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WILL: James Smith; Scipio, Cayuga co., NY
surname: Smith, House, Hoag, Hardmore, Butters, Cooper, Grinnell

submitted by Ruth Simpson (platkey at
Copyright.  All rights reserved.
Cayuga co NY Will Book Vol. B1 page 134a
Written: 9 Aug 1821
Probated: 26 Sept 1821
Transcribed from SAMPUBCO copy by Ruth Simpson, Mohave County, Arizona. 

The people of the State of New York by the grace of God free and independent.
To all to whom these presents shall come or may concern send greetings. Know
ye that at Scipio in the County of Cayuga, on the twenty sixth day of
September in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and twenty-one
before BENJAMIN  L. CUYLER, Surrogate of our said County, this last will and
testament of JAMES SMITH late of the Town of Scipio in said county deceased,
(a copy whereof is hereto annexed) was duly proved and is now approved, and
allowed of by us. And, the said deceased having whilst he lived and at the
time of his death, goods and chattels or credits within this State by means
whereof the proving and registering the said will and the granting
administration, of all and singular the said goods chattels and credits  also
the auditing allowing and final discharging the amounts thereof doth belong to
us. Therefore the administration of all and singular the said goods chattels
and credits of the said deceased and any way concerning his will is granted
unto CYNTHA SMITH of the town and county aforesaid, Executrix in the said
will, named, she being first duly sworn, well and faithfully to administer the
same and to make and exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular
the said goods, chattels and credits and also to render a just and true
account thereof when thereunto required. In testimony whereof we have caused
the seal of office of our said Surrogate to be hereto affixed. Witness
Benjamin L. Cuyler Esquire Surrogate of our said county at Scipio aforesaid,
the twenty sixth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand  eight
hundred and twenty-one.    (Signed) Benjamin L. Cuyler Surrogate. 

In the name of God, Amen. 

I  JAMES SMITH of the town of Scipio in the county of Cayuga and the State of
New York being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory do make
and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following (viz) 

first I bequeath unto my beloved wife, CYNTHA SMITH one third part of my real
and personal estate of and in all these messauges  in tenements with  the
appurtenances situate in the town county and state aforesaid to have and to
hold during her natural life. I do also bequeath to ELIZABETH HARDMORE, my
daughter Eight dollars in neat cattle. I do also give and bequeath unto my son
SAMUEL SMITH eight dollars in neat cattle, I also give and bequeath unto MARY
COOK my daughter the sum of eight dollars in neat cattle, I also give and
bequeath unto PHEBE HOUSE her heirs or assigns the sums of one dollar, I also
give and bequeath unto HANNAH SMITH, my daughter the sum of one dollar. I do
also give and bequeath unto my son DAVID SMITH the sum of one dollar, I do
also give and bequeath unto my son PETER SMITH the sum of eight, I do also
give and bequeath unto TABITHA BUTTERS my daughter the sum of one dollar. I
also give and bequeath  unto RUTH COOPER my daughter the sum of one dollar. I
do also give and bequeath unto ANN HOAG the sum of eight dollars to be paid in
neat cattle, I do also give and bequeath unto JAMES SMITH my son the sum of
eight dollars to be paid in neat cattle which said  several bequests or sums
of money I will and order shall be paid to the said respective legatees within
one year after my decease.- I do also give and bequeath unto HUMPHREY GRINNEL
and SARAH SMITH my daughter, HENRY SMITH my son, GEORGE SMITH my son, ALLEN
SMITH my son, CLARASY SMITH my daughter, and JAMES SMITH my son, all of my
freehold estate reserving at the same time the maintenance of CYNTHA SMITH my
daughter during her natural life out of the said freehold estate of and in all
these massuages or tenements with appurtenances situate in the town of Scipio
known and distinguished by part and Lot no. eighty in said town County and
State aforesaid, equally to be divided between them. And lastly after paying
all my debts and funeral charges as to all the rest residue and remainder of
my personal estate goods and Chattels of what kind and nature soever they be,
I give and bequeath the same unto my said beloved Wife CYNTHA SMITH whom I
hereby appoint sole executrix of this my last will and testament hereby
revoking all former will by me made in witness thereof I have hereto set my
hand seal the ninth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and twenty one.          (signed) JAMES SMITH