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Beckham County, OK - Deaths: James Owen Downs & James W. Pickett, 1908
10 Jan 2008
Submitted by: (Delma Tindell)

 Copyright. All rights reserved.

(26 Mar 1908, Thursday, Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK):
Our neighbors down in Greer county seem to have a holacaust (sic) of
killing in the last few days.  The facts as we are able to learn are as
On Wednesday, the 18th inst., David Downs killed his brother Owen Downs,
at the latters farm near Carl in Greer county.
The trouble leading to the killing as reported is that David, Owen and
their father had been to Mangum, where they purchased some whiskey,
returning home Tuesday evening, all somewhat under the influence of
liquor.  Owen wanted another drink and his father objected, whereupon a
scuffle ensued, resulting in Owen getting his father's thumb in his mouth,
but the matter seemed to be settled and they drove on home.  The next
morning David in company with Horace Alexander, his brother in law, went
over to Owen's place and David demanded that Owen apologize to their
father for the trouble they had the evening before.  Owen refused to do
so, whereupon David pulled his gun out and fired at him; the first shot
took effect in his hand.  Owen started to run around the barn and David
fired again, the second shot taking effect in the right side going through
the body.  Owen lived only a few minutes.
About the same time a Mr. Bell living near Francis in Greer county a few
miles from the Downs place shot and killed Mr. Pickett an old gentleman
seventy years of age.  The killing occured (sic) at the head of Cavey
Creek.  The trouble occured over a wire fence, the parties lived on
adjoining farms and a few weeks ago had their places surveyed and a part
of the fence belonging to Bell was found to be on Pickett's side.  Pickett
forbid Bell moving same.  During Pickett's absence from home Bell
proceeded to move the fence.  Pickett and his son went out on their return
home with the intention of replacing it.  Bell warned them not to do so. 
Pickett's son went after Bell with a grubbing hoe, and the old man with a
hammer rushed on Bell, who drew his revolver and ordered them to halt. 
The young man stopped but the old man would not stop and Bell fired and
killed him.
Downs and Pickett were buried in the country cemetery the same day and hour.
(3 Sep 1908, Thursday, Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK):
Mangum, Okla., Aug. - Two interesting murder trials have been disposed of 
here, the result of one being that J. J. Beall, charged with the murder of
J. W. Pickett, was convicted of manslaughter in the second degree; the
result of the other being that David Downs, charged with the murder of his
brother, Owen Downs, was acquitted.  Both killings occurred the same day,
March 17, and the dead men were buried in the same cemetery and one
ceremony sufficed for both.  The homes of the deceased were eight miles
In each case self defense the plea.  David Downs' brother had frequently
been in trouble.  The two met while David was trying to protect Owen.  The
latter drew his revolver and the brother fired to protect Owen.  The
latter drew his revolver and the brother fired to protect himself. 
Pickett was Beal's son-in-law.  Trouble among members of the family
resulted in a quarrel and the killing.
(Research:  ( Oklahoma, Greer County:
Cave Creek Cemetery of Vinson, Harmon County, Oklahoma:
James O. Downs, born 3 Aug 1876; died 18 Mar 1908; Section 1, Row 10;
David Downs, born 22 Sep 1882; died 5 Nov 1944; Section 5, Row 10.
Note:  James W. Pickett not listed Cave Cemetery, per this database.
Bureau of Land Management Patents: James W. Pickett patent #0437, Harmon
County, Oklahoma, awarded 14 March 1910 to his widow, Olive J. Pickett.)