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Newspaper Clipping    Misc Articles - The Purcell Register

Submitted by:  Karen Mazzol
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The Purcell Register

Saturday, January 7, 1888
J. M. MASSEY of Denison, Texas, 
takes a dose of Morphine because he was a discarded suitor.

Tuesday morning at the Lindsay House, in Gainesville, Texas a young man,
named J. M. MASSEY, committed suicide by taking morphine.  The rash act 
was caused, it is said by a young lady, named MISS JESSIE MANNING, of 
Ardmore, I.T., refusing to keep company any longer with him.  He was a 
highly connected young man whose family live at Preston Bend, Grayson 
County, Texas.

Saturday, January 7, 1888
Article describing a gun fight where two men are killed.  They were: 
JOHN CULP, Deputy Sherriff, about 26 yeas old, single, interred at Marysville,
Jan. 6, 1888 with Masonic Honors & WOFFORD, about 35 years old leaving a wife
and four children.

Saturday, January 14, 1888
Denison, Tex., Jan. 10. MRS. LOUIS DEVAULT, of Carpenters' Bluff,
three miles north of Denison on Red River, threw her seven months
old child into a well last night and killed it.

Saturday, January 14, 1888
CHAS. C. CLARK, who was shot by W.E. TREADWELL at Anthony, Kas., on 
Jan. 7th, died of his wounds two days later.  TREADWELL is reported to
be insane since the shooting.