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Lawrence County, OH - County Index to OH Marriages Database

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       This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
       Marceline Beem <>

                          Lawrence County, OH

         County Index to the Ohio Marriages Database.

NOTE! To view the complete records which contain considerably more
information, please visit and search the actual database at:

The database is growing, visit often. Last update:  2-12-2002

      GROOM                     BRIDE                     DATE           
      ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------

   1. Burley, Alexander         Shorty(Chortie), Mary     1 Jan 1880     
   2. Carlan, James             Boyce, Jennie             28 Dec 1879    
   3. Crabtree, William         Burton, Ruthy             24 Dec 1852    
   4. McEnerny, Frank           Carlan, Genevieve         25 Mar 1915    
   5. McMahon, Thomas           Carlan, Mary              24 Sep 1913    
   6. Riedel, George            McEnerny, Mary            22 Jun 1911    
   7. Turner, Benjamin          Colliflower, Lucinda      10 Nov 1867