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OH-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest                    Volume 99 : Issue 156

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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 08:01:56, -0500

OHIO The cross road of our nation - Records & Pioneer Families
January-March 1964    Vol. V    No. 1
Published by Esther Weygandt Powell

                        SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812
                        BURIED IN ALLEN COUNTY, OHIO

Published with the consent of the Allen County Historical Society of Lima,
Ohio. The military service of most of these soldiers is included in their
report but will be omitted by me for brevity. Furnished on request. If you
know of the burial place of another soldier of this War buried in Allen
County kindly inform the Allen County Historical Society, 620 W. Market
Street, Lima, O., if they are not found in this list. References also given
in the original.

ALLEN, JACOB died Feb. 9, 1866, aged 76y 10m 24d. Buried in Hartshorn
Cemetery, 3 miles east of Delphos.

BAKER, HENRY born 1787. Died Feb. 28, 1854. Buried in Fisher Cemetery in
section 34, of Jackson Township, ten miles east of Lima, one mile north of
Route 30-S, on Center Road.

BLACKBURN, WILLIAM born June 223, 1787 in Maryland. Died in Allen Co., O.
May 7, 1858. Buried in old Lima Cemetery, E. Wayne St. and Park Ave. He
migrated to Pennsylvania thence to Columbiana Co., O. about 1800. Served 5
terms in Ohio Legislature from Columbiana County. In 1850-51 he represented
Allen, Van Wert and Auglaize Counties. About 1835 came to Wapakoneta to
take charge of office for sale of public lands. He married Rebecca Cully of
Virginia who died Dec. 26, 1878. Moved from Lima to Allentown in 1844. His
log mansion home was known as a social center.

BOWDLE, JOSEPH W. born 1779 in Maryland. Died Nov. 11, 1855 at Roundhead,
Ohio, age 76y 5m 20d. Body hauled to Salem Cemetery, Auglaize Township, in
a log wagon for burial. Location, 9 miles SE Lima, intsec. 117 and Bowdle
Road. To Hardin Co. in 1831, to Auglaize Co. in 1835 and to Allen Co. 1852.

BOWSHER, JOHN born in Maryland. Settled in Monroe Township. Died Feb. 22,
1873, aged 87y 8m and 28d. Buried in Cairo Union Cemetery. Widow Nancy drew
pension, living in West Cairo.

BUSHONG, George SR, drew pension while living in Cairo, Monroe Twp. Buried
in Williams Cemetery, Monroe Twp., row 4, grave 7. Cemetery located 1 mile
west of Beaverdam on US 30-N.

BUSSERT, ADAM came from Fairfield Co., O. to Allen County in 1834. Married
Hannah, daughter of David S. and Terzeh Young who came to Allen County in
1835. Drew pension while living in Gomer, Sugar Creek Township. Buried in
Hadding Cemetery, Sugar Creek Twp., 2 miles SW of Gomer on the Ottawa River.

COCHRAN, ABRAHAM WESLEY born Feb. 12, 1792 in Virginia. Died Feb. 24, 1878
in Allen Co., O. To Kentucky when small child thence to Madison Co., O. in
1807. Married Elizabeth Anderson in 1817-died Oct. 28, 1883. Moved to Allen
Co. in 1831 and settled upon farm upon which he died. Had 3 sons and 4
daughters. Member of M.E. Church for more than 60 years. Buried Wesley
Chapel Cemetery, 4 miles north of Lima.

COMBS (or COOMBS), JOB died Mar. 2, 1853, aged 66y 11m 2d. Buried in old
part of Rockport Cemetery, Monroe Twp. Location, 12 miles east of Lima on
Rockport Road. There was a Joeb Combs in Capt. W. Douglas' company from
Ross Co., in 1813. One Ezra Combs taught school in Sec. 3, Bath Twp., about

CONAWAY, ISAAC died Sept. 21, 1876, aged 84y 1m. Buried in Hartford
Cemetery, Amanda Twp., NE of Spencerville on State Road 198 (old Defiance
Trail) on the Auglaize River and between Shaffer Road and Section Three Road.

CREMEAN, SMITH native of Maryland. To Ross County, O. in 1805. Married Mary
Dillen of Maryland, in Ross County in 1807. To German Twp., Allen County in
1831 where he settled on land purchased in Sec. 19. Died in German Twp.,
July 28, 1858, aged 71y 7m. Buried in Allentown Cemetery, west of the
Ottawa River, near Methodist Church. Widow drawing pension in 1883 while
living in Allentown, German Twp., O.

DUDEN, JOHN died Oct. 4, 1887, aged 93y 7m 14d. Buried in St. Matthews
Cemetery, Shawnee Twp., NW of Cridersville. Resident of Clinton Co., O. in
1858. To Allen Co., in 1861. Was a locksmith, later a cigar manufacturer.

EVICK, CHRISTIAN buried in Evick Cemetery in Sec. 12, Jackson Twp., north
of Stemple road and east of Bentley road, on north side of Ottawa River.

FLINN, THOMAS born in Ireland. Died Jan. 16, 1873 in Shawnee Twp., Allen
Co., O. Buried in Shawnee Cemetery, Shawnee Twp., in block 2. Location, 4
1/2 miles SW of Lima on Shawnee Road. Volunteered for service in Somerset
Co., Pa. Married Mary (Polly) Wilson, Nov. 20, 1814. To Allen County in
1832. Widow Polly Flynn granted pension in 1875.

FLEET, DAVID born June 10, 1783. Died Jan. 27, 1886. Buried in old part of
Rockport Cemetery in grave 7, row E. Location, 12 miles NE of Lima, in
Monroe Twp. on Rockport Road.

FUNK, SAMUEL. A teamster in War of 1812. Living in Allen County in 1880.
Buried in Perry Chapel Cemetery, Perry Twp., on Perry Chapel Road, north of
Route 117, near Chicago & Erris R.R.

FRANT, (or FRANK or FRANZ), SILAS buried in Ward Cemetery 4 miles east of
Lima on the Lafayette Road near Thayer Road.

EHERNMAN, FREDERICK born 1790 in New Jersey. Moved to Fairfield Co., O. and
thence to Allen County in 1831, where he had entered land in sections 31
and 32 in Sugar Creek Twp. In Fairfield County, 1816, he married Sarah
Ridenour (daughter of John & Christina (Walthers) Ridenour), who was born
in Westmoreland Co., Pa., January 1791, moved to Fairfield Co., O. 1809,
and died in Allen County, Sept. 1875. Children: Esther, George, John,
Caroline, Elizabeth, Israel, Isaac and Sarah Ann. He died Sept. 6, 1875 and
buried in Donor Cemetery in Marion Twp.

GATES, ROSWELL. Drew pension in 1883 while living in Elida, German Twp.
Original allowance May 187. Buried in Cairo Cemetery in Monroe Twp., 1/2
mile east and 1 mile north of Cairo on the Martz Road.

GOODE, JOHN. Erected the first cabin in Auglaize County in Sec. 17, in 1829
where his wife Arabella was still living in 1880. Her pension allowed in
Dec. 1882. Her residence then was West Minster. Location of grave unknown.

HARPSTER, PETER born Sept. 16, 1779 in Penna. Died Nov. 3, 1885 in Allen
County. Buried in Early Cemetery in Sec. 1 of Sugar Creek. Migrated from
Penna. to Pickaway Co., O. (where son Jacob was born) thence to Allen
County, Ohio.

HARTER, JACOB entered land in Sec. 4, Amanda Twp., Allen County in 1825 and
was living in Allen Co. before 1828. Married Rebecca Copus who died July
17, 1861 aged 72y, 9m, 2d. He died June 12, 1862, aged 73y, 11m, 22d.
Buried in Amanda Two., Allen Co. in the old Hartford Cemetery 12 feet north
and 9 ft east of the SW corner of cemetery.

LEVERING, CHARLES born Dec. 8, 1783, in Roxborough, Pa. son of William and
Martha (Deaves). Married Sept. 24, 1812 to Mary Sterne. Children: Anthony
Deaves, Malinda Mary, Horatio Gates, Esther Ann, Charles Reuben, Maurice
Maulsby, Hannah Sater, William Augustus, Franklin, Spencer Cone, and Enoch.
Served in Capt. Jos. Sterne's Company. Moved to Allen County, in 1834 and
settled near Wapakoneta (then in Allen Co.) Was Judge in Allen Court
1838-1848. Died Mar. 21, 1860. Buried in "Two-Mile" Cemetery about 4 miles
north of Wapakoneta on State Route 501.
        References: Pa. Archives, 6th Series Vol. 9, p 185
                                             Vol. 7, p 25, 28

LONG, JACOB moved from Fayetteville, N.C. to Hamilton Co., O. and settled
on site of Cincinnati. Moved to Clermont County, thence by canal boat to
Marion Twp., Allen Co., in Spring of 185. Died May 6, 1869 in Marion Twp.,
at age of 87. Buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery in Marion Twp., in Sec. 2,
lot 39. Location, 3 miles east of Delphos on US 30-S.

MARSHALL, JOHN born in Berkeley Co., Va. (now W.Va.) in 1782, son of James
Marshall. Married Elizabeth Berkeley. He was living in Hardy Co., Va. (now
W.Va) in 1834. Moved to Champaign Co., Ohio the same year, thence to Allen
County in 1840. Buried in West Minster Cemetery in Auglaize Twp., at
Westminster, 6 miles east of Lima.

McCLUER, SAMUEL born Nov. 17, 1793 in Harrison Co., Ky., son of Moses
McCluer, Sr. Died Dec. 29, 1875 in Allen Co., Ohio. Buried in Ward Cemetery
in Bath Twp., 4 miles east of Lima on the Lafayette Road. At close of War
returned to Kentucky. In 1816 moved to Champaign Co., Ohio. In 1825 in
company with brothers Thomas and N. Moses and Aaron Loomis and Joseph Ward,
came to Allen County and erected a cabin on the west side of Hog Creek in
Sec. 25, Bath Twp. In 1826 brought his family. He married 1st Margaret Watt
- children: Sarah A., Nathaniel, Mary, Thomas, Moses, Elizabeth, Nancy,
Cynthia, Margaret, Samuel, Robert and an infant. He married 2nd Elizabeth
Patterson and had: John, Catherine, Isabel, James, Esther, Eliza, Joseph,
Newton, Alexander, Benjamin and William.

MELL, GEORGE died Feb. 9, 1860 aged 67 1/2 years. Buried in Ridge Cemetery,
Auglaize Twp.,  section 12. Location 1 mile north and 2 miles east of
Harrod at the intersection of the Clum and Lawrence Roads. The widow, Mary,
drawing a pension in 1883 while living in West Cairo. He entered land in
Sec. 25, Sugar Creek Twp., 1832

MORT, GEORGE buried in Berryhill Cemetery, Bath Twp. In 1883 Sarah Mort,
widow was drawing pension, first allowed in Jan. 1879. Her residence was W.
North Street, Lima, Ohio.

MURRAY, JOHN W. born in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 30, 1794, son of James.
To Highland Co., Ohio in 1807. He married Dorcas Woodmire (born 3-20-1805
in Hampshire Co., Va.) on Nov. 17, 1825 in Highland Co., O. Children:
Michael, Sydna J., Elizabeth A., John B., Robert R., James W., George W.,
William and 2 infants. Came to Allen Co. in Oct. 1834 and located on Sec.
7, Jackson Twp. died Jan. 3, 1866 in Allen County. Buried in Ward Cemetery,
Bath Twp. Dorcas the widow was drawing pension in 1883, first allowed in
1880. She was living in Herring (now Lafayette.)

MURRAY, JOSHUA buried in old Lima Cemetery, E. Wayne St. and Park Ave. On
same lot is buried his wife Lucy. and her mother, Elizabeth Tunget, who
died in 1850 at the age of 105 years. He served in 1st Virginia Militia.
Entered government land in Section 33, Bath Township in 1831.

OSMAN, BARZILLIA born in Virginia. A member of Baptist Church and a farmer
and blacksmith. Entered 160 acres of government land in Section 28 in Bath
Twp. in 1829. Wife was Elizabeth (1779-1849). Children: Mary, Phoebe,
Sarah, Rhoda, Elizabeth, Aaron, Abraham, Ebenezer, Brazilia, Rachel and
Lydia. He died in Allen County in 1853. Buried in Tony's Nose Cemetery,
Bath Twp. Flat stone inscribed "Burzilla Ozman /1771-1853/ A Soldier of 1812."

OSTERHOUT, GIDEON born 1778. Married June ______; died Feb. 27, 1857, aged
77 years. He was probably from Delaware County, Ohio. He died Nov. 6, 1850
in Amanda Twp., Allen County, aged 72 years. Grave located 81 feet north
and 88 feet east of SW corner of cemetery.

PATTERSON, SAMUEL buried in Ward Cemetery, Bath Twp., Allen County.

PLACE, ISAAC born 1780. Wife Clarinda, died July 20, 1857 age 72y 7m. He
died Oct. 14, 1845 in Amanda Twp., aged 65y 5m. Buried in old Hartford

RANKIN, GEORGE born Sept. 1, 1797 in Stafford Co., Va. Enlisted in War of
1812 when 15 years old. Moved to Warren Co., Ohio in 1814. In 1839 he came
to Allen County and located on the Marion Road in Sec. 4, Perry Twp., later
moving to Sec. 15. From 1839 to 1845 he was a teamster between Cincinnati
and Lima, the trip one way consuming 21 days. Married Wealthy Ann Tunget,
daughter of John and Mary Tunget of Stafford Co., Va. (1800-1891).
Children: John, Maria (Tapscott), Mary, William (m. Anna Osman), Joshua,
Eliza (Krebs), Carlotta, Isabel and Joseph. He died July 14, 1881 and
buried Perry Chapel Cemetery, Perry Township.

REED, BENJAMIN born about 1786 in Shawnee Flats in the Horseshoe Bend
district in Pa. Moved to Trumbull Co., Ohio where he enlisted in War of
1812. He married Jane DeCourcy in same county. Children: Peter, Sally,
Kate, Henry, Jane, Mellie A., Elihu, Thomas, Isaac, and Eliza. Entered 80
acres of government land in Sec. 21 in Shawnee Twp., Allen County and moved
to that county in 1833, but settled farther north along Hog Creek in Sec.
15 near some springs. Member of Shawnee Methodist Church. Died in Shawnee
Twp. in 1872. Buried in Shawnee Cemetery in that township in section 2, lot

RIDENOUR, DAVID born in Maryland, Jan. 3, 1782, son of Lewis and Rosina
(Pfleuger). Moved to Westmoreland County, Pa. about 1798 and to Perry Co.,
Ohio in 1801 where he volunteered in War of 1812. He came to Allen County
with his brother, John, and entered land in section 7, Perry township. He
had Perry twp. named after his former home county. He opened a school in
German Twp. in 1833. Remained unmarried and died at home of his nephew,
Jacob Ridenour, and was buried in the family cemetery on that farm.

RIDENOUR, ISAAC born in Maryland, Jan. 5, 1789, son of Lewis and Rosina
(Pfleuger). Moved to Westmoreland Co., Pa. about 1798, thence to Perry Co.,
O. in 1801, where he volunteered in War of 1812. In 1817 married Lydia
Cotterman of Penna. Children: Perter, Samuel, Catherine, Elizabeth, Henry,
Anna, Eliza, Sarah, Lovis, Hannah, Mary and James I. To Allen County in
1834 and settled on Section 8 in Perry Twp. Died Mar. 2, 1879 in Allen County.

RIDENOUR, MICHAEL born in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 4, 1784, son of John
and Christina (Walthers). Married Hannah Shots in same county and moved to
Fairfield Co., Ohio in 1809. Children: Elizabeth, Samuel, Lydia, Sarah,
Rebecca, John, Susanna, Eli, George M., Isabelle and Daniel. Moved to Allen
Co., O. in 1831 and entered land in section 7, German Twp., in 1829 and in
section 6 in 1830. Died July 19, 1839 and buried in Ridenour cemetery on
Ridenour farm in Sugar Creek Twp., on State Rt. 84. (In 1941 stone almost

RIDENOUR, JOHN born in Hagerstown, Md., May 18, 1873, son of Lewis (a
soldier of the Revolution) and Rosina (Pfleuger). Moved to Perry Co., O. in
1801, where, on Feb. 20, 1807, he married Hannah Spohn, native of
Hagerstown, Md. and who died in Allen Co., O. July 27, 1879, age 93 years.
Children (all born in Perry Co., O.): Jacob, Rebecca, Hannah, John, Phoebe,
Amelia, Mathias, George and Mary. Volunteered in war in Perry co., O. Moved
to Allen County in Mar. 1831, entered land (320 acres) in section 8, Perry
Twp. Died in Allen County, Oct. 7, 1874, age 91 years. Buried in St. Pauls
Lutheran Cemetery at intersection of Roathe and St. Johns Roads in Perry
Twp. Pension granted in 1871; to widow 1875.

ROBB, JOSHUA born in 1782 in York Co., Pa. Moved to Washington Co., Pa.,
where on Aug. 27, 1807 he married Mary Marques (1782-1863), dau. of Rev.
Thomas Merques. Moved to Guernsey Co., Ohio about 1813. (Library has part
of his diary). He moved to Logan Co., O. where he was an associate judge,
thence to Allen Co., O. in 1862. Settled on farm at north edge of town
(still standing is farm house at 727 N. Lima St.). Died Feb. 26, 1865 first
buried in old Lima Cemetery then in 1908 remains were reinterred in Sec. 4,
Lot 17, Woodland Cemetery.

SHOPE, WILLIAM came to Allen County from Fairfield Co., Ohio and entered
land a mile east of Elida in section 9, German Two. in 1833. Buried in SW
corner of Greenlawn Cemetery on the Elida-Allentown Road, American Twp. The
widow, Betsy (Tester) Shope, was drawing pension in 1883 while living in
Elida, first allowed in 1879.

SWISHER, MICHAEL entered land in Sec. 35 in Sugar Creek Twp. in 1830.
Rebecca Swisher, widow, drawing pension in Elida, 1883.

TEETS,______?. Margaret Teets, a widow of War of 1812 was drawing pension
while living in Elida in 1883. First allowed 1879.

UNKNOWN SOLDIER in Hartshorn Cemetery in Sec. 28, Marion Twp. Six foot
stone with inscription "Unknown Soldier of War of 1812". Location: 3 miles
east of Delphos bet Rt. 30 N & 30 S.

FOUR UNKNOWN SOLDIERS buried in Hartshorn Cemetery, Marion Twp. in a row
334 feet south and 103 feet east of NW corner.

UNKNOWN SOLDIER (Prob. of War of 1812) buried on Defiance Trail about 20
feet inside fence in woods along the Auglaize River. Grave marked with a
boulder and War of 1812 marker. Said to have been flagged by a Mr.
Patterson of that area.

WARD, ABRAHAM born in Moorefield, Hardy Co., Va. son of soldier of Rev.
War. Married Christina Johnson. Children: Joseph born 1793. (To Champaign
co., O. in 1806 and to Allen Co. in 1827. Died in 1839). and John b.
10-14-1795 (To Champaign Co., O. in 1812, to Allen Co. 1830, died
12-25-42). Married 2nd and had 2 sons and 2 daus. Moved to Pickaway Co. and
served in War of 1812. To Allen Co. in 1832 and settled on Sec. 23, Bath
Twp. Burial place in Jackson Twp. unknown. Son John buried in Lima's first
Cem., E. North St.

WEIN, JOHN came to Allen County with brother Henry from Reading, Pa. Other
brothers and sisters were: Abraham, David, Samuel, Michael, Polky, Betsy
and Sarah. Living in Spencerville when drawing pension in 1883, first
granted in 1871.

WILLIAMS, ELIJAH born 1782. Died Apr. 3, 1847. Buried in Harrod Cemetery in
Sec. 3 Auglaize Twp. Entered land in Sec. 10, Auglaize Twp., in 1835

WOOD, CHRISTOPHER born in Washington Co., Pa. Mar. 9, 1772, son of William
and Sarah (Stark). Moved to Limestone, Ky in 1784. (Interesting military
service). Married Nancy Ann Turner, (dau. of James Turner, A Rev. Soldier)
on Oct. 16, 1797. Children: Joseph, Albert G., Sarah, Joseph, Noston,
Nancy, Elizabeth, Seminirus, Marion, Caroline and William. Was living in
Lake Twp., Logan Co., O. 1818; to Allen Co., Apr. 1824 and settled in Bath
Twp. Died 11-19-1855 at Athens, Indiana.


End of OH-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest V99 Issue #156