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       Vol.1, Thomas Lynch Montgomery, 1916, pg.184-224

         Fort Allen

  We turn now again, to the regular forts established by
  the Provincial Government. The next in order, and the
  most important of all those along the Blue range, was
  Fort Allen, located where the town of Weissport now
  stands, on the Lehigh river some ten miles above Lehigh

  The Moravian church, if not great in numbers, has ever
  been great in its missionary work. Its early history and
  that of the State of Pennsylvania are closely woven
  together. Especially is this the case with Northampton
  and Carbon counties. The first settlement in the latter
  county was made by Moravian missionaries in the year
  1746. From Loskiel's history we glean the following
  interesting facts:

  The converted Mohican Indians having been driven out of
  Shekomeko, in New York, near the borders of Connecticut
  and from Pachgatgoch in the latter state, found an
  asylum for a short time at Friedenshutten, near
  Bethlehem. Deeming it inconvenient to maintain a large
  Indian congregation so near Bethlehem, the missionaries
  purchased one hundred and twenty acres, in 1745, on the
  north side of the Mahoning creek, about half a mile
  above its junction with the Lehigh river, near the site
  of the present town of Lehighton. Hence a town was laid
  out, and called Gnadenhutten, meaning "Tents of Grace,"
  or more literally "Mercy Huts." The congregation
  numbered some five hundred, each Indian family being
  allotted a portion of the land and each having its own
  house. A log church was built in the valley, and the
  house half surrounded it on one side, extending over the
  higher ground in the form of a crescent; in the other
  side stood the house of the missionary, and the burying
  ground. All went well until the year 1754, when,
  already, that dissatisfaction and spirit of enmity was
  brewing amongst the Indians which finally culminated in
  the outbreak of 1755. Efforts were made by the Shawanese
  and Delawares, under the direction of their wily chief,
  Teedyuscung, to alienate the Christian Mohicans at
  Gnadenthutten, which finally resulted in a part of the
  Indians deserting the mission and going to the Wyoming
  Valley. The road to Wyoming and other Indian towns lay
  through the settlement. This was the famous path over
  Nescopee mountain, still known as the "Warrior's path."
  The Indians who remained were joined by the Christian
  Delawares from Meniolagomekah.

  During this same year, 1754, the land on the Mahoning
  being impoverished, the mission was removed to the
  opposite side of the river, where Weissport now stands.
  A new chapel was erected in June, and the buildings,
  which had also been transferred, were put up to form a
  street, on one side of which lived the Mohicans, and, on
  the other, the Delawares.

  The hostile Indians, who had been enlisted in the French
  service, were so exasperated at the thought that the
  others should remain true to their friends, they
  determined to cut off the settlement. The defeat of
  Braddock, in 1755, gave them the desired opportunity.
  Soon the whole frontier was bathed in blood, and the
  neighbors of the Brethren at Gnadenhutten forsook their
  dwellings in terror and fled, but the Brethren made a
  covenant together to remain undaunted in the place
  allotted them by Providence.

  God, however, had ordained otherwise than they had
  hoped. Late in the evening of November 24th, the mission
  house on the Mahoning creek was suddenly attacked by the
  French Indians, burnt, and eleven of the inhabitants

  The family, being at supper, heard an uncommon barking
  of dogs, upon which brother Senseman sent out at the
  back door to see what was the matter. On the report of a
  gun, several ran together to open the house-door. Here
  the Indians stood with their pieces pointed towards the
  door, and, firing immediately upon its being opened,
  Martin Nitschman was instantly killed. His wife and some
  others were wounded, but fled with the rest upstairs
  into the garret, and barricaded the door with bedsteads.
  Brother Partsch escaped by jumping out of a back window.
  Brother Worbas, who was ill in bed in a house adjoining,
  jumped likewise out of a back window and escaped, though
  the enemies had placed a guard before his door.
  Meanwhile the savages pursued those who had taken refuge
  in the garret, and strove hard to burst the door open;
  but, finding it too well secured, they set fire to the
  house, which was soon in flames. A boy, called
  Sturgeous, standing upon the flaming roof, ventured to
  leap off, and escaped; though at first, upon opening the
  back door, a ball had grazed his cheek, and one side of
  his head was much burnt. Sister Partsch, seeing this,
  took courage and leaped likewise from the burning roof.
  She came down unhurt, and unobserved from the enemies;
  and thus the fervent prayer of her husband was
  fulfilled, who, in jumping out of the back window, cried
  aloud to God to save his wife. Brother Fabricius then
  leaped also off the roof, but before he could escape was
  perceived by the Indians, and instantly wounded by two
  balls. He was the only one whom they seized upon alive
  and, having dispatched him with their hatchets, took his
  scalp, and left him dead upon the ground. The rest were
  all burnt alive, and brother Senseman, who first went
  out at the back door, had the inexpressible grief to see
  his wife, consumed by the flames. Sister Partsch could
  not run far for fear and trembling, but hid herself
  behind a tree, upon a hill near the house. From thence
  she saw sister Senseman, already surrounded by the
  flames, standing with folded hands and heard her
  callout, "Tis all well, dear Saviour-I expect nothing
  else." The house being consumed, the murderers set fire
  to the barns and stables, by which all the corn, hay and
  cattle were destroyed. Then they divided the spoils,
  soaked some bread in milk, made a hearty meal, and
  departed - sister Partsch looking on unperceived.

  This melancholy event proved the deliverance of the
  Indian congregation at New Gnadenhutten; for, upon
  hearing the report of the guns, seeing the flames, and
  soon learning the dreadful cause from those who had
  escaped, the Indian brethren immediately went to the
  missionary, and offered to attack the enemy without
  delay. But, being advised to the contrary they all fled
  into the woods, and New Gnadenhutten was cleared in a
  few minutes; some who already were in bed having scarce
  time to dress themselves. Brother Zeisberger, who had
  just arrived in New Gnadenhutten from Bethlehem,
  hastened back to give notice of this event to a body of
  English militia, which had marched within five miles of
  the spot; but they did not venture to pursue the enemy
  in the dark.

  The fugitive congregation arrived safely at Bethlehem.
  After the Indians had retired the remains of those
  killed on the Mahoning were carefully collected from the
  ashes and ruins, and solemnly interred. A broad marble
  slab, in the grave yard south of Lehighton, placed there
  in 1788, and a small white obelisk on a sandstone base,
  erected at a more recent date, tell in brief the story
  of Gnadenhutten and preserve the names of those who fell
  as victims to savage hate.

  We have just noticed the timely arrival of brother David
  Zeisberger at New Gnadenhutten. He hastened back to
  Bethlehem and notified Timothy Horsfield of the
  massacre, who, in turn, at once reported the fact to the
  Governor, giving him a detailed account of the terrible
  affair. At 8.00 A. M., November 24th, Col. Anderson, and
  his company left Bethlehem for Gnadenhutten, accompanied
  by a number of the settlers. On the 26th, Capt. Wilson
  and his company, from Bucks county, started for the
  mountains. (Penn. Arch., ii, p. 521).

  To this the Governor replies, November 29th, approving
  of the steps that had been taken, expressing great
  sorrow for the atrocities which had been perpetrated,
  and promising pecuniary relief to the Moravian brethren
  for their heavy losses. (Penn. Arch., ii, p. 513).

  By the middle of December the whole country was in a
  state of alarm; the people were fleeing from their
  homes; the Governor reported to the Council that, in
  addition to what has been narrated, the Indians had
  already burnt fifty houses in Northampton county,
  murdered above one hundred persons, and were still
  continuing their ravages. (Col. Rec., vi, p.767).

  A thorough and systematic plan of defense was a matter
  of immediate necessity. Benjamin Franklin and James
  Hamilton were selected to execute such a plan and, on
  December 18th, arranged to start for Easton. On December
  29th, after their arrival at said place, they appointed
  William Parsons to be Major of the troops raised in
  Northampton county.

  In the meantime Capt. Hays, with his company from the
  Irish Settlement, in Northampton county, had been
  ordered up to New Gnadenhutten. The troops were
  stationed at the forsaken village to guard the
  Brethren's mills, which were filled with grain, and to
  keep the property of the Christian Indians from being
  destroyed. They were also expected to protect the few
  settlers who remained.

  A temporary stockade was erected, and all would have
  gone well had the soldiers been better versed in Indian
  tactics. From lack of this experience disaster followed,
  and on January 1st, 1756, a number of the men fell
  victims to an Indian stratagem. Whilst amusing
  themselves skating on the ice of the river, near the
  stockade, they caught sight of two Indians farther up
  the frozen stream. Thinking that it would be an easy
  matter to capture or kill them the soldiers gave chase,
  and rapidly gained upon the Indians, who proved to be
  decoys skillfully manoeuvring to draw them into an
  ambush. After they had gone some distance a party of
  Indians rushed out behind them, cut off their retreat,
  and falling upon them with great fury, as well as with
  the advantage of surprise and superior numbers quickly
  dispatched them. Some of the soldiers, remaining in the
  stockade, filled with horror by this murder of comrades,
  deserted, and the few remaining thinking themselves
  incapable of defending the place, withdrew. The savages
  then seized upon such property as they could use and
  fired the stockade, the Indian houses and the mills.

  Every one was filled with alarm and the whole country
  became a scene of confusion. It is not to be wondered at
  if in the midst of their excitement and terror, the
  people made many unreasonable demands of the Government.
  To such an extent does this seem to have been done that
  Governor Morris, became somewhat discouraged. On January
  5, 1756, he writes from Reading to the Council at
  Philadelphia, saying:

  "The Commissioners have done everything that was proper
  in the County of Northampton, but the People are not
  satisfied, nor, by what I can learn from the
  Commissioner, would they be unless every Man's House was
  protected by a Fort and a Company of Soldiers, and
  themselves paid for staying at home and doing nothing.
  There are in that County at this time three hundred Men
  in Pay of the Government, and yet from Disposition of
  the Inhabitants, the want of Conduct in the Officers and
  of Courage and Discipline in the Men, I am fearful that
  the whole County will fall into the Enemy Hands.

  Yesterday and the Day before I received the melancholy
  News of the Destruction of the Town of Gnadenhutten, and
  of the greatest part of the Guard of forty Men placed
  there in order to erect a Fort. The particulars you will
  see by the inclosed Papers, so far as they are yet come
  to hand, but I am in hourly Expectation of further
  Intelligence by two Men that I dispatched for that
  Purpose upon the first News of the Affair, whose long
  stay makes me apprehend some mischief has befallen them.

  Last night an Express brought me an acco't that seven
  Farm Houses between Gnadenhutten and Nazareth were on
  the First Instant burnt, about the same time that
  Gnadenhutten was, and some of the People destroyed, and
  the accounts are this date confirmed.

  Upon this fresh alarm it is proposed that one of the
  Commissioners return to Bethlehem and Easton, and there
  give fresh Directions to the Troops and post them in the
  best Manner for the Protection of the remaining
  Inhabitants." (Col. Rec., vi, p. 771.)

  Here then we have the inception of Fort Allen. It seems
  that, in the middle of December, the erection of a fort
  at New Gnadenhutten had been determined upon, partly
  because of the valuable property remaining there after
  the Moravians had deserted it, and partly because of its
  commanding and central location. Messr's Franklin and
  Hamilton, the Commissioners, had ordered Capt. Hays to
  that point during the latter part of the month, not
  alone to guard the material which was there, but, in
  addition to build the fort. We have just read of his
  unfortunate failure, and have also seen the Governor's
  suggestion to send one of the Commissioners to the scene
  of hostilities, to take in hand and give proper
  direction to efforts for protection then making.
  Benjamin Franklin was the Commissioner selected for that
  duty, and, at once, entered upon it. He immediately
  started for Bethlehem, from which place he writes,
  January 14th, to the Governor, as follows:

  "As we drew near this Place we met a Number of Waggons,
  and many People moving off with their effects and
  families from the Irish Settlement and Lehi Township,
  being terrified by the defeat of Hay's Company, and the
  Burnings and Murders committed in the Township on New
  Year's Day. We found this Place fill'd with Refugees,
  the workmen's Shops and even Cellars being crowded with
  Women & Children; and we learnt that Lehi Township is
  almost entirely abandoned by the inhabitants. Soon after
  my arrival here, the principal People of the Irish
  Settlement, as Wilson, elder Craig&c came to me and
  demanded an Addition of 30 men to Craig's Company, or
  threat'ned they would immediately one and all leave that
  Country to the Enemy. Hay's Company was reduc'd to 18
  Men (and those without Shoes, Stockings, Blankets or
  Arms) partly by the loss at Gnadenhutten, and partly by
  Desertion. Trump and Aston had made but slow Progress in
  building the First Fort, complaining for want of Tools,
  which it was thought the People in those Parts might
  have Supply'd them with. Wayne's Company we found posted
  at Nazareth agreeable to your Honour's Orders. I
  immediately directed Hays to compleat his Company, and
  he went down to Bucks County with M'r Beatty, who
  promised to assist him in Recruiting. His Lieutenant
  lies here lame with frozen Feet, and unfit for Action;
  But the Ensign, with the 18 men, is posted among the
  present Frontier Inhabitants to give some Satisfaction
  to the Settlement People, as I refus'd to increase
  Craig's Company. In my turn, I have threatened to
  disband or remove the Companies already posted for the
  Security of particular Townships, if the People would
  not stay on their Places, behave like Men, do something
  for themselves, and assist the Province Soldiers. The
  Day after my Arrival here, I sent off 2 Waggons loaded
  with Bread, and some Axes, for Trump & Aston, to
  Nazareth, escorted by Lieut. Davis, and the 20 men of
  McLaughlin's that came with me; I ordered him to remain
  at Nazareth to guard that place while Capt. Wayne, whose
  Men were fresh, proceeded with the Convoy. To secure Lyn
  and Heidelberg Township, whose Inhabitants were just on
  the Wing, I took Trexler's Company into Pay, (he had
  been before commission'd byM'r Hamilton), and I
  Commission'd Wetterholt (Nicholas) who Commanded a Watch
  of 44 Men before in the Pay of the Province, ordering
  him to Compleat his Company. I have also allowed thirty
  men to secure the township of Upper Smithfield and
  commission'd Van Etten and Hindshaw as Captain and
  Lieutenant. And in order to execute more speedily the
  first Design of erecting a Fort near Gnadenhutten to
  compleat the Line and get the Rangers in Motion, I have
  rais'd another Company under Cap't Charles Foulk, to
  join with Wayne in that Service; and as Hays I hear is
  not likely soon to recruit his Company, I have ordered
  Orndt to come up from Rockland in Bucks County to
  Strengthen this Part of the Province, convoy Provisions,
  &c. to the company, who are and will be at work over the
  Mountains, and quiet the Inhabitants who seem terrified
  out of their Senses." (Penn. Arch., ii, p. 549.)

  In addition to the official report made by Franklin,
  showing how he was gradually bringing order out of
  chaos, we have also his private account in his
  autobiography of what took place at Bethlehem and how,
  in person, he went to Gnadenhutten and superintended the
  erection of Fort Allen. In his usual modest way he says:

  "While the several companies in the city and country
  were forming, and learning their exercise, the Governor
  prevailed with me to take charge of our northwestern
  frontier, which was infested by the enemy, and provide
  for the defence of the inhabitants by raising troops,
  and building a line of forts. I undertook this military
  business, though I did not conceive myself well
  qualified for it. He gave me a commission with full
  powers, and a parcel of blank commissions for officers,
  to be given to whom I thought fit. I had but little
  difficulty in raising men, having soon five hundred and
  sixty under my command. My son, who had in the preceding
  war been an officer in the army raised against Canada,
  was my aid-de- camp and of great use to me. The Indians
  had burned Gnadenhutten, a village settled by the
  Moravians, and massacred the inhabitants; but the place
  was thought a good situation for one of the forts. In
  order to march thither, I assembled the companies at
  Bethlehem, the chief establishment of those people. I
  was surprised to find it in so good a posture of
  defence; the destruction of Gnadenhutten had made them
  apprehend danger. The principal buildings were defended
  by a stockade; they had purchased a quantity of arms and
  ammunition from New York, and had even placed quantities
  of small paving stones between the windows of their high
  stone houses for their women to throw them down upon the
  heads of any Indians that should attempt to force their
  way into them. The armed brethren too kept watch, and
  relieved each other on guard methodically as in any
  garrison town. In conversation with the bishop,
  Spangenberg, I mentioned my surprise; for knowing they
  had obtained an act of parliament exempting them from
  military duties in the colonies, I had supposed they
  were conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms. He
  answered me, "That it was not one of their established
  principles; but at the time of their obtaining that act
  it was thought to be a principle with many of their
  people. On this occasion however, they, to their
  surprise, found it adopted by but few." It seems they
  were either deceived in themselves or deceived the
  parliament; but common sense, aided by present danger,
  will sometimes be too strong for whimsical opinions.

           [Image of location of Fort Allen - 1756]

  It was the beginning of January, 1756, when we set out
  upon this business of building forts. I sent one
  detachment towards the Minisink, with instructions to
  erect one for the security of that upper part of the
  country; and another to lower part with similar
  instructions; and I concluded to go myself with the rest
  of my forces to Gnadenhutten, where a fort was thought
  more immediately necessary. The Moravians procured me
  five wagons for our tools, stores, baggage, &c. Just
  before we left Bethlehem, eleven farmers, who had been
  driven from their plantations by the Indians, came to me
  requesting a supply of fire arms, that they might go
  back and bring off their cattle. I gave them each a gun
  with suitable ammunition. We had not marched many miles
  before it began to rain, and it continued raining all
  day. There were no habitations on the road to shelter
  us, till we arrived near night at the house of a German,
  where, and in his barn, we were all huddled together as
  wet as water could make us. It was well we were not
  attacked in our march for our arms were of the most
  ordinary sort, and the men could not keep the locks of
  their guns dry. The Indians are dextrous in their
  contrivances for that purpose, which we had not. They
  met that day the eleven poor farmers above mentioned,
  and killed ten of them; the one that escaped informed us
  that his and his companions' guns would not go off, the
  priming being wet with the rain. The next day being
  fair, we continued our march, and arrived at the
  desolate Gnadenhutten; there was a mill near, round
  which were left several pine boards, with which we soon
  hutted ourselves; an operation the more necessary at
  that inclement season, as we had no tents. Our first
  work was to bury more effectually the dead we found
  there, who had been half interred by the country people;
  the next morning our fort was planned and marked out,
  the circumference measuring four hundred and fifty-five
  feet, which would require as many palisades to be made,
  one with another of a foot diameter each. Each pine made
  three palisades of eighteen feet long, pointed at one
  end. When they were set up, our carpenters built a
  platform of boards all round within, about six feet
  high, for the men to stand on when to fire through the
  loop holes. We had one swivel gun, which we mounted on
  one of the angles, and fired it as soon as fixed, to let
  the Indians know, if any were within hearing, that we
  had such pieces; and thus our fort (if that name may be
  given to so miserable a stockade) was finished in a
  week, though it rained so hard every other day that the
  men could not well work.

  This kind of fort, however contemptible, is a sufficient
  defence against Indians who had no cannon. Finding
  ourselves now posted securely, and having a place to
  retreat to on occasion, we ventured out in parties to
  scour the adjacent country.

  Franklin's official report of January 26th, and personal
  letter to Gov. Morris of January 25th, which give more
  minute details of the fort, were as follows:

  Fort Allen, at Gnadenhutten, Jan. 25, 1756.
  Dear Sir:
  We got to Hays the same evening we left you, and
  reviewed Craig's Company by the way. Much of the next
  morning was spent in exchanging the bad arms for good -
  Wayne's Company having joined us. We reached, however,
  that night to Uplinger's [at Fort Lehigh, as we have
  seen], where we got into good Quarters.

  Saturday morning we began to march towards Gnadenhutten,
  and proceeded near
  two miles; but it seeming to set in for a rainy day, the
  Men unprovided with great Coats, and many unable to
  secure effectually their arms from the wet, we thought
  it most advisable to face about and return to our former
  Quarters, where the men might dry themselves and lie
  warm; whereas, had they proceeded they would have come
  in wet to Gnadenhutten where Shelter and Opportunity of
  drying themselves that night was uncertain. In fact it
  rain'd all day and we were all pleased that we had not
  proceeded. The next Day, being Sunday, we march'd
  hither, where we arrived about 2 in the afternoon, and
  before 5 had inclosed our Camp with a Strong Breast
  work, Musket Proof, and with the Boards brought here
  before by my Order from Drucker's Mill [Wm. Kern's Mill
  at Slatington, as we have seen], got ourselves under
  some shelter from the Weather. Monday was so dark with
  thick Fog all day, that we could'd neither look out for
  a Place to build or see where Materials were to be had.
  Tuesday morning we looked round us, Pitched on a Place,
  mark'd out our Fort on the Ground, and by 10 o'clock
  began to cut Timber for Stockades and to dig the Ground.
  By 3 in the afternoon the Logs were all cut and many of
  them halled to the Spot, the Ditch dug to Set them in 3
  Feet deep, and that Evening many were pointed and set
  up. The next Day we were hinder'd by Rain most of the
  Day. Thursday we resum'd our Work and before night were
  pretty well enclosed, and on Friday morning the Stockade
  was finished and part of the Platform within erected,
  which was compleated the next morning, when we dismissed
  Foulk's and Wetterholt's Companies, and sent Hay's down
  for a Convoy of Provisions. This Day we hoisted your
  Flag, made a general Discharge of our Pieces, which had
  been long loaded, and of our two Swivels, and Nam'd the
  Place Fort Allen, in Honor of our old Friend [Judge
  William Allen, father of James Allen who laid out
  Allentown in 1762, and also Chief Justice of the
  Province]. It is 125 Feet long, 50 wide, the Stocadoes
  most of them a Foot thick; they are 3 Foot in the Ground
  and 12 Feet out, pointed at the Top, the Figure nearly
  as opposite.

  This is an Account of our Week's work, which I thought
  might give you some Satisfaction.

  Foulk is gone to build another [Fort Franklin], between
  this and Schuylkill Fort [Fort Lebanon], which I hope
  will be finished (as Trexler is to Join him) in a Week
  or 10 Days: As soon as Hays returns I shall detach
  another Party to erect another at Surbas' [Fort Norris]
  which I hope may be finished in the same Time, and then
  I purpose to end my Campaign, God willing, and do myself
  the Pleasure of seeing you in return. I can now add no
  more than that I am, with great Esteem and affection,
  D'r Friend,
  Yours affectionately,

  [To] The Honourable Robert Hunter Morris, Esquire. (Col.
  Rec., vii, p. 15.)

  His official report was as follows:
  Fort Allen, at Gnadenhutten, Jan'y 26, 1756.
  We left Bethlehem, the 10th Instant, with Foulk's
  Company, 46 men, the Detachment of McLaughlin's, 20; and
  7 Waggons, laden with Stores and Provisions. We got that
  night to Hay's Quarters, where Wayne's Company joined us
  from Nazareth.

  The next Day we marched cautiously thro' the Gap of the
  Mountain, a very dangerous Pass, and got to Uplinger's,
  but twenty-one Miles from Bethlehem, the Roads being bad
  and the Waggons moving slowly.

  [Here comes an account of the week's work, as previously given].

  This present Monday we are erecting a third House in the
  Fort to accommodate the Garrison.

  As soon as Cap't Hays returns with the Convoy of Stores
  and Provisions, which I hope may be tomorrow, I propose
  to send Orndt and Hays to Join Cap't Trump in erecting
  the middle Fort there, purposing to remain here between
  them and Foulk; ready to assist and supply both as
  occasion may require, and hope in a week or ten Days,
  weather favouring, those two Forts may be finished and
  the Line of Forts compleated and garrisoned, the rangers
  in Motion, and the internal Guards and Watches
  disbanded, as well as some other Companies, unless they
  are permitted and encouraged to go after the Enemy to

  At present the Expense in this County is prodigious. We
  have on Foot, and in Pay, the Following Companies:

       Trump, 50 men.
       Aston, 50
       Wayne, 55
       Foulk, 46 --
       Trexler, , 48 -- without the Forks.
       Wetterholt, 44 --
       Orndt, 50 ----
       Craig, 30 ---- in the Irish Settlement
       Martin, 30 ---
       Van Etten, 30 -- Minisinks.
       Hays, 45
       Detachment of McLaughlin, 20
       Parsons, 24 -- at Easton.
       [Total men:] 522.

  This, Sir, is a particular Account of our Transactions
  and the present State of affairs in this County. I am
  glad to learn by your Favour of the 21st Just received,
  that you have Thoughts of coming to Bethlehem, as I may
  hope for an Opportunity of waiting upon your Honour
  there after our Works are finished, and communicating
  everything more fully. I now only add that I am, with
  dutiful Respect.

  Sir, Your Honour's most obedient humble Servant,
  To Gov'r Morris. (Col. Rec., vii, p.16).

  A word more with regard to Franklin, and his connection
  with Fort Allen. In his autobiography he adds to what
  has already been given:

  "I had hardly finished this business and got my fort
  well stored with provisions, when I received a letter
  from the Governor, acquainting me that he had called the
  Assembly, and wished my attendance there, if the posture
  of affairs on the frontiers was such that my remaining
  there was no longer necessary. My friends, too, of the
  Assembly, pressing me by their letter to be if possible
  at the meeting, and my three intended forts being now
  completed, and the inhabitants contented to remain on
  their farms under that protection, I resolved to return;
  the more willingly as a New England Officer, Col.
  Clapham, experienced in Indian War, being on a visit to
  our establishment, consented to accept the Command. I
  gave him a commission, and, parading the garrison, had
  it read before them, and introduced him to them as an
  officer who, from his skill in military affairs, was
  much more fit to command them than myself; and, giving
  them a little exhortation, took my leave. I was escorted
  as far as Bethlehem, where I rested a few days to
  recover from the fatigue I had undergone. The first
  night, lying in a good bed, I could hardly sleep, it was
  so different from my hard lodging on the floor of a hut
  at Gnaden-Huetten, with only a blanket or two."

  Thus he returned to Bethlehem after an absence of but
  nineteen days. His military experience was limited, it
  is true, but he showed in it the same good judgment and
  common sense which made him the great man he afterwards
  became in civil life.

  The very complete description which has been given of
  Fort Allen, by those who took part in the tragic drama
  enacting at that time, fixes so definitely the time of
  its construction, and narrates so minutely its size,
  shape and appearance, as to make even comment
  unnecessary. It only remains to connect its past with
  our present by pointing out the position where it stood
  as compared with modern locations and buildings. I can
  do this no better than by means of the map herewith

          (See Map of Present Site of Fort Allen.)

  The site of Fort Allen, in Weissport, Carbon County, is
  now occupied by the "Fort Allen Hotel," which stands on
  the S.W. corner of Bridge street and Franklin street,
  about 150 yards east of the bridge across the Lehigh
  river to Lehighton. The old well is still in existence,
  although unused, and may be seen in the yard back of the

  Col. Clapham, who relieved Mr. Franklin at Fort Allen,
  in the supervision of matters in general, was only
  appointed temporarily to that duty. The entire country
  from the Sus- quehanna to the Delaware was under the
  command of Col. Weiser, and under the care of his First
  Battalion of the Penn'a Regiment. Col. Clapham was given
  command of what was called the "Augusta Regiment" with
  instructions to erect sundry forts along the
  Susquehanna, more especially Fort Augusta at Shamokin
  (Sunbury). The last of Col. Clapham's men left April
  19th. Fort Allen then seems to have been left in care of
  Captain Foulk. Major Parsons, in writing to the Governor
  from Easton on June 15th, 1756, says, "I purpose to let
  Capt. Foulk's Lieu't and Men remain in Fort Allen till
  Capt. Reynolds comes to relieve them." (Col. Rec., vii,
  p. 164).

  It was at this time that Commissary James Young, on his
  tour of inspection, reached Fort Allen. His diary reads
  as follows:

  Fort Allen. - At 8 A. M. June 22d We sett out for Fort
  Allen, at Gnadenhutten (from Fort Franklin); it is ab't
  15 miles from Alleminga; the first 7 miles of this Road
  is very hilly, Barran, and Swampy, no Plantations; the
  other part of the Road is, for the most part, thro' a
  Rich Valley, Chiefly Meadow Ground. Several Settlements,
  but all the houses Burnt and deserted; at Noon we came
  to the Fort; for the last half hour before we came here,
  had a very severe Gust of Thunder, Lightning, and
  Prodigious heavy Rain.

  This Fort stands on the River Leahy, in the Pass, thro'
  Very high hills & in my Opinion, in a very important
  Place, and may be of great Service, if the officer does
  his Duty. It is very well Stoccaded with four Good
  Bastions, on one is a Sweivle Gun; the Woods are Clear
  all around it for a Considerable way, and is very
  Defencable; within is three good Barracks and a Guard
  Room; I found here 15 men without any officer or
  Commander; they told me that Lieu't Jacob Meis and two
  men from the Fort was gone this morning (22'd June),
  with two Gentlemen from Bethlehem, and four Indians, 15
  miles up the Country to bring down some friendly
  Indians, and that the Serjant with 3 men were gone to
  Cap'tn Foulks, late Commander here, to receive the Pay
  that was due to them, and one was gone to Bethlehem with
  the Serjant's Watch to Mend, which was the Reason I
  could not muster those Present, nor have any acc't of
  the Provisions, but saw a large Quantity of Beef very
  ill Cured. I was inform'd that a Cap'tn with a New
  Comp'y was Expected there in a Day or two to take Post
  at this Fort. Being very uncertain when the Lieu'tn
  would return, or the New Comp'y Come, I resolved to
  Proceed to Leahy Gapp, where a Detachment of a Comp'y is
  Posted. - 27 Muskets, 50 Cartooch Boxes, 10 lb Powder,
  60 lb Lead; and 20 Rounds filled for 25 Men, 19 Axes, 4
  broad Do., 26 Hatchets, 43 Tomhauks, 3 Iron Wages, 1
  Sweivle Gun." (Penn. Arch., ii, p. 678.)

  It will be noticed that Lieu't Mies had gone up the
  country to bring down, in safety, a party of friendly
  Indians. In explanation of this it should be said that,
  owing to the great pressure brought upon him, Gov'r
  Morris, on April 14th, 1756, was obliged to issue a
  proclamation offering bounties for Indian scalps. (Col.
  Rec., vii, p. 88). As a consequence various parties were
  formed to hunt up Indian scalps. Amongst them was one
  numbering about one hundred men, from the Jerseys, which
  started out in the early part of June. Unfortunately at
  the same time Gov'r Morris had declared a cessation from
  hostilities for thirty days, to see if he could not make
  a treaty with the Susquehanna Indians, and desired to
  send some friendly Indians, as messengers, to Diahoga,
  at the mouth of the Cayhuga branch of that river, near
  the present Owego, Tioga county, New York State, to
  arrange a time and place for holding a conference
  looking towards this end. These could not be sent if the
  scalping party was out. An express was immediately
  dispatched to Gov. Belcher; also one to Col. John
  Anderson, to see if it could not be recalled. In the
  meantime the friendly Indians, intended as messengers to
  the hostiles, were obliged to remain at Bethlehem. At
  this time, on June 21st, two Delaware Indians, whose
  names were Nicodemus, and Christian, his son, former
  residents of Gnadenhutten, reached Bethlehem from
  Diahoga, and informed the authorities that they had left
  Diahoga with a company of others, friendly to the
  English, men, women and children, to the number of
  fifteen. These now lay a day's journey from Fort Allen,
  awaiting safe escort. It was to bring in these friendly
  Indians that Lieut. Mies had gone away from the fort.

  Further efforts finally effected a meeting between the
  Governor and Teedyuscung, the Delaware Chief, at Easton,
  about the middle of July, which resulted in an agreement
  to bring about a treaty of peace, with the understanding
  that all English prisoners held by the Indians should
  first be released, to which the latter seemed to agree
  quite readily. Having been given presents, the Chief
  departed to arrange for the carrying out of his part of
  the program. All his movements, however, were so
  dilatory as to cause grave suspicion with regard to the
  sincerity of his purpose. He loitered along the
  frontiers, went away and came back again, until finally,
  in the early part of August, we find him at Fort Allen,
  where the Lieutenant in command kept plying him with
  rum, until he was in no condition to move away, much to
  the detriment of the Province, and to the disgrace of
  said officer. This brings us to another chapter in the
  history of the fort.

  In the latter part of June, as we have already seen,
  Capt. Foulk's command at Fort Allen was relieved by
  Capt. Reynolds Company. This latter gentleman seems to
  have been rather young and inexperienced to manage the
  rough spirits about him. Amongst these was his
  Lieutenant, whose name was Miller, a man apparently of
  no principles, with no desire nor power to preserve
  discipline, and ever ready to increase his own worldly
  possessions at the expense of others, rather preferring
  to do so by foul means than by fair. The first exploit
  of this person, at Fort Allen, was in connection with
  Teedyuscung, who was a typical Indian chief, brave,
  shrewd and dignified under ordinary circumstances, but
  cursed with the only civilization which the white man
  seems to have been able to generally implant in the
  Indian nature, the love of strong drink. As we know, it
  was most important that the Delaware chief should
  speedily get back to his people, which was the only hope
  existing of a return to peace and a cessation of the
  barbarous murders constantly occurring. Instead of
  furthering the efforts of the Government, Lieut. Miller
  deliberately detained Teedyuscung by keeping him
  constantly drunk with rum which he sold him, and, in
  addition, made him angry by cheating him out of various
  articles in his possession. What effect this had in
  delaying negotiations at this time, and how many lives
  were sacrificed thereby, it is impossible to say.

  We cannot relate the circumstances more clearly than
  Major Parsons has done in his letter of August 14th,
  1756, from Easton, to Gov. Morris. He says:

  Honored Sir,
  Yesterday afternoon the Detachment that escorted the
  Indians from Bethlehem to Fort Allen returned, and with
  them came Ben and another Indian Man of Teedyuscung's
  Retinue, who intend to go to Philad'a and stay there.

  I ask'd Ben after Teedyuscung, and the Reason of his
  staying so long at the Fort, and what his Reason was for
  leaving the King. He told me his Reason for returning
  was that he saw nothing but want and Hunger before him
  if he went to Diahogo, whereupon he told the King that
  he was now going to a People whose Language he was
  entirely unacquainted with, and therefore he could not
  be of any Service to him with them; that he would stay
  with the English till the King returned again, when he
  would very cheerfully serve him as an Interpreter to the
  English as he now had done.

  This pass'd last Wednesday, when Ben waited upon the
  King about 12 miles from the Fort, (on his way to
  Diahogo) where Ben left him with the other Indians. So
  that it seemed unnecessary for me to go up to the Fort,
  the Indians being really gone from it.

  As to the stay of the Indians at the Fort, Ben gives a
  most villainous account of the Lieut. there, while the
  Captain was at Philad'a. He says that Teedyuscung had
  procured 16 Deer Skins, which he intended to have sent
  as a present to the Governor to make him a pair of
  Gloves, as he said; the Lieut. told the King that one
  Skin was enough to make a pair of Gloves, and kept
  teezing him and plying him with Rum till the old Man was
  off his Guard. Ben told the King he hoped he would not
  go from his Design of sending the Skins to the Governor,
  and told the Lieut. that he did not understand Indian
  affairs, that the King knew very well that the Governor
  could not use 16 Skins in making a pair of Gloves but
  that that was the Indlian way of speaking, But all was
  to no purpose, and the Lieut. got the 16 Skins for three
  pounds, which Money Ben counted himself, but does not
  know what became of it. Ben says further, that as long
  as the Indians had money, the Lieut. sold them Rum, so
  that they were almost always drunk; and he believes that
  if they had been refused Rum at their first coming to
  the Fort, the King and his Company would not have stay'd
  long there, but would have proceeded to Diahogo, and
  would not have Stay'd and eaten all their Store of
  Provisions before they left the Fort.

  Ben informs further that they had discovered the Tracks
  of about 20 strange Indians coming from Susquehannah and
  going towards Minnisinks. That they suppose these
  Indians are out upon some bad Design as they marched
  mostly a Breast or aside of one another whereas the
  Indian manner is, when they have no unfriendly or
  hostile Intentions, always to march one after the other.
  Your Honour will yourself hear things more particularly
  from Ben. He was very free from Liquor and very clear
  and intelligible when he gave me this acc't,
  I am
  Your Honour's
  most obedient

  humble servant,
  WM. PARSONS. (Penn. Arch., ii, p. 745.)

  Not only did Lieut. Miller engage in the nefarious
  business just narrated, but he seems to have dishonestly
  taken the liquor furnished by the Government to sell to
  the Indians. With such an example before them it is not
  to be expected that the men under him would behave much
  better. Neither did they, for in the beginning of
  August, whilst the Indians were still there one of the
  non-commissioned officers, Corporal Weyrick, committed a
  disgraceful act of rank insubordination, indeed one of
  actual mutiny.

  Captain Nicholas Wetterholt, then at Fort Hamilton,
  learning of the occurrance, immediately notified Major
  Parsons, who replied. on Aug. 12th, from Easton, as

  I received your letter of the 6th Instant, relating to
  the Mutiny at Fort Allen; excited by Christian Weyrick,
  a Corporal.

  I therefore desire you to go with a Detachment of your
  own men, and take the said Christian Weyrick and bind
  him fast & send him to the County Gaol at Easton, for
  exciting a Mutiny on the 5th Day of August Instant, at
  Fort Allen, be sure to secure him very well.

  Also, I desire, you to put the Lieut. under Arrest for
  not endeavoring to Suppress a Mutiny, excited by
  Christian Weyrick, the 5th Instant, at Fort Allen. I
  think it will be best to order the Lieut. to Fort
  Norris, 'till further Orders. If these Mutinies are not
  suppress'd in the Beginning, it will be impossible to
  preserve Order among the Forces. If Capt. Reynolds is
  not return'd to the Fort, I would have you take Care not
  to leave the Fort without a Commissioned Officer to
  command it, in his absence. I hope you will not lose any
  time in doing what is above directed you.
  I am, &c.,
  W. P.

  P. S.-I am also informed that the Lieut. has been guilty
  of selling and embezelling the publick Stores, at Fort
  Allen. (Penn. Arch., ii, p. 741.)

  Capt. Orndt also seems to have written to Major Parsons
  on the subject, as we see by the reply of the latter, on
  August 15th:

  This morning early I received your 3 Letters of the
  12th, 13th & 14th Instant. That relating to Lieut.
  Miller I shall transmit immediately to his Honour the
  Governor, and in the mean time approve what you have
  done with regard to the Lieut. Capt. Reynolds has Powder
  & Lead, and can spare 6 lb of powder & 20 lb of Lead to
  the Forces at Trucker's Mill, and if you order any Body
  for it they may show him this Letter. I ordered Capt.
  Wetterhold to go to Fort Allen and arrest the man that
  had been so mutinous, for exciting a Mutiny, and to send
  him bound to the prison at Easton. I ordered him also to
  put the Lieut. under arrest for not endeavoring to
  suppress a Mutiny lately raised at Fort Allen, and to
  order him, the Lieut. to Fort Norris till further
  Orders, but I have not heard one Word from Capt.
  Wetterhold in answer to my Orders, and wonder very much
  that he is so negligent. I desire you to let him know
  that I expect he will pay immediate Obedience to his
  Orders as above. I am very much concerned to hear the
  Indians keep lurking about Swaratauro, and that they
  can't be drove away from that place.
  I am, &c. (Penn. Arch., ii, p. 742.)

  Captain Wetterholt was never neglectful of his duty, as
  we can see from what Major Parsons says of him in the
  following letter to the Governor, written August 15th,
  the same day as that to Capt. Orndt, which I take the
  liberty of quoting in full because of other matters of
  interest contained in it:

  Honoured Sir;
  In my Letter to your Honour of the 8th I mentioned my
  Design of going to Fort Allen to learn the Occasion of
  King Teedyuscung's Stay there but was prevented by other
  publick affairs from going as I intended, but I believe
  by my letter of yesterday your Honour will see the
  Reason of his stay at the Fort.

  On the 10th I received a Letter from Mr. Horsfield,
  informing me that four of the Indians that came with
  Teedyuscung, and who had returned with him to the Fort,
  came back to Bethlehem: He likewise informed me that two
  of them desired to be escorted to Philad'a which he had
  prevailed with the Brethren to do. The other two with a
  Woman and Child wanted to go to Fort Allen, and desired
  me to send a Detachment to escort them there; which I
  did that Ev'ning and repeated my Orders to the
  Commanding Officer to build a Shade for the Indians and
  not to let them have more than a Gill of Rum a Man Per
  Day. And I believe these orders were the Reason of the
  King's resolving to go; and Ben is of the same Opinion.
  I only wait for Capt. Wetterhold, from whom I expect to
  hear (or to see him) this Day, and then shall pay them a
  visit at the Fort, unless I can be satisfied otherways.
  The occasion of my expecting Capt. Wetterhold soon, is
  that on the 10th I heard there had been some Disorders
  committed at Fort Allen, and that he had been there and
  assisted in setting them right again, but received no
  written Information from any Body. I thought it
  necessary to send immediately to Capt. Wetterhold for an
  account of what he had seen amiss at Fort Allen. And
  early on the morning of the 12th I received the inclosed
  German letter from him [already given the reader], the
  substance of it I have put into English which also comes
  inclosed. That same morning I wrote a Letter to
  Wetterhold, a copy whereof comes also inclosed. And I
  expect every minute to hear what he has done in the
  Affair, I can't think it right to leave the Town till I
  do hear from (or see) him. I have been inform'd by a
  private Hand that saw him with his Detachment going to
  Fort Allen, as he said, to execute the Orders he had
  received from me. This morning Capt. Orndt's letter came
  to Hand and am afraid that Lieut. Miller is faulty. It
  gives me great Pain that I am obliged to give your
  Honour all this Trouble at this time; but without your
  Authority and Direction we are like to run into great
  confusion. I am, however, determined that nothing shall
  be wanting on my part to preserve good Order in the
  several Companies. And I persuade myself that your
  Honour will not think I have been idle.I am very
  doubtful that Capt. Reynolds is rather too young for
  that Station where the Indians are, and will be
  continually passing and repassing, and may require the
  Care and Conduct of a more experienced Officer. His
  Lieut. I take to be that little impertinent Body which
  your Honour saw at the Tavern on Quittopohela Spring,
  where Reynolds was with his Recruits, when your Honour
  returned from the Camp at Harris's Ferry. I am
  Honoured Sir,
  Your most obedient

  humble Servant


  August 16, 1756.
  This Evening between 7 & 8 Capt. Wetterhold brought
  Christian Weyrick Prisoner to this Town, and delivered
  him to the keeper of Goal. Yesterday he met with Capt.
  Orndt's Ensign returning to Fort Norris, who told him
  that Lieut. Miller would not submit to his arrest,
  Wetterhold told him he should "go back with him to the
  Lieut. and he did, not doubting but he could bring him
  to submit. When they came to the Lieut., Wetterhold
  asked him why he was not obedient to his Captain's
  Orders; The Lieut. told him that he had as good a
  Commission as his Capt. and he would not submit to him
  and he questioned if Wetterhold had Power to arrest him.
  Wetterhold told him if he did not immediately submit to
  his own Capt. he would soon convince him that he had
  himself Authority to put him into arrest whereupon the
  Lieut. desired one day to settle his affairs before he
  went. I am fully of opinion if it were not for
  Wetterhold there would not be one Officer found in those
  Parts that dared execute orders of this kind, and he
  appears to me to be a resolute discreet Man. By Lieut.
  Allen's Letter to me of Yesterday, which comes with
  this, Your Honour will observe that Capt. Reynolds is
  gone again from the Fort with his Ensign, who, as far as
  I can learn, is the best officer of the 3 at Fort Allen.
  And that Teedyuscung is returned again to the Fort.
  Tomorrow morning I will go and enquire into the reason
  of his unaccountable Behaviour and endeavour to send him
  I am
  Honoured Sir,
  Your most Obedient,
  humble Servant,

  WM. PARSONS. (Penn. Arch., ii, p. 747-749.)

  Whilst much has been said with regard to a mutiny at
  Fort Allen and the measures taken to suppress it, the
  reader has, as yet, been left in the dark as to the
  nature of the occurrence. Capt. Nicholas Wetterholt's
  report to Major Parsons, which follows, supplies this
  deficiency very fully. It is as follows:

  In the night of the 5th of August, Christian Weyrick, a
  Corporal, began to quarrel with the Indians, and
  threatened to drive them out of the Fort. The Lieut,
  pursuaded him to forbear, but he siezed the Lieut. &
  threw him on the Ground, and afterwards went to the
  Indian Squaws and behaved very undecently with them the
  whole night, and some of his Comrades; One John White
  upbraiding him with it, he began to curse and attempted
  to tear him to pieces, when Phillip Bortner stept out of
  the Guard Room and ask'd him if he was not ashamed to
  behave so, but he took him and threw him on the Bench,
  who calling out for help, Dewalt Bossing sprung between
  them, but he was not able to manage him; Then came
  Michael Laury, he struck him several Blows upon the
  Head, and thereupon they were parted; then he took a Gun
  and drove about the Fort like a Beast and not like a
  man, and struck down two of them, afterward he laid hold
  of his Cutlass and went into the Captain's House and
  pointed it out at the window; Then he took a Gun and
  snapped it twice, but it would not go off; Then he took
  another Gun, and that miss'd Fire also; then he laid
  hold of a third Gun, which Capt. Foulk took from him;
  Then he seized another Gun and went out of the House,
  and said one of the 4 Reading town Soldiers, or John
  White, should die, and shott at him; then he called to
  his Comrades and told them they should not leave him,
  they would storm the Fort, and no man should live that
  Day; then he ran into the Captain's House and threw the
  Benches about from Top to Bottom, but there was no Body
  in the House but the Lieut., the Clerk and the Serjeant,
  they warned him, but it all helped nothing; Then the
  Serjeant Bossing went to the Guard and told them to take
  him into arrest, but they would not; Then he went and
  broke Stones from the Chymny Back and threw them in at
  the window, and cursed furiously, and said he would kill
  one of the 4 Reading town Soldiers, or would stab or
  shoot Serjeant White; He behaved so violently that they
  were obliged to leave the Fort; He broke several Guns to
  pieces, and afterwards Michael Beltz, the Lieut.,
  Christian Weyrick and Killian Lang, fetch'd water and
  put Rum in it, and washed their private parts therein.
  The 6th of Aug't the Ensign returned to the Fort and put
  things in better order. This is the Information from me,
  John Nicholas Widerhold, Captain.

  N. B. I have already acquainted Coll'o Weiser with the

  Copy or Translation of Capt. Wetterhold's German Letter.

  N. B. The Capt. Dates his Letter the Day he was at the
  Fort Allen but he must have wrote it since that time,
  for it was the 10th I wrote him, reced his answer the
  12'th, so that his Letter to me should bear Date the
  11'th Instant.
  W. P. (Penn. Arch., ii, p. 754.)

  So ends this disgraceful affair, the only one of its
  character we have been obliged to record. What befell
  this prisoner after Capt. Wetterholt had taken him to
  Easton we do not know, but he doubtless received his
  just punishment.

  One result of the whole affair was the detachment of
  Capt. Reynolds, and his command, from Fort Allen, who
  was ordered to Fort Norris to replace Capt. Jacob Orndt
  who, in turn, occupied Fort Allen.

  The report of these two officers to Major Parsons shows
  when the change was accomplished:

  Fort Allin, Octo. 9th, ye 1756.
  Honer'd Sir;
  Yeasderday I arrifid here with my Whole Compa'y att the
  fort, and Captin Reynolds hath Suply'd with his men my
  Place, and these Day arrifid one fraindly Indins here
  with one wite Presoner, his name is Henry Hess, the
  Indin informs me that there is teen Indins more a Comen,
  which are about a Coply mils of from here and that the
  King with more Indins layes att Waywamok, and is afraid
  to Come in fore they was Several Tims informid that the
  Inglish would kill Them if they would come in now,
  therefore the King hath Sent them to See wether it is
  True or not, that Indin Desired me to Seand one qu'rt of
  Rum and Sum bred by him to them teen Indins which are
  now a little ways off, and I have Supply'd him with and
  I have Seand my Seargind with one Soldir with him to
  escord him, I have orderid emmadtly a Shealdr to be made
  a Distance off from the Fort that they may lodge there,
  the Indin was very glead that he was Recev'd kindly
  there, Obinin was to go to Bethleham, but I Told him it
  was beast to go Streat to Easton to your Worship, then
  he Told me he would Consider of it, and I hope your
  Worship will excuse me and Captin Raynolds, that wee Can
  not Seand our Returns with these opertunyte, fore wee
  have not quite Setelet, fore I Thought to Sent emitly
  these Reports first fore I and Captin Raynolds, wee are
  in good health att Present, and wee are Eesy to Setel
  our besinis here att the fort.
  Sir, wee Remain your Frainds and

  Wery humble Servint,
  JACOB ORNDT, GEORGE REYNOLDS. (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 5.)

  Major Parsons at once sent an express to Secretary
  Richard Peters, informing him of the facts reported to
  him, thus:


  By Capt. Orndt's inclosed Letter you will perceive that
  a number of the Indians are actually come in and that
  the Rest are on the Road, and I understand that besides
  the white Prisoner brought in they have 10 more with
  them, who no doubt will all want some kind of cloathing
  especially Shirts & Shoes. When they come to Easton I
  shall take Care to provide House Room & Provisions for
  them, but shall want His Honour's Orders concerning
  them. I imagine they are now all coming in, and it will
  be very necessary for me to know how long they are to
  stay here, and how I am to conduct myself in this
  important Affair.

  You will please to acquaint His Honour that Lieut's
  Allen and Miller have made their Submissions agreeable
  to His Honours Commands of the 22d last past. And Capt.
  Orndt is just moved with his Company to Fort Allen, &
  Capt. Reynolds is gone to Fort Norris &c. to supply his
  Place. By your Favour of the 5th Instant, you inform me
  that the Governor is gone to Harris's Ferry, I therefore
  thought it would be best to direct this Letter to you in
  his Absence. As I expect some of the Indians will be
  here to-Day or to-Morrow, I have sent my Lad express
  that no time may be lost.
  I am, Sir,
  Your obedient

  humble Servant,

  P. S.-Cap. Orndt's Letter came to Hand ab't 2 o'clock
  before Day this Morning. I am very glad he is got to
  Fort Allen. (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 7.)

  It will be seen from these letters that not only was a
  change of officers made at Fort Allen, but that, still
  more important, the efforts of Gov. Morris to bring
  about a Conference with the Indians, looking towards a
  Treaty of Peace, were at length bringing forth fruit.
  Teedyuscung, the Chief, with various of his followers,
  were already on their way to Easton, bringing with them
  sundry white prisoners as agreed. Apprehending, however,
  vengeance on the part of the whites, they had stopped
  short at Wyoming and sent a messenger in advance to Fort
  Allen, notifying the officers of their presence. We have
  just seen how this fact was announced to the Provincial
  Secretary, who in turn laid it before the Council.
  Governor Morris had but recently been superseded by
  Gov'r Denny who was then absent. The following letter
  was accordingly dispatched to him, on October 11th, from

  Hon'd Sir:
  The Council received by Express this afternoon the
  inclosed letters from Major Parsons & Capt. Orndt &
  advising that one Tediuskunk, a Delaware Chief, who,
  with other Indians, In consequence of a late Treaty made
  with them at Easton by Gov'r Morris, were Coming in with
  a Number of English Prisoners, had on hearing a Report
  that we intended to cout them off, stopt at Wyoming &
  sent a Party forward to know the Truth of that Report.
  The Council conceiving it of the utmost Consequence that
  the Indians should be undeceived & their Fears removed
  without Loss of time, have taken the Liberty to direct
  Major Parsons to send an Express to them immediately, to
  invite them down to Easton, there to remain till your
  Hon'r shall be pleased to give further Orders about
  them, and have directed the inclosed Copy of their
  Letter to Major Parsons to be transmitted to you, that
  you may supply by your further Orders what they have
  omitted." (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 8.)

  In due course the Indians reached Easton, when a new
  alarm arose, this time on the part of the whites, who
  were informed that there were some 40 Indians at and
  about Fort Allen, also about 100 Minisink Indians at
  Trout Creek, all averse to a peace with the English, and
  who had laid a plot to attack Easton whilst the Governor
  was there, and kill both him and Teedyuscung, the latter
  for entering into even a Conference with their Enemy.
  This was on Nov'r 5th. Reinforcements were immediately
  obtained from Fort Franklin and the Town Guard
  increased. In the meantime, however, Col. Weiser had a
  private talk with those of the Six Nation Indians in
  Easton and informed them of the rumor which was afloat.
  They told him that two of their number who had been sent
  to Fort Allen would be back that evening when they could
  speak better with him. They assured him, however, that
  the report was false, and were indignant that they
  should be suspected of treachery. Upon the arrival of
  the two from Fort Allen they confirmed the falsity of
  the rumor, and all desired Col. Weiser to remind the
  Governor that when they, the Indians, were on their way
  to Easton they had heard similar plots on the part of
  the English to exterminate them, but still, placing
  confidence in the word of the white people, they had
  come and now that such wicked rumors were out about them
  they desired the Governor to place equal confidence in
  their fidelity. (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 32.)

  Shortly after the arrival of the Governor at Easton the
  Conference with the Indians began, on Nov'r 8th, and was
  concluded on Nov'r 17th. At its conclusion the Indians
  had all expressed themselves favorable to peace. The
  next day Col. Weiser started with them back to Fort
  Allen. With much trouble he got them away from Easton
  and with still more difficulty he finally reached Fort
  Allen. Their old enemy - rum - was too much for the poor
  savages. They insisted upon having some, and finally it
  became necessary to supply them. Capt. Orndt took a cask
  to their camp. Col. Weiser warned them not to come near
  the Fort, and their orgies began. In the midst of their
  drunkenness one of them attempted to crawl over the
  stockades but when the Colonel warned him that the
  sentry would fire on him he ran off as fast as he could
  shouting back, "Damn you all, I value you not!" (Penn.
  Arch., iii, p. 67.)

  At last the Indians were started off and disappeared for
  the time being, but, notwithstanding the Conference, and
  all their assurances, peace did not yet come. However,
  in justice to Teedyuscung it must be said that he
  apparently made efforts to induce the other Indians to
  join with him in declaring peace, but it was many months
  more before his efforts were crowned with any semblance
  of success.

  We have seen that the Indians brought back with them
  sundry white prisoners. One of these, whose name has
  been mentioned was Henry Hess. Another was Leonard
  Weeser who made the following deposition during the

  The Examination of Leonard Weeser, aged twenty years,
  taken before the Governor, 9th Nov'r, 1756.

  This Examinant says that on the 31st Dec'r last he was
  at his father's House, beyond the Mountains, in
  Smithfield Township, Northampton County, w'th his
  Father, his Bro'r William & Hans Adam Hess; That Thirty
  Indians from Wyomink surrounded them as they were at
  Work, killed his Father & Hans Adam Hess and took this
  Examinant & his Brother William, aged 17, Prisoners. The
  next day the same Indians went to Peter Hess's, Father
  of the s'd Hans Adam Hess; they killed two young men,
  one Nicholas Burman, ye others Name he knew not, & took
  Peter Hess & his elder son, Henry Hess, and went off ye
  next morning at the great Swamp, distant about 30 miles
  from Weeser's Plantation, they killed Peter Hess,
  sticking him with their knives, as this Examinant was
  told by ye Indians, for he was not present. Before they
  went off they burned the Houses & a Barrack of Wheat,
  kill'd y'e Cattle & Horses & Sheep, & destroyed all they
  could. Thro' ye Swamp they went directly to Wyomink,
  where they stayed only two days & then went up the river
  to Diahogo, where they stayed till the Planting Time, &
  from thence they went to little Passeeca, an Indian
  Town, up the Cayuga Branch, & there they stayed till
  they brought him down. Among the Indians who made this
  attack & took him Prisoner were Teedyuscung alias Gideon
  alias Honest John, & three of his Sons, Amos & Jacob, ye
  other's name he knew not. Jacobus & his Son, Samuel
  Evans & Thomas Evans were present; Daniel was present,
  one Yacomb, a Delaware, who used to live in his Father's
  Neighborhood. They said that all the country was theirs
  & they were never paid for it, and this they frequently
  gave as a reason for their conduct. The King's Son Amos
  took him, this Examinant, & immediately gave him over to
  his Father. He says that they cou'd not carry all the
  Goods, y't were given them when last here, & the King
  sent to his wife to send him some Indians to assist him
  to carry the Goods, & she ordered him to go with some
  Indians to the old man & coming where the Goods lay,
  ab't 18 miles on the other side of Fort Allen, he stayed
  while Sam Evans went to the Fort to tell Teedyuscung
  that said Indians were with ye Goods & this Examinant
  w'th them, & this being told ye white people, Mr.
  Parsons sent two soldiers to ye place where the Goods
  were & brought him down with them, and he has stayed in
  Northampton County ever since. This Examinant saw at
  Diahogo a Boy of Henry Christmans, who lived near Fort
  Norris, & one Daniel Williams Wife & five children, Ben
  Feed's wife & three children; a woman, ye wife of a
  Smith, who lived with Frederick Head, & three Children;
  a woman taken at Cushictunk, a Boy of Hunt's who lived
  in Jersey, near Canlin's Kiln & a negro man; a Boy taken
  about 4 miles from Head's, called Nicholas Kainsein, all
  of which were Prisoners with the Indians at Diahogo &
  Passeeca, and were taken by the Delaware Indians; that
  Teedyuscung did not go against the English after this
  Examinant was taken, Tho' His sons did; That the King
  called all the Indians together, & they made up ye
  number of Eighty Five, viz: from Diahogo and Passeeca, &
  another Indian Town; That Provisions were very scarce;
  That they went frequently out in Parties ag't ye
  English; That he never saw any French or other Indians
  among them as he Knows of.
  his "x" mark
  LEONARD WEESER. (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 45.)

  We have been so accustomed to read of savage murders and
  atrocities, that we have become, by this time, more or
  less filled with a feeling of repugnance towards them,
  and yet this history would neither be fair nor complete
  did we neglect to say that the white men were not always
  so honorable or merciful towards the Indian, on their
  side. It was at the Conference just held, and also in
  private explanation to Conrad Weiser, they claimed that
  the war now in progress was owing to the fact that the
  white settlers had defrauded them of their lands and
  cheated them in other ways, notably, as they said, in
  the case of the "Walking Purchase," the scene of which
  was in that immediate vicinity. Even at the time when
  the Government was endeavoring to bring about peace, and
  were especially desirous of not molesting friendly
  Indians, they were unwisely ill treated. The following
  instance, reported by Timothy Horsfield to Gov. Denny
  November 29th, 1756, is on record:

  "I beg leave to mention to your Honour, that few Days
  Since as one of our Indians was in the Woods a Small
  distance from Bethlehem, with his Gun, hoping to meet
  with a Deer, on his return home he met with two men, who
  (as he Informs) he Saluted by takeing off his Hat; he
  had not gone far before he heard a gun fired, and the
  Bullet whistled near him, which terefied him very much,
  and running thro' the thick Bushes his gun lock Catched
  fast, and went off, he dropt it, his Hat, Blanket, &c.,
  and came home much frighted. The Indians came to me
  complaining of this Treatment, Saying they fled from
  amongst the Murthering Indians, and come here to
  Bethlehem, and Addresst his Honour the Late Governor,
  and put themselves under His protection, which the
  Governor Answered to their Satisfaction, Desireing them
  to Sit Still amongst the Brethren, which they said they
  had done, and given offence to none. I told them I would
  do all in my Power to prevent such Treatment for the
  future, and that I would write to the Governor and
  Inform him of it, and that they might be Assured the
  Governor would use proper measures to prevent any
  mischief happening. I thought at first to write a few
  Advertisements to warn wicked People for the future how
  they Behave to the Indians, for if one or more of them
  should be kill'd in such a manner, I fear it would be of
  very bad consequence; but I have since considered it is
  by no means proper for me to advertise, for as the Late
  Governor's proclamation is Expired, the first
  Proclamation of War against the Indians I conceive is
  still in force. I thought it my Duty to Inform your
  Honor of this Affair, and Doubt not you will take the
  matter into your wise Consideration." (Penn. Arch., iii,

  Following the late Conference at Easton, efforts to
  accomplish a peace with the Indians were kept up
  unremittingly. Much reliance was placed on Teedyuscung
  to aid in this matter, and, whilst he was, as an Indian,
  but human and by no means perfect, yet, to his credit,
  it must be said that he did his part faithfully.
  Unfortunately he was the Chief of the Delawares, a tribe
  looked upon with more or less disdain by the Six
  Nations, so that, whilst he may have been fairly able to
  control his own people, yet he found it very difficult
  to persuade the other tribes. Finally he met with some
  success, so much so, in fact, that he felt able to bring
  them to a Conference with the Governor, and in the
  meantime sent a detachment of Delawares in advance to
  Fort Allen. About them Capt. Orndt writes to Major

  Fort Allen, March 31st, 1757
  Honoured Sir:
  The Bearer hereof, an Indian, named Samuel Evans,
  desires to have an order from your Worship to get a New
  Stock made for his gun in Bethlehem, and that the same
  might be charged to the Province. Since my last letter
  w'ch I have wrote to you, arrived here King
  Teedyuscung's two Sons, Captain Harrison (his brother),
  and several other Indians, in number 50, men and squaws,
  and children; they behave very civil here, they have
  made Cabbins about 60 perches from the Fort, where they
  live, and intend to tarry here till the King comes.
  I am, Sir, Your humble servant,
  JACOB ORNDT. (Col. Rec., vii, p. 474.)

  And again on April 5th, he writes:

  "This is to acquaint your Worship that the day before
  yesterday, arrived here Four Indians from the
  Susquehanna, above Diahogo, and have brought one White
  Prisoner, whose name is Nicholas Ramston; he was taken
  at the same time that Christian Pember was killed. The
  same Indians informed me that King Teeduscung can hardly
  come down here till the latter End of this Month, for
  the Mohock Indians were not quite ready to March. Those
  four Indians will come with the bearer hereof, one of my
  Soldiers, whom I shall send to escort them to Easton,
  and I have also order'd the white Prisoner with them. I
  desire your Worship wou'd be pleased to send an order to
  Mr. Warner, who is order'd to entertain the Indians,
  that he shall not give them too much Rum, as he has done
  to those who were at Easton last week, for some of them
  were so drunk that they Stay'd all Night in the Woods,
  and the remainder went with my Men to Bethlehem, and by
  so doing there might easily happen any Misbehaviour."
  (Col. Rec., vii, p. 474.)

  This captive, just restored, was a German by birth,
  taken prisoner some fifteen months ago by Teedyuscung's
  party and given by them to a Minisink Indian, whose
  brother brought him to Fort Allen. He had but little to
  say except that, at first, he had been treated pretty
  roughly, but afterwards kindly. He thought that when the
  Chief came he would bring other white prisoners with

  Teedyuscung was busy in persuading, not the Mohawks, as
  stated, who were already at Fort Allen, but the Seneca
  Indians to come to the Conference, and it was not until
  July that, after accomplishing his object, he reached
  Fort Allen. Capt. Orndt immediately wrote to Colonel

  To the honorable Colonel Weiser:

  These are to inform you that Detiuscung is arrived here
  Yesterday Ev'ing, and there be at present about 200
  Indians with him, with young and old. Detiuscung is
  intended to stay here about five or six days, and in
  this time He expects one hundred of the Seneka Indians
  here, and then he is intended to go to Easton, in hopes
  to meet with his Honour the Governor.

  I am inform'd that Lieut. M ____ is run away with
  another man's wife and hope you will inform his Honour
  the Governor how necessary it is that I might have
  another Lieutenant. If you would be pleas'd to recommend
  Ensign Conrad in his stead, who, I think, will be a man
  very fit for a Lieutenant. I send with these the Muster
  and Pay Roll of my Company. I hope you will excuse me,
  as I have not sent my Journal, for I had not time to
  draw a Copy of it.
  I am, Sir, &c.,

  Fort Allen, July 5, 1757.

  With Submission, I think Ensign Conrad worthy of a
  Lieutenants Commission.
  CONRAD WEISER. (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 207.)

  Ensign Conrad was duly given his Commission as

  As the provisions were giving out, Captain Orndt found
  it to be impossible to keep all these Indians at Fort
  Allen, therefore on July 7th he marched with 150 of them
  to Easton, leaving but 50 behind, where he arrived
  safely with all except one, named William Dattame, who,
  contrary to his orders, started for Bethlehem, and was
  shot by a foolish white boy, 15 years old, who followed
  him. He was wounded in the right thigh, but,
  fortunately, the wound was not mortal.

  On July 14th Colonel Weiser arrived at Easton, and,
  later, detachments from various forts, forming a Guard
  of 110 men. On July 20th and 21st Governor Denny and the
  entire Council reached the same place, and shortly after
  the Conference began which lasted until August 7th.
  There were over 300 Indians present, Chiefs and
  representatives of the Delawares, Shawanese, Mohicans,
  Senecas, &c. On the last day a treaty of peace was
  finally concluded with them, and all left under most
  harmonious circumstances.

  After all the Conferences held with the Indians and the
  various treaties made with them it becomes a matter of
  surprise to find that hostilities still continued. And
  yet a little thought will make the reason very clear. We
  must not forget that the savages were divided into many
  tribes, each with their chiefs. At no time were all of
  these various divisions represented at the Conferences,
  and, even if those who entered into the treaty should
  keep it, yet there were others who had not agreed to
  bury the hatchet, and did not. Then, too, savage nature
  delighted in blood and murder, and individually could
  not always be controlled by their own chiefs. Peace was
  an exceedingly difficult end to reach, requiring much
  time, patience and wisdom to accomplish. Teedyuscung
  still faithfully assisted the Governor, and had his
  agents at work at different points. Capt. Orndt notifies
  Mr. Horsfield, from Fort Allen, on March 7th, 1758, of
  the arrival of five Indians from Diahogo and from Fort
  Augusta, with a particular message to the Chief. (Penn.
  Arch., iii, p. 359.) These were sent to Philad'a where
  Teedyuscung joined them from Bethlehem. On March 25th
  twenty more Indians came to Fort Allen from Diahogo,
  with several strings of white wampum, in token of peace,
  and a message that, as soon as they returned, a great
  number of Indians of the Muncy and Mohican tribes would
  come to make a treaty. In this same letter Capt. Orndt
  says, "I have almost finished the Trench about the Fort,
  and intend setting up Saplins to hinder the enemy from
  breaking over the Trench." (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 367.)

  Teedyuscung even entered into somewhat of an alliance
  with the English and furnished spies for them to watch
  the movements of the French. Having been requested to
  send an Indian to the Allegheny River and see what was
  going on there, he sent a Message, August 9th, 1758, to
  the Governor saying he had not done so because it was
  too dangerous, and adding:

  "That a number of French Mohocks and a French Captain
  came down as far as Diahogo to go to War against the
  English, but the Indians there persuaded a Number of
  them to return back, but a French Captain & ten of them
  would not be restrained but proceeded, and I believe
  they are going against the Minisink. I think proper to
  give this Information that ye People on your Frontiers
  may be put on their guard.

  I consider the English our Brethren, and We have but one
  Ear, one Mouth, one Eye, you may be sure I shall apprize
  them of every motion of the Enemy."

  Two Indians came to Wioming from Allegheny and informed
  Teedyuscung that they had already struck the French and
  destroyed six of their Forts. That Fort Duquesne was
  very strong, but if their Brethren, the English, came to
  attack it they would help them.

  That the Intelligence of this French party of ten men
  was given to the Captain at Fort Allen, who sent
  Messengers immediately to alarm the People of the

  That Lawrence Bush was come from the upper parts of the
  Susquehannah River to Wioming and went to Shamokin
  (Sunbury) as they (the messengers) sat out for Fort
  Allen." (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 509.)

  At last in October, 1758, a grand Conference was held at
  Easton at which were present Gov. Denny, of
  Pennsylvania, Gov. Bernard, of the Jerseys, and Chiefs
  of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Tuscaroras, Onondagoes,
  Senecas, Cayugas, Conoys, Nanticokes and other tribes,
  and a final peace was effected which was lasting,
  although even after that desultory forays were made at
  various points, and sundry murders committed. I say
  lasting, because I do not consider the outbreak of 1763
  of short duration and confined to a limited district, as
  worthy to be considered a part of the so-called Pontiac
  War. It is doubtful whether, with all the efforts made,
  diplomacy could have brought about this state of
  affairs, even at this late hour, had it not been for the
  success of the English arms and the gradual withdrawal
  of the French, a fact their savage allies who had their
  own interests especially at heart, were not slow to

  I have dwelt somewhat at length on the several
  Conferences held at Easton, and the many efforts made by
  the Government to terminate the war, because of the
  important connection of Fort Allen with them. In doing
  so I have necessarily passed over some facts which may
  be worthy of notice now.

  Major Parsons reports to Sec'y Rich'd Peters that on
  October 21st, 1756, there were in that place 49 lb
  powder, 103 lb, lead and 50 flints. (Penn. Arch., iii,
  p. 81.)

  In April, 1757, it is proposed to reduce the forts
  between the Susquehanna and Delaware to three only,-
  Fort Henry, Allen and Hamilton - each to have a garrison
  of 100 men. (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 119.)

  On February 5th, 1758, Adjutant Kern reports at Fort
  Allen, Capt. Orndt and Lieut. Conrad, with 53 men, 63
  Province arms, 3 private arms, 190 lbs powder, 200 lbs
  lead, 4 months provisions, and Jacob Levan as their
  Commissary. (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 340.) On February 9th,
  1758, Commissary James Young reports on duty there, one
  and a half Companies, with 78 men. (Penn. Arch., iii, p.

  Major James BURD, in his tour of inspection, visited
  Fort Allen. He has this to say of it:

  Monday, Feby 27th, 1758.
  Arrived at Fort Allen at 1/2 after 2 P. M. (from Fort
  Everett), a prodigious Hilly place and poor land, 15
  miles from Mr. Everett's, ordered a review of this
  Garrison tomorrow at 8A. M.

  28, Tuesday.
  At 8 A. M. reviewed this Garrison; doing duty, Capt.
  Orndt, Lieu'ts Hays & Laughery, Ensigne Quixell & 75
  men, this is a very good Garrison, Stores, 2 months'
  Provisions, 225 pounds powder, 300 lb lead, 500 flints,
  2 Sweevel Guns, 26 Province ,Arms bad, no Drum, kettles,
  nor Blankets, 1 spade, 1 shovell, 1 Grubing how & 14 bad

  This is a very poor Stockade, surrounded with Hills,
  situated on a barren plain, through which the River
  Leehy runs, distance ab't 70 yards from the Fort, there
  is scarce room here for 40 men.

  Ordered Cap't Orndt to Regulate his Ranging by his
  Intelligence from time to time, as he informed me that 5
  Indians from Bethlehem has promised faithfully to Cap't
  Orndt to come here & reconnoitre the woods constantly
  round & to furnish him with Intelligence, likewise to
  put up a Targett 6 Inches thick to learn the Soldiers to

  Sett off from hence at 10 A. M. for Lieu't Ingle's post
  * * * * (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 355.)

  It would seem from this report that Fort Allen had
  fallen somewhat out of repair. It did not remain so
  long, however, as we will recall that, in the following
  March, Capt. Orndt had it thoroughly repaired and

  On June 30, 1758, Gen'l Forbes left Philadelphia on his
  western Campaign. In the meantime Capt. Orndt had been
  promoted to Major and given charge of the district about
  Fort Allen. He was directed to notify the people of the
  frontiers to assemble in large parties during their
  harvesting and provide each party with sentrys for
  protection. (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 448.) He was also
  directed to see that the friendly Indians wore a broad
  yellow band around their head or arms to distinguish
  them from the enemy, and requested the Governor to send
  a supply of the same to Forts Augusta and Allen for
  distribution. (Penn. Arch., iii, p. 487.)

  Unlike the history of the other forts, which we have
  traced, that of Fort Allen is singularly free from a
  long list of at least recorded murders. It has been
  thought by some writers that this was owing to its
  strength. From said opinion I am obliged to differ, as,
  in the first place, whilst important it was not of
  unusual strength, and, in the second place, its strength
  or weakness would have mattered little to the savages
  who never attempted to assault any garrison fort, but
  skulked around it to perpetrate their cruelties,
  unperceived, in its rear. I account for this immunity to
  the fact, which we have seen, that the Indians were
  constantly stopping at it on their way to and from the
  many Conferences and lesser talks, which were held at.
  Easton, Bethlehem and Philadelphia, and they were too
  cunning to commit themselves by any untoward act in its
  vicinity. Be that as it may, however, it is a source of
  great rejoicing to know that the fact, at least,

  On April 21st, 1756, John Mee and Joseph Leacock,
  residing within 1-1/2 miles of Fort Allen, requested of
  the Governor a detachment of men from said fort to
  protect them whilst they put up their fences and burnt
  the leaves around their fields. (Penn. Arch., ii, p.

  During 1757 a couple petitions were sent the Governor
  requesting protection and recommending certain
  dispositions of troops.

  On March, 1758, the following petition was sent to Gov.
  Denny by the inhabitants on both sides of the Blue
  Mountains, on the West Branch. in Towamensing and Lehigh

  "Wee, the Poor Inhabitants of the Said Townships, Come
  to Lay this Humble Petition before your Honour, to Lat
  you know that we are informed that Fort Allen Shall be
  taken away from the Place where the Fort Stationed at
  present, and Shall be Build another this Side the
  Mountains, which would be verry Hartt for us them that
  Leaves Behind and this Side the Mountain on the
  Frontiers, if the Said Fort Allen Should be moved from
  the Place; and if it Should be So, Wee Pray your Honour
  might be plised to Order that said Fort might be Build
  of the other Side the Mountain, on the Place Called the
  Good Spring or well, which is a very Convinient Place;
  But if the Fort Should be Build this Side the Mountains,
  all the Inhabitants this and the Other Side near the
  Mountains will be obliged to move off from their
  Plantations, and the Enemies will get the Mountains in
  to Do more mischief, and will be more Danger for the
  Inhabitants; Wee Pray your Hon'r will be plised to take
  all this in Consideration, and your Wisdom will order
  Best for us, and We Shall Ever pray.
  Your Honour
  We are your most
  humble and obedient Servants

  [numerously signed, principally in German]. (Penn.
  Arch., iii, p. 359.)

  Captain Jacob Orndt having been promoted, was succeeded
  at Fort Allen by Captain John Bull, who, on June 14th,
  1758, notlfiee Sam'l Dupui of a party of 25 hostile
  Indians on their way to the Minisinks. (Penn. Arch.,
  iii, p. 423.)

  How much longer Fort Allen was regularly garrisoned I
  have been unable to find from the records. Matthews and
  Hungerford, In their History of Carbon County, p. 579,
  say until 1761, and after that time was occasionally
  occupied by soldiers. We know that such at least was the
  case in 1763, during that outbreak, when Captains
  Nicholas and Jacob Wetterholt were there. As late as
  June 1st, 1780, Lt. Col. Kern had 112 men stationed at
  and near Fort Allen.

  This latter event was owing to the capture, on April
  25th, 1780, of the Gilbert family, living on the
  Mahoning Creek, some 5 or 6 miles from Fort Allen, by a
  party of eleven Indians. The Indians who made this
  incursion were of different tribes, who, on the approach
  of Gen'l Sullivan's Army to Wyoming, had abandoned their
  country and fled within the British Lines in Canada.
  From thence they made frequent inroads on the frontier
  settlements. The account of the captivity of this
  family, which extended over a period of two years and
  five months, is most interesting and romantic. It does
  not, however, belong to this work and must, therefore,
  be omitted. It is sufficient to say that, after many
  trials and hardships, they were all happily reunited.

  After what has been said of Fort AlIen it seemed almost
  unnecessary to add that a monument should certainly be
  erected to mark its site. I would suggest, as a suitable
  place the public square opposite the Fort Allen Hotel.
