From
   Post's Journal December 27th, 1758: "Towards noon the
   general set out. * * * * It snowed the whole day. We
   encamped by Beaver Dam under Laurel Hill. 28th‹We came
   to Stoney Creek, where Mr. Quicksell is stationed. The
   general sent Mr. Hayes, express, to Fort Bedford and
   commanded him to see if the place for encampment, under
   the Allegheny Mountains, was prepared; as also to take
   care that refreshments should be at hand at his coming."

   These places for the convenience of the General had to
   be prepared in advance for him. In a letter to Bouquet,
   from Raystown (Bedford), Septr. 23d, 1758, on his way
   out, Forbes writes: "Pray make a hovell or hutt for me
   at L. Hannon or any of the other posts, with a fire
   place if possible."

   (26.) Arch., iii, 571.

   (27.) Arch., iii, 510. Mr. Shippen was Brigade Major in
   Gen. Forbes' army. Olden Time, Vol. II, 465.

   (28.) Arch., 2d series, vi, 428.

   (29.) Arch.. 2d series, vi, 553.

   (30.) Arch., 2d series, vi, 564.

   (31.) Arch., iii, 685.

   (32.) Arch., iii, 669.

   Samuel Jones, a captain who served in the Penn'a
   regiment, in 1758 and Œ59, is marked dead, in a list
   made out in 1760. Pa. Arch. ii, 2d Ser., 609.

   Col. Adam Stephen, mentioned above, was one of the
   foremost soldiers of his day, and but for a single
   failing would have been classed with the greatest of the
   Revolutionary Generals. He was a Virginian, and was with
   Washington in his first campaign, at the Jumonville
   affair and at Fort Necessity, and fought with him again
   on that terrible day at Braddock's Field. At the attack
   on Jumonville's camp, he with his own hands, made the
   first prisoner, capturing the Ensign, M. Drouillon, "a
   pert fellow." (Sargent's Braddock s Expedition.) * * * *
   In the Forbes' campaign, he and Sir John Sinclair could
   not get along together; and they had some hot words at
   Ligonier, when Sir John ordered him under arrest. Part
   of his regiment went with Major Grant‹ (Grant's defeat);
   and, under the circumstances, Major Lewis had to
   command. It is probable that Stephen, who was of a fiery
   nature, would not brook the Quarter-master's ways. "From
   this cause or some other, Lieut.-Col. Stephen, of the
   Virginians, told him he would break his sword rather
   than be longer under his orders. ŒAs I had not
   sufficient strength,' says Sinclair, Œto take him by the
   neck from among his own men, I was obliged to let him
   have his own way, that I might not be the occasion of
   bloodshed.' He succeeded at last in arresting him."
   [Montcalm and Wolfe, Chap. xxii.]

   The following extract from a letter from Gen. Arthur St.
   Clair (not to be mistaken for Sir John Sinclair, as they
   were in no way related), refers to this circumstance.
   The letter is to Gen. Greene, who desired St. Clair's
   opinion upon some questions of military precedence; it
   is dated at West Point, August 10th, 1779, and is found
   among the St. Clair papers, Vol. i, page 482. He says:
   "Some time in the campaign of 1758, the late Gen.
   Stephens (then, I think, a major of Provincials),
   commanded at Fort Ligonier, upon the Loyalhanning, when
   Sir John St. Clair [so he writes it],
   Quartermaster-General, with the rank of colonel, arrived
   at that fort. He immediately assumed the command, and
   ordered Major Stephens to make returns of his garrison
   and stores to him. The major insisted on his command,
   and refused to make the returns. Sir John put him in
   arrest. The major complained to General Forbes, and
   demanded a court-martial. Whether a court-martial sat
   upon the matter I do not recollect, but this is certain,
   the major was released, restored to his command, and Sir
   John censured."

   Gen. Stephen served in the Revolution. In 1776 he was
   Colonel of a Virginia regiment, and shortly thereafter
   was made Brigadier-General and then Major-General. He
   fought at Trenton, at Princeton, and at the Battle of
   Brandywine, and won the praise of his commander. "But at
   Germantown, where he led a division, the sins of his
   youth lay triumphantly in wait for him. That which
   neither the red skins of the Indians nor the red coats
   of the British had accomplished, was wrought by an enemy
   less honorable than either. The army was defeated; Gen.
   Stephen was dismissed. * * * * He was the founder of
   Martinsburg, Va., and called it after his friend Martin,
   a relative of Lord Fairfax." Near this place, in a
   corner of the beautiful estate of 'Boydville,'
   (Stephen's home), close by the road, is a heap of stone,
   some rough and some hewn as if in preparation for a
   monument, and under these lie all that was mortal of a
   pioneer, a patriot, and a general." [Rev. Geo. Hodges,
   in Pittsburgh Dispatch, Sept. 24th, 1894.]

   (33.) Arch., iii, 674.

   (34.) Arch., iii, p. Records, viii, 379.

   (35.) Records, viii, 379.

   (36.) Gen. Stanwix to Gov. Hamilton from Pittsburgh,
   Dec. 4th, 1759.

   Arch., iii, 696. * * * * "The old battalions were last
   winter greatly distressed on the communication for want
   of pay, clothing and provisions. Numbers of them paid
   the debt of nature in the way of scalping, and many more
   died of the diseases arising from cold and hunger." * *
   * * Col. John Armstrong to Gov. Denny, from Fort
   Ligonier, Oct. 9th, 1759. Arch., iii, 688.

   (37.) Arch., iv, p. 39.

   A good idea of the movement of the troops and munitions
   from Ligonier in the summer of 1760 may be had from the
   journal of Col. James Burd, Arch. vii, 2d Ser., p. 419.

   Col. Samuel Miles says that, "In the year 1759, I was
   stationed at Ligonier, and had 25 men picked out of the
   two battalions, Penna. regt., under my command," etc.
   Arch. ii, 2d Ser., p. 560.

   In Arthur Lee's Journal there is mention of Fort
   Ligonier. Lee passed here in 1784, as one of the
   Commissioners appointed by Congress to hold treaties
   with the Indians. Extracts are printed in The Olden
   Time, p. 334. He says: "On. the 29th Nov. we traversed a
   part of the Allegheny called Laurel Hill, from an
   abundance of what is called in Virginia, ivy, growing
   upon it. On this mountain St. Joselin (this is the first
   time we have seen any allusion to this person, or to
   this attack, says the editor in a note, but Capt. Thos.
   Jocelyn was in the Royal American Regt. there) was
   attacked and killed by the Indians; but his convoy was
   saved. On this mountain Capt. Bullet was attacked and
   put to flight by a party of Indians within two miles of
   Ligonier, (Query: Does he here allude to the attack on
   Grant's Hill ?)‹and at another time the savages attacked
   the hospital, and that was going from the fort and
   massacred the sick. At night we reached Fort Ligonier,
   built in 1758, by Gen. Forbes, as a station, in his
   progress against Fort Pitt‹Duquesne. It was frequently
   attacked by the French and Indians, and many of its
   troops killed. A very good and capacious stockade fort
   was raised there during the late war [the Revolution] as
   a defense against the Indian incursions. But they
   massacred the inhabitants as far as Bedford, having
   passed the fort, through the woods and over the

   (38.) Pontiac, Chap. xviii.‹Parkman.

   (39.) Pontiac, Chap. xix.‹Parkman. Express Riders.

   (40.) Archives, iv, 109.

   Mr. Parkman has told in a graphic manner of the perils
   which beset the express-riders, whose desperate duties
   it was to be the bearers of the correspondence of the
   officers of the forest out-posts with their commander.
   "They were usually," he says," soldiers, sometimes
   backwoodsmen, and occasionally a friendly Indian, who,
   disguising his attachment to the whites, could pass when
   others would infallibly have perished. If white men,
   they were always mounted; and it may well be supposed
   that their horses did not lag by the way. The profound
   solitude; the silence, broken only by the moaning of the
   wind, the caw of the crow, or the cry of some prowling
   tenant of the waste; the mystery of the verdant
   labyrinth, which the anxious wayfarer strained his eyes
   in vain to penetrate; the consciousness that in every
   thicket, behind every rock might lurk a foe more fierce
   and subtle than the cougar or the lynx; and the long
   hours of darkness, when, stretched on the cold ground,
   his excited fancy roamed in nightmare visions of a
   horror but too real and imminent, such was the
   experience of many an unfortunate who never lived to
   tell it. If the messenger was an Indian, his greatest
   danger was from those who should have been his friends.
   Friendly Indians were told, whenever they approached a
   fort, to make themselves known by carrying green
   branches thrust into the muzzles of their guns; and an
   order was issued that the token should be respected.
   This gave them tolerable security as regarded soldiers,
   but not as regarded the enraged backwoodsmen, who would
   shoot without distinction at any thing with a red skin"

   (41.) Pontiac, Parkman, Chap. xix.

   (42) Gen. Amherst, the Commander-in-Chief, although an
   able officer, did not understand the Indians or Indian
   warfare. He could not see how the posts which had not
   fallen could not hold out. He was constantly finding
   fault with his officers. "His correspondence," says
   Parkman, "breathes a certain thick-headed blustering
   arrogancy worthy the successor of Braddock. In his
   contempt for the Indians, he finds fault with Capt.
   Ecuyer at Fort Pitt for condescending to fire cannon at
   them, and with Lieutenant Blane at Fort Ligonier for
   burning some out houses, probably those referred to by
   Blane in the above letter, under cover of which 'so
   despicable an enemy' were firing at his garrison."

   Amherst could not speak of the savages with reason. In a
   postscript to this letter he made the suggestion to
   Bouquet, which has been much commented upon. He says:
   "Could it not be contrived to send the Small-Pox among
   those disaffected tribes of Indians? We must on this
   occasion use every stratagem in our power to reduce
   them." (Signed) J. A.

   Bouquet was evidently somewhat chary about this method
   of proceeding, being afraid of catching the disease
   himself. Nevertheless in seeming to comply with the
   invitation to experiment in the manner suggested by his
   superior, he replies also in postscript: "I will try to
   inoculate them with some blankets, and take care not to
   get the disease myself. As it is a pity to expose good
   men against them, I wish we could use the Spanish
   method, to hunt them with English dogs, supported by
   rangers and some light horse, who would, I think,
   effectually extirpate or remove that vermin." * * *
   Amherst rejoined: "You will do well to try to inoculate
   the Indians by means of blankets, as well as to try
   every other method that can serve to extirpate this
   execrable race. I should be very glad your scheme for
   hunting them down by dogs to take effect, but England is
   at too great a distance to think of that at present.
   (Signed) J. A."

   "There is no direct evidence that Bouquet carried into
   effect the shameful plan of infecting the Indian, though
   a few months after the small-pox was known to have made
   havoc among the tribes of the Ohio. Certain it is, that
   he was perfectly capable of dealing with them by other
   means, worthy of a man and a soldier; and it is equally
   certain, that in relations with civilized men he was in
   a high degree honorable, humane and kind."
   [Parkman‹Pontiac, Chap. xix.]

   It is not impossible, indeed, that Bouquet had a special
   horror of that disease, which might have been known.
   Surgeon J. Stevenson, in a letter preserved in Arch.,
   iii, page 82, dated Phila., Dec. 13th, writes to Col.
   Bouquet: "The reason of my not paying my respects to you
   upon your arrival here, was owing to my being informed
   by Capt. Tullikins that you have never had the smallpox,
   and as I imagined from my being so often among the
   soldiers sick of that, disease, that my coming near you
   might make you uneasy, I on purpose avoided you."

   (43.) Col. Bouquet wrote to Gov. Hamilton, from
   Carlisle, July 3d, 1763: "Fort Ligonier has likewise
   stood a vigorous attack, by means of some men who
   reinforced that small garrison from the militia at
   Bedford. The Indians expect a strong reinforcement to
   make new attempts on these two posts."

   (44.) An Historical Account of the Expedition,
   &c.‹Parkman's Pontiac.

   The last reënforcement reached Fort Ligonier probably
   about the beginning of July.

   (45.) Parkman's Pontiac, Chap. xxvi.

   (46.) Darlington's Fort Pitt, p. 121.

   (47.) Vol. ii, No. 6, Magazine of Western History,
   Cleveland, O.

   (48.) Darlington's Fort Pitt, 138.

   (49.) Arch., iv, 591.

   (50.) Isaac Stimble's son Isaac conveyed, Feb. 18th,
   1775 (Deed Book A, p. 66, Westmoreland County Records),
   the land which Isaac Stimble had "improved," joining the
   garrison lands at Ligonier.

   (51.) See biographical sketch in St. Clair Papers.

   (52.) Arch., iv, 514.

   (53.) It is probable that the fort he alludes to here
   was Wallace's Fort and the Indian was Wipey, an account
   of whose killing is given further on.

   (54.) Consult his correspondence in Fourth Archives, and
   the St. Clair Papers.

   (55.) Arch., iv, 519.

   (56.) Arch., iv, 503.

   "May, 1774.‹A meeting was held at Colonel Croghan's
   house, Ligonier, at which were present Guyasutha, White
   Mingo and the Six Nation Deputies. Guyasutha was one of
   the orators." * * * Christopher Gist's Journal, 212.

   (57.) He doubtless means as evidence at the trial to
   convict these offenders.

   (58.) Arch., iv, 543.

   (59.) Records, x, 198.

   The proclamation was made in pursuance of a resolution
   of the Assembly passed July 20, 1774, as follows:

   "Resolved, That this House will make Provision for
   Paying the reward of One Hundred Pounds to any Person
   who shall apprehend James Cooper and John Hinkson, who,
   it is said, have barbarously murdered an Indian on the
   Frontiers of this Province, and deliver them into the
   Custody of the Keeper of the Gaol, within either of the
   Counties of Lancaster, York or Cumberland, or the sum of
   Fifty Pounds for either of them." Arch., iv, 549.

   When the proclamation was published printed copies were
   ordered to be sent into Westmoreland.

   There is not a harmony of agreement as to the exact
   place, or the stream, at which Wipey was killed. It is
   altogether probable that he was killed at or near the
   mouth of Hinckston's Run, a stream which is a confluent
   of Conemaugh river, having its source in Blacklick and
   Jackson townships, Cambria county, flowing in a westerly
   direction and emptying into the Conemaugh in the
   Fourteenth ward of the city of Johnstown, which
   stream‹Hinckston's Run‹takes its name from Hinckston,
   one of the men who killed Wipey.

   It is likely that Wipey hunted and fished along the
   Conemaugh; and while the tradition is very direct of his
   being killed at the place we have mentioned, the fact
   would not be inconsistent with his having lived and
   abided at the place referred to in Wheatfield township,
   Indiana county.

   On this subject I am privileged to quote from a letter
   of the Hon. W. Horace Rose, of Johnstown, Pa., a
   gentleman who has given the subject of the early local
   history of his part of the country some attention. He

   "In reference to the killing of John [Joseph] Wipey, St.
   Clair's statement is in entire accord with the fact of
   the Indian being killed as I have stated. It is not
   above eighteen miles, perhaps but fifteen by the old
   Mountain road, from the mouth of Laurel Run, which is
   located about a mile and a half from Hinckston's Run [to
   Ligonier]. The old road, known as the Fairfield road,
   left the Conemaugh river about midway between the two
   runs. The statement I make about him having been shot
   below or near the mouth of Hinckston's Run is based upon
   the statement of the original settlers in this
   neighborhood made to my informants. The Adamses were
   well acquainted with Wipey, and from them directly those
   who informed me had the statement of his death, and the
   fact that he was killed while fishing, from a canoe or
   boat just below the mouth of Hinkston's Run. Their
   statement was that he was hidden in Laurel Run, to which
   point he floated in the canoe; and that the canoe was
   turned upside down and attracted the attention of some
   Indians who lived in the vicinity of what is now New
   Florence. They recognized the boat, which led to a
   search for Wipey. Hinckston and Cooper fled but were
   subsequently arrested. It was not claimed that Wipey
   made his permanent home at this point, but that he
   frequently came here and was associated with the
   Adamses. The information I have comes but second-handed
   from the Adamses who were interested in the Indian, he
   having at one time given them warning of a foray. It is
   hardly possible that the story could have been invented
   with such circumstantial particulars as were given in
   the tradition here. George Beam was well acquainted with
   the Adamses, and from them directly he obtained the
   statement. I knew Beam very well. He died at an advanced
   age, and resided in this locality from the close of the
   last century. He was thoroughly posted in the
   land-marks, and the history of the Valley.

   "Hinckston, like Cooper, was a renegade, and tramped
   about the country, subsisting principally on game. Such
   is the account I have of the men who murdered the last
   of the Delawares.

   "I wish to call your attention to the fact that if Wipey
   was killed about eighteen miles from Ligonier,
   Hinckston's Run would more nearly fill the distance than
   West Wheatfield."

   The statement to which Mr. Rose alludes in the first
   sentence above was one made by him in the History of
   Johnstown (The Johnstown Daily Democrat, souvenir
   edition, autumn, 1894), viz: "In May, 1774, [Joseph]
   John Wipey, a Delaware Indian, the last of his race who
   lived in the valley, was shot while sitting in his canoe
   fishing, at the mouth of Hinckston's Run, by one of two
   renegade white men‹John Hinckston and James Cooper."

   Of the Adamses it is there said: "The Adamses were among
   the first to make a location in the vicinity of the
   Indian town (Conemaugh Old Town), and two of the
   streams, confluents of the Stony creek‹Ben's creek and
   Solomon's run‹take their names from them. They were
   located here before they made application for warrants."
   * Π* * We shall hear of Capt. Hinckston later on in
   connection with Fort Ligonier.

   John Hinckston, about this time‹29th of August, 1774‹
   conveyed "all his right, title and interest, &c., in a
   certain location by and for me obtained out of the
   Proprietary's Land Office for the Province of Penna.,
   bearing date 3d April, 1769, for the quantity of 270
   acres lying on the river Conemaugh, bounded on the E. by
   land of Wm. McCune and on the W. by land of John Wood,
   being the Squirrel Hill Old Town, with the
   improvements."‹Deed Book A, p. 65, conveyed to Thomas
   Galbraith, Innkeeper of Ligonier. Consideration, Four
   hundred pounds.

   Hinckston was undoubtedly a deadly foe of the Indians.

   In the narrative of Col. James Smith, before referred
   to, we have mention of this person. Col. Smith was,
   during part of the Revolution, a resident of
   Westmoreland county; and an office-holder here. He
   conducted an expedition, under commission from Brodhead,
   against the Indians on the upper Allegheny, which has
   been described very entertainingly by him. The following
   extract bears on the subject of Capt. Hinckston:

   From Col. James Smith's Narrative: "In the year 1778, I
   received a colonel's commission, and after my return to
   Weatmoreland, the Indians made an attack upon our
   frontiers. I then raised men and pursued them, and the
   second day we overtook and defeated them. We likewise
   took four scalps, and recovered the horses and plunder
   which they were carrying off. At the time of this
   attack, Capt. John Hinckston pursued an Indian, both
   their guns being empty, and after the fray was over, he
   was missing. While we were inquiring about him, he came
   walking up, seemingly, unconcerned, with a bloody scalp
   in his hand‹he had pursued the Indian about a quarter of
   a mile, and tomahawked him."

   Col. Smith had some land in this county, situated on the
   headwaters of Sewickley creek. He is identified with the
   Sewickley settlement. In the summer and fall of 1778
   most of the Indian fighters were on the line from
   Ligonier or Laurel Hill westward to the Allegheny river,
   along or to the north of the Forbes Road; while some
   inroads were made on the Sewickley settlement towards
   the Allegheny.

   It might be that Smith's mention of this adventure
   refers to an account given by Col. Lochry to Thomas
   Wharton, President of the Council, December 6th, 1777,
   Arch., vi, 68, of the state of affairs here, in which he
   mentions that he has sent five Indian scalps, taken by
   one of the scalping parties which he had sent out,
   commanded by Col. Barr, Col. Perry, Col. Smith and Capt.
   Kingston [Hinckston], who were volunteers in the action
   which occurred near Kittanning.

   As Col. Smith in his Narrative drew largely from his
   recollection, he might readily have been inaccurate in
   fixing the year 1778 as the time of his coming into
   Westmoreland county, or rather of this action, if it be
   the one he alludes to.

   "An order was drawn in favor of Col. A. Lochry,
   Lieutenant of the county of Westmoreland, for the sum of
   twelve pounds, ten shillings, State money, to be paid to
   Capt. Samuel Brady, as a reward for an Indian scalp,
   agreeable to a late proclamation of this Board." In
   Council, Feb. 19th, 1781. Records, xii, 632. For rewards
   for scalps, see Records, xii, 328.

   (60.) St. Clair Papers, Vol. i, p. 347.

   (61.) St. Clair Papers, Vol. i, p 14.

   (62.) Arch., v, 741.

   (63.) Records, xvi, 170.

   (64.) Records, xvi, 176.

   (65.) Thomas Galbraith once had title to the land upon
   which the town of Ligonier now stands. The chain of
   title is as follows: David Espy, of Bedford, Pa.,
   attorney-in-fact of Arthur St. Clair, conveyed to Thomas
   Galbraith, of Fairfield township, Westmoreland county
   (Book A, p. 156)‹13th of June, 1777, three plantations
   and tracts of land situate at Ligonier, in the county
   aforesaid, one of them including the town of Ligonier
   and containing 584 acres, and allowance.

   Jasper Moylan, assignee of Francis and John West, who
   were the assignees of Arthur St. Clair, Esq., per John
   Brandon, Sheriff, sold to James Ramsey, of Franklin
   county, Pa., six hundred and sixty acres of land, more
   or less, known by the name of the Ligonier Tract; also
   about 10 acres, adjoining said tract, known as the
   Indian Field and Mill Creek, as the property of Thomas
   Galbraith, late of Fairfield township, in the county
   aforesaid, in the hands of Wm. Jamison and Buchanan, his
   administrators. Sold on the 22d of Sept., 1793. Book 4,
   p. 297, Recorder's Office of Westmoreland county.

   From James Ramsey the title passed to his son, John
   Ramsey, who laid out the plan and founded the town of

   We may remember here, as a place pertinent to recall it,
   that the only title that existed in those who had
   settled around the old fort was one of sufferance. Those
   who had property destroyed here by the Indians in
   Pontiac's War when the post was besieged and who wanted
   compensation therefor from the King, were reminded that
   they had no title whatever to the property, but were
   permitted to occupy the premises only by courtesy. St.
   Clair appears to have secured a warrant at the opening
   of the land office for this particular tract.

   One of Thomas Galbraith's daughters is supposed to have
   been the wife of William Jamison, above mentioned, who
   had two children, Thomas Jamison and Ann Jamison,
   married to Robert McConnaughey, the father of Mr. J. C.
   McConnaughey, of Ligonier township, in whose possession
   the memorandum book referred to above was found. Mr.
   McConnaughey writes under date of Nov. 22, 1894: "In
   regard to the book. My grandfather Jamison used to keep
   store in Ligonier many years ago, when he died my father
   settled his estate, he had all his books, and among them
   was this memorandum book."

   (66.) Records, xi, 329.

   (67.) Second Arch., iii, 777, et. seq.

   (68.) Records, xi, 373.

   (69.) George Findley is said to have been the first
   white settler of Indiana county, in what then, of
   course, was Westmoreland. He migrated from the
   settlement made by John Pomroy and James Wilson in what
   is now Derry township, Westmoreland county. The date of
   his leaving and "tomahawking" a tract and making an
   improvement is given as 1764-5. He selected the tract
   occupied (now or lately) by his grandson, George Findley
   Matthews, in East Wheatfield township, Indiana county,
   where his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Matthews, born 28th
   of Jan., 1784 (lately), resided. When the Revolution
   began he had a clearing of about 10 acres, and a rude
   cabin for his bride, whom he had married in Maryland,
   not far from Hagerstown, in 1776. In 1784, he again
   returned to his improvement, and continued his residence
   there. He was repeatedly forced to seek shelter at Fort
   Ligonier, or Palmer's Fort. Biographical sketch in Hist.
   Ind. Co., 120.

   East Wheatfield township lies on the Conemaugh adjoining
   Westmoreland county at the northern end of Ligonier

   His home is spoken of, May 29th, 1769, in an application
   for a warrant, as the "Findley's cabbins." * * * * It is
   said that Findley's cabin was fitted for defense. * * *
   * His clearing or location was next to Whipey's‹See
   before for an account of Wipey, the Delaware Indian
   murdered by the whites.

   Robert Rodgers was a settler near George Findley's. The
   two came out together from Conococheague Valley. Findley
   then had an improvement of several years. Rodgers is
   said to have located about 1771 or 2. [Hist. Ind. Co.,

   There was also an Isaac Rodgers, a neighbor of

   (70.) Captain Samuel Shannon is frequently mentioned in
   the public records, and he had something more than a
   local reputation. He must have been very popular, as the
   name "Shannon" as a Christian name is so common
   throughout the valley as to be noticeable. He had a
   command under Col. Lochry in his expedition of 1781, and
   was taken by the Indians, and succeeded in command by
   Lieut. Isaac Anderson. (2d Arch., xiv, 685.) He,
   presumably, was exchanged or made his escape, as letters
   of administration on the estate of Samuel Shannon were
   granted April 3d, 1785, to Elizabeth Shannon and Mary
   Slaughter, by the Register of Westmoreland county. There
   was a Captain Robert Shannon, who is said to have been a
   brother of Samuel. * * * * Capt. Robert Knox, Col.
   William McDowell, James and Charles Clifford, and others
   named here, were long remembered on account of being
   conspicuous figures in the history of the fort. Families
   of the same stock and name still live in the valley.

   (71.) Capt. Hinkson (otherwise Hinkston) is spoken of
   before. It is altogether probable that this is the same
   person who was connected with the murder of the friendly
   Delaware, Wipey. Some of the whites of the neighborhood
   condoned the murder in their suspicions and distrust of
   all red men. Hinkston, Hinckston or Hinkson, as the name
   is variously spelled, was from that neighborhood. To the
   conveyance of a location he had made on the Conemaugh‹he
   spells his name Hinkson.

   (72.) The fact of this boy's killing is corroborated in
   a letter to Jeff W. Taylor, Esq., of Greensburg, Pa.,
   from William Reynolds, Esq., of Bolivar, Pa., Nov. 15th,
   1894, and given for reference here. Mr. Reynolds is a
   grandson of George Findley, spoken of, and is now
   seventy-six years of age. His account is from direct
   report. He says that George Findley and his bound boy,
   fourteen or fifteen years of age, but large and strong,
   started back from Palmer's Fort, whither they had fled,
   in hopes of recovering a mare that had left them and
   which they supposed had returned home. They kept in the
   woods, not venturing into the clearings, but
   notwithstanding this they were fired upon by some
   Indians, the boy falling. Findley, shot through the arm
   and bleeding much, effected his escape, and returned to
   Fort Palmer, bringing back with him, however, a girl who
   had remained about the Rogers settlement. This girl
   subsequently became the mother of the Hills, of near
   Ninevah. "The next morning a squad of men went back and
   found the boy scalped, his brains knocked out, and
   stripped naked. They buried him."

   Fort Palmer was about six miles from Ligonier, on the
   line of the flight of the settlers from the Conemaugh
   and Upper Ligonier Valley.

   (73.) See Wallace's Fort. * * * * Also Arch., v, 741. *
   ** * Col. Charles Campbell was taken Sept. 25th, 1777. A
   copy of the proclamation referred to is found in Arch.,
   v, 402. It is as follows:

                       "A Proclamation.

   "By virtue of the power and authority to me given by his
   Excellency Sir Guy Carlton, Knight of the Bath, Governor
   of the Province of Quebec, General and Commander in
   chief, &c., &c., &c.

   "I assure all such as are inclined to withdraw
   themselves from the Tyranny and oppression of the rebel
   committees and take refuge in this Settlement or any of
   the posts commanded by his Majest' s Officers shall be
   humanely treated, shall be lodged and victualled, and
   such as are off in arms and shall use them in defense of
   his majesty against rebels and Traitors till the
   Extinction of this rebellion, shall receive pay adequate
   to their former stations in the rebel service, and all
   common men who shall serve during that period, shall
   receive his majesty's bounty of two hundred Acres of
   Land. Given under my hand and seal, Henry Hamilton (L.
   S.), Lieut. Gov. & Superintendent."

   "Eleven other persons killed and scalped at Palmer's
   Fort, near Ligonier, amongst which is Ensign Woods."
   Col. Lochry to President Wharton Nov. 4th, 1777.
   Archives, v, 741.

   (74.) Col. Lochry, County Lieutenant, who had absolute
   control of the militia and arms of the county, lived on
   the Twelve Mile Run, in Unity township, between the
   turnpike and St. Vincent's Monastery. Lochry was a
   neighbor of Col. John Proctor. This was on the southern
   side of the Forbes Road. * * * * It will be remembered
   that Lochry recommended the erection of this fort.

   (75.) Col. James Pollock was then a sub-lieutenant of
   the county. He was superceded in his office by George
   Reading, Esq., April 1st, 1778, Rec., xi, 455, where the
   reason is given. In the light of this journal the
   Council might have had some suggestion from Thomas
   Galbraith. Col. Pollock lived toward West Fairfield,
   eight or nine miles from Fort Ligonier. He held civil
   offices much later; and was a candidate, unsuccessfully,
   against William Findley, for Congress.

   (76.) This was not Archibald Lochry. Stony Creek was a
   station on the Forbes Road, where it crossed that
   stream, now Stoystown, in Somerset county. Guards and
   relays were kept here. There was a kind of stockade
   erected here when the road was cut by Bouquet and a
   small garrison stayed there. It was deserted for a time
   in Pontiac's War, 1763.

   (77.) Charles Clifford, brother to James Clifford, was
   taken prisoner on the 22d of April, 1779, from their
   place on Mill creek, about two miles from Ligonier. It
   does not appear that he was treated with unusual
   severity or with any cruelty. He was taken to Canada,
   turned over to the British, and remained there somewhat
   above two years, then he was exchanged and returned

   (78.) George Reading, not long after this, was appointed
   a sub-Lieutenant of the county in place of James

   (79.) The manuscript is sufficiently distinct to make it
   certain that Captain Ourrie is not the same person as
   Lieut. Curry, a reading that casually might make it
   appear otherwise.

   (80.) Col. John Pomroy, of the Fort Barr and Fort
   Wallace (Derry) settlement; a prominent man in Indian
   affairs during all these times. * * * * William
   Richardson was a settler of some standing several years
   prior to this time.

   (81.) The manuscript here is illegible. The meaning
   probably is, that the one who was behind the others, on
   being called upon, hurried up to the rest of the party,
   but it being dusk the party did not return to the place
   whence the voice proceeded until the next morning, and
   found the (tracks of Indians.)

   (82.) The expedition here referred to had been planned
   by Gen. Hand, the Commandant at Fort Pitt, against the
   Indians at Sandusky, but it failed for the lack of men
   and supplies, which he expected from the western
   frontier of the State. "One reason for the failure was a
   want of concert between Gen. Hand and the lieutenants of
   the border counties of Virginia and Pennsylvania."
   Wash.-Irv. Cor., 12.

   (83.) Samuel Craig, Sr., who came from New Jersey,
   settled on the Loyalhanna in Derry township, near (now)
   New Alexandria, shortly after the opening of the land
   office. He and his sons were all actively engaged in
   frontier service. "The duties of Samuel Craig's
   appointments calling him to Fort Ligonier, he had to go
   there frequently; and on the last occasion he was taken
   on the road. A beautiful mare which he used for riding,
   was found on the Chestnut Ridge between his home and
   that post. The mare had eight bullets in, her; but all
   efforts of the family to ascertain the fate of Capt.
   Craig were unavailing." Mrs. Margaret Craig, MS.

   (84.) The writer (Thomas Galbraith) was, as stated
   before, evidently a Commissioner for the distribution of
   salt and other supplies, and was in the service of the
   Continental Congress as well as of the State.

   The following entry is found in the book from which this
   journal is taken:

   1777, March 15th, provisions left at Ligonier in care of
   James McDowell, for use of the Continent:
               1625" Bacon.
               532" Pork, salted.
               300" Heads.
               400" Beef.

   (85.) Jollys‹The station at Stonycreek (Stoystown).

   (86.) Arch., vi, 3.

   (87.) Arch., vi, 68.

   (88.) Arch., vi, 532.

   (89.) Archives, vii, 345.

   (90.) Archives, vii, 173.

   (91.) Archives, viii, 180.

   (92.) Arch, viii, 485.

   (93.) Arch., viii, 282.

   (94.) Arch., ix, 240.

   (95.) Washington-Irvine Correspondence, 254.

   (96.) Olden Time, Vol. i, p. 200.

   It was customary to name the forts erected about this
   time after some person prominent in military or civil
   affairs, for instance, of Loudoun, Bedford, Ligonier,

   For services of Sir John Ligonier, see Knight's History
   of England, Chapter clix.

   At what time the name Ligonier was first applied has not
   at present been definitely ascertained. Forbes mentions
   "the fort of Loyalhannon, October 22d, 1758," (Records,
   viii, 224), and as late as November 9th, 1758, he dates
   his letter to the Indian chiefs "From my camp at Loyal
   Hannon." In his Journal for December 4th, 1758, Post
   says he drew provision (at Pittsburgh) "for our journey
   to Fort Ligonier."

   (97.) A Chronological Table of Events in the career of
   Gen. St. Clair. Born at Thurso, in the County of
   Caithness, Scotland, March 23, 1736; Ensign in the
   Sixtieth Regiment of Foot (the Royal Americans, he being
   in the second battalion commanded by Lawrence), May
   13th, 1757; with Amherst at Louisburg, Canada, May 28th,
   1758; Lieutenant, April 17th, 1759; capture of Quebec,
   Sept. 13th, 1759; married at Boston to Miss Phoebe
   Bayard, a half sister of Gov. James Bowdoin, of
   Massachusetts Bay, May 14th, 1760; resigned his
   commission, April 16th, 1762; on special service in a
   civil capacity as agent of the Penns in Western
   Pennsylvania, having charge of Fort Ligonier, 1767- 69;
   appointed Surveyor for the District of Cumberland by
   Gov. Penn, April 5th, 1770; appointed County Justice and
   Member of the Proprietary Council for Cumberland county,
   May 23d, 1770; appointed Justice of the court (by
   special commission), Prothonotary, Register and Recorder
   for Bedford county, March 11th-12, 1771; appointed to
   same offices for Westmoreland county, February 27th,
   1773; actively engaged as Penn's chief representative in
   Westmoreland county throughout 1774; Resolutions at
   Hannastown, May 16th, 1775; Colonel under Council of
   Safety, 1775; Colonel in the Continental service,
   January 3d, 1776; before Quebec, May 11th, 1776,
   Brigadier General, August 9th, 1776, Major-General,
   February 19th, 1777; detailed as Adjutant-General,
   March, 1777; member of Council of Censors, 1783;
   Auctioneer of Philadelphia, February 24th, 1784; Member
   of Congress (elected), November 11th, 1785; took his
   seat, February 26th, 1786; President of Congress,
   February 2d. 1787; Governor of the Northwestern
   Territory, chosen by Congress, October 5th, 1787;
   candidate for Governor for Penna., 1790;
   Commander-in-Chief of the army, 1791; Battle of the
   Wabash, November 4th, 1791; resigns his Generalship,
   1792; removed from Governorship of Northwestern
   Territory by Jefferson. November 22d, 1802; died, August
   31st. 1818, and buried in the Presbyterian graveyard, at
   present called the St. Clair cemetery, at Greensburg,
   Westmoreland county, Pa.


   (See Copy from Official Map of the Borough of Erie Made in 1837.)

   The location of old Fort Ligonier, with respect to the
   landmarks as they at present exist, is indicated with
   accuracy on the plan prepared with that object, which
   plan is hereto attached. It will be seen that most of
   the ground which was covered by the Fort and the
   garrison land adjacent is now the property of R. M.
   Graham, Esq, a gentleman who is a native of the valley,
   and who has taken much interest in all matters relating
   to the Fort.

   Mr. Graham has made a statement in which he has
   authorized the writer to say that he will grant in
   perpetuity a plot of ground within these boundary lines,
   or contiguous thereto, for the purpose of erecting
   thereon a suitable memorial of a substantial character,
   commemorative of old Fort Ligonier. The people of
   Ligonier Valley may be congratulated on the circumstance
   that the ownership of such a historic and interesting
   spot is in a gentleman of such liberal and enlarged

   The writer is here constrained to make mention of the
   commendable efforts of I. M. Graham, Esq, editor and
   publisher of the Ligonier Echo newspaper, in
   perpetuating the memorials of the Fort and Valley and in
   encouraging an active interest in their early history.
   He has thus been instrumental in bringing out from
   obscurity and making public much information,
   interesting, and, from a local point of view, valuable;
   and he has in every possible way assisted the writer in
   the duties incident to this report.
