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Newspaper Clipping    Guns & Hoses Addition 

Submitted by:  Bob Chada
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Guthrie News Leader
Guns 'n Hoses
June 18, 2000

BELK, Dan, Lieutenant - Police
BISHOP, Jim, Chief of Police
BONDURANT, Mike, Deputy Sheriff
BROWN, David, Patrolman - Langston University
BROWN, Rex, Police - Lieutenant
BROWN, Suzy, A. C. O. Officer
BUFFORD, Gregory, Chief of Police
CALLINS, Reginald, Trooper - Oklahoma Highway Patrol
CLEMONS, Shelly, U. C. R. Clerk
COURTRIGHT, Michael, Police Sergeant
CRENSHAW, Sandy, Police Secretary
CROSSFIELD, Kaci, Adm. Secretary
CRUMB,Bryan, Dispatcher
DEVEREAUX, Damon, Police - Lieutenant
DOWNS, Harold, Police - Major
DUCK, Jennifer, A. C. O. Officer
DUEL, Luke, Undersheriff
DUKE, Greg, Reserve Deputy
DUKE, Randy
ELMORE, Fern, Dispatcher
EYERLY, Alan, Trooper - Oklahoma Highway Patrol
FREDRICKSON, Clayton, Police Officer
FULTON, Jay, Police Officer
GALBRAITH, Michael, Patrolman
GALLOWAYD, Joe, Police - Administrative Chief
GARCIA, Matt,Police Officer
GIBSON, John, Police Officer
GLADDEN, Jeff,Police Captian
HADDOCK, Gary, Police Sergeant
HANSELD,Wight, Police Officer
HEDGES, Erik, Dispatcher for Sheriffs Office
HINDS, David, Police Officer
HODGSON, Tucker, Police Officer
HORN, Jamay,Police Dispatcher
IRWIN, James,Police Sergeant
JENKINS, Brian, Trooper - Oklahoma Highway Patrol
JOHNSON, Reginald, Trooper - Oklahoma Highway Patrol
JOHNSON, Steven, Police - A. C. O.
JONES, Janice, Police - Head Dispatcher
JONES, Robert, Patrolman
KELLEY, Kris, Police Sergeant
LANSDOWN, Aaron, Reserve Police Officer
LEACH, Chris, Dispatcher
LEACH, Clint, Dispatcher for Sheriffs Office
LYONS, Tracy, Police Officer
McDANIEL, Shawn, Police Officer
McHAND,Ben, Trooper - Oklahoma Highway Patrol
McVICKER, Jennifer, Dispatcher for Sheriffs Office
MIZE,Steve, Police Officer
PARSONS, Francene, Dispatcher for Sheriffs Office
PETTUS, Algray L., Chief - Langston University
PHILLIPS, Joanie, Deputy/Records Clerk for Sheriffs Office
PLATT, Craig, Sheriff
POLLY, Mary, Dispatcher
PORRAS, Pablo, Jr. Patrolman
PUGH, Dexter, Police Officer
REAL, Jerrad, Trooper - Oklahoma Highway Patrol
RIDER, Jay, Patrolman
STEPP, Charles, Lake Enforcement Officer
STEVENSON, Samuel, Captain - University Police
STEWERT, Curtis, Patrolman
STORR, Michael, Sergeant - University Police
STRIDER, Michael, Police Sergeant
SROPES, Scott, Patrolman
TAFT, James, Deputy Sheriff
TIMMONS, Stanley, Assistant Chief
TODD, Andrew, Police - Sergeant & K-9
TUCKER, David, Lieutenant for Sheriffs Office
TUCKER, John, Reserve Police Officer
VAUGHN, Mark, Deputy Sheriff
WILLIAMS, Jonathan, Police Officer
WILSON, Greg,Police Officer
WILSON, Lance, Dispatcher for Sheriffs Office
WOODARD,Kevin, Deputy Sheriff