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Newspaper Clipping    Bandies in Ambush

Submitted by:  Mollie Stehno
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Bandies in Ambush
Showed the Rock Island a Hold Up Trick

April 18, 1895
The McAlester Capital

A Rock Island train was robbed last night near Dover.  The robbery
occurred at 11"60, 20 rods west of the station.  It was the express 
No. 1, and was held up by five mounted men, who ordered the baggage 
man to open the door of the baggage car.  He refused, and the robbers 
fired two shots through the door, wounding the baggage man in the wrist.  

The robbers then broke open the door with a sledge, but did not succeed
in getting any plunder from the baggage car.  They hurried through the 
smoker and one day coach, securing about $300 in money from the passengers.
In addition to the $30 cash the robbers also obtained from their victims 
in the smoker and day coach six revolvers and a number of watches and rings.
The passengers in the sleepers were not disturbed.

The robbers were last seen from the grain going from Dover, the leader 
being upon a gray horse.  A posse started shortly from Kingfisher, the 
next station, in pursuit of the bandits.

Surprised and Killed

News reached Hennessey this evening of a fight between the Rock Island 
robbers and deputy sheriffs on the Cimarron River.  The pursuing party, 
under command of Marshal Madson, came upon the robbers and immediately 
fired killing one robber and wounding another.  The robbers were taken 
unawares and fired at random on their assailants, not hitting them.  The 
robbers then took to the b rush and marshals were sent out to cut off all 
avenue of escape.  The dead man was recognized as Rattlesnake Bill, one of 
the robbers that made an unsuccessful attempt to rob the same train at Pond 
Creek, O. T., a year ago.

The body was brought into Hennessey at 11 p.m.  The deputies that brought 
in the body think that there is no doubt that all will be captured or killed 
as the men in pursuit are fully determined to rid this section of this gang.

The rock Island has offered a reward of $1,000 for the arrest and conviction
of the robbers.

Recognized Two of Them

April 18, 1895
The McAlester Capital
Kingfisher, Ok.

Ex-United States Marshal Grimes, who was in the chair car when the bandits 
passed through, recognized two of them as Charles Bailey and Zip Wyatt whose 
homes are near Ingalls, Paine County.  The delay caused by the robbers trying 
to open the express car gave the passengers opportunity to stow away part of 
their valuables.  What they gave the robbers was such amounts as they chose 
to give up.  The Negro porter was forced to carry a small sack and go in advance 
of the bandits.  Bailey kept with him to see that everybody "chipped in" and 
Wyatt held his Winchester ready to shoot anyone who dared to interfere.

Chasing The Bandits

April 18, 1895
The McAlester Capital

At daylight this morning a carload of men and horses was rushed to Dover 
from El Reno, and Deputy Marshals and detectives are scouring the country.
Detective Sutton, of this city, left this morning for the scene.

Late tonight word was received from the territory that the posse had come 
up with the robbers and in a fight one man was killed and several wounded.
The names are not given and likely no further particulars can be secured 