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Atoka County, OK. - Marriages: Reed Lawrence
Submitted by: Leona Griffin -
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		(Out of State; Marriage Testimony)

                        Sworn Statement 
               Marriage of Reed Lawrence and Amy Akin
State of Arkansas ) 
County of Sebastian )
     Samuel F. Lawrence being first duly sworn says:- My name is Samuel
Lawrence; I reside in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. I know Reed Lawrence, who  
served in Company D, 16 Th. Missouri Cavalry. He is my brother and is 
four years older than I. He married Amy Akin (Eagon) in Polk County, 
Missouri, during the summer of 1866 and I think it was in the month of
July. I was not represent when the ceremony was performed, but was 
present at my father's house when my brother Reed brought his wife home
there soon after the marriage. The marriage was solemnized by John 
Askins, who was at that time a Justice of the Peace in Polk County, 
Missouri, Esquire Askins was at that me an old man, and I have been 
informed and believe that he has been dead many years.
     I testify that Esquire Askins solemnized the marriage, from common
knowledge and information. At the time of this marriage the laws of the
State of Missouri did not require parties to secure a marriage license 
before marriage, nor did the law require that the record of the marriage
be recorded after the marriage; however the parties could have the 
marriage recorded if they so desired.
     Some years after my brother Reed was married he and his family 
moved to Texas and I went with them. They moved later from Texas to 
Stringtown, Indian Territory, now Oklahoma, where I visited them 
occasionally. They were living together and had several children.
     My brother Reed visited me in Arkansas occasionally, and I 
occasionally received letters from him and his family. 
              Signed: Samuel F. Lawrence 
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the 10th. day of July, 1916:
              R.O. McCowell- Clerk 
**Note: Reed and Amy Lawrence; daugthers Mrs George (Josie) Park and 
Dora Kenndy are buried in the Stringtown Cemetery, Stringtown, Oklahoma.