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LAWRENCE COUNTY OHIO - Marriage Records 4/1817 - 7/1843 [Surname T-Z]
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Don Ort
October 11, 1998

                               Marriage Index

                              Books 1, 2, and 3
                                    T- Z
                  Grouped Alphabetically by Groom's Surname

                           April 1817 - July 1843

    Groom's      Groom's Given   Bride's Given                         Pg.
    Surname          Name             Name         Bride's Surname     No.
 Trumbo         George          Polly           Austin               2
 Tull           William         Hannah          Cyle                 5
 Tackett        Thomas          Winney          Sampson              12
 Taitt          Shelton James   Sarah           Fudge                18
 Taitt          John A.         Docia           Breeding             35
 Thomas         James           Elizabeth       Miller               46
 Templeton      James           Jane            Morrison             50
 Taylor         Horatio         Anna            Francis              56
 Templeton      Thomas          Elizabeth       McCorkle             58
 Thomas         Archabald       Darcas          Sowards              87
 Topping        William         Elizabeth       Perteet              88
 Thompson       Michael         Anna            Becket               104
 Tophonse       Daniel          Rhoda           Lewis                109
 Thompson       John, Jr.       Elizabeth       Halterman            119
 Thomas         James           Matilda         Clarke               123
 Tarry          Jacob           Rebecca         Mosely               130
 Turner         William         Rebecca         Hull                 140
 Tally          Allen           Katharine       Dilley               141
 Tindle         Easton          Jane            Long                 143
 Tucker         Joshua          Polly           Wilgus               149
 Thompson       Levi            Almira          Crawford             153
 Tally          Joseph D.       Lydia           Dickey               155
 Taylor         Alford          Jane            McGarvey             192
 Turvey         Daniel          Margaret        Bennett              197
 Turvey         David           Angeline        Wallis               222
 Thompson       Joseph          Melvina         Rawlins              223
 Thompson       John            Malinda         Willis               256
 Thompson       John            Rachael         Cazette              257
 Tatam          John            Kezziah Susan   Dunfield             262
 Trowbridge     Nathaniel       Zelda           Miller               267
 Thompson       Ahart           Harriet         Gough                269

 Turner         David           Mary Ann        Merrett              274
 Turvey         George          Polly           Laisuir              277
 Tiernan        George P.       Rebeccah        Winters              280
 Tally          George          Malinda         Justice              284
 Turvey         William         Jemima          Dunfield             285
 Tailor         Thomas          Elizabeth       Turvey               286
 Tyrrell        William L.      Emeline         Wood                 303
 Tull           Richard         Elizabeth       Hegley               303
 Toliver        John            Eliza Jane      Dillion              315
 Thompson       Thomas          Mary            Rhoads               319
 Tailor         Thomas          Elizabeth       Flaharty             328
 Thomas         James           Nancy           Callihan             330
 Thompson       James           Margaret        Bolen                336
 Thompson       David           Eliza           Partlow              347
 Thayer         James           Nancy           Horner               350
 Thomas         Thisel M.       Orpha           Frances              354
 Toltbard       Samuel          Amy             Turvey               355
 Terry          Daniel Harrison Melissa         Payne                360
 Toney          William         Jane            Ballard              366
 Taylor         Fountain        Rebecca         Holderby             369
 Tackett        James           Elizabeth       Jenkins              369
 Terry          James C.        Harriet         Wakefield            390
 Thompson       William         Elizabeth       Shope                390
 Upton          Giles           Elizabeth       Willshire/Willshiere 398
 Vermillion     John            Elizabeth       Compston             18
 Vermillion     Reuben          Rebecca         Compston             21
 Vanconey       Samuel          Jane            Thurston             36
 Vermillion     Nicodemus       Isabel          Hutchison            124
 Vermillion     Daniel          Prescilla       Hisey                135
 Vermillion     Jesse           Katharine       Justice              160
 Vermillion     David           Elizabeth       Massey               218
 Vaughn         John            Elizabeth       Turvey               232
 Vermillion     Uriah           Nancy           Cron                 253
 Vitititoe      Anderson        Mary            Massie               263
 Vaughan        Daniel          Clarinda        Plyman               281
 Wood           Luke            Margaret        Lewis                399
 White          David           Sarah           Parsons              1
 Warpley        Henry           Elizabeth       McKinsey             4
 Williams       Enoch           Sarah           Keller               6
 Webb           Elias           Jane            Gillelum             6
 Ward           Charles         Amey            Kelley               7
 White          James           Wealthy         Faulkner             15
 Wilson         Terry           Artey           Nance                20
 Williams       James           Rebecca         Davidson             29

 Wood           Paulus Emilius  Adaline         Fuller               42
 Webb           George          Genne           Coleman              43
 Watters        Joel            Keziah          Miller               45
 Wallbright     Christian F.    Katharine       McIntire             60
 Willard        Joseph          Uniz/Unire      Bell                 66
 Wrag           Levi            Rhoda           Spurlock             68
 Ward           Thompson        Polly           Imes                 74
 Winters        Matthias        Rebecca         Ferguson             75
 Wallbright     Christian       Elizabeth       McIntire             76
 Wilcox         Moses           Elizabeth       Derny                78
 Whitten        Walter          Rebecca         Stover               80
 Williams       Alexander       Elizabeth       Johnston             82
 Woods          John            Susana          Buffington           101
 Wakefield      Timothy         Amy             Kimball              86
 Walls          William         Mary            Perkins              91
 White          Jesse           Pamelia         Hughes               94
 White          Benjamin        Elizabeth       Howard               94
 Williams       Elijah          Cloak           Moor                 96
 Wilson         Stephen         Sarah           Gillen               96
 Wilgus         Charles         Elizabeth       Laffoon              96
 Wakefield      Elhanan W.      Candice         Gillet               98
 Wilshire       Caleb           Nancy           Adams                104
 Waddle         William         Sarah           Simmons              104
 Walls          David           Sally           Sowards              105
 Wilks          James           Mary            McCoy                116
 Wright         Enoch           Naoma           Switzer              122
 Winters        Daniel          Rebecca         Bumgarner            123
 Westcoat       Rhodes          Rebecca         Miller               125
 Wakefield      Timothy         Marinda         Thomas               126
 Whitcombe      David           Mary            Miller               126
 Wilks          Benjamin        Juliet          Belcher              129
 Wards          Harry           Betsy           Mosely               130
 Winters        Isaac           Mary            Webb                 132
 West           Christopher     Sarah           Woods                135
 Willis         Elza            Elizabeth       Ward                 135
 Wilks          Samuel          Betsey          Whitehead            137
 Ward           Zedekiah        Diana           Whitehead            137
 Wilson         Thomas          Jane            Hopkins              141
 Wilks          Francis         Susannah        Whitehead            141
 Winters        George          Elizabeth       Bruce                145
 Westgate       George W.       Eliza B.        Trowbridge           147
 Wills          Moses           Polly           Bowman               148
 Wilson         Francis         Harriet         Taylor               148
 Webb           Baker           Mary            Webb                 158
 Webb           James           Lois            Bagly                158
 Ward           Samuel          Sary            Wilgus               159
 Walburn        Joseph          Elenor          Umphins              164
 Woolum         Jacob           Fanny           Neal                 174
 Woods          David           Jane            Lynd                 175
 Wilson         Charles         Prissilla       Lambert              182
 Walls          William         Elizabeth       White                188
 Wilcox         Luman H.        Mary Ann        Graves               192
 Wakefield      Benjamin A.     Parthenia       Judd                 194
 Warner         Larkin          Mahalia         Warkman              196
 Walls          James           Flory           Simmons              197
 Ward           Jacob           Mary Ann        Veal                 200
 Webb           Tull            Patience        Blowers              202
 Wilson         Jacob           Sarah           Phipps               203
 White          Almon           Mary            Burk                 208
 Willis         Thompson        Margaret        Smith                217
 Waugh          James C.        Eliza           Shortridge           219
 Wilson         George S.       Susan S.        Eads                 220
 Webb           Edmund          Judy            Butcher              221
 Wright         John            Charlotte       Lantz                223
 Whitlatch      James           Metilda         Newman               224
 Williams       Henry           Jane H.         How                  229
 Warder         Philip M.       Nancy           Dillion              236
 Willis         Andrew          Naomie          Collier              237
 Webb           James           Margaret        Alford               244
 Ward           Samuel          Frances B.      King                 246
 Ward           Shadreck        Eveline         Boothe               246
 Walters        Squire          Katharine       Lanthorn             249
 Wilson         Abraham         Julia Ann       Ferguson             259
 Walker         Harrison        Armilda         Rodgers              260
 Ward           John            Elizabeth       Pusey                265
 Ward           John            Melinda         Kerr                 270
 Willis         John            Lucinda         Moore                273
 Wood           Andrew J.       Maria           Farmer               273

 Whitten        Littlelon, T.   Emarine         Bumgarner            278
 Weaver         George C.       Margaret        Hogan                278
 Wilburn        Robert          Maria           Wilburn              280
 Watts          Nimrod          Lucinda         Thomas               287
 Willis         Ambrose         Sarah           Hush                 289
 Woodruff       Daniel          Rachael         Secrest              289
 Wiseman        Allen           Amanda          Irwin                290
 Woodruff       William         Mary            Day                  290
 Walters        Elias           Phebe Ann       Pruitt               291
 Williamson     John            Sussannah       Baker                296
 Worthington    Alexander       Eliza Ann       Rutter               297
 Wood           Harrison        Sarah           Brammer              300
 Warner         William         Jane            Blankenship          300
 Warnicker      Henry           Matilda         Nelson               301
 Webb           Hanley 2nd      Elizabeth       Steel                307
 Wakefield      George W.       Emily           Gillet               310
 Wilson         Anderson        Joannah         Isaacks              314
 White          James           Susanah         Cox                  318
 Waddle         James H.        Lavina          Hankins              321
 Willis         Henry, Jr.      Sarah           Gibson               322
 Wourts         Samuel G.       Matilda         Cutright             323
 Willis         Greenbury       Barbary         Lambert              326
 Ward           Robert          Judy            Harrison             327
 Webb           Alvin           Casandra        Conway               329
 Webb           Levi            Ludy            Perdue               329

 Welch          John            Keziah          Pruett               332
 Wither         Horace          Letty           Callaway             339
 Womack         Allen L.        Lucy J.         Osenton              345
 Weir           Harvey          Ruth            Combs                351
 Wood           William         Julian          Calwell              358
 Whitehead      John A.         Emeretta        Hanley               365
 Wilson         Alexander       Rebecca         Thomas               372
 Wilson         Zalmon          Emeline         Clarke               373
 Ward           Benjamin W.     Nancy S.        Ward                 383
 Willis         George, Jr.     Elizabeth       Patterson            387
 Wilson         John            Elizabeth       Peathod              387
 Wood           Saul H.         Marian          Curry                391
 West           Bluford         Lucinda         Marcum               393
 Wright         Allen           Lucy            Brown                395
 Workman        Robert          Sarah           Swaider              398
 Yates          Benjamin        Ann             Delong               21
 Yats           Noris           Margaret        McCrary              65
 Yingling       John            Hannah          Shaffer              83
 Young          John            Sally           Thomas               129
 Young          William         Lucy            Ferguson             220
 Yates          Joseph          Eve             Halterman            236
 Yingling       William         Rebecca         Harper               251


                           Transcribed by Don Ort

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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
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