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COSHOCTON COUNTY OHIO - Newman SMITH, will, July 5, 1865   
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October 23, 1996 


Smith, Newman                                     July 5th 1865

For this matter of the last will and testament of Newman Smith,

The last will and testament, Newman Smith, late of Coshocton County,
Ohio, deceased; was this day produced in court and F.W. Thomhill and
C.A. Buckalew , the subscribing witnesses appeared in open court on
oath testified to the dire execution of said will, which testimony was
reduced to writing, and  by them, respectively subscribed and filed
with said will.  And it appearing to this court by said testimony that
said will was duly attested and executed and that the said testator at
the time of executing the same was of full age and of sound mind and
memory and not under any restraint it is ordered by the court that
said will and testimony be recorded.

Said will is in the words and figures following , 
I,  Newman Smith, of Perry Township, Coshocton County OH do make and
publish this my last will and testament, towit,  I give and bequeath
to my wife Esther Smith all my rights, title, claim and interest in
the following described real estate (provided I have any interest in
said property), it having been purchased exclusively with her money
which came to her by her father, Bradley Squire, deceased, which
property is deeded to her and me jointly, towit, the following lots in
the town of East Union (formerly called Claysville) in Coshocton
County, Lot # 3 deeded to me and Esther Smith by Jno. G. Renfrew
bearing date of 10th day of September 1860.  Also Lot # 6 in the same
town deeded to me and Esther Smith by Seth R. Taylor and Lucinda (?)
Taylor, his wife, bearing date May 3, 1860.  And Lot # 16 in the same
town deeded to me and Esther Smith by James Buckalew and wife bearing
date of Sept 2, 1861, and Lot # 7 in the same town ?illegible? Murray,
executor of the estate of Joshuah Cochran, dec'd, deeded to me and
Esther Smith on the 18th day of Oct 1859. And ?illegible? and # ? in
the same town deeded to me and Esther Smith on the 5th day of Sept
1861 by Emerson Ben----? and wife. And Lot # 8 in the same town,
deeded to me and Esther Smith by ?illegible? and wife bearing date of
the 18th day of October 1859.  Witness by hand and seal on this 9th
day of September 1863.

Signed, sealed and and acknowledged in my presence who signed it in
his presence, and at his request.  F.W. Thomhill   C.A. Buckalew

Proof of Will
The State of Ohio, Coshocton County for Be it remembered that on this 
-th day of July A.D. 1864, personally appeared in open court, F.W.
Thomhill and C.A.Buckalew, who being duly sworn according to law,
depose and say that they are the subscribing witnesses to the last
will and testament of Newman Smith of Coshocton County, OH deceased,
that said Newman Smith was of full age, of sound and disposing mind
and memory and not under any restraint witness the knowledge of these
?illegible? that they saw the testator subscribe the said will and
that they attested and subscribed the same as witnesses in his
presence and at his request.        F.W. Thomhill     C.A. Buckalew