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LAWRENCE COUNTY OHIO - 1830 Census Index - Perry Township
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Don Ort
October 11, 1998

1830 Census Index for Perry Twp., Lawrence County, Ohio

MORROSON      William       PERRY/312                  
SHERMAN       Gorden        PERRY/312                  
PERDUE        Obidiah       PERRY/312                  
SPRADLING     Plesent       PERRY/312                  
TATEM?        John          PERRY/312                  
WINTERS       Isaac         PERRY/312                  
KOUNS         Samuel        PERRY/312                  
PATTERSON     Robert        PERRY/312                  
THOMAS        James         PERRY/312                  
McLEAY        Ann           PERRY/312                  
STEWART       Edward        PERRY/312                  
CRELLAY       Michael       PERRY/312                  
CRELLAY       Isaac         PERRY/312                  
COLLIAR       James         PERRY/312                  
FERGUSON      Vinun?        PERRY/312                  
BRUCE         Margrett      PERRY/312                  
HUGH          Anbolon?      PERRY/312                  
ALLEN         James, Sr     PERRY/312                  
ALLEN         Wesllay       PERRY/312                  
ALLEN         Runnels       PERRY/312                  
ALFORD        Margret       PERRY/312                  
COLLIOR       John          PERRY/312                  
McCOY         Charles       PERRY/312                  
WARD          Whitten       PERRY/312                  
SARKITT?      Amaziah       PERRY/312                  
GROGEN?       Samuel        PERRY/312                  
PLYBURN       Jacob         PERRY/312                  
COLLIAR       James         PERRY/312                  
MELVIN        Jonethan      PERRY/313                  
BROOM         Edward        PERRY/313                  
HANKINS       Daniel        PERRY/313                  
BRUBAKER      Daniel        PERRY/313                  
TATE          James         PERRY/313                  
IMES          Solomon       PERRY/313                  
MORTON        David         PERRY/313                  
HOTSHER       Charles       PERRY/313                  
CHATFIELD     David         PERRY/313                  
RIGGS         Levi          PERRY/313                  
McCRAY        John          PERRY/313                  
COLLIAR       James, Jr.?   PERRY/313                  
COLLIAR       Marshall      PERRY/313                  
FREEMAN       William       PERRY/313                  
SIMMONS       Edward        PERRY/313                  
WOODS         Ephriam       PERRY/313                  
BRUCE         John          PERRY/313                  
SPERRAY       Samuel        PERRY/313                  
SPERRAY       William       PERRY/313                  
SPERRAY       James         PERRY/313                  
WEBB          Elias         PERRY/313                  
ALLEN         James, Jr.    PERRY/313                  
BALLARD       Harris        PERRY/313                  
WEBB          Plesent       PERRY/313                  
BOLLAY        Jessa F.      PERRY/313                  
WEBB          William       PERRY/313                  
BOTTEN        Thomas        PERRY/313                  
BLANKENSHIP   Isam          PERRY/313                  
WEBB          Adam?         PERRY/314                  
SHERMAN       Elisha        PERRY/314                  
CLARK         Amos          PERRY/314