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Chemung County NyArchives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names HUNGERFORD  - KLUNGLE 
WWII - Enlistment 
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Tina Vickery July 24, 2007, 4:12 pm

Army Enlistees Names HUNGERFORD  - KLUNGLE
                                                                                                  DATE OF ENLISTMENT                                                                                                                YEAR OF
ARMY SERIAL NUMBER    NAME                        PLACE OF ENLISTMENT                             DAY                  MONTH    YEAR  GRADE               BRANCH                     NATIVITY                                       BIRTH    COMPONENT OF THE ARMY
32470590              HUNGERFORD FLOYD            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42198919              HUNGERFORD FRANK H          SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               29                   6        45                        No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32470529              HUNGERFORD RICE E           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       1        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32677979              HUNGERFORD ROBERT P         BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             30                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32546767              HUNSINGER CHARLES L         BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12209519              HUNSINGER PAUL W            ATLANTIC CITY NEW JERSEY                        25                   2        44    Private             Air Corps                  PENNSYLVANIA                                   22       Reserves
32839420              HUNSINGER T W               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   2        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32376847              HUNT CLIFTON L              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42029837              HUNT RAYMOND J              BUFFALO NEW YORK                                25                   10       43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32935849              HUNT RICHARD W              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment       ILLINOIS                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
11083483              HUNT ROBERT R               MANCHESTER NEW HAMPSHIRE                        22                   9        42                        Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       23       Army of the United States
32286490              HUNT VICTOR L               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   4        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
66704996              HUNT WILBUR B               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             24                   11       43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32383329              HUNTER EDGAR J              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42085415              HUNTER JAMES H              FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               29                   2        44    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12242236              HUNTLEY RICHARD H           ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 10                   12       45    Private             Air Corps                  NEW JERSEY                                     28       Regular Army
42172026              HUNTONE MILFORD H           ROCHESTER NEW YORK                              4                    12       44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32839117              HUONKER JOHN F              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   2        43                        Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32948069              HURD CARL M                 BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   11       43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42027562              HURD EARL S JR              BUFFALO NEW YORK                                22                   11       43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32848557              HURD GEORGE M JR            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             23                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32946945              HURD WILLIAM E              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             29                   10       43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32254957              HURD WILLIAM H              FT NIAGARA YOUNGSTOWN NEW YORK                  23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
33347987              HURLBURT LEWIS M            WILKES BARRE PENNSYLVANIA                       6                    7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32039252              HURLBUTT SEWARD D           SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               18                   4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12072329              HURLEY FRANCIS E            BUFFALO NEW YORK                                1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       20       Army of the United States
12114402              HURLEY FRANCIS T            ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 26                   4        46    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       29       Regular Army
12198506              HURLEY LEON H               BUFFALO NEW YORK                                28                   10       42    Private             Infantry                   NEW YORK                                       24       Army of the United States
12073323              HURLEY ROBERT T             BUFFALO NEW YORK                                15                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       21       Army of the United States
12198526              HURST DOUGLAS R             BUFFALO NEW YORK                                30                   10       42    Private             Signal Corps               NEW YORK                                       22       Army of the United States
32033099              HURST JOHN M                SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               21                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42195649              HUSTED REYNOLDS             SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               20                   4        45    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32383143              HUSTED WILLIAM M            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12170384              HUTCHINGS JAMES L           ALBANY NEW YORK                                 4                    11       42    Private             Air Corps                  PENNSYLVANIA                                   21       Army of the United States
42198753              HUTCHINGS WILLIAM G         SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               28                   6        45                        No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12051767              HYDE NORMAN R               ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 22                   1        42    Aviation Cadet      Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       18       Army of the United States
32738511              HYDE ROBERT A               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   1        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32477152              HYDZIK WILLIAM              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32936455              HYNES SIDNEY M              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   5        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42109953              IDDINGS KARL W              FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               25                   3        44    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32470807              ILARDI JOHN F               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32946839              ILARDI JOSEPH P             FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               22                   11       43    Private             Air Corps                  ITALY or SAN MARINO                            20       Reserves
32848774              INGHAM DAGGETT E            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   3        43                        No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42196984              INGRAM MARSTON L            SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               22                   5        45    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
33057304              INMAN HOWARD E              WILKES BARRE PENNSYLVANIA                       1                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32470793              INMAN WILLIAM F             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   3        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32255267              INSOGNA DOMINIC             FT NIAGARA YOUNGSTOWN NEW YORK                  24                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      ITALY or SAN MARINO                            16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42225297              IRISH EDGENE J              SHEPPARD FIELD WITCHITA FALLS TEXAS             25                   5        46    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   22
32588329              ISBELL HARRY M              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12024617              ISZARD ROBERT F             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             2                    7        41                        Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       19       Regular Army
32212018              IWANIK JOHN                 FT NIAGARA YOUNGSTOWN NEW YORK                  27                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW JERSEY                                     19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32028230              JABLONSKI LEON J            BUFFALO NEW YORK                                6                    8        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32547017              JABORE NICHOLAS A           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             30                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
33059689              JACKSON ELWYN G             WILKES BARRE PENNSYLVANIA                       26                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12072368              JACKSON LOUIS F             BUFFALO NEW YORK                                24                   4        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      WEST VIRGINIA                                  9        Army of the United States
32377195              JACKSON MILES M             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32677276              JACKSON RAY F               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   12       42                        Warrant Officers, USA      WEST VIRGINIA                                  11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42118995              JACKSON ROBERT E            FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               2                    5        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32948008              JACKSON ROBERT L            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             24                   11       43    Private             No branch assignment       GEORGIA                                        14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32939274              JACOBSON LEWIS B            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12242010              JACQUE EARNEST R            ROME AAF NEW YORK                               20                   4        45    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       26       Reserves
32383231              JANESKI WILLIAM A           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32546562              JANKOWSKI FLOYD A           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32677391              JANKOWSKI FRANK T           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             23                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32588243              JANOWSKI FRANK F            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32027159              JANOWSKI JOHN               ROCHESTER NEW YORK                              29                   11       40    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-218720              JANOWSKY JOSEPHINE          ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 30                   3        44    Private             Women's Army Corps         NEW YORK                                       23       Women's Army Corps
42220806              JANVSKI WLOYD S             SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               15                   11       45    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       57
6909698               JARVIS JOHN M                                                               9                    8        38                                                   NEW YORK                                       44       Regular Army
32677304              JEFFORDS ROY W              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   8        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12098430              JELLIFF CLIFFORD S          BUFFALO NEW YORK                                15                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   22       Army of the United States
32848495              JELLIFF GRANT J             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42167580              JENKINS HEROLD V            PORTOLA CALIFORNIA                              12                   3        46    Private First Class No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       26       Regular Army
32032260              JENKINS JAMES S             SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               6                    3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32383241              JENKINS RICHARD A           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12052291              JENKS PETER H               ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 3                    4        42    Private             Air Corps                  VIRGINIA                                       19       Army of the United States
32477135              JENNINGS DONALD E           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42111830              JENNINGS GEORGE F           FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               29                   3        44    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32848476              JENNINGS NORMAN             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       SOUTH CAROLINA                                 21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32945384              JENSEN GORDON F             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12002613              JENSEN ROBERT               ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 5                    9        40    Private             Signal Corps               NEW JERSEY                                     18       Regular Army
32377063              JEROME ARNOLD B             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32945388              JEROME ROBERT D             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42111860              JERZAK EUGENE L             FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               29                   3        44    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32848498              JESSUP GEORGE A             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32383151              JESSUP KEITH H              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32839540              JESTIN KENNETH E            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   2        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-215589              JETER BESSIE R              FT DES MOINES IOWA                              4                    8        43    Private             Women's Army Corps         NEW YORK                                       18       Women's Army Corps
32383254              JEWELL W ELLSWORTH          BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32588271              JEZORSKI JOHN J             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42199775              JOHNS ALLAN F               SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               19                   7        45                        No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32377161              JOHNS DOUGLAS G             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32839404              JOHNSON ALBERT L            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   2        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32255524              JOHNSON ANDREW K            FT NIAGARA YOUNGSTOWN NEW YORK                  25                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32470783              JOHNSON ARTHUR F            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-217919              JOHNSON BARBARA M           ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 5                    6        43                        Women's Army Corps         NEW YORK                                       15       Women's Army Corps
32945458              JOHNSON CARL J              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             29                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42200144              JOHNSON CHARLES J           SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               27                   7        45    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32383166              JOHNSON DONALD M            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20231046              JOHNSON EDWARD P            BUFFALO NEW YORK                                23                   9        40    Private             Infantry                   PENNSYLVANIA                                   20       Army of the United States
12140336              JOHNSON ELDEN L             BUFFALO NEW YORK                                18                   9        42    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       24       Army of the United States
32945199              JOHNSON EMORY L             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             24                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32477048              JOHNSON ERVI                BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      OHIO                                           16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20212603              JOHNSON GEORGE F            ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 15                   10       40    Private             Infantry                                                                  18       National Guard
32546554              JOHNSON GEORGE H            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       97       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12031452              JOHNSON HAROLD A            ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 6                    4        46    Private First Class Air Corps                  PENNSYLVANIA                                   17       Regular Army
32477139              JOHNSON HARVEY L            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32588174              JOHNSON JAMES T JR          BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12215736              JOHNSON JOHN F              BUFFALO NEW YORK                                15                   12       42    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       24       Army of the United States
32025891              JOHNSON KENNETH G           SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               20                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42167035              JOHNSON LUTHER J            WHITEFISH MONTANA                               27                   10       45    Private First Class No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       26       Regular Army
32026010              JOHNSON MAURICE H           SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               22                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42198338              JOHNSON MOTT H              SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               21                   6        45    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32038957              JOHNSON PAUL L              SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               14                   4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA                                                     16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32546756              JOHNSON RAYMOND C           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   10       42                        Warrant Officers, USA      MINNESOTA                                      98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12201350              JOHNSON RAYMOND L           BUFFALO NEW YORK                                2                    12       42    Private                                        NEW YORK                                       22       Army of the United States
12140343              JOHNSON ROBERT H            BUFFALO NEW YORK                                18                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       16       Army of the United States
32250342              JOHNSON STANLEY L           FT NIAGARA YOUNGSTOWN NEW YORK                  24                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32470699              JOHNSON VICTOR F            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   8        42                        Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32376806              JOHNSON VICTOR G            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32737551              JOHNSON WALTER J            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             20                   1        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32936236              JOHNSON WILLIAM H           BELMONT CALIFORNIA                              13                   10       45    Private First Class Ordnance Department        NEW YORK                                       20       Regular Army
42121771              JOHNSTON CHARLES T          CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                       30                   5        44    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12072325              JOHNSTON EDWARD R           BUFFALO NEW YORK                                10                   4        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       23       Army of the United States
33843087              JOHNSTON LEOLYN W           FT GEORGE G MEADE MARYLAND                      4                    3        44    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20212625              JOHNSTON ROBERT C           ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 15                   10       40    Private             Infantry                   NEW YORK                                       18       National Guard
A-217909              JOHNSTONE JUANITA J P       ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 28                   4        43                        Women's Army Corps         NEW YORK                                       22       Women's Army Corps
42121628              JOHNSTONE REGINALD C        FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               25                   3        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32038424              JOHNSTONE VIRGIL F          SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               4                    4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32486191              JONES CLIFFORD M            CAMDEN NEW JERSEY                               28                   12       42    Private                                        PENNSYLVANIA                                   13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32254958              JONES EARL F                FT NIAGARA YOUNGSTOWN NEW YORK                  23                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32476928              JONES EARL W SR             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             24                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   97       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32477016              JONES ERWIN F               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32937704              JONES FRANCIS R             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   6        43    Private                                        NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6976755               JONES FREDERICK J                                                           6                    9        39                                                   PENNSYLVANIA                                   55       Regular Army
12201273              JONES HAROLD H JR           BUFFALO NEW YORK                                14                   11       42    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       23       Army of the United States
32677543              JONES HARRY H               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12073354              JONES HARRY W               BUFFALO NEW YORK                                22                   5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   23       Army of the United States
42122934              JONES HENRY W               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             29                   7        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32383323              JONES IRVING C              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12114116              JONES JACK B                ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 7                    2        46    Private                                        NEW YORK                                       29       Regular Army
20212643              JONES JAMES J               ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 15                   10       40    Private             Infantry                   NEW JERSEY                                     11       National Guard
32848479              JONES JAMES L               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12105772              JONES JOHN H                ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 16                   1        46    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       28       Regular Army
42195654              JONES KENNETH E             FT JACKSON COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA              3                    11       45    Private First Class Quartermaster Corps        NEW YORK                                       26       Regular Army
32937850              JONES MORNIS B              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             29                   6        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32945191              JONES OWEN H                BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             24                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32836789              JONES RAYMOND A             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             29                   1        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12023455              JONES RAYMOND O             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             10                   2        41    Private             Coast Artillery Corps      PENNSYLVANIA                                   11       Regular Army
32945465              JONES ROBERT D              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             29                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32738541              JONES ROBERT JR             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   1        43                        Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12198505              JONES SAMUEL G              BUFFALO NEW YORK                                28                   10       42    Private             Coast Artillery Corps      PENNSYLVANIA                                   24       Army of the United States
6848271               JONES THEODORE H            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             15                   5        46    Private             Air Corps                  PENNSYLVANIA                                   16       Regular Army
32546672              JONES WALTER JR             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20212631              JONES WILLIAM F             FT ORD CALIFORNIA                               9                    6        42    Aviation Cadet      Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       19       Army of the United States
12243237              JONES WILLIAM JR            ALBANY NEW YORK                                 6                    11       46    Private             Ordnance Department        PENNSYLVANIA                                   29       Regular Army
32588154              JORALEMON ROBERT N          BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12114219              JORDAN BILL                 ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 19                   3        46    Private             Air Corps                  PENNSYLVANIA                                   28       Regular Army
32178134              JOSEFSON JOSEPH A JR        CP UPTON YAPHANK NEW YORK                       24                   10       41    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       18       Regular Army
12002584              JOSEPH GEORGE               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             5                    8        40    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       15       Regular Army
32937688              JOVANELLI ALFRED J          BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   6        43    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32946862              JOVANELLY WILLIAM P         BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   10       43    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32849131              JOYCE HUGO G                BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             30                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       CANADA                                         5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32737716              JUDD HOWARD N               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             21                   1        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32033058              JUDGE ROBERT B              SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               20                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
33979530              JUDSON LA RUE C             WILKES BARRE PENNSYLVANIA                       1                    6        45    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42170346              JUGHULIAN GEORGE A          SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               24                   3        45    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12024933              JUNE BURTON L               ALBANY NEW YORK                                 25                   10       46    Master Sergeant     Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       19       Regular Army
32588277              JUNE OTIS F                 BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12098459              JUNE ROBERT W               ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 23                   7        42                        Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       20       Army of the United States
33357109              JUNE ROYCE L                WILKES BARRE PENNSYLVANIA                       24                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
561787                JURASEK JOHN                WEST POINT NEW YORK                             10                   10       45    Staff Sergeant      No branch assignment       CZECHOSLOVAKIA                                 99       Regular Army
32031228              JURUSIK FRANCIS J           SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               17                   2        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20212604              JUSKIV JOSEPH               ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 15                   10       40    Private             Infantry                   NEW YORK                                       21       National Guard
32383131              KABES VENZEL J              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NORTH DAKOTA                                   12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32935513              KAHN MEYER                  BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             21                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32038417              KAHN SAUL                   SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               4                    4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42200147              KAKRETZ DONALD A            SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               27                   7        45                        No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12198583              KAKRETZ OTTO F              BUFFALO NEW YORK                                5                    11       42    Private             Corps of Military Police   NEW YORK                                       24       Army of the United States
32935354              KALEC BERNARD J             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             19                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12003130              KAMAS EDWARD J              ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 20                   9        40    Private             Infantry                   NEW YORK                                       19       Regular Army
32470703              KAMAS EDWARD M              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   1        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32377167              KAMAS JOSEPH E              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32848780              KAMBEITZ LOUIS O            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-219657              KAMBEITZ RUTH L             ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 31                   1        45                        Women's Army Corps         NEW YORK                                       23       Women's Army Corps
12208111              KAMINSKI PAUL F             GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA                       16                   9        43    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       21       Reserves
32839278              KAMINSKY MERLE A            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             24                   2        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32935705              KAMP ROY C                  BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             23                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32470584              KANE CORNELIUS H            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42122894              KANE JAMES W                HOLABIRD SIGNAL DEPOT BALTIMORE MARYLAND        22                   1        46    Private First Class No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       21       Regular Army
32677685              KANE THOMAS E               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32946866              KANE THOMAS F               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   10       43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32945459              KANKUS ROBERT C             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             29                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32546650              KAPLAN ARTHUR A             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32033106              KAPLAN LEONARD              SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               21                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12015021              KAPLAN MAX                  NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK                          20                   9        40    Private             Ordnance Department        NEW YORK                                       17       Regular Army
12166487              KARAM CARL G                BUFFALO NEW YORK                                28                   10       42    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       21       Army of the United States
32677647              KARAM KADEEN G              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      CONNECTICUT                                    23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42170525              KARHAN DONALD J             FT LAWTON SEATTLE WASHINGTON                    10                   11       45    Private First Class No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       26       Regular Army
42195653              KARNEY EARL S JR            CP ANZA CALIFORNIA                              20                   11       45    Private First Class No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   25       Regular Army
12022675              KARPPALA LAURIE A           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             7                    1        41    Private             Infantry                   NEW YORK                                       17       Regular Army
32477169              KARSKI FRANCIS X            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12217301              KARSKI JOHN J               MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA                             3                    11       43    Private                                        NEW YORK                                       25       Reserves
32470799              KASHUBA GEORGE JR           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42121530              KASPER DONALD W             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   2        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12002624              KATZ SIDNEY                 BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             5                    9        40    Private             Coast Artillery Corps      PENNSYLVANIA                                   19       Regular Army
32849137              KAUPPINEN ARVO H            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             30                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32546790              KAUPPINEN JOHN T            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      OHIO                                           20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12241883              KAVBEITZ ROBERT W           SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               4                    6        45    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       27       Reserves
42119008              KAY RAYMOND S               FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               2                    5        44                        No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12025481              KAZMIRSKI STEVEN B          BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             16                   9        41    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       21       Regular Army
32376824              KEARNEY CORNELIUS E         BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       2        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12239395              KEARNEY WALTER J            LAS VEGAS AAF NEVADA                            30                   11       45    Private First Class No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       26       Regular Army
12241865              KEEGAN ROBERT J             FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               9                    5        44    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       26       Reserves
42119301              KEEGAN WILLIAM H            FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               4                    5        44    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12023446              KEENAN JOHNNY R             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   1        41    Private             Ordnance Department        WEST VIRGINIA                                  19       Regular Army
12209513              KEENAN RAY C                BUFFALO NEW YORK                                2                    12       42    Private                                        WEST VIRGINIA                                  22       Army of the United States
42095614              KEENAN WILLIAM L            BUFFALO NEW YORK                                20                   7        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12209581              KEENE CLINTON H             BUFFALO NEW YORK                                19                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       20       Army of the United States
42202347              KEENER EUGENE S             KEESLER FIELD BILOXI MISSISSIPPI                24                   1        46    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       24       Regular Army
12015833              KEENER HAROLD M             ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 3                    10       40    Private             Signal Corps               NEW YORK                                       18       Regular Army
42109952              KEENER LESTER R             FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               25                   3        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32677886              KEENEY CLIFFORD R           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             29                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32839418              KEENON JOHN H               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   2        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12117581              KEETON PHILLIP F            BUFFALO NEW YORK                                29                   6        46    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       29       Regular Army
12056309              KEHOE THOMAS W              ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 15                   2        46    Sergeant            Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       24       Regular Army
32546649              KEITH AUSTIN S              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32025420              KELLER GOTTLIEB             SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               8                    1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      WISCONSIN                                      5        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32349411              KELLEY KEITH S              FT JAY GOVERNORS ISLAND NEW YORK                6                    6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12140327              KELLEY MAX L                BUFFALO NEW YORK                                18                   9        42    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       23       Army of the United States
32848789              KELLOGG HARRY A             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32849078              KELLOGG LEON A              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             29                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       13       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12031395              KELLOGG RALPH L             ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 29                   12       41    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       21       Army of the United States
42121634              KELLY BERNARD V             FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               28                   3        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32839013              KELLY DEAN S                BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             20                   2        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12198535              KELLY EDWARD F              BUFFALO NEW YORK                                30                   10       42    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       24       Army of the United States
12023116              KELLY EDWARD T              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             13                   1        41    Private             Infantry                   PENNSYLVANIA                                   21       Regular Army
12246009              KELLY ERNEST G              ALBANY NEW YORK                                 5                    9        46    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       29       Regular Army
12073293              KELLY FRANCIS E             BUFFALO NEW YORK                                5                    5        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       13       Army of the United States
32250343              KELLY FRANCIS T             FT NIAGARA YOUNGSTOWN NEW YORK                  24                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
6974647               KELLY LEONARD A                                                             10                   4        39                                                   NEW YORK                                       54       Regular Army
12016600              KELLY LOUIS W               ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 25                   10       40    Private             Ordnance Department        NEW YORK                                       21       Regular Army
42200923              KELLY PAUL F                CP CROFT SOUTH CAROLINA                         27                   12       45    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   27       Regular Army
12031643              KELLY REYN LD O             SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               2                    1        42    Private             Air Corps                  PENNSYLVANIA                                   18       Army of the United States
32677682              KELLY ROBERT E              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32476925              KELLY STUART N              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             24                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32039774              KELLY WILLIAM G             SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               28                   4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   14       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12140344              KELSEY CHARLES M            BUFFALO NEW YORK                                18                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   14       Army of the United States
42147224              KELY LAWRENC                FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               30                   6        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32470815              KEMP LESLIE L               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       4        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32838967              KENNEDY BERNARD T           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             20                   2        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32027101              KENNEDY DANIEL G            ROCHESTER NEW YORK                              27                   11       40    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       12       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12215226              KENNEDY DONALD E            ATLANTIC CITY NEW JERSEY                        25                   2        44    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       23       Reserves
32211888              KENNEDY HENRY S             FT NIAGARA YOUNGSTOWN NEW YORK                  26                   1        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32383369              KENNEDY JAMES H             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42147106              KENNEDY JAMES J             FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               29                   6        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32136250              KENNEDY JOHN J              BUFFALO NEW YORK                                10                   9        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32477115              KENNEDY JOHN M JR           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32547033              KENNEDY LEROY F             CP BOWIE BROWNWOOD TEXAS                        30                   11       45    Corporal            No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   22       Regular Army
32546556              KENNEDY LYNN B              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       98       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32547025              KENNEDY ROBERT F            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             30                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32936457              KENNEDY WILLIAM C           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   5        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-218759              KENT HENRIETTA J            ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 21                   6        44                        Women's Army Corps         NEW YORK                                       23       Women's Army Corps
32836748              KENT JAMES JR               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   1        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42201276              KENT THEODORE V             SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               30                   8        45    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32935516              KENYON HAROLD F             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             21                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12056336              KENYON LEF W                BUFFALO NEW YORK                                17                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   10       Army of the United States
12055034              KEOUGH JOSEPH T             BUFFALO NEW YORK                                10                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       24       Army of the United States
12242227              KEOUGH THOMAS F JR          ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 27                   11       45    Private             Transportation Corps       NEW YORK                                       26       Regular Army
12015876              KEOUGH THOMAS J             ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 17                   10       40    Private             Field Artillery            NEW YORK                                       9        Regular Army
32848558              KEPNER JAMES W              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             23                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW JERSEY                                     6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32939347              KERBEIN ARTHUR P            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             30                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment       DANZIG or GERMANY                              20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42168329              KERR CHARLES W              FT ORD CALIFORNIA                               1                    11       45    Private First Class No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       26       Regular Army
32848582              KERR JAMES R                BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             23                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32945177              KERRICK ANDREW              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             24                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32470802              KERWAN JAMES L              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             27                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32945187              KERWAN JOHN P               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             24                   9        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42111857              KESSING ROBERT J            FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               29                   3        44    Private             No branch assignment       OHIO                                           25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32848511              KETCHEM GROVER M JR         BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32836126              KETCHUM CHARLES S           ROCHESTER NEW YORK                              26                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32935522              KETTER BERNARD M            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             21                   4        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32737559              KEYES GEORGE R              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             20                   1        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12030687              KEYSER FRANCIS F            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             12                   12       41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       20       Army of the United States
32383159              KICHMAN PAUL G              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32546537              KIEFFER JAMES A             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-218805              KIEFFER TECKLA M            ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 27                   10       44    Private             Women's Army Corps         PENNSYLVANIA                                   4        Women's Army Corps
32948054              KIERNAN THOMAS J            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   11       43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32737555              KIES LEE D                  BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             20                   1        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42221947              KILLEE  MA ZIN I            SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               13                   12       45    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       27       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
38312792              KILLEN HENRY F              ALBANY NEW YORK                                 29                   6        46    Sergeant            Air Corps                  LOUISIANA                                      22       Regular Army
42198108              KILLENBEC JAMES K           SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               19                   6        45    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12209614              KILMER JOSEPH L             ATLANTIC CITY NEW JERSEY                        25                   2        44    Private             Air Corps                  NEW YORK                                       23       Reserves
32377177              KIMBALL BLAIR S             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   6        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32250690              KIMBALL EDWARD F            FT NIAGARA YOUNGSTOWN NEW YORK                  26                   2        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       19       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32255525              KIMBLE ARTHUR R             FT NIAGARA YOUNGSTOWN NEW YORK                  25                   3        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       18       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-217982              KIMBLE FLORENCE S           ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 19                   11       43    Private             Women's Army Corps         NEW YORK                                       12       Women's Army Corps
32848776              KIMBLE HARRY E              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32032015              KIMBLE IRVING               SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               3                    3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32587920              KIMBLE WALLACE L            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             23                   11       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32546571              KING GEORGE L               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   10       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   99       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42113465              KING PAUL D                 FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               3                    4        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32477047              KINGSLEY JOHN C             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       6        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32476949              KINGSTON PAUL R             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   9        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       22       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32038087              KINNER LEE J                SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               31                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       17       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42170583              KINNER RICHARD E                                                            29                   1        46    Private First Class Transportation Corps       NEW YORK                                       25       Regular Army
32946710              KINNER ROBERT L             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   10       43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
A-218767              KINNEY BERNICE E            ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 19                   7        44    Private             Women's Army Corps         NEW YORK                                       12       Women's Army Corps
32848475              KINNEY WILLIAM L            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   3        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32948052              KINSMAN FRANK W             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             26                   11       43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       25       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32038363              KINSMAN JOHN P              SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               3                    4        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       10       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32677323              KINTZ HARRY R               BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             22                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
20212653              KINTZ NORMAN D              ELMIRA NEW YORK                                 15                   10       40    Private             Infantry                   NEW YORK                                       19       National Guard
32939331              KIRKENDALL ROBERT V         BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             30                   7        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32383353              KIRSCHKE PAUL R             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   7        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       21       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
12023125              KISACKY GEORGE A            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             14                   1        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   19       Regular Army
32678002              KISER DONALD F              BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             30                   12       42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       23       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32839021              KISSANE FRANCIS M           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             20                   2        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       11       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32848771              KISSANE MAURICE J           BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   3        43                        No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       7        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32735071              KIZER LEE P                 ROCHESTER NEW YORK                              10                   2        43    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      PENNSYLVANIA                                   24       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32470571              KLARDIE HENRY C             BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             25                   8        42    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      HOLLAND or NETHERLANDS                         0        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
31374673              KLARDIE WILFRED J           MANCHESTER NEW HAMPSHIRE                        9                    9        43    Private             No branch assignment       NEW HAMPSHIRE                                  20       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42122921              KLEBES RICHARD B            BINGHAMTON NEW YORK                             28                   7        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       26       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32033094              KLIMA ARTHUR F              SYRACUSE NEW YORK                               21                   3        41    Private             Warrant Officers, USA      NEW YORK                                       15       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42110450              KLINE CHARLES W             FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               27                   3        44    Private             No branch assignment       PENNSYLVANIA                                   9        Selectees (Enlisted Men)
42119427              KLINE GEORGE A              FT DIX NEW JERSEY                               5                    5        44    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       16       Selectees (Enlisted Men)
32845488              KLUNGLE CHARLES D           NEW CUMBERLAND PENNSYLVANIA                     27                   8        46    Private             No branch assignment       NEW YORK                                       14       Regular Army

Additional Comments:
Extracted from the "Electronic Army Serial Number Merged
File, ca. 1938 - 1946 (Enlistment Records) in the Series:
World War II Army Enlistment Records, created 6/1/2002 -
9/30/2002, documenting the period ca. 1938 - 1946"

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File size: 84.3 Kb