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Military: Papers relating to the Province of Pennsylvania prior to the Revolution: PA Archives, Series II, Vol. II

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                               PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES

                                   SECOND SERIES

                           Published under direction of

                                  MATTHEW S. QUAY

                           Secretary of the Commonwealth

                    Edited by John B. Linn and Wm. H. Egle, MD

                                      Vol II


                          B F Meyers, State Printer 1876


   Pages 675-679

   Translation of Dutch Printed Papers

   					Philadelphia, the 29th of Sep'r, 1741
   Worthy Friends & Country People:
   	I of late saw a writing with Conrad Weiser's name subscribed, wherein he
   pretends to give you Honest and well intended advise how you ought to proceed
   in relation to the ensuing election, but from what I can see his intent is
   rather to cheat and deceive you; therefore, I thought it necessary to discover
   his mistakes to you and to forwarn you, that you may not be deceived by him to
   your own, yea, to the ruin of this happy country.
   	If were to be wished that only such people in all Governments might be put in
   Commission as adhere faithfully to reighteousness & truth, and it is a pity
   when such are in commission, who are to be removed whenever they will not do
   what the Government Commands-then Conrad Weiser is our Countryman, and of late
   is made a Justice of the Peace, and therefore he ought to have been Carefull in
   this his first Exercise, and ought to have said nothing but what is the truth;
   whether it was from want of care or from information that he says a difference
   arose above a year ago about the question whether it was right to pay tribute
   to Casar or not, and that the Germans had answered no, (to judge according to
   our works.)
   	The people in general of this province, both in the Assembly and out of it,
   are such obedient subjects to our gracious King that they never put such a
   question, nor desire to put any such, and the Assembly declared openly in their
   votes of last year that they thought it their duty to pay tribute to Casar, and
   they actually pay tribute to Casar, and resolved to pay to the Governor
   3,000(pounds) for the use of the King, if he would not send away the servants
   who, by his encouragement, did inlist for soldiers; but the Governor would not
   hear to it, chose rather to send the servants away in ye King's service than to
   take the money, and the Assembly has paid to their masters above 2,500(pounds),
   besides what is yet to be paid; and some of the masters have lost a great deal,
   and were almost ruined by this acting & encouragement of the Governor's, which
   was not the intention of the King, as appears now by the officer that inlists
   soldiers, who declared openly that he will not take any bound servants. It is,
   therefore, plain that the money that was paid for the servants was for the
   King's use, whereby he got so many men for his service, (for these servants are
   in the King's service) which is more, in proportion, than all the other
   provinces have paid.
   	From this, my dear Countrey people, it is plain that Conrad Weiser is deceived
   himself (or which is more to be feared), That whereas he is lately made a
   justice of the peace, he inclines to please the Governor that he may keep him
   in commission; and certainly how should he do otherwise, for many Honest men
   who have served their country in a Just & upright manner as Justices of the
   peace, have been removed in several parts of this province by this present
   Governor for no other Reason, that is known, but because they would not agree
   with him in taking the Masters' servants to the Hurt of their families, &
   because they, as Honest people ought to do, choose such Assemblymen as would
   serve their country truly to the best of their knowledge.
   	Seeing then, Conrad Weiser in this case, which is so plain to every Body, is
   either deceived himself or otherwise undertakes to deceive & cheat his country
   people, how can one believe his word any further; he says further, that the
   Assembly had not given the Governor the usual salary, but the reason why he
   designedly conceals.
   	Here my Countrey people we may observe that the most part of the Assembly,
   which were chosen for these two years past, have been Assembly-men many years,
   and having given the Governor his usual salary; this present Assembly
   themselves have last year given the Governor 500(pounds) as a part of his
   yearly salary, and when they layd but two acts before him for his approbation
   he would not pass one of them, and so far as we know he complains of the great
   privilege which the people of this province enjoy, and he would willingly bring
   them to nothing. How could the Assembly answer it to those that choose them to
   give him more money (since he makes so ill an use of it) till he drops this
   design? Therefore, there ought to be no notice taken of this part of Conrad
   Weiser's complaints, for without doubt if we choose the present Assembly again,
   and the Governor will pass the acts that are prepared for the good of this
   province as the former Governor did, and will no longer use his endeavours to
   hurt people by his complaints to the great ones in England, then they will give
   him the same salary that the former Governor had.
   	It is true that many of our Mother's Countrey have retired to this for their
   safety & to enjoy the blessings of this Land, and Conrad Weiser himself must
   own that we found them ritely here. Why would he then persuade us to make an
   alteration which would produce no good, but, on ye contrary, might prove very
   hurtfull to us, and bring upon us such Burdens to escape which we left our own.
   It is also true that the major part of this present Assembly are Quakers, but
   was it not so from the beginning, what hurt have we received of them, don't
   they appear to be good & peaceable neighbours, and made us partakers of such
   privileges as they enjoyed themselves, both in Temporal & Religious affairs,
   before the last act of parliament was made? It is certain that this Act of
   Parliament is to be looked upon as a Particular favour for which we ought by
   all opportunity to show our thankfulness to his Brittainick Majesty, whose
   Subjects we are, but are there no other sorts of thanks than such as are
   prescribed to us by such men to whom we do not owe the same obligation? For it
   is to be observed, that before it was known last year whom our Countrey people
   would choose, all sorts of people were permitted to take their qualification,
   as well those that were used to swear as those that did not, and were made
   partakers of the Benefit of that act of Parliament: but since it is known that
   we will choose our pleasure in the election, like other good subjects, to
   choose such men to represent us as we thought fit, but did not elect such as
   were recommended to us by the Governor's party, then some of them made
   objections in the Court that those that would, for conscience sake, shwear,
   should not be partakers with others of his Majesty's subjects of such
   privileges; but what can Conrad mean by saying that we should choose an
   Assembly that will make up the difference with the Governor? If the Governor is
   willing to make an end of them in a reasonable way, this present Assembly is
   best able to do it. They know the difference, and from whence they arose, but
   if the Governor is able to have his will in an unreasonable way the we need no
   Assembly, and may be further in danger of choosing such superiors over us as
   may bring the same Slavery upon us, for which we fled from our Native Countrey.
   If we then will forfeit such valuable privileges it appears that we are not
   worthy of them, and if we do not beware of such Magistrates, none is safe,
   either in his estate or privileges; but as for the articles of the danger of a
   war with France, it is an unnecessary fear, the best and last information say
   that the ministry are inclined for peace, and if it were not so, then Conrad
   Weiser speaks not as one that trusts in Divine Providence, by which we have
   been protected hitherto, and why should we be afraid now. Moreover, he will
   frighten us with the French, who are but a Handfull to us, and live a great way
   from us, and have a very troublesome road to us, and must pass through such
   warlike nations of Indians, which are at peace with us, and of whom they
   themselves have been afraid always in time of war.
   	Be therefore Careful, loving Countrey-men that you be not deceived & Misled,
   one single mistake in your Election is, perhaps, no more to be set to rights.
   We see the Governor is very Carefull in the smallest matters in the government.
   If he don't like the Justices, then he removes them, and since it is the Chief
   point that the Countrey people have in the Government to keep things in
   Balance, that unrighteousness may not prevail-that they have the Assemblys and
   Sheriffs to chose, it becomes us to look out for good men. What the Assembly
   did last year, shows the Carefully and diligently watched for our good;
   therefore, we have more reason to choose them again than another of which we
   have had no experience what they may be willing or able to do for the publick
   good of the publick; and, whereas, the Sheriff's office is of great importance
   in this province, and the very Chief Weight whereby all is moved & turned in
   the Courts, let us be Carefull in this part also.
   	I Conclude with a hearty wish that you may be endured with understanding to
   see the snare that is layd for you, and that you may choose such men whose
   principles were always to pay tribute to Casar, and have a particular desire
   that peace & good will may be amongst us, and all men.

   Pages 679-680

   Gov. Thomas' Order to Capt. Hill, Keeper of the Powder House

   								25 July, 1745
   To Captain William Hill, Keeper of the Powder House:
   Whereas, As his Excellency William Shirley, Esquire, Governor and
   Commander-in-Chief of his Majestie's Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, has, by
   his Letter bearing Date at Boston, the 24th June last, signified to me that the
   Siege of Louisbourg had quite exhausted all their magazines, and desires that as
   it might be uncertain what further Demand of Powder there might be for the
   Majestie's Service at that Place, I would lay an embargo on all the Powder here
   and secure it for sometime for the Service of the present Expedition against
   Cape Breton.
   	I have, therefore, thought fit, by and with the advice of the Council, to lay
   such Embargo, and you are hereby ordered and commanded not to deliver out of
   the Powder House to any person whatsoever within the Space of ten Days, or till
   my further Order, Hereof fail not at your Peril.
   	Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms at Philad'a, this Fifth day of July,
   1745. GEO. THOMAS
   Whereas, The danger to which this Province is exposed make it absolutely
   necessary to prevent the exportation of any gun powder, and more especially so,
   as a great quantity of ammunition was taken from the King's forces in the late
   defeat, and Col. Dunbar thought it necessary to destroy the most part of what
   remain'd. I have, therefore, thought fit, by the advice of the Council, to
   order and direct that no gun powder be suffer'd to be carry'd out of this
   province by any person, or in any manner whatsoever, and to render the said
   order more effectuall, you are Hereby required and Commanded not to deliver any
   gun Powder, or suffer any to be deliver'd out of the powder House to any person
   whatsoever, without my special order, for that Purpose, Hereof fail not, as you
   will answer to the Contrary at your Peril.
   	Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms at Philad'a, this Fifth day of July,
   1745. GEO. THOMAS
   Indorsed:--I think an order should go to the Custom house to prevent the
   exportation of gun powder & lead.

   Pages 680-681

   Capt. William Trent to Gov. Thomas

   						Albany, October ye 21st, 1746
   Sir:--I have made bold to draw a Bill on your Honour in favour of Cornelius
   Cuyler, Esquire, late Mayor of the City of Albany, for Twenty-four pounds
   sixteen shillings, bearing date the 21st of this Instant October, which is for
   Blanketts Mr. Cuyler supplyed me with for the use of the Company under my
   Command, which hope that your Honour will be so good as to pay, considering the
   circumstances we were in, we had received orders to march, the weather very
   cold, and nothing to cover the men, the consequences of which must have been
   the desertion of the whole Company. We have loss from the 4 Companys, since our
   arrival at Albany, between 60 and 70 men; 30 odd from Capt. Shannon, Twenty odd
   from Capt. Deimer & Perry, & one from myself, and the only reason they give for
   deserting is the want of Covering; they say they had better perish by trying to
   make their escape, where a few days will determine their fate than to stay
   where they are, where they are sure of perishing miserably, which has been the
   case of one of Capt. Shannon's men, who in crossing the mountains, trying to
   make his escape, where the snow was knee deep, one of them go frost bit, and
   his Companions fearing to undergo the same fate, left him, where he miserably
   perished. Sir, I have drawn another Bill on you in favour of Mr. James
   Stevinson, Merchant in Albany, baring the same date, which is for the remaining
   part of my Blanketts for Fifty-one pounds four shillings, & Capt. Perry desired
   moe to acquaint your Honour that he has drawn on you for his Blanketts in
   favour of of Mr. Derick Tenbrooke, present Mayor of Albany, for 64 pounds, & in
   favour of Mr. John Schyler for 10 pounds 8/0. Our march is put off till the
   arrival of Coll. Roberts from New York, who set out for there the day before
   yesterday, and is to be back in a few days. Mr. Cuyler, the late Mayor, desires
   me to give his humble service to your Honour, and acquaint you that he'll supply
   the 4 Penn'a Companys with Bread, if you intend to send them any more, & the
   hardness of the weather should prevent its coming, providing you'll let him
   know in time. I conclude with due submission from the rest of the Officers as
   well as from,
   						Sir, Your honor's most obedient
   						Humble servant.

   Pages 681-682

   The officers at Albany to Gov. Thomas

   						Albany, the 12th November, 1746
   Hon'd Sir:--It's with great reluctance that we trouble yor Honour but as our
   duty and the good of our country requires it we must make bold to lay before
   your Honour our Circumstances. We have been making as neer a calculation as
   possible of our provisions & find, with the utmost frugality, we have not more
   meat than sufficient to serve till the 19th January, & as to our Bread & Rum,
   it falls far short of that time. We are under necessity of making application
   to your Honour, hoping that your Honour will take it into Consideration, as it
   will be just in the Dead Winter when our provisions will be expended, & if we
   han't more provoded directly it will be impossible for us to keep our men
   together, as well as to send the Provisions up after the River is froze. We
   leave it to your Honour, not doubting of success, from the great Zeal your
   Honour has always shewn for the good of the service, we remain,
   					Your Honour's
   						Most obedient & most
   					Humble Servants,
   						JNO. SHANNON
   						JOHN DIEMER

   Page 682

   Proclamation Forbidding Pilots Bringing up any Vessel Carrying Flag of Truce
   above Marcus Hook

   Whereas, The coming of foreign Vessels under Sanction of Flags of Truce into
   port of Philadelphia without previous examination and a Licence obtained from
   this Government, may be attended with mischievous consequences, which may be
   prevented by laying the Pilots using the Bay and River of Delaware under proper
   Restrictions and Regulations; We have, therefore, thought it necessary to issue
   this Proclamation hereby in his Majesty's name, strictly enjoying and
   commanding all Pilots, Mariners and others, that from henceforth they do not
   presume in any pretence whatsoever to conduct, Pilot or bring up any foreign
   Ship or Vessel carryong a Flag of Truce, or pretending to come under a Flag of
   Truce, from our enemies, to any Port or place within this Province, above that
   Tract of Land lying in Chester county, commonly called and known by the name of
   Marcus Hook, without our special licence first had and obtained, as they will
   answer the contrary at their highest peril.
   4th July, 1747

   Page 683

   Conrad Weiser to Richard Peters

   						Heidleberg, Aprile the 28th, 1749
   Sir:--I hope these few lines will prevent the trouble of hearing a long storry,
   therefore I make Bold to offer them to you, the case is Thuse: Old Heinry Smith,
   the Indian trader, some years ago Bought a small Improvement of one Hinary
   Teller and paid for it; soon after he agrees with one John Jones to let it to
   him for so much a year, and if the said Jones could pay the sum of 25 pound,
   Smith was to sign over the right he had of Henry Teller by a bill of sale;
   Jones paid neither rent, Interest nor Capital; Smith sold the place to one Adam
   Earlywine, the Bearer hereof, whom Jones suffered to take possession; and when
   Earlywine was busy with plowing, Jones went to Philadelphia to the land office
   and took out a Warrant for fifty acres and paid part of the consideration
   money, or perhaps all. Smith had neglected to take out a warrant. The place
   lies between other survey'd land, and all patented, to about 80, or 90, or 100
   acres, which had hitherto been vacant. The Bearer prays the Improvement, with
   about 40 or 50 acres, might be granted to him in right of Heinry Smith, who has
   his bond for 31 pounds for the Improvement, or if he must go off again, that
   Smith might be obliged to give up his bonds and somebody pay something for his
   trouble in moving to and from the place. This is all at present wherewith I
   trouble you. I hope you will pardon my freedom, who am,
   						Sir, Your very obedient,

   Pages 683-684

   Instructions to Conrad Weiser, Esquire, Indian Interpreter for the Province of

   The Honourable James Hamilton, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor &
   Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of New Castle,
   Kent & Sussex, on Delaware.
   To Conrad Weiser, Esquire, Indian Interpreter for the said Province & Counties,
   	The Circumstances of the Province requiring that more land should be purchased
   from the Indians, you are hereby instructed in the most prudent manner possible
   to sound the three Seneca Chiefs on this important Point, and if they show any
   favourable Inclination themselves, & give you any reason to believe that the
   overture will be agreeable to the Council of the Six Nations, you may charge
   them with a Message to the Council to be conceived in such Terms as by talking
   with them you shall think will be more likely to obtain success.
   	As ye whole depends on the Inclinations of the Indians, it is impossible for
   me to give any other directions than that you proceed with the utmost care &
   caution, endeavouring in your previous conversation with these Chiefs to
   apprize them of the necessity & expediency of such a Purchase, so as to make ye
   first motion come from them, and let * * * * before mentioned to be so in your
   Message, for should the Indians discover that ye Prop'tys want to buy, & that
   they are the first movers, they would but be the more adverse, and insist on
   higher Terms. You should likewise consider that the Lands to be sold should be
   of a proper Extent, not an insignificant part of ye Country, but such as will
   answer ye natural increase of ye inhabitants & ye multitude of foreigners w'ch
   may be expected to come over now as peace is concluded. A regard should
   likewise be had to the situation of ye new purchase, as Encroachments are daily
   making by Maryland and Virginia on ye Western Frontiers of this Province and
   Grants it is said are applied for, w'ch may interfere w'th ye Lands of ye
   Province in those parts. I should be of Opinion that this new Purchase should
   extend so far West as to give the Prop'tys an opportunity of running their
   South & Western Lines, and securing their Lands there by making settlements in
   proper places. Whatever you do in consequence of this Instruction I enjoin you
   Immediately to send me an account of it, y't it may be transmitted to the
   Prop'tys by ye first Conveyance.
   Given under my Hand & Seal at Arms, at Philadelphia, this 7th Day of July,

   Pages 685-686

   Sir William Johnson to Gov. Hamilton

   					Mount Johnson, 6th of April, 1754
   Sir:--I can not refuse you my friendly offices, not only in regard to your
   desire which has all the weight with me it ought, but in compliance also with
   my own Inclinations, as my Duty & Interest, both conspire to oblidge me to use
   my utmost endeavour to preserve the peace and tranquility of a Country where my
   Lott is fallen.
   	I hear the same distant Fame of you, which you are pleased to Compliment me
   with, and shall endeavour to preserve that Honour which may recommend me to the
   esteem of Men of that same character of which number I am convinced you are, and
   for that reason should be proud of your personal acquaintance.
   	Doubtless, Sir, I shall employ that influence over the six nations which I
   have acquired by hard labour, great patience and much expense, both of time &
   money, to preserve them, and prevent their being imposed upon by any stratagem,
   whatsoever. I have had some distant application made to me from Connecticut
   government, but none as yet immediate or of considerable importance. When their
   Representatives, for I am informed they have appointed Delegates, come to me I
   shall give them a proper answer, agreeable to ye Proprietary's Rights, which I
   understand extend to the beginning of the Latitude of 43. Nay more, our
   Interests are the same, and involved together, so that any encroachment would
   be equally detrimental to this Government and to yours, and destructive to the
   poor Indians, who, I am sure, have little reason to love or choose as
   Neighbours the Crafty Inhabitants of the N. Jerusalem, whose title to that
   Place seems rather derived from the subtilety of the Serpent, than the Meekness
   of the Dove, to which last you Province is universally allowed to have a better
   	The weakness of my Bretheren, the Indians, I am well aware of, and doubt not
   by my timely caution to hinder any sett of People not properly authorized to
   purchase any of their Lands, then they may help to save us from the Invasions
   of our encroaching neighbors, the French, as well as the sly insinuations of
   the pretended saints, our Friends & Countrymen.
   					I am, with ye utmost respect,
   						Your Honour's most obedient Humble servant,
   							WM. JOHNSON

   Page 686

   Beating Orders-1754

   	Whereas, His Majesty by his order of the 7th Day of October, 1754, hath
   thought fit to raise a Regiment of Foot under the Command of William Shirley,
   Esquire, for the Service and Defence of His Province in America, and hath
   authorized him to raise so many Volunteers in any of his Province in America,
   as shall be wanting to complete the same, and hath required all Magistrates,
   Justices of the Peace, Constables and other officers, whom it may concern, to
   be assisting unto him in providing Quarters, impressing Carrages and otherwise,
   as there shall be owners:
   	And whereas, Mr.____ Pintard, in the above Regiment, appointed for this
   service, hath applied to me for my Warrant & assistance in the s'd Province &
   Counties, I do hereby command all officers, Civil and Military, within the said
   Province & Counties not to give the said _____ Pintatd any obstruction &
   Molestation therein, but on the contrary to afford him all necessary
   Incouragement and assistance in the several Matters required by His Majesty as
   they shall answer the contrary at their Peril.

   Pages 686-689

   Address from the German Protestants-1754

   	To the honourable Robert Hunter Morris, Esq., Lieutenant Governor and
   Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of New Castle,
   Kent and Sussex upon Delaware:
   	The humble Address of the German Protestants, inhabitants of the County of
   Philad'a, and the adjacent Counties of the said Province, in Behalf of
   themselves and their Countrymen.
   	May it Please your Honour: We, the German Protestants, Freeholders and
   Inhabitants of the County and Counties aforesaid, of Divers religious
   Denominations, do beg leave to congratulate you Honour on your Promotion and
   Safe arrival to the Station of this Government.
   	Being very sensible of the Privileges and liberties we enjoy under the
   excellent Constitution of a British Government, we know very well that we
   cannot give a sufficient thanks to the Almighty for having conveyed us into
   such a Country and under so mild a Government, where the best Privileges in the
   known world are established.
   	The mild Government, the incomparable Privileges, the inestimable Liberty of
   Conscience and the just Administration of the excellent Laws so happily
   established, particularly in this Province by our worthy Proprietor, Will'm
   Penn, Esqr., a Lover and zealous friend of Liberty, of immortal Memory, and
   continued in his Successors, and so loudly proclaimed over the best Part of
   Germany, hath Drawn Affection of a considerable number of Germans oppressed by
   arbitrary Powers and Slavery to transport themselves hither, with the promising
   hopes to embrace and be made Partakers of the Enjoyment of the famous Privileges
   aforesaid, who by the kind Reception and the actual and unexceptionable
   Admission to the Rights of born Brittains has been most firmly and heartily
   attached to his Majesty and the Crown of Great Brittain; whereby also the
   Inhabitants of this and adjacent Provinces have been augmented, the Lands
   cultivated, Trade and Commerce encreased to a flourishing Condition.
   	In consideration of all this and many other Advantages and Benefactions, we
   have partaken of the Enjoyment with our fellow Englishmen, always thought
   ourselves very happy, and at all Times when any public Event happened within
   the Realm of Great Brittain, or any change of Governours, especially in this
   our beloved Pennsylvania, we unanimously pray'd for the Blessings of God
   Almighty for our gracious King George, the Royal Family, and for a continual
   succession of the Protestant Princes of the same on the Throne of great
   Brittain, as also for our Honoured Governors arrived amongst us from time to
   time, although we never as yet attempted to do it in publick in that due
   Affection towards our Soverign King and Goevernour, which was entirely by
   reason of that said Nation of Protestants living so far apart, all over the
   Province, and hardly one cared to appear in publick in behalf of himself &
   Countrymen, for Fear of being looked upon as Audaciousness. Thus, the Case
   being stated, we sufficiently contented ourselves without appearing in this
   Manner to signify our due Loyalty and Affection to our gracious Soverign.
   	It might be possible that this our due Address would have also been
   intermitted at this time by reasons aforesaid, and no other, had not some
   Spirit, we will not determ what Name to give him, 1 Reg. 22, 21, 22, accused us
   very publickly both here and in England, of a secret Conspirace against our King
   and Government, which is no small Matter to Charge a Body of People with, and
   might, perhaps, be detrimental to the s'd nation; a very hard Charge indeed to
   a number of People against which no such Accusation can be aledged with
   justice, and against which, in general, not one single Instance can be proved
   of any Disloyalty, much less of any Conspirace against our beloved King George
   and Country we live in.
   	This, your Honour would please to observe, is the only Motive and Reason that
   moved some of us to act in behalf of ourselves and Countrymen to congratulate
   your Hon'r publickly on your safe Arrival to the Station of this Government at
   this Time, and not to any of your hon'rd Predecessors before, as above said.
   And being very well acquainted with the Sentiments of a considerable number of
   German Protestants, Inhabitants of this Province, who all unanimously agree to
   all what is above said, excepting a few ignorant unmannerly People lately come
   amongst us, it makes us the more free to lay the Case thus open before your
   	How, therefore, can any Man of due Reason think, much less say, that this same
   People were any ways inclined to submit themselves again under a Romish Slavery
   upheld by a French King? To the Contrary we wish and pray, and the more at this
   critical Juncture of impending Danger, that God Almighty might rule our gracious
   King George and Parliament to find lawfull means to defeat and frustrate all
   unjust Designs of the French King and all other foreign Princes whatever,
   wherewith they intend to disturb his Majesty's Rights; and we do hereby renew
   all true Loyalty and Assistance or Contributions to our King and Government, in
   such a manner as the Wisdom of your Hon'r and our worthy Assembly in
   Legislature, by the Constitutions of this Province, will find needful &
   	Now, hoping confidently that our gracious King and Parliament is not moved in
   Displeasure against us by mere false Defamations, we entertain the good
   Confidence to your Hon'r, as a Lover of Justice and Equity, to assist your
   humble Servants in defacing such unjust Clamours at home in England, and we
   hope our Actions and loyal Behaviour in this Province will allways be a
   sufficient Prooff of our tender Affection to the Realm of Great Brittain.
   	And that the Almighty God may allways direct your Administration to his own
   Glory and the publick Welfare, and confer upon your Hon'r's Person every
   desirable Blessing here and eternal Happiness hereafter, is the hearty wish and
   Pray'r of Sir, Your Hon'rs
   						Most humble and dutifull Servants,
   Signed in Behalf of ourselves and Country Men,
   Nov'r 20th, 1754

   Page 690

   Passport to Frederick Yeiser

   							Friday, 6 June, 1755
   	The Honourable Robert Hunter Morris, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor; Sheriffs,
   Justices, Constables and others, his Majesties Liege subjects within this
   	These are to certify that the Bearer, Frederick Yeiser, is employed to, and to
   take care of, & carry a large Quantity of Cattle & Sheep for his Majesty's
   Service, to his Excellency General Braddock, at Fort Cumberland; and I do
   strictly charge and require you, each & everyone of you, to be aiding &
   assisting to him in His journey, and that he may w'th all proper Expedition
   deliver the Cattle & Sheep at ye Camp where they are wanted.

   Pages 690-691

   Col. James Burd to Richard Peters

   						Lancaster, 22nd Septem'r, 1755
   Sir:--I begg leave to trouble you with this to lay an affair of myne before
   you, for your consideration. When the Commiss'rs went out to view the Roads in
   March last, they aggread to take up five small tracts of land, not to exceed 4
   or 500 acres each, provided such came in the course of our survey, which tracts
   was to ve Ballotted for by the Commiss'rs, each to have one. Mr. Maxwell begged
   of us to take his son out along with us, (as he pretended, just to Receve the
   Benefit of our Company). Accordingly we did take up five tracts, & Ballotted
   for them, and a place Called the Turkey Bottom, lying upon the Forks of
   Junietto fell to my Lott. Mr. Maxwell's son mentioned that it was his
   Inclination to have a place, & the Commiss'rs mentioned a place to him, which
   he seemed pleased with. I told Mr. John Armstrong that I would take out a
   Warrant for my place whenever I came home; but as you know I was but a few days
   at Home before I was ordered out to Cutt the Roads, I had no time to do it. Mr.
   Maxwell, it seems, took the opportunity of my being engaged in the service of
   the Roads & applied for a Warrant for said Turkey Bottom, & obtained it. This
   he did by the information of his son, without ever letting me know anything of
   the matter. I was informed of it by Mr. Joseph Armstrong on the Top of ye
   Allegheny Mountain, who expressed his surprise at Mr. Maxwell's being guilty of
   such a Low action. I would not have troubled you at this time, knowing how much
   you must be hurried, but I hope you will excuse me, as I have the opportunity
   to Refer you for the Truth of what I relate to Messrs. Jos. Armstrong, John
   Smith, William Buchanan & Adam Hoops, & I shall procure you Mr. John Armstrong
   likewise, if I thought necessary. Now, sir, what I would begg of you would be
   to lett me know, with your conveniency, if my said Tract of Land is Recoverable
   or not, & by so doing you will very much oblige,
   			Sir, Your Most Obed't Serv't,
   						JAMES BURD
   To Richard Peters, Esqr.

   Pages 691-693

   Recruiting Instructions 45th Regiment

   	Recruiting Instructions for the Officers of his Majestie's 45th Regiment of
   foot, Commanded by Major General Hugh Warburton.
   	1st. Pursuant to his Majestie's Order, whereof a copy is hereunto annexed,
   bearing date the 12 day of February, 1755, You are to repair to some Convenient
   place on the Continent of North America, in order to raise a Number of
   Volunteers for the above Regiment.
   	2d. You are to inlist no Irish, or any other Country, unless you are sure that
   they are Protestants, nor to Inlist any Sailors, nor any one whom you shall have
   the least cause to suspect of having deserted from any Corps of his Majestie's
   Service, or who shall have deserted from any other Prince or State, or if they
   have served in any other Corps, unless they produce an Honourable discharge
   from the Regiment they last served in.
   	3d. All your Recruits must be straight and well made, broad shouldered, strong
   Limb'd, healthy Complextion, free from all blemishes or bodily Infirmity
   whatsoever, and such as promise to be able and healthy for his Majesty's
   	4th. You are to Inlist none under Sixteen Years of Age, nor any above the age
   of Thirty-Five Years.
   	5th. You are to Inlist none but shall measure 5 Feet 5 Inches without shoes,
   from 16 to 20, and 5 Feet 6 from 20 to 35.
   	6th. When you have listed 5 or 6 recruits you may dispatch a careful person
   belonging to your party to embark them in order to Joyn the Regiment, taking a
   Receipt from the Master of the vessel, which you will Inclose to the Commanding
   officer of the Regiment, who will, on the delivery of the Recruits, pay for
   their Passage, & c., and their Attestations and Certificates to be sent also.
   	7th. You 	are to write as often as oppertunitys offers of your successful
   Recruiting to Major General Wharburton, in London, and to the officer
   Commanding the Regiment at head Quarters, and these Reports should be made
   every week to ten days at least, in which you are to specify the Particular
   Sums you have drawn from the Deputy Pay Master on the Continent from time to
   	8th. You are to endeavour to make all the Recruits you raise furnish
   themselves with Shirts, Shoes, Stockings and Knapsacks out of what money you
   shall give them, and whenever you shall change your station to write the
   Commanding Officer at head quarters and acquaint him therewith.
   	9th. You are to recruit upon Honour, you will have three pounds allowed for
   each Musketeer, and three pounds for every Grenadier, according to Major
   General Braddock's order, and the Regiment will be at the Expence of subsisting
   you Recruits from the Day of their Inlisting, and also will pay the Expence of
   their Embarkations. You are nevertheless to apply all the money you have in
   your hands over and above what the Recruits may cost you towards defraying the
   Expences of their subsistence and embarkation, and General Braddock's orders
   are to remain also in full force according to the Copys you have received for
   that purpose.
   10th. You are to pay your Non-Commission Officers and Drummers the same as
   other Regiments do, upon the Continent, vis.: Dunbar's, Halket's, Shirley's,
   Pepperell,s, &ca., and your recruits are not to be allowed anything
   extraordinary for Provisions, unless those other Regiments make any allowance
   to their, but your Non-Commission Officers and Drummers will be allow'd (pence)
   day, in Lieu of their Provisions, or the agent victualler will account with them
   on their return from the recruiting service, or Cause it to be delivered to
   their Family which remain behind them.
   	11th. If any Difficulty should arise in the recruiting service, either thro'
   neglect or inattention of the Magistrates, you are to apply to the Governor or
   Commander in each Province, showing him your Recruiting Instructions.
   	12th. If the Magistrates should Quarter your Recruits at too great a distance
   from your Rendezvous you may, in such case, hire Loudgings near at hand and
   charge it in your account, as also Horse hiring and other expences.
   					W. WILMOT
   						Lt. Col. to the 45 Regiment
   To Captain Clarke & Lieutenant French, of the 45 Regiment 

   Pages 693-694

   Writ to the County Officers to Procure Wagons-1755

   By the Hon'ble Robert Hunter Morris:
   	To the Justice, Sheriff and Constables of the Countys of Philad'a, Chester,
   Bucks and Berks, Greeting:
   	Whereas, Sixty wagons are wanted for his majesty's service to attend the army
   under the immediate command of gen'l Braddock, now employ'd in the defence of
   this and the neighbouring Provinces: These are therefore in his Majesty's name
   to require you and each of you to use your utmost endeavours within your
   respective Jurisdictions to prevail on the inhabitants to furnish as many
   wagons as the can, and for that Purpose to enter themselves with Benjamin
   Franklin, Esqr., who is empower'd to agree with them upon reasonable terms, on
   or before the Eighth day of June next; and as his majesty's troops must not
   remain inactive for want of the necessary carriages, if this invitation should
   fail of the desired effert, There will be a necessity of impressing the wagons
   wanted on this occasion. Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms at Philad'a, this
   28 May, 1755.

   Pages 694-695

   Proclamation to Apprehend Deserters

   	Whereas, Col. Dunbar, who had ye Command of His Majestie's Forces, now on
   their March thro' this Province, has represented to me w'th many of ye Soldiers
   duly listed belonging to the s'd Com'y under his Command have deserted, & tho'
   all possible diligence has been used to discover & apprehend them; yet, thro'
   ye connivance & assistance of divers Inhabitants of this and ye neighbouring
   Colonies, all Indeavours for ye recovery of such Deserters have hitherto been
   rendered vain & fruitless, to the very great prejudice of His Ma'tie's Service.
   And s'd Encouragement to any person or persons to discover, secure, apprehend
   such Deserters, s'd Col. Dunbar hath by his engagements for ye purpose hereupon
   endorsed, promise & engaged to pay to such person or persons who shall
   apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, any such Deserters from His Ma'tie's
   Service, ye____ lawful Money of _____, for every Deserter y't shall be so
   apprehended & committed to ye publick Goal within this Province, or delivered
   us to any of the officers of ye Company to w'ch such Deserter belongs. And also
   hath thereby promised & engaged y't if any of ye s'd Deserters shall, w'thin ye
   space of ____ Months, now next, return to their Duty in ye proper Company's to
   w'ch they respectively belong, he or they so returning shall be well received &
   excused from all Prosecution & Punishment for such Deserter. And as a further
   means for ye recovery of such Deserters, ye s'd Col. Dunbar desired me to issue
   my Proclamation to require & command all Magistrates & other civil Officers &
   Persons whatsoever w'thin this Prov', to be aiding & assisting therein. I have,
   therefore, thought proper, by & w'th ye Advice of ye Council, to put this
   Proclamation, hereby commanding& requiring all P'son & P'sons whatsoever w'thin
   this Prov' not to harbour, conceal or assist any Deserter from His Ma'tie's
   Service, on pain of incurring ye Penalty of 5 pounds Sterling, for every such
   offence, & of being proscribed for ye same, according to ye act of Parliament,
   intitled An Act for punishing Mutiny & Desertion, & for ye better Paym't of ye
   Army & their Quarters. And I do hereby strictly charge and enjoin all
   Magistrates, Sheriffs, Constables & other, His Ma'tie's Liege Subjects,
   whatsoever w'thin this Prov' to be aiding and assisting to ye utmost of their
   power in ye apprehending & securing as well all such Deserters as ye P'son or
   P'sons who shall be any way concerned in ye harbouring, concealing or abetting
   them, or any of them, as they will answer ye contrary at their Peril.
   Given, &c.

   Pages 695-696

   Account of Arms & Amunition and to Whom Delivered

   December ye 17th, 1755 To George Croghan:
   200 Guns; 300 w't powder; 500 w't Lead; 16 pieces of Blankets, 240; 26 Brass
   Kettles; 2000 Flints
   October ye 29th, 1755 To Wm. Buchanan & John Armstrong, Esqr's, at Carlisle:
   4 Quarter Casks of powder; 4 Do.; 25 Guns; 150 lbs of Lead; 1 Thousand Flints,
   sent by Sharp and Long
   December 18, 1755 The Reverend John Steel, at Conegochig:
   2 Quarter Casks of powder; 2 Cwt. of Lead
   November ye 25th, 1755 To James Burd, Adam Hoops, John Potter and Joseph
   Four Swivel Guns; 5 Quarter Casks of Powder; 5 hundred w't of Lead; 2 Quarter
   Casks powder; 2 hundred of Lead, for Chambers & & M'Dowell's Mills
   April 6th, 1756 To William Buchanan, at Carlisle:
   4 Barrels of Powder; 2 Barrels of Lead; 2 Swivel Guns, sent by Andrew Cox.
   December ye 18th, 1755 To Capten Jacob Morgan, in Berks County:
   50 Guns; 4 Quarter Casks of powder; 2 hundred W't of Lead; 3 pieces of Match
   Coat; 500 Flints; 1 Wall piece
   April ye 21, 1756 To James Jack & Wm. Tomson, in Hopewell, in Cumberland:
   2 Quarter Casks of powder; 3 Quarter of a hundred of Lead
   April ye 7th, 1756 To John Cambel, in Shearman's Valley:
   2 Quarter Casks of powder; 150 lbs. of Lead
   April 7th, 1756 To Samuel Bigher, of Tuscarora Valley:
   1 Quarter Cask of powder; 75 lb. of Lead
   Jan 1st, 1756 To George Croghan's:
   One Drum; 3 Casks of 10 p'Nailes; 4c: 2: 2 lb of Lead; 1 Barrel of Powder, sent
   by Harman Skiles
   April 8th, 1756 To Josh Dreisback, in Lehi Township:
   1 Quarter Cask of powder; 1 C w't Lead; 2 Blunder Bushes

   Pages 696-697

   Gov. Morris' Order Y't the Companies Raised on the 1st March, 1756 be Regimented

   	By the Honourable Robert Hunter Morris, Esquire, Lieutenant Governour and
   Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and counties of Newcastle,
   Kent and Sussex, on Delaware.
   	Whereas, In pursuance of the acts of General Assembly of the said province,
   intitled, "An act for the better ordering and regulating such as are willing
   and desirous to be united for Military purposes", divers of the Inhabitants of
   the city of Philadelphia, and of the several Counties within this Province,
   have formed themselves into Campanys, and chosen their respective officers,
   vizt., a Captain, Lieutenant, and Ensign, for each Company, whom I have
   Commissioned accordingly; and application having been made to me to form them
   into Regiments agreeable to the directions of the said act, I do, therefore, by
   and with the advice of the Council, Order and direct that all the several
   companys formed and to be formed under the said act, within each County of the
   said Province, on or before the first day of March next, shall be, make and
   compose one distinct Regiment, and be called by the name of the County in which
   the Companys forming such Regiments respectively shall reside; and that all the
   several Companysformed and to be formed under the said Act within the County of
   _____, on or before the said first day of March next, shall be, make and compose
   one regiment, and be called by the name of the Regiment of _____, Provided, that
   no less Companys than eight shal be or are hereby intended to form any Regiment;
   and as to such of the Counties as on the said first day of March next, shall not
   have eight Companys formed under the said act, I shall then, by the junction of
   two contiguous Counties, or otherwise, as shall be most convenient, form and
   dispose them into as many Regiments as, under the Condition and Regulation
   aforesaid they shall make.
   	Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms at Philadelphia the Thirteenth Day of
   February, in the twenty-ninth year of His Majesty's Reign, Annoqr. Domini 1756.

   Pages 697-698

   Orders for Regimenting Ye City Comp'ys

   Feb. 13, 1756 Bt the Hono'ble Rob't Hunter Morris, Esq., Lieut. Gov'r, &c.:
   	Whereas, In pursuance of the act of General Assembly of the s'd Prov.,
   intitled, "An Act for ye better ordering and regulating such are willing &
   desirous to be united for military Purposes", divers of the Inhabitants of the
   City of Philadelphia & of ye several Countys within this Province, have formed
   themselves into Companys and chosen their respective officers, vizt., a
   Captain, Lieuten't & Ensign, for each Company, whom I have commissioned
   accordingly, And application having been made to me to form them into
   Regiments, agreeable to the Directions of the s'd Act. I do, Therefore, by and
   with the Advise of the Council, Order and direct that all the several Companys
   formed and to be formed under the s'd Act w'thin each County of the s'd Prov.,
   on or before the first day of March next, shall be, make & compose one district
   Regiment, and be called by the Name of ye County in w'ch the Companys forming
   such Regiments respectively shall reside; and that all the several Companys
   formed & to be formed under the s'd act w'thinthe City of Philad'a, on or
   before the s'd first day of March next, shall be, make & compose one Regiment
   and be called by the Name of the Regiment of the City of Philad'a, Provided y't
   no less Number of Companys than eight shall be or are hereby intended to form
   any Regiment, and as to such of the Countys as on the s'd first day of March
   next, shall not have eight Companys formed under ye s'd act, I shall then, by
   the junction of ye Companys of two contiguous Countys, or otherwise, as shall
   be most convenient, form and dispose them into as many Regim'ts, under ye
   Condition and Regulation af'd, they shall make.
   	Given under my Hand & Seal at Arms at Philad'a, the thirteenth day of
   February, in the twenty-ninth year of His Ma'tie's Reign, Anno Domini 1756.
   Philad'a Co------------------------8 Companys
   Bucks------------------------------6 \ 
   Berks------------------------------3 /
   Cumberland & York

   Pages 698-699

   Indian Passport to Jagrea, New Castle and Other Indians

   April 1756
   By the Honourable Robert Hunter Morris, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor and
   Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of Newcastle,
   Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware.
   	Whereas, The Indian Satagaroyies alias Jagrea, Cashunyon alias Newcastle and
   William Lakquis, with others, whose names are endorsed on the back hereof, have
   informed me that they have occasion to go to Wyomink and other places on
   Susquehannahm and thereto request me leave and Permission, & y't I would grant
   them good & sufficient Passports & Recommendations, &c., whereby it may be
   certified that they are friendly Indians and go with my approbation; and I
   being well assured of their truthfulness, friendship and long attachment to ye
   English, do by these presents make it known to all, y't they friendly Indians
   have rendered many faithful services to this Government, and go, withmy full
   consent & approbation, this journey; and all Magistrates, Sheriffs, and other
   Officers, as well Civil as Military, are hereby strictly enjoined and required
   not to molest, hurt, or in anywise impede or disturb the said Indians in their
   journey to and from Wyomink, but to consider and treat them as our true friends
   & faithful allies, and as such afford them all assistance in their Power, and
   furnish them, if applied to, with whatever Provisions and Necessarys they may

   Pages 699-700

   Gov. Morris' Passport to Capt. Newcastle and Other Indians-1756

   	The Honourable Robert Hunter Morris, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor and
   Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of Newcastle,
   Kent and Sussex, on Delaware
   To all Whom these Presents shall come, Greeting:
   	These are to certify that the Indians, the Bearers hereof, Captain Newcastle
   and Sattagarooyes, are our faithful and very good friends, and have undertaken,
   at my Instance, a second journey to Diahoga, on the River Susquehannah, and are
   employed by me as publick Messangers to transact Business w'th the Indians,
   there, and have my orders to take other Indians along w'th them, either in
   their journey to or from, all officers, civil and military, and all others
   within this Government are, therefore, required to assist them & such of our
   friendly Indians as shall accompany them, and render them any service they may
   stand in need of; and particularly the Officers of the Forts in those parts of
   the frontiers thro' which they must pass, are commanded to receive them into
   their Forts and treat them kindly, and conduct them so far on their journey as
   to be out of danger from their Sentinels, & Ranging or Scouting Parties, and to
   send Detachments of their Companies to meet them at such time as they shall
   declare they expect to be upon the Return to our Borders. And these Indians
   having received from me an English Flagg, with orders to hoist the same
   whenever they come near our Forts or Settlements, or shall happen to meet with
   any English Men, All Officers and Soldiers are further required to take notice
   of and pay a proper Regard to the said Flagg, and to afford Protection & Safe
   Guard to the Bearers thereof and the Company with them.
   	Given under my Hand and the Lesser Seal of the said Province at Philadelphia,
   this Ninth day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1756. ROBERT HUNTER MORRIS

   Pages 700-701

   Beating Orders-1756

   	By the Honourable Robert Hunter Morris, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor and
   Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of Newcastle,
   Kent and Sussex on Delaware.
   	Whereas, His Majesty, for the better Defence of His Colonies in America, hath
   thought fit to order a Regiment to be raised, which he has been graciously
   pleased to Name the Royal American Regiment, to consist of Four Battallions of
   One Thousand Men each, and be composed as well of Foreigners as of his Natural
   born Subjects:
   	And whereas, For the more speedy raising the said Regiment and the better
   training and discipling such Foreigners as shall inlist therein, An Act of
   Parliament hath lately passed, intitled, "An Act to enable His Majesty to grant
   Commissions to a certain Number of Foreign Protestants who have served abroad as
   Officers or Engineers, in America only, under certain restrictions &
   	And whereas, _____ who is appointed and Commissionated by His Majesty to be
   one of the _____ of the said Regiment, hath applied to me for my Warrant or
   permission for beating up for Volunteers for the said Regiment within this
   Province and the Counties aforesaid, I do hereby Command all Officers, Civil &
   Military, within the said Province & Counties not to give the said_____ _____
   any Obstruction or Molestation therein, but on the contrary, to afford him all
   necessary Encouragement and Assistance.
   	Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms at Philad'a, this 28th day of June, in
   the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & fifty-six, in the Thirtieth
   Year of his Majestie's Reign.

   Page 701

   Passport for the Indian Ogaghradarisha & Others

   	These are to certify that the Bearers hereof, Christian and Sam, two friendly
   Indians, and under the Protection of the Government, are going to Mr. Weiser's,
   & from thence to Col. Clapham on publick Business; All persons are therefore
   ordered to suffer them to pass without Molestation, Tho' on a Sunday. Mr. Thos.
   McKee & James Eunis are appointed to conduct them, and as they are well known
   there is the less necessity to say any more than to recommend them and the
   Indians to all good officers where any may be located.
   	I certify this the 11th day of July, 1756, by order of the Governor. RICHARD

   Pages 702-703

   Return of Ship Surveyors

   	Pursuant to a warrant from your Honour, to us directed, bearing date, March
   15th, We, whose names are underwritten, have been on board several vessels in
   this harbour taken up for his Majestie's service as Transports, and have,
   according to the best of our skill and judgment, carefully surveyed the
   rigging, cables, anchors, sails and other tackle & furniture belonging to them,
   a List of which is underneath.
   	Vizt. Snow Chance, Nath. Lawrence, Master. Has on board 2 Large anchors; 1
   Stream Do.; 1 New best bower cable; 1 small bower & 1 Stream Do.; _ wore; 1
   Good suit of sails bent, & spare sails bespoke at New York, which the agent is
   acquainted of; A hearth for the soldiers.
   	1 Do. for the sailors, & provisions for 6 month; 1 spare main yard; 1 topsail
   y'd Do.; 1 Topmast Do.; 2 Good boats, & has flower on board on the King's
   	Ship Beulah, James Gibbons, Master. Has on board 3 Large anchors, & 1Hedge
   Do.; 1 New whole cable; 1 other very good; 1 Stream Do.; 1 haulser, new.
   	1 Complete suit of sails bent, _ wore; 1 Do.; of which the mainsail,
   maintopsail & topgallantsail & fore staysail new; 2 Boats; A Hearth for the
   	Do. for the sailors who are all shipt.
   	Provisions ready in the stores. 
   	1 Spare lower yard & spare topmast.
   	Ship Culloden, Wm. Hope, Master. Has on board 3 Large anchors; 1 Kedge Do.;
   Cables to Do. very good.
   	1 Good suit of sails bent.
   	2 Spare foretopsails; 1 Mainsail; 1 Maintopsail; 1 foresail Do.; 2 Boats.
   	A Hearth for the Soldiers.
   	Do. for the Sailors who are shipt & have provisions for 6 months; 2 Spare
   topmasts; 1 mainyard & 1 topsail yard Do.
   	Ship Holderness, Wm. Gardiner, Master. Has on board 3 anchors & 1 Kedge Do.; 3
   Cables; 1 New & 1 New haulser; 1 Good suit of sails bent; 1 Do. at the
   sailmakers, ordinary; 2 boats.
   	A hearth for the Soldiers.
   	1 Do. for the Sailors, men ready & provisions for 6 months; 1 spare topmast; 2
   Topsail yards Do.; 1 Main yard, Do.
   	Ship Ann & Elizabeth, Sam'l Chancelor, Mast'r. Has on board 4 anchors; 1 Kedge
   Do.; Cables to Do. very good, 1 New; 1 Good suit of sails bent, Spare mainsail,
   maintopsail, foresail & foretopsail, new; 2 Good boats, 1 spare main yard; 1
   maintopsail; 1 Topsail yard Do.; Hearth bought for the Soldiers; 1 Do. on board
   for the sailors, also provisions for 6 months.
   	The other Vessels taken up by the agent are not yet ready, and therefore, have
   not made a return to your honor of them. The five above mentioned are now ready
   to take on board such goods as shall be ordered. JOHN PHILLIPS	 THO.
   GLENTWORTH	RICH'D BUDDEN 	 Mar. 28th, 1757

   Pages 703-704

   Warrant to Capt. Shackerly to Press Brigantine Indian King-1757

   	By the Hono'ble William Denny, Esqr., Lieutenant Governor and
   Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and the Lower counties of
   Newcastle, Kent & Sussex on Delaware.
   	To Wm. Shackerly, Esqr., Agent & Superintendent of ye Transport Ships &
   Vessels imploy'd in His Ma'ties Service in North America, Greeting.
   	Whereas, His Ma'ties Service requiring y't a proper Number of Ships & Vessels
   be immediately taken up and imploy'd for Transports; And the s'd Coll. having
   received Orders and Directions from ye Hono'ble ye Earl of London, General &
   Com't-in-Chief of all His Ma'ties Forces in America, forthwith to cause a
   sufficient Number of Ships & Vessels to be taken up & engaged for y't services
   in the Port of Philad'a. These are, therefore, in His Ma'tie's Name to will &
   require you forthwith to impress & taken into His Ma'tie's Services, (as a
   Transport ye Brigantine, called ye Indian King of Philad'a, burthen 155 Tons or
   thereab'ts, whereof Alex. Fords is Master), and ye same terms & Conditions as ye
   other ships & vessels are hired & imploy'd in ye s'd services w'thin this Port;
   And for ye so doing this shall be your suff't Warr't.
   	Given under my Hand & Seal at Arms at Philad'a, ye 13th day of April, in the
   30th y'r of His Ma'tie's Reign, Annoq. Domini 1757.
   	To _____ Stanwix, Esquire, Coll. Commandant of the first Battalion of His
   Majestie's Royal American Regiments.
   	As Many Ships & Vessels as are wanted for the said service.

   Pages 704-706

   Commission of the Moravian Officers-1757

   	By the Hon'ble Wm. Denny, Esq'r, Lt. Gov'r, Capt. Gen'l, & Com't in Chief of
   ye Prov. of Penn'a, & Co'tes of N., K. & S., upon Delaware.
   	To George Klein & John Ortlieb, of Bethlehem, in ye Co'ty of Northampton,
   	Whereas, Ye Moravian Brethren, seated w'thin ye Forks of Delaware, have by
   their address of ye 14th of this Inst., March, represented to me y't in ye time
   of ye late Ravages, Murders & Devastations committed by ye Indians upon ye
   Inhabitants in ye back parts of this Prov., they, ye s'd Moravian Brethern,
   were obliged for their Defence & Safety of themselves & many of their
   neighbours, who resorted thither for y't purpose, to fortify & secure the
   several of their settlem't w'th Stocadoes, & to place & keep therein Military
   Watches; and being desirous to continue ye same till the apprehensions of
   further Mischief from ye s'd Indians and our declared enemies ye French are
   over, they have humbly besought me to grant my Commission (amongst others) to
   you, ye s'd Geo. Klein & John Ortlieb, to be Overseers or Captain of ye
   Military Watch, w'ch the s'd Brethren propose, at their own expense, to
   continue to keep at Bethlehem af'd; and I having, w'th ye Provincial Council,
   taken into consideration the necessity, utility & advantage of such a Military
   Watch for ye safety, protection & Defence, as well ye s'd Moravian Brethren as
   other ye Inhabitants of y't part of ye Prov'; and Reposing special Trust and
   Confidence in your Ability, Loyalty, Courage & Fidelity, I have, & by these
   presents in witness of ye powers in ye behalf to act, do constitute, authorize
   & appoint you ye s'd Geo. Klien & John Ortlieb, to be ye Captains or Overseers,
   jointly, or either of you, severally, of ye Military Watch, to be kept &
   continued by ye s'd Brethren at Bethlehem, af'd; Giving & hereby granting, as
   well unto you, ye s'd Capt'ns or Overseers, as to ye rest of s'd Military
   Watch, full power & authority to take & use arms, & by force of arms to repel,
   pursue, apprehend, seize, take, hold & destroy all such Indian & other Enemies
   who shall comit or attempt to comit any hostilities w'thin this Prov'.
   	And you are, by all opportunities & means in you power, to gain all ye
   Intelligence you can of ye motions, strength & designs of any Indian or other
   Enemies who shall appear in your part of ye prov', & upon obtaining any such
   material Intelligence, immediately to send me full information thereof, from
   time to time, this Commission to Continue.
   	Have appointed & Commissioned ye following persons to be Capt'ms or overseers
   of ye watches to be kept & continued in ye respective places herein after
   stated, that is to say, Godfried Shwarz, at Christian Brun plant'n, Abram
   Hestler, at Gnadanthal plant'n, Nich's Schaffer, at Nazareth plant'n, & Philip
   Trentson, at Friedensthal plant'n, & Trust & confide in your Ability, Loyalty,
   Courage & fidelity, & judging you fitly qualified for ye purpose, Have & by
   these pr'ts to do in virtue of ye power in ye behalf to me given, here by
   constitute, authorize & appoint you ye s'd Henry Frey to be ye Chief Capt'n or
   overseer for ye superintending & better ordering of ye Military Watches at ye
   s'd Several plant'ns of Christian Brun, Gnudanthol Noferetle, Friedensthal, And
   ye s'd watches & Capt'n thereof are hereby required to be subordinate to &
   strictly to observe & obey your orders and directions in ye premises, giving
   full power & authority to take, seize armes w'th ye assistance of ye s'd
   Military watches or any of y'm, by force or armes to repel.
   	As you are carefully to obey & observe my Orders & Instructions from time to
   time, & those of ye Gov't and Com't in Chief of ye s'd Prov. for ye time being.
   Giving &c.
   6 Separate Commissions, to wit:
   1st to George Klein & John Ortlieb for Bethlehem
   2nd to Godfried Shwartz, in Christian's Brun
   3rd to Abraham Hestler, in Gnadenthal
   4th to Nicholas Shaffer, in Nazareth
   5th to Philip Trentson, in Friedensthal
   6th to Henry Frey, to be Chief Captain or overseer of Christian Brun,
   Gnadenthal, Nazareth and Friedensthal.

   Pages 706-707

   Lawrence Growdon to Richard Peters

   							1st May, 1757
   Dear Sir:--After having William Beles's name in the List of applyers sent up by
   you to the Govern'r, and having your Brother mark him for a Captain's Commission
   by ord'r of the Governor in Council, and your Brother promising me that his
   Commission and Beating ordr's should be made out as soon as the Proclamation
   was published. I admire to hear that he is not in the list of Captains; and
   that you talk'd of procuring him a Lieutenancy, but that he remains yet in
   uncertainty. These Difficultys would have made me Quitt all further thoughts of
   a Commission, but he is so Bent upon the expedition that he now Comes to renew
   his solicitations. If for reasons I am unacquainted with, it be thought not
   proper to make him a Captain, I suppose a Lieutenancey's may be agreeable to
   him, were that to be granted Imediately, (which I apprehend it Cannot) for his
   Circumstances will not bear a Long attendance in Town, which must wast the
   little stock that should be employed to fitt him out, Besides the servise is
   delayed, the men he expects to list with him will grow Impatient, and one after
   another go over the River and list in the Jersey's; So that he may at Last fail
   of raising his Company in the Time Limited. Forgive, therefore, my pressing you
   on this account, I am no Stranger to the Fatigues & Hurry attending you, but
   must nevertheless entreat you to assist him if it is in your Power, & if the
   Difficultys are not to be got over, that you will advise him to go home & think
   no more of it.
   	I am, with perfect Esteem, Sir,
   			Your affectionate Hum'ble Serv't
   						LAWR. GROWDON

   Page 707

   Passport for James Ennis

   The Honourable William Denny, Esquire, & c.
   Mr: James Ennis:
   	These are to certify that the Bearer, James Ennis, is employ'd by me to
   conduct to Winchester, in Virginia, three Indian deputies of the Nations, who
   have held a conference with Sir William Johnson, and are now returning to their
   own Country accompanied with Mohawk _____ Indian & a Squaw. And as they are
   friendly Indians and going upon Business of great Consequence to which requires
   the utmost dispatch, all officers, civil and military, and all other persons are
   hereby required to aid and assist them, and to furnish them with horses they may
   stand in need of for the performance of their Journey.
   	Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms at Philad'a the 5th S'ber, 1757. WILLIAM

   Pages 707-708

   Charles Moore to Richard Peters

   							Phila., 10 Sept., 1757
   Sir:--"Tis true the Commissioners had resolved to erect some Publick Buildings
   on a Lot in the Commons of this City, not taken up; these Buildings were
   intended for Barracks to secure his Majesty's Troops from the Enclemency of the
   weather during the Winter Season. The Commissioners wou'd not have fixt on this
   Lot cou'd they have procured another, by any means convenient for that Purpose,
   so that they were, through Necessity, Obliged to fix on it: and they did not
   doubt, but upon paying the full value thereof to the Proprietataries a regard
   to the Public welfare and the Health and Conveniency of his Majesty's Troops,
   wou'd induce You, Cheerfully, to Consent to deliver up a Lot unimproved,
   vacant, and for which the Proprietors receive no value or Rent, for so salutary
   a Purpose. We now make you an offer to pay the full Price of that Lott, such as
   any three of the Proprietaries' Council shall think reasonable; and hope, as a
   Part of the Materials are now on the spot, the season very far advanced, and no
   other Convenient and Healthy Lot can be had, you will Consent on the
   Proprietaries' Behalf to the above terms.
   	By Order of the Board.	CHAS. MOORE,Cl'k
   To Richard Peters, Esq'r

   Page 708-709

   Embargo, 4th July, 1755

   	Whereas, I have received certain accounts that a large French Fleet with a
   considerable number of Land Forces on Board is arrived at Louisburg, and there
   being reasons to believe they have great Dependance on being supplied with
   Provisions from the British Colonies in North America; I have, therefore, by
   and with the advise of the Council, thought Proper to lay an Embargo on all
   Ships & Vessels, intended to go from any Port or Place within this Province, &
   ye Counties af'd, till my further Pleasure be made known, whose Cargo or any
   part thereof shall consist of Provisions, &c., Provisions, Warlike Stores or
   Ammunition; and I do hereby strictly enjoin and command all and every the
   officers of his Majestie's Customs w'thin this Province and the Government of
   the Counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware, that they do not
   under any Pretense whatsoever, permit for the space of one month next, ensuing
   the Date hereof, without my special Lycence and Permission, signified to them
   under my hand and Seal-at-Arms, any Ship or Vessel to clear out of their
   respective offices for any Port or Place whatsoever that shall have on Board
   any more or greater Quantity of Provisions, Warlike Stores or Ammunition than
   shall be absolutely necessary for the use of ye several Crews of such Ships or
   Vessels in the Course of their intended Voyage.		ROBERT HUNTER MORRIS
   Second Embargo laid 30th Aug't, 1755

   Page 709-710

   Col. John Armstrong to Gov. Denny

   							Carlisle, Jan'ry 6, 1758
   Honoured Sir:--Messrs Stevenson and Armor, of York County, have warmly
   requested me to recommend to y'r Hon'r the Bearer, Mr. Geo. Davis, for an
   ensigncy in my Battalion, his Character in point of sobriety & inoffensive
   behavior is very good, his education & opportunity's of life Considerable,
   being bred to the Profession of the Law, and admitted an Attorney in his
   Majesty's Court of Exchequer, in Dublin. On the other hand, duty oblidges me to
   inform y'r Hon'r, that upon querying this gent'n concerning his Constitution and
   the effects of a Sedentary life, he was candid enough to inform me he had been
   three Sundry times taken with fits, I suppose of the Convulsive kind, which I
   told him wou'd be a great impediment. I pity the man, but dare not recommend
   him otherwise than a short time on tryal as a volunteer. Mr. Provost Smith or
   Mr. Peters, I understand, will wait of your hon'r with this young man, and give
   a more circumstantial acc't of him; what ever is y'r pleasure in regard of him,
   will be very agreeable to me.
   	I inclose a letter lately rec'd from Capt. Hamilton which is all the news we
   have at present.
   	I should be glad to see some friends east of Susquehannah this winter if
   you'll please to favour me with the Liberty of Absence a few weeks.
   		And am, Honr'd Sir,
   			Your Most Obed't Servant,
   Governor Denny

   Page 710

   Gov. Hamilton's Permission to Capt. Sam'l Nelson to Compleat a Company under
   the Command of Gen. Shirley, at New Providence-1758

   	By the Honourable James Hamilton, Esquire, Lieu't Governor &
   Commander-in-=Chief of ye Province of Pennsylvania & Counties of New Castle,
   Kent & Sussex upon Delaware.
   	To Captain Samuel Nelson, Greeting:
   	Whereas, Application hath been made to me by General Shirley for my warrant or
   permission for beating up for voluntiers within the said Province & Counties to
   compleat the Company under his Comand, & now doing Duty in New Providence;
   These are to authorize you by Beat of Drum or otherwise to raise, within the
   said Province & Counties, as many Voluntiers as well fill up the said Company.
   And I do hereby require all officers, Civil and Military to give you, the said
   Sam'l Nelson, all the encouragement and assistance in the said service.
   	Given under my hand & Seal at Arms, &c.	JAMES HAMILTON

   Page 711

   Messrs. Beatty and Walker to Richard Peters

   						Warminister, May 6, 1758
   	Rev'd Sir:--As I understand by Capt. Walker that there was likely to be
   vacancy yet for an Captaincy in the Provincials, & that you was pleased to
   offer a preference to such as we should recommend, that was likely to answer
   the end, we are very sensible of the respect shown us herein, & take the
   liberty to mention Mr. Hart, who has been mentioned among others before for a
   Commission, but was then undetermined, but now is clear & very willing to serve
   his Country, we need say nothing by way of recommendation of him, he is known to
   be a person of prudence, Conduct & resolution, & doubt not of his filling that
   place with honour to his Country.
   	We are, Rev'd Sir, with great respect,
   			Y'r oblidged Hu'ble Serv't,
   P.S.-You'll excuse haste.

   Pages 711-712

   Justice John Miller to Richard Peters

   						West Caln, 8th May, 1758
   Worthy Sir:--John Montgomery was with me last Saturday and told me that Sundry
   Young Fellows had been with him expressing their willingness to go out on the
   present Expedition, provided he would go with them as their Captain, and
   apprehending that he may be of use to the present cause, is free to leave his
   Wife and his All behind him, and venture his Life in the Defence of his
   Country. He is a very sober, honest Man, of a good Character & Estate, and, I
   believe, will have a good deal of Influence with his Neighbours to go into the
   service. He was a Captain in our former association way, and behaved to the
   satisfaction of the People; he will waite on you this week for the purpose
   aforesaid. David Clark, a son of my Neighbour, Thomas clark, also offers
   himself to serve in some office in this Campaign. We are like to have officers
   plenty in these parts. David Clark is a sober young man, and, perhaps, may be
   of service; he was formerly an Ensign (I hear) in a Company in this county; he
   now waits on you. I am just setting out to meet some people in Lancaster
   county, in order to do all I can to get some to enter into the service, and am
   in haste, D'r S'r.
   					Your most obliged humble servant,
   								JOHN MILLER

   Pages 712-713

   Return of Arms-1758

   						Philad'a, June ye 8th, 1758
   	Return of the out-standing & remaining arms belonging to the Province of
   Pennsylvania, as Delivered to the Honourable William Denny, Esqr.
   Delivered by Mr. Peter Bard-300 Muskits, 400 Fuzeas, 300 Bayonets, 300 Cartooch
   boxes, 700 Slings, 400 Gun worms, 2 Bullet Moulds, 200 belts.
   Delivered by Thos. Janvier to Capt. Newcastle & Chagre-2 Fuzeas, 2 Gun worms
   To Mr. John Mears & Mr. Ew'd Croston-2 Fuzeas, 2 Cartooch boxes, 2 Slings, 2
   Gun worms
   To Col. John Armstrong-50 Muskits, 100 Fuzeas, 50 Bayonets, 150 Cartooch boxes,
   150 Slings, 150 Gun worms
   To Capt. Thomas Bourn-3 Muskits, 3Bayonets, 3 Cartooch boxes
   To Capt. John Deimer-5 Muskits, 4 Bayonets, 5 Cartooch boxes
   To Capt. John Sayre-4 Bayonets, 8 Cartooch boxes, 3 Slings
   To Major Rutherford-3 Muskits, 3 Bayonets
   To Capt. James Patterson-22 Muskits, 22 Fuzeas, 22 Bayonets, 44 Cartooch boxes,
   44 Slings, 44 Gun worms					
   To the Honourable William Denny, Esqr., Doble bar'd-1 Muskit, 1 Fuze, 1 Sling
   To Capt. James Young-1 Fuze, 1 Cartooch box, 1 Sling, 1 Gun worm
   To Lieut. Henshaw-46 Muskits, 46 Bayonets, 46 Cartooch boxes, 46 Slings, 46 Gun
   To Mr. John Hughs-30 Muskits, 2 Fuzeas, 30 Bayonets, 30 Cartooch boxes, 32
   Slings, 32 Gun worms
   To Brigadier General Forbes-214 Fuzeas, 214 Cartooch boxes, 214 Slings, 214 Gun
   worms, 1Bullet mould
   Old arms to Capt. Thomas Lloyd-20 Muskits, 20 Cartooch boxes, 20 Gun worms
   To Capt. John Singleton-58 Muskits, 58 Bayonets, 56 Cartooch boxes, 56 Slings,
   56 Gun worms
   To Capt. John Blackwood-56 Muskits, 56 Bayonets, 56 Cartooch boxes, 56 Slings,
   56 Gun worms
   To Capt. John Bull-55 Muskits, 55 Bayonets, 55 Cartooch boxes, 55 Slings, 55
   Gun worms
   To Capt. John Haselet-58 Muskits, 1 Fuze, 58 Bayonets, 56 Cartooch boxes, 56
   Slings, 56 Gun worms
   To Capt. Robt. Eastburn-56 Muskits, 56 Bayonets, 56 Cartooch boxes, 56 Slings,
   56 Gun worms
   To the Pennsylvania Frigate-98 Muskits, 2 Fuzeas, 100 Cartooch boxes, 24 Gun
   To Capt. George Aston-53 Muskits, 53 Bayonets, 53 Cartooch boxes, 53 Slings, 53
   Gun worms
   To Capt. William Biles-53 Muskits, 53 Bayonets, 53 Cartooch boxes, 53 Slings,
   53 Gun worms
   To Capt. Paul Jackson-53 Muskits, 53 Bayonets, 53 Cartooch boxes, 53 Slings, 53
   Gun worms
   To Capt. Samuel Nelson-53 Muskits, 53 Bayonets, 53 Cartooch boxes, 53 Slings,
   53 Gun worms
   To Col'l John Armstrong-312 Muskits, 312 Bayonets, 489 Cartooch boxes, 312
   Slings, 312 Gun worms
   To the 2nd or Augusta Bat'l-250 Muskits, 250 Bayonets, 583 Cartooch boxes, 250
   Slings, 250 Gun worms
   To Capt. M'Clung-53 Muskits, 53 Bayonets, 53 Cartooch boxes, 53 Slings, 53 Gun
   To Capt. Richard Walker-54 Muskits, 54 Bayonets, 54 Cartooch boxes, 54 Slings,
   54 gun worms
   Remaining in the Store, 498 New Arms & 141 Old Do.
   To Lanc'r-for Capt. John Montgomery, Capt. Lodowych Stone, Capt. John Clarke,
   Capt. Adam Read
   To Carlisle-Capt. John Byers, _____Macknight, _____Sharpe, Capt. David Hunter,
   Capt. Robert M'Pherson, Capt. Archibald M'Grew, Capt. thos. Hamilton

   Pages 713-714

   Protection for Minisink Indians to Attend the Conference at Burlington

   	Whereas, His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esquire, Captain General and
   Commander-in-Chief of His Majestie's Province of New Jersey, has acquainted me
   that he is now sending Messages to the Minisink and Pumpton Indians, residing
   in the Seneca Country, on the Waters of river Susquehannah, or wherever else
   they may be found, inviting them to come thro' this Province to a Conference at
   Burlington, and has requested My Passports, safe Conduct and Recommendations,
   not only to those who are charged w'th the said Invitation, but to those
   Indians also who shall come in complying therewith; whether they be conducted
   by the present Messengers or by Teedyuscung or any other known friendly
   Indians. Now, as I have it much at heart to bring about a general Peace between
   All the Nations of Indians and the subjects of his Majesty in these Colonies,
   and have laboured the same with all my might in Conjunction with Teedyuscung,
   the Delaware Chief, & the Nations associated with him, and I am firmly of
   opinion that if these Indians will comply with this Invitation, it will be
   greatly for their Interest as well as tend to promote the General & good work
   of Peace; I do, in the most Solemn manner, by these presents, promise, engage,
   and assure to all such of the Minisink & Pumpton Indians, as shall come thro'
   this Province to Burlington, the place appointed by Governor Bernard for a
   Conference, my Protection, Safe Conduct & assistance, so that they shall be
   safe in their persons & be furnished w'th Provisions in their Journey. And I do
   hereby strictly charge and require all Commanders of Forts, & all other military
   officers on the Frontiers to receive & entertain the Bearers of these letters &
   their Company, as Friends and Brothers, and to accompany them with a good &
   sufficient Escort by Bethlehem & direct public Road to Burlington, whether they
   be conducted by Moses Tattamy or Isaac Stille, the present Messengers, or by
   Teedyuscung, or any other known friendly Indians who may be employ'd by him or
   them on this occasion, & who will, by their further security, carry a small
   linen Flagg, w'ch they are to shew when they come near any fort, or stockade;
   And I do further strictly charge and command all Justices, Sheriffs, & other
   officers, Civil & Military, & all His Majestie's other subjects within this
   Province, not to molest or hinder or in any wise hurt these Indians, but to be
   kind to them & afford them assistance & every proper thing they may stand in
   need of.
   	Given under my Hand & Seal at Arms at Philadelphia, 27th day of June, 1758. 	

   Page 714

   Order of Impressment of Men

   	Whereas, It has been represented to me by His Excellency, General Forbes, that
   tho' he has offered a reasonable price & all proper Encouragements for good &
   able men to drive Carriages & Horses employ'd in transporting Artillery & other
   Stores belonging to His Majestie's forces under his command, and yet none will
   hire themselves except at too high & most unreasonable rates. By means whereof
   an entire stop is put to ye Transportation by s'd Horses, & has, therefore,
   requested my warrant to compel as many persons as are wanted to go on this
   necessary duty; You are, therefore, authorized, empowered & required to press
   as many able men as to complete the number wanted by General forbes for the
   King's forces; you paying the daily hire. Others matters prescribed by the late
   act of Assembly for ye regulation of Carriages to be duly complied w'th on you
   27th June, 1758

   Page 715

   Commissary James Young to Richard Peters

   					Camp at Carlisle, 16th July, 1758
   Dear Sir:--When I came here Col'l Armstrong told me he had wrote to you
   concerning his Brother George, and that all was setled, and to Continue in the
   Service; I, therefore, gave him his Major's Commission. Adjutant Anderson chose
   to be Lieu't of the Light horse; he has, accordingly, resigned his adjutancy,
   and is first Lieu't of Capt. Thompson's Troop, April 30th. Lieu't James Ewing,
   by order of the Gen'l, is adjutant to the third Batt'n, June 7th; Dehaas, adj't
   to the first, and Kern continues adj't to the second, by which you may fill up
   your list.
   	Some time ago, Capt. stone complain'd of his Ensign, Charles Vanwarnisdorf,
   for which the Gov'r Superceed him and appointed Sam'l Montgomerie, in Stone's
   Comp'y, and by mistake of your Clerk, said Vanwamisdorf stands in the list to
   Capt. Bull's Comp'y, whereas it should be Andrew Wekerberg; Stone, finding he
   cannot get the money which Vanwamisdorf spent for him, but by keeping him in
   his Comp'y as his Ensign, has apply'd to the Gen'l that he may continue. The
   Gen'l has taken his part, and says it is unmilitary for the Gov'r to Break off
   without a court Martial. I had paid Montgomerie three months' pay, so
   Vanwamisdorf is a Supernumery and cannot be pay'd. I beg the Gov'r may set this
   affair to rights, so I may be safe in the payment. Gov'r sharp came here last
   night. No news, but all well at Reastown; the Artillery is at Shippensburg
   waiting till we go there. The news from the Northward seems to give a great
   Damp here; it was indiscreatly told by Robinson, the Express, which the Gen'l
   was angry at, as there is no certain and distink Acc't of that affair, which we
   impatiently wait for; ิtis said we march on Tuesday.
   				I am, with much esteem, D'r Sir,
   					Your most Obed't humble Serv't,
   						JAMES YOUNG
   Richard Peters, Esq'r.

   Page 716

   Capt. John Blackwood to Richard Peters

   						July ye 19, 1758
   S'r:--The Enclosed is the State of my Comp'y as it now is. On thursday last in
   the afternoon by Ensigne Hughes, I Rec'd orders, when Ensigne Quicksell, with
   the Remainder of Maj'r Orndts' Comp'y at fort Henery joined me, after I had
   left, Ensigne Godfery with four men to Fort Henery, to March Immedetely,
   (leaving a Serg't & ten men at Harris's Ferrey) to Join the Armey at Raystown;
   I expect Ensigne Quicksell in here to-night or to-morrow, and I shall be Ready
   to March as soon as his men are fitt; I have my men in good order, Except two
   that are sick, but I hope I shall be able to take them to Harris's, and leave
   them there.
   	I am, S'r, Your Most Obed't and Humble serv't,
   P.S. S.--, I have sent out party three several times with Mr. Hughs after
   Desarters to no purpose, the Country people Back will not assist as ye ought.
   The man on furlow is not come up yet. I am at a great loss what to do about it,
   he has been out of Fort Henery since ye 8th Instant.
   The State of Capt. Blackwood's Comp's, taken at Reading, July 17th, 1758
   At Reading: 46 men, 48 Musquets, 48 Cartouch Boxes, 48, Bayonets, 48 Blankets,
   48 Haversacks 48Canteens, 3 Ammunition received at Phil'a, rounds, 5 Rounds of
   powder & ball expended at firing at marks, &c.
   At Fort Henry: 4 men, 5 Musquets, 5 Cartouch Boxes, 5 Bayonets, 5 Blankets, 5
   Haversacks, 1 Camp kettle, 5 Canteens.
   On furlow from Fort Henry, granted by Capt. Bussee: 1 man, 1 Musquet, 1
   Cartouch box, 1 Bayonet, 1 Blanket, 1 Haversack, 1 Canteen.

   Page 717

   Warrant for Impressing Waggons

   	By the Honourable William Denny, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor and
   Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and the Lower Counties of
   New Castle, Kent and Sussex, on Delaware.
   	To Atwood Shute, Esquire, Mayor of the City of Philadelphia, or any other
   Justice of the Peace, for the said City and County.
   	It having been represented to me, by Mr. Thomas Janvier, Provincial
   storekeeper, that Two or three Waggons are immediately wanted for the Carriage
   of Warlike Stores, &c., necessary for ye use of Fort Augusta, to Fort Hunter,
   six miles above Harris's Ferry. You are hereby ordered and directed to issue
   your warrant to the proper Cunstable or Cunstables to cause the same to be
   impressed for the Carriage of Stores & Necessaries according to ye Laws of this
   Province, lately made and Provided; Hereof not fail.
   	Given under my Hand & Seal at Arms at Philadelphia, this 20th day of July,

   Pages 717-721

   Capt. McClughan to Gov. Denny

   	To the Honorable William Denny, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor and
   Commander-in-Chief of the Counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon
   Delaware and Province of Pennsylvania.
   	The Address and Remonstrance of John McClughan, Captain of a Company of foot,
   in the service of the said counties, Most humbly Sheweth, that the said John
   McClugan held the Commission of a Captain of a Company of foot, in the service
   of the afs'd Counties during the last campaign, & therein behaved himself to
   the satisfaction of his superior officers and without any just Cause of
   Complaint for any neglect or Breach of Duty, whatsoever. That after the Bill
   for raising one hundred and eighty men for the service of this year had passed
   the House, it was given out your Honor would Commissionate such officers to
   command the Troops afs'd, as had been in the Pay of the said Counties & behaved
   well the year preceding, and after them, such persons as should be recommended
   by the Commissioners & Representatives of the respective Counties, to fill up
   the Vacancies which should remain, if any. For which Reason your Remonstrant
   did not apply for any Recommendation to your Honor or for a Commission, hoping
   he would receive an offer of it as well as the late Major Wells & Captain
   Gooding. But finding that was not done, he then, and not till then, suggested
   that his Character had been abused and his Conduct Misrepresented to your
   Honor, & upon making enquiry, found his surmise too true; Whereupon, on the
   eighth day of May last, he waited on your Honor with a Recommendation from the
   Representatives & one of the Commissioners of New Castle County, to beg that a
   proper enquiry might be made into his Behavior, in every Respect, during the
   Continuance of his former Commission, but could not have the Happiness of
   speaking with your Honor at that time. He, therefore, waited upon Colonel
   Bouquet, under whose immediate Command and Inspection he served the principal
   part of the Campaign, and afterwards to several other officers & told them his
   case, and had the Pleasure of perceiving that they all looked upon his
   Character as greatly abused and his Conduct misrepresented & promised to do him
   justice as far as lay in their Power, for the regard they had to Truth and to
   his merit, without any other consideration.
   	That a few days after, he had the satisfaction of hearing from Mr. Secretary
   Peters that his Character was cleared from the aspersions it lay under, and
   that your Honor was so well pleased with his conduct, as to give him the first
   Commission of a Company of Foot, in the service of the Government of the Lower
   Counties on Delaware, and he, the next day, received the same accordingly with
   all due gratitude to your Honor, as well as the pay he might receive from such
   a Commission, as the great kindness done to his Reputation, thereby. 
   	That your said Remonstrant thereupon immediately returned to New Castle and
   applied to the Commissioners of New Castle County for money to recruit with,
   shewing at the same time his beating Orders and commission, but was refused by
   one of them & told that all the money they had the Power of was dispos'd of or
   engaged to three other gentlemen who had beating orders in said County;
   notwithstanding, which Difficulty and many more your Remonstrant laboured
   under, & which, for the sake of Brevity only, he omits mentioning, he recruited
   in about eight days twenty-eight good men at his own private Expence, who were
   received and approved of by Mr. Commissary Young, and that in a Fortnight, or
   less time from the beginning, he is well assured he could have raised his whole
   Company had he not receiv'd orders by the s'd Mr. Young, from your Honor, to
   desist inlisting any more until it was known what numbers were raised. 
   	That your Remonstrant not only paid the af's's Recruits, by him raised, the
   Bounty of Five pounds allow'd by the Government, but also to many of them his
   own twenty shillings, and to most of them half that sum; and by Way of a
   further Encouragement, & that the men might be the more speedily raised, he
   advanced to masters for their Servants and to Creditors for their Debtors,
   which he inlisted, the Sum of Forty-five pounds and upwards.
   	That on the 31st Ult'o, he received a Letter from your Honor, dated the 30th
   of the same month, wherein your Honor is pleased to inform him that his late
   application had thrown everything, with respect to the new Levies, into
   Confusion, as all the officers had beating Orders a considerable time before
   his application, & had actually raised their men; And, therefore, your Honor,
   in the most kind and polite manner, requested him to resign his Commission, as
   your Honor apprehended it was absolutely necessary for the Service of the
   Government, and on that Account only agreeable to you.
   	Your Remonstrant also receiv'd a Letter from Mr. Joseph Shippen, Brigade
   Major, dated the 9th Instant, informing him, "The Governor had been pleased to
   commissionate Messrs. Battle, Vanbebber & Wright, Captains of the Delaware
   Government Companies, & that it was his Pleasure he should deliver over the men
   he had raised to the Captain Battle and Vanbebber, so as to complete their
   Companies, as the Governor had ordered the Commissioners of the said Government
   to pay him for raising these men-the Bounty, Subsistance, & Inlisting money
   agreeable to his beating orders."
   	Upon all which your Remonstrant humbly begs leave to observe, That, as he was
   a Captain the last year, and behaved well, which is Confirmed by your Honors
   giving him another Commission; As he is the only Person who held the Rank of
   Captain, the last Campaign, that applied to go this year, in the Service of
   this Government, as your Honor was pleased to say such officers who had behaved
   well should be preferred this year, and provided for before any others and also
   that the Representatives and Commissioners of each County should be permitted
   to recommend such Persons for officers as they most approved of, as the
   Representatives and Commissioners for New Castle County, never recommended any
   other person for Captain but him, the said John McClughan, as he is advised, as
   he was the first who had your Honor's Commission as such, as he had so many
   Difficulties to encounter, & notwithstanding raised so many men in so short a
   time, and for which he could have no other Inducement than the Honor of the
   Government and the hopes of meriting fully the Commission he had obtained from
   your Honor, and having an opportunity of reimbursing himself again and
   receiving the Bounty and Pay of a Captain during the Campaign, as the other
   Gentlemen whom your Honor has appointed Captains, were all subalterns the last
   year, and Mr. Wright, Lieutenant to the s'd John McClugan, as his late
   application is fully accounted for, and Commissions in the army have been
   always granted during good Behavior, your Remonstrant humbly conceives he has a
   kind of legal Right to your Honor's Favor and to have the Command of the Troops
   of said Counties during this Campaign, and that any of the other officers
   should rather resign than him, and therefore your Remonstrant humbly hopes that
   your Honor will be pleased to take the Premisses into your serious
   Consideration, and he makes no doubt but your Honor will still continue your
   Favor towards him and Do him that Justice your Honor must think he deservedly
   is intitled to.
   			And your Remonstrant will pray, &ca.
   We, the subscribers, members of assembly, for the County of New Castle and
   Commissioners for the same, do most humbly recommend in the warmest manner, to
   your Honor, a due Consideration of the foregoing Remonstrance.	WM. ARMSTRONG,
   One of the Commissioners for the County of New Castle.

   Pages 721-722

   Lieut. Col. Hance Hamilton to Col. John Armstrong 
   						Carlisle, March 22d, 1759
   Dear Sir:--I Received yours of the 3d of February Past, wherein was Contain'd
   your orders for me to take the command at fort Bedford on the 15th of said
   month, Provided, that whereby something Extraordinary were the matter with
   Col'l Work, whereby be Could not Possibly Perform that Duty, and in that Case,
   he was to send me notice and the reason of his Non-attendance. Now, Sir, the
   Reason of my not taking on me the command at the said Fort, at the time
   Appoint'd, was because I never Received the Least Notice from Col'l work,
   concerning his Not taking on him the aforesaid Command.
   	I have also received yours of the 16th instant, wherein you Express your
   concern that did not go to Bedford, agreeable to the order sent me, which I
   have answered above. I am also, in this, order'd Imediately to go and take on
   me the aforesaid command, but do Assure you I have been for some time past in a
   Low State of health and find my constitution so much Broke, that,
   notwithstanding my ardent Zeal for his majesty's service, I am forced to
   acknowledge my self unfit to endure the fatigue of another Campaign, and
   therefore, begg the favour of you in my Behalf, Humbly to request Leave of his
   honour, the Governor, for me to resign my Commission, for no other Cause or
   Reason, but Inability to be any Longer serviceable to my King or country in
   that station. Pray, Sir, Represent my Request according to your Better
   Judgment, and you'l much oblige.
   				Dear Sir,
   					Your Most Hum'l Serv't, 
   P.S.-Mrs. Armstrong & the family are well.

   Pages 722-723

   Capt. James Patterson to Col. John Armstrong

   						Harris's Ferry, March 27th, 1759
   Hon'ble Col'l:--I received the Message which you was pleased to send by Colonel
   work to me, and am highly obliged to your Honour for the reguard you always
   retain for me and my Interest-a favour which I shall always with the most
   humble gratitude acknowledge. I must acquaint your honour that I am in a low
   state of Health, by reason of the great hardship and fatigue that I underwent
   the last Campaign, but I am in hopes that I shall oversome it in time, but as
   the Doctor assures me that if I do not take good Care of myself I shall loose
   ye use of my Limbs, I am afraid I shall not be Capable for some time of going
   out upon a new Campaign, but should be willing to continue in the service, if
   your Honour would think proper to have me Stationed at some fort or Garrison
   until I Came to my full strength and the use of my Limbs; and as I am
   acquainted with the ways & Humours of our Indians, I humbly Conceive I could be
   of service to my Country if I was stationed at Augusta; all which I leave to
   your Honour's most wise Consideration, and so remain y'r Hon'rs most
   		Obedient humble Serv't,
   P.S.-Yesterday I received an account from Augusta, that my Son was come in
   there & has brought with him a lusty, able French prisoner, and that the
   Indians stood exceeding true & faithful to him. I expect him down as soon as he
   rested himself after his fatigue.

   Pages 723-724

   Minutes of Conferences betw'n General Amherst and the Canahaway 
   Deputies at Mr. Griffith's

   At a Conference, on Tuesday the 10th April, 1759
   Present-The General, Brigadier Gen, Stanwix, Col. Montreson, Col. Robinson,
   Governor Denny, Governor Bernard, Gov'r DeLancey, George Croghan, Esq.
   Deputies from Canhawage-Thomas King, Andrew Montour.
   Thomas King, Speaker:
   He repeated what was said in the Morning in the House, and also delivered by
   the General, & return thanks for it, said y't it was agreeable to them, they
   take the Speeches home & lay them before their Council, and did not doubt but
   they would be agreeable to them; that they had only in charge further to
   request of the General, who then had the Command to the Westward, that he would
   appoint a time & place, when & where he expected to be met by the principal
   Tribes, & they would wait on him in order to concert further measures for the
   Thomas King, on behalf of himself & two other Indians who were at Easton,
   mentioned y't at that treaty they were promised three Rifle Guns by the Gov. of
   Penn'a & New Jersey, they have been here a long time & have not seen these Guns,
   & now that the General is here they hope he will order them the Guns w'th a
   Little Paint & Horses to ride to S'r Wm. Johnson.
   He gave a long white Roll w'ch was returned by the General w'th assurances y't
   they should have the Guns if to be got in town, or else y't S'r Wm. Johnson
   should deliver them ye Guns, and the Horses should be provided and a little
   Paint given them.
   The General returned them thanks for their speeches, & said they were very
   agreeable, that a General was marching to the Ohio who would give them notice
   of the time of meeting as they requested.
   Gov. Denny mentioned the answer of Gov'r Fauquar about **** in a full manner,
   reading Gov'r Fauquar's letter to ye Indians & making them a small Present with
   the strings & Balls. Croghan, I think, advanced the Present. Mr. King was
   desired to communicate all this answer fully to ye Onondago Council.

   Page 724

   Dr. Richard Wells to Richard Peters

   							Dover, May 12, 1759
   Respected Sir-Yours of the 8th Instant, I Received by Mr. Battell with your
   kind offer to serve me, had there been a Major to our three Companies; but as I
   went out a Field officer last campaign, I cannot Reasonable except of only a
   Captain's Comm., this, of w'ch you will please to inform his Hon'r, the
   Governor. And your interest with him to serve my Friend, Mr. Battell, who best
   deserves preferment of any Officer under me, last campaign, for his superior
   knowledge of Military Discipline, his couragious and manly behaviour, rendered
   him very agreeable to me and much endeared him to all the officers in that
   Expedition that were acquainted with him. I say your Interest with his Honor
   for Mr. Battell to be eldest Captain of our three Companies, will be doing me a
   piece of Friendship that will be ever gratefully acknowledged by,
   				Your Most Humble Serv't.
   						RICH. WELLS
   P.S.-Mr. Battell is recruiting fast, I will do everything in my power to assist
   him, he desires his Compliments to you.
   	As several of my men Deserted last Campaign & is taken up and bound over to ye
   first court Marshal they shall be called to, please to inform us w't shall be
   done with them. Quer: whether they ought not to be sent to ye army to be tried
   if they will not inlist.		R.W.

   Page 725

   Capt. Charles Garraway to Gov. Denny

   						Philadelphia, 15th May, 1759
   Honour'd Sir-I most greatfully acknowledge your Honour's Tender regard for me;
   But as I am now fitt for Dutty I cannot think of accepting so Great a Favour
   from your Honour or my Country to Lye unactive. I am hopefull to receive your
   Honour's Order to return to Dutty. If not, that your Honour w'd be Pleased to
   Certefie that the only objection for my not Proceeding on this Campaign, is
   owing to my Late Indisposition, as my Credit Lyes at stake w'th those Gentlemen
   whose Interest recommended me into these Services.
   	I am, Honoure'd Sir,
   		Your Hon'rs ever ob't Serv't,
   To the Honourable Wm. Denny, Esq'r.

   Pages 725-726

   Capt. John Haslet to Richard Peters

   						New Castle, May 15th, 1759
   Rev'd Sir-I hope your goodness will excuse this trouble which I give you, from
   my Desire to serve the Publick; ิtis in favour of Capt. M'Clughan, a gentleman
   who served last year to ye Westward, but thro' the misrepresentations of some
   to his Honor, ye Governor, has been neglected this year; were he only an honest
   man, be assured, s'r, I would not imploy your time w't this, but that he was
   also a Good Officer I can get attested by all impartial officers of his
   acquaintance & can safely appeal to Col'l Bouquet in place of all others. I
   have conversed w't the sheriff of the County; he assures me, none of their
   officers is so much liked by the men, nor so likely to raise a Company w't ye
   necessary expedition. Sev'l of the Magistrates & members of ye Assembly assure
   me y'y were ye vote of their house to have any weight ye Majority w'd be of his
   side. I again beg ye pardon for praying your Frei'dship in behalf of an Honest
   Man, who merits the place he held last year, & I can safely assert a Better,
   more than any two of ye Counties in which he served.
   		I am, Rev'd Sir,
   			Your most obliged,
   				Obedient Serv't
   Note-I have ye pleasure to acquaint you I have completed my Company.

   Page 726

   Capt. William McDowell to Richard Peters

   							York, June 13, 1759
   Rev'd & Worthy Sir-In obedience to the Governor's beating orders, which I had
   the Honour to receive from your hands, I have used my utmost endeavours to
   raise volunteers for the ensuing Campaign, which have not fail'd of success. I
   have ye Pleasure to Inform you that I have inlisted nine good Recruits, & shall
   persevere with earnestness and zeal to get as many more as possible. I hope you
   will pardon the Liberty I have taken to request the Favor of you to order a
   Commission to be made out for me as soon as possible, that I may know what
   Company I am to join, which will direct me better in my future duty.
   		I have the Honour to be,
   			Rev'd Sir, with great Esteem.
   				Your most obedient & most Humble Serv't,
   Rev'd Mr. Peters

   Pages 726-727

   Capt. Henry Van Bibber to Richard Peters

   						Noxonton, 15th of June, 1759
   Sir-I Received a Letter from Major Shippen by Captain Battel on his return from
   Philad'a to Dover, wherein I am ordered to march amediately to Carlisle, &
   Likewise to Receive from Captain McClughan, at New Castle, as many Recruits as
   will Compleat my Company; and I also went to Captain McClugan and Inform'd him
   my orders, yet He does not seem fully determined with himself weather he will
   deliver up those men or not. Whenever agreeable to orders and the Commissioners
   desire, I will march with all the convenient speec I Can, though I remain under
   this Difficulty that Mr. Finney, who is, or at least I understand is my Lieu't,
   is in a poor state of Helth at present, he having lately had the Meazles, & my
   Ensign not yet appointed, which is from,
   		S'r, your most obedient and Humble Ser't,

   Pages 727-728

   Diary of Provincial Frigate

   Day of Month, Week, Days, Vessels Names, Masters' Names, Where belong, From
   where came, What Passage, Where bound, Lattitude in, Soundings, What News

   July 8, Sunday, Samuel Mittchell, Philad'a, Bermudas, a Sloop
   July 8, Sunday, Sarah & Catharine Flint, Philad'a, Antigua, a Brigantine
   July 8, Sunday, Patty Brown, Philad'a, Hamburg, a Snow
   July 8, Sunday, Hester Burt, Philad'a, Antigua, a Schooner
   July 9, Monday, 39 degrees, 21', 34
   July 10, Tuesday, 30 degrees, 42', 20
   July 11, Wednesday, 29degrees, 54', 22
   July 12, Thursday, 22
   July 13, Friday, Edward Harding, Jamacia, New York, 1 day out, Jamacia, 39 degrees, 38', 20, a Brigantine
   July 14, Saturday, Rabitt Easton, R'd Island, Jamacia, 30 days, R'd Island, a Brigantine
   July 15, Sunday, his Majestie's Ship Rye, Barton Gaurdiloop, New York,
      39degrees, 25', 23, with 10 Sail of Transports under Convoy, who had on Board
   1,200 Troops, by whom we Learn Gardeloop Meregeland & Grandtier is taken
   July 15, Sunday, Belsey Castoe, Virginia, 2 days, New York, a Schooner
   July 16, Monday, Endeavour Newell, Phila., 1 day out, Boston, 39 degrees, 46', 28, a Sloop
   July 17, Tuesday, 38degrees, 8', 22
   July 18, Wednesday, Catharine Surloy, New York, Jamacia, 26 days, New York, 39 degrees, 3', 17, a Sloop
   July 19, Thursday, Snead, Philad'a, Gilbralter, 5 Weeks, Philad'a, 13, a Ship
      who gives us an acc't that Admiral Boscawen, with 3 Sail of men of War of the
      Line was going to Join 13 Sail of Spanish Men of War, in order to Convoy Don
      Carlos in his way to Madrid July 20, Friday, Bohemia, Brice, Philad'a, Providence, 
      38 degrees, 55', 30, a Sloop
   July 21, Saturday, 38 degrees, 30', 15
   July 22, Sunday, Suckey, Martin, Georgia, 7 days, Philad'a, 38 Degrees, 37', 15, a Sloop
   July 22, Sunday, Two Brothers, Mitchell, So. Carolina, 5 days, Philad'a, a Schooner
   July 23, Monday, 20
   July 24, Tuesday, 38 degrees, 25', 20
   July 25, Wednesday, 38 degrees, 38', 20
   July 26, Thursday, 38 degrees, 57', 19
   July 28, Saturday, Sally Budden, Philad'a, Philad'a, in the Rhoad, Gibralter, a Schooner
   July 28, Saturday, Stewart, Philad'a, Philad'a, in the Rhoad, Rotterdam, a Brigantine

   Pages 728-730

   Capt. Jacob Orndt to Gov. Denny

   						Fort Augusta, Sept. 17th, 1759
   May it Plece your Honour:
   	Sir-By George Doms, Shoamaker, I have Rece'd his patition To your Honour for
   fourter Residince here, & as your Honour is plese to Requist wherein he has
   offended, and my Displeshur to him, I must beg your excuess for giving a full
   Relation of his Conduct since my Recedince here, which was thus:
   	A short time after mu arrival at Fort Augusta, The Petitionir, George Dom,
   Came to me and Desired I would permit him to go Down in the Country and purchis
   some necessaries his wife woutid, as she was near her time, which I permitid him
   to do, but as the same time possitively forbid him not to bring up any liquer,
   furter then for his family's use, as I had your Honour's orders that no sutler
   should be permitted to Seal goods or Liquer here without your Honour's licens;
   and he as the same Time Solmly promised he should not offer to do any such
   things, yet, notwithstanding the above orders & his own promise, he went to
   Tulpehokin, prifitly braught a quantity of liquers and clendestinely sold the
   same to the Soldiers, and as the same time Contractid with men to bring him
   about 40 galons more; the person agreable to there agreement braught up the
   liquer a few days after. Mecommon's Store was lockt up, but when I got
   intiligind of there arrifel I order'd the men a halfe hour to Refresh
   themselfes, & then to Retturn with with there liquer & not to offer to Dispose
   of it to any body here; nevertheless, the above George Dom again Transgressed
   my orders by Purchis these liquer, & had them conceled in the woods till he had
   an opportunyty to convey them to his house; as he lives ousid the fort; and a
   few Days after these, Joseph Nutimus, an Indian, come to me and complained that
   the same night a soldier from the quarter guard came with a Cantin full of Wiske
   to his wife and Daughter to make them Drink and to Debuts them, and if they
   where used so here, they are obliged to leve there Wifes and Children at home,
   and not to bring them Down any more; and a few nights after these, again the
   quarter guart was made Dronk & got a fiting among themselves, and when serch
   was made for the liquer it was found by the said George Dom and a Soldeir, a
   beager, which livet in the Beak house besaids George Dom. I ordered the liquer
   to be braught to the barxde & Store it; a short time after, the s'd George Dom
   Desired he might go Down and buy some lather, as the Taner had Disapoindit him
   in Sending it up, when I again ordered him not to bring any liquer up for use.
   Mr. Clark had the Store and was appoinded, but he Disregartid all orders and
   the welfare of the community, braught up a quantity of liquer and other goods
   from Reading. As soon as I was acquanitid of his arrifel and had braught up a
   quaintity of liquer again, I ordered him to Depart the garrison in Six Days'
   time. Before the exparation, a patition was presented to me, signed by some of
   the Soldiers in his behalf, to which I paid no Regard, as his offince had been
   so notorious, and when he found he must Depart the garrison he got the Inclosed
   letter write and was Drapt behind me as I passed to the gardain, by the content
   I apprehended he intend to force arisedent by Raysing muteny in the garrison,
   and as soon as I had Read the letter I ordered the whole garrison under armes
   and told them I had your Honour's orders to prevent any person selling liquer
   to the garrison without his honour's license and asked them if they intended to
   Raise a Muteny to setle such villain here to abuse the country by selling liquer
   to the guard to Disable them from there Duty, and said that I was astonised they
   should pretend to say they must suffer in not having there shoas mentid when
   there is three shoemakers in the garrison, being soldiers and had materials, &
   both made & mentid the Shoas for the garrison, and the s'd george Dom had
   behaved in so base a manner, I ordered him to leve the garrison the next Day,
   but permited his wife to Stay til she was able to Travel and in these I think I
   have obaid fuly your Honour's order and Don my duty.
   	And as there has been Severil familys here which wer not of the garrison &
   levet here an had no promission, braught up for there support, and I could not
   learn that the where any service to the garrison, I have ordered them to leave
   these, for I have obsearved that they atr more hurt to the countrey than
   		I am,
   		Your Honour's most
   				obedient Humble Servent,

   Pages 730-731

   Beating Orders-1762

   By the Honourable James Hamilton, Lieut. Gov'r, &c., of the Province of
   Pennsylvania, &ca:
   To Captain Samuel Nelson, Greeting:
   	These are to authorize you, by Beat of Drum or otherwise, to raise, within the
   said Province & Counties for the Service of His Majesty, as many Voluntiers as
   are wanted to fill up the Company, under the Command of General Shirley, now
   doing Duty in New providence. And I do hereby require all officers, Civil &
   Military, within the said Province, to give you, the said Samuel Nelson, all
   the encouragement and assistance necessary in the said Service.
   	Given under my Hand & Seal at Arms at Philadelphia, the _____ day of March, in
   the second Year of His Majesty's Reign, And in the Year of our Lord One thousand
   seven hundred & Sixty-two.
   By his Honour's Command, 
   			J. Shippen, Secretary

   Pages 731-732

   Passport Given to Kayashuta on his Return to the Ohio After Paying a Visit to
   Sir William Johnson & this Government

   (L. S.) The Honourable Richard Penn, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor &
   Commander-in-Chief, &c., To all to whom these Presents may come, Greeting.
   	Whereas, the Bearer, Kayashuta, Chief of the Senecas & other Mingoes on the
   Ohio, hath proved himself a hearty & sincere Friend of His Majesty & the
   British Colonies, by the many good offices he hath performed for his Majesty's
   troops in America, as well as by his other public services for several years
   past, and being now on his return Home to the Ohio, from a visit which he hath
   lately paid to Sir William Johnson & this Government, hath requested my
   Passport for his safe Conduct. These are therefore to require all officers,
   Civil & Military, and all others, His Majesty's liege subjects within my
   Government, to permit the said Indian Chief to pass through the same on his
   intended Journey without Hindrance or Molestation, And I do also earnestly
   recommend it to them to be aiding & kind to him, on all occasions, when he may
   want any necessary assistance.
   	Given under my Hand & the Lesser seal of the said Province, &ca. 	R. PENN
   By His Honor's Command,
   		J. Shippen, Jun'r, Sec'y

   Page 732

   Gov. Hamilton's Order of Enlistment to Capt. Work

   							Phila., June, 1763
   By the Hon'ble James Hamilton, Esqr., Lieut. Gov'r & Commander, &c.
   To Patrick Work, Esqr., Greeting:
   	Whereas, His Majesty's Services requires that an immediate Reinforcement of
   Troops be sent to the Garrison of fort Augusta; These are, therefore, to
   authorize you by Beat of drum or otherwise, forthwith to raise as many
   volunteers as will compose a Company of foot in the pay of ye Province of
   Penn'a, to consist of three Commissioned officers, three Sergeants, three
   Corporals, one Drummer and fifty private men, and also to be under your command
   to raise as many more voluntiers as will compleat Col'l James Burd's Company now
   doing Duty at Fort Augusta to the same Complement of officers and men; you will
   enlist the said voluntiers to serve for the space of six months or upwards, and
   allow them a Bounty of Five Pounds per man, & the same pay & subsistence which
   the soldiers now in the pay of the province at Fort augusta receive; you will
   be careful to enlist only such men as are young, strong, & active, and in every
   respect capable of doing good service; and for your expence & trouble in raising
   the men you will be allowed twenty shillings for each Recruit; And I do hereby
   require all officers, &c.
   By His Hon'rs Command,
   		J. Shippen, Sec'ry

   Pages 733-736


   	Memorandum To be inserted in the Governor's Letter, That he incloses
   attestation, Articles of War & blank Commissions to be filled up with the names
   of such Persons as the Commanders shall judge to be most suitable.
   	To acquaint Mr. elder that Mr. Asher Clayton is appointed one of the Captains
   for the County of Lancaster, & that 70 pounds/10/0 is sent to him to be
   delivered to Mr. elder, to be applied as advance money.
   	To acquaint Mr. Seely that Mr. John Philip DeHaas is appointed Captain of one
   of the Companies of Berks, & that 70 pounds/10/0 is sent to him, which he is to
   deliver to Mr. Seely, to be applied as advance money.
   	To mention to the several Commanders what allowance is to be given to the men
   for their subsistence till they can draw Provisions.
   	To mention to them the proportion of men allotted for each County.
   	To desire them to date the Commission regularly Day after Day, & their pay to
   commence from the Date of their Beating orders.
   	(John Burd, of Littleton, recommended for a Company. William Way, of Paquea,
   applies for a Company having had 30 volunteers to offer themselves.)
   	To acquaint Col'l Armstrong that Mr. Lindsay is appointed one of the Captains,
   & has received _____pounds as advance money for his Company.
   	To recommend to ye Commanders Dispatch, & to take particular Care that the
   Arms & accoutrements be returned to them, after the service is over.
   	The officers' Commissions should be dated regularly, day after Day, to prevent
   Disputes abo't Rank, but their pay will commence on the Day they receive their
   Recruiting Instructions from their respective Commanders.
   	Quere. If it requires Mr. Young, as Commisary of the Musters, to ride up to
   Northampton, & proceed along the Frontiers of Berks, & Lancaster, & Cumberland,
   to muster the Companies as they are raised, & to give his assistance in
   forwarding the service, & to return along the same Road on the Frontiers.
   	Quere. If it would not be useful to send Major Clayton with the orders &
   Commissions to Mr. elder, & to command one of the Companies.
   	And Capt. DeHaas to Mr. Jonas Sealy for the same purposes.
   	To print the sextions of the articles of War.
   	Quere. Col. Armstrong, Mr. Elder, Mr. J. Sealy, & T. Horsefield, to be stiled
   	Money to be sent to them for advance money, 2 Dollars per man.
   	Quere. If a Dedimus Potestatem to administer the oaths should not be sent to
   the 4 Counties, or one to Mr. Young to qualify the whole.
   	The Pay Master to be furnished with Money to pay each Captain 300 pounds on
   acco't of their Company's pay, to enable them to march to their Rendezvous at
   Carlisle, & for the payment of the Garrison at Augusta, and money for the
   Recruiting services, vizt:
   	14 Companies at 300 pounds each-4, 200 pounds/0/0
   	2 Companies at Fort augusta, their pay to the 1st June, 7 months-2,240
   	1 Independent Company at Easton, 2 officers & 24 men, 7 months pay, to the 1st
   June-560 pounds/0/0
   	For the Recruiting service, 500 pounds more-500pounds/0/0
   Total: 7, 500 pounds/0/0
   	Orders from the Governor & Commissioners to the Pay Master to proceed on the
   above service directly.
   	Armourers to be ready at Carlisle to repair the Arms of the Troops as soon as
   they arrive there.
   	Quere. How & where the Recruits are to be supplied with Arms.
   	Provisions to be laid in at Carlisle for the Troops before they rendezvous
   	The Clothing & Camp Equi
   Page to be sent to Carlisle as fast as they are made.
   Memorandum-To propose at the Board of Commissioners, vizt:
   	To provide a sum of money immediately to pay off the Troops.
   	To prepare the Cloathing for them.
   	Quere.-What kind?
   	To provide Blankets, Haversacks, Powder horns & Pouches, Camp Kettles,
   Canteens & Tomahawks for about 250 men to be raised, to be sent to Carlisle, A
   Quantity of spare Blankets, Camp Kettles, Powder horns & Pouches, Haversacks,
   Canteens & Tomahawks to supply the Companies that are deficient, a few Drums,
   Money for recruiting the 2 Battalions to the Establishment.
   	Quere.-Whether a Commissary should not be allowed for taking Charge of the
   Cloathing & Stores and Delivery of them to the Troops.
   	Chests of Medicines, &c.
   	Light Horse.
   	Col's Pay allowed to Lieut. Col's.
   	Blank Commissions to be given to Col. Bouquet, for
   	Order for forming the Companies into a Regiment, to consist of two Battalions.
   	Beating Orders for the Colonels.
   	Two ensigns to be appointed in the Room of 2 Lieut's.
   21st July, 1763
   	Military Stores sent in Leonard Stoneberner's Waggon for Carlisle & Harris's
   	For the use of the Troops in Cimberland county, to be delivered to Col's
   	2 Boxes containing
   	32 tin Kettles
   	80 Tomahawks
   	244 Powderhorns
   	_____ Pouches
   	400 Haversacks
   and two Swivel Guns from Mr. John Allen.
   	For the use of Fort Augusta, to be delivered to the Care of John Harris, at
   	A Box containing
   	6 Spades
   	6 Shovels
   	6 Axes
   	6 Hoes
   	_ Faggot Steel & a parcel of Haversacks
   	2 Grind Stones
   	1 _ doz. Iron Potts
   	2 Barrels containing 6 lbs Cotton for Candle weak
   	12 yards Flannel for Common Cartridge
   	15 lbs Twine
   	14 quire Catridge paper
   	12 Lanthorns
   	A Hogshead, containing Tackle for 12 pr's, Cannon, &c., Flagg
   	For the use of the two Companies raising in Lancaster County, to be delivered
   to the Care of John Harris's, at Paxton, for the Rev'd Mr. Elder:
   	A Box cont'g	 100 Haversacks
   			20 Tomhawks 
   			3 qr. Buck shott
   			1 cwt. 3 qr. 6lb Bar Lead
   			2 cwt. more Bar Lead
   July 21, 1763
   	Sent to Mr. Jonas Seely, in Berks county, the following Military Stores, for
   the use of the two Companies raised for that County-Viz.: to Rowland Evan's
   Waggon, William Osman, Driver, 4 Boxes Muskets, 25 in each; 100 Stands. 1 Box
   containing 16 tin Kettles, 100 Powder Horns, 100 Pouches, 20 Hatchets, 100
   Haversacks, 500 Flints, 1 bag of Shott buck, w'th _ C't; 1 Cag of Lead, 12
   quarter Casks of Powder, 1 Bale blankets, q'ly 5 pieces, 20 in. ap's. Weight of
   the Lead, 2,250 lbs.
   	Sent the Quantity of Military Stores in _____ Waggon to Timothy Horsefield,
   Esq'r, for the use of the two Companies raising in Northampton County,

   Page 737

   Supplies to Fort Augusta

   							Philad'a, 12th June, 1763
   	A List of necessaries to be provided and sent to Harris's Ferry for the use of
   the Garrison at Fort Augusta, vizt:
   	6 Pieces of Blankets; 90 Stands of arms and their proper Accoutrements, vizt:
   Bayonets, Cartridge Boxes, or powder horns & pouches; 15 Barrels of powder,
   part Cannon & part small grained; 5,000 Flints of the best sort; 5 cwt. Buck
   Shott; 200 Rounds Grape Shott for the Cannon; 4 & 3 pounders; 12 Axes; 12
   Hatchets; 20 Tin Kettles, 2 Gallons each; 90 Canteens; 90 Haversacks; a Belt &
   Strings of Wampum; 15 C. of Ball for small Arms or Barr Lead; Money for the
   Recruiting Service; a Hhd. of Rum in Barrels or Caggs of 10 Gall's each.

   Pages 737-738

   Passport to James Irwine to Take Charge of Two Indians

   By the Hon'ble Jas. Hamilton, Esqr., L't Gov'r, &c.
   To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting:
   	These are to certify that I have committed to the Bearer, Mr. James Irwine,
   the Charge & Care of two friendly Nanticoke Indians, named John Curtiss and
   Jemmy Nappeir, who are employed by this Government to carry a message with the
   utmost dispatch to Papounham, and other friendly Indians living at Wighalousin,
   on the Susquehanna; I do, therefore, require all officers, civil and military,
   and all other the Inhabitants of this Province, to suffer the said James Irwine
   and the said Indians under his Conduct, to pass and repass unmolested to and
   from Fort Allen, & to permit the said Indians to proceed from thence on their
   Journey to Wighalousin without giving them the least Interruption, but to
   afford them all kind of assistance, and all Commanders of forts and other
   Military officers are hereby commanded and strictly enjoined to receive,
   protect and assist the said James Irwine and the s'd Indians; both in going and
   returning from the Indian Country, and, if required, to furnish them with
   Escorts, provisions, or anything else necessary to enable them with safety to
   proceed on the Business committed to them, As they shall answer the Contrary at
   their peril.
   	Given under my Hand & Seal at Arms at Philad'a, the twenty-second day of
   October, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
   sixty-three.		JAMES HAMILTON

   Page 738

   Capt. Caleb Graydon to Gov. John Penn

   						Fort Augusta, the 20th July, 1764
   Sir-I must now begg leave to return you my Thanks for your kind indulgence in
   stationing me at this Post by the Interposition of my friends. As the unsettled
   State of my private affairs in Philad'a wou'd not by any means admit of my
   proceeding on the Campaign at this time, otherwise I shou'd have been very far
   from requesting to have been left behind.
   	I have just rec'd a Letter from Philad'a intimating to me the greatest
   necessity for my immediate Presence there, otherwise I shall be in danger of
   becoming a considerable sufferer. Therefore I must begg your Honor's Leave of
   Absence to go down as soon as it can possibly be thought convenient; And as Mr.
   Young is particularly acquainted with my presint circumstances, I refer you
   Honor to that Gentleman for a fuller Explanation of the necessity I am in of
   your further Indulgence.
   	Inclosed are the several Returns of this Garrison, and I must lastly begg
   Leave to inform your Honor, that a Day or two after the Detatchment marched
   from hence, a Heavy Rain fell and has destroyed almost all our works, which has
   left us in a very defenceless state, as it is impossible for us to repair them
   again with so few men.
   	I am, with greatest Respect,
   		Your Honor's Most Obedient Humble Servant.
   The Hon'ble John Penn, Esquire

   Page 739

   Protection for Two Friendly Indians in Lancaster County

   By the Hon'ble John Penn, Esq'r., &c.
   To all whom it may concern, Greeting:
   	Whereas, I am given to understand that the Bearers, Michael & Mary his wife,
   are friendly Indians of the Delaware Tribe, who formerly resided with other
   Indians in the Conestago Manor, & have upward of fifteen months last past lived
   with Christian Hirshey, at his plantation in Warwick Township, Lancaster County,
   during which time they have constantly behaved in the most friendly & peaceable
   Manner to all His Majesty's Subjects; I do, therefore, hereby grant the said
   Michael & Mary my protection, and do enjoin & require all officers, civil &
   Military, as well as all other persons whatsoever within this Government, to
   suffer them to pass and repass on their lawful Business without the least
   Molestation or Interruption, and they are hereby also desired to treat the said
   Indians with Civility and to afford them all necessary assistance.
   	Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at Philad'a, the 17th day of August,
   							JOHN PENN
   By His Honour's Command.
   	J. Shippen, Secretary

   Page 739-740

   Press Warrant to Mayor Thomas Lawrence

   	By the Hon'ble John Penn, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor & Commander-in-Chief of
   the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex, on
   	To Thomas Lawrence, esquire, Mayor, &ca., & ca., or any other Justice of the
   said City and Co'ty of Philad'a:
   	Whereas, Application hath been made to me by His Excell'cy, Major General
   Gage, to cause Carriages to be provided for the use of six Companies of Royal
   Americans during their march through this Province from Lancaster towards New
   	And whweras, Capt. Schlosser, commanding that Detachment now in Town, hath
   represented to me that he shall have immediate Occasion for ____ Waggons, with
   able Horses & good Drivers, to be employed in the Carriage of the Provisions,
   Military Stores & Baggage of the said Detachm't, as far as Trenton; You are,
   therefore, authorized and required to cause the said number of wagons, with a
   sufficiency of able Horses & Drivers, to be immediately impressed, and
   delivered to Capt. Schlosser or his Order, to be employed by him in the service
   	Given under my hand & Seal at Philadelphia, the 3d May, in the 5th year of his
   Maj. reign, Anno Domini, 1765.						JOHN PENN
   By His Honour's Command.
   		J. Shippen, Secretary

   Pages 740-742

   Visit of Judge Yeates to Braddock's Field

   						Pittsburgh, August 21st, 1776
   Dear Sir-We yesterday made a party to visit Braddock's Field. We went in a
   large canoe with six oars, fourteen persons in number. A platform was raised on
   each end for a place to sleep, and then hoop poles bent over about four feet in
   height on which blankets were stretched to keep off sun or rain. We were well
   supplied with provisions and refreshments. One of our companions played
   delightfully on a German flute; our time, therefore, did not pass heavily while
   we assended the Monongahela. We arrived ast the Field in about 4 hours; we made
   a hearty dinner not far from the battle ground, near a fine spring-it was wise
   in eating before we visited the field, for I would have had but little appetite
   if we had pursued a different course. When we commenced our ramble our hearts
   sickened; the skulls and bones of our unburied countrymen met our eyes, and we
   contemplated, in imagination, as an event but recently happened. Any person of
   common humanity would have experienced pain from the reflection that between
   five and six hundred brave men fell victims to the merciless savages. The marks
   of cannon and musket balls are still to be seen on the trees, many of the
   impressions are twenty feet from the ground. My indignation was greatly excited
   against the commander of the British army, in suffering so many brave men to
   perish from an obstinate adherance to European rules of war. The observations I
   heard Sir Francis Halket make of the disasters of that bloody day, and his
   filial expressions of affection to the memory of his worthy father, Sir Peter
   Halket, rushed to my recollection. My feelings were heightened by the warm and
   glowing narration of that day's events by Dr. Walker, who was an eye witness.
   He pointed out the ford where the army crossed the Monongahela, (below Turtle
   creek, 800 y'ds), a finer sight could not have been beheld, the shining barrels
   of the muskets, the excellent order of the men, the cleanliness of their
   appearance, the joy depicted on every face at being so near Fort Du Quesne, the
   highest object of theur wishes-the music reechoed through the mountains. How
   brilliant the morning-how melancholy the evening! The savages and French had
   hardly an idea of victory when they made the attack. Braddock appeared almost
   to have courted defeat. Against every remonstrance of Sir Peter Halket, Major
   Washington and others of his officers, he refused to let a man leave his rank;
   they fired in platoons against no object-how very dispiriting to a gallant
   soldier, they were shot down in whole ranks. The enemy observing the
   infatuation of the General, felt assured of victory, redoubled their exertions,
   and fired with such fatal precision as to cause our men to throw away their guns
   and run off in the greatest disorder. The officers in vain attempted to arrest
   their course-they were compelled to follow their example. How differently did
   they cross the river now-without arms, order or music, the hellish yells of the
   Indians, and the groans and shrieks of the dying and the wounded falling upon
   their ears. I will not pain you by a further recital, suffice it that the enemy
   pursued them no farther than the ford. The dead bodies of our troops were
   suffered to remain a prey to wolves and crows. When the English took possession
   in 1758 of fort Pitt, a party was sent out, who buried upwards of four hundred
   and fifty skulls. Many have since been buried, and many remain as monuments of
   our shame. That the enemy derived any advantage from the ground, I cannot
   believe; their real advantage consisted in their mode of fighting and the
   blunder of Braddock. We returned home late in the evening; the music of the
   flute was delightful and solemnly impressive.
   	What a waste of blood and treasure has this little spot cost France, England
   and America. The prospects around here are most charming on the Allegheny and
   Monongahela, and the walks pleasant beyond the description. I had often heard
   of the celebrated Fortress of DuQuesne in my youth-what is it now? A little
   irregular ground, a few graves, and the fosse of the Fort are only visible. I
   remarked the grave of Col. Clapham.
   	Fort Pitt stands 100yards from fort DuQuesne, fronting the junction of the
   waters. A garrison and guard reminds me that we are still in a state of
   warfare. May God grant that peace be restored to us, and the Liberty of our
   country placed beyond the arm of Tyranny to reach.
   					Yours, &c.,
   						J. YEATES