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Newspaper Clipping    TERRITORY CRIMINALS
Submitted by:  Karen Mazzol
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Territory Criminals

May 14 - deputy United States Marshal F.B. LEE arrived today from
the Indian country with six prisoners:  AMOS COLBERT, charged with 
murder; F.S. DEASON, larceny; J.W. ANDREWS, assault with intent to 
kill; BUD NORTON, horse stealing; ALBERT COLBERT, burglary, and BEN 
ANDREWS, violating the intercourse laws.  On January 17, 1887, AMOS 
COLBERT and a white man named TAGGARD crossed the river into Texas and 
bought two gallons of whisky.  After returning to the Territory COLBERT
got drunk, and a dispute arose between them in regard to the liquor, 
which resulted in COLBERT killing TAGGARD. He has been on the scout 
since the killing until arrested by LEE at Tishomingo, Chickasaw nation,
on the 28th of last month.  Fort Worth Gazette