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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Lowell Pankake
December 22, 1998

                     Will of John Pancake

          Lawrence County, Ohio Will Book 1, page 249
   Dated June 20, 1856, presented to the Court June 30, 1856.

                      June 20th A D 1856

Lawrence County, Ohio
     No all men by theas Presents 
that I John Pancake Seanier this day 
and time in my perfect minde do gave my 
Wife Debey Pancake and four Children 
Viz Henry Pancake Elisey Pancake 
Andrew Pancake Junur Adaline Pancake 
All of my Property wich I want 
devided equal amonkst those above 
namd Exsept one dollar which I want 
gave to Each on those Hears Not 
Named - Vis Iseet Pancake Junur one dollar 
Alfred Pancake one dollar Rebeckey Pancake one dollar 
Leviny Pancake Senier one dollar - 
Philip Pancake one dollar Haner Weeb one $ too 
Agnus More one dollar Jane Gillan one 
dollar Anney More one dollare 
Margret Gillan one dollare 
Matilda Gillan one dollare
Nansey Gillan one dollare
I want my wife to yous this Property 
in sutch a way as to Rais those four 
Children above Named  Henry Pancake  
Elisey Pancake  Andrew Pancake Juner  
Adaline Pancake
This day and date I set my Hand and
            John x Pancake S.  (Seel)

            Andrew + Pancake S

Attested this 20th June 1856 C C Aills


The State of Ohio Lawrence County SS
Before me Fletcher Golden Judge of the Court of Probate within and for 
said county on this 30th day June AD 1856 came personally Andrew Pancake 
who being duly sworn according to law deposeth and saith that that he 
is one of the subcribing witnesses to the last will and testament of 
John Pancake late of said county deceased that the paper hereto attached 
and perporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased was 
signed by said testator in presense of this deponent and was signed by 
this deponent as a witness in in presence of said testator and at his 
request and that said testator at the time of executing the same was of 
full age and of sound mind and memory and not under any restraint
                                                 Andrew + Pancake
Sworn to before me and signed in my presence the 30 day of July [sic] AD
                                         Fletcher Golden
                                              Pro Judge


The State of Ohio Lawrence County SS
On this 9 day of July AD 1856 before me Fletcher Golden Judge of the
Court of Probate within and for said county came personally C C Aills
who being duly sworn according to law makes oath and says that he is
one of the subscribing witnesses to the last will and testament of John 
Pancake deceased that the paper hereto attached and perporting to be the 
last will and Testament of said Decd was signed by said testator in his 
presence and was signed by this deponent as a witness in presence of said 
testator and at his request and that said testator at the time of 
executing the same was of full age and of sound mind and memory and not 
under any restraint 
                                            C C Aills 
Sworn to subscribed before me this 9 day of July AD 1856 
                                        Fletcher Golden 
                                             Pro Judge


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