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Last modified: Tue, 24 Jun 2008, 17:22:40 EDT    Size: 1467
Newspaper Clipping    Ed Reed

Submitted by:  Mollie Stehno
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The McAlester Capital
October 31, 1895

Ed Reed, son of the noted Belle Starr, killed two brothers, Zeke 
and Dick Crittenden, at Wagoner last Thursday evening.  Reed had a 
special commission as deputy marshal to arrest Zeke Crittenden.  
He resisted and shot at him.  Reed returned the fire killing him. 
He then stepped into the telegraph office and wrote a message to 
Marshal Crump, when Dick shot at him through the window.  He ran 
to the door and fired twice killing him the second shot.  Some months 
ago it was thought that Reed would develop into an outlaw, but he has 
been a tolerable quiet citizen.