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New York County NyArchives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names MC COLGAN  - MC DONALD 
WWII - Enlistment 
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Tina Vickery December 20, 2007, 10:15 am

Army Enlistees Names MC COLGAN  - MC DONALD
                                                                                                              DATE OF ENLISTMENT                                                                                                                       YEAR OF
ARMY SERIAL NUMBER    NAME                           PLACE OF ENLISTMENT                                      DAY                  MONTH    YEAR  GRADE               BRANCH                        NATIVITY                                           BIRTH    COMPONENT OF THE ARMY
32435562              MC COLGAN EDWARD J             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         22                   8        42                        Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32999492              MC COLLAM KENNETH H            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   17                   8        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
11066671              MC COLLESTER ROGER S           HOLABIRD SIGNAL DEPOT BALTIMORE MARYLAND                 16                   4        42    Private             Air Corps                     NEW YORK                                           23       Army of the United States
32525281              MC COLLEY GORDON N             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         9                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             MASSACHUSETTS                                      6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32986097              MC COLLIN EARL D               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   17                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32542554              MC COLLINS JOHN M              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             BAHAMAS                                            99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
31461463              MC COLLOM HAROLD C JR          FT DEVENS MASSACHUSETTS                                  3                    4        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW JERSEY                                         14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32862407              MC COLLUM HERMAN H             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   13                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32645206              MC COLLUM JAMES J              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32876812              MC COLLUM PATRICK J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   29                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
38505851              MC COLLUM TURNER W     M       NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   6        46    Private First Class No branch assignment          MISSISSIPPI                                        21       Regular Army
32248066              MC COMAS FREDERICK W JR        FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        10                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             MARYLAND                                           5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32512783              MC COMAS GEORGE E              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         26                   9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20250177              MC COMISH PHILIP               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   15                   10       40    Private             Infantry                      NEW YORK                                           16       National Guard
32334656              MC COMONS WADE H               FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         11                   5        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             GEORGIA                                            10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12182036              MC CONLOGUE FRANCIS R          NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   2                    11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           19       Army of the United States
32904387              MC CONNELL ANDREW D SR         NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   4                    6        46    Technician 4th Grade                                ENGLAND                                            9        Regular Army
42039690              MC CONNELL CORNELIUS J         NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   16                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42050854              MC CONNELL JOHN                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   30                   10       43    Private                                           NEW YORK                                           25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32190594              MC CONNELL JOHN                CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                12                   11       41    Private             Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32416303              MC CONNELL ROBERT G            FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         30                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             GEORGIA                                            2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42079879              MC CONNELL ROBERT K JR         CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                16                   3        44    Private             No branch assignment          PENNSYLVANIA                                       12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32991582              MC CONNELL THOMAS J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment          IRISH FREE STATE                                   12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12059833              MC CONNELL THOMAS J JR         NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           22       Army of the United States
32655583              MC CONNELL WALTER R            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   4                    12       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             CANADA                                             1        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32506913              MC CONNEY WYNOLD C             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         19                   9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial                                                                10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32180637              MC CONNON MICHAEL J            FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        2                    9        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
31238885              MC CONVILLE GEORGE L           BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS                                     12                   12       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             MAINE                                              22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32355671              MC CONVILLE PATRICK J          FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         17                   6        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32998734              MC COO THOMAS N                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   14                   8        43    Private             No branch assignment          VIRGINIA                                           7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32088111              MC COOEY AUGUSTINE I           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   24                   4        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42052153              MC COOEY MARTIN J              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    11       43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20271494              MC COOK DONALD F               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   2        41    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         NEW YORK                                           12       National Guard
32012336              MC COOL CHRISTOPHER C          NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   13                   3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NORTH CAROLINA                                     7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32515635              MC COOL DONALD                 FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         30                   9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32294597              MC COOL JOSEPH                 FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         1                    4        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32409775              MC COOL MICHAEL J              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         21                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32537493              MC CORD CASTOR A               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   22                   10       42    Private                                           ALABAMA                                            7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12235875              MC CORKLE CHARLES              CP PICKETT BLACKSTONE VIRGINIA                           27                   11       45    Private             Medical Department            NEW YORK                                           27       Regular Army
32176463              MC CORKLE ERNEST F             CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                15                   10       41    Private             Branch Immaterial             PENNSYLVANIA                                       14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12123737              MC CORMACK AARON R             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   28                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           21       Army of the United States
32794331              MC CORMACK HENRY L             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   6                    2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             CUBA                                               22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32220190              MC CORMACK HUGH F              CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                27                   2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32505892              MC CORMACK JAMES J             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         18                   9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42206288              MC CORMACK JAMES J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   7                    2        45    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32529928              MC CORMACK JOHN                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   15                   10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32352946              MC CORMACK JOHN                FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         12                   6        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20266398              MC CORMACK JOHN H              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   13                   1        41    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         MASSACHUSETTS                                      20       National Guard
32296710              MC CORMACK JOHN J              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         3                    4        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             MASSACHUSETTS                                      6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32518255              MC CORMACK JOHN J              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         2                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           3        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32528640              MC CORMACK JOHN J              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   14                   10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32180979              MC CORMACK JOHN P              FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        4                    9        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12057169              MC CORMACK JOSEPH J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   31                   1        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           20       Army of the United States
12040574              MC CORMACK JOSEPH L            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    1        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           20       Army of the United States
32813578              MC CORMACK MARCUS O            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   23                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             BAHAMAS                                            23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-209150              MC CORMACK MURIEL M            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   12                   8        44    Private             Women's Army Corps            NEW YORK                                           21       Women's Army Corps
12021950              MC CORMACK PATRICK J           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   6                    1        41                                                      NEW YORK                                           21       Regular Army
20252590              MC CORMACK THOMAS F            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   15                   10       40    Private             Medical Department            NEW YORK                                           18       National Guard
42257599              MC CORMACK THOMAS F            LANGLEY FIELD VIRGINIA                                   10                   4        46    Private First Class No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           25       Regular Army
32521424              MC CORMACK THOMAS F            FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         6                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32218590              MC CORMACK THOMAS J            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                21                   2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW JERSEY                                         8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32230737              MC CORMACK THOMAS J            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                19                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42163871              MC CORMACK THOMAS J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   1        45    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20266399              MC CORMACK THOMAS M JR         NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   13                   1        41    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         MASSACHUSETTS                                      18       National Guard
32792650              MC CORMACK THOMAS P            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32968343              MC CORMACK WALTER J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   11                   6        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32087000              MC CORMACK WILBUR              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   18                   4        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32082163              MC CORMACK WILLIAM G           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   24                   3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32320048              MC CORMICK ANDREW T            FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         21                   4        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-235815              MC CORMICK ANN C               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    5        45    Private             Women's Army Corps            NEW YORK                                           20       Women's Army Corps
32814625              MC CORMICK CARL K              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   24                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32295662              MC CORMICK DANIEL              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         2                    4        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32631702              MC CORMICK DOMINICK F          NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   16                   11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             PENNSYLVANIA                                       7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32105292              MC CORMICK EDWARD M            JAMAICA NEW YORK                                         7                    3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32510880              MC CORMICK FRANK J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   12                   4        46    Private First Class Ordnance Department           NEW YORK                                           16       Regular Army
32969326              MC CORMICK FRANK R             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   14                   6        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34843610              MC CORMICK FRED                WHITEFISH MONTANA                                        25                   1        46    Staff Sergeant      Air Corps                     GEORGIA                                            19       Regular Army
32651082              MC CORMICK HAROLD J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   1                    12       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32614975              MC CORMICK HAROLD S JR         NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   2                    11       42    Private                                           NEW YORK                                           21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32982034              MC CORMICK HENRY L             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment          FLORIDA                                            22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-203764              MC CORMICK IRENE               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   24                   2        43                        Women's Army Corps            NEW YORK                                           21       Women's Army Corps
42182804              MC CORMICK JAMES A             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   29                   9        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32081202              MC CORMICK JAMES E             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   19                   3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             CONNECTICUT                                        7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32798814              MC CORMICK JAMES P             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32230659              MC CORMICK JOHN E              CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                19                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             DIST OF COLUMBIA                                   17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32901610              MC CORMICK JOHN J              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   3                    5        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32315423              MC CORMICK JOHN P              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         15                   4        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32408413              MC CORMICK JOHN T              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         18                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42067481              MC CORMICK JOSEPH A            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   19                   1        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32173442              MC CORMICK JOSEPH P            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                12                   9        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32980109              MC CORMICK KENNETH D           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   7                    7        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW JERSEY                                         6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32628701              MC CORMICK PATRICK J           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   13                   11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6908392               MC CORMICK RAYMOND P           BROOKLYN NEW YORK                                        14                   6        41    Private             Detached Enlisted Men's List  NEW YORK                                           12       Regular Army
32795577              MC CORMICK ROBERT J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   8                    2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32117505              MC CORMICK THOMAS P            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   6                    9        46    Sergeant            Air Corps                     NEW YORK                                           19       Regular Army
12126268              MC CORMICK VINCENT D           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   17                   8        42    Private             Infantry                      NEW YORK                                           22       Army of the United States
20213932              MC CORMICK WILBUR T            JAMAICA NEW YORK                                         15                   10       40    Private First Class Field Artillery               NEW YORK                                           16       National Guard
32798778              MC CORMICK WILLIAM J           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20247431              MC CORT JOSEPH                 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   13                   1        41    Private             Signal Corps                  NEW YORK                                           18       National Guard
32010538              MC CORT PETER J F              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20213016              MC CORT WILLIAM                JAMAICA NEW YORK                                         15                   10       40    Private First Class Field Artillery               NEW YORK                                           97       National Guard
12057029              MC COTTRIE WALTER              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   30                   1        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           22       Army of the United States
20241783              MC COUN BRUCE T                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   1        41    Private             Cavalry                       NEW JERSEY                                         20       National Guard
20241750              MC COUN GORDON K               FT BRAGG NORTH CAROLINA                                  7                    11       41    Aviation Cadet      Air Corps                     NEW YORK                                           16       Regular Army
32244854              MC COUN ROBERT D               FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        4                    3        42    Private                                           NEW YORK                                           15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6974005               MC COURT FRANCIS               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   19                   3        46                        Ordnance Department                                                              10       Regular Army
32500247              MC COURT JEROME A              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         11                   9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20258847              MC COURT VINCENT E             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   2        41    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         NEW YORK                                           22       National Guard
32007284              MC COWAN PARRISH               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   17                   2        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             INDIANA                                            13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34647813              MC COY ALEXANDER               CP STONEMAN PITTSBURG CALIFORNIA                         30                   11       45    Private First Class No branch assignment          SOUTH CAROLINA                                     20       Regular Army
32242874              MC COY ANTHONY A               FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        26                   2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42042995              MC COY BONNIE                  NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
45046518              MC COY CHARLES A               FT HAYES COLUMBUS OHIO                                   19                   4        46    Private             No branch assignment          PENNSYLVANIA                                       27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32161622              MC COY CLARENCE                WHITEFISH MONTANA                                        10                   12       45    Technical Sergeant  Air Corps                     NEW YORK                                           14       Regular Army
42076768              MC COY CLARENCE                CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                28                   2        44    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32415435              MC COY CLARENCE                FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         29                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42254550              MC COY DONALD E                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   29                   8        45    Private             No branch assignment          FLORIDA                                            27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12019872              MC COY FRANCIS C               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   18                   10       40                        Signal Corps                  PENNSYLVANIA                                       15       Regular Army
32230527              MC COY FRANCIS W               CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                19                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12090643              MC COY GEORGE B                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   6                    7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           4        Army of the United States
12090643              MC COY GEORGE B                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   6                    7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           4        Army of the United States
32527139              MC COY HIRAM C                 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   12                   10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             VIRGINIA                                           4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32177910              MC COY HORACE J JR             CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                22                   10       41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42208634              MC COY IRVING J                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   2        45    Private             No branch assignment          VIRGINIA                                           26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32415743              MC COY JACK                    FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         29                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NORTH CAROLINA                                     15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42138310              MC COY JAMES                   CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                25                   6        44    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42256094              MC COY JAMES A                 FT MCCLELLAN ALABAMA                                     29                   12       45    Private             Air Corps                     NEW JERSEY                                         27       Regular Army
32219783              MC COY JAMES B                                                                          8                    1        46    Staff Sergeant      Quartermaster Corps           FLORIDA                                            14       Regular Army
32863411              MC COY JAMES R                 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   15                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment          VIRGINIA                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32439805              MC COY JEFF                    FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         28                   8        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             VIRGINIA                                           5
32540967              MC COY JOHN                    NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   26                   10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             ALABAMA                                            16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32891028              MC COY JOHN B                  NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   17                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment          WASHINGTON                                         5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32414803              MC COY JOHN D                  FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         28                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             FLORIDA                                            17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32084161              MC COY MALCOLM E               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   2                    4        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             DIST OF COLUMBIA                                   5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32413637              MC COY MILTON C                FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         25                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NORTH CAROLINA                                     19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32090129              MC COY PESTER L                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   6                    5        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NORTH CAROLINA                                     7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32619452              MC COY PETER F                 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   6                    11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12123771              MC COY RICHARD J               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   29                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           22       Army of the United States
32648588              MC COY ROBERT E                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   30                   11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32825718              MC COY ROSCOE F                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   6                    3        43    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20252557              MC COY SIDNEY A                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   15                   10       40    Private                                           NEW YORK                                           14       National Guard
20272163              MC COY SPENCER D               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   2        41    Private First Class Coast Artillery Corps         NEW YORK                                           16       National Guard
32092500              MC COY SPENCER D               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   29                   5        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32179482              MC COY THOMAS F                CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                5                    11       41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32417351              MC COY WESLEY B                FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         31                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             INDIANA                                            15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32441546              MC COY WILLIAM L               FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         31                   8        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             VIRGINIA                                           21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20258050              MC CRACKEN RAYMOND G           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   2        41    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         MAINE                                              21       National Guard
42209743              MC CRACKEN RICHARD E           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   7                    3        45    Private             No branch assignment          TENNESSEE                                          15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32219875              MC CRADY CLARENCE W            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                25                   2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             GEORGIA                                            13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42211356              MC CRAE HARLEY L               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   21                   3        45    Private             No branch assignment          SOUTH CAROLINA                                     26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32090725              MC CRAE LOUCIOUS               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   9                    5        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32415630              MC CRAE ROBERT                 FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         29                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             DIST OF COLUMBIA                                   9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32238022              MC CRANN EDWARD E              FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        17                   2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32433848              MC CRARY JAMES W               FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         21                   8        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             ALABAMA                                            19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32083100              MC CRAWFORD WILLIAM            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             ALABAMA                                            14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34542011              MC CRAY CURTIS                 BERWICK PENNSYLVANIA                                     19                   7        46    Technician 5th Grade  No branch assignment          GEORGIA                                            23       Regular Army
32261663              MC CRAY DONALD G               FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        21                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             ILLINOIS                                           9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32008679              MC CRAY EDWARD J               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   24                   2        41    Private                                           FLORIDA                                            17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42160967              MC CRAY FRANK                  NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   25                   11       44    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32998759              MC CRAY HERBERT E              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   14                   8        43    Private             No branch assignment          FLORIDA                                            14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32516795              MC CRAY JAMES P                FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         1                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NORTH CAROLINA                                     0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12123787              MC CRAY JULIO M                FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        28                   11       45                        Corps of Engineers            ECUADOR                                            18       Regular Army
32161356              MC CRAY NATHANIEL              CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                18                   7        41                        Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32186112              MC CRAY PHILIP                 FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        21                   10       41    Private             Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42069107              MC CRAY SAM                    NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   24                   1        44    Private             No branch assignment          FLORIDA                                            12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32439534              MC CRAY WILLIAM J              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         28                   8        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12025624              MC CREA SAMUEL H JR            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   1        41    Private             Air Corps                     NEW YORK                                           16       Regular Army
32080850              MC CREADIE WILLIAM             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   18                   3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             PENNSYLVANIA                                       9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42078336              MC CREADY GEORGE E             CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                10                   3        44    Private             No branch assignment          OHIO                                               6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12032228              MC CREADY JOHN P JR            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   11                   8        41    Private             Air Corps                     NEW YORK                                           23       Regular Army
62359425              MC CREADY THOMAS A             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   13                   8        46    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           28
20260339              MC CREARY ERNEST R             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   20                   9        40    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         MASSACHUSETTS                                      20       Army of the United States
42193413              MC CREARY JAMES M              CAMDEN NEW JERSEY                                        19                   3        45    Private             No branch assignment          SOUTH CAROLINA                                     17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
34383661              MC CREE CLYDE L                                                                         9                    12       45    Private First Class Corps of Military Police      SOUTH CAROLINA                                     20       Regular Army
20241439              MC CREEDY WILLIAM J            BROOKLYN NEW YORK                                        27                   1        41    Private             Cavalry                       NEW YORK                                           13       National Guard
32524030              MC CREERY THOMAS J             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         8                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32613522              MC CREESH THOMAS S             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   31                   10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42208546              MC CREGOR HERBERT S            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   2        45    Private             No branch assignment          BAHAMAS                                            15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32869153              MC CRIMMON LEO                 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   20                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42065160              MC CRODDEN CORNELIUS F         NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   11                   1        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12043095              MC CRODDEN FRANCIS W           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   20                   1        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           19       Army of the United States
42180644              MC CRORY WALTER A              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   7                    9        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32170089              MC CROSSEN ARTHUR J            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                13                   8        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32417516              MC CROSSEN GILBERT F           FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         31                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12227753              MC CRUDDEN JOHN C              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   11                   4        44    Private             Air Corps                     NEW YORK                                           26       Reserves
32646330              MC CRYSTAL JAMES J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32093160              MC CUE ANTHONY O               FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         4                    6        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32522986              MC CUE DANIEL J                FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         7                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32194290              MC CUE DONALD B                CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                19                   1        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW JERSEY                                         16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12153214              MC CUE FRANK N                 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   14                   10       42    Private                                           NEW YORK                                           20       Army of the United States
32413410              MC CUE FRANKLIN                FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         25                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42050552              MC CUE HENRY                   NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   29                   10       43    Private             No branch assignment          ENGLAND                                            12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32900053              MC CUE JOHN H                  NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   30                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32002530              MC CUE JOHN P                  NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   21                   1        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32815621              MC CUE LESTER J                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   25                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32260943              MC CUE PATRICK                 FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        20                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             ENGLAND                                            10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20260771              MC CUE RAYMOND A               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   30                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           22       Army of the United States
32207315              MC CUE WILLIAM F               FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        5                    2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32894935              MC CULLAGH FRANCIS J           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   22                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32085345              MC CULLAGH PETER               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   11                   4        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42073413              MC CULLERS LAMARR              CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                26                   6        44    Private                                           NORTH CAROLINA                                     9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32996951              MC CULLION EDWARD B            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   8        43    Private             No branch assignment          PENNSYLVANIA                                       14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42037730              MC CULLOH PAT                  NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   9                    9        43    Private             No branch assignment          OKLAHOMA                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42060050              MC CULLON HENRY                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   15                   12       43    Private             No branch assignment          SOUTH CAROLINA                                     25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32090792              MC CULLOUGH ARNOLD E           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   9                    5        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             MASSACHUSETTS                                      7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32798809              MC CULLOUGH CHARLES J          NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             PUERTO RICO (INCLUDING VIRGIN ISLANDS AND CUBA)    23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12036629              MC CULLOUGH DAVID W            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   13                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                     NEW YORK                                           22       Army of the United States
42067503              MC CULLOUGH JAMES H            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   19                   1        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32083068              MC CULLOUGH LARKIN W           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32514642              MC CULLOUGH RALPH              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         29                   9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42065878              MC CULLOUGH ROBERT E           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   13                   1        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32094160              MC CUNE JOHNNIE                FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         10                   6        41                        Branch Immaterial             GEORGIA                                            9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32797204              MC CUNN HOWARD W               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   9                    2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             IOWA                                               14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32817977              MC CUSKER ANDREW A             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42134753              MC CUSKER HUGH                 CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                11                   5        44    Private             No branch assignment          IRISH FREE STATE                                   10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12226431              MC CUSKER WILLI M J JR         NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   19                   7        43    Private             Corps of Engineers            NEW YORK                                           1        Army of the United States
12075474              MC CUSKER WILLIAM J TRD        NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   3                    4        42    Private             Air Corps                     NEW YORK                                           22       Army of the United States
A-202730              MC CUTCHEON EVA M              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   28                   1        43                        Women's Army Corps            NEW YORK                                           21       Women's Army Corps
42075392              MC CUTCHEON FRANK J            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                24                   2        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32317510              MC DADE ARTHUR J               FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         17                   4        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32083448              MC DADE ELIJAH                 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   28                   3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             ALABAMA                                            6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32261639              MC DADE OWEN L                 FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        21                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             PENNSYLVANIA                                       6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32893943              MC DANIEL ALLEN W              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   21                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32800976              MC DANIEL CLYDE                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   11                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             FLORIDA                                            13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32817978              MC DANIEL DAVID L              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             IOWA                                               24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32081703              MC DANIEL FRANK                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   20                   3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             TENNESSEE                                          19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32172754              MC DANIEL PAUL                 CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                9                    9        41                        Branch Immaterial             NORTH CAROLINA                                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42137787              MC DANIEL WILLIAM              CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                21                   6        44    Private             No branch assignment          SOUTH CAROLINA                                     26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32999747              MC DANIELS LATHIA              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   17                   8        43    Private             No branch assignment          VIRGINIA                                           9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32517922              MC DANIELS ROY                 FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         2                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NORTH CAROLINA                                     20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12227336              MC DARBY MICHAEL J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   21                   8        43    Private             Corps of Engineers            IRISH FREE STATE                                   0        Army of the United States
32326565              MC DAVAGE ALBERT G             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         28                   4        42                        Branch Immaterial             PENNSYLVANIA                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20241212              MC DAVITT JOHN F               BROOKLYN NEW YORK                                        27                   1        41    Private             Cavalry                       NEW YORK                                           13       National Guard
12264280              MC DE MOTT BERNARD P           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    10       46    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           28       Regular Army
32180634              MC DEARMON DAVID O             FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        2                    9        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             ILLINOIS                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12141577              MC DERMID WILLIAM              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   9                    9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           22       Army of the United States
32812963              MC DERMOTT ALTON R             FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        26                   6        46    Master Sergeant     No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           24       Regular Army
32983905              MC DERMOTT ARTHUR J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   14                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12232162              MC DERMOTT ARTHUR J JR         FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        28                   4        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           26       Reserves
12156427              MC DERMOTT DONALD J D          NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   20                   10       42    Private             Quartermaster Corps           MINNESOTA                                          24       Army of the United States
32792729              MC DERMOTT EDWARD F            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20259304              MC DERMOTT EDWARD P            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   2        41    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         NEW YORK                                           22       National Guard
32963353              MC DERMOTT EUGENE M            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   31                   5        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32235876              MC DERMOTT FRANCIS             FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        12                   2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12126716              MC DERMOTT GEORGE E            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   19                   8        42    Private             Corps of Engineers            NEW YORK                                           21       Army of the United States
32870379              MC DERMOTT H NRY J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   22                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32827964              MC DERMOTT HUBERT J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   9                    3        43    Private             No branch assignment          IRISH FREE STATE                                   8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32403577              MC DERMOTT JAMES P             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         11                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32817948              MC DERMOTT JAMES P             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32198054              MC DERMOTT JAMES R             CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                4                    2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW JERSEY                                         14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32260211              MC DERMOTT JOHN                FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        19                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32792855              MC DERMOTT JOHN C              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20200208              MC DERMOTT JOHN E              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   15                   10       40    Private             Infantry                      NEW YORK                                           18       National Guard
12065178              MC DERMOTT JOHN J              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   14                   5        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           21       Army of the United States
32334044              MC DERMOTT JOHN J              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         11                   5        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32084626              MC DERMOTT JOHN W              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   7                    4        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42075982              MC DERMOTT JOSEPH R            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                28                   2        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32497263              MC DERMOTT LAWRENCE P          FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         7                    9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32416234              MC DERMOTT MARTIN J            FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         30                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42052101              MC DERMOTT MICHAEL J           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    11       43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20257894              MC DERMOTT PATRICK J           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   2        41    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         NEW YORK                                           15       National Guard
32629654              MC DERMOTT PATRICK O           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   14                   11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             BAHAMAS                                            9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32273514              MC DERMOTT PETER H             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   20                   5        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32088556              MC DERMOTT PETER J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   25                   4        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12087636              MC DERMOTT PHILIP F            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   18                   6        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           22       Army of the United States
12087636              MC DERMOTT PHILIP F            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   18                   6        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           22       Army of the United States
32818012              MC DERMOTT ROBERT J            MEADVILLE PENNSYLVANIA                                   30                   10       45    Technician 5th Grade  No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           24       Regular Army
42130484              MC DERMOTT THOMAS B            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                6                    4        44    Private             No branch assignment          ILLINOIS                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12059566              MC DERMOTT THOMAS E            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   2                    3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           23       Army of the United States
32334063              MC DERMOTT THOMAS J            FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         11                   5        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW JERSEY                                         12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32339205              MC DERMOTT THOMAS J            FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         19                   5        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-209061              MC DEVITT ANNA I               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   31                   7        44    Private             Women's Army Corps            NEW YORK                                           99       Women's Army Corps
32217470              MC DEVITT JAMES                CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                18                   2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42037535              MC DONAGH FRANK J              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   8                    9        43                        No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32207438              MC DONAGH HUGH J               FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        5                    2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32346932              MC DONAGH JOHN P               FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        9                    10       45    Private             Air Corps                     NEW YORK                                           18       Regular Army
20258813              MC DONAGH JOSEPH C             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   2        41    Private First Class Coast Artillery Corps         NEW YORK                                           18       National Guard
32085696              MC DONAGH THOMAS               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   14                   4        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12091094              MC DONAGH THOMAS J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   8                    7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           24       Army of the United States
12091094              MC DONAGH THOMAS J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   8                    7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           24       Army of the United States
42054314              MC DONALD ALEX                 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   15                   11       43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32214041              MC DONALD ALEXANDER            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                11                   2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             PENNSYLVANIA                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20234039              MC DONALD ARTHUR W             MOUNT VERNON NEW YORK                                    16                   9        40    First Sergeant      Field Artillery               NEW YORK                                           2        National Guard
32415851              MC DONALD ARTHUR W             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         29                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32412501              MC DONALD BERNARD              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         24                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32000493              MC DONALD BERNARD J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   13                   12       40    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-205307              MC DONALD CAROL                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   22                   4        43                        Women's Army Corps            MICHIGAN                                           99       Women's Army Corps
32011266              MC DONALD CHARLES              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   7                    3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             CALIFORNIA                                         7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32508320              MC DONALD CHARLES              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         21                   9        42                        Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32981871              MC DONALD CHARLES V            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment          FLORIDA                                            18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42065622              MC DONALD DANIEL J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   12                   1        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32330388              MC DONALD DENNIS P             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         2                    5        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32511624              MC DONALD DONALD J             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         25                   9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20248504              MC DONALD DUNCAN J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   3                    2        41    Private             Field Artillery               NEW YORK                                           16       National Guard
32523506              MC DONALD EDWARD               FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         7                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             ENGLAND                                            6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32537484              MC DONALD EDWARD               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   22                   10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             LOUISIANA                                          0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32086394              MC DONALD EDWARD F             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   16                   4        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32653978              MC DONALD EDWARD F             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   3                    12       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32216251              MC DONALD EDWARD J             CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                14                   2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32316369              MC DONALD EDWARD J             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         16                   4        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32000258              MC DONALD EDWARD V             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   30                   11       40    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32644153              MC DONALD EUSTACE              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   25                   11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             BAHAMAS                                            2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42212172              MC DONALD FLOYD                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   3        45    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32272115              MC DONALD FRANCIS J            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                26                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32395525              MC DONALD FRED A               FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         26                   6        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             BAHAMAS                                            5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12149708              MC DONALD FRED H               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   2                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             TEXAS                                              17       Army of the United States
42178012              MC DONALD GEORGE               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   10                   8        44                        No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32541094              MC DONALD GEORGE               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   26                   10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             VIRGINIA                                           98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32819922              MC DONALD GEORGE R             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   1                    3        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42138013              MC DONALD GIFFORD              CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                23                   6        44    Private             No branch assignment          SOUTH CAROLINA                                     25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12154784              MC DONALD GORDON J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   17                   10       42    Private             Signal Corps                  NEW YORK                                           23       Army of the United States
20250604              MC DONALD GREGORY K            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   15                   10       40    Private             Infantry                      NEW YORK                                           22       National Guard
32440905              MC DONALD HAROLD P             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         29                   8        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42048855              MC DONALD HAZEL                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   21                   10       43    Private             No branch assignment          SOUTH CAROLINA                                     15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32415513              MC DONALD HENRY                FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         29                   7        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32982615              MC DONALD HUGH J               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   12                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20249021              MC DONALD IAN R                NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   3                    2        41    Private             Field Artillery               NEW YORK                                           19       National Guard
42046359              MC DONALD JAMES F              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   12                   10       43                        No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32519301              MC DONALD JAMES H              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         3                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             VIRGINIA                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12232436              MC DONALD JAMES J              LANGLEY FIELD VIRGINIA                                   4                    12       45    Private First Class No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           26       Regular Army
32000695              MC DONALD JAMES J              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   7                    1        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32827593              MC DONALD JOHN                 NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   8                    3        43    Private             No branch assignment          ENGLAND                                            23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32260978              MC DONALD JOHN                 FT DIX NEW JERSEY                                        20                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20259902              MC DONALD JOHN E               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   16                   9        40    Private             Coast Artillery Corps         NEW YORK                                           19       National Guard
20229503              MC DONALD JOHN J               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   8                    12       41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           16       Army of the United States
32617824              MC DONALD JOHN J               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           97       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32891646              MC DONALD JOSEPH               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   17                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32864858              MC DONALD JOSEPH D             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   16                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6707591               MC DONALD JOSEPH G             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    8        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32524264              MC DONALD JOSEPH L             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         8                    10       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             CANADA                                             12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42034370              MC DONALD JOSEPH P             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   30                   8        43    Private             No branch assignment          MASSACHUSETTS                                      25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32818027              MC DONALD JOSEPH P             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   27                   2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32089652              MC DONALD KENNETH              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   2                    5        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             VIRGINIA                                           19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32318908              MC DONALD KIRBY                FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         20                   4        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             CONNECTICUT                                        10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32431926              MC DONALD LANDON B             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         19                   8        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             CONNECTICUT                                        10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12021795              MC DONALD LAWRENCE A           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   21                   12       40    Private             Infantry                      MASSACHUSETTS                                      13       Regular Army
32010609              MC DONALD LAWRENCE D           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   5                    3        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32006109              MC DONALD LAWRENCE W           NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   12                   2        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             WASHINGTON                                         15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32634319              MC DONALD MARTIN               NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   18                   11       42                        Branch Immaterial             IRISH FREE STATE                                   98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12059649              MC DONALD MARTIN F             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   3                    3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           10       Army of the United States
32083103              MC DONALD MCKEVER              NAPOLEON OHIO                                            27                   3        41    Private                                                                                              16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32864810              MC DONALD MICHAEL P            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   16                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42074794              MC DONALD PATRICK J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   17                   7        44    Private             No branch assignment          NEW YORK                                           26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12191763              MC DONALD PHILIP T             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   1                    12       42    Private                                           NEW YORK                                           23       Army of the United States
32219541              MC DONALD RALPH A R            CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                25                   2        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW JERSEY                                         17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32313757              MC DONALD ROBERT               FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         11                   4        42                        Branch Immaterial             GEORGIA                                            16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32418720              MC DONALD ROBERT G             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         1                    8        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32795479              MC DONALD ROBERT J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   8                    2        43    Private             Branch Immaterial             CANADA                                             21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42180184              MC DONALD RUSSELL E                                                                     27                   10       45    Private First Class No branch assignment          GEORGIA                                            19       Regular Army
42036638              MC DONALD SIDNEY T             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   4                    9        43    Private             No branch assignment          GEORGIA                                            25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32634634              MC DONALD SMITH S              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   18                   11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             SOUTH CAROLINA                                     10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32498700              MC DONALD THOMAS B             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         9                    9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             CANADA                                             8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32089732              MC DONALD THOMAS G             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   2                    5        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32897013              MC DONALD THOMAS JR            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   26                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment          NORTH CAROLINA                                     7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32162917              MC DONALD THOMAS R             CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                                31                   7        41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20251409              MC DONALD VINCENT J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   15                   10       40    Corporal            Infantry                      NEW YORK                                           19       National Guard
12039004              MC DONALD WALLACE S            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   22                   12       41                        Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           23       Army of the United States
12043498              MC DONALD WALTER J             NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   24                   1        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           21       Army of the United States
32357214              MC DONALD WALTER R             FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         20                   6        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             NORTH CAROLINA                                     19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32615548              MC DONALD WILLIAM              NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   2                    11       42    Private             Branch Immaterial             OHIO                                               5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12061394              MC DONALD WILLIAM D            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   25                   3        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             ENGLAND                                            23       Army of the United States
32500046              MC DONALD WILLIAM H            FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                         10                   9        42    Private             Branch Immaterial             MASSACHUSETTS                                      99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12035942              MC DONALD WILLIAM J            NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                                   21                   11       41    Private             Branch Immaterial             NEW YORK                                           15       Regular Army

Additional Comments:
Extracted from the "Electronic Army Serial Number Merged
File, ca. 1938 - 1946 (Enlistment Records) in the Series:
World War II Army Enlistment Records, created 6/1/2002 -
9/30/2002, documenting the period ca. 1938 - 1946"

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