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El Reno Cemetery Sections E - Canadian County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Emily Jordan <> 30 Nov 2002
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The El Reno Cemetery is located on the southeast side of El Reno at 
East Elm Street and S Shepard. Take exit 125 off I-40 and go north on 
Shepard. There are entrances on Shepard and Elm. Emily has provided a 
hand-drawn map of the cemetery and a picture of sign at the main 
entrance. See Index for location.

Name                           Birth       Death       Notes

** Section E
, Bernice                      -- --- ---- -- --- ---- only word on cylindrical stone
-,  Dora                       -- --- 1874 -- --- 1933 plot stone missing; last name unknown
-, Dwight                      -- --- 1913 -- --- 1924 plot stone missing; last name unknown
-, Johnie                      -- --- ---- -- --- ----
Aber, Myrtle H.                -- --- 1896 -- --- 1990
Aber, O.E. "Jack"              -- --- 1884 -- --- 1952
Adams, Emerson L.              02 Feb 1915 24 Nov 1983 mar. Aug. 22, 1936; no wife's name on stone
Adams, Jacob D.                -- --- 1873 -- --- 1920
Adams, John Penright           05 Apr 1940 25 Feb 1996 son of Emerson & Margaret
Adams, Wm.                     -- --- ---- 08 Oct 1893 aged 44y9m12d
Ainsworth, Bertha L.           -- --- 1909 -- --- 1983
Ainsworth, John LeRoy          09 Apr 1880 12 Mar 1956 Pvt Co M 21 Regt Kan Inf. Spanish American War
Ainsworth, Josephine           -- --- 1883 -- --- 1932
Alcorn, Armina Grant           -- --- 1876 -- --- 1971
Alcorn, Frank L.               -- --- 1871 -- --- 1942
Alcorn, Jim W.G.               -- --- 1902 -- --- 1925
Allen, Ida B.                  -- --- 1874 -- --- 1892
Allen, Ida B.                  01 May 1874 02 Oct 1892 dau of W.A. & M.E. Allen
Anderon, Dora Dean             22 Sep 1926 -- --- ---- mar Dec 22, 1946; ossw Maurice M. Anderon
Anderon, Maurice M.            09 Nov 1924 23 Nov 1992 mar Dec 22, 1946; ossw Dora Dean Anderon
Anderson, Dora Dean            22 Sep 1926 -- --- ---- mar. Dec. 22, 1946; ossw Maurice M. Anderson
Anderson, Helen Clayton        12 Oct 1878 28 Jun 1947 ossw Our Mother Clayton
Anderson, Lucius Lawrence      -- --- 1894 -- --- 1918
Anderson, Maurice M.           09 Nov 1924 23 Nov 1992 mar. Dec. 22, 1946; ossw Dora Dean Anderson
Anderson, Sarah Paine          -- --- 1840 -- --- 1924
Andrews, Claudie A.            25 Oct 1905 27 Jun 1907 son of E.U. & Cora Andrews
Andrews, Cora                  04 Jun 1879 14 Apr 1961 ossw Edward Val Andrews
Andrews, Edward Val            01 Oct 1870 15 May 1961 ossw Cora Andrews
Andrews, Ralph S.              16 Nov 1895 10 Feb 1955 Okla Sgt Mg Co 357 Inf 90 Div World War I
Andrews, twin daus             -- --- ---- 28 Dec 1897 daus of E.U. & Cora Andrews
Armitage, Eugene B.            -- --- 1883 -- --- 1921 B.P.C.
Armold, Earl E.                05 Jul 1912 07 Aug 1981 Sgt. US Army World War II
Armold, Edna May               08 Sep 1909 24 Apr 1992 our beloved nana
Armold, Mother                 -- --- 1853 -- --- 1938
Armstrong, Addie               31 Dec 1873 04 Apr 1924 mother
Armstrong, Duke                16 Aug 1896 01 May 1924 brother
Armstrong, Sam A.              -- --- 1870 -- --- 1929
Ashley, Adelia E.              14 Jun 1902 26 Nov 1928
Ashley, Marguerite R.          31 Jan 1922 04 Dec 1931
Austin, Addie                  -- --- 1856 -- --- 1933
Baer, Robert L.                -- --- 1927 -- --- 1941
Baker, George Alvin            25 Dec 1919 26 Jan 1920
Baker, George R.               -- --- 1893 -- --- 1969 ossw Oma E. Baker
Baker, Oma E.                  -- --- 1899 -- --- 1990 ossw George R. Baker
Ball, Alva M.                  -- --- 1889 -- --- 1918
Ball, Benjamin B.              -- --- 1889 -- --- 1944
Ball, Scelena G.               -- --- 1920 -- --- 1920
Banner, Caroline Hirsch        01 Dec 1890 23 Dec 1978
Barrett, Martha A.             -- --- 1841 -- --- 1923
Bartlett, Martha C.            -- --- 1857 -- --- 1918 mother; ossw Robert S. Bartlett
Bartlett, Robert S.            -- --- 1855 -- --- 1933 father; ossw Martha C. Bartlett
Bartlett, son                  -- --- ---- 25 Feb 1916 inf son of Dan & Lola Bartlett
Basinger, Mary Ella            -- --- 1889 -- --- 1918 mother
Bass, James Ernest             06 Jul 1916 20 Oct 1972
Bass, Judith Lovelace          16 May 1944 13 Oct 1989
Bay, Fleming                   -- --- ---- -- --- 1948
Beemblossom, Aline M.          29 Jan 1900 14 Mar 1999
Beemblossom, H.E.              01 Jun 1879 05 Jul 1956
Beemblossom, Marian M.         21 Aug 1928 24 Mar 2001
Bell, Harold H.                23 Apr 1919 06 Jan 1923
Bell, Lorena E.                30 May 1882 20 Jun 1941 mother
Bell, Ralph Everett            29 Oct 1916 08 Apr 1943 MM2 US Navy World War II
Bell, Seth Henry               06 Mar 1890 12 Dec 1968 father
Bellamy, George W.             -- --- 1867 -- --- 1920
Berner, Wm. C.                 13 Feb 1853 10 Jan 1920
Beverly, D.M.                  14 May 1848 24 Jan 1919
Biggert, Anna W.               -- --- 1897 -- --- 1952
Biggert, Annie E.              -- --- 1869 -- --- 1917
Biggert, James R.              -- --- 1898 -- --- 1922
Biggert, William G.            -- --- 1864 -- --- 1901
Bingham, George E.             14 Sep 1867 24 Nov 1920 ossw Julia E. Bingham
Bingham, Julia E.              26 Mar 1877 13 Apr 1961 ossw George E. Bingham
Blanton, Anna E.               15 Jan 1888 23 Jun 1950
Blanton, Charles H.            17 Jul 1903 25 Jun 1904
Blanton, Earl R.               08 Jan 1898 09 Jun 1922 Okla Pvt 4 Co 164 Depot Brigade World War I
Blanton, John W.               06 Nov 1856 24 Jun 1919 father
Blanton, Mary E.               20 Jan 1861 25 Aug 1951 mother
Blanton, Olive G.              15 Dec 1896 27 Jan 1897
Blanton, Pearl Roy             08 Jan 1898 03 Jul 1959 Okla PFC 1 Co 164 Depot Brigade World War I
Blanton, Zelman D.             14 Mar 1899 09 Jul 1899
Blasingame, Edward             -- --- 1880 -- --- 1905
Boling, Harvey H.              -- --- 1862 -- --- 1940
Bonner, Susan E.               -- --- 1830 -- --- 1924 grandmother
Bowser, H.M.                   -- --- ---- -- --- ---- unreadable
Brabhen?, Mary                 -- --- ---- -- --- ----
Bradshaw, Catherine            24 Jun 1884 01 Jun 1970 ossw Cecil C. Bradshaw
Bradshaw, Cecil C.             23 Dec 1879 09 Feb 1920 ossw Catherine Bradshaw
Bradshaw, John                 -- --- ---- 25 Mar 1899 aged 86years
Braley, Effie M.               07 May 1887 29 Oct 1973 mother
Braley, James W.               28 Aug 1878 17 Dec 1946 father
Brame, Mary Marguerite         -- --- 1893 -- --- 1918
Bricker, Elsa F.               23 Jun 1893 23 Oct 1918
Bright, C. Hayward             -- --- 1919 -- --- 1920
Bright, Cecil H.               -- --- 1886 -- --- 1982 father; ossw Elsie Madge Bright
Bright, Elsie Madge            -- --- 1888 -- --- 1967 mother; ossw Cecil H. Bright
Brightman, Andrew J.           19 Aug 1859 19 Apr 1913
Brightman, Geo. H.             29 Sep 1889 08 Nov 1918
Brightman, inf. dau.           -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Inf dau of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Q. Brightman
Brightman, Mary C.             28 Apr 1865 08 Aug 1944
Brightman, Pearl               -- --- 1899 -- --- 1988
Brightman, Walter Q.           01 Sep 1889 13 Aug 1960 Okla Sgt. Remount Det QMC World War I
Brink, John W.                 23 Aug 1846 28 Jan 1902
Britton, Noah Franklin         21 Nov 1876 26 Aug 1939
Brooks, Chester O.             -- --- 1854 -- --- 1937 ossw Ella E. Brooks
Brooks, Ella E.                -- --- 1866 -- --- 1952 ossw Chester O. Brooks
Broughton, Elizabeth           -- --- 1909 -- --- 1951 mother
Broughton, Jake A.             -- --- 1905 -- --- 1952 father
Brown, Beth G.                 18 Nov 1903 24 Nov 1992 daughter
Brown, Charles C.              03 Feb 1862 01 Jun 1953 father
Brown, Dottie E.               -- --- ---- 06 Sep 1892 dau of C.C. & J.E. Brown; aged 3y10d
Brown, Eve Miles               23 Dec 1918 -- --- ---- ossw Merelind E. Brown
Brown, Ida M.                  -- --- 1857 -- --- 1923
Brown, Jennie E.               17 Aug 1868 22 Jul 1956 mother
Brown, Joan Elizabeth          02 Mar 1943 29 Jul 1962 beloved
Brown, Merelind E.             22 May 1916 27 Sep 1992 ossw Eve Miles Brown
Brown, Robert P.               -- --- 1851 -- --- 1899
Brownlee, Genevieve            -- --- 1907 -- --- 1995
Brownlee, Horace J.            -- --- 1897 -- --- 1958
Brownlee, Joseph P.            -- --- 1851 -- --- 1920
Brownlee, May N.               -- --- 1872 -- --- 1936
Brownlee, Ruby B.              -- --- 1887 -- --- 1961
Bryan, J.A.                    -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Co. C 2nd Conn. H.A.
Bryan, Susie Stone             -- --- ---- -- --- 1962
Buckles, Margaret              -- --- ---- 06 Jun 1911 dau of J.H. & E.W. Buckles
Buckley, Corneilous J.         -- --- 1870 -- --- 1918 ossw Sophia M. Buckley
Buckley, Dan W.                -- --- 1907 -- --- 1951
Buckley, Sophia M.             -- --- 1879 -- --- 1950 ossw Corneilous J. Buckley
Burch, -                       -- --- ---- -- --- ---- busted stone
Burmeier, Herman F.            29 Mar 1889 01 Jun 1938 ossw Nell M. Coit Burmeier
Burmeier, inf son              -- --- ---- 06 Mar 1918 son of Mr & Mrs H.F. Burmeier
Burmeier, James Coit           11 Jun 1921 -- --- ---- ossw Wilma Chadwick Burmeier
Burmeier, Nell M. Coit         10 Jul 1894 13 Aug 1985 ossw Herman F. Burmeier
Burmeier, Thomas               01 Apr 1897 31 Mar 1947 Okla Pvt Infantry World War I
Burmeier, Wilhelm F.           -- --- 1862 -- --- 1915
Burmeier, Wilma Chadwick       29 Dec 1918 10 Feb 1984 ossw James Coit Burmeier
Burnett, Mary Allen            -- --- 1864 -- --- 1907 ossw Ida B. Allen
Buss, John                     -- --- 1857 -- --- 1917
Buss, Walter                   -- --- 1900 -- --- 1964
Butler, Nancy                  -- --- ---- -- --- ----
Butts, Leona Greta             25 Mar 1874 11 Aug 1944
Butts, LeRoy King              16 Oct 1874 10 Oct 1940
Butts, LeRoy King, Jr.         18 Oct 1919 16 Feb 1920 ossw Baby Sampson
Campbell, Joseph S.            -- --- 1852 -- --- 1936
Campbell, Luella J.            19 May 19-M 11 Apr 1991
Campbell, Phoebe Elizabeth     -- --- 1854 -- --- 1935
Campbell, Sherman A.           11 Apr 1896 31 Dec 1962 Okla Pvt US Army World War I
Canon, Artie M.                -- --- 1868 -- --- 1957 ossw Pressley C. Canon
Canon, Hugh C.                 18 Oct 1899 31 Jan 1981
Canon, John Morgan             18 Mar 1837 27 Aug 1898 aged 60 ys 5 ms 9 ds
Canon, Pressley C.             -- --- 1865 -- --- 1937 ossw Artie M. Canon
Canon, Sarah E.                18 Jul 1838 08 Feb 1915 aged 76 yrs 6 ms 18 ds
Carl, David F.                 -- --- 1850 -- --- 1919
Carl, Eva M.                   29 May 1902 22 Feb 1982 ossw John R. Carl
Carl, John R.                  18 Dec 1902 29 May 1972
Carl, Lawrence F.              -- --- 1891 -- --- 1922
Carson, James M.               17 Jul 1861 06 May 1899
Cecial, Virginia               29 Nov 1923 15 Dec 1923 last name Joule?
Chance, Jack                   30 Oct 1886 04 Aug 1952 ossw Maude S. Chance
Chance, Maude S.               07 Apr 1883 02 Nov 1934 ossw Jack Chance
Chilton, Billie G.             -- --- ---- 25 Aug 1917
Church, Emanuel                15 Jul 1859 20 Feb 1929
Church, Etoil M.               -- --- 1910 -- --- 1920 dau of E.M. & Maisie Church
Church, Maisie                 20 Apr 1874 06 Nov 1945 wife of Henry Hernon
Clark, Arthur D.               26 Jan 1880 13 Nov 1951 father
Clark, Calvin P.               -- --- 1874 -- --- 1943
Clark, Edith A.                -- --- 1896 -- --- ---- ossw Calvin P. Clark
Clark, Kenneth L.              -- --- 1913 -- --- 1922
Clark, Lewis F.                26 Sep 1919 20 Aug 2000 SKV1 US Navy World War II
Clark, Lewis F.                26 Sep 1919 20 Aug 2000 wife's name is missing
Clark, Mary Roberts            -- --- 1889 -- --- 1919
Clark, Minnie L.               22 May 1879 10 Feb 1967 mother
Clary, Kittie Drake            -- --- 1886 -- --- 1904
Clay, Arthur R.                26 Dec 1873 16 May 1916
Clay, Mary Ann                 07 Nov 1836 23 Apr 1932
Clayton, our mother            02 Dec 1859 10 Apr 1918 ossw Helen Clayton Anderson
Clements, Henry Tom            -- --- 1855 -- --- 1930 father
Clements, Lulu Bell            -- --- 1893 -- --- 1923 mother
Clifton, William M.            07 Sep 1903 02 Dec 1971 Georgia Lt. Col. US Army World War II
Cobbs, Gussie C.               -- --- 1884 -- --- 1971
Cobbs, Martha M.               -- --- 1857 -- --- 1929 mother
Cobbs, Richard B.              -- --- 1879 -- --- 1954
Coit, Harlan H.                05 Sep 1888 05 Nov 1926
Coit, Henry H.                 -- --- 1865 -- --- 1940
Coit, Lena J.                  -- --- 1869 -- --- 1948
Coker, Bea L.                  07 Jun 1905 21 Jan 1996
Collins, Billy Fay             08 Jan 1942 09 Jan 1942
Collins, William T.            -- --- 1861 -- --- 1921
Compton, Jacob B.              -- --- 1871 -- --- 1951
Compton, Louisa M.             -- --- 1879 -- --- 1965
Compton, Maude A.              -- --- 1877 -- --- 1929
Conner, Clydena May            -- --- 1922 -- --- 1923
Cooper, Junior                 08 Jun 1921 07 Jan 1923
Corlee, B.A.                   20 Jan 1854 09 Jun 1933
Corlee, Byron                  -- --- 1891 -- --- 1959 ossw Stella Corlee
Corlee, Effie Jane             -- --- ---- 27 Oct 1920 inf dau of Mr&Mrs F.E. Corlee
Corlee, Hazel M.               24 Nov 1892 07 Jun 1919 wife of B.G. Corlee
Corlee, Helen L.               02 Feb 1924 18 Nov 1927
Corlee, Stella                 -- --- 1904 -- --- 1976 ossw Byron Corlee
Corlee, Susan                  08 Jan 1852 27 Oct 1937
Cornelius, Clara               -- --- 1890 -- --- 1979
Cornelius, G.P.                -- --- 1884 -- --- 1919
Cornelius, Georgadene          -- --- 1915 -- --- 1921 dau of G.P. & Clara Cornelius
Courtney, Opal E.              -- --- 1896 -- --- 1918
Courtnier, Beryl S.            -- --- 1900 -- --- 1919 Co. L 142
Cox, Harold E.                 19 Jul 19-J 01 Sep 2002 mar May 15, 1943; ossw Magdalena A. Cox
Cox, Magdalena A.              23 Apr 1925 -- --- ---- mar May 15, 1943; ossw Harold E. Cox
Cox, Tyresa A.                 30 Oct 1923 -- --- ---- ossw Virgil C. Cox; mar July 23, 1966
Cox, Virgil C.                 06 Nov 1920 -- --- ---- mar July 23, 1966; ossw Tyresa A. Cox
Coykendall, Esther             -- --- 1854 -- --- 1922
Coykendall, John R.            -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Capt. Co. G. 11 Ill. Cavalry
Coykendall, June               -- --- ---- -- --- 1885
Coykendall, Leal               -- --- ---- -- --- 1889
Crawford, Gertrude             -- --- 1907 -- --- 1972
Crawford, Glenn                -- --- 1905 -- --- 1973
Crawford, James                -- --- 1928 -- --- 1929
Cross, John C.                 -- --- 1856 -- --- 1946 ossw Mary H. Cross
Cross, Joseph A.               -- --- ---- 28 Dec 1893 son of A.&R. Cross; aged 26y3m9d; 2 others on same stone
Cross, Mary H.                 -- --- 1876 -- --- 1963 ossw John C. Cross
Crump, Lillie G.               04 May 1861 31 Mar 1960 ossw W.G. Crump
Crump, W.G.                    23 Oct 1849 26 Oct 1896 ossw Lillie G. Crump
Crumpacker, Frances A.         13 Jan 1837 04 Jan 1900 wife of John N. Crumpacker
Crumpacker, John N.            17 Jul 1820 03 Nov 1905
Culp, Ashby W.                 22 Apr 1879 24 Apr 1962 ossw Gertrude M. Culp
Culp, Gertrude M.              31 Oct 1883 21 Mar 1923 ossw Ashby W. Culp
Dale, Etta D.                  -- --- 1872 -- --- 1944
Dale, inf. dau                 -- --- ---- -- --- 1908 inf dau of D.L. & E.C. Dale
Dale, John                     -- --- 1831 -- --- 1921
Dale, Sallie A.                -- --- 1859 -- --- 1893
Dale, Syrenah A.               -- --- 1832 -- --- 1913
Dalton, Edna M.                19 May 1889 28 Aug 1972 ossw Thomas W. Dalton
Dalton, Thomas W.              27 Jun 1887 09 Jan 1972 ossw Edna M. Dalton
Davis, Anna F. Garner          -- --- 1915 -- --- ---- ossw Chester Minor Davis
Davis, Arthur E. Jr.           -- --- 1916 -- --- 1941 on Sawallisch plot
Davis, Carson Allen            07 Aug 1926 04 May 1996 SF3 US Navy World War II
Davis, Chester M.              05 May 1910 19 Jun 1993 Maj. US Army WW II
Davis, Chester Minor           -- --- 1910 -- --- 1993 ossw Anna F. Garner Davis
Davis, John Timothy            05 Sep 1998 05 Sep 1998
Davis, Rosa B.                 -- --- 1893 -- --- 1962 on Sawallisch plot
DeAtley, Evah L.               -- --- 1871 -- --- 1959 mother
DeAtley, J.A.                  -- --- 1862 -- --- 1949 father
DeAtley, Jack J.               27 Sep 1910 08 Oct 1978 TSgt US Army World War II
DeAtley, Lawrence M.           -- --- ---- 10 Mar 1921 Okla Cook 66 Engrs
DeAtley, Ollie L.              -- --- ---- 17 Feb 1920 Okla Pvt 1CL Air Service
DeMoss, Nancy T.               -- --- 1870 -- --- 1922 mother
Dennison, Bertha E.            21 Jan 1890 14 Jul 1920 wife of John C. Dennison, Jr. - b WV d OK
DeWeese, Jesse C.              -- --- ---- 24 Aug 1921 Okla Sgt 19 US Inf.
DeWeese, John H.               11 Oct 1856 06 May 1927 father; ossw Rosalie DeWeese
DeWeese, Rosalie               03 Feb 1860 05 Apr 1934 mother; ossw John H. DeWeese
DeWeese, Walter Reed           27 Jan 1893 23 Oct 1918 father
Dickason, Alice A.             -- --- 1858 -- --- 1916 wife of A.O. Dickason
Dickson, Catherine A.          -- --- 1826 -- --- 1896
Dillon, Cora Lyman             -- --- 1902 -- --- 1937
Dittmer, Herman                -- --- 1875 -- --- 1944
Dittmer, Herman Roberts        -- --- 1920 -- --- 1997
Dittmer, John C.               -- --- 1928 -- --- 1976
Dittmer, Magaretha             -- --- 1842 -- --- 1923 mother
Dittmer, Murl Catherine        -- --- 1893 -- --- 1993
Dittmer, Sarah Ethel           -- --- 1882 -- --- 1918 wife of Herman Dittmer
Dobson, David                  -- --- ---- -- --- ---- C.O.G. 66th Ind. Inf.
Dobson, Susan                  -- --- 1830 -- --- 1910
Doling, Elizabeth June         27 Oct 1930 30 Jan 1931
Dove, Billy                    -- --- 1915 -- --- 1921
Dowdy, Raymond                 28 Mar 1893 07 Apr 1893 Little
Dunas, Evelyn Corine Tucker    -- --- 1907 -- --- 1982 ossw Marcaret Franz Kraft Townsend
Duncan, Andress                -- --- 1918 -- --- 1921
Duncan, Ann Sandefur           11 Feb 1912 21 Sep 1997
Duncan, John S.                -- --- 1875 -- --- 1920
Dyer, J.F.                     05 Sep 1848 06 Jul 1923
Elliot, Mable                  03 Sep 1880 31 Dec 1918
Erbacher, Joseph A.            -- --- 1873 -- --- 1929 ossw Mae Erbacher
Erbacher, Mae                  -- --- 1881 -- --- 1941 ossw Joseph A. Erbacher
Erbar, Hubert E.               06 Jul 1895 06 Apr 1973 ossw Verlis Z. Erbar
Erbar, John                    -- --- 1860 -- --- 1929
Erbar, Nancy E.                -- --- 1864 -- --- 1960 his wife
Erbar, Verlis Z.               01 Mar 1905 05 Apr 1994 ossw Hubert E. Erbar
Eudy, Henry E.                 16 Jan 1910 20 Oct 1923
Evans, Bertha                  21 Aug 1885 06 Jul 1955
Evans, Charles W.              12 Nov 1905 24 Mar 1991 ossw Lucille Evans
Evans, Frank                   02 Aug 1876 18 Nov 1953
Evans, Lucille                 16 Dec 1910 31 Mar 1998 ossw Charles W. Evans
Evans, Ruth I.                 03 Dec 1911 -- --- ---- ossw Walter L. Evans; mar Aug. 31, 1930
Evans, Walter L.               16 Oct 1909 05 Dec 1991 ossw Ruth I. Evans; mar Aug. 31, 1930
Evans, William Frank           09 Feb 1945 28 Dec 1968
Faeber, Henry                  17 Nov 1875 26 Nov 1947
Farnham, A.A.                  -- --- 1834 -- --- 1899
Farris, Homer D., Sr.          -- --- 1877 -- --- 1962
Farris, Nellie A.              -- --- 1886 -- --- 1986
Faulkner, Mable                15 Aug 1904 08 Dec 1972 ossw Robert J. Faulkner
Faulkner, Robert J.            11 Dec 1899 02 Jul 1978 ossw Mable Faulkner
Feger, Louis                   -- --- 1872 -- --- 1917
Ferguson, George               14 Aug 1845 08 Oct 1892 father
Ferguson, Lillian B.           23 Dec 1891 18 Aug 1971
Ferguson, Lorinda E.           03 Oct 1853 18 Nov 1947
Ferguson, Mary Ruth            01 Nov 1891 20 Aug 1892
Ferguson, Wallace J.           29 Aug 1884 07 Mar 1942
Fleenor, Johnie                -- --- 1888 -- --- 1923
Fleenor, Winifred              -- --- 1891 -- --- 1977
Fockler, Harry U.              -- --- 1885 -- --- 1942
Fockler, John T.               -- --- 1844 -- --- 1904 father
Fockler, Lydia S.              -- --- 1853 -- --- 1931 mother
Fogg, Arnold                   -- --- 1882 -- --- 1919
Fondy, James Roy               -- --- 1896 -- --- 1918 son of J.S. & S.C. Fondy
Foreman, Maj. John A.          -- --- 1825 -- --- 1899 ossw Mary E. Foreman; Pioneers of 1889
Foreman, Mary E.               -- --- 1845 -- --- 1912 ossw Maj. John A. Foreman; Pioneers of 1889
Forister, Billy R.             09 Oct 1903 15 Feb 1920 son of Mrs. Maude Chance
Forman, J.B.                   -- --- ---- 18 Mar 1892 aged 35y5m8d
Forman, John                   -- --- 1856 -- --- 1923 father
Forrest, Mary R.               -- --- 1854 -- --- 1935 ossw Randolph B. Forrest; his wife
Forrest, Randolph B.           -- --- 1850 -- --- 1921 ossw Mary R. Forrest
Foudray, Loyd E.               -- --- ---- 05 Nov 1924 Okla Chauffeur 279 Aero Sqdn
Foust, William E.              01 Nov 1882 23 Mar 1958
Fox, Mattie C.                 -- --- 1896 -- --- 1975 ossw Ross C. Fox
Fox, Roscoe C.                 -- --- 1919 -- --- 1920
Fox, Ross C.                   -- --- 1885 -- --- 1955 ossw Mattie C. Fox
Fox, Wilbur J.                 26 Jun 1917 29 Sep 1992
Fread, Louisa                  -- --- 1867 -- --- 1953 ossw Solomon Rise
Fread, Solomon                 -- --- 1852 -- --- 1921
Fullen, Elizabeth              08 Apr 1917 23 Dec 1918 ossw twin boys Fullen; children of E.G. & E.M. Fullen
Fullen, twin boys              -- --- ---- 12 Oct 1915 ossw Elizabeth Fullen; children of E.G. & E.M. Fullen
Fuqu, J.T.                     14 Mar 1858 06 Jul 1905
Galloway, Harold               01 Nov 1898 22 Jul 1899 son of Rev. A.T. & Kate Galloway
Gambill, Sandra Lee            12 Jul 1950 22 Feb 1951
Gardner, George Athol          -- --- ---- 13 Jul 1891
Garner, Anna Libby             -- --- 1892 -- --- 1970 ossw Lafayette A. Garner
Garner, Lafayette A.           -- --- 1889 -- --- 1961 ossw Anna Libby Garner
Garrett, John D.               27 Jan 1886 04 May 1975
Garrett, Malcolm L.            25 Dec 1912 20 Mar 1995 Maj. US Army Air Corps WW II
Garrett, Maude                 02 Feb 1891 16 Apr 1989
Gates, Elvas                   -- --- 1918 -- --- 1919 baby
Gates, Perdinan C.             -- --- 1880 -- --- 1954 father
Gates, Richard Dana            08 Mar 1897 02 Oct 1964 Mass. S2 USNRF WWI
George, Robert P.              21 Apr 1862 30 Apr 1893
Gerhart, Louis J.              19 Dec 1869 05 Oct 1897 aged 28y11m; his wife Ina B. Gerhart
Gholston, John H.              -- --- 1887 -- --- 1918
Gilbert, Walter                -- --- 1908 -- --- 1923
Gillette, Anna F.              -- --- 1849 -- --- 1928 mother
Gillette, Frank E.             -- --- 1848 -- --- 1923 father
Gilmore, Lillie Mae            -- --- 1903 02 Feb 1975 ossw Walter E. Gilmore; mar. Mar. 31, 1943
Gilmore, Walter E.             -- --- 1907 23 Feb 1971 ossw Lillie Mae Gilmore; mar Mar. 31, 1943
Gilmore, Walter E.             04 Apr 1907 23 Feb 1971 Okla CWO US Army World War II Korea
Glyckherr, Charles             -- --- 1845 -- --- 1932 ossw Marian Glyckherr
Glyckherr, Marian              -- --- 1854 -- --- 1937 ossw Charles Glyckherr
Godwin, Hugh D.                -- --- 1895 -- --- 1963 ossw Mary J. Godwin
Godwin, Lillie L.              02 Nov 1875 24 Nov 1893 dau of James & Emma Godwin; aged 18y22d
Godwin, Mary J.                -- --- 1887 -- --- 1959 ossw Hugh D Godwin
Good, Anna I.                  -- --- 1872 -- --- 1920 wife of L.J. Good
Good, Louis J.                 -- --- 1872 -- --- 1935
Goosman, Ed                    09 Oct 1875 04 Sep 1935
Goosman, Elizabeth L.          08 Jul 1921 08 May 1924
Goosman, Fred W.               01 Jun 1903 11 Jul 1923
Goosman, Johanna G.            25 Apr 1868 21 Feb 1929
Goosman, Roy Tim               14 Dec 1953 04 Oct 1954
Graham, Rex F.                 25 Jul 1924 28 Feb 1976
Grandjean, Kate                -- --- 1852 -- --- 1933 ossw Leon Grandjean
Grandjean, Leon                -- --- 1858 -- --- 1926 ossw Kate Grandjean
Grant, Ann                     -- --- 1852 -- --- 1941
Grant, Quint C.                -- --- 1852 -- --- 1940
Gray, Alice Ward               -- --- 1887 -- --- 1921 mother
Green, Dorothy C.              26 May 1915 20 Oct 1920
Green, Mary A.                 -- --- 1827 -- --- 1916
Green, William H.              08 Mar 1900 09 Mar 1963
Greene, Dan                    -- --- 1859 -- --- 1925
Greene, Elmer Marvin           16 Feb 1893 18 Apr 1964 Okla Pvt US Army World War I
Greene, Mary A.                -- --- 1826 -- --- 1915
Gregory, Wilburn Bryan         28 Dec 1928 16 Jun 1978 FN US Navy Korea; beloved father; devoted son
Griffith, Elmer                27 Dec 1912 30 Apr 1941
Groseclose, James L.           -- --- 1839 -- --- 1917 brother of Geo. A. Groseclose
Grove, Gertrude                -- --- 1897 -- --- 1899
Grove, L. Frank                -- --- 1852 -- --- 1927
Grove, Martha                  -- --- 1810 -- --- 1897
Grove, Nelsie N.               -- --- 1858 -- --- 1935
Grove, Ollie                   -- --- 1891 -- --- 1892
Grove, Pearl                   -- --- 1893 -- --- 1895
Guyton, Angie                  14 May 1918 14 May 1918 triplet girls; ossw Anthie Guyton
Guyton, Annis                  14 May 1918 14 May 1918 triplet girls; ossw Angie Guyton
Guyton, Anthie                 14 May 1918 14 May 1918 triplet girls; ossw Annis Guyton
Guyton, John Jacob             22 Mar 1923 31 Mar 1923
Hadley, Florence A.            -- --- 1860 -- --- 1927 mother
Hadley, Lillian                -- --- 1896 -- --- 1925
Hadley, Ruby A.                -- --- 1886 -- --- 1941
Hadley, Theodore E.            -- --- 1889 -- --- 1940
Hadley, Theodore J.            -- --- 1855 -- --- 1922 father
Hahn, Amy                      -- --- 1856 -- --- 1943 ossw W.A. Hahn
Hahn, W.A.                     -- --- 1850 -- --- 1920 ossw Amy Hahn, his wife
Hair, Joseph A.                -- --- ---- 08 Sep 1919 Okla Pvt 162 Depot Brigade
Hall, Bertha                   -- --- 1881 -- --- 1959
Hall, Columbus                 -- --- 1879 -- --- 1927
Hall, Lillie V.                29 Oct 1859 09 Apr 1944
Hall, Liz C. Lawson            -- --- 1888 -- --- 1918 mother
Hall, Melvin W.                -- --- 1914 -- --- 1941
Hall, Sarah                    -- --- 1839 -- --- 1922
Hamm, Evelyn Pennybaker        05 Jan 1921 21 Aug 1993
Hanson, Dortha                 -- --- 1848 -- --- 1913
Hanson, Peter                  -- --- 1846 -- --- 1898
Harmon, Tenefe                 -- --- 1868 -- --- 1917
Harper, Blanche M.             14 Mar 1895 14 Mar 1979
Harper, Chester W.             11 Dec 1881 06 Apr 1965
Harper, Clifford T.            17 Jan 1886 06 Aug 1919
Harris, Joshua C.              25 Oct 1841 23 Nov 1931 father
Harris, Mrs. M.M.              22 Aug 1843 18 Jan 1899 mother
Harrison, John J.              -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Corp. Co. H 186 Ohio Inf
Harrison, Lauris C.            -- --- 1870 -- --- 1920
Harrison, Nellie               16 Feb 1862 27 Aug 1940 wife of John J. Harrison
Harrison, Thomas H.            -- --- 1863 -- --- 1947 by maybe 1883
Headlee, Amy                   09 Nov 1876 15 Jul 1893 dau of W.C. & E. Headlee
Headlee, Ivy                   31 May 1883 22 Jul 1893 dau of W.C. & E. Headlee
Headlee, John G.               06 Mar 1879 11 Jun 1893 son of W.C. & E. Headlee
Headlee, W.C.                  29 Apr 1849 31 Jul 1893
Headlee, W.G.                  06 Mar 1879 11 Jun 1893
Hedges, Mary Clarke            28 May 1827 12 May 1895 mother; beloved wife of John W. Hedges
Helm, Eunice O.                -- --- ---- 08 Mar 1894 aged 8 ms 24 days; dau of U.C. & M.A. Helm
Henderson, E.C.                -- --- ---- 25 Sep 1895
Henry, Hazel P.                09 Aug 1886 24 Jun 1968
Henry, John S.                 23 Sep 1881 24 Oct 1918
Hensley, baby                  12 Dec 1921 12 Dec 1921
Hensley, Bert F.               14 Oct 1899 08 Jul 1955
Hepburn, Wm. Addison           -- --- 1848 -- --- 1901
Herod, Philip F., Dr.          18 Apr 1883 25 May 1974
Herod, Ruby Kelly              03 Dec 1889 17 Oct 1974
Hess, Elba C.              14 Jun 1917 -- Nov 1918
Hickox, Joseph Oscar           -- --- 1863 -- --- 1901
Hickox, Lulu                   -- --- 1886 -- --- 1897
Hickox, Mary Catherine         -- --- 1853 -- --- 1936 mother
Hickox, Mary Elizabeth         -- --- 1833 -- --- 1902
Hickox, Mary Louise            -- --- ---- 02 Jan 1901 aged 10m; dau of John & Fannie Hickox
Hickox, Reuben R.              -- --- 1853 -- --- 1923 father
Hickox, Reuben Robert          -- --- 1905 -- --- 1912 son of Robert G. & Lena S. Hickox
Hicks, Edward            -- --- ---- 26 May 1879 inf son of Henry & Nellie Hicks - Month looks like May
Hicks, Helen C.            02 Mar 1904 30 Nov 1974
Hicks, Nellie J.               10 Feb 1875 20 Jun 1913
Hightower, Florence V.         -- --- 1861 -- --- 1912
Hill, Mary S.                  28 Sep 1824 01 Sep 1896 member Baptist church; mother of Mildred C. Waid
Hine, Barton                   -- --- ---- 26 Nov 1893 aged 1y8m8d; son of L.S. & N.E. Hine
Hines, Adam Lowell             05 Feb 1965 08 Jue 1993 beloved son
Hines, Cheryl Marie            17 Nov 1961 -- --- ---- don't know if birth or death date
Hirsch, Christine              -- --- 1858 -- --- 1927 mother
Hirsch, J.N. Frederick         -- --- 1856 -- --- 1905 father
Hirsch, Werner Amandus         -- --- 1880 -- --- 1955
Hobbs, Annie Fay               -- --- 1897 -- --- 1901 aged 3y10m24d;child of R.E. & I.L. Hobbs;ossw Emma G.
Hobbs, Emma Goldie             -- --- 1896 -- --- 1901 aged 5y6m29d;child of R.E. & I.L. Hobbs;ossw Annie Fay
Hodgkinson, Frank D.           -- --- 1852 -- --- 1918 ossw Martha E. Hodgkinson
Hodgkinson, Martha E.          -- --- 1857 -- --- 1936 ossw Frank D. Hodgkinson
Hoffman, Emma                  -- --- 1864 -- --- 1948 mother
Hoffman, inf daus              21 May 1922 21 May 1922 inf daus of Mr & Mrs Esher Hoffman
Hoffman, John                  -- --- 1856 -- --- 1933 father
Hollingsworth, Arthur R.       -- --- 1887 -- --- 1941
Hollingsworth, Sina P.         -- --- 1859 -- --- 1956
Hollingsworth, William F.      -- --- 1859 -- --- 1949
Hollingsworth, William W.      12 Oct 1897 22 Jun 1969 Okla PFC 753 Engr RY Shop BN World War II
Hollister, Christine C.        -- --- 1848 -- --- 1927 mother
Hollister, John A.             -- --- 1837 -- --- 1923 father
Holzen, Helene                 30 Sep 1861 30 Dec 1920 mother of Mrs. J.D. Rinderhagen
Hooper, Glennie A.             -- --- 1862 -- --- 1923
Hooper, Mable M.               01 Oct 1892 01 Jun 1902
Hooper, Minnie L.              -- --- 1862 -- --- 1928
Hooper, William W.             -- --- 1860 -- --- 1947
Hopkins, Mrs. Mary Shields     14 Mar 1830 20 Apr 1892
Hovenden, Cora                 -- --- 1887 -- --- 1949
Hovenden, Katherine E.         04 Jun 1916 20 Jan 1976
Howerton, Henry Joe            09 Aug 1896 28 Sep 1983 dad
Howerton, Isla Iona            13 Jun 1904 20 Mar 1986 mom
Hubbs, Cleon B.                -- --- 1895 -- --- 1924 ossw Vergil J. Hubbs
Hubbs, George W.               -- --- 1874 -- --- 1963 father; ossw Isabella Hubbs
Hubbs, Isabella                -- --- 1886 -- --- 1971 mother; ossw George W. Hubbs
Hubbs, J.S.                    -- --- 1849 -- --- 1918 ossw T.Ann Hubbs
Hubbs, T.Ann                   -- --- 1854 -- --- 1922 ossw J.S. Hubbs
Hubbs, Vergil J.               -- --- 1918 -- --- 1929 ossw Cleon B. Hubbs
Huchtemann, inf. son           -- --- ---- 10 May 1923 son of Henry & Louise Huchtemann
Huchtemann, inf. son           -- --- ---- 13 Jan 1921 son of Henry & Louise Huchtemann
Huchtemann, inf. son           -- --- ---- 16 Feb 1920 son of Henry & Louise Huchtemann
Hudspeth, Crate                -- --- ---- 17 Jul 1898 aged 83 yrs
Hudspeth, Martha               29 Nov 1834 15 Apr 1907 wife of J.W. Hudspeth
Huffman, Golda May             -- --- 1891 -- --- 1939
Huls, Ezekiel                  05 Mar 1839 10 Nov 1906 father; ossw Harriett J. Huls
Huls, Harriett J.              13 Nov 1831 27 Mar 1912 mother; ossw Ezekiel Huls
Humphrey, Sarah A.             09 Sep 1869 23 Sep 1940 mother
Humphrey, Uriah                19 Jul 1865 21 Sep 1920 father
Humphreys, Herbert             -- --- 1899 -- --- 1903 son; ossw Mabel J. Humphreys
Humphreys, Mabel J.            -- --- 1879 -- --- 1961 mother; ossw Herbert Humphreys
Hutchens, Anna Belle           -- --- 1911 -- --- 1921 dau of W.W. & C. Hutchens
Hutchens, Katherine            -- --- 1881 -- --- 1931 ossw W.W. Hutchens
Hutchens, W.W.                 -- --- 1869 -- --- 1939 ossw Katherine Hutchens
Hyland, Eda                    -- --- 1900 -- --- 1929
Hyland, Paul                   -- --- 1902 -- --- 1954
Iles, Estle H.                 11 Apr 1916 06 May 1973 Okla SK2 USNR World War II
Iles, Marguerite               -- --- 1897 -- --- 1988
Iles, Rolla                    -- --- 1891 -- --- 1961
Irving, Clara N.               -- --- 1851 -- --- 1932 ossw Frank N. Irving
Irving, Frank N.               -- --- 1879 -- --- 1961 ossw Mae E. Irving
Irving, Mae E.                 -- --- 1879 -- --- 1957 ossw Clara N. Irving
Jackson, George W.             12 Dec 1844 07 Feb 1916
Jamison, Allen Ross            -- --- 1856 -- --- 1924
Jamison, Charity Luella        -- --- 1870 -- --- 1951
Jarnigan, Dorothy J. Richmond  18 Apr 1927 -- --- ---- ossw Nathan S. Jarnigan, Jr.
Jarnigan, Nathan S., Jr.       12 Jun 1926 01 Aug 1991 "Bill"; ossw Dorothy J. Richmond Jarnigan
Jarrell, Mildred Faye          17 Oct 1927 01 Oct 1930
Jenkins, Anna Lora             06 Jan 1871 30 Apr 1958
Jenkins, J.W.                  -- --- 1856 -- --- 1919
Jenkins, Lora T.               21 Sep 1892 12 Nov 1968 Okla PFC US Army World War I
Jenkins, Ray E.                -- --- ---- 19 Aug 1936 he loved the Colorado Mountains
Jensen, Sarah C.               -- --- 1852 -- --- 1918
Jensen, Thos.                  -- --- 1845 -- --- 1901
Jerman, Betty Faye             -- --- 1924 -- --- 1929
Jerman, Hazel M.               -- --- 1896 -- --- 1998
Jerman, Oliver H.              -- --- 1870 -- --- 1953
Jerman, R. Gale                -- --- 1896 -- --- 1980
Jerman, Roscoe C.              -- --- 1910 -- --- 1971
Jerman, Susie Belle            -- --- 1870 -- --- 1946
Johnson, Bartram A.            -- --- 1854 -- --- 1904
Johnson, Betty                 -- --- 1870 -- --- 1902
Johnson, C.W.                  -- --- 1849 -- --- 1911
Johnson, E. Oliver             -- --- 1868 -- --- 1950 father;ossw Nella W. Johnson
Johnson, Florence              -- --- 1904 -- --- 1923 wife of C.L. Cooper
Johnson, Nella W.              -- --- 1874 -- --- 1952 mother;ossw E. Oliver Johnson
Johnson, Paul Wilbur           -- --- 1915 07 Dec 1952
Johnson, Susan S.              08 Jul 1825 06 Jan 1898
Jollie, Charles A.             -- --- ---- 06 Jan 1922 Rhode Island Field Clerk Quartermaster Corps
Jones, Aline LaBryer           -- --- 1884 -- --- 1965
Jones, Edna L.                 -- --- 1885 -- --- 1925 nee Rice
Jones, George W.               -- --- 1849 -- --- 1932
Jones, Irene C.                -- --- 1873 -- --- 1945
Jones, J. Edgar                -- --- 1871 -- --- 1919
Jones, J.E.                    -- --- 1851 -- --- 1928
Jones, LeRoy Dolph             -- --- 1880 -- --- 1937
Jones, Mae E.                  -- --- 1867 -- --- 1921 mother; ossw Thomas A. Jones
Jones, Ransom F.               29 Nov 1875 01 Jan 1966
Jones, Sarah Ellen             12 Apr 1856 21 Oct 1941 mother
Jones, Thomas A.               -- --- 1862 -- --- 1940 father; ossw Mae E. Jones
Jones, Viola A.                13 Sep 1878 05 Jan 1939 mother
Joule, Annette                 26 Aug 1934 23 Dec 1934
Joule, Elizabeth Cecial        -- --- 1894 -- --- 1923 mother
Joule, Leroy P. "Roy"          11 Oct 1883 03 Aug 1972 ossw Margaret Mable Joule
Joule, Margaret Mable          21 Aug 1902 08 Jul 1980 ossw Leroy P. Joule
Kamp, Margaret Burmeier        -- --- 1860 -- --- 1929
Kelly, Cashia B.               -- --- ---- -- --- 1928
Kelly, Edna McMahan            -- --- 1896 -- --- 1986
Kelly, Edward P.               19 Nov 1860 21 Oct 1932
Kelly, Elizabeth               -- --- 1864 -- --- 1956
Kelly, Joe E.                  -- --- 1868 -- --- 1938
Kelly, M.A.                    06 Oct 1852 29 Jul 1912 mother
Kelly, W.J.                    -- --- ---- 09 Jan 1904 aged 52yrs
Kern, Bessie B.                -- --- 1889 -- --- 1895
Kern, Fred N.                  -- --- 1852 -- --- 1920
Kern, Fred W.                  -- --- 1885 -- --- 1908
Kern, Mary R.                  -- --- 1858 -- --- 1929
Ketch, Ada Brown               20 May 1880 31 Jan 1974
Ketch, Frank L.                -- --- 1875 -- --- 1951
Kidd, Elzora A.                19 Aug 1905 22 Jun 1998 ossw H. Ernest Kidd
Kidd, H. Ernest                13 Jan 1904 15 May 1997 ossw Elzora A. Kidd
Kidd, Marvin P.                14 Mar 1870 27 Jul 1958
Kidd, Myrtle M.                28 Oct 1883 29 Jul 1950
King, Cora B.                  -- --- 1867 -- --- 1935 mother; ossw Orator A. King
King, Harvey T.                28 Dec 1853 16 Jan 1924
King, Lily Mae                 04 Aug 1875 22 Mar 1935 ossw William C. King
King, Orator A.                -- --- 1868 -- --- 1938 father; ossw Cora B. King
King, Roy Richard              31 May 1905 20 Dec 1917
King, Ruth                     28 May 1894 23 Feb 1980
King, William C.               11 Apr 1873 07 Apr 1962 ossw Lily Mae King
Kirkpatrick, William R.        -- --- ---- 16 Nov 1904 aged 64 yr; father
Kitzmiller, Upton              -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Co. C. 2 Ohio Inf.
Kline, James                   -- --- 1846 -- --- 1933
Klingbeil, Frederick           -- --- 1842 -- --- 1920 ossw Mina Klingbeil
Klingbeil, Mina                -- --- 1855 -- --- 1934 ossw Frederick Klingbeil; his wife
Koebrich, Harry W.             -- --- 1890 -- --- 1895
Koebrich, Luella M.            -- --- 1889 -- --- 1899
Koebrich, Susie A.             -- --- 1898 -- --- 1900
Koebrick, Oscar                25 Dec 1897 27 May 1968 Okla Y1 US Navy World War I
Koerner, twin sons             -- --- ---- 07 Jan 1916 inf. twin sons of Arthur G. & Essie V. Koerner
Koogle, Henry T.               02 May 1910 27 Sep 1979 Cpl US Army World War II
Koogle, Henry T.               02 May 1910 27 Sep 1979 ossw Natalie E. Koogle
Koogle, Natalie E.             26 Jan 1916 -- --- ---- ossw Henry T. Koogle
Koogle, Ora Tidwell            -- --- 1884 -- --- 1920
Kossuth, Anna                  -- --- 1859 -- --- 1922
Kraft, Frank                   -- --- 1867 -- --- 1944
Kraft, J. George               -- --- 1843 -- --- 1918
Kraft, Ollie M.                -- --- 1871 -- --- 1945
Krall, Mary                    -- --- 1861 -- --- 1921 ossw Peter I. Krall
Krall, Peter I.                -- --- 1859 -- --- 1926 ossw Mary Krall
Kroeker, Bertha B.             22 Aug 1881 03 Nov 1961 ossw Paul N. Kroeker
Kroeker, Paul N.               17 Sep 1878 25 Nov 1961 ossw Bertha B. Kroeker
Kuechle, Gertrude              -- --- 1867 -- --- 1951
LaBryer, Emily J. Burgess      -- --- 1858 -- --- 1935
LaBryer, Ethel Ellis           -- --- 1886 -- --- 1957
LaBryer, John Albert           -- --- 1854 -- --- 1918
LaBryer, Norvin Burgess        -- --- 1882 -- --- 1934
Lacy, Maurice                  03 Apr 1898 16 Oct 1898 son of S.H. & Eula Lacy
Langley, Seadel                -- --- ---- 09 Oct 1922
Lanman, Leora J.               -- --- 1869 -- --- 1927
Larson, Ellen J.               -- --- ---- -- --- ---- daughter of unreadable
Lawrence, John T               28 Mar 1886 11 Apr 1924 ossw Thelda Lawrence
Lawrence, Thelda               10 Jan 1887 22 May 1927 ossw John T. Lawrence
Lawrence, Willard              18 Dec 1909 29 Jan 1930
Lawson, Ben L.                 24 Jul 1884 19 Oct 1918
Lawson, George C.              18 Sep 1870 16 Apr 1938
Lawson, John W.                31 Jul 1841 12 Aug 1898
Lawson, Lydia Clay             12 Feb 1849 05 Apr 1934
Lawson, Mary                   -- --- 1859 -- --- 1921 ossw Wm. Lawson; his wife
Lawson, Mary Frances           11 Apr 1875 15 Sep 1957
Lawson, Wm.                    -- --- 1862 -- --- 1942 ossw Mary Lawson
Leak, Gideon                   -- --- ---- 01 Feb 1902 aged 57y7m15d
Lemon, E. Vickers              27 Jul 1882 04 Nov 1915
Lemons, Chas. B.               04 Sep 1890 03 Apr 1943
Lewis, Bert L.                 11 Mar 1885 -- --- ---- ossw Faye T. Lewis
Lewis, Eldridge W.             -- --- 1890 -- --- 1918
Lewis, F.S.                    -- --- 1847 -- --- 1925
Lewis, Faye T.                 04 Mar 1891 14 Feb 1939 ossw Bert L. Lewis
Lewis, Martha J.               -- --- 1852 -- --- 1909
Lewis, Wm. Emmett              15 Apr 1876 24 Sep 1901
Libby, Cornelia                -- --- 1871 -- --- 1929 wife of M.D. Libby
Libby, Eugenia                 -- --- 1873 -- --- 1899 sister of M.D. Libby
Libby, Mark D.                 -- --- 1858 -- --- 1945
Lightwood, Ned                 17 Jul 1898 18 Jul 1898 Little; ossw Olive J. Lightwood
Lightwood, Olive J.            17 Mar 1877 11 Feb 1899 ossw Ned Lightwood
Lillie, Laura Elender          18 Jul 1914 04 Oct 1915
Linden, John A.                -- --- 1864 -- --- 1925
Linden, Julia                  -- --- 1865 -- --- 1928
Line, Annabell                 -- --- 1854 -- --- 1940 ossw J.E. Line
Line, Charles R.               -- --- ---- -- --- ---- son of J.E. & A. Line; aged 8 yrs 7 mos 5 dys?
Line, J.E.                     -- --- 1854 -- --- 1915 ossw Annabell Line
Lingenfelter, Marion Josephine 12 Nov 1916 16 Aug 1993 Newell Triplet
Lingenfelter, Robert Ruel      26 Apr 1915 26 Feb 1992
Linthicum, R.B.                -- --- ---- 29 Jun 1906 aged 67 years
Linville, Olive Virginia       -- --- ---- -- --- ---- J.M.L.   N.M.L.
Lively, Dorothy                07 Jan 1902 12 Feb 1939
Lively, Earl W., Jr.           24 Sep 1920 17 May 1923
Long, Gladys Smith             -- --- 1905 -- --- 1991
Lorenzen, Catherina            -- --- 1864 -- --- 1947
Lorenzen, Charles M.           -- --- 1875 -- --- 1944
Lorenzen, Herman J.            -- --- 1857 -- --- 1961
Lorenzen, Jonas                -- --- 1859 -- --- 1940
Lorenzen, Kate K.              -- --- 1883 -- --- 1966
Lorenzen, Margaretta Helena M. -- --- 1907 -- --- 1918
Lorenzen, Mayme L.             -- --- 1881 -- --- 1929
Lorenzen, Wilhelm C.           -- --- 1891 -- --- 1924
Lorenzen, Wm. T.               -- --- 1912 -- --- 1913
Lungford, Lue                  -- --- 1897 -- --- 1918 died at Camp Logan Houston, Tex.
Luschen, Albert W.             19 Feb 1903 03 May 1939
Luschen, Daisy Alice           25 Sep 1907 15 Apr 1988
Lyman, George S.               -- --- 1859 -- --- 1943
Lyman, Ida S.                  -- --- 1869 -- --- 1919
Lynn, Jessie Hanson            -- --- 1886 -- --- 1936
MacLean, Angus                 -- --- 1852 -- --- 1922
MacLean, Annie Campbell        -- --- 1863 -- --- 1927
Maier, Mabel                   -- --- 1882 -- --- 1982 ossw William Maier
Maier, William                 -- --- 1876 -- --- 1963 ossw Mabel Maier
Malone, Creed                  -- --- 1908 -- --- 1972
Malone, Virginia Cornelius     -- --- 1911 -- --- 1982
Mann, Mary T.                  -- --- 1859 -- --- 1950
Mann, W.C.                     -- --- 1860 -- --- 1942
Marphy, George A.              -- --- 1892 -- --- 1923
Marshall, David L.             -- --- ---- -- --- 1892 child of J.L. & A. Marshall
Marshall, Grover E.            02 Apr 1893 09 Apr 1893 child of J.L. & A. Marshall
Marshall, infant son           28 Jul 1890 28 Jul 1890 child of J.L. & A. Marshall
May, Henrietta                 -- --- 1852 -- --- 1886 wife of J.B. May
May, Ida                       -- --- 1882 -- --- 1900 dau of J.B. & H.A. May
May, J.B.                      -- --- 1856 -- --- 1899 other unreadable text and word "daughter" on this stone
McCampbell, Carolyn Marie      31 Jul 1915 11 Apr 1951 mother
McClintock, Pearl R.           -- --- 1895 -- --- 1924
McCool, Joseph                 -- --- ---- 18 Feb 1892 inf. son of J.W. & Elizabeth McCool; aged 3 days
McCracken, Anna L.             -- --- 1878 -- --- 1953
McCracken, Aura C.             -- --- 1882 -- --- 1901
McCracken, Charles C.          -- --- 1880 -- --- 1943
McCracken, Evelyn E.           -- --- 1906 -- --- 1994
McDonald, John V.              -- --- 1891 -- --- 1921
McGee, Glen                    19 Jul 19-J 01 Dec 1916
McGinnis, Betty L.             09 Jul 1922 22 Jul 1922
McGinnis, Faye                 19 Feb 1898 26 Jun 1988 mother; ossw Jay McGinnis
McGinnis, Jay                  17 May 1897 23 Dec 1979 daddy; ossw Faye McGinnis
McGuire, O.A.                  -- --- 1881 -- --- 1918 father
McKinster, Bobby E.            02 Jun 1923 08 Jun 1923
McKinster, Helen D.            28 Jul 1917 03 Jun 1993 ossw Wm. L. McKinster
McKinster, James W.            17 Aug 1888 03 Jan 1945 ossw Jessie Lee McKinster
McKinster, Jessie Lee          25 Dec 1891 27 Aug 1979 ossw James W. McKinster
McKinster, Wm. L. (Bill)       05 Sep 1914 -- --- ---- ossw Helen D. McKinster
McMahan, Dewey H.              27 Nov 1898 09 Dec 1898 ossw Sarah M. McMahan
McMahan, Frank W.              -- --- 1857 -- --- 1923
McMahan, Georgie E.            -- --- 1867 -- --- 1936
McMahan, infant son            11 Mar 1918 13 Mar 1918 son of Dr. & Mrs. A.M. McMahan
McMahan, Sarah M.              06 Feb 1903 12 Jul 1904 ossw Susan E. McMahan
McMahan, Susan E.              23 Oct 1890 17 Feb 1891 ossw Dewey H. McMahan
Meadows, Frank D.              -- --- 1884 -- --- 1962
Meadows, Sallie E.             -- --- 1888 -- --- 1981
Meagher, Mary E.               23 Jan 1883 20 Sep 1903 wife of Henry Meagher
Medlin, Roberta M.             01 Jun 1922 21 Mar 1923
Meggers, John                  -- --- ---- 16 Jan 1894 aged 26y4m1d
Meler, Amanda                  12 Jan 1853 21 Feb 1921 ossw James F. Meler
Meler, James F.                24 Dec 1856 03 Oct 1923 ossw Amanda Meler
Melnotte, Lucile               01 Mar 1901 01 Jun 1901 inf. dau of C.L. & D.I. Melnotte
Melton, Berdine V.             -- --- ---- 22 Aug 1895
Meskimen, Mary                 07 Jun 1832 28 Mar 1899 wife of Oliver Meskimen
Miles, Bettie Lou              -- --- 1881 -- --- 1961 ossw Elija G. Miles
Miles, Elija G.                -- --- 1880 -- --- 1946 ossw Bettie Lou Miles
Miles, Leo Glenn               -- --- 1904 -- --- 1923
Miles, Lois                    05 Aug 1911 22 Oct 1984
Miller, Jean                   -- --- ---- -- --- ---- ossw Lucile Miller; daus of Rev. C.H. & Patty Miller
Miller, Lucile                 -- --- ---- -- --- ---- ossw Jean Miller; daus of Rev. C.H. & Patty Miller
Miller, Nettie D.              -- --- 1893 -- --- 1918
Millner, George C.             23 Nov 1917 30 Jan 1918
Mills, Mary Grove              -- --- 1889 -- --- 1978
Mills, Nellie E.               -- --- ---- 27 Jun 1919
Ming, William C.               09 Nov 1927 09 Nov 1927
Mingus, -                      -- --- ---- -- --- ----
Mingus, Sarah E.               -- --- 1874 -- --- 1928 mother; ossw William C. Mingus
Mingus, William C.             -- --- 1870 -- --- 1921 father;ossw Sarah E. Mingus
Minton, Joseph                 -- --- 1860 -- --- 1916
Mitchell, -                    -- --- ---- -- --- ----
Mitchell, Catherine            -- --- 1862 -- --- 1954 ossw Thomas C. Mitchell
Mitchell, E.F.                 -- --- 1851 -- --- 1910
Mitchell, Thomas C.            -- --- 1855 -- --- 1919 ossw Catherine Mitchell
Mittendorf, Antonie            -- --- 1859 -- --- 1931 mother
Mittendorf, William            -- --- 1842 -- --- 1922 GAR;father
Monroe, Jessy B.               14 Apr 1842 13 Aug 1901 ossw Mary M. Monroe
Monroe, Mary M.                02 Jun 1857 30 Aug 1901 ossw Jessy B. Monroe
Montgomery, E.T.               26 Dec 1863 08 Sep 1928
Montgomery, Edwin M.           14 Aug 1900 08 Jul 1964
Montgomery, Emma R.            30 Oct 1904 21 Nov 1986
Montgomery, Hannah A.          04 Nov 1867 15 Jan 1937
Moore, Cynthia M.              -- --- 1854 -- --- 1931 ossw I.B. Moore; his wife
Moore, Ernest                  -- --- 1891 -- --- 1918 Pvt 1st Class Co. D 359 Inf. 80th Div. A.E.F.
Moore, Hazel E.                -- --- 1894 -- --- 1901
Moore, I.B.                    -- --- 1852 -- --- 1920 ossw Cynthia M. Moore
Moore, James D.                -- --- 1894 -- --- 1918
Moores, Newton                 10 Jul 1838 18 Jan 1898
Moorman, James W.              -- --- 1882 -- --- 1960 ossw Pearl E. Moorman
Moorman, Pearl E.              -- --- 1886 -- --- 1969 ossw James W. Moorman
Morgan, Wayne D.               -- --- 1919 -- --- 1919
Morgareidge, Exaver N.         10 Aug 1861 05 Apr 1893 son of Charles & Lucinda Morgareidge; I.O.O.F.
Morris, Crate                  -- --- ---- 15 Mar 1891 aged 2yrs 11mos; ch of A.I. & Dora Morris
Morris, Dora B.                -- --- ---- 09 Jun 1893 aged 25 yrs; wife of A.I. Morris
Morris, Jessie V.              -- --- ---- 14 Jun 1893 aged 13 days; ch of A.I. & Dora Morris
Muir, Gladys J.                06 Jan 1906 17 Jan 1995 ossw William A. Muir; mar Mar. 21, 1928
Muir, William A.               09 Jun 1902 13 Apr 1982 ossw Gladys J. Muir; mar Mar. 21, 1928
Murray, William A.             27 Jun 1874 12 Feb 1960
Musgrave, Bennett C.           -- --- 1878 -- --- 1958 ossw Thomas R. Musgrave
Musgrave, Richard M.           19 Aug 1909 04 Jan 1987 Maj US Air Force WW II Korea
Musgrave, Thomas R.            -- --- 1871 -- --- 1952 ossw Bennett C. Musgrave
Myers, Cory Mark               06 Jul 1972 07 Jul 1972 inf son of Mr. & Mrs. Mark Myers;sisters Jani Dean, Holli Carol
Myers, Curtis                  21 May 1864 06 Sep 1893 ossw Vachel Myers
Myers, Dick                    -- --- 1886 -- --- 1934
Myers, Frank                   10 Jan 1917 21 Jan 1983 ossw Jonnie Myers; mar June 12, 1943
Myers, Jonnie                  04 Feb 1927 -- --- ---- mar June 12, 1943; ossw Frank Myers
Myers, Vachel                  27 Nov 1893 31 Dec 1896 son of Curtis & Anna Myers;ossw Curtis Myers
Needham, Blanche M.            15 Mar 1895 16 Apr 1983
Needham, Esra W.               03 Oct 1847 06 Jun 1934
Needham, Laura L.              -- --- 1867 -- --- 1923
Needham, Vera B.               -- --- 1890 -- --- 1920
Needham, William E.            11 Sep 1888 28 Sep 1963 Tex Cpl Co A 357 Inf World War I
Neely, Chauncey B.             -- --- 1859 -- --- 1930
Neely, Lottye I.               -- --- 1892 -- --- 1955
Neely, Mary E.                 -- --- 1870 -- --- 1945
Nelson, Alfred L.              -- --- 1874 -- --- 1939 ossw Cora Lee Nelson
Nelson, Carrie A.              -- --- 1881 -- --- 1954 ossw Alfred L. Nelson
Nelson, Cora Lee               -- --- 1898 -- --- 1986 ossw Carrie A. Nelson
Newman, Arthur H.              17 Apr 1867 10 Apr 1952 ossw Cornelia M. Newman
Newman, Cornelia M.            24 Nov 1870 10 Oct 1957 ossw Arthur H. Newman
Newsom, Thomas B.              -- --- 1850 -- --- 1930
Newton, Chas. W.               12 Sep 1897 25 May 1898 son of S.W. & K. Newton
Newton, Katie                  -- --- 1861 -- --- 1934 mother; ossw Sylvester W. Newton
Newton, Sylvester W.           -- --- 1847 -- --- 1928 father; ossw Katie Newton
Neyman, August                 24 Aug 1891 10 Nov 1892 son of I.H. & E.M. Neyman
Nichols, M.E.                  -- --- ---- 15 Jun 1901 aged 55y2m22d; wife of J.A. Nichols; mother
Nicholson, Lester E.           12 Jun 1896 14 Aug 1983 ossw Mildred Nicholson
Nicholson, Marcene Antoinette  23 May 1920 24 May 1920 dau of Mr. & Mrs. L.E. Nicholson
Nicholson, Mildred             12 Jan 1899 16 Aug 1996 ossw Lester E. Nicholson
Noah, Leatha Frances           01 May 1922 -- Aug 1922
Norman, Zillah B. Lee          31 Dec 1864 06 Feb 1898 wife of Thos. F. Norman
O'Kelley, Hersia Agnes Corlee  28 Jan 1903 09 Oct 1995 grannie
Olmstead, Joel H.              -- --- 1840 -- --- 1917
Opdycke, W.W.                  -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Co. F 15th N.J. Inf.
Orendorf, Edward               -- --- 1857 -- --- 1923 father
Orendorf, Elizabeth L.         -- --- 1862 -- --- 1921 mother
Ormsby, John                   -- --- ---- 22 Jan 1891 aged 78 yrs
Oropes, Geus                   -- --- ---- -- --- ----
Osborne, James McClain         29 Nov 1971 07 Dec 1997 "Jimmy"; our beloved son & daddy
Osborne, Jimmy James McClain   29 Nov 1971 07 Dec 1997
Paddack, John W.               17 Jun 1829 28 Jul 1913
Paddack, Louisa                29 May 1834 28 Jul 1901 wife of J.W. Paddack
Palmer, E.F.                   13 Nov 1852 19 Feb 1929
Palmer, Ida M.                 01 Apr 1864 02 Feb 1898
Palmer, Vernon E.              12 Jan 1880 25 Feb 1942
Pareno, Leonard S.             -- --- 1921 -- --- 1923
Parkman, Johnie                -- --- ---- 29 Nov 1893 aged 29 y
Patch, Eliza Jane              22 Mar 1846 18 May 1924 ossw Wm. Harrison Patch
Patch, Wm. Harrison            1, Nov 1836 27 Nov 1923 ossw Eliza Jane Patch
Patrick, Ida Belle             -- --- 1867 -- --- 1953
Patton, Esther M.              13 Apr 1892 13 May 1892 dau of J.W. & H. Patton
Paulsen, Anna H.               02 May 1881 17 Jul 1975
Paulsen, Christena M.          21 Dec 1850 14 May 1944 wife of John C. Paulsen
Paulsen, John C.               15 Jul 1838 08 May 1901
Paulsen, P.N.                  16 Feb 1874 28 Apr 1899
Pearl, inf. son                -- --- 1916 -- --- 1917 inf son of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Pearl
Pederson, Anna                 -- --- 1880 -- --- 1911
Pennebaker, Alice T.           27 Apr 1870 05 Dec 1925 ossw Peter N. Pennebaker
Pennebaker, Peter N.           18 Apr 1866 25 Dec 1952
Pennebaker, Susan              -- --- ---- 05 Dec 1897 aged 70 yrs 3 ms 5 ds
Penney, Audrey A.              12 May 1915 -- --- ---- ossw Gordon N. Penney
Penney, Gordon N.              29 May 1915 27 Jul 2000 ossw Audrey A. Penney
Pennybaker, H.C.               -- --- ---- 07 Apr 1900 aged 68 y 5 m; ossw Susan Pennybaker
Pennybaker, James William, Jr. 27 Nov 1943 27 Nov 1943
Pennybaker, Mary Lillian       10 Jul 1891 10 Nov 1982
Pennybaker, Mary Madelyn       27 Feb 1917 -- Nov 1919
Pennybaker, Oliver H.          18 Nov 1888 15 Apr 1960
Pennybaker, Susan              -- --- ---- 05 Dec 1897 aged 70 y 3 m 5 d
Pennybaker, Wm. T.             -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Co. A 101 Ill. Inf.
Perry, J.F.                    -- --- 1891 -- --- 1925
Peterson, Mary Duncan          -- --- ---- -- --- ----
Phelps, Joseph M., DDS         13 Jun 1932 03 Dec 1996 A1G US Air Force Korea; ossw Juanita Phelps
Phelps, Juanita                27 May 1931 -- --- ---- ossw Joseph M. Phelps
Phelps, Malcolm E. ,DDS        16 Oct 1905 29 Mar 1991 ossw Maxine Phelps
Phelps, Maxine                 15 Apr 1906 20 Jan 1994 ossw Malcolm E. Phelps
Phillips, Bertha M.            03 Oct 1900 03 Nov 1988 ossw Monte H. Phillips
Phillips, Monte H.             28 Apr 1902 23 Feb 1957 ossw Bertha M. Phillips
Piper, Ethel Sparkes           -- --- 1890 -- --- 1923
Pitzer, John Haskill           16 Apr 1862 11 Nov 1898 Canadian County Pioneer
Pollet, Claude L.A.            05 Sep 1891 02 Mar 1899 son of S.& I.R. Pollet
Potts, Lola I.                 02 Feb 1884 21 Aug 1907 wife of Oscar Potts
Proctor, Pearl M.              27 Dec 1899 14 Apr 1970
Pugh, Margaret                 -- --- ---- 13 Jul 1901 aged 82y4m
Ramey, Everett G.              26 May 1913 28 Apr 1981 ossw Helen L. Ramey
Ramey, Freddy                  -- --- 1918 -- --- 1923
Ramey, Hazel Dell              -- --- 1892 -- --- 1970
Ramey, Helen L.                09 Oct 1922 29 Dec 1998 ossw Everett G. Ramey
Ramey, John T.                 -- --- 1881 -- --- 1947
Ramsel, Virginia Dove          -- --- 1912 -- --- 1979
Randall, Anna M.               05 Dec 1879 18 Jul 1937
Randall, Evalyn Marie          17 Apr 1916 28 Sep 1918
Randolph, George A.            14 Jul 1893 21 Dec 1918 SFC Quartermaster Corps World War I
Rasmussen, Hans P.             -- --- 1866 -- --- 1936 ossw Mary L. Rasmussen
Rasmussen, Mary L.             -- --- 1863 -- --- 1923 ossw Hans P. Rasmussen
Ratliff, Mary Oma              24 Oct 1908 05 Aug 1989
Ratliff, Ryan Haskell          28 Mar 1907 19 Jun 1994
Reardon, Sov. William Richard  27 Mar 1867 03 Feb 1892 Alpha Camp No. 1 Omaha, Neb.; woodmen of the world
Redder, Allie                  -- --- 1860 -- --- 1930
Redder, William R.             -- --- 1862 -- --- 1923
Reed, Laura E.                 02 Sep 1826 18 Mar 1896 bd is questionable
Reed, Lloyd A.                 -- --- 1900 -- --- 1978
Reed, Marie G.                 -- --- 1896 -- --- 1974
Reed, Mary Brabham             -- --- ---- 25 Jan 1890 aged 92; wife of Wm. Reed
Reed, Warner                   16 Oct 1882 17 May 1899
Reed, Wm.                      30 May 1841 31 Oct 1891 ossw Mary Brabham Reed
Reichardt, Arno O.             -- --- 1901 -- --- 1969
Reichardt, Grace Ball          -- --- 1899 -- --- 1994
Reynolds, Clara Olivia         -- --- 1876 -- --- 1910
Reynolds, Edwdard L.           -- --- 1871 -- --- 1935
Rhodes, Howard Junior          -- --- 1919 -- --- 1923 son of G.H. & Fay Rhodes
Rhodes, J.A.                   15 Mar 1878 21 Dec 1894
Rice, Belford D.               -- --- 1846 -- --- 1929 ossw Louisa E. Rice
Rice, Carl D.                  -- --- 1887 -- --- 1952
Rice, Elizabeth                -- --- 1854 -- --- 1939
Rice, Frances C.               -- --- 1877 -- --- 1960
Rice, Franklin E.              -- --- 1860 -- --- 1901
Rice, George B.                -- --- 1879 -- --- 1954 father; ossw Hazel L. Rice
Rice, Hazel L.                 -- --- 1890 -- --- 1970 mother; ossw George B. Rice
Rice, John L.                  -- --- 1875 -- --- 1941
Rice, Lonzo                    20 Dec 1919 14 Sep 1920
Rice, Louisa E.                -- --- 1863 -- --- 1939 ossw Belford D. Rice
Rice, M.L.                     03 Dec 1871 23 Oct 1953
Rice, Murvil E.                -- --- 1891 -- --- 1923
Rice, Pauline                  -- --- 1901 -- --- 1903 dau of Mr & Mrs R.E. Rice
Rice, T.B.                     -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Co. B 155 Ill. Inf.
Rich, George F.                -- --- 1874 -- --- 1922
Richardson, Ben B.             -- --- 1875 -- --- 1927 ossw Gabe E. Richardson
Richardson, Gabe E.            -- --- 1880 -- --- 1917 ossw Ben B. Richardson
Richardson, Harry H.           -- --- 1897 -- --- 1899
Richardson, Howard             -- --- 1900 -- --- 1900
Richardson, S.J.               -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Co. C 8th Mo. Inf.
Richardson, twins              -- --- 1909 -- --- 1909 twin dau's of Ben & Gabe Richardson
Richmond, L. Banks             25 Sep 1902 29 Nov 1983
Richmond, Rhoda H.             08 Apr 1904 28 Oct 1971
Rickets, Anna                  14 Aug 1855 22 May 1941 mother
Ringenberg, Arley              -- --- 1895 -- --- 1918
Roberts, Addie M. (Sharp)      30 Apr 1892 18 Apr 1988
Roberts, Eva S.                -- --- ---- -- --- 1977 year is centered on stone
Roberts, Martha                -- --- 1857 -- --- 1934 mother
Roberts, Richard Joel          -- --- 1873 -- --- 1944
Roberts, Robert                14 Feb 1843 04 Jun 1925 Pvt. Enr MO Militia
Roberts, Wm. A.                -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Sgt. Co. F 61 En. Mo. Mil.
Robertson, Irene Beatrice      17 Nov 1897 26 Feb 1953
Robertson, Robert M.           03 Aug 1877 27 Jul 1956 "Bob"
Robinson, Polly                -- --- 1854 -- --- 1930
Roehl, Berthold                05 Feb 1836 01 Dec 1900 ossw Dorothy Roehl
Roehl, Dorothy                 22 Apr 1828 10 Oct 1907 ossw Otto Roehl
Roehl, Ella                    31 Mar 1893 -- Jul 1893 ossw Berthold Roehl
Roehl, Otto                    05 Feb 1864 04 Apr 1895 ossw Ella Roehl
Roger, Sarah E.                -- --- 1889 -- --- 1917
Rogers, Elizabeth Flint        13 Sep 1853 28 Jan 1936
Rogers, Milton Morrell         09 Sep 1854 14 Feb 1919
Rohr, Frances                  07 Aug 1876 02 Mar 1894 dau of J.R. & S.R. Rohr; ossw Lillie M. Shriver
Rohr, Jacob                    07 Apr 1829 07 Jan 1902 ossw Susanna Rohr
Rohr, Susanna                  15 Jun 1843 -- --- ---- ossw Jacob Rohr
Romick, John Morris W.         06 Apr 1888 03 Jan 1902 only son of John C. & Susan W. Romick
Rosson, Flora J.               -- --- 1886 -- --- 1945 ossw James T. Rosson
Rosson, James T.               -- --- 1875 -- --- 1940 ossw Flora J. Rosson
Rosson, Pearl Lingenfelter     -- --- 1887 -- --- 1970
Rudolph, Gussie M.             09 Sep 1875 24 Nov 1966 ossw James K. Rudolph
Rudolph, James K.              23 Nov 1861 29 Jun 1918 ossw Gussie M. Rudolph
Ruff, Sue Meadows              -- --- 1909 -- --- 1929
Rule, Sarah A.                 -- --- 1836 -- --- 1924
Rumfelt, Minnie Pond           27 Nov 1879 29 Apr 1971
Rumfelt, R.W.                  13 May 1871 31 Oct 1920
Sample, Albert F.              -- --- 1859 -- --- 1927
Sample, Sally A.               -- --- 1840 -- --- 1915
Sampson, baby                  -- --- ---- 17 Apr 1944 ossw LeRoy King Butts, Jr.
Sams, John H.                  -- --- 1860 -- --- 1918
Sams, Johnie                   04 Oct 1895 17 Aug 1896 son of J.H. & L.M. Sams
Sandefur, John R.              27 Mar 1879 09 Jan 1945
Sandefur, Laura J.             29 May 1878 21 Nov 1965
Sanders, Mary E.               11 Aug 1882 11 Jul 1900
Satterwhite, Leslie Conway     07 Feb 1888 18 Feb 1965
Satterwhite, Ruth E.           06 Jun 1915 13 Jul 1918
Sawallisch, Emilie A.          -- --- 1870 -- --- 1949
Sawallisch, Otto R.            -- --- 1865 -- --- 1919
Sawallisch, Ruth L.            -- --- 1897 -- --- 1922
Schaefer, Fred                 12 Feb 1873 01 Sep 1893
Schaefer, Henry                -- --- 1869 -- --- 1952
Schaefer, Margarette D.        18 Jun 1876 26 Dec 1902 wife of Henry Schaefer
Schaefer, Tillie L.            23 Jul 1885 25 Sep 1961 wife of Henry Schaefer
Schiffman, Jessie Marie        22 Nov 1923 23 Nov 1923
Schiffman, Justin              -- --- 1858 -- --- 1945 ossw Susanna Schiffman
Schiffman, Susanna             -- --- 1864 -- --- 1922 ossw Justin Schiffman
Schlapkohl, Jochum             27 Jan 1845 30 Apr 1894 father; ossw Louise Schlapkohl
Schlapkohl, Louise             28 Mar 1853 17 Jan 1904 mother; ossw Jochum Schlapkohl
Schroeder, Carlee M.           06 Jan 1916 05 Dec 1998 ossw Walter F. Schroeder
Schroeder, Walter F.           14 Jun 1913 -- --- ---- ossw Carlee M. Schroeder
Schwab, Nancy Kay              05 Nov 1932 16 Dec 1932
Scurlock, Mary E.              07 Sep 1885 27 Sep 1940
Seate, Hattie E.               20 Oct 1894 22 Oct 1894 inf dau of H.& H. Seate
Sechtem, Anthony               -- --- 1852 -- --- 1900 father
Seely, Louisa                  -- --- 1878 -- --- 1934 ossw Silas Seely
Seely, Silas                   -- --- 1859 -- --- 1924 ossw Louisa Seely
Selfridge, Laddie              30 Mar 1920 19 Mar 1921 son of Guy & Bessie Selfridge
Settle, Louise Elvira          -- --- 1844 -- --- 1896
Settle, Thomas T.              -- --- 1833 -- --- 1900
Sharp, Albert R.               01 Feb 1896 01 Aug 1897 son; ossw Arminda J. Sharp
Sharp, Arminda J.              27 Feb 1872 17 Apr 1899 mother; ossw Albert R. Sharp
Sharpe, Andrew J.              06 May 1824 10 Dec 1892 ossw Sophia L. Sharpe
Sharpe, James Albert           30 May 1861 11 Mar 1925
Sharpe, Keren                  10 Jul 1874 25 Oct 1900 wife of E.A. Sharpe
Sharpe, Lou Manley             -- --- ---- -- --- ---- son of E.A. & Keren Sharpe; age 8 m 29 d
Sharpe, Sophia L.              20 Mar 1830 16 Apr 1893 ossw Andrew J. Sharpe; wife of A.J. Sharpe
Shaw, Betty Jane               -- --- ---- 09 Jul 1918 inf dau of Mr. & Mrs Robert Shaw
Shaw, M. D.                    -- --- 1913 -- --- 1916 ossw O. E. Shaw
Shaw, O.E.                     -- --- 1912 -- --- 1916 ossw M.D. Shaw
Sheldon, Helen Butts           18 Mar 1906 24 Dec 1981
Sheldon, Leslie E.             18 May 1899 09 Mar 1975
Sheldon, Leslie E., Jr.        11 May 1929 16 Oct 1979
Shiers, Alfred G.              -- --- 1869 -- --- 1922 ossw Della G. Shiers
Shiers, Della G.               -- --- 1882 -- --- ---- ossw Alfred G. Shiers
Shriver, Jesse Vail            -- --- ---- -- --- ---- son of J.C. & L.M. Shriver [stone hard to read]
Shriver, Joseph Christian      -- --- 1863 -- --- 1953 ossw Russell Key Shriver
Shriver, Lillie M.             07 Mar 1872 23 Dec 1896 wife of J.C. Shriver; ossw Frances Rohr
Shriver, Russell Key           -- --- 1901 -- --- 1916 ossw Joseph Christian Shriver
Sides, Elsie                   29 Mar 1844 23 Apr 1891 wife of Calvin P. Sides
Simes, Jennie R.               17 Jul 1875 07 Apr 1965 ossw William F. Simes
Simes, William F.              06 Mar 1866 05 Jan 1933 ossw Jennie R. Simes
Simmering, Lena                11 Nov 1892 12 Jul 1971
Simmons, Earl A.               -- --- 1894 -- --- 1964
Simmons, Marian A. Lyman       -- --- 1897 -- --- 1987
Simons, Cornelia C.            09 Nov 1862 10 Apr 1922
Simons, Wilbur J.              03 Apr 1860 15 Apr 1926
Slade, Hester                  01 Jan 1920 26 Feb 1920 son of J.M. & Nellie Slade
Smith, Albert P.               10 Apr 1858 09 Mar 1917 father; ossw Emma S. Smith
Smith, Albert P.               16 Aug 1898 27 Sep 1901 ossw inf. dau Smith; ch of A.P. & E.S. Smith
Smith, C. Hershel              01 May 1907 -- Sep 2002 ossw Thelma E. Smith; mar Aug. 3, 1930
Smith, Carroll G.              06 Aug 1916 06 Aug 1916 son of Mr. & Mrs. C.G. Smith
Smith, Cecil Warren            27 May 1901 01 Jul 1901 son of M.I. & G.M. Smith
Smith, Emma S.                 03 Feb 1872 21 Jan 1902 mother; ossw Albert P. Smith
Smith, Geo. D.                 04 Feb 1855 19 May 1919
Smith, George M.               -- --- 1876 -- --- 1942 father; ossw Ma Belle Smith
Smith, inf. dau.               22 May 1901 03 Sep 1901 ossw Albert P. Smith; ch of A.P. & E.S. Smith
Smith, J.R.                    21 Nov 1919 22 Sep 1920 son of Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Smith
Smith, Ma Belle                -- --- 1881 -- --- 1936 mother; ossw George M. Smith
Smith, Minnie M.               -- --- 1875 -- --- 1960 mother; ossw Sylvester Smith
Smith, Pauline Butts           14 Jan 1901 09 Jun 1979
Smith, Sylvester               -- --- 1874 -- --- 1968 father; ossw Minnie M. Smith
Smith, Thelma E.               21 Sep 1907 14 Jun 1991 ossw C. Hershel Smith; mar Aug 3, 1930
Smith, Velma W.                -- --- 1896 -- --- 1986 daughter
Smock, C.E.                    -- --- 1868 -- --- 1931
Smock, Lulu R.                 -- --- 1883 -- --- 1953
Snow, dau                      -- Apr ---- 13 Jul 1893 dau of C.E. & Armadie Snow
Snow, infant son               22 Dec 1902 29 Dec 1902 son of C.E. & Armadie Snow
Sparkes, Andrew Johnson        -- --- 1867 -- --- 1926
Stair, E.A. (Lon)              07 Mar 1885 25 Sep 1941 ossw Mae E. Stair
Stair, Lena Lorenzen           -- --- 1891 -- --- 1920 wife of B.H. Stair
Stair, Mae E.                  25 Jun 1890 -- --- ---- ossw E.A. (Lon) Stair
Standard, Bertha F.            19 Nov 1875 18 Feb 1964
Standard, Roy H.               30 Nov 1875 22 Jan 1964
Starr, Dora Blanton            19 Jan 1890 02 Feb 1994
Starr, Roy L.                  27 Nov 1889 06 Mar 1967
Stevenson, twin boys           28 Oct 1897 28 Oct 1897 sons of Mr. & Mrs. H.J. Stevenson
Stone, Andy J.                 -- --- 1878 -- --- 1918
Stone, Charles E.              02 Nov 1922 02 Nov 1922 son of C.E. & B. Stone
Stone, Eva Lois                -- --- 1883 -- --- 1950
Stone, Fern Elisabeth          11 May 1921 12 May 1921 inf. dau of C.E. & B. Stone
Stone, Hattie S.               -- --- 1859 -- --- 1938
Stone, Len B.                  -- --- 1881 -- --- 1949
Stone, LeNora                  -- --- 1889 -- --- 1968
stonebase, -                   -- --- ---- -- --- ----
Stoneberger, Anna P.           -- --- 1851 -- --- 1918
Stout, John Chris              20 Feb 1892 31 Aug 1984
Stout, Leonard R.              30 Jun 1916 18 Sep 1934
Stout, Maggie                  -- --- 1896 -- --- 1918
Stuart, Alma                   01 Jun 1901 01 Nov 1901
Stuart, Flora B.               -- --- 1875 -- --- 1911
Sturdavant, Jennie             18 May 1856 09 Feb 1922 ossw W.A. Sturdavant
Sturdavant, W.A.               25 Aug 1854 25 Sep 1923 ossw Jennie Sturdavant
Sturgell, Sarah F.             -- --- 1860 -- --- 1917
Sturgill, John B.              05 Oct 1884 01 Aug 1919
Sullivan, Florence May         -- --- 1884 -- --- 1974
Sullivan, John R.              -- --- 1865 -- --- 1926
Sumrow, Baby                   26 Nov 1919 28 Nov 1919
Sutherland, John A.            19 Feb 1849 02 Dec 1891 member of G.A.R., K of P, I.O.O.F.
Sweeney, Ellen                 -- --- 1831 28 Feb 1893 ossw John Sweeney
Sweeney, John                  -- --- 1821 17 Oct 1891 ossw Ellen Sweeney
Talbot, Rachel S.              28 Nov 1836 02 Aug 1894 wife of S. Talbot
Talbot, S.                     -- Oct 1834 -- Aug 1911 father
Tanner, Eva May                24 May 1872 06 Mar 1900 wife of Thos. Tanner
Tarr, Nettie M.                28 Mar 1877 08 Nov 1937
Tate, William W.               14 Jun 1938 21 Oct 1991
Taylor, Marie                  -- --- 1893 -- --- 1897
Taylor, Roy S.                 -- --- 1894 -- --- 1918
Taylor, Ruth                   -- --- 1902 -- --- 1903
Thomas, Fred H.                -- --- 1882 -- --- 1962 ossw Lova B. Thomas
Thomas, Lova B.                -- --- 1885 -- --- 1978 ossw Fred H. Thomas
Thomas, Major                  18 May 1850 20 Apr 1892
Thompson, Clyde M.             23 Jul 1890 14 Feb 1979 ossw Eva E. Thompson
Thompson, Dixie Faye           -- --- 1889 -- --- 1968
Thompson, Eva E.               04 Aug 1893 14 Oct 1963 ossw Clyde M. Thompson
Thompson, Inez S.              -- --- 1867 -- --- 1931
Thompson, Sally E.             -- --- 1876 -- --- 1940
Thrailkill, Charles H.         -- --- 1873 -- --- 1937
Thrailkill, Nettie I.          -- --- 1882 -- --- 1962
Tisor, Aubrey Chester          03 Mar 1898 31 Dec 1956
Tisor, Marcedes L.             23 Jul 1917 29 Mar 1919
Todd, Edward Z.                -- --- 1854 -- --- 1930
Todd, Sarah J.                 -- --- 1857 -- --- 1938
Todd, Vernon Lewis             -- --- 1896 -- --- 1922
Toothman, Maggie A.            24 Mar 1868 08 Nov 1894
Townsend, Marcaret Franz Kraft -- --- 1905 -- --- 1999 ossw Evelyn Corine Tucker Dunas
Traylor, Lena L.               17 Sep 1851 18 Apr 1923
Trumbower, Margaurette         -- --- 1917 -- --- 1977
Tucker, R.J.                   -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Co. C. 2nd Ill. Cav.
Tucker, R.J.                   -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Co. B 2nd Ill. Cav.
Turner, G.L.                   -- --- ---- -- --- ---- and family
Turner, James W.               -- --- 1911 -- --- 1920
Turpin, Martha M. Duncan       -- --- 1881 -- --- 1950 mother
Tusten, Arthur E.              12 Jul 1872 27 Oct 1889 son of Harmon & Matilda De N. Tusten
Tyson, Lula I.                 -- --- 1895 -- --- 1922
unreadable stone, -            -- --- ---- -- --- ----
unreadable stone, -            -- --- ---- -- --- ----
Vinson, John O., Jr.           02 Nov 1919 22 Dec 1919
Voss, Alice H.                 -- --- 1860 -- --- 1942 mother;ossw Wm. E. Voss
Voss, Wm. E. ,Rev.             -- --- 1852 -- --- 1923 father;ossw Alice H. Voss
Wainscott, Frank M.            -- --- 1847 -- --- 1931 ossw Lurendia J. Wainscott
Wainscott, Lurendia J.         -- --- 1855 -- --- 1930 ossw Frank M. Wainscott
Walden, E.H.                   -- --- 1843 -- --- 1917
Waldo, Elizabeth               -- --- 1894 -- --- 1895 dau of F.A. & C.D. Waldo
Waldo, Ray Lee                 07 Oct 1924 28 Dec 1924 son of Ralph & Ida Waldo
Wallace, Harry                 -- --- ---- 09 Oct 1893 aged 9d; inf. son of E.E. & J.E. Wallace
Wallace, Roy L.                24 Jan 1912 14 Mar 1917 son of J.S. & J.A. Wallace
Ward, Eva Cornelia             -- --- ---- 28 Jun 1894 dau of J.F. & A.C. Ward; aged 5m3d
Warren, F. Ralph               -- --- 1878 -- --- 1932
Warren, Joseph M.              -- --- 1852 -- --- 1932 ossw Sarah J. Warren
Warren, Sarah J.               -- --- 1850 -- --- 1928 ossw Joseph M. Warren
Wass, Lydia A. M.              -- --- 1842 -- --- 1918 wife of N.B. Wass
Waterfield, Elgie M.           23 Oct 1892 26 Mar 1941 father
Waterfield, Helen Louise       27 Feb 1920 31 Jan 1922
Waterfield, Josephine Ming     23 Mar 1896 08 May 1983 mother
Watson, Emory E.               -- --- 1894 -- --- 1921 ossw W.W. Watson, his son
Watson, W.W.                   -- --- 1851 -- --- ---- ossw Emory E. Watson
Webb, Joseph B.                -- --- 1910 -- --- 1920
Weber, Grover H.               23 Sep 1892 03 Mar 1965 Okla Pvt 162 Depot Brigade World War I
Weber, Henry                   -- --- 1854 -- --- 1901
Weber, Louise                  -- --- 1863 -- --- 1917
Weed, Charles                  -- --- 1848 -- --- 1933 father; ossw Clara E. Weed; 33 scratched by hand
Weed, Clara E.                 -- --- 1850 -- --- 1922 mother; ossw Charles Weed
Weischedel, Magdalena          -- --- 1869 -- --- 1903
Welch, Berniece                14 Mar 1934 -- --- ---- ossw Frank J. Welch; mar Jan. 17, 1951
Welch, Frank J.                29 Mar 1931 11 May 2001 ossw Berniece Welch; mar Jan. 17, 1951
Weldon, Frank M.               10 Mar 1894 25 Sep 1918 Co. K 133 Inf
Weldon, Lydia B.               12 Feb 1892 25 Sep 1916 wife of J.O. Newkirk
Wells, James                   -- --- 1894 -- --- 1973 brother;ossw Mollie Wells
Wells, Mollie                  -- --- 1896 -- --- 1969 sister; ossw James Wells
Westphal, Fred C.              -- --- 1887 -- --- 1918
Wheat, Cynthia Cordelia        25 Sep 1909 20 Sep 1923
Wheeler, Bruce Howell          09 Jul 1914 05 Nov 1990
Wheeler, Julia Howell          19 Dec 1893 07 Jul 1973
White, Evelyn B.               -- --- 1908 -- --- 1919
Wiedman, Kizzia                -- --- 1851 -- --- ---- ossw Peter Wiedman;his wife
Wiedman, Peter                 -- --- 1847 -- --- 1923 ossw Kizzia Wiedman
Wiggs, Velma Mae               08 May 1930 07 Sep 1997
Wilhite, Archie L.             10 Jan 1887 21 May 1947 Okla PFC 109 AM TN 34 Div World War I
Wilhite, Charles W.            -- --- 1854 -- --- 1924 father
Wilhite, Malvina               -- --- 1860 -- --- 1944 mother
Will, S.H.                     -- --- 1856 -- --- 1933 ossw Susan J. Will
Will, Susan J.                 -- --- 1850 -- --- 1920 ossw S.H. Will; his wife
Williams, E. Dayton            13 Sep 1911 19 Aug 1932
Williams, Ellis D.             08 Aug 1888 15 May 1918
Williams, Ethel Romick         28 Sep 1878 30 Jul 1901 only dau of John C. & Susan W. Romick
Williams, Hazel M.             -- --- 1896 -- --- 1953 nee Rice
Williams, Mrs. Martha Hager    06 Mar 1829 31 Mar 1904 Terre Haute IN
Williams, Suewillee L.         16 Nov 1898 24 Jun 1899 dau of Robert Lee & Ethel Romick Williams
Williamson, Mary A.            -- --- ---- 12 Mar 1894 aged 18y; wife of J.R. Williamson
Wilson, George Ray             08 Feb 1848 05 May 1922
Wilson, Henryetta              -- --- 1870 -- --- 1920
Wilson, Martha Elizabeth       28 Dec 1852 29 Jan 1940 former wife of Joseph Minton
Winder, Geo. W.                09 Aug 1848 01 Aug 1918
Wininger, David L.             -- --- 1851 -- --- 1925 ossw Mary E. Wininger
Wininger, Mary E.              -- --- 1858 -- --- 1920 ossw David L. Wininger; his wife
Wirt, Herbert L.               -- --- 1895 -- --- 1924
Witt, Clara L.                 26 Jan 1871 09 Aug 1947 ossw Joel F. Witt
Witt, Joel F.                  20 Dec 1860 19 Feb 1936 ossw Clara L. Witt
Wolford, C.C.                  -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Co. D 188 Ohio Inf.
Wolford, Mary E.               -- --- 1852 -- --- 1937 mother
Wood, Zena                     -- --- 1884 -- --- 1891
Woodruff, Charles Alfred       -- --- ---- 29 Oct 1927 Okla Coxswain U.S. Navy
Woodruff, Charles H.           -- --- 1860 -- --- 1932 ossw Theodoshia B. Woodruff
Woodruff, Theodoshia B.        -- --- 1866 -- --- 1935 ossw Charles H. Woodruff, his wife
Woods, Ella Mae                -- --- 1870 -- --- 1939
Workman, H.J.                  -- --- 1842 -- --- 1921 ossw Sarah B. Workman
Workman, Jim L.                -- --- 1875 -- --- 1951
Workman, Sarah B.              -- --- 1850 -- --- 1922 ossw Jim L. Workman; his wife
Wortman, Mary Margaret         20 May 1892 25 Aug 1892 dau of J.W. & M.L. Wortman
Wright, Dorothy Jean           -- --- 1932 -- --- 1981
Wright, James L.               -- --- 1916 -- --- 1975 2d Lt US Army WW II
Wyrick, Laura Grace            06 Oct 1925 28 Oct 1993 S2 US Navy World War II
Wyrick, W.H.                   04 Aug 1894 26 Sep 1970 Okla Pvt US Army World War I
Wyrick, William H., Jr.        22 Apr 1927 23 Apr 1998 MM2 US Navy World War II
York, George Criss             16 Jan 1916 26 Nov 1916
Yost, Earl K.                  -- --- 1894 -- --- 1962
Yost, Earl Knisley             01 Nov 1894 19 Oct 1962 Okla MM2 USNRF World War I
Yost, Pauline H.               -- --- 1900 -- --- 1977
Young, Clara L.                -- --- 1872 -- --- 1928 ossw Edward C. Young
Young, Clifford                -- --- 1901 -- --- 1902 baby; ossw John W. Young
Young, Edward C.               -- --- 1867 -- --- 1923 ossw Clara L. Young
Young, F.M.                    -- --- ---- -- --- ---- Co. E  Ill. Inf.
Young, John W.                 -- --- 1854 -- --- 1922 ossw Baby Clifford
Young, Patrick Clancy          -- --- ---- -- --- ---- aged 40 yrs; woodmen of the world
Yount, Mary E.                 -- --- 1861 -- --- 1921 mother
Yount, May O.                  -- --- 1895 -- --- 1977 daughter
Yount, Revie M.                -- --- 1894 -- --- 1930 daughter
Zimmerman, Vashti R.           16 May 1895 12 Jun 1938 mother
,                              -           29 Nov 1901 beloved son of C.N. & H.A. (unreadable)
, -                            -- --- ---- -- --- ---- broken stone; no markings
, -                            -- --- ---- -- --- ---- broken stones; no markings
, -                            -- --- ---- -- --- ---- broken stone base
-, -                           -- --- ---- -- --- ---- unreadable stone
, -                            -- --- ---- -- --- ---- unreadable stone