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Last modified: Tue, 24 Jun 2008, 17:22:40 EDT    Size: 1468
Newspaper Clipping    Jim Clark

Submitted by:  Mollie Stehno
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The McAlester Capital

August 15, 1895

Jim Clark, The Rio Grande railroad detective, was shot and killed in
the street at Telluride, Col., last week.  He was formerly a desperate 
outlaw and is believed to have killed at least twenty men.  During the 
war he was a member of Quantrell's band of guerrillas, and known as 
Jim Cummings.  After the war he was government scout and Indian fighter.
He was with the Jesse James gang and after it was broken up he committed
numerous stage robberies.  Eight years ago he settled at Telluride and 
was made town marshal, in which position he strictly enforced the law.