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Newspaper Clipping    The Murder of John M. Cantrell
Submitted by:  Tom Cantrell
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The Murder of John M. Cantrell

The only Murray County Lawman to Die in the line of Duty. Here are two
articles with respect to John M Cantrell who is buried in Oaklawn Cemetery
in Sulphur. To my knowledge, he is the only lawman to be killed in the 
line of duty in Murray County.


Sulphur, Oklahoma
1 Sep 1930

Funeral services for John Mathew Cantrell, deputy sheriff of Murray county
who died Wednesday, August 27, were held in the Calvary Baptist church, Sunday
at 2:30 p.m., August 31. The church, beautifully decorated, was filled to 
overflowing as evidence of the esteem in which he was held by his many 
friends here. Rev. O.C. Cooper was in charge of the services, which were 
under the direction of the Masonic Lodge here, of which Cantrell was a member.
Mr. Cantrell was a pioneer resident of Sulphur, and was well liked here. He had
worked here as a farmer, and in the transfer business. He was a city peace 
officer before becoming a deputy sheriff, an office which he had occupied
bout twenty months at the time of his death. He was born September 15, 1884 in 
Hope, Arkansas, and died August 27, at the age of forty six. He is survived by 
his wife, Lottie Cantrell; three children, Emit, age 14, Leo, age 12, and Joyce 
Nell, age 9; a daughter, Mrs. Orville Smith of Glendale, Arizona; a sister, 
Mrs. Bell Robins of Ozan, Arkansas; and his brother, Marshall Cantrell of Sulphur.
Mr. Cantrell was a Mason, and member of the Calvary Baptist church. Pall bearers 
were Rex Chaney, Bob Green, W. L. Tuck, Ira Potes, Boss Tillerey, and Clyde Parker.
Arrangements were in charge of A. G. Dunn Funeral Home, with interment in Oaklawn


Davis, Oklahoma
28 Aug 1930

J. M. Cantrell, deputy sheriff of Murray County, was shot and killed last 
evening about 7 o'clock a a point 3 miles east of Davis. Search for his 
assailant was pushed through the night by officers and posses of this and 
adjoining counties but he was not apprehended.

Having seen a car containing a man and woman parked for a considerable time 
on the Sunshine road about 100 yards off the Davis-Sulphur highway, Deputies 
W. L. Tuck and Cantrell and the latter's two young sons went to investigate. 
As the officers' car stopped and Cantrell was getting out, without a word the 
man in the parked car opened fire with a shotgun, striking Cantrell in the left 
breast, killing him instantly. Tuck then drew his revolver and emptied it at 
the assassin, and made three holes in the body of the car where the man was 
sitting and is believed to have wounded him. The man dodged around the car 
and made his escape through a field.

Many stories of the killing have been told, but this seems to be the most 

The woman was taken to Sulphur where she is being held in jail. She gave the 
man's name as J.W. Scott and said he lived in Kansas City. It is said she has 
told many conflicting stories and probably the true story has not been told.

After scouring the county for the fleeing murderer without avail, blood hounds
from the penitentiary at McAlester were secured this morning. They are said to 
have taken up the scent and followed it across the field where it was lost.

Traces of blood were found at points across the field, and it is believed the 
assassin is badly wounded.

Mr. Cantrell was a deputy sheriff under Sheriff Potes and was a faithful and 
efficient officer. He was well liked and stood high in official circles. He was 
about 45 years of age and leaves a wife and three children. His wife is a sister
of Jesse Ramsey of Davis former mail carrier between Davis and Hennepin.

Officer Cantrell was shot down in cold blood without a chance. The citizens 
of the whole county deplore the dastardly deed. Sheriff Potes, assisted by 
officers and posses, is leaving nothing undone to locate and capture Mr. 
Cantrell's assign and bring him to justice.