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OH-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest				Volume 00 : Issue 283

Today's Topics:
  #1 Bio - 1885 - Portage Co, OH, Garre   [Betty Ralph <>]
  #2 Bio - 1885 - Portage Co, OH, Garre   [Betty Ralph <>]
  #3 Bio: John Dieckmann - Summit count   [christina m hursh <]
  #4 Bio: Charles W. Blair - Scioto cou   [christina m hursh <]

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X-Message: #1
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 12:00:45 -0500
From: Betty Ralph <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Bio - 1885 - Portage Co, OH, Garrettsville # 6
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Bios:  Thayer, Tidball, Tilden, Wadsworth, Warren - Portage County, Ohio,
from "History of Portage County, Ohio" published by Warner, Beers & Co.,
Chicago, 1885

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archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission
to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.

CHARLES A. THAYER, Justice of the Peace, Garrettsville, was born in
Williamsburg, Mass., February 10, 1825; son of Jacob and Sarah (Porter)
Thayer, the former a native of Braintree, Mass., born January 25, 1793, the
latter born in Hampshire County, Mass., in 1795.  They removed to this
county in 1832, settling in Freedom Township, where they passed the
remainder of their lives.  Their family consisted of four children:  Henry
N., a farmer and stock-dealer of Freedom, Ohio; Mary, wife of E.E. Torrey, a
farmer and mechanic; Edward P., a farmer; and Charles A.  Jacob Thayer was
of English descent, dating his ancestry back to the seventeenth century,
among whom were the early pioneers of Braintree, Mass.  He was a
hard-working, energetic farmer, very prominent in the history of his
township, and devoting the best part of his life to church interests.  He
died April 17, 1884, his wife having preceded him in 1867.  Our subject was
married, December 1, 1847, to Mary Nistetter, born in Stark County, Ohio,
January 8, 1827.  By this union there are five children:  Wilbur D., in the
meat market with his father; Albert A., a lawyer at Warren, Ohio; Byron E.
and Andrew A. (both farmers) and Lenora.  Mr. Thayer, a self-made man, has
dealt more or less extensively in stock, in which he is still interested,
and, along with his son, also carries on a meat market.  He has held several
of the township offices and is now service his first term as Justice of the
Peace.  He is a member of Garrettsville Lodge, No. 246, F.&A.M., and Chapter
of Royal Arch.  Politically he is a Republican.

A.H. TIDBALL, physician and surgeon, Garrettsville, Ohio, was born October
2, 1831, in Millersburg, Holmes Co., Ohio.  His father, Joseph Tidball, who
was born June 24, 1787, in Allegheny County, Penn., a hatter by trade, died
in Shelby, Ohio, January 16, 1884, and his mother, Eliza K. (Linn) Tidball,
born in Easton, N.J., August 13, 1801, died February 26, 1885, in Shelby,
Ohio.  They were parents of ten children.  Our subject was educated in the
common schools, studied medicine with Dr. J.Y. Cantwell, of Mansfield, Ohio,
and graduated with high honors at the Cleveland Medical College.  He began
practicing his profession for which he had so well prepared himself, at
Freedom Portage County, in 1853.  He practiced successfully for two years in
northern Indiana and for the same length of time in Santa Cruz, Cal., and
from 2859 to 1871 in Mesopotamia, Ohio.  In 1871 he located in
Garrettsville, this county, where he has merited a lucrative patronage.  He
is an A.F.&A.M., a member of the lodge and chapter at Garrettsville, St.
John's Commandery, K.T., of Youngstown, and Ohio Consistory of Cincinnati,
A.A.S.R., 32 degrees.  During the summer of 1880 he traveled extensively
through Europe.  Dr. Tidball was married, May 17, 1854, in Freedom, Ohio, to
Lizzie J. Webb, born in Holley, Orleans Co., N.Y., March 23, 1833, daughter
of James Webb.  To this union were born the following children:  Frank
Warren, Fred Luther, Linn Alonzo, and Stella Gertrude (latter deceased when
three years old).  Our subject, in politics, is a Democrat.  He and his wife
are earnest Christians, she being a member of the Congregational Church.
Dr. Tidball is an eminent physician, a skillful surgeon, and although his
home is in a small and comparatively quiet town, yet his opinions have been
asked for, and in consultations his influence has been felt, in places of
the highest rank.  No trouble is too irksome, and no undertaking to severe
for him, where human suffering is to be alleviated in any way.  The Doctor
always has time for such duties.  In his intercourse with his fellow-men he
is dignified and courteous, and his sociability gains him many friends.  To
all enterprises tending to the prosperity of Garrettsville, Dr. Tidball has
given of his means freely, and the financial interests of any organization
to which he may belong, either at home or abroad, are generously benefited
by his unstinting hand.

JOSIAH S. TILDEN, Cashier First National Bank, Garrettsville, was born in
Geauga County, Ohio, January 29, 1852.  His parents, A.P. and Harriet B.
(Davis) Tilden, were natives of this county, and had a family of four
children, of whom two attained maturity:  Ella H. wife of James Thresher, of
Geauga County, and Josiah S.  A.P. Tilden was born in 1816, a son of one of
the first settlers in this county.  He removed to Geauga County when about
twenty-five years of age, and engaged in merchandising.  In 1864 he removed
to Chardon, Ohio, held the position of County Auditor for nine years, and is
still a resident of that place, but has retired from business.  His wife
died in 1865.  Our subject received a common school and academic education.
He was married, April 17, 1879, to Miss Clara Crane, a native of this
county, and daughter of E.M. Crane.  In 1874 Mr. Tilden came to
Garrettsville and engaged as Assistant Cashier in the First National Bank, a
position he held six years, when he was elected Cashier, which office he
still fills.  He is also Treasurer of the corporation of Garrettsville.  In
connection with banking, he carries on a general insurance agency.  He is a
member of the Garrettsville Lodge, F.&A.M., and K.T. at Youngstown, Ohio.

SMITH E. WADSWORTH, hotel proprietor, Garrettsville, was born in Windham
Township, Portage Co., Ohio, October 15, 1848; son of Elmer and Emiline
(Smith) Wadsworth.  He was raised on a farm and educated at the common
schools.  His first enterprise for himself was clerking for a year in a meat
market at Ravenna, this county.  He then came to Garrettsville, and along
with his father and brother engaged in the meat business, dealing in
connection with the same quite extensively in hides, pelts and tallow,
buying and shipping for about seven years, which required our subject to be
on the road more or less.  He was married January 5, 1876, to Miss Hannah
Styles, born in Paris Township, this county, July 26, 1847, daughter of
James and Eleanor Styles, early settlers of that township, and by this union
there is one child - Arthur James.  In March, 1880, Mr. Wadsworth purchased
the Cannon House, which he combined with the Wadsworth House, adopting the
name "Cannon House," of which he has since been "mine host."  He is an
active member of Portage Lodge, I.O.O.F., and is a F.&A.M.

STEPHEN G. WARREN, physician, Garrettsville, was born in Geauga County,
Ohio, April 7, 1841; son of Gamaliel and Patience (Burden) Warren, natives
of New Jersey and Rhode Island respectively, and who had a family of ten
children:  Eliza, Maria, Harriet, Jane, Ann, Matilda, Catherine, Polly,
Burden, and Stephen G.  They removed to Geauga County, this State, in about
1835, and here the father died in 1876, the mother two years later.  Our
subject was raised on a farm and at the age of sixteen years entered the
Western Reserve Seminary at Farmington, and from there went to the medical
schools of Cleveland, Ohio, where he graduated in 1864.  He entered upon his
profession at Erie, but owing to ill health had to retire for a time, and
the following years were spent in West Virginia.  He was married June 27,
1864, to Miss Julia M. Gladding, born in Attica, N.Y., November 9, 1841,
daughter of Horace and Juliette (Taylor) Gladding, natives of New York, the
former of whom is now deceased.  By this union there is one child - Clyde T.
In 1863 Dr. Warren located at Garrettsville, Ohio, where he has since been
engaged in the practice of his profession.  He is an active member of
Garrettsville Lodge, No. 246, F.&A.M., also of Silver Creek Chapter, No.
144, the Oriental Commandery No. 12, K.T., of Cleveland.


X-Message: #2
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 16:48:59 -0500
From: Betty Ralph <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Bio - 1885 - Portage Co, OH, Garrettsville # 6
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Bios:  Warren, Waters, Webb, White - Portage County, Ohio, from "History of
Portage County, Ohio" published by Warner, Beers & Co., Chicago, 1885

USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE:  These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in
any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or
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archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission
to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.

GUY WARREN, physician, Garrettsville, was born at Newton Falls, Trumbull
Co., Ohio, January 22, 1844; son of John J. and Louisa M. (Bishop) Warren.
The former, born in Eden, Erie Co., N.Y., came to Nelson Twonship, Portage
Co., at an early date, and is now a retired M.D. of that place; the latter,
a native of Nelson Township, this county, was born February 29, 1823, and
died May 29, 1852.  They were parents of five children, of whom our subject
is third, and he was seven years old when his parents moved to Nelson
Township, this county.  Here he spent his early days assisting on the farm,
and attending the common schools.  He finished his classical education and
medical course at the Eclectic Institute in Philadelphia, graduating in
1870, immediately entering on the practice of his chosen profession at
Garrettsville, Ohio, where he has since resided.  He was married August 2,
1871, to Ellen M., daughter of Henry C, and Lucinda (Hopkins) Tilden, and
born in Nelson Township, this county, January 12, 1851.  By this union there
are two children:  Louis B. and Carrie.  Thus far the doctor's practice has
proven a success, and from a small beginning he now has a ride extending
over six or seven townships, the result of a thorough knowledge of his
profession and a strict attention to business.  He is an active member of
Portage Lodge, N. 456, I.O.O.F.

PHILANDER WATERS, farmer and mechanic, Garrettsville, was born in Trumbull
County, Ohio, July 31, 1838, eldest in the family of nine children of Milton
and Pluma (Moore) Waters, natives of New York.  The former, a farmer by
occupation, and an early settler of Trumbull County, Ohio, died September,
1882; his widow still survives.  Our subject's facilities for obtaining an
education were limited to the common schools.  He entered on his career in
life as a farm hand, but having a natural inclination for mechanics,
eventually entered a shop, and has since been engaged in the latter
occupation.  During the war of the Rebellion he enlisted with the 100 days
men in Company I, One Hundred and Seventy-first Ohio National Guards.  Mr.
Waters was married July, 1867, to Miss Maria Reynolds, a native of Windham
Township, this county, by whom he has two children:  Virdie, born in
November, 1872, and Pearl, born in February, 1874.  In 1881 Mr. Waters
removed to Garrettsville, purchased a small farm and turned his attention to
agricultural pursuits.

ROLLIN S. WEBB, lawyer, Garrettsville, was born in Freedom Township, Portage
Co., Ohio, January 4, 1844, son of Dr. James and Eliza L. Webb.  His early
life was employed on the homestead farm and in attending the neighboring
common school and academy.  At the age of eighteen he entered upon his
career in life as a clerk in a furnishing establishment in Youngstown, where
he remained about a year, and then returned to Garrettsville and entered the
employ of W.S. Wright, who at that time was Postmaster and owned a grocery
store.  He remained in his service several months, then enlisted in the One
Hundred and Fifty-fifth Ohio National Guards, Company H, 100 days regiment,
and immediately went to the front and participated in numerous engagements,
and returned home.  He spent the following year on the homestead in Freedom
Township, this county; then taught school one winter in Ravenna Township,
then went to Trumbull County, Ohio, and devoted his time for two years to
the study of dentistry.  Returning to Garrettsville he followed this
profession for ten years, when he was obliged to retire on account of
ill-health.  He was married October 12, 1871, to Vine F. Gillson, born in
Geauga County, Ohio, November 23, 1848, daughter of Willard and Sylva
(Frisby) Gillson, natives of Vermont and early settlers of Geauga County,
and who were parents of six children:  Norman, Luther, Flavilla, Frank L.,
Josephine and Anna.  Mrs. Gillson is deceased.  Mr. and Mrs. Webb have one
child - Roscoe J.  Having a natural inclination for law, our subject began
the study of the same in 1877, and was admitted to the bar in the January
term of the Supreme Court in 1880, and opened an office in Garrettsville,
where he has since remained in the practice of his profession.  He has
served the people of his township as Justice of the Peace one term of three
years; is an active member of Garrettsville Lodge, No. 246, F.&A.M.
Politically is a strong advocate of the principles of the Republican party.

CHARLES B. WEBB, editor, Garrettsville, was born in Freedom Township,
Portage Co., Ohio, May 28, 1848, son of Dr. James and Eliza (Landfear) Webb,
the former of whom was born in Genesse County, N.Y., February 26, 1799, and
came to Freedom Township about 1835, where he practiced medicine for over
twenty years; the latter was born in Hartford, Conn., November 18, 1807.
They had ten children, viz.:  Cornelia B.; Warren J., a lawyer in St. Louis,
Mo., who died in 1866; Lizzie J.; Carrie M.; Sarah M., died in Garrettsville
in 1873; Merwin F., died while in the army at Natchez, Miss., in 1863;
Rollin S.; Helen M.; Charles B. and Mary R.  Dr. James Webb died at his
residence if Freedom Township November 9, 1852.  Our subject was educated in
the common schools and academy at Freedom, and Hiram College, and afterward
taught school in Freedom and Shalersville.  He resided in his native
township until twenty years of age, when he came here and worked two years
at the printing business, then went to Cleveland and was employed nearly two
years in the "Leader" office.  September 1, 1873, he purchased the
Garrettsville "Journal," and has since been its editor and proprietor.  He
was married January 6, 1875, to Miss Ella S. McHenry, born April 13, 1856,
at Sandyville, Ohio, daughter of Reuben and Adaline McHenry, the former born
in Leesburg, Va., February 4, 1812; latter in Lynn, Mass., March 7, 1814.
By this union were born three children:  Estella Adaline, Gertrude Eliza and
Lawrence Mervin.  Mr. Webb is a Clerk of the Congregational Church, with
which he has been connected several years, and of which he was Treasurer six
years.  He is a member of Portage Lodge, No. 456, I.O.O.F, at Garrettsville.
Politically he is identified with the Republican party.

CHARLES A. WHITE, retired farmer, Garrettsville, is a native of Vermont,
born September 14, 1825, son of Noadiah and Wealthy (Hazen) White, natives
of New England and early settlers of Garrettsville, parents of ten children,
eight of whom were boys over six feet in height.  Our subject came here with
his parents when eight years of age, and grew to maturity amid pioneer
scenes, acquiring such an education as could be obtained in the common
schools of those early days, and entered upon his career in life as a
farmer.  In 1850 he crossed the plains to California, returning in about a
year.  Mr. White was married in 1853 to Lucinda Landfear, a native of
Connecticut, born September 5, 1830, who has borne him three children:
Clara, Will and Hattie.  During the war of the Rebellion Mr. White enlisted
in 1861 in Company H, Nineteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry 100 days men.  In
1862 he re-enlisted, this time in Company D, Eighty-fourth Regiment, and
served four months; then in 1864 he enlisted in Company E, Sixtieth
Regiment, serving till the close of the war.  Mr. White has filled the
offices of Deputy Sheriff about four years, Constable six years, and as
Marshal of Garrettsville five years.  In 1880 he took a mail route of a
circuit of three offices, which he controlled four years.  He retired from
farm labors in 1882, and removed into the village.  He is a member of
Bentley Post, G.A.R., of Mantua.


X-Message: #3
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 18:40:10 -0500
From: christina m hursh <>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Bio: John Dieckmann - Summit county
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The History of West Virginia, Old and New
Published 1923, The American Historical Society, Inc.
Chicago and New York, Volume 111
Pg. 369

John Dieckmann.  At Park View, on the National Road, about 5 miles from
the center of the City of Wheeling and within the corporate limits of the
city, Mr. Dieckmann is successfully established in business a s a
florist.  Here he has maintained his headquarters since 1909, his
original business having been founded in the City of Wheeling in 1904. 
At Park View Mr. Dieckmann purchased twenty-five acres of pasture land,
and here he has developed one of the largest and most modern
flower-propagating plants in the state.  In his greenhouses he now has
100,000 square feet under glass.  In the supplying of the finest of cut
flowers and decorative plants for both lawns and homes he has built up a
large and successful business, and he is a recognized authority in
floriculture.  He came to Wheeling in 1901, and from the position of
employee with a company in the floral business he became a stockholder in
the company and finally became sole owner of the business, he having had
a capital of only $500 when he intiated his business career in the city. 
He now has secure standing as the largest and most successful
flower-grower in the state, and the development of the splendid business
has been the result of his technical ability, close application and
progressive policies.

Mr. Dieckmann was born near Hamburg, Germany, in 1870, and was there
reared and educated.  There he gained an experience of more than ten
years in the nursery and floriculture business, and in 1895 he came to
the United States and found employment at Wadsworth, Ohio, at $1.50 a
day.  Later he was laced in charge of a leading floral business at
Cleveland, Ohio, and he conducted an independent business at Akron, that
state, for two years, saving the little reserve capital of $500 with
which he initiated his business career at Wheeling, West Virginia.  He
supplies the local florists in Wheeling and other cities of the state,
and makes shipments also to Steubenville and other places in Ohio.  In
the activities of the business he retains an average of twenty-one
employees.  His attractive residence is on the grounds of his fine floral
plant, and in the basement of the house his business offices are
maintained.  Hi is a director in the bank at Fulton, and is an elder in
St. Marks's Lutheran Church at Elm Grove.

At Wadsworth, Ohio, Mr. Dieckmann married Miss Lucy Pfeiffer, who was
born in that town, of German parentage.  They have three sons: Ernest
John, a high-school graduate, is, in 1921 a student of floriculture at
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; William Pfeiffer is a student in
the Capital University at Columbus, Ohio; and Herbert is a member of the
class of 1922 in Triadelphia District High School of Wheeling.


X-Message: #4
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 19:15:30 -0500
From: christina m hursh <>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Bio: Charles W. Blair - Scioto county
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The History of West Virginia, Old and New
Published 1923, The American Historical Society, Inc.
Chicago and New York, Volume 111
Pg. 370

Charles W. Blair has been active in insurance circles at Huntington and
West Virginia for nearly thirty years.  He is senior member of the firm
of Blair & Bluffington, handling what is perhaps the largest business in
fire insurance in the city.

Mr. Blair is an Ohio man by birth, born at South Webster, Scioto County,
March 14, 1867.  His father, Joseph W. Blair, was born in Adams County of
the same state in 1832, and as a young man removed to Scioto County,
where he married and where for many years he conducted a mercantile store
at Webster.  He was a republican, served several terms as township
treasurer, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  Joseph W.
Blair, who died at Webster, Ohio, in 1887, married Harriet Cole, who was
born in Scioto County in 1836 and died at Wellston, Ohio, in 1918.

Charles W. Blair was educated in the public schools of Webster, and after
he was eighteen he taught three years in Scioto County, Ohio.  He then
removed to Portsmouth, where for two years he was deputy county clerk,
and left that office to engage in the insurance business.  He remained at
Portsmouth until 1893, and in August of that year located at Huntington,
where he has been a busy member of insurance circles ever since.  For a
number of years he was an independent adjuster of fire losses.  Mr. Blair
covered the West Virginia field as special agent for on of the leading
English companies for several years, and his activities in both field
work and local work has established his position as one of the leading
fire insurance men of the state.  Some years ago he formed a partnership
with P.C. Buffington, under the name Blair & Buffington.  They handle
general insurance, and represent some of the leading English and American
companies.  The offices of the firm are in the First National Bank
Building.  Mr. Blair is also secretary and treasurer of the Ophir Oil
Company, operating in the Eastern Kentucky field.  In politics he is a
republican, is a member of the the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and
fraternally is affiliated with Huntington Lodge No. 53, A.F. and A.M.,
West Virginia Consistory No. 1 of the Scottish Rite at Wheeling,
Beni-Kedem Temple of the Mystic Shrine of charleston, and is a member of
Huntington Lodge No. 313, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and
the Guyandotte Club of Huntington.  He is a member also of the Allegheny
and Cheat Mountain clubs of his state and is an enthusiastic sportsman. 
His chief sport is fishing, and besides slipping away from business
whenever opportunity presents itself and trying his luck in the West
Virginia streams each year when summer vacation time comes he goes on an
annual camping and fishing trip to the Yellowstone Park and points in
Wyoming, up in the mountains, where the streams run clear and cold and
where the elusive Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout are to be found.

Mr. Blair married at Huntington in 1900 Miss Lide T. Thackston, daughter
of Benjamin H. and Eugenia (Miller) Thackston. K Mrs. Blair's father was
one of the early professors of Marshall College, and died in Huntington
in 1918, at the age of eighty-five years.  Her mother is still living,
residing with her daughter in Huntington.

End of OH-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest V00 Issue #283