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To see an update on these pages go to the Lawrence Co. Register at
August 3, 1997



Last Update: Last Update: August 3, 1997

Researched and compiled by: Sharon Milich Kouns

I.R. = Ironton Register (Lawrence Co.,Ohio)

Note from SMK: As time allows this book will be added to, corrected and
updated. We are adding it here now as we go so that you may be able to watch
our progress.


Ironton Register, June 3, 1858 - Last week, in the Superior Court,
Cincinnati, in the case of the Administrator of McLardy vs Chandler, Mrs.
McLardy and children, of Ironton, obtained a verdict in their favor for $500
- for the death of Neil McLardy, our former fellow-citizen, at Cincinnati,
in September last, by the carelessness of a druggist. It appeared, on trial,
that Mr. McLardy being sick, a physician wrote a legible prescription for
him, one of the ingredients being cinnamon water; that it was taken to the
drug store of Dr. Chandler, and in making the preparation he used liquid
ammonia in place of cinnamon, hence Mr. McLardy's death was the natural
consequence of a cancerous affection of the stomach. After full hearing, the
jury returned a verdict as before mentioned, for $500 against Dr. Chandler.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. MAY 13, 1866 Jas. H. Nixon, Ex'r of Wm. Nixon; sale of
real estate confirmed. John Shafer, adm'r of W. Dement, ordered to sell


PROBATE COURT - I.R. FEB. 21, 1867 {Do not have beginning of this column.}

   * The old cases of the State against James McCain, Eliza Harris and
     Thomas Bay, each for murder, are marked continued on the docket.
   * Margaret Roach vs J. M. Blankenship; breach of promise, and wages for
     work and labor performed. Case tried. Verdict on first cause of action
     $20; on second cause $580.00. New trial. Neal and Dean for Plaintiff;
     Moore and Hamilton for Defendant.
   * Hugh McGovern and Wife vs Benedict Weitz and Wife; Slander. Case tried.
     Verdict, twelve cents. Dean for plaintiff; Moore and Calvin for
   * Divorces granted in the cases of Daniel Crumlish vs Abbie Crumlish; and
     Joseph Oemisch vs Mary Jane Oemisch. Cause, wilful absence for over
     three years. Jane Crossland vs. Charles Crossland. Divorce. Cause
     tried, and reserved for decision.
   * Mary McClain vs I.R.R. Co., Damages claimed for death of husband on
     said road in November last. For hearing on demurrer. In a case coming
     up from a Justice of the Peace, the Court held that under the amendment
     to the 113 Sec. Of the Justices Act, passed in 1866, requiring papers
     in appeal to be filed with the Clerk, on or before the thirtieth day
     from the rendition of the judgment, that when the thirtieth day falls
     on Sunday or any of the legal holidays, the papers must be filed on the
     twenty-ninth day, making an exception to the general rule in pleading.
     In the same case, at the request of the Bar, his Honor gave as his
     opinion that in suits before Justices, amounting to over one hundred
     dollars, the pleadings require revenue stamps, the same as in the
     Common Pleas.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. MAY 23, 1867 The following report gives most of
the cases disposed of by the Court during the past week, with other matters
of interest transpiring there:

   * A. W. Buskirk vs R. S. Williams - Judgment for the Plaintiff, $217,
     with interest.
   * Mary McClain vs Iron Rail Road Co. Dismissed without prejudice to
   * Joseph Dean vs William Cook. Verdict for the defendant.
   * Lavina McGinley vs Jeremiah Rainey. Verdict for the defendant.
   * Alex. Brammer & Co. vs Alf. Royer. Judgment by default against
     defendant $163.52.
   * John Peters vs John Campbell et al. Exceptions to Report of Wm. M.
     Bolles (do not have end of article)


PROBATE COURT - I.R. MARCH 12, 1868 (?) We take the following from the
Court's record for the past week:

   * Ezra E. Adams filed first account as Guardian of S. J. Argo's heirs.
   * Gottleib Gerhardt of Germany was naturalized.
   * C. M. Golden and Arvilla Spicer, filed first account as administrators
     of Wm. H. Spicer, deceased.



   * Simeon Sumter was appointed guardian of Henry T. Adams. Bond $100.
   * Will of Harriet Clarke was admitted to Probate.
   * Application was made for the admission of Margaret Samuels to Lunatic

PROBATE COURT - I.R. JAN. 27, 1870

   * Rev. G. W. Taylor licensed to solemnize marriages.
   * Thomas Dillon appointed Guardian of Minnie Adell Unlucky, minor child
     of Benj. Unlucky, bond, $3,000; sureties, Baker Webb and L. Cassiday.
   * R. Mather, adm'r of Js. And Maria Daniels, filed final account.
   * N. Cox, adm'r, vs Jane Monahan; order of appraisement issued - Edmund
     Brammer, C. W. Simmons and William Earles
   * appraisers.
   * C. E. Watters, Guardian of the heirs of John A. Smith, filed first
   * John Feil, a native of Germany, naturalized.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. MARCH 17, 1870 The cases disposed of since our
last report are as follows:
The Grand Jury concluded their labors on Wednesday, after being in session
less than three days, and presented indictments as follows: 1 for murder in
the first degree; 2 for burglary; 1 for stabbing; 1 for petit larceny; 1 for
seduction; 1 for threatening in a menacing manner; 1 for buying goods from a
minor; &c.; 2 for concealing stolen goods, 7 for selling liquor, and 1
presentment against minors, for burglary. Also, reported the county jail
well kept and the prisoners well provided for. Lucy A. Sites vs Sylvester C.
Sites; motion to set aside decree overruled.

   * B. F. Branham vs M. W. Davis, et al. Settled at defendant's costs.
   * Sarah Williams vs Thos. Winters et al. - Plaintiff ordered to give
     additional security for costs in sixty days or be dismissed.
   * Abram Huggins vs Rachel Huggins. - Continued.
   * Polly Rust vs John Campbell et al. Judgment for defendants.
   * Stephen Smith vs G. W. Bryson, Judgment against plaintiff for costs of
     present term and continued.
   * M. Beck & Bogen vs Leonard Myer et al. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
   * Thos. Bobbitt vs. Geo. Gilland. Settled at defendant's costs.
   * Nimrod Moore vs Wesley Moore. Settled at defendant's costs.
   * John S. Keeney, adm'r vs Arthur E. Hobbs et al. Judgment for plaintiff,
     and order of sale of real estate.
   * John Crawford vs John S. Keeney, adm'r et al. Decree for specific
     performance of a contract.
   * Hamilton Davisson vs Iron Railroad. Verdict for plaintiff $600.00.
     Motion for new trial.
   * Allen Wiseman vs J. W. Johnson et al - Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
   * Stephen Brown vs James Hawkins. - Right of property found in defendant
     and judgment for value of same $223.00 and (do not have end of column)



   * J. N. Rainey licensed Auctioneer for one year.
   * State v Thomas & Boll - Plea guilty. Fine $50 and costs as to Thomas;
     nolle as to Bole.
   * State vs Childers - Selling whiskey; plea guilty; fined $15.00 and
   * Campbell, McGugin & Co. vs Jas. M. Stone et al. Judgment for plaintiff
     $1200.64. Ordered sale of mortgaged premises.
   * Nicholas Hoffman vs Wm. Webb. Judgment for $130.00 revived.
   * Wm. Cook vs Matney, Joseph et al. Judgment for plaintiff $70.57. Order
     sale mortgaged premises.

(do not have end of this column)


PROBATE COURT - I.R. OCT. 20, 1870

   * Coroner's inquest over the body of Jos. Walls, killed near Millersport,
     filed by Justice Blake.
   * S. Richards, guardian of Velfna Conner, filed suit, account for
   * S. Dillon, adm'r of C. Scovill, dec'd, filed inventory and
     appraisement, and sale bill.
   * First accounts of P. Murphy, ex'r of ..need better copy can't read what
     I have.



   * Nelson Cox, Adm'r of estate of Patrick Monahan, sale confirmed and
     estate declared probably insolvent.
   * Petition and remonstrance from Fayette township regarding justices
     filed. No notice yet filed.
   * S. Dillon, adm'r of A. Snell filed appraisement and assignment of
     dower, and sale ordered.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. NOV. 30, 1870

   * Chas. A. Ward, T. A. Potter and Adolph Miller, Guardians, filed
     accounts for their respective wards.
   * Mrs. E. D. Richardson, Adm'x of S. T. Richardson, account settled.
   * Wm. Means account as Ex'r of Robert Hamilton, settled.
   * G. W. Trumbo, Ex'r of John Roberts filed final receipts.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. JAN. 12, 1871

   * Patrick May, native of Ireland, was naturalized.
   * W. W. Johnson, guardian of Rosalie and Eveline Hamilton, filed 8th
   * F. D. Norton, adm'r of Geo. W. Norton, field a statement of stock in
     Belfont Works Co., sold by him by order of court.
   * Final account of J. T. Hannan adm'r of James Buffington, settled.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. MAR. 09, 1871

   * John Heffer, native of Germany, naturalized.
   * L. D. Morrison and G. R. Ricketts, adm'rs of estate of L. D. Morrison,
     dec'd, filed their first account for settlement.
   * Amos Moore, adm'r of Isaac Moore, filed sale bill and inventory.
   * Thomas Hays, a native of South Wales and Louis Janicks, a native of
     France, were naturalized.
   * First account of S. Dillon, adm'r of A. Snell, settled.


COMMON PLEAS - I.R. MAY 04, 1871 Thus far in the second week of Court the
business transacted has been quite small. The lawyers seem to be behind in
the preparation of their cases or in getting them ready for hearing.
The Grand Jury reported nineteen indictments, of which nine are for selling
liquor; as follows:

   * Two against C. Ebert,
   * Two against Jos. Fisher;
   * Two against Jos. And Rosanna Falter;
   * Two against Lycurgus Robinson,
   * One against Lavina Lucas.

   * The other indictments are against Stephen S. Fuller, Isaac Turvey,
     Samuel McVeigh, Nancy, Martha, Dolly and Lewis Brooks, assault and
   * Arthur Channel, forgery;
   * Jas. Grubb, shooting with intent to wound;
   * Moses and George Yates, and George Kingery, stabbing with intent to
   * Albert G. Fuller carrying concealed weapons.
   * Lagore vs Blankenship, Wilson et al. Non suit.
   * Hamilton vs R. Church. Judgment for plaintiff, $3,920.00.
   * Hardy vs Hawthorne et al. Plaintiff recover of Mitchel Hawthorne,
     $21.85 for shooting the plaintiff's cow.
   * Jones vs Eckhert. Settled; each pay their own costs.
   * Collier vs Hart. Dismissed at Plaintiff's costs.
   * Payne vs Williams; same.
   * In the matter of the petition of Hiram Campbell to surrender lease of
     school lands and recover a deed, Ambrose Trumbo, John Ellison and C. W.
     McCoy, were appointed appraisers.
   * J. P. Merrill vs Ironton. Verdict for Ironton. This was a suit against
     Ironton for damages claimed by the plaintiff in consequence of the
     city's interference with his wharf contract.
   * Miller vs Lomas. Judgment by default $125.25.
   * Butterfield vs Roadamour. Submitted to a Commissioner limited to
     certain instructions.
   * State vs Charles Toliver. Contempt of Court; Jackson Paige and James
     Coleman, same.
   * R. McCall vs J. B. Basel. Judgment by default $270.00.
   * Layne vs Blankenship. Damages for selling liquor to plaintiff's husband


PROBATE COURT - I.R. MAY 11, 1871 (?) Third week of Court. New jury went on
duty Tuesday. Judge Johnson presides.

   * In the cases of school lands, held by H. Campbell and Mrs. Breeden,
     re-appraisement was ordered in both cases. J. M.
   * Deering, C. W. McCoy and John Johnson, appointed appraisers.
   * R. Mather v Margaret Irwin, J. Campbell, C. Ellison and Wm. St. Clair
     reported a partition which was set aside. Petition dismissed.
   * Hamlin v Dorman, judgment before J. P. Reversed and defendant recover
     of plaintiff $230.75
   * May v Adams, et al. Leave to plaintiff to file amended petition.
   * Newman & Co. vs Wise & Co. Replevin. Judgment for plaintiff.
   * Urwiler, Receiver vs Edwards. - Judgment for plaintiff, $251.91.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. MAY 15, 1871 Court will adjourn this week, and
next Monday, Judge Johnson goes to the Scioto Common Pleas. Cases disposed
since our last as follows:

   * State vs Lewis, Martha, Nancy and Dolly Brooks; assault and battery,
     verdict, not guilty.
   * Joseph Sutton vs H. Lautenachlaeger; judgment for plaintiff $353.28.
   * Manasass Litch vs Martin Wilson; judgment for plaintiff, $91.85.
   * The sale of lot 32, Millersport, by the Trustees of the M. E. Church,
     was confirmed by the court.
   * State vs Joseph & Rosana Falter; No. 1, verdict, not guilty. The
     Prosecuting Attorney entered a note prosequi to the indictment in case
     No. 2.
   * Edmund Delong vs Nancy Delong; divorce granted, cause, adultry.
   * Ralph Leete vs Henry Newman; judgment for plff, $587.64, and defendant
     also ordered to pay parties $234.50.
   * T. J. Davis vs J. T. & D. T. Davis; dismissed at plff's cost.
   * D. H. Clarke vs W. A. Jenkins; dismissed without prejudice at plff's
   * Eliza P. Buffington vs Eleanor Buffington & J. T. Hannon; referred to
     C. B. Egerton, master commissioner.
   * Dr. J. W. Winn, of Hanging Rock, was allowed $10 for post mortem
   * C. W. Simmons vs Anderson Aunt; judgment revived, which with interests
     amounts to $71.12.
   * H. W. Eaches vs Cader Powell; judgment for plff, $194.14.
   * City of Ironton vs Iron Railroad Co.; demurrer of defendants to
     plaintiff's petition overruled and leave given the Iron Railroad Co.,
     to file an answer on the 25th inst.
   * J. P. Morris v Catharine Wilhains (?), Ex. Judgment for plff $64.50.
   * A special venire for C. E. Hambleton, Cyrus Ellison, James Nixon, Thos.
     Williamson, J. E. Jones, S. S. Brammer and Wm. Gibson, Jurors, was
   * Cloninger v Ironton, Judgment of Mayor reversed.
   * Jos. Selb v Cole and Jones, and Henry Cole. Sale of mortgaged premises
   * Haggarty v Hoffman. Damages for selling liquor to plt'ff's husband.
     Verdict. $25.



   * In the case of the appeal of Jas. Silliman from the award of the County
     Commissioners for $75 for location of the Ironton and Pine Creek road
     through the Plaintiff's land, a jury trial was had and a verdict for
     $100 additional damages rendered.
   * J. Davidson filed a request to be released from the bond of W. H.
     Hanson, Guardian of Ellen J. Thomas.
   * Jonathan Morris, Guardian of Carrie S. Wright, filed a petition to sell
     lands of his ward.



   * The Grand Jury returned 83 indictments, 2 for Grand Larceny, one for
     manslaughter, 12 for assault and battery, 5 for petit larceny, one for
     fornication, 6 for keeping a nuisance, 6 for selling intoxicating
   * State v Jas. Spears; petit larceny plead guilty, fined $5. Same in case
     of State v Andrew Fuller.
   * B. F. Cory v Jos Brammer et al. Dismissed as to Mrs. Brammer.
   * Sazear et al v D. S. Murdock, et al. Judgment for defendant.
   * Sarah Gilland v A. and F. Miller, suit for damages resulting from
     selling plaintiff's husband liquor. Verdict for plaintiff $2,000.
     Motion for a new trial.
   * Wm. Wood v Geo. Heiner. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
   * D. Lady v W. D. Kelly. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
   * State v Jackson and Wm. Matney. Assault and Battery. Jackson Matney
     plead guilty. Fined $5.
   * State v Jacob Clark. Plead guilty of assault and battery. Fine $5.
   * J. Earles v A. P. Russell and H. Keeny. Amended petitions filed against
     defendants separately.
   * E. McMillen v J. T. Davis. Demurrer to petition sustained.
   * E. Ferguson v H. M. Francisco. Judgment for defendant.

See if this is end of this column



   * John R. Thomas naturalized.
   * __ M. Staley, guardian of Joseph M. Need to copy this


PROBATE COURT - I.R. AUG. 19, 1875

   * Ellen Terry, guardian of C. D. Terry, filed fourth account.
   * Deed of assignment from Winters & Bro. to J. P. Shaw, filed.
   * D. Massie, appointed guardian of W. B. Kearns; bond, $2500.
   * Petition filed to commit J. H. Flowers to Reform Farm.
   * Jere Cooper, adm'r de bonis non of George Irwin, filed second account.
   * J. P. Shaw, assignee of V. Boll & Co., ordered to sell property at
     Probate sale.



   * I. J. Addis appointed guardian of Harriet E. Evans; bond $100.
   * James Fitzer appointed guardian of E. D. Ramsey, bond $100.
   * Agnes B. Arnold, guardian of Arnold heirs, filed final account.
   * Griffiths Henry and William Jones naturalized.



   * Wm. G. Hunt, guardian of Neal heirs, gave $1,500 additional bond.
   * Application for admission of Sarah Boyd to the Athens Asylum.
   * J. Pratt, guardian of Dilsey Pemberton, filed 3d account.
   * Jno. Vogal v Peter Miller, in aid of executor. Sidney S. Brammer
     ordered to pay first costs and judgment in the proceedings.
   * E. Brammer, guardian of Taylor and Earles heirs, filed second accounts.
   * T. N. Davey, adm'r of Samuel Davey, deceased, filed 2nd account.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. SEPT. 30, 1875 Judge Hebard is presiding this
week. It is expected that Judge Harper will be here next week.
On Friday the Grand Jury reported 26 indictments, vis: 1 for manslaughter; 1
for grand larceny; 1 for burglary; 1 for adultery; 3 for keeping nuisance; 1
for keeping a gambling room; 1 for making public disturbance; 1 for betting
on election; 4 for assault; 3 petit larceny; 7 for selling liquor, 1 for
malicious destruction of property.
Cases disposed as follows:

   * C. Culbertson v Wm. Cunningham, Thos. Griffith made defendant instead
     do not have end of this column yet.
   * Need to check middle of this column
   * Newman Lumber Co. v John Newman. Reappraisement.
   * Jno. A. Witman v Wilson Lewis, Judgment for plaintiff, $56.57
   * Burchard Buckner G. W. Gildeons (?), verdict for plaintiff, $900.
   * W. H. Donohoe v Z. Littlejohn and H. Sanders. Plaintiff to recover the
   * Warren L. Barber v M. Wise & Co. Judging for plaintiff $207.
   * John Biscoe v Ruth, Brammer & Ruth. Judgment for plaintiff $1,064.
   * Lucinda Powell v Jas. R. Powell, Divorce granted.
   * Jno. Mowery v Iron Railroad Company. Verdict for plaintiff, $4,000.
   * Jesse Earles v A. P. Russell. Verdict for defendant.
   * Benj. Davis v M. Wise & Co. Leave given to defendants to file an
   * Phebe Primm v James Primm. Sale confirmed.
   * W. R. Day was granted a license as auctioneer.
   * John J. Nesbett v Christena Nesbett, divorce granted.
   * Margaret Ellison v Robert Rucker. - Verdict of guilty. Motion for new
   * Lewis F. Cremeans vs Mary Jan Cremeans. Divorce granted.


PROBATE COURT, I.R. OCTOBER 28, 1875 The following guardians filed accounts:
Thos. Pritchard, Chas. E. Watters, G. W. Trumbo, I. C. Dovel, E. Kyle,
Margaret Wambaugh, James Corn, Rufus Ellcessor and John Gibson.
The following administrators filed accounts:

   * J. S. Davidson, S. Dillon, E. Kyle, A. J. Boothe, Elizabeth A. Dempsey.
   * Rebecca Pucket Sr. Appointed guardian of Rebecca Pucket Jr. Bond,
   * Jos. P. Shaw filed final statement as assignee of Winters & Bro.
     Matters settled.
   * McGugin & White v Thos. Kemp. Order for defendant to answer touching
     his property.



   * Will of George Miller admitted to probate. Comfort Miller elects to
     take under the will.
   * The following guardians filed accounts: John Shafer, Thos. I. Murdock,
     A. Miller, Anton Abele, I. F. Gillen, Saml. Locey.
   * The following administrators filed accounts: A. M. Thornton, William
     Drury, L. D. Morrison, and G. R. Rickets.
   * Mary A. Hempstead filed exceptions to accounts of Jno. G. Peebles,
     Executor of will of Robert Hamilton. For hearing Nov. 23d.
   * W. S. McCune appointed Assignee of Herbert & Simmons. Bond $20,000.
     Appraisers, M. S. Bartram, H. R. Brown

(do not have end of this article yet.)


PROBATE COURT - I.R. NOV. 11, 1875

   * The following administrators and executors filed statements: L. A.
     Griffith, N. Burcham, R. Boyd, Geo. N. Gray, D. W. Richards, John S.
     Keeny, and Geo. C. Berlin.
   * Thos. Dillow and J. S. Keeny, guardians, filed accounts.
   * L. A. Griffith, adm'r vs Hannah Darling; case dismissed at cost of
   * Giles Thomas, adm'r of Arch Thomas, ordered to file account by November
     29th, or show cause.
   * Alex Massie appointed ex'r of George Miller. L. A. Griffith, John W.
     Handley, and W. W. Wiseman, appraisers; bond $800; Jere Cooper and S.
     Dement, Sureties.
   * McGugin & White vs Thos. Kemp, in aid of execution; one watch, one gun
     and two mules to be applied to payment of plaintiff's judgment.
   * James Farmer vs Thomas Dillow, in aid of execution; George Thomas
     ordered to answer.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. NOV. 18, 1875

   * Joseph Shaw appointed guardian of Argo heirs, bond, $3,000.
   * Coroner's inquest over the bodies of George Kitts and Lewis Fisher
   * Thomas Higgins, guardian of Elizabeth Nance, filed second account.
   * Celia A. Wolf, adm'r of George F. Wolfe, filed first account.
   * David Lamond, native of Scotland, naturalized.
   * A. P. Russell, guardian of Russell heirs, filed second account.
   * William Means, executor and trustee under the will of Robert Hamilton,
     filed seventh account for settlement.


I.R. NOVEMBER 25, 1875

   * W. S. McCune, assignee of Herbert & Simmons, filed inventory and list
     of liabilities, ordered to sell at private sale.
   * M. S. Henry, adm'r of Morris Henry, dec'd, filed his third account for
   * Abner Dilley, guardian of Jacob Russel, filed second account.
   * D. Massie, guardian of W. B. Kearns, filed inventory.
   * Augustus Magee, trustee of William Magee, filed final account.
   * James Farmer vs Thomas Dillow; in aid of execution; proceeding
   * Geo. W. Hackworth, adm'r of Thomas Golden, J. P.; proceedings
   * Mary A. Hempstead vs John G. Peebles, executor of Robert Hamilton;
     motion to disallow executor's account; demurrer interposed; arguments
     heard, and taken under advisement. This case involves the sum of
     $73,000, which the plaintiff claims, was improperly allowed out of her
     share of the estate of Robert Hamilton. Her receipt (?) was given of
     that amount against payment for the Hanging Rock rolling mill,
     purchased by the late S. B. Hempstead.



   * Wm. Betts, guardian of Elizabeth and Philip Kizer, filed first account.
   * Abraham Miller appointed guardian of Nettie and Ezra Jones, bond
   * John H. Sutton appointed guardian of Richard Sutton; bond $2,500; J. S.
     Keeney, Stant Moore and Sam'l Sutton, appraisers.
   * Evans & Grimes filed motion to require W. P. Rodgers, assignee of John
     H. Burgess, to file a statement by Dec. 11, 1875.
   * S. Dement, adm'r de bonis non with will annexed of Patrick Wilson,
     filed first account.
   * Sam'l Richards, guardian of Eugene F. Paul, filed fifth account.


POLICE COURT - I.R. DEC. 2, 1875

   * C. S. Thomas, who lives back of Haverhill, came up here last week and
     got drunk. He was taken about 2 o'clock the next morning and locked up.
     Fined $13.10.
   * Andrew Brogan, David Jones, Thos. Hill, Edward Davis, Odey Mulligan,
     Edward Mysick were found intoxicated. Jones and Mysick, fined $5.00;
     Davis, $15.00; Hill $7.00; Odey Mulligan $9.00; Andrew Brogan $35.00.
     Mark King fined $25.00 for resisting an officer.



   * John Davis and Patrick McCauley, were naturalized.
   * John M. Markins appointed guardian of Chas. H. Markins.
   * I. B. Murdock, assignee of Julius Kemp ordered to make 20 per cent
   * Wm. Means, trustee of Robert Hamilton, filed 8th account.



   * Jno. Markin, Calvin Corneil, John Joplin and Hiram Dennison released on
   * S. Sparling vs Wm. McKnight, continued Nov. 25th.
   * Albertus Meiboom appointed guardian of heirs of Gregory H. Meiboom.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. DEC. 21, 1876

   * Charles Rigney appointed guardian of Melvina E. Null; bond, $300.
   * Charles A. Radford appointed adm'r of H. Radford; bond $2500;
     appraisers, A. Waddell, Jacob Proctor and T. F. Gillet.
   * S. W. Morris appointed guardian of Rosetta E. Pine; bond, $300.
   * J. P. Shaw, guardian of J. Argo heirs, ordered to reappraise lands, and
     sale ordered.
   * Pat. Nolan confined to jail, in default of paying fine, released on
     habeas corpus.
   * John Kelly, adm'r of W. A. Reed, deceased, filed petition to sell land,
     and appraisement ordered by J. Smith, Marshal Thornton and James
   * A. H. Ricker appointed assignee of A. Holmes and J. P. Shaw appointed
     do not have end of this article yet.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. AUG. 02, 1877

   * W. G. Hunt, guardian of J. L. Neal, filed second account.
   * Thos. Cherrington, assignee of Iron & Steel Works, filed bond. W. C.
     Amos, Geo. T. Scott and W. L. Keepers appointed appraisers.
   * Matilda Rodgers, adm'x of the estate of Jane Scott, filed inventory of
     said estate.
   * Slater Lemley, guardian of Robson (?) A. and Missouri Petrie, filed
     second account.



   * Geo. W. Trumbo guardian of Rhoda D. Workman, filed second account.
   * Fred Miller, admr of Wm. Rightmire filed final account.
   * Patrick Graham, Joseph Faulter, Chas. Lintner, and Edward Furlong, were
   * Wm. Means, guardian of Robert R. Hamilton, filed ninth account.
   * Joseph P. Shaw, assignee of Ferguson & Reed, ordered to sell the unpaid
     accounts at public sale.
   * Elliot O. Henry, guardian of Julia A. Henry filed final receipt.



   * Chas. E. Watters, guardian of Smith and Curtis heirs, filed final
   * L. C. Hockett, assignee of Sheridan Mining Co., filed first account and
     ordered to sell at private sale until further orders.
   * Geo. N. Gray, assignee of Lawrence Furnace Co., filed inventory, and
     ordered to sell at private sale.
   * John Pratt, guardian of Delia Pemberton filed 4th account.
   * Ellet Webb confined in jail on charge of petit larceny, released on
   * Patrick Cloran and Frank Studer naturalized.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. OCT. 18, 1877

   * Edmund Brammer guardian of Earles and Taylor heirs filed third accounts
     for settlement.
   * E. F. Williams assignee of D. Linn Gooch, filed inventory and ordered
     to sell at private sale for 30 days.
   * H. W. Ward, adm'r of Elizabeth Ward vs John Ward; sale of premises
   * Will of George Watson admitted to probate.
   * Wm. McClure, adm'r of S. M. McClure, filed inventory of said estate.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. JAN. 24, 1878

   * Appraisement of the Enos Winn land by N. Cox, J. Farris, and I. Turley
     approved and sale ordered.
   * C. Ellison, guardian of W. L. Ellison, filed second account.
   * S. B. Steece appointed assignee of H. Clark; W. L. Bickmore, G. W.
     McConn, and Joshua V. Rhodes, appraisers.
   * F. Seifried, guardian of Seifried heirs, filed final account.
   * Thos. D. Evans, Admr., of F. Bingman, reported sale of land, which was
   * A. Lehman, assignee of Milb & Co., ordered to sell at private sale for
     thirty days.

check to see if end of this article.


I.R. MAY 1, 1879 - Slander Suit - Dr. A. C. Burns has filed his petition in
the Common Pleas Court against Mrs. Jane Booth, claiming $5,000 damages for
alleged slander. It is charged, in substance, in the petition that Mrs.
Booth said that Dr. Burns had killed Mrs. Duty and the child of John Dowlin
by unskillful treatment. This remark, the petitioner claims, has damaged his
professional reputation $5,000. Mrs. Booth enters a general denial of the
declaration in the petition. All the parties live at or near Getaway.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. DEC. 25, 1879 Judge Harper came up from Portsmouth
and held the adjourned session of Court, last Tuesday.
In the matter of the sale of Buckhorn and Howard furnaces, Mr. Hamilton on
behalf of some stockholders and one creditor, asked leave to file a motion
to set aside the sale on the ground that the property sold for less than it
should have brought. Maj. Cherrington objected on the ground that the only
parties proper to resist the confirmation of the sale were the defendants,
the Charcoal Iron Co.; and this view of the case the Court approved and
confirmed the sale.
In the case of the Iron Railroad vs W. D. Kelly & sons, the Commissioner
reported the amount due the plaintiff, in accordance with the rules laid
down by the Court to be $752, and for this, judgment was rendered. The
amount sued for was about $6,000. It will be remembered that the Court
previously held that the ton was 2268 lbs instead of 2000, that the charges
were about one-third in excess of "reasonable," and since 1873, the rate
could not be over 5c per ton a mile. Both sides objected to the ruling of
the Court, the plaintiff to the Court's general view of (do not have end of
this yet.)



   * George C. Berlin appointed guardian of John W. Steed.
   * N. K. Moxley guardian of W. L. Ellison, filed final account.
   * C. Ellison, Ex'r of J. Ellison, filed 3d account; also, ordered to sell
     stocks at private sale.
   * Margaret Staid appointed guardian of James Staid.
   * S. Richards filed final receipts of his ward. P. Housen.
   * W. S. Forgey, Ex'r of A. Forgey, filed final account.



   * Edmund Brammer adm'r of Wm. Miller, field settlement.
   * Wm. Zimmerman, admr of A. Zimmerman, filed petition to sell land.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - NOVEMBER 25, 1880 (?) Maj. Cherrington was appointed
Assistant Prosecutor, and is now on duty in that position conducting the
trial of the State cases.
John K. Richards and F. W. Hussey were appointed official stenographers of
the Court for the term of three years.
In our report last week, in noticing the case of Louis Sanns v Amelia A.
Simon, executrix, our typer got the latter name Sisson, which, of course,
was incorrect. The property alluded to was the Simon business house on

   * Giles Callecote, plead guilty of gaming and was fined $2; Lewis Dawson,
   * David Haskins plead guilty to selling liquor unlawfully and fined $10.
   * Wm. Stewart vs A. Morrison; judgment for plaintiff, $54.83.
   * F. W. Gordon vs W. G. Lambert; report of Master confirmed and
     distribution ordered.
   * F. Hayes, guardian, vs L. W. Murdock; nonsuited.
   * Mary Marks vs Jacob Marks; divorce granted and care of child given to
   * R. M. Bishop & Co. vs C. W. & A. S. McCaffrey; judgment for plaintiff,
   * J. S. Keeny vs. William Willis, et al; sale confirmed.
   * S. F. White vs Mattie Clark, et al; partition ordered; T. W. Rose,
     Henry Enochs and D. Taylor to make partition.
   * Abram Moore vs J. C. Dillon; judgment for plaintiff; $165.75; and sale
   * State vs H. Doerr; found guilty of stabbing Geo. Jackson, with intent
     to kill.
   * State vs. Joseph Bush; found guilty of rape.
   * Dominic Werner, plead guilty of selling liquor unlawfully and was fined
   * John Rotenbicker, fined $10 for same offense.
   * James Warren, $10 for same offense.
   * State vs Young and Clouse; charged with robbery; verdict, not guilty.
   * State vs. Thos. Braughton; a. and b. with intent to kill; found guilty
     of assault only.
   * State vs Jas. Fane; petit larceny; fined $10.
   * State vs James Lane; found guilty of arson - burning Isaac Massie's
   * John Artice vs Elizabeth Pine; judgment for defendant.
   * Matilda E. Hankins vs W. B. Kearnes; defendant found guilty and ordered
     to pay $400 to plaintiff - $50 cash and $50 every six months.
   * Nannie E. Mathews vs Chas. Mathews; petition dismissed.
   * J. H. McGee, et ux. of Mary Crooks; neither party taking at valuation,
     sale ordered.
   * Peter Spears vs A. Miller, et al; judgment for plaintiff, $207.30
   * Henry Estes, et al, plead guilty of gaming and fined $2.
   * C. Snyder, fined $10 for selling liquor unlawfully.
   * Lots Pusey et all fined $5 for selling liquor.
   * State vs. Allensworth and Richmond; charged with stealing pig iron,
     verdict of guilty for Allensworth, and property stolen assessed at $63;
     not guilty as to Richmond.
   * State vs John Lemley; charge of rape and verdict of not guilty.
   * State vs Samuel Lemley; charge of horse stealing; verdict, not guilty.



   * Geo. N. Gray, guardian of May Venters, filed first account.
   * Jos. Tredell, guardian of Joseph Stagmier, vs Anton Abele; sale ordered
     and appraisement filed.
   * Geo. Peters, Assignee of Bird, Peters & Co appraisement ordered; Geo.
     T. Scott, E. McMillin and Henry Pancake, appraisers.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. OCT. 04, 1883

   * Samuel Cade, guardian of W. S. Mount, report of sale and deed ordered.
   * Aliemong Bear & Co vs A. J. Brown, Jno. Neal and Walter Neal;
     proceedings in aid of execution; continued to Oct. 15, at 10 a.m. Same
     in case of Jno. Gates & Co. vs A. J. Brown et al.
   * Thos. Golden, admr. of S. James, filed last account.



   * 4271. Shinkle and Krels vs Wm. G. Robinson; appeal from judgment of J.
   * 4272. Trustees of Symmes Tp vs Henry Wilson Miller and Wella Smith;
     appeal from judgment of J. P.
   * 4274. In the matter of a petition to sell Bradrick chapel; petition of
     Trustees to sell Bradrick Chapel.



   * Will of Samuel McKee, deceased, admitted to probate.
   * Wm. Johnson, admr. de bonis non with will annexed of Alice White,
     petitioned to sell land, which was ordered at private sale.
   * W. H. H. Miller appointed guardian of estate of Ada Miller, et al.



   * Permelia Lady vs C. C. Snyder, et al; suit for damages; jury disagreed.
   * Phillip S. Justice et al vs David Ward, et al; partition ordered;
     finding for $487.57, in favor of Hecla I. & M. Co., and order of sale.
   * Wilson vs Snyder; dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
   * Wm. Nolte, Jr vs Permelia Lady et al; judgment for plaintiff, $61.72.
   * Frank Demarro vs Isaac Blackwell; judgment for defendant.
   * S. W. Morris assignee of Kell & Davis, vs James Mulhern; finding for P.
     S. Hart admr of O. Sheridan for $54.10.
   * State vs P. McCann; verdict of guilty of assault and battery.
   * State vs Thos. O'Keefe; verdict of guilty of assault and battery.
   * Ferry license granted to Julia H. Macown at Petersburg.
   * State vs Geo Ossenten; verdict of guilty of killing Samuel Hensley.
   * State vs Jas. Quigley; verdict of guilty of burglarizing John Rodes'
   * In the matter of the dissolution of the Monitor Furnace Co., final
     distribution ordered.
   * Mayes vs Gore, et al; reappraisement ordered.
   * Jno. H. Gerlach vs L. Valentine; judgment by default for $155.26.
   * State vs Jas. McDavitt; verdict of not guilty.
   * State vs Phillip Stokes; indictment quashed, defendant remanded.
   * State vs Scott Neal; arraigned; plea not guilty.
   * State vs. A. J. Brown; liquor selling; nolle entered.
   * State vs. J. W. Milloch; horse stealing; plea of not guilty withdrawn
     and plea of guilty entered.
   * State vs. Arnold; (same as Milloch)
   * State vs. Alf Clark; verdict of guilty of assault and battery.
   * State vs Wm. Powell; verdict of guilty of assault and battery and not
     guilty of attempt to commit rape.



   * Henry Rice vs Jas. T. Davis, et al; T. H. B. Jones appointed Receiver
     to take charge of property.
   * Jas. Townsend vs Wm. Massie; finding for plaintiff for $120.40, and for
     Thos. Johnson for $303.75 and order of sale.
   * J. L. Anderson, Trustee vs Hannah Urick; finding for plaintiff for
     $1897.91 and for C. C. Clarke, $896.58 and order of sale.
   * Abner Dilley vs R. E. Neal, et al; finding for the State of Ohio for
     use of Lawrence County for $163.24 and order of sale.
   * Amos Webb vs Wm. Massie et al; finding for Mary A. Dudley for $212.95;
     sale confirmed, deed ordered and proceeds
   * distributed.
   * T. J. W. Rogers vs Lucy Rogers, et al; report of Commissioner confirmed
     and deed ordered.
   * H. S. Neal, Assignee, etc., vs Samuel Richards, et al; sale confirmed
     and deed ordered.
   * Donald C. Brown vs Jas. A. Turley, et al; plaintiff ordered to give
     security for costs in 40 days; finding for Margaret Kimball for
     $2502.69 and order of sale.
   * Sarah Smith vs Asberry Moore; judgment for plaintiff setting aside
     deed; judgement for defendant for $64.76.
   * Geo. Wilson vs Louis Schneider, et al; judgment by default for
     plaintiff for $---.
   * C. Ellison, adm'r, etc., vs Jas. M. Dean, et al; sale confirmed, deed
     ordered and proceeds distributed.



   * M. B. Ryan, guardian of Sarah Mowery, resigned.
   * Elizabeth Thomas appointed adm'x of D. M. Thomas.
   * Nancy Stewart sent to Insane Asylum.
   * T. J. Brady, guardian M. Sheridan, ordered to sell land.
   * Thos. McGovney, guardian of Mary McGovney filed final account(?).
   * J. H. Gholson, appointed

(BAD COPY - Need end of column)



   * Flora J. Porter vs. J. Morris; motion for a new trial overruled.
   * G. W. Londerman adm'r vs. J. F. Bussey; judgment for defendant for
   * Hecla Iron Co. vs E. Klein et al; judgment for plaintiff of $285.50.
   * Wm. Nolte, Jr. Vs Jane Mitchel et al; judgment of $81.16 for plaintiff.
   * Jane Pinkerman vs Geo. Fawbush; dower assigned $35.
   * Emma Davidson vs J. L. Fisher, Sheriff; damage of $625 to plaintiff.
   * J. M. Strobel vs. H. R. Brown; judgment for plaintiff $1446.
   * Eastern Ironton Building Assn' vs Elizabeth Wittenberg; sale confirmed.
   * R. G. Chase & Co. Vs J. N. Rainey; the magistrate affirmed and judgment
     for defendant, in error.
   * Jennie Bailey vs Daniel Neal et al; verdict for plaintiff $1000.



   * I. F. Gillen appointed guardian of Frank A. and Martin H. Gillen.
   * J. T. McKnight appointed adm'r de bonis non of F. Lautenbach.
   * John A. Jones, adm'r of T. Friley, filed inventory.
   * Chas. W. Austin, guardian of Geo. W. and Sallie K. Austin, filed 4th



   * John Phillips, guardian of minor children of John D. Walter dec'd filed
     final account.


I.R. Oct. 13, 1887 - Richard Bare is in the lockup for stealing a cow
belonging to David Frazier at Hanging Rock, Monday night, Oct. 3. Mr.
Frazier pursued the thief to Huntington, where the cow was sold for $25. Mr.
Frazier got his cow. Bare was taken to Huntington for recognition, Saturday,
and he was identified as the man who sold the cow.


MAYOR'S COURT- I.R. OCT. 13, 1887

   * The Mayor fined Jas. Trodden $50 last Monday for abusing his family.


I.R. November 3, 1887 - The President has ordered a reduction of W. S.
Kirker's term of imprisonment from five to three years. The three years will
expire next February.


DISTRICT COURT - I.R. NOV. 10, 1887 The District Court adjourned last
Thursday. The following cases were disposed of.

   * John Q. Haskins vs Jesse Massie, adm'r; judgment reversed overruling
     motion to set sale aside and sale confirmed.
   * Elizabeth Bruce vs Julia A. Bruce; dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
   * John Jones vs Nannie Kelly; decree for plaintiff; motion for new trial
     overruled; exceptions.
   * Daniel Neal vs Jane Bailey; finding for defendant; judgment affirmed,
     no penalty.
   * Floyd Tracy & Co. vs Emma Davidson; judgment reserved at costs of
     defendant in error.
   * P. S. Hart, rec. vs 2nd Nat. Bank; judgment affirmed; plaintiff
   * Nannie Kelly vs White & Ashcraft; judgment reversed and remanded at
     cost of defendant.
   * John Hayes, Treas. vs Mary Dudley; dismissed at plaintiff's costs
     without prejudice.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. DEC. 22, 1887

   * Jas. H. Nixon ex'r of Wm. Nixon, filed third account.
   * G. W. Louderman, adm'r of Wm. Louderman, filed final account.
   * J. M. Moore and R. Mather, ex'rs of Jno. Anderson, filed first account.
   * Wm. Lewis, adm'r of W. R. Lewis filed fourth account.
   * J. F. White appointed adm'r of estate of Carrie White.
   * T. N. Ross, adm'r of Emiline Russell, granted order to sell land.
   * M. L. Beckett, adm'r of J. H. Esters, filed petition to sell land.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. JAN. 05, 1888

   * E. F. Williams, assignee of A. J. Brumberg, ordered to sell at private
   * Wm. O. Eaton, executor of R. Turner, filed inventory.
   * Isaac Booth, guardian of I. G. Frampton heirs filed second account.
   * J. B. Burton, adm'r of W. P. Holderby filed first account.
   * T. W. Rose, guardian of W. T. Smith, adm'r, filed accounts.



   * Julia A. Kelly appointed executor of John Kelly.
   * W. A. Kelly appointed guardian of Elza and Leroy Massie.
   * Emma Ward committed to reform school.
   * Mary F. Allen, guardian of Sherman and Ada R. Allen, filed 6th and
     final account.



   * H. Valentine appointed adm'r of Lewis Valentine.
   * W. O. Eaton, adm'r of R. Turner filed final account.
   * Probate of will of Edey Isely refused.
   * Sale of Knight vs Knight confirmed.
   * Will of John Kelly admitted to probate.
   * Will of Lewis Comer offered for probate.
   * C. B. Blake, adm'r of J. H. Wheeler, ordered to sell land.
   * Ella Shears fined $1 and costs for assault.
   * Cases against C. Lykins, Ida Thomas and John Hess continued to June 1.



   * Charles Gibbs adopted by Wade and Nancy Barnes.
   * First account of C. M. Stewart, adm'r of Sarah Malone, for settlement.
   * T. J. Hayes, adm'r of Margaret Staid, ordered to sell property at
     public sale.
   * Edward Kitts appointed guardian of Mary Ellen Cornell and John H.
   * G. W. Bradshaw appointed adm'r of James Morgan, deceased.
   * Allen Wilson, appointed guardian of minor heirs of Henry Wilson.



   * Application for probate of will of E. G. Langdon.
   * Final receipt from Blanche McGovney filed.
   * Ann Dyer appointed guardian of the minor heirs of Michael Dyer.
   * Inventory and appraisement of estate of Lois Russell filed.
   * Final account of Geo. W. Trumbo, adm'r of Wm. Rigney, filed.



   * George Kears sent to Athens Asylum.
   * P. C. Booth, County School Examiner, resigned, and W. D. Corn appointed
     to fill vacancy.
   * Sale by J. A. Jones, adm'r of F. Friley, confirmed.
   * Custody of Henry Naile awarded to Children's Home on habeas corpus.
   * John Peters Jr., appointed ex'r of Henry Partlow.
   * John Sawyer adjudged insane and sent to Athens Asylum.
   * I. S. Carter, adm'r of R. T. Carter, filed first account.
   * Geo. Willard ordered to sell personal property of Dr. McGovney.
   * Will of E. G. Langston filed for probate.
   * Henry Spears plead guilty to carrying concealed weapons, and fined $10
     and costs.
   * Allowance of Dora Davidson, widow of R. Davidson, cut down to $300
     (from $400) on petition of interested parties.



   * R. B. Miller appointed adm'r with the will annexed of John L. Brammer.
   * Elias Turley admitted to bail.
   * Sale of land by Annie R. Campbell, adm'r of H. M. Campbell, confirmed.
   * W. W. Wiseman, adm'r of Alien Wiseman, filed final receipts.
   * Ambrose J. Trumbo, adm'r of Lycurgus Worthington, filed petition to
     sell real estate.
   * Rosa Riel, guardian of Lydious Riel, filed inventory.
   * J. N. Thomas sworn in as Deputy Auditor.
   * Jno. Hassey, trustee of Andrew Hassey, et al., filed first and final



   * Jno. H. Dutiel, appointed adm'r of A. P. Dutiel. T. Kerns and F. Jones,
   * Jere Davidson appointed guardian of minor heirs of O. Sheridan.
   * Annie G. Waddle appointed guardian of Andrew Waddle.
   * Inventory of W. Brammer's estate filed and sale of personal property
   * W. D. Corn appointed administrator de bonus non with will annexed of
     Thos. McGovney.
   * Applications for guardian of S. F. V. Davidson for hearing Aug. 20.
   * W. D. Corn, adm'r of Thos. McGovney, filed motion for Trustees to turn
     over to him $500 to defend estate in Etna suits and other matters. It
     is ordered that same be done.
   * Second and final account of Jno. A. Witman, guardian of Mary L. Taylor.



   * R. B. Miller appointed adm'r with the will annexed of John L. Brammer.
   * Elias Turley admitted to bail.
   * Sale of land by Annie R. Campbell, adm'r of H. M. Campbell, confirmed.
   * W. W. Wiseman, adm'r of Allen Wiseman, filed final receipts.
   * Ambrose J. Trumbo, adm'r of Lycurgus Worthington, filed petition to
     sell real estate.
   * Rosa Riel, guardian of Lydious Riel, filed inventory.
   * J. N. Thomas sworn in as Deputy Auditor.
   * Jno. Hassey, trustee of Andrew Hassey et al., filed first and final



   * J. Davidson appointed adm'r of Thos. Thompson.
   * A. S. Cooper, assignee of Amos Griffith, filed report of sale.
   * Anna R. Campbell, adm'rx of H. M. Campbell, filed 2nd and final
   * Chas. Lintner, ex'r of Lorenz Lutz, filed inventory.
   * W. C. West, of Jacksonville, Fla., appointed Commissioner to take
     testimony of subscribing witness to will of Sarah Boll.
   * J. Davidson ex'r of S. White, filed first account.
   * D. W. Wall, Guardian of heirs C. K. Wall, filed inventory.



   * R. B. Miller, adm'r with will annexed of John L. Brammer, reported sale
     of real estate. Sale confirmed.
   * Allen and Dempsey, executors of Sam'l W. Dempsey, ordered to sell real
     estate. Henry Pancake, H. D. Newcomb and C. L. Pixley appointed
   * G. T. Shirkey, guardian of Otis E. Reynolds, filed first account.
   * A. S. Cooper, assignee of Amos Griffith, filed first account.
   * Joseph Leibert appointed executor of Baraba Leibert.
   * James O'Keefe appointed administrator of Thos. Rafferty.
   * R. B. Miller appointed adm'r de bonis non of Owen Davidson.
   * Jeremiah Davidson appointed adm'r of F. Disterdick.
   * W. D. Corn, adm'r of Noah Wallace, filed first and final account.
   * L. D. and J. P. Eaton, executors of J. P. Eaton, filed second account.
   * H. S. Neal appointed adm'r de bonis non with will annexed of Anna
   * Wm. E. Thomas, guardian of Mary C. Notter, filed first and final
   * Wm. E. Thomas, guardian of Chas. H. King et al, filed 2nd and final
   * R. B. Miller, adm'r de bonis non, &c, of Harriet Barry, filed first and
     final account.
   * First National Bank filed report of unknown depositors.
   * State of Ohio vs John Quillin; malicious destruction of property. Found
     guilty and ordered to pay $50 and $30 costs.
   * State of Ohio vs Dan Corrol; malicious destruction of property. Found
     guilty and ordered to pay $25 and $33 costs.
   * State of Ohio vs Charles Charles Leftrage; truancy. Sentenced to Boys'
     Reform School. Sentence suspended.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. JAN. 29, 1891

   * Henry S. Neal, adm'r with will annexed of Ann Rafferty, filed
   * Judson Ferrell, adm'r of R. S. Shipley, deceased, filed first and final
   * Davisson, Louisiana, widow of Jesse Davisson, deceased, elects to take
     under his will.
   * C. J. Kuhner, guardian of Samuel Wolfe, vs Samuel Wolfe, et al, sale
     reported, confirmed, and deed ordered; motion to vacate filed.
   * H. S. Neal, assignee of John Campbell, filed report of payment of
     dividend of two per cent.
   * Hugh Forgey, executor of M. Forgey, filed first account.
   * William Meistedt, app't guardian of Charles Crawford.
   * A. J. Trumbo, adm'r of Charles Worthington, filed report of sale, same
     confirmed, deed ordered; 1st and final account filed.
   * Loretta C. Knight, guardian of Ruby L. Knight, filed report of sale;
     same confirmed, deed ordered.
   * The State of Ohio , ex rel Mary Lodge vs Caroline Meeks, et al; habeas
     corpus for custody of John Lodge testimony taken - case taken under
     advisement till Jan. 31.
   * C. Culbertson, executor of Elona W. Lacroix, filed 1st and final
   * R. Mather, adm'r of Joel H. Stimson, filed inventory.



   * H. S. Neal v Retta Dawson; verdict for the plaintiff.
   * M. Farris v W. Farris et al; partition ordered to be made by A.
     McCorkle, D. E. Munsell and Edward Brammer.

The following prisoners were arraigned:

   * John Huddle, fornication
   * Jos. Graber, selling and keeping open on Sunday, two cases
   * George Tait and Asa Clark, carrying concealed weapons
   * Isaac Day, murder in second degree
   * Leonard Lee and Michael Tipton or Tinton?, burglary
   * Frederick Dameron and James Butcher, forgery
   * George Frazier, shooting with intent to kill;
   * Jno. Messer (?), burglary
   * Jno Reaper, gambling
   * Alonzo Young, bribery
   * Hannah Werner, selling and keeping open on Sunday, two cases.

Of the above cases those of Clark, Tait, Damron and Butcher plead guilty.

   * Hannah Sanders v Lewis Ulrick (DO NOT HAVE END OF THIS ARTICLE)



   * Russell and Dillon, adm'rs of Reuben Dawson, filed 2nd account.
   * J. E. Taggart, guardian of John H. Meiboon, et al, vs Caroline Kramer,
     et al; answer of guardian ad litem filed; appraisement and sale
   * Noah V. Ward appointed adm'r of Noah Ward.
   * Susan McGuire appointed adm'r of J. B. McGuire.
   * Hester A. Jordan, appointed adm'r of Jonathan Jordan, deceased.
   * Petition of Thomas Willis for release from jail as insolvent debtor,
   * Exceptions to 3d account of J. A. Raine, guardian of T. B. Baxter, et
     al., filed.
   * W. A. Murdock vs. C. K. Austin et al., - cause certified from Circuit
     Court - petition for appointment of Trustee filed.
   * 1st final account of Geo. B. Davies adm'r of Joseph Setdlemeyer filed.


Ironton Register, March 26, 1891 - In the case of H. S. Neal vs Rettie
Dawson, a writ of ejectment has been ordered in favor of the plaintiff. This
case, as has been described, was for the recovery of a town lot, when the
condition that no liquor should be sold on it was violated. We may say that
Mr. Neal did not bring the suit to make money out of it, but merely to
establish a principle, and to make good the conditions of the contract.
That, he has done, so far as the legal decision is concerned. Now, when the
conditions of the sale are complied with and the removal of the saloon
attended to the property will be conveyed back to Mrs. Dawson, on her paying
the costs. We refer to the case because the principle it establishes.



   * Thomas Willis and J. D. Howell discharged from custody upon assigning
     all their property to Thomas D. Shirkey, commissioner of insolvent
   * Mary E. Blankenship adjudged insane.
   * R. B. Miller appointed trustee for the benefit of the creditors of
     Chas. K. Austin.
   * Will of William F. Davidson admitted to probate and Edward E. Davidson
     and others appointed executors.
   * H. S. Neal adm'r of Ann Rafferty, ordered to sell real estate.
   * State of Ohio vs Thos. Dever, petit larceny, plead guilty. Fined $10
     and ordered to pay costs.
   * Thayer Davidson vs O. P. Doty et al; appeal from county commissioners.
   * Levi Shirley and Henry Crawford appealed from decision of county
     commissioners in the matter of Brushy Branch road.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. April 23, 1891

   * T. D. Shirkey, admr of Isham Witcher, filed 2nd and final account.
   * Will of Mildred P. White admitted to probate.
   * Samuel Dewess (?) admitted to bail.
   * Levi Shively et al; vs J. N. Wilson, et al; appeal in road case. Jury
   * J. A. Raine, guardian of T. P., and Anna R. Baxter filed 4th and final
     account, and resignation.
   * W. C. Amos, adm. Of Mettie J. Stearns, filed 1st account.
   * T. J. O'Connell, Adm. Of Barton Summers, filed 1st and final account.



   * James C. Russell, administrator of James Engle, filed first and final
   * T. N. Ross accepted administrator of Emelie George.
   * Julia A. Kelly, executor of John Kelly, filed first account.
   * J. H. Fisher, guardian of E. Perry filed 2d account.
   * Ruth W. Kerr, adm'r of W. H. Kerr filed statement.
   * Will of Esther Corel filed for probate.


I.R. August 13, 1891 - Quinn Ward, for beating his wife, was taken to the
Cincinnati Work House this morning.


I.R. August 13, 1891
Officer Assaulted
- Last Monday afternoon, Officers Collier, Wilson, Mulligan and Jones
started out to arrest Jas. O'Brien, Tom Mahoney and John Hite, charged with
some misdemeanor. They went to West Ironton, and then the officers
separated, and soon Policeman Jones came upon the trio and tried to arrest
them, but they resisted and beat Jones in a lively manner about the head and
then got away, but were afterwards arrested by the other officers. For this
little playfulness, Mayor Corns fined O'Brien and Mahoney $25 and sent them
to the Cincinnati workhouse for 30 days. Hite got off with a $10 fine. They
were taken to Cincinnati this morning.


I.R. SEPT. 03, 1891 Frances Simpson has entered suit in the Common Pleas
Court claiming alimony of her spouse, Robert L. Simpson.



   * H. S. Neal, Exr. of Margaret Ellison, filed 4th account.
   * Robert Roberts, Exr. of Ann Roberts, filed 1st account.
   * State vs Silas Cornwall; attempting to provoke a breach of the peace;
   * State vs James Boyle; failing to maintain minor child; plead not
     guilty; continued to Sept. 9th; attachment ordered.
   * State vs Frank Lewis; adultery. Plead guilty; sentence to pay costs and
     fine $25 and be confined in work house 60 days.
   * State vs Eliza Holland; adultery. Pleas not guilty; convicted; sentence
     to pay costs and fine $5 and be confined in work house 60 days.
   * State vs George Royer; carrying concealed weapons. Plead not guilty;
     convicted and sentence to pay costs and fine $1.
   * State vs Hiram Mays; assault; Jury asked.
   * State vs Kendall Bruce; challenging to fight; plead guilty; sentence to
     pay cost and fine $1.
   * State vs George Gerlack; profane swearing; plead not guilty; convicted;
     sentence to pay cost and fine 1 cent.
   * State vs Thomas Hannon; assault; recognizance taken for appearance in
     Common Pleas Court.



   * Wills of Gerhardt and Anna M. Kruse probated.
   * Isadore Goldcamp appointed Exr. Of Gerhardt Kruse. Bond $15,000.
   * John S. Goldcamp appointed Exr. Of Anna M. Kruse. Bond $1,500.
   * Ella Oridoff committed to the reform school for girls.
   * Sarah Spencer sent to reform school for girls.
   * R. R. Miller Adm'r de bonis non of Owen Sheridan (?) filed first and
     final account.

Check to see if end of this column.


NEW SUITS - I.R. FEB. 11, 1892 There have been 14 suits filed by the
Treasurer against delinquent tax payers in the past week. The defendants in
these suits are Martin Wilson, Cyrus Callicote, J. W. Belcher, J. F.
Schroeder, Polly Penn, Stephen Smith, Julius Terry, John Cutright, Joseph
Chinn, Nancy Smith, John Armstrong, Henry W. Miller, Jerry Earles, Ephraim
Osborn and Margaret Adair. The Building Committee of St. Josephs Church
brought suit for damages against T. S. Murray, M. Stanton, John Gallaher and
James M. Moore. The damages claimed is $4984.37 by reason of non-performance
of contract on the church. L. M. Sheets as adm'r of F. Fowler vs R. W.
Wylie, for money.
See if end of article.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. FEB. 18, 1892

   * Jerry J. Davidson assignee of J. D. Davidson, bond filed.
   * John S. Robinson's will probated.
   * Jed B. Bibbee, trustee vs John S. George et al petition and precipe
   * State vs E. Werner, admitted to bail.
   * M. Heighton adm'r of John Heighton, 1st and final account filed.
   * J. J. Davidson assignee of J. D. Davidson inventory filed.
   * Helen Ricker, trustee vs Adeline Ricker et al; petition to sell real
     estate filed.
   * E. F. Williams exr of John Bode petition to sell land filed.
   * W. B. Flower, adm'r Francis Flower, inventory and additional bond


PROBATE NOTICES - I.R. MARCH 10, 1892 Notice is hereby given that the
following accounts have been filed for settlement and will be for hearing on
April 11.

   * First account of W. A. Campbell, adm'r of Wm. Drury.
   * First account of Jeremiah Davidson, adm'r of F. Disterdick.
   * First account of John A. Jones, adm'r of Timothy Friley.
   * First account of M. L. Becket, adm'r of Abram Miller.
   * First account of Charles Lintner, ex'r of Lawrence Lutz.
   * First and final account of William Johnson, adm'r of Nancy Darling.
   * First and final account of M. L. Becket, adm'r of J. M. Becket.
   * First account of Solomon Phillips, guardian of W. T. And Joseph E.
   * First and final account of John A. Jones, adm's of George W. Sparling.
   * First and final account of Elisa Langdon, ex'r E. G. Langdon.
   * First account of P. S. Hart, ex'r of J. F. Brie (or Bric)
   * Second account of John Price, adm'r of David Price.
   * First and final account of J. N. Bimpson, guar. of Elizabeth Bimpson.
   * First account of Jeremiah Davidson, guard. of William and Francis
   * Second acct. Of James M. Moore, trustee of Wm. H. Anderson.
   * First account of Amos Justice, guard. of James E. Engle.
   * Third and final account of Hiram Campbell, guard of Mary E. And Mildred
   * Second account of D. B. Gray, guard. of Jennie E. and Minnie M. Hood.
   * First account of James Silliman, guard of John H. And Olive M.
   * First account of E. B. Fields, guard of James C. Fields.
   * Second and final account of W. W. Wiseman, guard of Llewellyn Notter.
   * Statement of account of William Brammer, deceased, guard of Coyle




   * J. C. Adair vs Hannah Werner et al. Finding by default for plaintiff
     for $808.11 and foreclosure of mortgage.
   * The Standard Building Association Co vs C. Akers et ux; finding for
     Mary L. Neal by default for $59.50 and foreclosure of mortgage.
   * The State of Ohio vs John Duty; indictment for shooting at one Isaac
     Ross with intent to kill or wound; verdict guilty. Sentenced to the
     penitentiary for a period of two years.
   * State of Ohio vs Isaiah Jones; sentenced to the penitentiary for eight
     years for burglary.
   * The State of Ohio vs John Rowe and Henderson Jackson; indicted for
     burglary and larceny. This is a case where the accused broke into Mr.
     Peyton's chicken house, at Coal Grove, and stole eight chickens; plead
     guilty and each sentenced to the penitentiary for a term of three
   * The State of Ohio vs Jesse Fillinger; indicted for manslaughter. This
     is the case in which the accused rode his horse through a crowd of
     school children, out in Lawrence Township some time last fall, and
     killed a little girl by the name of Sarah Huddle; verdict guilty;
     sentenced to the penitentiary for two years.


CIRCUIT COURT - I.R. MARCH 10, 1892 Convened at the Court House Tuesday;
present, Hons. Thomas Cherrington, Milton L. Clark and Daniel A. Russell.
There are seven cases on the docket as follows:

   * In the matter of the estate of William Belcher, deceased vs. Owen
     Ellison, Trustee; error.
   * John G. Apel vs The City of Ironton; error.
   * The Dayton Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Co vs Daniel A. Fletcher;
   * Dages, Andrews & Co vs Joseph A. Raine, Julia B. Raine and D. H. Clark;
   * Cambridge C. Clark vs Jacob Fink et al; appeal.
   * Andrews, Bates & Co vs Hugh Keogh; appeal.
   * Ellen Butler vs Jonathan Morris and D. C. Wilson; appeal.
   * The cases of Clark vs Fink et al, and Butler vs Morris & Wilson were


I.R. March 10, 1892 - W. G. Ward, Deputy Sheriff, took Hiram Suiter to the
Cincinnati workhouse, Friday.


Ironton Register, March 10, 1892 - Sheriff Gates took four convicts to the
Penitentiary, Saturday; John Duty, shooting at Isaac Ross with intent to
wound, was given two years; Isaac Jones, for burglarizing the Children's
Home, was given a term of eight years hard labor; John Rowe and Henderson
Jackson, for breaking into a chicken house, and stealing eight chickens at
Coal Grove, from a Mr. Peyton, were each given a sentence of three years.



   * Will of George W. Thompson admitted to probate.
   * Beckett vs Miller; sale confirmed, deed ordered.
   * Edward Kitts, appointed guardian of Allen D. Roach.
   * Application filed for probate will of John Alexander.
   * State vs E. Werner; assault and battery; guilty. Fine and costs $77.47,
     committed til paid.
   * State vs Joe Green; neglecting to support minor child. Guilty; order
     that the sentence be suspended during each time as he pay $1.00 per
   * Smith against Smith; John Hamilton appointed guardian "ad litem."


Ironton Register, March 24, 1892 - The case of Feder et al vs Cook and
Morgan, occupied the court all Saturday and Monday, and was one of great
interest to the attorneys. A similar case to this one is pending in court,
but the lawyers in that case will change sides and they are each trying to
profit by the labor of the others in this suit. They will exchange speeches
on that occasion, we presume.



   * Will of G. F. Buchanan filed for probate.
   * Copy of will of James Haskell admitted to probate.
   * McFadden vs Ales; sale and appraisement ordered.
   * R. B. Miller, adm'r of Mary Cooper, filed 1st and final account.
   * Rachel V. Clarke adm'r of Geo. Clarke filed 2nd and final account.



   * Thomas McDowell adm'r of George Spears; sale bill filed.
   * J. D. Foster, ex'r of Wm. Kerr, sale bill filed.
   * J. D. Foster, appointed adm'r of Jos. Chinn.
   * Joseph Fisher appointed adm'r of Jacob Wise.
   * C. L. White and Elizabeth White appointed adm'rs of John F. White.
   * Alexander McCall adm'r de bonis non of I. M. Gilruth, filed final
   * Wm. H. Arthur, guardian of David Clarke, imbecile, filed final account.


   * C. L. Pixley guardian Nellie Pixley et al, second account filed.
   * A. R. Dempsey, guardian E. A. Dempsey third account filed.
   * Constanta Scherer appointed executrix of Michael Scherer.
   * Will of Howard Davidson probated.
   * John Tate admitted to bail.
   * Joseph Fisher adm'r of J. Wise, inventory filed.
   * M. F. Payne appointed guardian of Alexander Royer, et al.
   * J. J. Davidson assignee J. D. Davidson, petition to sell real estate



   * Nelson E. Murphy vs Ephraim Massie and C. T. Massie, damages.
   * Nancy Thomas vs Henry Pancake and Mary Pancake; relief.
   * George W. Keys as Receiver, vs The Rockwood Mining Co., and R. B.
     Willis, Admr.; relief.
   * Mary M. Witman vs Frank Neekamp; foreclosure.
   * Thomas Morford vs Eliza A. Morford; divorce.
   * Yellow Poplar Lumber Co. vs N. & W. R. R. Co.; injunction.


PROBATE COURT - I. R. April 21, 1892

   * Mahala Smith vs Hallas Smith; sale reported, confirmed and deed
   * State of Ohio vs Andrew Waddle; adjudged insane.
   * John J. Davis appointed guardian of Chas Sands.
   * I. F. Gillen, adm'r of John Hagemar, inventory and sale bill filed.



   * Will of Wilhelmina Heidorn admitted to probate and record.
   * Lydia Deering, executrix of James Deering; 1st account filed.
   * F. H. Goldcamp, executor of Fred Monnig; 1st account filed.



   * Emma D. Pemberton re-committed to the Athens Asylum.
   * C. L. and Elizabeth C. white adm'rs of J. F. White, inventory and sale
     bill filed.
   * Edward Brammer guardian of Edmund Brammer, first and final account
   * J. R. Cooper appointed School Examiner of Lawrence county.
   * James O'Keefe appointed guardian of George Mowery, an alleged imbecile.


Ironton Register, May 26, 1892
Court will take up the criminal cases next Friday and Monday. It will
require much time as there are only four cases, all the other accused
persons having plead guilty. Three of the cases are for illegal sale of
liquor; and one the McDaniel case, of assault with intent to kill Minnie
Hayes at Hanging Rock.



   * Mary R. Schubart adm'x of A. Schubart, final account filed.
   * F. Cronacher, guardian of Anna Stein, final account filed.
   * Henry S. Neal, adm'r. of Ann Rafferty, final account filed.
   * W. H. Valentine, adm'r. of Louis Valentine, final account filed.
   * Jacob Seyler, jr. adm'r. of Jacob Seyler, inventory filed.
   * State vs. Albert Steele, jury demanded, cause certified to Common Pleas
   * P. C. Booth appointed administrator of Frederick Hauptreif.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. JUNE 16, 1892 Court resumed session Tuesday and
continued that day. Adjourned till this Thursday. The following cases were
disposed of:

   * J. W. Downey vs J. B. Smith; sale confirmed.
   * Barnard & Leas Manf'g Co. vs John H. Magee et al; finding for W. E.
     Rowe for $1908 and interest, and finding for other amounts according to
     priorities as by record; motion of appeal; bond $500.
   * E. W. Oviatt vs W. F. Patterson; judgment for plaintiff for $2500.
   * Lilly G. Amos vs B. Butterfield; report of appraisers and sale ordered.
   * Rettie Dawson vs John Dawson; divorce granted.
   * Also divorce granted in case of Sarah A. Griffith vs William Griffith.
   * Geo. W. Keye, receiver, vs Rockwood Mining Co.; finding for adm'r of W.
     G. Frampton for $980 and order of sale.
   * Jos. Fisher vs. A. J. Apel et al.; judgment for plaintiff by default
     for $337; finding for Hugh Russell $69; order of sale.
   * Jonathan Morris vs V. L. Jordan; finding by default for $130.92; and
     order of sale.
   * In matter to surrender lease of school lot 4, section 16, in Symmes
     tp.; lease surrendered and appraisement ordered. Appraisers, W. W.
     Wiseman, Jefferson Hatfield and Samuel Hatfield. Same as to lot No. 5.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. JUNE 30, 1892 In session last Monday

   * Standard B. A. vs Thos. H. Moffett et ux; sale confirmed.
   * Hughes Bros. Mfg. Co. vs F. J. O'Connel; removed to U. S. Court.
   * Barnard & Leas Mfg. Co. vs J. H. McGee et al; attachment for contempt
     against J. H. McGee; dismissed.
   * Newman & Spanner vs J. G. Apel et al; W. A. Williams appointed
     Receiver. Bond $500.
   * J. A. Turley, treas. Vs. Edmund Adkins; sale confirmed.
   * C. Hall admr. Vs. Wm. Johnson et al; sale set aside.
   * H. S. Neal vs H. R. Brown; judgment by default for plaintiff, $1304.95.
   * Wm. Bay vs. Geo. B. Cochrane et all; finding for plaintiff against Geo.
     B. Cochrane with Emily Cochrane as surety for $803.85, and against
     Emily Cochrane with Geo. Bay as surety for $132.45. Order of sale.
   * In the matter of the application to surrender perpetual lease, of lots
     1 and 2, section 16, Union Township, ordered that lessees be permitted
     to surrender lands. Appraisers, Martin Templeton, Joel Earls and Joshua
   * In matter of application to sell Welch Congregational church, sale

Court adjourned sine die.



   * Wills of L. C. Voorhees and Alden Dillon, admitted to probate.
   * In re estate of M. White, F. E. Hayward, W. E. R. Kemp and John Jones
     appointed appraisers.
   * Henking Borie & Co. vs. W. H. Crawford, et al - T. N. Ross appointed
   * McDowell vs Spears et al - John Hamilton appointed guardian ad litem.
     Appraisement and sale ordered.
   * J. O. Yates, adm'r of Wm. Yingling vs J. H. Yingling - petition filed.
   * Jane Perkins vs Lizzie Thomas et al - Sale ordered.
   * In re estate Thos. McGovney - continued to 26th for argument.
   * W. A. Williams trustee of E. Werner et al - Petition for sale filed.
     Answer Feb. 25.
   * Statement of account of James O'Keefe, adm'r of Ann Walton filed by
     Annie O'Keefe administrator.


I.R. January 26, 1893 - Hugh F. Dempsey was found guilty, after a long
trial, of being implicated in the poisoning of food served to the employes
who came to take the place of strikers in the homestead mills.



   * J. H. Campbell appointed guardian of Mildred Campbell.
   * R. Mather trustee W. H. Anderson filed third and final account.
   * J. M. Moore, trustee of W. H. Anderson third and final account.
   * M. Anderson appointed executor of will of Patrick Sheridan, bond


Ironton Register, April 1, 1893 Joseph Crance, of Hecla, was brought before
Squire Henry today by Constable Ackerman of Sheridan, charged by Mahala
Blowers with failure to support her eighteen month old child of which he is
the father. He waived examination and was held for the probate court in the
sum of $200.



   * W. D. Corn admr., de bonis non, of T. McGovney - new bond filed with M.
     M. and W. S. Witman, H. D. Newcomb and A. R. Johnson, sureties.
   * Applications to choose guardian for Lewis K. Frampton, filed.
   * C. A. Hoffman, guardian of N. W. Hoffman filed second account.
   * M. L. Beckett, admr. of Abraham Miller filed second account.
   * Geo. W. Keye, admr. of Michael White filed first and final account.
   * Will of Elliott Corbin filed, and for hearing May 16.
   * State vs. Lewis Baum for obtaining money under false pretenses. Plea of
     guilty and fine of $20 and costs, a total of $41.90. Fine paid and
     prisoner released.
   * Exceptions to first and final account of M. L. Whitley, admr. Of James
     Farris, filed.
   * Jane Perkins reported sale of real estate and sale confirmed.



   * Sarah Ann Kelly executrix of will of John Kelly, deceased, vs Clara A.
     Brown and others, for relief. H. S. Neal, attorney for Plaintiff.



   * J. H. Campbell appointed guardian of Mildred Campbell.
   * R. Mather trustee W. H. Anderson filed third and final account.
   * J. M. Moore, trustee of W. H. Anderson third and final account.
   * M. Anderson appointed executor of will of Patrick Sheridan, bond
   * Sarah Ann Kelly executrix of will of John Kelly, deceased vs Clara A.
     Brown and others, for relief. H. S. Neal, attorney for plaintiff.



   * Nancy Massie et al vs The Iron Railroad. Petition filed notice issued.
     To compel the road to appropriate to their use the ground they are now
     using on Front Street.
   * J. K. Brammer guardian of Mary Melvin, additional bond given.
   * Wm. Dennison appointed guardian of Harry Dennison et al. Bond $300.00
   * Will of E. Wilkins filed.
   * C. L. Pixley, guardian of Nellie C. Pixley filed final receipt and
     request for record.
   * Morrison and Reckard, executors of Charles Wilgus, inventory filed.
   * Dora Stumbo appointed adm'x of J. M. Stumbo.
   * A. Winters appointed guardian of E. C. Sample, et al.
   * Elizabeth Lock, exec'x of Mary J. Trumbo, filed inventory.
   * Will of Martha Ellen Howard probated.
   * Second and final account of S. Cronin, guardian of James Cronlin filed.



   * Crump & Field vs Jackson Thompson and Z. A. Thompson, attachment,
     judgment asked for $403.10. Johnson & Booth attorneys.
   * Benj. Howell vs. Andrew S. Cooper for $135 due for a horse. E. F.
     Williams attorney.
   * Jonathan Morris vs. Albert Wiberly, for possession of out-lot No. 28 in
     Ohio Iron & Coal Co's subdivision of sections 7,8,9 and 17 held by
     defendant against claims of plaintiff R. B. Miller attorney.
   * Agnes Crowell vs. Charles Crowell for divorce. Grounds neglect and
     abuse. The defendant is serving a term of two years in the penitentiary
     for an assault with intent to kill his wife, having been convicted at
     the Feb. term of court 1893. T. N. Ross attorney.
   * Wm. D. May vs Jennie May for divorce. Johnson & Booth attorneys.



   * In re consolidation of sub-district No. 4, Rome township to Athalia
     special village district, transcript filed.
   * Selb vs Beh et al, sale confirmed and deed ordered.
   * Lizzie Rodgers vs. Jno W. Rodgers. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
   * J. H. Deering appointed admr. of Thos. Martin deceased.
   * Richard White made application to have his daughter, Clarinda White,
     committed to the Girls Industrial School on the charge of
     incorrigibility. Hearing Friday.



   * Gray vs Ellis - Sale of 2-5 interest of north half of lots 79 and 89 of
     K. B. A., ordered.
   * E. B. Miller trustee of C. Lapin et al vs wards - petition to sell real
   * J. F. Austin appointed adm'r estate of W. D. Kelly.



   * Laura Wilson appointed guardian Geo. E. and Ellsworth Wilson.
   * Annis Enoch appointed administratrix of W. H. Enochs.
   * J. J. Davidson appointed administrator with will annexed of Wm. Webb.
   * Will of George Wilson admitted to probate.
   * Will of Wm. Webb admitted to probate.
   * W. W. Wiseman appointed administrator of W. A. Powell.



   * State vs. John Grant, Jr., prisoner admitted to bail $300.
   * Exceptions to account of J. F. Austin guardian A. Lautenback filed.
   * Will of Green Vermillion filed.
   * Accounts were filed by James and Thomas O'Neal exrs. M. Frailey, Abner
     Rapp Guardian Eva Rapp, et al, Eliza Williams admr. Of Wm. I. Williams,
     Geo. N. Gray admr. Emma Campbell, C. Cronin exr. James Conlin, J. W.
     Ollum exr. Josephine Forgey.
   * Albert Wilson exr. George Wilson, filed inventory.



   * Robert Richardson, 14, son of Mrs. Mary Richardson, was before the
     court Saturday charged by Officer C. K. Austin with truancy. It
     developed that the boy is afflicted with weak eyes which makes study
     difficult and painful for him. His case was continued to permit his
     eyes to be treated.
   * James Hannon, aged about 12 years, son of Mrs. E. Hannon of south
     Second street, was before the court charged with assault, he having
     stoned some of the neighbors in a neighborly quarrel between families.
     He was given a reform school sentence, which, however, will be held
     suspended during good behavior.


IWR Nov. 25, 1893 -
First Degree Murder.
At Huntington the jury in the case of Owen Pleasants, charged with the
murder of Millard Wellman, having been out for 40 hours, returned a verdict
for murder in the first degree at 3:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon. They
recommend that Pleasants be sent to the penitentiary for life.



   * Leona Cornwell vs. Silas Cornwell, $25 temporary alimony allowed.
   * Nettie Doleman vs John W. Doleman, for divorce. Divorce granted, and
     plaintiff given custody of child and to pay costs.
   * Court adjourned Thursday afternoon until January 5th., which will be
     the last day of this term.
   * John G. Lane appointed soldier's relief commissioner for Lawrence
     county to serve three years from the expiration of his present term.
   * M. L. Beckett granted a license to keep a skiff ferry for one year at
   * H. C. Watters and Stephen Dillon granted a license to keep a skiff
     ferry for one year at Coryville.
   * J. W. Blankenship granted a license to keep a skiff ferry at
     Blankenship's Landing opposite Coxe's Landing.



   * S. N. Weil & Co vs G. P. Gruber, et al; sale confirmed, deed and
     distribution ordered.
   * Thos. Johnson vs H. C. Jones, et al, judgment by default for $6,233.99,
     and for Elizabeth Campbell for $2,525.53, and order of sale.
   * Isaac Massie vs Simon Kotovsky; jury disagreed and discharged.
   * E. V. Dean vs Sibelia Fink; verdict for plff. For $25.
   * State vs Albert Steele; gambling; plea guilty; fined $10.
   * State vs Chas. Brown; shooting with intent to kill; plea of not guilty
     withdrawn; 3 years in penitentiary.
   * State vs Nelson Huron; plea not guilty withdrawn; penitentiary for
     three years.
   * State vs James Hale; plea not guilty; trial March 13.
   * State vs Joseph Graber; plea guilty to selling on Sunday; $50 fine and
     ten days in jail; indictment for keeping open on Sunday nollied.
   * State vs Jos. Gleichauf; plea of not guilty withrawn; $30 fine and 10
     days in jail; the other indictment nollied.
   * State vs Chas. Nelson; plea of not guilty withdrawn and plead guilty to
     shooting to wound; penitentiary for two years.

Check to see if this is end of this column.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. DECEMBER 27, 1894 The court was in session half a
day last Monday, and reconvenes today, Wednesday.

   * In the cases of Jackson Ullom and John Waugh against the Lawrence
     County Commissioners, for balance claimed on turnpike work, the court
     gave judgment for the defendants.
   * Estes vs Pancake; new trial granted, whereupon the plaintiff dismissed
     the case.
   * Petition to sell Rome chapel parsonage lot, for cemetery purposes
   * Ferry licenses allowed as follows: M. L. Beckett, Athalia; J. M.
     Blankenship, Cox's Landing; H. C. Waters and S. Dillon, Coryville.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. FEB. 14, 1895

   * Addie Ratcliff committed to Children's Home.
   * W. A. Williams, assignee of Small & Co., filed report of private sale
     and asked extension of time of sale which was granted for 30 days.
   * Sale of property by J. O. Yates, adm'r of W. L. Yingling, confirmed.
   * Myrtle Wall appointed guardian of Fannie Wall et al.
   * C. J. Kuhner, gdn of Samuel Wolf, filed statement in lieu of account.
   * F. M. Reckard, adm'r of M. K. Becket, filed petition to sell real


PROBATE COURT - I.R. FEB. 21, 1895

   * Will of Leonard Hawkins admitted to probate.
   * W. W. Wiseman, adm'r of W. A. Powell, filed final statements and
   * Thos. Hamilton, adm'r de bonis non of W. H. Enochs, filed first and
     final account.
   * In the will of James Davidson, testimony of Harland P. Hall and Cyrus
     Thomspon of St. Paul, Minn., filed by J. M. Hawthorn, Commissioner.
   * J. Davidson, gdn of Wm. Sheridan, filed 4th account.



   * Annie Corum vs. James Corum, divorce granted.
   * Jennie B. Peters vs. T. B. Ball; demurrer of plaintiff sustained.
   * Henry Myers vs. Americus Weekly, judgment for plaintiff, $327.80
   * Frederick Cronacher vs. F. A. Cronacher; allowance to defendant's wife
     $500 in lien of homestead out of proceeds of sale.
   * Malissa Currington vs. J. A. Currington; divorce granted; the care of
     minor children given to plaintiff.
   * Peter Fetter vs the Metroplitan Life Ins. Co.; judgment of $674.58 for
   * G. W. Sandford vs Joseph Mays; sale confirmed.
   * Albert Barnes vs. C. H. & D. R. R.; motion for a new trial overruled,
     and defendants excepts.
   * W. E. Massie vs the C. H. & D. R. R.; Demurrer to petition sustained.
     Judgment for defendant for costs.



   * In estate of Chilton Wood, $100 allowed widow and $75 to minor child
     for year's support.
   * In the case of exceptions to second account of Austin and Burr,
     trustees of Thos. McGovney; exceptions overruled and account settled.
   * Philip Riter appointed adm'r of estate of Bertha Geser.
   * R. L. Meers, guardian of Mary Saylor, and T. H. Burton, admr. of A. J.
     Jones, final account.
   * In the estate of Jas. Bradshaw, appeal bond of widow filed; private
     sale of personal property confirmed.
   * B. Butterfield, guardian of Ann Baxter, filed account.
   * Exceptions to account of guardian of Samuel Wolf filed.
   * In the estate of W. D. Kelly; exceptions to final account of J. F.
     Austin filed.
   * Order of sale to Lawson Drury, admr of James Alexander.
   * In the estate of Lorana Willis; waiver of heirs filed; appraisers,
     Henry Moots, Jos. Boyd and H. S. Brammer.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. AUG. 01, 1895

   * Widow filed answer in re estate of Chilton Woods.
   * Injunction allowed in case of Susan Markin vs Chas. Markin.
   * Exceptions to account of J. F. Austin, admr. to be heard Aug. 10.
   * Sale ordered in the estate of Lorena Willis.
   * Pearl Young made assignment to Ezra Dean, C. H. Moore, E. O. Arnold and
     C. W. Henry appraisers.
   * Daniel Guygan admitted to bail.
   * Thos. Anson appointed admr. of Caroline Collier.
   * Reports of assets and liabilities in the assignments of L. and I. A.



   * J. H. Deering, admr. W. M. Martin, sale confirmed.
   * Sale confirmed in case of R. W. Blankenship, admr. of Lorana Willis.
   * Sale reported in case of Ezra Dean, Assignee of Pearl Young.
   * Margaret S. McConn appointed guardian of Margaret McLean.
   * Will of Ella N. Perry admitted to probate.

(do not have end of this column)


I.R. November 21, 1895 - L. D. Markin, as administrator of the estate of W.
D. Kelly, offered for sale last Saturday, fifteen pieces of property, of
which only two were sold - The Exchange Bank building to D. H. Clark for
$1600, and lot 229 on the east side of 5th street to John Mahle for #387.
229 is the second lot below the corner opposite the Kelly barn. There were
no bids on the rest of the property, which included other lots in that
square, and the entire square known as the Kelly homestead.


I.R. November 21, 1895
The City of Ironton allowed Jesse Dillon $2,000 on his Third street
contract. Jesse claimed $6600. And this difference of opinion resulted in a
lawsuit, which closed last Saturday night with a verdict for $461 for the
plaintiff. In this case, Mr. Dillon claimed the City Engineer did not make
correct measurements, or allow him for the real amount of material he put
on; that was a $4000 discrepancy between the actual amount of material
required in the contract and the estimates of the Engineer. The case
occupied some time in its trial. J. L. Anderson assisted Solicitor Rea, for
the city. A. R. Johnson appeared for the Plaintiff. Motion by city for a new


PROBATE COURT - I.R. JAN. 16, 1896

   * Deed of assignment from John J. Brownstead to Martin Schreiber.
   * Will of Fredericka Hobstetter filed for probate.
   * State vs H. Bicker; fined $1.00 for assault.
   * Order of sale issued to S. Sparling admr of Mary Pierce. L. Vermillion,
     Thos. Zimmerman, John Pierce, appraisers.
   * E. S. Wilson appointed admr of Keturah Dean.
   * Andrew Lewis admitted to bail.
   * State vs Robt. Hatton; bond to support child given. Sale of real estate
     by Lot Davis, assignee, confirmed.


I.R. January 23, 1896
- SUED -
Thos. N. Ross has entered suit in the Boyd County court against the Yellow
Poplar Lumber Co. for $3400 attorney fees. A levy has been made on the
company's mill at Normal. Mr. Ross has been devoting much time in the past
year or so to an important case of the company down in Virginia and
Tennessee. In fact, for a long time he abandoned his practice here, to
devote himself to the affairs of the Yellow Poplar Co.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. APRIL 02, 1896 Court adjourned last Friday to
Monday 6th.

   * In case of Heider vs Spanner, the jury disagreed.
   * M. G. Clay Treas. Vs H. C. Burr et all; reappraisement ordered. The
     property is the Willard residence on Front, and was appraised at $9000.
   * Ford Roofing Co vs H. M. Francisco et al; judgment for plaintiff for
     $551, which amount was in the hands of the city, retained on contract.
     Mr. Ketter claimed about $400 assigned him by Francisco, on labor
     account, but the judgment for the Ford Co. was on a recorded lien for
   * Elizabeth Cochran vs B. Heider et al; judgment by default for C.
     Spanner, $160.50.
   * Eliza Herity vs A. M. Herity; judgment by default for F. F. Goldcamp
     exr for $296.75 and foreclosure.
   * Wm. Coe vs Yellow Poplar Co; motion for a new trial overruled; judgment
     on verdict for $76.75.
   * A. Stewart vs Forest Dale F. B. Works; judgment by default; attached
     property and sold.
   * W. M. Kerr et al vs A. S. Cooper at al; judgment for $250.83.
   * J. Goldcamp exr vs John Bradshaw et al; judgment for plaintiff $659.83.
   * P. Blankenship vs M. Blankenship; divorce granted.
   * First National Bank vs E. J. Bird et al; judgment for $2693.34; also
     judgment in another case for the bank for $1200.
   * R. C. Poage vs J. H. Poage et al; judgment for First National Bank for



   * Pressley Blankenship vs Mahala Blankenship, for divorce; grounds,
     adultery. Decree granted to Plaintiff, he to pay costs.
   * Elizabeth Heider vs Conrad Spanner, for money; the jury in this case
     were unable to agree on a verdict and were discharged, and the case
   * Coal Grove Bldg. & Loan Assoc. Co. vs Martha de V. O' Connell, et al,
     foreclosure; finding for J. A. Fay & Egan Co., for $2,637.50;
   * Coal Grove Bldg & Loan Assoc. Co. vs F. J. O'Connell, et al.
   * C. W. Reynolds appointed guardian ad litem of Paul Francis de Bang;
     finding for J. A. Fay & Egan Co., for $2,637.50; foreclosure, order of
   * Charles H. Ralph, on application and recommendation of T. N. Ross, was
     appointed and licensed as an auctioneer.
   * Wm. Vaughn vs Ner H. Swartzwelder; continued.
   * Robert C. Poage vs James H. Poage et al., attachment; finding for First
     National Bank of Ironton for $2,203.83 with interest from first day of
     this term.
   * Robert C. Poage vs The Forest Dale Fire Brick and Tile Works,
     attachment; finding for plaintiff for $1,170.
   * Robert C. Poage vs O. J. Chambers et al, attachment; finding for
     plaintiff for $2,260.


COMMON PLEAS - I.R. April 09, 1896 The February
(need to copy)



   * Ella Lunsford committed to Infirmary; insane.
   * Will of John S. Hansgen admitted to Probate.
   * J. O. Yates, assignee of W. & J. Nixon, granted to sell land.
   * J. C. Dillon, W. E. Rowe and John Pierce appointed appraisers in estate
     of N. Savony.
   * Estate of John H. Kelley; letters to W. H. Willis.
   * J. P. Shipton, admr. of the estate of Ruth E. Shipton; notice to heirs.
   * George Collins, adm'r of the estate of G. W. Collins, filed inventory.



   * T. F. Payne appointed exec'r of A. M. Thornton's will; widow elects to
     take under it; B. A. Smith, L. A. Dawson and Henry Mannon appraisers.
   * Dividend of 10 per cent ordered in reassignment of R. W. Wylie.
   * W. A. Williams, admr of Lewis estate, filed petition to sell land.


IWR June 6, 1896 -
Dr. Lowry Sues For that $500 Plum Awarded Him by the Board of Health.
Attorney W. D. Corn, employed by the board of health to prosecute suits
against the city, filed suit in the common pleas court Friday in behalf of
Health Officer Lowry against the city. The health officer by this suit seeks
to force the payment of that $500 salary allowed him by the board of health
for the year ending the first Monday in May, 1896, but which the city
council refuses to pay, on the ground of its illegality.
The plaintiff also claims interest on that sum from May 5th, the date of
council's rejection of the bill.


IWR June 6, 1896 -
The Gambling Note No Good.
In the suit of Capt. T. T. Carr against Dr. Wm. Shattuck to recover $10 on a
note, heard in Squire Henry's court Friday, the court today rendered
judgment for the Plaintiff. The court held that the note for $25 which the
defendant offered as an offset and which was given by Carr to replace
gambling loses, was void.



   * H. C. Burr et al, trustees vs Mary M. Witman et al; injunction made
     perpetual, and the question of validity of the McGovney will reopened
     as though no former judgment had been made.
   * H. Henderson et al vs J. L. Fisher et al; judgment for $95.71 against
     James Bradshaw's heirs, the estates of W. H. Enochs and Dennison
   * U. Vaughn vs N. H. Swartzwelder; dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
   * Albert Young vs Mary Young; divorce granted.
   * Two cases of Lot Davis as assignee and trustee of W. L. Bickmore, and
     A. L. O'Connell, and the case of E. G. Scripture, receiver of the
     Ironton Door Co. brought against Auditor of Lawrence county to enjoin
     him for adding certain amounts to tax duplicate, as found by the board
     of equalization; temporary injunction granted.

Judge James came last Monday and presided.

   * The case oof the Admr. of R. S. Brown to foreclose the $40,000 mortgage
     on lots about town consumed Monday and Tuesday. Admr. Cooper of the W.
     D. Kelly estate seeks to have it declared null on account of fraud.


PROBATE COURT - I. R. July 23, 1896

   * Emma Lehman appointed admrx. Of J. Lehman.
   * Fred Putzek naturalized.
   * Trustee of M. G. Clay ordered to sell growing grass.
   * Physician's certificate filed by E. E. Wells and I. N. Brown.
   * Application for allowance first year support, on behalf of widow of
     Thomas Campbell.



   * Stephen Dillon vs Will J. Davidson, E. M. Davidson, Edward T. Davidson,
     and Clayton T. Crawford; for money. Amount claimed $325.50 balance on
     note, and interest, at 8 per cent from Feb. 25, 1890. H. S. Neal
   * J. T. McKnight as treasurer vs J. H. Emmons, et al; tax ault for
     $24.32. R. B. Miller, attorney.
   * Peras R. Polley vs John A. Baldwin et al for $100 and foreclosure of
     mortgage. Johnson & Corn, attorneys.



   * J. D. Blakeman vs the St. James Methodist Episcopal church of Ironton,
     et al. Action for foreclosure of a mortgage of $100 on the church
     property, $50 of which is now due, and for the annulling of a mortgage
     held by the Board of Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal
     church, a corporation organized under the laws of Pennsylvania. Johnson
     and Corn, attorneys.
   * Catharine Smith vs. John H. Smith et al, for alimony. Calvin Reynolds,
     at torney.



   * Geo. W. Keye, guardian of Rosa Hockstep, et al, filed first account.
   * In re assignment of J. R. English schedule of liabilities filed.
   * In re estate of John Hummel; final receipts filed in lieu of accounts.
   * Catharine Smith vs John H. Smith et al for alimony; injunction allowed.
   * W. W. Reynolds appointed adm'r of estate of George Clark.
   * E. S. Brown, executor of H. S. Brown, filed first account.


IWR Feb. 14, 1897 -
The Means Estate -
In the U. S. Court at Covington, today, int he case of Wm. Means against
other heirs of the Means estate, decision was rendered in favor of Wm.
Means, giving him one-fifth interest in the estate.



   * A. D. Bruce admr vs John L. Fisher et al, for money; judgment for
     plaintiff for $68.
   * L. R. Andrews, guardian, vs Hattie Schneider et al; for money, verdict
     for plaintiff for $290.82.

(do not have end of this column)


I.R. SEPT. 23, 1897 - NEW LAWSUITS

   * Elizabeth Bennett vs Lewis Bennett; divorce; charge of cruelty.
   * Albert Smith vs Mary E. Fisher; claim $1000 damages by reason of
     defendant's dog biting him.
   * S. W. Ballard vs Yellow Poplar Lumber Co.; plaintiff claims $10,000
     damages in consequence of bodily injuries received while in defendant's
   * J. W. Johnson vs M. E. Ramey; claims $5000 damages, on the ground that
     defendant who is a physician was so negligent and unskillful in setting
     a dislocated elbow joint that plaintiff's fingers are stiff, wrist will
     not turn, elbow joint can be used but slightly and arm is wasting away.
   * Lillie Corn vs Nancy Murnahan; equitable relief.
   * Margaret Geiskemeir vs City of Ironton; petition in error; this is the
     case where the Mayor fined plaintiff $5 and costs for befouling a



   * When the Register went to press last week the case of Charles Shelton
     vs C. & O. R. R. was before the Court. Verdict for Plaintiff $2148.11.
     The jury was out about an hour. Motion for new trial.
   * Excelsior B. A. vs Mary Henry; judgment for plaintiff $270.36.
   * Mary Dudley vs Nellie Corn et al; judgment for $726.70 and sale.
   * Second National vs C. Brenning; sale confirmed.
   * C. L. Crawford vs A. J. Warren; proceedings dismissed; exceptions.
   * S. E. Augustus vs J. H. Simmons et al; sale confirmed.
   * Margaret Pugh vs Mary Clary; sale confirmed.
   * J. J. Wall vs David W. Wall et al; partition ordered by John Hall,
     Jacob Holschuh and Z. Lafon.
   * W. D. Jones vs J. D. Jones; sale confirmed; homestead of $500 allowed
     to T. J. Charlton.
   * J. H. Keyes vs W. H. Young; sale confirmed.
   * A. Dilly vs C. Tipton et al; judgment for $339.20 and sale confirmed.
   * Sales ordered in the cases of T. L. Collett and Second National Bank vs
     Reuben Lambert, et al.



   * Ada Smalley vs J. V. Leighty, damages. Plaintiff claims that the
     defendant wrongfully detains a piano from plaintiff to plaintiff's
     damage in the sum of $250, for which judgment is asked, also an order
     of delivery of the property. T. N. Ross attorney.
   * John Ball vs Mrs. Wm. Sullivan at al. Plaintiff asks for the sale of
     property to satisfy judgment against defendant in Justice Craig's court
     for $26.77 and for the adjustments of claims of other defendants. C. E.
     Belcher, attorney.
   * Stephen W. Ballard vs The Yellow Poplar Lumber Co., for damages.
     Plaintiff sue for $1,999 claimed by reason of injuries sustained while
     employed at the company's mill on Sept. 29, 1895. A similar suit for
     $10,100 damages was filed recently. This is withdrawn and a new
     petition filed, for less amount, in order to prevent it being
     transferred to the U. S. Court., W. D. Corn and C. A. Thompson



   * J. C. Neal adm'r off A. Vitito; petition to sell real estate filed.
   * Geo. W. Keye, guardian of Reuben Estis, filed 2nd account.
   * Frank A. Blake, appointed guardian of Garfield Blake.
   * A. G. And L. E. Blake appointed adm'rs of estate of John W. Blake.
   * Charles Carey, charged with criminal assault and admitted to bail.
   * Chas. Hill, charged with burglary, admitted to bail.
   * Application for guardian of Reuben Estes filed.
   * M. Hawthorn, executor of Robert Morris filed 1st and final account.


IWR Oct. 23, 1897 -
The C. H. & D. Ry Co. Defendant in a Suit for $3,000.
Eliza Akers vs the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railway Co. Is a suit for
damages filed by Attorneys W. D. Corn and C. A. Thompson for plaintiff.
Plaintiff's petition sets forth in substance that she is 65 years old. That
on Sept. 11, 1897, she bought a ticket at Mt. Vernon station to No. 1 Tunnel
station and took passage on defendant's train.
Being unacquainted with the stations she asked the conductor to notify her
when her destination was reached. Instead, it is aversed, the train did not
stop at No. 1 station but carried plaintiff beyond it. When this was
discovered the train backed up part way and put plaintiff off at the road
side in a gutter. That in assisting her to alight the conductor let her
fall, whereby she was injured in the shoulder, side and arm. By reason of
these injuries and wrongful treatment she was damaged in the sum of $3,000
for which she prays judgment.


I.R. Feb. 03, 1898
- Sued -
Henry Cook has sued Ironton for $20,000 damages, for injuries received by
the caving in of a trench in which he was laying a brick sewer, on
Railroad-st., last August, while working for Bryan & Monroe, contractors. He
alleges that the city should have seen to it that the conditions were of a
secure character. Messrs. Shirkey and Johnson & Corn bring the suit.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. FEB. 17, 1898 The Grand Jury reported Thursday
last. They examined 90 witnesses, covering 40 cases, and found 22

   * C. Lott vs J. F. Shroeder et al; judgment for $683.65, and foreclosure.
   * P. W. Shafer vs A. Pemberton et ux; judgment for $220 and sale.
   * Hattie B. Reger vs C. F. Reger; divorce granted for willful absence.
   * Belle Massie vs Theodore Massie, divorce granted.
   * Wm. Marting Jr., vs The Drayer Lumber Co; finding for plaintiff,
   * Sarah F. Spurlock vs James Black et al; defendant enjoined from
     interfering with road.
   * State vs Jos. Gleichauf; two indictments; plead not guilty to selling
     on Sunday.
   * Star B. A. Co vs A. A. Jenkins et al; judgment for $325.25 and
   * State vs Marion Josephs; sent to penitentiary for two years for
     burglary and larceny.
   * State vs Charles Leftridge, William Mitchell, Wesley Bolding; chared
     with burglary and larceny; Charles Leftridge and William Mitchell
     sentenced to Ohio Reformatory, Wesley Bolden sentenced to the
     penitentiary for one year.
   * Jack Stitch and Fred Scior charged with selling cigarettes to minor;
     trial set Feby 21.
   * Doke George sent to jail for 10 days and fined $10 for carrying
     concealed weapons.
   * W. Randolph Mills sentenced to penitentiary for fifteen months for
     receiving stolen goods.
   * Adam Kragle to be tried for shooting to kill or wound, on February 22.
   * Willis Gordan to be tried February 21 for burglary and larceny.
   * Charles Conaway plead guilty to bigamy and sent to the penitentiary for
     one year.
   * Frank Itals sent to Ohio Reformatory, and Wm. Harris sent to
     penitentiary for eighteen months; for burglary and larceny.
   * State vs J. W. Reader, sentenced to jail for 10 days and fined $50 for
     selling liquor on Sunday.


COMMON PLEAS - I.R. FEB. 02, 1899 Common Pleas Court convened Tuesday, Judge
Collings presiding.
John Mohr and Albert Clutts, court constables; the former to remain during
court, and the latter to take charge of the grand jury room.
The grand jury reported as published elsewhere, except W. A. Murdock and W.
J. Search who were excused, and W. P. Rogers and J. H. Moulton Jr. Appointed
in their places. F. A. Dupuy was appointed foreman; the jury was charged and
retired. Up to our going to press, nothing but continuances had been entered
on the journal.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. FEB. 02, 1899

   * Estate of Louisa Glasier; inventory and appraisement.
   * Will of Wm. McKeon filed. Hearing Feb. 4.
   * Geo. Coon recommitted to Boys Industrial Home.
   * Estate of Wade Barnes. Inventory and appraisement.
   * W. G. Ward appointed gdn. Of John Kinneson et al.
   * Estate of Robt. Royer; distribution as follows: To widow, $1625.40;
     Roberta Royer, $1000; Bessie Royer, $700; Alex. Royer, $400.
   * Filed 5th and final account Abner Rapp, gdn of heirs D. C. Rapp; 1st
     and final account A. R. Johnson, assignee Henry Pancake; 2nd and final

(Do not have end of this column)


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. FEB. 09, 1899 The grand jury reported last
Saturday afternoon, saying they had been in session 5 days; examined 115
witnesses, covering 30 cases and reported 13 indictments. They reported the
jail well kept, but the light, ventilation and sewerage not good.

   * Edward Hartwig, John Dickess, Edward McMackin and Charles McMackin were
     each fined $15 and stand committed until paid for carrying concealed
     weapons. They all plead guilty.
   * James Ramsbottom was fined $15 for disturbing religious meeting. He
     plead guilty.
   * E za Wadington plead guilty to robbery and was sentenced to 2 * years
     in the Ohio penitentiary.
   * Zalmon and Albert Ferrall and Chas. Webb were arraigned and plead no
     guilty. Their trial was set for March 13th. Each one will have his
     separate trial, and probably Salmon Ferrall will be the first tried.
   * Samuel Bush plead not guilty to carrying concealed weapons.
   * Dr. J. W. Lowry, indicted for making false statement as a medical
     examiner, was arraigned and plead not guilty. His trial was set for
     March 2.
   * M. G. Clay, Treas. vs Sophia Berlin et al; reappraisement and sale.
   * J. C. Snyder, Trustee vs C. J. Dunfee et al; sale confirmed.
   * Julia Hood vs John Hood et al; security in 30 days or dismissed.
   * J. H. Ramey vs Uriah Corn et al; sale confirmed.
   * Marting & Flehr vs G. D. Gray; judgment for Sarah O. Williams for
     $40.35 and sale.
   * S. O. Loan Co. vs G. Wacht; sale confirmed.
   * W. G. Ward vs Addie Tulga; sale confirmed.
   * J. B. Snyder, Trustee vs H. H. Bazell et al; judgment for plaintiff
   * A. R. McIntosh vs J. Ashcraft et ux; judgment for plaintiff $2048 and
   * D. H. Ankrim vs Amanda Ankrim; settled at plaintiff's costs.
   * Snyder & Belcher vs Addie Tulga et al; judgment for plaintiff $234.55.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. FEB. 16, 1899

   * Bond of Joseph J. Abele, exr. Nicholas Haubert, approved.
   * M. L. Becket, admr vs John L. Jones et al; petition to sell land.
   * Filed: Final statement, estate of B. Blankenship; first and final
     account of F. L. McCauley, admr. Robt. B. Royer.



   * M. G. Clay, Treas., vs Jennie B. Peters; sale confirmed and deed
   * J. V. Leighty vs same; sale confirmed.
   * H. S. Neal vs C. Schrieber admr; finding for $100.25.
   * State vs Samuel Bush; found guilty of carrying concealed weapons.
   * J. Layman vs J. Mittlehauser et al; verdict for defendant.
   * West I. B. A. vs W. Stoker; new appraisement ordered.
   * Equity Milling Co. vs M. A. Cloran; continued off docket.
   * D. W. Wall gdn., vs J. K. Lafon; sale confirmed.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. FEB. 23, 1899

   * L. A. Williams admr. A. T. Swartwood, filed petition to sell real
   * Margaret Gestkemeyer, widow of Geo. Gestkemeyer, filed motion for
     allowance in lieu of dower.
   * Final receipts in estate of I. B. Murdock.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. MAR. 16, 1899

   * Estate of George Willard; 65 shares of Belfont stock appraised; order
     of private sale; sale at 52c. Confirmed.
   * Will of James Tagg filed.
   * T. S. Murray exr. Geo. Gieskemeir vs Margaret Gieskemeir et al; dower
     fixed do not have end of this article at present.



   * Lizzie Jones vs Wm. Jones; marriage annulled on account of illegality.
   * C. P. Tracy & Co. vs V. Neal & Co.; (can't make out from print - bad
   * M. G. Clay Treas vs Sophia Berlin (or Berlis); sale confirmed.
   * Mary E. Skelding vs Mary A. Scott, trustee, sale confirmed and proceeds
     $361 distributed.
   * Mary J. Dickseid vs Abbie S. Kirker; reappraisement ordered.
   * John Rodgers was appointed Court Constable during Ferrell trial.
   * Birdie Adkins vs Reuben Adkins; divorce granted.
   * The Court began with the trial of Zalmon Ferrel for the murder of Jas.
     R. Baldwin, last Monday, and was proceeding this Wednesday afternoon,
     and will probably take up most of the week. There are 150 witnesses,
     not more than one fourth of whom have been examined up to our going to



   * Exceptions to account of T. S. Murray, exr Gestkemeier (?); withdrawn
     by agreement.
   * Estate of E. E. Saunders; motion to remove T. D. Shirkey, admr. filed.
   * David Edwards committed to Athens hospital.
   * Arthur Anson committed to Boys' Industrial School.
   * E. E. Corn appointed admr of Stephen Brown. Appraisers, J. G. Lane,
     John Bruno, Arch Fish.
   * Supine Everly, gdn. Adolphus Shafer et al; petitioned to sell mineral
   * Assignment of Lindsey Kelly; sale of stocks by Kate Honschel confirmed.
   * T. D. Shirkey reappointed commissioner of insolvents.
   * Eugene Williams discharged from arrest and imprisonment, through
     application to commissioner of insolvents.
   * Estate of Wade Barnes; sale of realty confirmed.
   * Estate of Thos. Cowan; sale of real estate ordered.



   * K. A. Miller appointed adm'r of John A. Killew.
   * Hattie Gilruth appointed admr of Thomas Gilruth. Appraisers, S. V.
     Kelly, R. L. Trumbo, N. Davisson.
   * Estate of Jacob Jones; sale ordered.
   * Will of Robert Hall probated. J. M. Hall appointed executor without
   * James Bull appointed adm'r of Mary V. Dinkel. Jere Davidson, J. H.
     Davidson, J. P. Canterburty, appraisers.
   * Estate of Andrew Anderson, sale confirmed.
   * Louis Schneider appointed guardian of Hattie Schneider.
   * Assignment of M. G. Clay; motion to dismiss application of Trustee for
     special allowance, filed by H. S. Neal.
   * T. D. Shirkey appointed Trustee of John D. Jervis.



   * Sale of real estate of Remelia Cradic ordered; E. Bixby, P. H.
     Therkeldson, B. R. Laine appraisers.
   * Petition to sell real estate in estate of A. J. Maloney for hearing
     July 22.
   * Affidavit in insanity of Lucinda Anderson filed.
   * Will of W. A. Kelly admitted to probate. J. H. Willis, Jno. Herity and
     W. R. Richardson appointed appraisers.
   * A. W. Ward, admr. Harvey Thomspon, filed statement in lieu of account.
   * R. Mather, admr. of Rachel Scott filed petition to sell real estate.



   * Estate of J. J. Rauck, resignation of Jos. B. Schmidt admr. accepted.
   * Oscar Roseberry admitted to bail.
   * Sale by R. Mather, admr of Permelia Cradic, confirmed.
   * Estate of Abram Moore; private sale ordered.
   * R. S. Stewart appointed admr. estate of D. F. Hudson.
   * Estate of Ann Hicks; sale confirmed.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. DEC. 21, 1899 At the closing session of this term
of Common Pleas court, criminal cases were disposed as follows:

   * State vs John Haley and William Gilchrist, slot machines. Indictment
     mollied as to William Haley.
   * State vs Jacob Berger and John Truby, selling on Sunday. Indictment
     mollied as to Truby.
   * State vs E. F. Hannon, John King and James McClain, keeping open on
     Sunday. Indictment mollied as to Hannon and King.
   * State vs T. H. B. Jones and Albert Albertson, keeping open on Sunday.
     Indictment mollied as to Jones.
   * Augusta Scarberry vs William Scarberry decree of divorce granted upon
     payment of costs.
   * Florance N. Drayer vs F. M. Searses et al - judgment for plaintiff for
   * Charles Ellis vs Hester Ellis, Divorce granted upon payment of costs.
   * Robert Henderson et al partners in trade as R. Henderson & Co., vs Iron
     and Steel Co. et al. Judgment for $880 and interest, given at the April
     term of Common Pleas court.

check to see if end of this column.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. Dec. 30, 1899

   * Private sale ordered of real estate of John A. Killen.
   * Inventory and appraisement of estate of Emily Williams filed.
   * John G. Keys administrator of estate of George W. Keys, filed 3rd and
     final account.
   * Will of A. N. Stewart filed.
   * Geo. N. Gray exr. Estate of W. F. Wilson filed account of final
   * Inventory and appraisement of estate of E. W. Curtis filed.
   * John Spielvogel declared intention to become a citizen.
   * Claims against the estate of W. D. Kelly were ordered compromised by
     Matthew Anderson exr Patrick Sheridan.
   * J. C. Snyder, trustee of M. G. Clay.
   * Ro? Saunders exr. Fred Saunders.
   * George Staker exr. Joseph Mussick.
   * Frank Neekamp admr. John Joseph Rauck.
   * Estella May committed to Girl's Industrial school.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. August 9, 1900

   * In re Elmer Marshall, removal from parents. Complaint filed, hearing,
     committed to Children's Home.
   * J. H. Cotter, executor of estate of Delaney; first and final account
   * In re estate of Ella Kizer (?) application for appointment of guardian
     filed. Notice issued; hearing August 30th.
   * J. W. Smiley, adm'r of John Kiser vs Floyd Kiser et al. Application and
     affidavit for private sale of real estate (20 acres); private sale
   * Will of Margaret A. James filed for hearing August 20th.
   * In re will of Margaret A. James; commission issued to H. C. Duncan,
     Washington, D. C., to take deposition of S. W. Morris, subscribing
   * Adam Friel, adm'r of estate of W. T. Watson; first and final account
   * J. W. Smiley adm'r John Kiser vs Floyd Kiser et al; hearing
     appraisement ordered. J. C. Snyder, Chas. Ketter and A. H. Mittendorf
     appointed appraisers.
   * Estate of Thomas Primm, appraisement of personal property reported.
   * In re will of William Ballard; hearing; will admitted to probate.
   * W. E. Null appointed adm'r estate of James W. Null.
   * G. B. Willis appointed guardian of the estate of Clyde Williams, et al.
   * In re will of Elizabeth Miller; hearing; will admitted to probate.
   * Geo. W. Keys appointed executor of the estate of William Ballard,
   * America A. Sisson appointed admr'x of the estate of Myrtie Sisson.


I.R. October 04, 1900 - Johnathan Roten, through Attorneys L. R. Andrews and
Johnson & Corn, filed suit in Common Pleas Court last Saturday against
Theodore Ferguson, asking that the defendant be enjoined from fencing up
what is known as the Porter Lane property in Perry Township, used as a
public highway, the plaintiff claims, for over forty years.


I.R. Oct. 04, 1900 - J. C. Snyder vs the Southern Ohio Loan & Trust Company
in the style of a suit filed in Common Pleas Court Saturday. The plaintiff
alleges that on July 10, 1896, he borrowed $600 from the defendant, to be
paid in monthly dues, and gave a mortgage on real estate in Fayette
township; that he has paid the sum of $364.60 in dues and that on September
19, 1900, he tendered the defendants $520 in full payment of all obligation
and asked a surrender of the mortgage, which was refused. The plaintiff now
pays into court the sum of $500, which amount he asks be decreed as full and
sufficient payment of all moneys due the defendant and that they be
compelled to cancel mortgage. Johnson & Corn, attorneys.


I.R. Oct. 04, 1900 - SQUIRE'S COURT The following civil actions were brought
in Squire Craig's court Friday:

   * John H. Monnig vs. Jeff Scott, money. The amount claimed is $64.34 on
     account for feed.
   * Mittendorf, Gabler & Co vs. H. M. Francisco, money. The plaintiffs ask
     judgment for $43.75 on a note with interest from May 20, 1894.
   * W. C. Bickmore vs Helen, Anna and Josephine Rauch, money. The amount
     claimed is $68.72 on account.
   * In Squire Henry's court Martin, Keiser & Co bring action against Jeff
     Scott for $18.50 claimed as due on account, and ask attachment against
     money due the defendant from the city as salary.



   * Robert Rucker vs A. W. Vale et al, petition for injuction filed;
     temporaly injuction allowed.
   * First and final account of W. A. Williams, admr of David Price and
     exceptions thereof settled; notice of appeal given by G. W. Keys and H.
     H. Waller, also by admr. W. A. Williams.
   * C. H. Summerson, Sr., grdn of Wm. Estes vs Wm Estes et al., hearing:
     judgment; appraisement and sale ordered.
   * T. T. Johnson, admr of A. Robinson vs S. D. Robinson et al; hearing on
     motions, motion overruled.
   * Will of John W. Dillon; Hearing; testimony of witnesses taken; will
     admitted to Probate.
   * Will of Francis Demarro; hearing; testimony of witnesses taken; will
     admitted to Probate.
   * Taylor Collier appointed grdn of Joseph Ramsey, a lunatic.
   * State of Ohio vs Robert Richardson; application to admit to bail filed;
     bond filed; defendant released.
   * G. B. Willis as admr of estate of John A. Williams vs Ollie Williams et
     al; petition for sale of real estate filed; summons issued.


I.R. Oct. 4, 1900 - First and final account of John E. Butterfield,
administrator of the estate of Lucy R. Butterfield, deceased, shows that the
administrator is chargeable with $13,000, and entitled to a credit of
$3,362.40. The balance of $9,637.60, goes to the administrator as decedent's
sole heir at law. Administrator discharged. - Portsmouth Times.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. October 18, 1900

   * The Lawrence Furnace Company vs Richard W. Dovel et al. Heard on
     demurrer of the plaintiff to cross petition of Richard W. Dovel;
     demurrer sustained, exceptions noted.
   * Walter Fouch vs. Thena Fouch. For divorce on ground of adultery.
     Divorce granted.
   * Mary B. Manifold vs. Oliver R. Manifold. For divorce on ground of
     extreme cruelty. Divorce granted and plaintiff restored to her maiden



   * The Vesuvius Iron Company vs Henry Stevenson - action for money on
     balance of account. Amount claimed $385.23. G.
   * W. Keys, attorney.
   * The Vesuvius Iron Company vs. Henry Woolum - action for balance of
     account. Amount claimed

need rest of this column.


I. R. October 18, 1900 -
The Grand Jury closed its deliberations last Monday after a session of six
days. They examined 355 witnesses in 136 cases; 15 cases were ignored and
121 true bills were reported. Indictments were found against the following

   * James Powell, murder in second degree.
   * W. H. Hall, obtaining money under false pretenses.
   * William Brown, failure to support minor children.
   * Walter Ross, burglary and larceny.
   * John Moss, burglary and larceny.
   * James Riley, forgery.
   * Hens Jackson, burglary and larceny.
   * William Gill, horse stealing.
   * The William Gill indicted is not the saloon keeper of this city.


I.R. OCT. 18, 1900 -
In the case of Mary E. Bird vs The Etna Coal & Iron Company, in which an
order of sale has been issued. Ordered that no bid be received unless first
mortgage bonds and coupons amounting to not less than $10,000 of the bonds
of the N. Y. & O. I. S. Co., be deposited with the sheriff at the time of
mailing the bid or $10,000 cash.
In the matter of the estate of Alfred T. Swartswood, proceeding for
discovery of assets alleged to have been concealed or embezzled by Myrtie M.
Swartwood. Upon hearing the evidence the court finds no grounds for the
complaint and dismisses the action at the costs of L. A. Williams, adm'r.


Ironton Register, November 15, 1900 Saturday afternoon, Albert Blackwell
withdrew the charge of assault with intent to kill, which he filed against
Edward Pratt in Squire Craig's court, the two young men having settled the
case between them.



   * A. Soupene guardian Walter Wood; petitioned for sale of real estate;
     hearing April 26, 10 a.m.
   * E. E. Corn appointed guardian of Bessie Royer.
   * Estate of John Hook; appraisement ordered; Henry Pancake, W. H. Lynd
     and John Snyder appointed appraisers.
   * George W. Keye, executor of the estate of William Ballard vs John
     Ballard et al; hearing, judgment and sale ordered.
   * Lizzie Rodgers, guardian of John W. Rodgers, filed third account.
   * James W. Primm, adm'r of the estate of Thomas Primm; first and final
     account filed.
   * Estate of William Clawges (?); inventory and appraisement reported and


PROBATE COURT - I.R. AUG. 08, 1901

   * Amos Webb, guardian of James Webb; first and final account filed.
   * In re estate of Wolf Gang Riddle; application for appointment or adm'r
     filed _____ issued; for hearing July 10.
   * W. L. Waller (or Walker) guardian of Thomas Evans; first account filed.
   * Martha Swartwood, guardian Fannie Wall et al; second account filed.
   * L. W. Ollum, adm'r of the estate of John H.(?) Powell; first and final
     account filed.
   * J. K. Richards, guardian of Wm. G. Butter; third and final account
   * E. E. Corn, guardian of Bessie Royer; resignation accepted; choice of
     minor filed; Geo. W. Keye appointed guarding and letters entered.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. August 22, 1901

   * Minnie Hamm vs. James Hamm et al - alimony and injunction. Plaintiff
     avers she married the defendant at Covington, Ky., August 17, 1895 and
     no children were born of the union . . .
   * James O. Yates vs. The German Fire Insurance Company of Indiana.
   * Callie Butcher vs. James Butcher, divorce. She said she was married to
     defendant November 6, 1890, and that no children were born of this
     union. Wants maiden name of Callie Sturgill restored.


COMMON PLEAS COURT - I.R. JUNE 5, 1902 In Common Pleas Court this morning,
the jury trial of the case of Margaret Sample vs The Washington Insurance
Company was taken up. The plaintiff sues to recover the amount of a policy
on a drug store burned at Millersport, which the defendants refuse to pay.
Johnson & Corn represent the plaintiff and Corn & Thompson, the defendants.


PROBATE COURT - I.R. July 10, 1902

   * Inventory and appraisement of estate of Chris Handley filed.
   * Frank Mehling, administrator of Anna M. Lutz, filed first and final
   * Helen E. Burchritz adopted by Ross Woolum and wife.
   * Transcript in the matter of the insolvency of Allen Blankenship filed.
   * L. L. Magee appointed adminstrator of estate of Sallie V. Magee. Bond
     for $1000 ordered.


PROBATE NEWS - I.R. FEB. 11, 1904

   * Amos Bradshaw, adm'r of the estate of Walter Rose, filed inventory and
   * Finley Worthington, adm'r of the estate of Herman Worthington, filed
     inventory and appraisement.
   * Albert Steed, adm'r of the estate of Roberta Steed, has filed final
     statement in lieu of account.
   * Harry C. Sloan has been appointed adm'r of the estate of Thos. J.
     Sloan. A bond of $1500 has been ordered.
   * In the affairs of the estate of Mary Lodge, final receipts have been
   * Jed B. Bibbee has been appointed adm'r of the estate of Jos. G.
     Walters. Bond for $1000 has been filed and approved and letters issued.


SWI Aug. 21, 1906
-Notice of Appointment -
The undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as adm'r of the estate
of Rebecca O'Neill, deceased, late of Symmes Township, Lawrence County,
Ohio. Fred S. Roberts.



Ironton Register, September 22, 1892 - Forest Andrews, of Moscow, is
studying law with John Yates.


Ironton Register, July 23, 1896
Corn, W. D. And E. E. Corn - The two lawyer brothers, W. D. and E. E. Corn
were pitted against each other in a lawsuit last Monday, in which J. C.
Snider, assignee of M. G. Clay, sued L. B. Clay, two brothers again, for
$73. E. E. beat W. D., but the latter will appeal.


                      Compiled by Sharon Milich Kouns.

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