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Short Springs Cemetery, Alfalfa County, OK

Short Springs Cemetery is located in Section 20 Township 27N Range 12W in
Alfalfa County.  This cemetery is located 3 miles north and 8 1/2 miles west of
Cherokee or east of Alva on Highway 64 on the north side of the highway.

The Short Springs Cemetery is 1/2 mile west of the Short Springs School.  At one
time, there was a post office 1/2 mile west and 1/2 mile north of the cemetery.
In 1897 the post office name was changed to Ashley.  The platted map of the lots
was filed in the Alfalfa County Courthouse on September 7, 1901.  The post
office was closed in 1908.  There was a German Church to the SE.  The Short
Springs School building was turned over to the cemetery association when it was
no longer used for school purposes.  An annual meeting is held at the school
each Memorial Day where people gather and have a basket dinner and reminisce.

Surveyed by Pauline Hopkins and Verla Blackledge on January 18, 2006.  Submitted
by Paul and Verla Blackledge.
       Copyright.  All rights reserved.
Surname       First_Name                Born        Died    Row Lot  Comments
Andree        Edward C.               00-00-1897  00-00-1979  D  9   PVT US Army WWI
Andree        Elizabeth               09-29-1877  01-09-1979  H  9
Andree        Lena                    08-30-1891  07-18-1986  D  9
Andree        Mrs.                    01-11-1879  01-18-1979  H  9
Andree        William A.              02-27-1870  05-23-1936  H  9
Arrowsmith    Candace                 00-00-1845  00-00-1924  A  9   Wife of John
Arrowsmith    John W.                 00-00-1845  00-00-1930  A  9
Azbill        Rex                     07-18-1907  04-26-1908  D  5
Baker         Earl W.                 11-02-1904  02-06-1984  H  10
Baldwin       M.Jane                  00-00-1836  00-00-1914  A  7
Barber                                00-00-1910  00-00-1999  H  11
Bartlett      Sarah Jane              00-00-1870  00-00-1940  A  11
Beard         Julius A.               02-18-1888  04-24-1971  C  11
Beard         Laurell E.              01-18-1891  03-11-1954  C  11
Beard         Sallie J.               09-01-1865  02-12-1928  C  11
Beecham       Scott Andrew            07-10-1969  12-22-1987  G  13
Beltz         John                    06-18-1915  08-18-1915  F  1
Beltz         Ledia                   06-22-1905  06-30-1905  F  1
Brady         Earl H.                 05-27-1894  10-10-1977  B  1
Brady         Frank                   00-00-1855  00-00-1945  B  1
Brady         Mary A.                 00-00-1874  00-00-1919  B  1
Brining Sr.   Louis                   01-22-1875  04-21-1951  I  10
Brining       Birdie A.H.             09-09-1907  09-16-1991  I  10
Brining       Dorothy Mae             03-17-1929  12-25-1932  I  10  Dau of M-M Louis Brining
Brining       Louis Jr.               04-09-1905  05-26-1977  I  10
Brining       Marie K.                07-25-1880  10-14-1958  I  10
Brombaugh     Doris L.                12-25-1916  01-15-1944  J  8
Buckles       Alice                   00-00-1912  00-00-2005  C  12
Buckles       Everett W.              07-03-1900  01-29-1983  C  12  Masonic
Buckles       Fannie                  00-00-1873  00-00-1958  E  10  Rebekah
Buckles       Irma Jo                 07-30-1900  05-12-1965  C  12  Star
Buckles       James C.                07-25-1866  01-25-1946  E  10  Odd Fellow
Buckles       John A.                 02-24-1905  10-05-1984  D  12  Masonic
Buckles       Lois                    03-09-1903  04-27-1994  D  12
Chaffee       Ella                                07-14-1899  E  6   Died age 8y4m9d Dau
                                                                     of HM & MF Chaffee
Chaffee       Hollis M.               09-13-1862  04-08-1943  E  6
Chaffee       Margret F.              09-08-1861  02-01-1932  E  6
Connor        Hubert                  08-06-1877  04-10-1902  B  7
Corbin        Raymond W. "Jack"       10-26-1918  11-11-1998  D  14  DOM 01-25-1952
Cowan         Ida                     00-00-1865  00-00-1944  A  7   Sister of Abbie Marlatt
Cowan         Infant                  00-00-1896  00-00-1896  D  4   Dau of Wiley & Amanda Cowan
Cramer        Frances E. McDonald     00-00-1920  00-00-1954  D  1
Crawford      Baby                                            C  6
Crawford      Ethel M.                00-00-1896  00-00-1952  A  11  Star
Crawford      Joseph D.               00-00-1893              A  11  No other date
Cunningham    Armilla Anna            07-18-1895  06-26-1896  D  3
Cunningham    Eunice Ruth             03-02-1905  04-06-1917  D  3
Cunningham    Geddes                  03-03-1863  04-17-1940  D  3
Cunningham    Ida B.                  02-02-1872  06-11-1951  D  3
Davis         Jonas H.                00-00-1842  00-00-1920  B  11  CO B 14 WIS INF
Davis         Missouri                00-00-1836  00-00-1924  B  11  Wife of J. H.
Deckard       Bea N.                  05-30-1883  09-19-1977  A  8
Deckard       Elsa M.                 12-07-1887  01-18-1973  A  8
Deckard       Infant                  12-12-1912  12-13-1912  A  8   Dau of B.N. & E. Deckard
Diel          Wilma J.                01-29-1929  03-26-1975  J  11  Mth of Paula 
                                                                     02-06-1952 & 
                                                                     Reggie 12-22-1955
Dowling       Bernice                             12-06-1999  D  13
Dowling       E. Dean                 04-29-1940  04-26-1999  D  13
Dowling       Floyd E.                07-10-1913  03-00-1984  D  13
Duncan        J.M.                    11-09-1857  07-17-1936  J  8
Egner         Buddy G.                09-05-1935  09-05-1935  G  8
Egner         Dickie D.               07-23-1934  07-23-1934  G  8
Egner         Fred                    00-00-1881  00-00-1962  G  8
Egner         G. Ernst                11-15-1886  04-25-1912  G  7
Egner         Jacob J.                06-07-1842  03-14-1914  G  7
Egner         Kathrine R.             05-02-1845  04-21-1924  G  7
Egner         Louis H.                00-00-1915  00-00-1916  G  7
Egner         Marjorie V.             02-20-1919  08-20-1970  G  12  Wife of Verl D. Egner
Egner         Mollie Lee              00-00-1885  00-00-1957  G  8
Egner         Verl D.                 01-03-1919  12-21-1999  G  12
Faris         Muriel Cunningham       04-14-1894  04-20-1985  D  3   Interred in GA
Fox           Goldie O.               07-29-1900  08-01-1980  G  13  Parents of Harold & Leora
Fox           R. W. "Web"             02-26-1895  05-29-1980  G  13  DOM 03-19-1919
Fuller        Sarah C.                00-00-1846  00-00-1896  F  4
Fuller        Abram R.                09-06-1868  02-18-1945  F  4
Fuller        Robert                  00-00-1813  00-00-1899  F  4
Gannon        Billy Ray               06-06-1952  06-06-1952  K  8   Age 11 hrs Son of Ray 
                                                                     & Sylvia Gannon
Gannon        Ray Warren              04-21-1922  12-16-1990  K  8   PFC US Army WWII
Gannon        Sylvia E.               07-07-1920  09-03-2003  K  8   DOM 07-05-1946 
                                                                     To Ray W Gannon
Gannon        Viola E.                08-24-1914  11-30-1994  K  4   Wife of William
Gannon        William H.              10-26-1913  05-31-1990  K  4   TEC 5 WWII US Army
Geis-Houts    Goldie                  00-00-1913  00-00-2003  B  14
Gibbs         Arthur                  04-11-1903  09-22-1903  D  2   Son of Verne & Pearl Gibbs
Giblin        Garnet F.                           08-22-1899  C  4   Died age 7y7m7d 
                                                                     Dau of EF & N Giblin
Graham        Clara Elizabeth         11-14-1899  10-25-1900  E  3   Dau of Harve & Edith Graham
Graves        Dustin M.               10-15-1972  04-29-1992  B  10  Son of Roger
                                                                     & Jeannette Graves
Hadwiger      Frank J.                09-18-1873  08-11-1957  I  7
Hadwiger      Isa Olive               09-20-1880  02-07-1961  I  7
Hall          Ernest C.               08-20-1905  06-01-1984  G  3   DOM 07-24-1928
Hall          Vera Mae McDonald       01-29-1905  12-13-1999  G  3   DOM 07-24-1928 
                                                                     Ernest C. Hall
Harmon        Robert                  02-29-1854  07-03-1929  E  7
Hart          Jettie D.               07-28-1875  01-30-1969  A  9   nee Arrowsmith
Hayes         Daniel J.               03-17-1952  04-05-2005  K  7
Hayes         Leonard S.              03-29-1918  10-02-1953  K  7
Hayes         Mackie Leonard          02-18-1944  08-10-1944  K  7
Hayes         Richard "Dick"          08-08-1948  11-30-2004  J  12
Hayes         Robert Patrick          03-27-1985  11-29-2000  J  12  Son of Dick and Pat Hayes
Hayes         Winifred C.             02-28-1923  03-11-1987  K  7
Hayes         Winivieve DiAnn         08-09-1945  12-05-2004  K  7   Wife of Jerry Allen
Horner        Georgia D.              05-07-1921  09-02-1992  C  10
Horner        Isaac N.                00-00-1891  00-00-1960  C  10
Horner        John W.                 00-00-1848  00-00-1929  C  8
Horner        Marye W.                00-00-1889  00-00-1952  C  10
Horner        Roscoe                  02-06-1916  09-18-1999  C  10  DOM 02-26-1938 to Georgia
Horner        Sarrah S.               00-00-1850  00-00-1926  C  8
Horner        Wayland                 01-29-1885  11-28-1947  C  8
Humphrey      Pauline J.              01-09-1919  10-06-1970  K  11  Chlrn Janice Karen Larry
Humphrey      William c.              04-25-1918  09-19-1970  K  11  DOM 09-03-1938
Huston        Clara Schiffner         04-21-1891  04-15-1988  K  2
Infant                                                        D  8   no names or dates
Infant        Bell E.                 00-00-1905  00-00-1906  D  8   no last name
Infant        Esther                                          D  8   no dates or names
Jones         John William            12-01-1938  04-26-1968  J  9   OK SP4 42 ABN CO 
                                                                     4 STU BN TIS
Julian        C.N.                    02-15-1833  04-27-1924  A  4   Wife of I P
Julian        Georgianna              00-00-1861  00-00-1899  C  5
Julian        Gladys C.               05-01-1895  09-17-1972  A  5
Julian        Harley Elmer            04-26-1899  01-09-1909  A  5
Julian        I.P.                    01-17-1831  01-21-1909  A  4
Julian        James Calvin            10-01-1864  05-23-1905  A  5
Julian        Precia Elizabeth        04-20-1868  02-14-1948  A  5   Homesteaded 1893,Ashley OK
Julian        Robert Fedila           03-06-1859  12-16-1945  C  5
King          Nellie H. Palmer        07-29-1899  02-06-1993  I  7
Korell        Barbara                 00-00-1861  00-00-1945  E  11
Korell        Edward                  00-00-1899  00-00-1927  E  11
Korell        Henry                   00-00-1858  00-00-1942  E  11
Lancaster     Kay Sellers             01-01-1943  10-06-1965  I  8
Latham        Arthur                  11-24-1887  05-09-1970  C  3
Latham        Homer C.                03-17-1849  01-28-1932  E  3
Latham        Mildred                 06-08-1887  05-11-1951  C  3
Latham        Susan J.                12-24-1852  12-26-1929  E  3
Lehl          Alice Izora             00-00-1897  00-00-1973  F  13
Lehl          Elizabeth               00-00-1857  00-00-1929  F  9
Lehl          Elmer Clarence          02-12-1917  01-28-1918  F  8   Son of W M & P Lehl
Lehl          George                  10-03-1893  03-28-1969  F  13  Okla WWI PVT US Army
Lehl          Harold Andrew           09-15-1908  10-25-1908  F  8   Son of John & Clara Lehl
Lehl          John                    00-00-1856  00-00-1937  F  9
Lehl          Lillian June            09-06-1932  09-12-1932  F  8
Lehl          Pauline                 10-07-1893  03-22-1982  F  10  DOM 11-07-1914 to Wm.
Lehl          Rocina K.               03-25-1890  04-11-1914  F  8
Lehl          Savannah Nicole         00-00-1905  00-00-2005  F  10
Lehl          William "Bill"          02-21-1890  04-10-1969  F  10
Leonhardt     Christina               02-16-1850  12-13-1937  G  1   Wife of Philip
Leonhardt     Edith Graham            04-07-1881  07-24-1937  F  2
Leonhardt     Philip J.               03-25-1847  01-31-1914  G  1
Lockwood      Otho Benoni             01-08-1868  03-30-1948  H  11  OK WWII PH CPL 4 
                                                                     Tank Bn 1 ARMD DIV
Lockwood      Otho Benoni             09-03-1913  04-23-1945  H  11  Ok Cpl 4 Tank 
                                                                     BN 1 ARMD DIV WWII
Lockwood      Robert L.               08-08-1907  12-18-1988  H  11
Lockwood      Theresa Maggie          09-17-1874  01-24-1944  H  11
Lorentz       Wilbur H.               06-04-1934  01-10-1997  A  13  SN U S Navy Korea
Louthan       Jessie                  09-23-1882  03-12-1947  J  8
Louthan       Lewis W.                12-09-1921  06-22-1963  J  8
Louthan       M. Lin                  12-19-1877  01-29-1939  J  8
Lowe          Rilla                   03-01-1882  03-05-1908  C  7   Wife of E M Lowe
Maddox        Cardiff Leslie          00-00-1900  00-00-1941  J  7
Maddox        Cardiff W.              00-00-1856  00-00-1916  D  9
Maddox        Gayell A.               03-12-1888  04-21-1915  C  9
Maddox        Levi B.                 10-11-1885  01-24-1965  C  9
Maddox        Mary Ella               00-00-1901  00-00-2002  J  7
Maddox        Phoebe J.               00-00-1866  00-00-1924  D  9   Wife of Cardiff
Marlatt       Beatrice                00-00-1889  00-00-1910  B  6
Marlatt       Curtis C.               00-00-1887  00-00-1909  B  6
Marlatt       Darell                  00-00-1923  00-00-1930  B  5
Marlatt       Elbert E.               11-25-1895  06-28-1952  B  5   ;Okla WW I E2 USNavy
Marlatt       Everett W.              12-04-1926  06-23-1950  B  5   AR WW II PFC Co 503 
                                                                     Mil Police Bn
Marlatt       Helen Hadwiger          06-05-1903  05-17-1999  B  5
Marlatt       Ina May                 12-09-1892  12-18-1900  B  6   Dauf S N & S A Marlatt
Marlatt       S.A.                    00-00-1863  00-00-1951  A  7
Marlatt       S.N.                    00-00-1852  00-00-1918  A  7
Martin        Grace B.                00-00-1880  00-00-1970  A  13
Martin        John R.                 00-00-1879  00-00-1957  A  13
Martin        Lorene H.               10-19-1910  01-15-2002  A  13
Martin        Roy D.                  04-12-1904  11-09-1987  A  13
Mcdonald      Della Frances           11-20-1879  01-08-1902  I  5
McDonald      Ella C.                 00-00-1879  00-00-1957  G  3
McDonald      George W.               00-00-1833  00-00-1917  F  3
McDonald      Glenna Mae              08-21-1921  02-27-1923  D  1
McDonald      Harriet Iva             02-03-1900  05-30-1967  D  1   DOM 09-28-1919 W Stanley
McDonald      Harriett E.             05-02-1923  09-10-1931  D  1
McDonald      Infant                  07-29-1902  07-29-1902  G  3   Son of Frank & Ella McDonald
McDonald      Infant                  11-22-1906  11-22-1906  G  3   Son of Frank & Ella McDonald
McDonald      J. Frank                00-00-1876  00-00-1955  G  3
McDonald      Mary Elizabeth          09-08-1922  10-18-1923  I  5
McDonald      Rebecca P.              00-00-1834  00-00-1918  F  3
McDonald      W. Stanley              03-06-1899  09-11-1978  D  1
McDonald      William S.              07-04-1868  07-27-1962  I  5   Odd Fellow
McDonald      William                 11-06-1806  04-10-1898  F  3   VA-Alfalfa County
McGinnis      Harriet E.              09-10-1855  07-27-1935  I  6
McKee         Albertha                04-02-1905  02-07-1998  F  11  wife of Lester 
                                                                 DOM 02-18-1925
McKee         Betty M.                04-05-1929  04-05-1929  G  11
McKee         Edward Lee              07-03-1926  07-05-1926  F  11  Son of L C & A R McKee
McKee         Lawrence E. "Joe"       11-08-1894  06-10-1966  G  11  Missouri WwI F1 US Navy
McKee         Lester                  05-31-1897  01-19-1986  F  11  PVT US Army WWI
McKee         Thresa                  01-29-1891  03-16-1974  G  11
McKenzie      Hazel                   05-20-1905  09-27-1911  A  3
McKenzie      K. B.                   02-28-1867  02-17-1952  A  3
McKenzie      Kenneth O.              07-26-1920  11-04-1943  A  3   Okla PFC Air Corps
McKenzie      Nancy R.                07-08-1871  08-05-1914  A  3
McKinzie      W.                      00-00-1867  00-00-1938  B  2
McVay         Lila Maxcine            00-00-1922  00-00-1935  I  6
McVay         Martha M.               10-12-1894  04-14-1945  K  7
McVay         Virgil L. "Doc"         01-13-1900  07-28-1988  K  7
McVay         Warren J.               08-19-1896  02-15-1944  K  7
McWilliams    Adelia                  00-00-1843  00-00-1916  B  9   Wife of John W.
McWilliams    Grace                   00-00-1892  00-00-1965  A  11
McWilliams    John W.                 00-00-1837  00-00-1926  B  9
McWilliams    Martha                  00-00-1864  00-00-1917  B  9   Dau of J W 
                                                                     & Adelia McWilliams
McWilliams    Ned H.                  01-11-1888  10-07-1945  A  11  Middle name Harrison
Mendenhall    Infant                                          B  2   Son of H E & Dora
Miller        Genevra I.              08-04-1869  04-07-1950  E  14
Miller        Isaac                   09-20-1863  06-24-1954  E  14
Miller        Nellie Pearl            09-16-1889  02-05-1983  E  14
Moore         Ben J.                  01-06-1893  06-21-1945  J  5
Moore         Carl J.                 12-15-1938  05-14-2002  E  14  DOM 11-23-1962 
                                                                     Fth of Cheryl and Charity
Moore         Charlie                 00-00-1883  00-00-1953  B  3
Moore         Elizabeth               00-00-1864  00-00-1933  B  3
Moore         F.H.                    00-00-1890  00-00-1935  B  3
Moore         Infant                                          I  3   Son of Adam&Ada Moore
                                                                     no dates
Moore         Infant                                          I  3   Son of Adam&Ada Moore 
                                                                     no dates
Moore         Isaac                   00-00-1885  00-00-1967  B  3
Moore         J. A.                   00-00-1884  00-00-1924  B  3
Moore         John H.                 11-14-1861  05-07-1902  B  3
Moore         Ollie P.                03-09-1906  12-01-1936  J  5
Morehead      Leon Burnell            05-18-1919  07-07-1920  I  1
Morgan        A. Ivan                 00-00-1890  00-00-1958  J  1
Morgan        H. Newton               06-16-1865  05-12-1921  E  9   Masonic
Morgan        Junuetta                03-16-1869  07-16-1921  E  9   OES
Morgan        L.J.                    03-31-1839  12-17-1924  E  9
Morgan        Marry M.                01-12-1841  04-08-1915  E  9   Wife of L. J.
Morgan        Myra M.                 00-00-1898  00-00-1969  J  1
Morris        Ruffin J.                           01-27-1901  D  5   Age 6D son of W J 
                                                                     & E E Morris
Nokes         Glennis J.              11-29-1933  11-07-1994  F  2
Ole           Albert J.               00-00-1857  00-00-1930  A  10
Ole           Charlie                 00-00-1888  00-00-1975  A  10
Ole           Edith                   00-00-1897  00-00-1972  A  10
Ole           Mary J.                 00-00-1862  00-00-1942  A  10
Oshel         Betty Louise            07-25-1950  06-27-1952  J  4   Dau of M-M Robert T Oshel
Oshel         Bonnie Ellen            10-02-1922  01-03-1923  J  4   Dau of M M John F. Oshel
Oshel         Hattie R.               10-16-1888  04-11-1971  J  4
Oshel         Infant                  00-00-1914  00-00-1914  H  3   Dau of J H & R R A Oshel
Oshel         John F.                 11-13-1886  10-29-1960  J  4
Oshel         Nancy Jane              00-00-1865  00-00-1948  H  4
Oshel         William W.              00-00-1860  00-00-1916  H  4
Palmer        Albert Fay              00-00-1896  00-00-1968  E  12
Palmer        Alice B.                00-00-1875  00-00-1922  D  8
Palmer        Danny Paul              00-00-1967  00-00-1975  C  14
Palmer        Emma                    12-18-1893  12-31-1980  C  14
Palmer        Ernest Roy              04-27-1903  03-08-1987  F  13  PVT US Army WWII
Palmer        Infant                              03-19-1928  D  8   Sister of Leota 
                                                                   Dau of Thomas J & Floy Palmer
Palmer        Isabelle "Libby"        11-16-1911  04-14-1997  F  13  Wife of Ernest Roy
Palmer        Joy                     07-11-1905  05-23-1975  E  12
Palmer        Leota M.                            07-00-1927  D  8   Dau of Thomas J 
                                                                     & Floy Palmer
Palmer        Louis E.                10-23-1898  10-10-1952  I  7
Palmer        Nellie H.               07-29-1899  02-06-1993  I  8   Married to Louis E.
Palmer        Ray                     05-01-1898  08-31-1973  C  14
Palmer        Thomas Jay              07-12-1901  12-09-1979  D  14  DOM 11-17-1926
Percival      Glen S.                 09-21-1911  05-28-1962  K  10
Percival      Jessie M.               04-20-1914  02-28-2002  K  10  DOM 06-01-1935 
                                                                     to Glen S. Percival
Peters        Martha M.               02-01-1836  03-30-1910  D  8
Price         Ivan P.                 00-00-1916  00-00-1943  G  10
Price         Richard Ivan            07-00-1940  07-00-1940  G  10
Pullan        Bobby Joe               07-19-1940  10-05-1957  J  2
Pullan        Loney                   10-23-1914  05-07-1935  J  2
Pullan        Lonnie C.               10-23-1914  05-07-1935  I  2
Pullan        Mary Esther                         09-26-1941  J  2   Buried in Redondo Beach CA
Pullan        Ruth                    07-25-1923  08-22-1971  I  3
Pullan        Sam E.                  00-00-1902  00-00-1990  I  3
Pullan        Tom J.                  09-16-1912  08-30-1974  J  2
Rader         Belle                   00-00-1905  00-00-1906  D  7
Rader         Esther                  00-00-1910  00-00-1910  D  7
Rader         Kathern M.              00-00-1874  00-00-1921  D  7   Rader
Rader         S. Wesley               00-00-1873  00-00-1957  D  7
Rankin        E. Arlene               07-16-1944  01-20-1992  E  13  Nee Strickland 
                                                                     Mth of Chris Richard 
                                                                     & Scott
Rawson        Betty                   03-29-1931  03-20-2001  D  4   DOM 04-07-1950
Rawson        Darlene Dian            05-15-1949  02-15-1973  D  4   New Mexico
Rawson        Kevin L.                04-18-1949  02-15-1973  D  4   Ok Vietnam PFC 61 
                                                                     ATK Helicopter CO
Reed          Ida M.                  00-00-1858  00-00-1934  I  5
Reily         Marie  "Sis"            11-07-1917  08-25-2002  C  10  Wife of Sylvan
Reily         Sylvan "SI"             07-31-1914  11-11-1973  C  10  DOM 03-21-1937
Richardson    George H.               08-11-1843  04-19-1926  I  2
Richardson    George W.               09-11-1913  04-23-1999  I  2   SGT US Army WWII
Richardson    J.W.                    00-00-1868  00-00-1922  E  1
Richardson    Lena Belle              08-12-1914  04-12-1991  I  2
Richardson    Martha E.               00-00-1871  00-00-1936  E  1
Richardson    Mary Alice              00-00-1886  00-00-1974  I  2
Richardson    Wallace A.              00-00-1873  00-00-1952  I  2
Ridgway       Mitchell                02-15-1975  01-02-1999  C  10  Son of Merle & 
                                                                     Diann Bro of Mindy
Roane         Wm. Banks               06-26-1907  01-31-1939  J  8
Roberts       Cora A.                 00-00-1868  00-00-1953  G  6
Roberts       Marion P.               00-00-1900  00-00-1985  G  6
Roberts       Thomas M.               00-00-1864  00-00-1935  G  6
Roberts       William                 00-00-1824  00-00-1910  G  6
Robertson     C.W.                    08-10-1921  07-12-1922  E  5   Cecil William
Robertson     Irma N.                                         E  5   Same stone with C. W.
Romane        Carl                    11-12-1874  02-04-1908  E  7
Romane        Joseph A.                           06-30-1904  E  7   Died age 59y4m2d
Romane        Leroy                   06-30-1869  12-13-1923  E  7
Romane        Maria                   01-13-1848  06-03-1931  E  7
Rudy          Anna K.                 03-11-1885  02-12-1939  F  5
Rudy          Daniel                  10-04-1894  05-26-1908  F  7   3 killed in tornado
Rudy          Daryl L.                01-03-1960  08-05-1982  D  5   Son of Donald & Henrietta                                                                      Bro of David and Daren
Rudy          Effie I.                00-00-1891  00-00-1974  F  5
Rudy          Florence G.             00-00-1897  00-00-1960  F  6
Rudy          Ida Pearle              00-00-1888  00-00-1966  D  5
Rudy          J. Phillip              00-00-1881  00-00-1952  F  6
Rudy          J.P. "Pete"             00-00-1885  00-00-1956  F  5
Rudy          Jacob C.                00-00-1887  00-00-1962  D  5
Rudy          Katherine               08-22-1855  05-26-1908  F  7   3 killed in tornado
Rudy          L. Raymond              07-29-1911  04-25-1994  J  6   Ladonna Mae 11-22-1934                                                                      Chester J 03-15-1938 
                                                                     Daniel Roy 07-20-1944
Rudy          Leona H.                04-04-1911  07-31-2000  J  6   DOM 08-10-1932 L Raymond
Rudy          Lizebeth                11-09-1892  05-26-1908  F  7   3 killed in tornado
Rudy          Maria E.                00-00-1885  00-00-1930  F  6
Rudy          Peter                   11-19-1850  05-26-1908  F  7
Rust          Alva Oscar              06-21-1889  06-01-1974  E  8
Rust          Everett F.              05-29-1901  03-13-1989  E  14  Minister Church Nazarene
Rust          Frank A.                00-00-1863  00-00-1951  E  8
Rust          Jennie B.               00-00-1855  00-00-1909  E  8
Rust          Jennie Myrtle           02-18-1906  05-19-1906  E  8
Rust          Opal                    12-30-1910  04-02-1995  E  14
Rutledge      Curtis Drew             07-14-1938  10-22-1995  I  10  USAF Vietnam
Sallee        A. J.                   09-08-1848  12-24-1928  A  1   Andrew Jackson
Sallee        F.G.                    05-07-1893  02-28-1922  A  1   Felix Grundy
Sallee        Lizzie                  03-02-1890  10-19-1973  A  1
Sallee        Lucy Ann                03-09-1851  12-01-1918  A  1
Sallee        Luther M.               03-10-1884  09-21-1967  K  4
Sandstrom     Edward E.               07-30-1923  12-14-1944  H  9   KS WWII SGT 126 INF Div SMPH
Schiffner     Alfred L.               12-21-1922  09-22-2002  J  3   Fth of Lisa Allen Stacia 
                                                                     & Alana
Schiffner     Alvin J.                08-03-1923  08-25-1969  K  5   OK WWII SGT 3704
                                                                     Base Unit AAF
Schiffner     Christine Jo            11-03-1969  07-04-1970  K  1
Schiffner     Edith                   04-24-1894  02-03-1979  I  4
Schiffner     Effie M.                02-24-1888  08-27-1969  K  3
Schiffner     Elmer W.                00-00-1914  00-00-1967  H  8
Schiffner     Ethel A.                00-00-1920  00-00-1997  H  8
Schiffner     Eva                     00-00-1897  00-00-1981  K  6
Schiffner     Hannah E.               07-30-1916  03-12-1983  K  6
Schiffner     Harry                   04-05-1896  01-03-1953  K  5   OK WWI PVT CO C 22 Engineers
Schiffner     Jacob                   12-20-1885  06-24-1969  I  4
Schiffner     Jess                    06-19-1912  01-20-1990  I  4
Schiffner     Joe                     00-00-1892  00-00-1960  K  6
Schiffner     John William            01-19-1911  03-04-1940  H  8
Schiffner     Katherine E.            09-15-1862  01-28-1933  I  4
Schiffner     M. Clementine           08-07-1887  12-05-1951  H  8
Schiffner     Marie                   09-29-1901  10-04-1955  K  5
Schiffner     Mary a.                 00-00-1922  00-00-1922  H  8
Schiffner     Samuel                  11-22-1888  01-31-1960  K  3
Schiffner     Will                    03-06-1887  11-18-1937  K  2
Schiffner     William                 07-22-1858  08-25-1938  I  4
Schneider     Dorothy                 05-30-1906  01-03-1975  D  3
Schwab        Kathrine                00-00-1862  00-00-1929  E  2
Schwab        William D.              12-04-1884  07-10-1978  E  2
Schwab        William                 00-00-1854  00-00-1938  E  2
Scribner      Myrtle A.               02-04-1907  03-16-2003  D  13  Star
Scribner      Wiley J.                07-25-1901  12-05-1954  D  13  Masonic
Sellers       Pearl E.                12-25-1905  12-27-1990  I  8
Sellers       Ray W.                  11-22-1905  09-09-1981  I  9
Shaw          Baby                                            E  10  No dates
Sinclair      F.J.                    00-00-1876  00-00-1946  J  6
Sinclair      James Edward            06-26-1876  03-13-1946         From Goodwin FH records
Sinclair      Lela                    10-09-1899  01-09-1941  J  6
Sinclair      Selma                   00-00-1878  00-00-1969  J  6
Smith         A.N.                    03-04-1844  10-03-1912  A  2
Smith         Aulta Lee Dora          07-07-1872  04-02-1932  G  09
Smith         Fred J.                 00-00-1883  00-00-1979  H  11
Smith         James Hiram             04-17-1868  08-17-1947  G  9
Southard      Audrey B.               09-12-1899  01-19-1983  E  6
Staake        Bonnie Jeanne           02-06-1944  02-07-1944  F  8
Staake        Frederick W.            03-24-1918  04-29-2004  F  8   DOM 11-24-1941
Staker        Etta I.                 00-00-1884  00-00-1974  B  12
Staker        John W.                 00-00-1879  00-00-1964  B  12  DOM 03-15-1905
Staley        Emma Hilderman          00-00-1871  00-00-1960  G  2
Staley        George Peter            00-00-1872  00-00-1928  G  2
Staley        John J.                 00-00-1847  00-00-1910  G  2
Staley        Kathrine M.             00-00-1849  00-00-1927  G  2
Stauffer      George L.               11-12-1852  07--16-1944 C  2
Stauffer      Margaret E.             11-30-1864  07-03-1951  C  2
Stauffer      Pearl                   03-21-1898  02-27-1975  E  5
Stauffer      R. G. "Top"             07-25-1889  04-23-1967  E  5
Steffey       Martha May              00-00-1899  00-00-1932  D  8
Steffey       Reece "R.G."            05-13-1882  01-09-1959  D  8
Straw         Albert                  08-06-1855  12-06-1918  H  2
Straw         Chester M.              08-08-1852  07-09-1916  H  2
Straw         Frank David             07-26-1890  07-27-1962  C  1
Straw         Irene                   07-00-1922  12-00-1922  C  1
Straw         Nancy Jane              07-05-1888  10-14-1942  C  1
Straw         Susie                   03-18-1857              H  2   Death date not shown
Straw         Verely H.               02-09-1919  02-13-1919  H  1
Strickland    Bert L.                 00-00-1882  00-00-1910  E  4
Strickland    Eleanore                06-05-1907  04-05-1999  G  5
Strickland    Ella & Elsen            00-00-1909  00-00-1909  G  6   Twins
Strickland    Ellen                   01-02-1861  02-05-1895  E  4   Wife of I T Strickland
Strickland    Isaac T.                00-00-1859  00-00-1935  E  4
Strickland    Joe Francis             05-25-1932  12-20-1994  G  5
Strickland    John F.                 09-13-1900  07-19-1969  G  5
Strickland    Joseph A.               00-00-1861  00-00-1923  G  5
Strickland    Karen                   04-16-1944  11-16-1998  K  12  Wife of Terry Lee 
                                                                     Mth of Toni-Susie-Tad 
                                                                     nee Bowers
Strickland    Leo                     11-22-1909  03-01-1995  D  4
Strickland    Lura                    06-06-1913  09-25-1990  D  4   DOM 06-27-1930 to Leo
Strickland    Maggie T.               00-00-1879  00-00-1929  G  5
Strickland    Mary J.                 01-29-1915  06-22-2003  E  13  Wife of Rex
Strickland    Maude                   06-04-1886  11-08-1905  E  4   Dau of I. T. Strickland
Strickland    Ottie E.                00-00-1880  00-00-1977  E  4   Wife of I. T.
Strickland    Rex A.                  12-02-1907  10-04-1969  E  13
Strickland    Thomas Rex              11-20-1938  06-25-1993  E  13
Sullivan      Florence C.             00-00-1903  00-00-1925  A  6   Wif of W.J.B.Hansen
Sullivan      Junius O.               00-00-1880  00-00-1960  A  6
Sullivan      Luther F.               07-08-1916  01-19-1950  A  6   Ok WWII Sgt 1629 Engr 
                                                                     Const BN
Sullivan      Mildred F.              06-12-1974  06-12-1974  A  6
Sullivan      Robert O.               00-00-1913  00-00-1946  A  6   Son of Jo & Ruby A Sullivan
Sullivan      Ruby A.                 00-00-1880  00-00-1949  A  6
Tatro         Robert L.               10-10-1924  02-28-2003  J  4
Thrift        Margarett               10-25-1824  02-24-1907  A  6   Wife of Sunley
Turner        John T.                 12-22-1857  12-17-1929  H  7   Odd Fellow
Turner        Lois G.                 09-01-1891  04-04-1973  H  6
Turner        Luthera                 07-04-1861  01-28-1922  H  7
Turner        Otho T.                 09-27-1883  02-20-1920  H  7
Turner        Robert                  10-09-1889  09-20-1966  H  6
Underhill     Infant                                          B  2   Son of H E & Dora No dates
Vance         Elizabeth               00-00-1858  00-00-1933  J  3
Vandever      Alvin Monroe            04-08-1897  01-23-1986  F  11  US Army WW1
Vandever      Henry R.                11-19-1928  10-04-2000  F  11
Vandever      Rosie E.                02-14-1929  01-25-2002  F  11  DOM 07-05-1972 to Henry R
Venamon       Lizzie L.               00-00-1876  00-00-1950  E  5
Venamon       Roscoe C.               00-00-1869  00-00-1938  E  5
Walters       Amelia                  08-12-1881  08-26-1953  B  6
Wardell       Charles                 08-09-1874  04-21-1955  D  11
Wardell       Chester A.              00-00-1882  00-00-1953  G  10
Wardell       Elma L.                 11-12-1910  03-30-1948  G  10
Wardell       Eva M.                  09-04-1873  10-11-1950  D  11
Wardell       Lin Austin              10-03-1938  03-29-1946  G  10
Wardell       Mattie                  00-00-1880  00-00-1967  D  10
Wardell       Melissa                 11-23-1851  08-12-1918  D  10  Wife of William
Wardell       Myrtle H.               00-00-1887  00-00-1962  G  10
Wardell       William                 12-12-1849  04-23-1929  D  10
Warehime      C. Marie                00-00-1898  00-00-1983  H  5
Warehime      Emerillous              03-24-1861  12-12-1946         From Goodwin FH records
Warehime      Emma                    03-24-1861  12-12-1946  H  6
Warehime      Forrest E.              00-00-1894  00-00-1981  H  5   PFC US Army WWI
Warehime      Frank                   02-12-1865  12-22-1944  H  6
Warehime      Mary Emerillous         11-07-1918  09-19-1919  H  5   Dau of Forrest 
                                                                     & Marie Warehime
Washam        Lenora W.               11-04-1910  02-01-1988  G  8
waters        Amelia                  08-12-1881  08-26-1953  B  6
Weigand       Carrell                 09-25-1933  11-06-1933         From Goodwin FH records
Weigand       Darrell                 09-25-1933  11-03-1933
Weigand       Matilda                 04-17-1900  08-18-1991  H  11  DOM 08-05-1922 to Philip
Weigand       Philip A.               03-07-1899  10-30-1989  H  11
Weld          D. Carl                 00-00-1875  00-00-1920  G  4
Weld          Ida B.                                          G  4   Age 6 weeks
Weld          Raymond                                         G  4   Died age 26 days
Weld          Roland                                          G  4   Died age 2 months
Williams      Edwin R.                02-02-1907  09-09-1992  B  13
Williams      Elsie M.                08-22-1909  09-04-1987  B  13  DOM 07-29-1928 to Edwin
Yocam         Della                   00-00-1881  00-00-1954  J  9
Yocam         John W.                 00-00-1881  00-00-1955  J  9
Yocam         Orie                    00-00-1906  00-00-1971  J  9