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LAWRENCE COUNTY OHIO - Langdon Cemetery, Union Township
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
October 11, 1998

LANGDON CEMETERY, Union Township, Lawrence County, Ohio

Comments: Located on State Route 378 near Getaway, Ohio.

A precious brother gone but not forgotten.
Herman N. Wall               Born  April  18, 1908     Died April 22, 1977
Alcentis M. Walls            Born  April  22, 1977     Died __________
William Oscar Golden         Born   Dec  29, 1888      Died April   5, 1965
Pvt. Co I 317 Infantry,  World War I
Sarah M. Golden              Born    1891              Died    1961
John N. Willis (Father)      Born    1911              Died    1943
Thomas Pritchard                         
Esco Baise                   Born    1906              Died    1934
Collis Baise                 Born    1900              Died    1932
Donae Baise                  Born    1876              Died    1923
Guthard Baise                Born  Aug 8, 1896         Died  June 16, 1923
Ohio F 2C U.S.N.R.F.   World War I
Thomas Wesley Leffingwell    Born Mar 9, 1848          Died Jan 19, 1933
Our Darling Infant of
Othad Leffingwell            Born Sept 4, 1915         Died Sept 4, 1915
John Weppler                 Born        1850          Died   1927 
Nancy Weppler                Born        1851          Died   1930 
Walter Scarberry             Born        1915          Died   1919
B. H. Scarberry              Born        1891          Died   1918 
Pvt. CAS Co  Camp Sherman, O.                             
James Scarbury               Born  April 17, 1845      Died Oct 13, 1905
Julia Scarberry              Born        1863          Died   1938
Delbert Short                Born        1924          Died   1993
Hazel J. Short               Born        1924          Died  ______
Thomas J. Slone              Born  June 23, 1861       Died  Dec 26, 1903
Mahala A.  Slone             Born  June 25, 1829       Died  Jan 7, 1907
Wife of James M. Slone
Emma G. Weppler              Born        1891          Died   1917
Wife of J. H. Leffingwell
Stanley C. Brammer           Born        1900          Died   1931
Lela Grammer Allen           Born        1892          Died   1959
Oliver E. Brammer            Born        1865          Died   1910
Sarah E.  His Wife           Born        1869          Died _______
Harvey K. Brammer            Born        1876          Died   1939
Eva L. Brammer               Born        1879          Died   1969 
Ina J Hayes                  Born   Jan 17, 1911       Died  Jan 3. 1998
Jesse Wilson                 Born        1886          Died   1956
Maggie M. Wife of Jesse      Born        1882          Died   1912
Virgil Williamson            Born  Mar 13, 1909        Died Dec 11, 1949
Ohio Pvt. 62 INF.  Training BN World War II
John Foster                  Born  Mar 21, 1909        Died  Jan 9, 1988
Mary Foster                  Born  Sept 12, 1912       Died  Feb 19, 1995
Ben H. Ferguson              Born        1889          Died  1973
Ollie M. Ferguson            Born        1890          Died  1989
Oscar Willis                 Born        1878          Died  1954 
Rosa Willis                  Born        1884          Died  1929
Charles Martin               Born   Mar 11, 1915       Died   Mar 10, 1911
Irene Martin                 Born   May 19, 1911       Died   July 28, 1911
Marie Riley                        18 Yrs Old
Thomas Rieley   Corp l. 45 Ky. INF.
Anne E. Riley Wife of Thomas                           Died  Sept 4, 1902
Carl Mayenschein             Born        1885          Died  1906
Martha Mayenschein Wilson -  Born        1885          Died  1980
Ben M Keeney                 Born        1881          Died  1905
Michael B. keeney            Born  May 1, 1841         Died 
Sarah E Keeney His Wife      Born  Aug 21. 1850        Died  Dec 19, 1937
Aimee Frances Keeney         Born        1897          Died   1905
F. E. Ball                   Born        1845          Died _______
Mary A. His Wife             Born        1844          Died   1913
Joel Ball                    Born        1865          Died   1904
Lillie Ball                  Born  May 20, 1870        Died  June 9, 1900
Clifford Ball                Born        1877          Died   1941
T.W. Leffingwill             Born        1848          Died  _________
H. A.   His Wife             Born        1850          Died   1918
William Pratt                Born  June 29, 1845       Died  Sept 1, 1903
Elizabeth Pratt              Born        1844          Died   1928 
Mc Cartney Father - W. M.    Born        1843          Died   1912
Mother - Charlotte           Born        1844          Died ________
Eliza A.                     Born    1853          Died   1909
  Wife of S. A. Simmons
Mary P Simmons               Born        1887          Died  1907
Milton Martin                Born        1876          Died  1962
Mary F. Martin               Born        1887          Died  1946
Wayne L. Bruce               Born        1912          Died   ______
Gladys Marie Bruce           Born        1913          Died  1969
Nellie Ferguson              Born  Oct 3, 1893         Died Feb 17, 1957
Ella Pratt                   Born        1871          Died  1924      
