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John Cranston’s Will: written 12 APR 1881; recorded 15 NOV 1881;
Lawrence Co., Ohio Probate Court Record of Wills, 1863-1883, v. 2, pp. 500-502.

Will of John Cranston
Lawrence County Probate Court Tuesday November 15th 1881.
Pleas in the Probate Court within and for
the County of Lawrence State of Ohio before
Geo. W. Hampson Sole Judge of Said Court
at a session thereof held at the Court House
in Ironton on the 15th day of November A.D. 1881

Be it remembered that heretofore to wit on the
fourth day of November Anno Domino one thousand eight
hundred and eighty one there was produced in Open
Court for Probate an instrument of writing purporting 
to be the last will and testament of John Cranston 
late of Mason Township Lawrence County Ohio.
Deceaseds Said will reads in the words and figures 
following to wit:

In the name of the Benevolent Father of all I John Cranston 
of the County of Lawrence and State of Ohio do make and 
publish this this [sic] my last will and testament.
Item 1st I give and devise to my beloved wife Mary in lieu of
her Dower the farm on which we now live or reside situate 
in Lawrence County and in the State of Ohio containing
about fifty three acres during her natural life and all the stock house-
hold goods furniture provisions and other goods and chattells [sic] which 
may be there on at the time of my Decease during her natural
life as afore said she however selling as much there of as may be 
sufficient to pay my just debts and at the death of my said wife

Item 2nd the real estate afore said [sic] I give and Devise to my 
Daughter Mary E. Cranston her heirs and assign upon the following
condition to wit she the said Mary E. Cranston shall pay to my
son Thomas Cranston one dollar and shall pay to my son 
Echelbary Cranston one dollar and pay to my daughter Sarah 
Jane McCane ten dollars and pay to my daughter Lydia Ann 
Rice ten dollars and pay to my daughter Melissia [sic] Vanfleete [sic]
ten dollars and pay to my daughter Augusta Myres [sic] ten dollars
and pay to my daughter Matilda Carll [sic] ten dollars and pay to 
my grandson William E. Carll [sic] fifty dollars and pay to my
daughter Samantha Baister [sic] ten dollars making in all to be paid
my heirs one hundred and twelve dollars which I devise.

Item 3rd To my children and their heirs I do hereby nominate
and appoint Mary Cranston my Executrix of this my last will
and testament hereby authorizing her and enpowering her
to compromise adjust release and dscharge [sic] in such manner
as she may deem proper the debts and claims due me I do
also authorize and empower her if it shall become necessary
in order to pay my debts to sell by private sale or in such
manner or upon such terms of credit or otherwise as she may
think proper all or any part of my Chattle [sic] property I
desire that no appraisement and no sale of my personal [sic]
made and that the Court of probate direct the omission of
the same in pursuance of the statue. I do revoke all
former wills made by me in testament whereof I have
here unto set my hand and seal this 12th day of April
A.D. 1881.                      John Cranston (Seal)

        Signed and acknowledge [sic] by said John Cranston
as his last will and testament in our presence and signed
by us in his presence.               D.H. Notter
                                     Jacob Roach
The State of Ohio  \
Lawrence County ss /    In Probate Court.
     Personally appeared in open Court D.H. Notter and
Jacob Roach the subscribing witnesses to the last Will
and Testament of John Cranston now deceased and being
duly sworn according to law depose and say that the
paper before them purporting to be the last Will and Test-
ament of John Cranston who resided in mason Township
in Lawrence County Ohio and died on the fifteenth day
of October 1881 was duly executed as such will by said
John Cranston at his home at Lawrence County Ohio on
the twelth day of April A.D. that they were present at
the execution of said Will and at the request of the Testator
subscribed their names to the same as witnesses in his
presence and in presence of each other and that they saw
the said John Cranston sign and seal said Will and
heard him acknowledge the same to be his last Will
and Testament that the said John Cranston at the
time of making signing and sealing said Will was of legal
agae of sound and disposing mind and memory and under
no undue or unlawful restraint whatsoever.
                                 D.H. Notter
                                 Jacob Roach

Sworn to and subscribed in open Court this 4th day of
November A.D. 1881.                Geo W. Thompson
                                       Probate Judge

Lawrence County Probate Court Friday November 4 1881.
And now comes Mary Cranston and makes application to have
a [sic] instrument of writing purporting the be the last will and
testament of John Cranston late of mason Township Lawrence
County Ohio deceased admitted to Probate. It is ordered that
notice be given each of the heirs in writing resident of the State
of Ohio of the filing of said will and of the time and place
of hearing of the same which time is fixed by the Court for
Nov. 15 A.D. 1881.                 Geo W. Thompson
                                       Probate Judge

See Journal Vol 6 Page 579
Lawrence County Probate Court Tuesday Nov. 15 1881.
In the matter of the last   ------
Will and Testament          ------
        of                  ------   Will admitted to Probate
John Cranston Decd.         ------
        This day the application to have the last will and
Testament of John Cranston late of Lawrence County Ohio deceased
admitted to Probate came on for hearing and the Court being
satisfied that each and all of the heirs and next of kin of
said decedent residents of the State of Ohio have been notified
in accordance with the order of the Court and Jacob Roach and
D.H. Notter the subscribing witnesses to said will came into open
Court and being first duly sworn testified to the execution and
attestation of said will which testimony was reduced to writing
and filed with said will and the Court being satisifed from
said testimony that said testator at the time of making signing
and sealing said will was of legal age of sound disposing mind
and memory and not under any restraint. It is therefore ordered
that said instrument of writing be admitted to Probate as the
last will and testament of John Cranston deceased and it is
further ordered that said will and testimony aforesaid together with
the orders of the Court herein be recorded in the record of wills.
                                         Geo W. Thompson
                                             Probate Judge