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LAWRENCE COUNTY OHIO - Marriage Records 1843-1857 [Surnames M - Z]
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Don Ort
October 11, 1998

                 VOLUMES 4 AND 5
            APRIL 1843 - FEBRUARY 1857
                      M - Z

      Grouped Alphabetically by Groom's Surname

        SURNAME     GIVEN NAME      PAGE
         Mann          J.            3
         Moore         J.            3
         Montgomery    G.            4
         Mattison      J.            7
         Mathews       J.            9
         Morgan        A.            10
         Massie        M. L.         10
         Morgan        J.            14
         Markin        W.            18
         Morris        J. C.         26
         Morton        H.            27
         Massie        S.            33
         Morris        T.            35
         Martindill    Jas           66
         Mays          James         68
         Morris        Edward        69
         May           Jacob W.      73
         Marshall      Richard       79
         Millions      Ephram        82
         Massie        Jonathan      84
         Memiss        Jas M.        85
         Mace          Isaac F.      86
         Mace          Elias C.      95
         Morrison      Andrew        96
         Martin        Robert        97
         Morrison      Sam'l         98
         Meeks         Wm P.         99
         Muntick       Wm            103
         Marting       Thos          105
         Moran         John          109
         Mowry         Valentine     111
         Monery        Geo           115
         Martin        Stephen       115
         Massie        James         116
         Marks         Jesse         123
         Mace          Elisha V.     125
         Munnahan                    Edw 127
         Martin        Ota           130
         Moore         Lyman         131
         Morgan        Dan'l         131
         Malone        Geo           132
         Morriss       Jonathan      132
         Mays          Davisson      135
         Myers         Joseph        142
         Martin        W. H.         142
         Massie        James         146
         Morrison      Wm            148
         Martin        John          150
         Mordisk       Thos          150
         Maysi         Jonathan      152
         Morriss       James         153
         Massie        Vinton        156
         Morrison      Andrew        157
         Massie        Robert        162
         Moore         John          164
         Massie        Henry         165
         Milstead      Harvey        168
         Marshall      Jacob         169
         Moore         Abraham       170
         Markin        Thos          175
         Jartin        Jackson       179
         Messer        David         182
         Mackey        Albert G.     187
         Morrison      John          170
         Melvin        Theodore      192
         Magee         Luther E.     193
         Miller        Charles       195
         Markins       C. L.         201
         Miller        Isaac         203
         Miller        Anderson      209
         Mann          Alexander     205
         Massie        James B.      215
         Miller        Chas          221
         Malone        Dan'l         52
         Marks         John          46
         Martin        Jesse T.      48
         Mitchell      Andrew        53
         Magee         Augustus      55
         Martin        Thos          56
         Massie        Edmond        62
         McAlavy       D.            14
         McDivitt      D.            19
         McCommas      E.            38
         McKee         W. J.         41
         McLuigg       Thos          65
         McIntyre      John          67
         McComas       B. M.         68
         McDaniel      A.            69
         McCoy         David         71
         McMasters     Geo           72
         McCorkle      Wm            72
         McMahon       John          74
         McBeayer      Solomon       74
         McMahan       John          76
         McKnight      Geo.          78
         McKnight      Wm            83
         McKnight      Saml          84
         McCan         Jordan        89
         McClure Wm                  90
         McCommas      Jas           93
         McMahan       Edward        99
         McKnight      Jas           101
         McNerlin      John          101
         McGee         Rufus         107
         McCoy         Harvey        117
         McCartney     Elzia         120
         McClure       Benj. F.      127
         McDermot      Paul          127
         McGonagal     Robt          131
         McMamee       C.            138
         McGinnis      O. A.         143
         McCormick     Jno M.        147
         McMurina      Geo.          147
         McGee         Warren W.     152
         McBride       Edward        152
         McHumlin      Thos          155
         McClaski      Saml          165
         McIntire      Thomas        166
         McFarland     Andrew        185
         McKnight      Jas H.        215
         McConnell     Wm            219
         McConnell     Elijah        224
         McGinley      Robt          197
         McDilley      John          217
         McSorley      Jas           191
         McDaniel      Gehile G.     44
         McCoy         John          49
         McDaughty     Chas          55
         McKee         Thos          56
         McDaniel      Alex          57
         McGee         Ephraim       61
         Nunley        W.            1
         Neal          W.            19
         Neal          N.            20
         Neal          W.            21
         Nance         H.            25
         Null          A.            25
         Nance         H.            34
         Nowlen        E.            36
         Neal          Larkins       80
         Nance         Vinton        82
         Neal          Enoch         88
         Neff          Leanord       93
         Nigh          Elias         94
         Nance         John          102
         Niday         H. A.         121
         Nida          Henry         124
         Neff          Henry C.      133
         Noel          Jno O.        144
         Nufer         Joseph        154
         Norris        Joseph        167
         Newman        Morris        173
         Norriss       Edward        195
         Neal          Vinton        201
         Neal          Elicott       204
         Notter        Thomas J.     206
         Neal          O.            207
         Nixon         William       207
         Null          Nicholas      212
         Nance         Clemont       221
         Neal          William A.    223
         Neal          David O.      57
         Neal          Jacob         59
         Neal          Jeremiah      61
         Orthmyre      Francis       71
         Orndoff       Wm            77
         Onshisner     Wm            109
         Oliver        Zephamal      182
         Osner         Adolph        206
         Ostendoff     Henry         44
         O'Nail        David         57
         Payne         M.            5
         Payne         M.            5
         Patterson     G.            6
         Parkerson     W.            7
         Powell        Theophilus    8
         Payton        W.            13
         Pancake       J.            19
         Pusey         Zaddock       29
         Parker        W. C.         32
         Price         E.            33
         Partlow       A. I.         37
         Pritchard     H.            37
         Powell        W.            39
         Proctor       A. S.         60
         Platt         Geo.          66
         Proctor       Thomas        67
         Pancake       Abraham       72
         Pease         Carnett M.    75
         Peters        Mansfield     78
         Pierpont      John          79
         Puley         David         81
         Patterson     Benj.         81
         Payne         Mathew        89
         Pratt         Riley         94
         Pritchard     Hector        94
         Peyton        Wm            104
         Picket        L. H.         104
         Prescott      Allen         111
         Polley        William       119
         Price         Wm            122
         Pain          Thomas        123
         Patterson     James         123
         Pinkerman     Chas          124
         Pancake       John          124
         Polley        Paras R.      125
         Perkins       John          131
         Powell        Uriah         126
         Paine         Wm V.         126
         Peters        Christopher   131
         Peters        Wm L.         140
         Pascol        Louis         141
         Park          Wm. O.        145
         Perkins       Wm            161
         Pool          George        167
         Peterson      Jno G.        168
         Payne         Uriah         175
         Pancake       Wm            177
         Patrick       John          180
         Paine         Joseph        183
         Paul          Sardine       186
         Parker        Thos H.       189
         Pryer         Luke          193
         Pemberton     Wm            193
         Pemberton     Geo           193
         Pempleton     Wm            196
         Price         Stephen L.    198
         Perry         Payton        210
         Pemberton     Clinton       210
         Perdue        William       221
         Price         William       224
         Paine         John          44
         Peters        Seldon        46
         Porter        Jas. H.       48
         Perkins       Saml          54
         Phillips      Ephraim       54
         Pendleton     Dan'l         59
         Proctor       Alfred S.     60
         Quigby        Randolph      161
         Ripetoe       P.            6
         Reid          T. J.         12
         Rayburn       J.            13
         Rawlins       S.            14
         Richey        J. A.         15
         Roberts       A.            16
         Rucker        E.            18
         Roberts       J. M.         24
         Riley         A.            29
         Rolph         E.            30
         Richey        W.            34
         Richey        W.            34
         Rust          W.            43
         Rigney        William       63
         Rollins       David         87
         Ricketts      John          88
         Robison       P. R.         93
         Riggs         Charles J.    94
         Rowe          John          97
         Runkles       Isaac         104
         Robinson      Geo           106
         Rodabrought   Joel          110
         Richard       Patrick       114
         Rowan         Isaac         115
         Rice          Richard       120
         Roberts       Patterson     122
         Ross          Daniel        132
         Rapp          John          132
         Russell       Sanders       137
         Roberts       Hartwell      137
         Ridge         Wm            140
         Richey        Geo           142
         Reed          Reuben        142
         Richmond      Wesley        155
         Russell       George        156
         Rice          Thomas        160
         Riggs         Anthony       163
         Robinson      Jas           170
         Ross          David         174
         Roting        Pleasant      175
         Rayburn       Thos          175
         Ray           Edward        176
         Renshaw       Lewis         176
         Rigg          David         182
         Rose          Walter        186
         Rowe          William       192
         Richendoll    Levi          199
         Ross          Thomas        205
         Rice          David         209
         Roberts       Thomas        207
         Root          James M.      218
         Ronish        David         221
         Rickett       Gerard        222
         Roach         James         224
         Rice          William       224
         Roman         Thos          50
         Ray           William       51
         Razor         Andrew J.     53
         Rust          Preston       54
         Russell       Saundro       55
         Rice          Thos N.       58
         Rucker        Ephraim       60
         Skeggs        H. A.         1
         Songers       J. M.         3
         Shattuck      G. B.         4
         Smith         W.            5
         Snell         Albert        6
         Sites         J. W.         7
         Shope         W.            9
         Smith         R. C.         12
         Smith         H.            14
         Songer        H.            15
         Sturgeon      J.            16
         Stewart       A.            17
         Sparrow       R.            19
         Sanders       G.            22/21
         Sanders       G.            21/22
         Sherman       J.            23
         Steel         Arthur        24
         Saxton        M.            28
         Smith         J. A.         32
         Suiter        J. T. Isaac   32
         Strong        J. A.         35
         Skelton       J.            36
         Spears        G. W.         36
         Swartswood    E. E.         39
         Shepherd      G.            40
         Slack         G. W.         42
         Simmons       E.            43
         Stoute        Henry         63
         Steed         Samuel        64
         Smith         Peter         65
         Stewart       C. M.         66
         Smith         William       68
         Simonton      Wm            68
         Stewart       James         74
         Sampson       Valentine     51
         Sayers        Israel        51
         Seig          Paul          75
         Stephens      Eduard        76
         Shepherd      Joseph        76
         Stumbo        William       76
         Smith         Silas S.      79
         Sikes         David B.      77
         Stumbeaugh    Jos           79
         Stephens      Joshua        82
         Stewart       James         83
         Shears        Preston       84
         Snyder        Henry         84
         Sherman       Jas G.        85
         Sherman       James         88
         Sholer        George        89
         Stuart        Lewis         90
         Smith         James         91
         Smith         John          92
         Stewart       Geo. W.       92
         Sullivan      Henry         92
         Shafer        Stephen       93
         Sites         Andrew        94
         Sayers        Levi          94
         Sowards       Jno           96
         Short         Dan'l         96
         Slater        Thomas        97
         Shiner        Sylvester     100
         Smith         Washington    100
         Steed         Aaron         104
         Shilden       Jas A.        107
         Sewell        Chas.         107
         Stallings     Martin        108
         Sloan         Jas M.        108
         Sisman        Peter         109
         Shaw          Salem         62
         Sampson       Val           51
         Skidmore      Squire        112
         Steed         Joshua        112
         Sisher        John J.       113
         Samuels       H. J.         114
         Stuart        Wm            117
         Smith         Stuart        120
         Shavers       Stanford      121
         Shuff         Smith         121
         Saunders      Geo           125
         Sherman       Jas A.        126
         Spicker       Henry         127
         Stephenson    Lafayette     129
         Stephenson    John          129
         Shelton       Thomas        130
         Spradling     John          131
         Smith         Lewis         133
         Saunders      Dan'l         139
         Stark         Fielding      139
         Spruce        Wm            139
         Sanderman     W.            142
         Sherman       A.            142
         Sonpure       Alfonso       182
         Sisler        John          184
         Sallard       Harry         184
         Scott         Robert        185
         Stinson       Robt H.       187
         Shute         James G.      144
         Sites         Isaac M.      144
         Slavers       Dan'l         146
         Sharp         James         150
         Seers         Israel        151
         Schock        James         152
         Stevenson     Geo.          154
         Silly         Wm.           158
         See           J. M.         159
         Stewart       Wm. S.        165
         Steece        Archabold     166
         Stucker       Geo W.        167
         Stewart       Chas          169
         Sartin        Anis          173
         Stewart       Riley         175
         Stewart       A. N.         176
         Sumpter       Edward        177
         Silverthorn   Isaac         178
         Stephens      Thos J.       217
         Sites         Sylvester C.  179
         Sampson       Valentine     179
         Smith         James         188
         Sumpter       Simeon        188
         Smiths        Wells         189
         Sorley        J. M.         191
         Scott         Uriah B.      195
         Scott         Robt D.       195
         Stephens      Wm. A.        196
         Smith         James         197
         Sims          Joseph        200
         Smith         Stephen M.    207
         Swan          Alfonso F.    202
         Sullivan      Clemont M.    207
         Sicley        Alexander     208
         Savage        Anton         208
         Shosse        John          210
         Sheats        Washington    212
         Stuck         Gillen        218
         Steller       Valentine     220
         Stewart       Rufus C.      196
         Smith         William       154
         Shockley      Pilenon       47
         Smith         John          54
         Stewart       David W.      54
         Sowards       Geo. V.       56
         Stevenson     Gilbert       58
         Sinton        David         59
         Slagle        James         148
         Thompson      M. W.         2
         Templeton     C. T.         8
         Tomlinson     S.            10
         Thompson      M.            11
         Toppur        J.            19
         Tounsell      J.            29
         Throckmorton  D.            30
         Tompson       J.            41
         Tharp         Geo           69
         Thomas        Alexander     86
         Thacker       Alexander     90
         Turner        Joshua        81
         Tyrrell       Wm. S.        92
         Townsend      Dan'l         116
         Turvey        Washington    117
         Taylor        Ralph         140
         Turvey        William       145
         Trumbo        Geo. W.       151
         Taylor        Alexander     158
         Thomas        S. V.         165
         Thompson      Granville     61
         Terrell       Andrew S.     181
         Thomas        M.            185
         Tibbs         ?             185
         Terrell       Dan'l         190
         Taylor        Hiram         211
         Teorshey      Thos          212
         Thompson      Dan'l         213
         Thompson      Jas. H.       213
         Tables        Jackson       214
         Toms          Simon         198
         Taylor        Beverley      46
         Thompson      Jno. A.       57
         Trewit        Jesse J.      59
         Tagg          James         61
         Von           Patrick       91
         Van           Bartram       91
         Vermillion    Green         95
         Vaughan       Burrell       121
         Vermillion    Jesse         162
         Vittito       Wm            180
         Vitito        Wm.           180
         Workman       R.            1
         Worthington   F.            4
         White         W. M.         9
         Wootan        John          9
         Webb          R.            10
         Wood          J. A.         11
         Webb          W.            13
         Wheeler       J. F.         16
         Wray          A. J.         20
         Woods         G. W.         21
         Willis        H.            22
         Wales         N.            22
         Willis        H.            24
         Willis        W.            28
         Woods         H.            31
         Webb          G.            35
         Williams      R.            36
         Wilson        S. S.         37
         Wilcox        W. D.         42
         White         William       65
         Witrock       Chas.         66
         Welch         William       67
         Walker        M.            67
         Whitlock      E.            69
         Waller        W. G.         125
         White         Vinton        127
         Workman       Stephen       133
         Warren        John          133
         Ward          Joseph G.     133
         White         M. B.         134
         Wettick       Frederick     134
         Wesson        A. R.         135
         Ward          R. A.         136
         Walls         James         139
         Waters        Chas. E.      180
         Ward          Geo. L.       183
         Willis        Hamilton      183
         Wakefield     Albert        184
         Wolf          John L.       186
         Ward          James         188
         Ward          Charles       190
         Whittmore     Wm.           190
         Winters       Isaac         191
         W__mer        Phillip       195
         Williams      Francis       199
         Worknan       Rhodes        200
         Woods         George        203
         Willis        John          204
         Willard       Geo. W.       208
         Wisenburger   Jacob         209
         Wisenburger   Jacob         216
         Williams      S.            222
         Whit          Henry A.      222
         Wolf          William M.    51
         Wilson        Martin        45
         Williams      Asa L.        53
         White         Jesse         58
         Wilgus        James J.      58
         Wilson        Patrick       58
         Ward          Edward        60
         Willis        Hugh          72
         Wolf          John          79
         Wiseman       Abner         85
         Winkler       Micheal       94
         White         Isaac         96
         Watters       Peter         97
         Wilson        Alexander     98
         Wood          Andrew J.     98
         Webb          Green         101 to Frances Neal
         Wood          John J.       103
         Winkler       Chas.         105
         Webb          James         106 to Nancy Milips Humphries
         Wiseman       Wm. H.        107
         Wilson        William       109
         Walters       Jarret C.     110
         Woodward      Job           112
         Wise          John          114
         Walton        William       119
         Wiseman       Wilbur W.     119
         Walker        James         140
         Walter        H. G.         141
         Williams      Elias         144
         Winters       Henry         145
         Waters        George        152
         Waugh         Levi          156
         Wymer         John N.       161
         Ward          John          164
         White         John          168
         Webb          Pleasant      170 to Susan Bolan
         Wood          Silas G.      171
         Wiley         William       171
         Ward          John          172
         Washburn      Wm.           172
         Welay         Moses         177
         White         John          178
         Yates         G.            11
         Yates         N.            11
         Yates         I.            12
         Yates         I.            31
         Yates         James         111
         Yates         Benjamin      114
         Yard          William       136
         Young         William       166
         Yates         Isaac         52


                           Transcribed by Don Ort

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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Don Ort
October 11, 1998