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LAWRENCE COUNTY OHIO - 1830 Census Index - Mason Township
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Don Ort
October 11, 1998

1830 Census Index for MasonTwp., Lawrence County, Ohio

SURNAME      GIVEN NAME       TOWNSHIP/PAGE              
THOMAS       Archibled        MASON/331                  
HILL         John             MASON/331                  
SOWERDS      Griffith         MASON/331                  
VANOSDALE    William          MASON/331                  
CHAFFEN      David            MASON/331                  
ROBB?        John             MASON/331                  
SNIDER       Henry            MASON/331                  
ALISON       John             MASON/331                  
PAIN         John             MASON/331                  
MOSSA        Robert           MASON/331                  
MOSSA        Jonathan         MASON/331                  
DIXEN        Jessa            MASON/331                  
CONE         Peter            MASON/331                  
PETTRE       Cinclier         MASON/331                  
PAIN         Elias            MASON/331                  
DAVIS        Abram            MASON/331                  
HIGGINS      John             MASON/331                  
DEWITT       Hiram            MASON/331                  
HESKINS?     William          MASON/331                  
MCCOMIS      Certin           MASON/331                  
JENKINS?     Solomon          MASON/331                  
ALDRIDGE     Nancy            MASON/331                  
BRUMFIELD    James            MASON/331                  
BURTON       Isaac            MASON/331                  
CORDER       William          MASON/331                  
BRUMFIELD    John             MASON/331                  
NEAL         John             MASON/331                  
CARDER       Elija            MASON/332                  
BRUMFIELD    John             MASON/332                  
MCMAN        John             MASON/332                  
DIN?         David            MASON/332                  
RUCKER       Robert           MASON/332                  
PARNELL      Jacob            MASON/332                  
BRUMFIELD?   Umphrey W.?      MASON/332                  
VIRMILLION   Nuhadimas        MASON/332                  
VIRMILLION   Uriah            MASON/332                  
SHUMATE      Silus            MASON/332                  
WILLSON      Patruck          MASON/332                  
MARTON       William          MASON/332                  
WILLSON      Terray           MASON/332                  
WILLSON      John             MASON/332                  
MASSA        Jonethan, Sr.    MASON/332                  
LUNSFORD     John             MASON/332                  
HIGGEN       John             MASON/332                  
PAIN         William          MASON/332                  
NANCE        Danial           MASON/332                  
PURKINS      Joseph           MASON/332                  
NANCE        Ritcherd         MASON/332                  
KING         Alexander        MASON/332                  
VITITO       Nancy            MASON/332                  
NANCE        Banerter         MASON/332                  
SAMPSON      Valentine        MASON/332                  
ESTRIDGE     Leonard          MASON/332