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Newspaper Clipping    Bandits Killed

Submitted by:  Mollie Stehno
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Bandits Killed

April 18, 1895
The McAlester Capital

News was received yesterday at the United States Marshal's office of a
battle with bandits, which occurred at Cushing Wednesday night.  Charles 
Wilson, Charles Moore and Jack Sims, alias "Polka-Dot Bill," members of the
Doolin gang, rode into Cushing, heavily armed.  Tying their horses, the 
bandits retired to a saloon, after which they proceeded to place a crimson 
hue on the town.  The outlaws, who finally mounted their horses and rode through
the village, shooting out lights and yelling like demons, raided several stores.
The municipal officers gave chase to the desperadoes and a fusillade of shots 
were exchanged.  During the firing "Polka-dot Bill" was shot through the head
by one of the officer and instantly killed.  This alarmed the other two ruffians,
who put up their guns and allowed themselves to be captured.  The two prisoners
were at once taken to Stillwater and lodged in the county jail.