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Cass County, ND, City of Page - Funeral Home Index Surnames "H - M"

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These data compiled and Published by the Red River Valley Genealogy Society
(RRVGS). This index scanned and reformatted by Garnett J, Zsedeny with permission.
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(c) 1999 RRVGS

HAAGENSON            Helmer                1890                1946                 46-225-32
HMGENSON             JosephineMrs.HeIm.    1885                1935                 35-236
HAAKENSON            Beth Ellen            1957                1957                 57-22
HAARSAGER            Curtis Jerome         1933                1977                 77-34
HAGEBOCH             Arthur William        1894                1966                 66-182-67
HAGEBOCK             MatildaA.Mrs.Arthur   1897                1978                 78-18
HAGEN                Hartvik               1888                1950                 50-123-3
HAGEN                Murlen Alexander      1921                1975                 75-21
HAGEN                Reuben Johannes       1899                1950                 50-148-28
HAGENSEN             John                  1882                1944                 44-71-6
HAGENSON             Julius                  ?                 1933                 33-185
HAHN                 Nancy Mrs. Wm.        1870                1950                 50-179-60
HALLAND              Evelyn Mrs.Nickolai   1909                1985                 85-13
HALLAND              Nickolai F.           1899                1980                 80-33
HALLAND              Ole                   1893                1965                 65-82-22
HALPERN              Irene                 1924                1976                 76-31
HALVERSON            Miss                  1902                1960                 60-98-04
HALVORSON            Halvor                1885                1960                 60-1 42-45
HALVORSON            Ole                   1890                1967                 67-43
HAMM                 Lt.                   1904                1980                 80-44
HAND?                Husb.toMissCurray       ?                 1923                 23-170A
HANLEY               Catherine             1914                1916                 16-19
HANLEY               Catherine Mrs.Jas.    1884                1957                 57-53
HANLEY               Edith M.              1912                1983                 83-01
HANLEY               James                 1872                1918                 18-82
HANLEY               John                  1865                1916                 16-20
HANLEY               M.                      ?                 1916                 16-24
HANLEY               Warren James          1910                1954                 54-00-33
HANSEN               Frederick Emil        1940                1969                 69-44
HANSEN               Irene J.Mrs.Lars      1916                1975                 75-20
HANSEN               Lars Chris            1905                1986                 86-17
HANSEN               Morius                1884                1952                 52-265-27

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
HANSING              Mrs.B.               1860                 1919                 19-89
HANSON               Ferdinand Albin      1901                 1957                 57-04
HANSON               Halfdum H.           1891                 1948                 48-23-10
HANSON               lngvald J.           1907                 1961                 61-206-47
HANSON               Johanna S.           1881                 1949                 49-117-53
HANSON               John Albin           1863                 1943                 43-33-18
HANSON               Lillian Mrs. Marius  1892                 1952                 52-285-47
HANSON               Magdaline Mrs.Wm.    1884                 1952                 52-279-41
HANSON               Mrs.Berte(Mrs.H.H.?) c. 1863              1942                 42-0-17
HANSON               William J.           1881                 1970                 70-38
HARBEKE              Margaret Mrs.Joseph  1883                 1966                 66-131-17
HARBEKE              Rosemary Mrs.Jos.    1921                 1982                 82-10
HARBUKE              Joseph Anton         1876                 1928                 28-62
HAROLD               John H.              1870                 1941                 41-0-11
HARRINGTON           Charles L.           1854                 1928                 28-61
HARRINGTON           H. Garfield Mrs.     c.1886               1947                 47-272-17
HARTMAN              Henry A.             1857                 1941                 41-0-6
HARVEY               Francis              Monument             only                 43-35-20
HARVEY               Fredrick E.          c.1861               1943                 43-30-15
HARVEY               Walter M.            1909                 1968                 68-25
HASHBARGER           Bruce Allen          1966                 1966                 66-1 47-33
HASHBARGER           Denver Vernon        1900                 1984                 84-08
HASHBARGER           Lloyd B.             1905                 1970                 70-03
HASKINS              Baby of Les          ?                    1918                 18-76
HASKINS              BabyofW.             1920                 1920                 20-119
HASKINS              Donald John          1921                 1946                 46-241 -48
HASKINS              Harold               ?                    1918                 18-72
HASKINS              Leslie E.            1888                 1968                 68-59
HASKINS              Mrs.Les              ?                    1918                 18-74
HASSING              Barnard              1845                 1925                 26-226
HAUG                 Mrs. Elling          c.1864               1951                 51 -1 85-1
HAUGAN               Annie Mrs. John W.   1872                 1954                 54-00-43
HAUGAN               Edward               1905                 1976                 76-40
HAUGAN               Gilbert Waldemar     1902                 1978                 78-37
HAUGAN               Ivar •               1894                 1972                 72-52
HAUGEN               Cpl.LeRoy            1930                 1952                 52-260-22
HAUGEN               Helen Joyce          1923                 1966                 66-1 77-62
HAUGEN               Mrs.NeIs(Helen)      1889                 1940                 40-000-29
HAUGEN               Nels Ewald           1892                 1981                 81-12
HAUGEN               Pauline Mrs.NeIs     1895                 1960                 60-132-35
HAUGEN               Rose B.Mrs. Tor      1882                 1966                 66-117-03
HAUGON               Baby of Nels         1 ~21                1921                 21-136
HAVELAND             Ole                  1857                 1930                 30-105
HAWLEY               Henry                1923                 1944                 44-76-11
HAWLEY               Margaret Mrs.C.C.    1899                 1977                 77-36
HAYNES               Dale Jacob           1920                 1955                 55-28
HAYNES               Esther Mrs. Jay      1909                 1985                 85-01
HAYNES               Flora Mrs.Joseph     1880                 1967                 67-34
HAYNES               Jay                  Monument             only                 43-36-21
HAYNES               Joseph E.            1876                 1942                 42-0-27

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
HAYNES               Merle Royden          1935                1980                 80-32
HEDDON               Catherine Mrs.Thos.   1880                1974                 74-16
HEEGARD              John                  1892                1959                 59-72-19
HEISER               George                1943                1943                 43-54-39
HENDERSON            Anna Mrs. Jas.        1864                1929                 29-70
HENDERSON            Clair (Albert C.]     1912                1972                 72-53
HENDERSON            Hattie Mrs.           1896                1924                 24-1 96
HENDERSON            Inga H. Mrs. Ole      1871                1951                 51 -205-21
HENDERSON            Jerry Myers           1915                1984                 84-25
HENDERSON            Lawrence Philip       1903                1974                 74-42
HENDERSON            Ole                   1849                1924                 24-175
HENOEN               Martin 0.             1890                1952                 52-275-37
HENRICHS             Eva (Mrs. EiIt)       1866                1946                 46-236-43
HENRICKS             Dorothy Mrs.Martin    1903                1986                 86-07
HENRICKS             Martin Mainerd        1892                1973                 73-31
HENRY                E.CarI                1892                1975                 75-19
HENRY                Harry Leroy           1897                1963                 63-285-31
HENRY                Josephine Mrs.Carl    1890                1958                 58-06
HENRY                Louis Leroy           1932                1985                 85-14
HENRY                Mary E. Mrs. R.N.     1873                1951                 51 -21 9-34
HENRY                Robert Newton         1873                1960                 60-122-25
HENSTED              Louie                 1881                1961                 61-179-20
HERBERG              William A.            1888                1946                 46-255-62
HERK                 Baby of Lyle          1950                1950                 50-121-1
HERMAN               Helen                 1866                1942                 42-0-34
HEROLD               Elmer Henry           1909                1970                 70-41
HEROLD               Martha Mrs.John       1881                1968                 68-47
HEROLD               Willert M.            1903                1985                 85-35
HETLAND              Carl A.B.             1894                1972                 72-45
HETLAND              Karen A.Mrs.Martin    1870                1962                 62-243-32
HETLAND              Martin Edward         1872                1957                 57-44
HEYERDAHL            Halvor                1897                1978                 78-27
HICKS                Erl Loyd              1890                1968                 68-46
HICKS                Fred Irwin            1932                1960                 60-135-38
HICKS                Homer Filten          1847                1925                 25-224
HICKS                Irwin •               1883                1949                 49-73-9
HICKS                Oscar A.              1896                1966                 66-163-48
HICKS                Rosalia M.Mrs.ErI     1903                1978                 78-34
HILL                 Elane                 1922                1923                 23-160
HILL                 Eliz.(Caister)Mrs.Jas 1854                1930                 30-95
HILL                 Eliz.A. Mrs. Geo.     1851                1939                 39-408-21
HILL                 Harold Francis        1906                1946                 46-239-46
HILL                 Henry                 1882                1953                 53-300-15
HILL                 Laura c.              1875               1925                 25-215
HILL                 Mary                  1880                1950                 50-151-31
HILL                 Mary Catherine        1874                1940                 40-000-38
HILL                 TinaMrs.Henry         1882                1978                 78-20
HILL                 Wayne LeRoy           1918                1978                 78-35
HILLERSON            Alvin Victor          1903                1977                 77-03
HILLERSON            Charles William       1870                1963                 63-266-12

                                               Pabe 22 -

SUHNAME              GIVEN NAMES           BORN                DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------           ----                ----                 ------
HILLERSON            Sarah Mrs. Chas.      1877                1954                 54-00-12
HILTON               Einar Harold          1917                1981                 81-21
HILTON               Henry                 1889                1966                 66-121-07
HILTON               Hilliard              1864                1945                 45-190-53
HINRICH              EiIt                  1863                1945                 45-175-38
HINRICHS             AnnaJohana            1894                1939                 39-436-53
HINTGEN              Michael (Marcus)      1904                1948                 48-24-11
HOBBIS               Charles               1889                1958                 58-47
HOCHGRABER           Alfred Henry Paul     1907                1975                 75-13
HOCHGRABER           Herman A.             1875                1952                 52-268-30
HOCHGRABER           Mary M~s.Herman       1882                1960                 60-110-13
HOCKRIDGE            James B.              1860                1941                 41 -0-43
HOEL                 Marilyn Eloise        1932                1932                 32-159
HOFFMAN              Ralph Henry           1897                1951                 51-226-41
HOFFMEYER            Edward K.             1900                1953                 53-00-15
HOGAN                Mr.                     ?                 1920                 20-108
HOGANSON             Yvonne Mrs.Harris     1937                1969                 69-08
HOGEN                Anna Bergina Mrs.     1865                1941                 41 -0-30
HOGEN                Bertha Mrs.Orin       1890                1984                 84-01
HOGEN                Orin C.               1891                1964                 64-32-24
HOGENSON             George                1898                1951                 51-227-42
HOLDEN               DeidraJae             1958                1961                 61-171-12
HOLDEN               Lela M.Mrs.Nick       1896                1967                 67-16
HOLDEN               Nick                  1887                1966                 66-124-10
HOLM                 Harold Erick          1914                1979                 79-42
HOLM                 Leone R.Mrs.Arba      1910                1971                 71-12
HOLM                 Michael Edward        1880                1963                 63-06-44
HOLM                 Mollie Mrs.Henry      1889                1975                 75-01
HOLM                 Salome Mrs.Ed         1888                1970                 70-44
HOLM                 Valerie Lynn          1969                1969                 69-15
HOLMAN               Alfred                1903                1944                 44-77-12
HOLMQUIST            Peter                   ?                 1942                 42-(9)-45
HOLTER               Mary Mrs. Lewis       1892                1985                 85-04
HONASLO              Mrs. Gust               ?                 1929                 29-67
HOOVER               J.W.JohnWorden        1852                1916                 16-33
HOOVER               MargreteE.(~Ars.N.J.) 1851                1927                 27-37
HORNBACHER           ErnestArthur          1902                1960                 60-156-61
HOUGAN               John                  1866                1937                 37-298-3
HOUSTON              Jeannette             1874                1951                 51-228-43
HOVELAND?            Mrs.                    ?                 1926                 26-265A
HOVLAND              Louis A.              1885                1952                 52-249-11
HOVLAND              Maggie Mrs.Louis      1886                1977                 77-21
HOWELLS              Carrie Mrs.Wm.        1 ~63               1948                 48-55-42
HOXIE                Josiah Ernest         1869                1956                 56-39
HOXIE                Katherine Mrs.Josiah  1871                1959                 59-82-29
HUDSON               Jinnie                1883                1927                 27-30
HUDSON               Mr. (?W.)            ? 1851               1919                 19-92
HUDSON               RebeccaAlene          1945                1945                 45-193-56
HUDSON               Wilfred E.            1890                1944                 44-107-42
HULL                 EllaM.Mrs.Dale        1916                1972                 72-44

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES           BORN                DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------           ----                ----                 ------
HULL                 Grace Lillian         1894                1968                 68-28
HULL                 OliverT.(Dick)        1886                1960                 60-114-17
HUSCHKA              Frank                 1886                1952                 52-277-39
HUSO                 Alfred 0.             1891                1971                 71-29
HUSO                 Clara G.Mrs.Alfred    1892                1964                 64-42-34
HUSO                 Harold Alfred         1929                1955                 55-10
HUTCHINSON           Bertha Mrs.Chas.      1907                1959                 59-80-27
HUTCHINSON           Chas.Arthur           1902                1958                 58-40
HUTCHINSON           Earl A.               1928                1960                 60-126-29
HYSLOP               Jane Agnes Miss       1873                1963                 63-272-18
HYSLOP               Lizzie ~              1847                1928                 28-42
HYSLOP               Walter                1878                1932                 32-146
IDSO                 Joyce Mrs.Eldon       1932                1983                 83-28
IGGENA               Daniel                1863                1945                 45-148-11
IHRY                 BabyJoseph            1950                1950                 50-168-49
IHRY                 Darlene Mrs.John      1934                1979                 79-47
IHRY                 James P.              1899                1962                 62-237-26
IHRY                 John Baptis           1862                1943                 43-49-34
IHRY                 John H.               1889                1969                 69-12
IHRY                 John Joseph           1904                1949                 49-80-16
HAY                  Mary baby of Adolph   1950                1950                 50-169-50
IHRY                 Paul Dwight           1958                1961                 61 -1 84-25
IHRY                 Warren Eugene         1954                1984                 84-27
INDRA                Lois L. Mrs.Frank     1914                1980                 80-31
INGESON              Fred                c.1889                1923                 23-178A
INGISON              RossJ.                1892                1977                 77-30
INGISON              Silas L.              1856                1936                 36-267
INGNELL              Alma Mrs. Carl        1883                1955                 55-32
INGNELL              CarIJ.C.              1879                1947                 47-281-26
IVERSON              Albert                1917                1854                 17-39
IVERSON              Bertha Mrs.           1864                1938                 38-345-11
IVERSON              Ethel                 1904                1932                 32-141
IVERSON              Jeffrey Donald        1953                1953                 53-00-24
IVERSON              Mr.                 c.1860                1922                 22-147
IWEN                 Walter                1896                1951                 51-192-8
JACKSON              Mary Mrs.Har~s        1863                1930                 30-87
JACOBSEN             Anton                 1879                1963                 63-268-14
JACOBSEN             Leo Winter            1911                1980                 80-22
JACOBSEN             Petra Mrs. Anton      1886                1955                 55-11
JACOBSON             Andrew                1903                1961                 61-162-03
JACOBSON             Carl OIuf             1894                1954                 54-00-04
JACOBSON             Hans                  1856                1947                 47-286-31
JACOBSON             John Herman           1889                1970                 70-35
JACOBSON             John 0.               1882                1950                 50-150-30
JACOBSON             Ole                   1872                1924                 24-191
JACOBSON             Robert                1869                1940                 40-000-34
JAKES                Hazel Mrs.Henry       1903                1981                 81-25
JAKES                HenryJ.               1905                1967                 67-19
JALBERT              Arthur Sabastine      1891                1969                 69-23
JALBERT              Charles Edward        1895                1968                 68-66

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES           BORN                DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------           ----                ----                 ------
JALBERT              Elsie J.Mrs.Charles  1896                 1983                 83-20
JAMES                John B.              1887                 1943                 43-60-45
JAMES                John H.              1887                 1957                 57-14
JAMES                Minnie J.Mrs.J.B.    1891                 1930                 30-90
JANKE                Carl                 1877                 1943                 43-21-7
JANKE                Carl                 1901                 1947                 47-05-48
JANKE                Herman               1903                 1957                 57-30
JANKE                Hulda Mrs.Carl       1883                 1948                 48-58-45
JANNSEN              Charley C.           1887                 1973                 73-29
JANNSEN              Maglena Mrs.Chas.    1880                 1937                 37-261 -9
JARAHESKE            John                 1892                 1930                 30-97
JAYSTAD              Ole                  1845                 1925                 25-213
JEFFERSON            Alice Mrs.Arthur     1878                 1965                 65-89-29
JEFFERSON            Alice Mrs.Clinton    1875                 1928                 28-47
JEFFERSON            Anna M.Mrs.Gordon    1889                 1979                 79-35
JEFFERSON            Annie Mrs.Gordon     1867                 1956                 56-06
JEFFERSON            Arthur Eugene        1908                 1960                 60-106-10
JEFFERSON            Arthur William       1874                 1954                 54-00-37
JEFFERSON            Clinton George       1870                 1957                 57-39
JEFFERSON            George E.,Sr.        1904                 1979                 79-46
JEFFERSON            Gordon               1864                 1945                 45-182-45
JEFFERSON            Gordon Richard       1897                 1979                 79-24
JEFFERSON            John Kyle            1877                 1953                 53-00-03
JEFFERSON            Kyle Burton          1905                 1931                 31 -1 32
JEFFERSON            MaryAnn              1884                 1928                 28-50
JEFFERSON            Richard C.           1859                 1927                 27-23
JEFFERSON            Wesley Joseph        1905                 1963                 63-263-09
JEFFERSON            William              1834                 1915                 15-11
JEFFERSON            William James        1903                 1963                 63-260-06
JENKINS              James Albert         1888                 1968                 68-52
JENKINS              James J.             1860                 1924                 24-1 76
JENKINS              Maude Mrs.James      1890                 1981                 81-38
JENNSEN              Jens                 1862                 1941                 41-0-8
JENSEN               Andra M.Mrs.Chas.    1915                 1963                 63-274-20
JENSEN               Anne A.Mrs.Jens      1886                 1976                 76-39
JENSEN               Anton                1886                 1958                 58-36
JENSEN               Chris John           1914                 1972                 72-47
JENSEN               Craig Michael        1961                 1965                 65-74-14
JENSEN               Dorothy Mrs. Chris   1919                 1985                 85-07
JENSEN               Einar                1892                 1966                 66-159-44
JENSEN               Einar                1892                 1966                 66-165-50
JENSEN               GerdaAnnine          1895                 1968                 68-27
JENSEN               Jensine Mrs.Einar    1891                  1963                 63-269-15
JENSEN               Jules                1863                 1933                 33-1 88
JENSEN               Karen Matilda Mrs.   1847                 1941                 41 -0-27
JENSEN               Maran                1849                 1929                 29-68
JENSEN               Thomas Henry         1942                 1961                 61 -1 86-27
JENTRUD/JEMTRUD      Mrs. Anton           1880                 1944                 44-111-46
JESS                 Alice V.(Mrs.John)   1897                 1935                 35-247
JESS                 Ferdinand Henry      1865                 1944                 44-70-5

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
JESS                 Fred H.               1895                1965                 65-77-17
JESS                 Herman August         1902                1976                 76-42
JESS                 John August           1894                1971                 71-06
JESS                 JosephineMrs.Hermai   1907                1984                 84-28
JESS                 Mary A.Bernadine      1935                1935                 35-262
JESS                 Otto Carl             1904                1972                 72-34
JETLAND              Inga Mrs.             1860                1938                 38-355-22
JOHANSEN             Janine Beth           1955                1955                 55-27
JOHANSEN             Soren Ove             1909                1966                 66-175-60
JOHANSON             Adam Michael          1985                1985                 85-24A
JOHNDAHL             Ida                   1885                1938                 38-383-43
JOHNDAHL             Mrs. OI~            c.1858                1942                 42-0-10
JOHNK                (Bertha) Mrs.Otto     1867                1944                 44-90-25
JOHNK                Albert Ernest         1902                1980                 80-09
JOHNK                Amanda M.Mrs.Leo      1897                1979                 79-38
JOHNK                Charles August        1897                1978                 78-12
JOHNK                Otto H.               1857                1945                 45-139-2
JOHNKE               Ida Martha            1893                1947                 47-265-10
JOHNSON              A. Stanley            1927                1982                 82-28
JOHNSON              Albertina Mrs.Chas.   1882                1965                 65-91 -31
JOHNSON              Alfred                1882                1961                 61-180-21
JOHNSON              Alfred                1887                1968                 68-31
JOHNSON              Alvin               c.1892               1943                 43-27-13
JOHNSON              Anna E.Mrs.OIaf       1894                1976                 76-32
JOHNSON              Anna M.Mrs.NeIs       1872                1952                 52-240-2
JOHNSON              Anna Mrs. Oscar       1896                1957                 57-52
JOHNSON              Anna Mrs.Alfred       1886                1975                 75-27
JOHNSON              Anna Mrs.Gilbert      1889                1971                 71-08
JOHNSON              Baby boy              1946                1946                 46-249-56
JOHNSON              Berthal.Mrs.John      1889                1976                 76-11
JOHNSON              Bessie Mrs.Alfred     1878                1956                 56-26
JOHNSON              Carl A.             c.1888                1938                 38-352-19
JOHNSON              Carl Anton            1900                1984                 84-06
JOHNSON              Charles Oscar         1874                1957                 57-48
JOHNSON              Clarence              1895                1980                 80-15
JOHNSON              Clark L. •            1896                1982                 82-36
JOHNSON              Conrad                1889                1961                 61-211-52
JOHNSON              Dougal (Duke)         1867                1954                 54-00-56
JOHNSON              Edith Ida Mrs.Harry   1894                1965                 65-75-15
JOHNSON              Edwin                 1877                1945                 45-184-47
JOHNSON              Eldred Ebhard         1900                1963                 63-286-32
JOHNSON              Elsie Mrs. Jalmer     1896                1948                 48-63-50
JOHNSON              Emery Norton          1905                1967                 67-25
JOHNSON              Eugene C.             1915                1946                 46-237-44
JOHNSON              EvaM. Mrs.Clark       1897                1981                 81-40
JOHNSON              Frank Iver            1882                1958                 58-42
JOHNSON              GenaMrs.Nels          1854                1933                 33-178
JOHNSON              George Edgard         1898                1963                 63-288-34
JOHNSON              Gordon C.             1926                1974                 74-09
JOHNSON              Gust Ernest           1892                1981                 81-13

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES           BORN                DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------           ----                ----                 ------
JONES                Norman A.             1872                1952                 52-276-38
JONES                Richard               1935                1940                 40-443-5
JORDAN               John Winston          1914                1941                 41 -0-31
JORDAN               Mable Mrs. W.R.       1889                1968                 68-38
JORDAN               William R.            1884                1968                 68-13
JORGENSEN            Hans Rudolf           1898                1969                 69-29
JORGENSEN            Ivan DalIe            1917                1980                 80-10
JORGENSEN            Marie K. Mrs.Theodor  1892                1979                 79-14
JORGENSEN            Peter Christen        1891                1964                 64-43-35
JORGENSON            Clara                 1871                1943                 43-56-41
JORGENSON            Hans                  1879                1918                 18-70
JORGENSON            MaryA$vlrs.Walter     1879                1951                 51-186-2
JORGENSON            WaIter                1878                1954                 54-00-58
JOSEPH               Ida Laura             1862                1922                 23-157
JOSEPH               John                  1880                1956                 56-30
JOSEPH               John Lessie           1893                1962                 62-236-25
JOSEPH               Wm. Carr              1851                1927                 27-11
JOSLYN               Augusta Mrs. Jas.K.   1872                1951                 51 -236-51
JUDISCH              Edwin                 1894                1937                 37-289-42
JUGNITSCH            Meta L.Mrs.Wm.        1891                1958                 58-16
JUNE                 LewisT.               1873                1931                 31-131
JUNGNITSCH           Agnes A.Mrs.Paul      1893                1941                 41-0-38
JUNGNITSCH           Basil James           1923                1932                 32-1 39
JUNGMTSCH            Martha Mrs.Otto       1890                1964                 64-47-39
JUNGNITSCH           Otto                  1887                1977                 77-32
JUNGNITSCH           Paul A.               1892                1974                 74-18
JUNGNITSCH           William Henry         1896                1983                 83-04
JUNO                 Gladys S. Mrs.GIen    1904                1955                 55-49
JUNO                 Glenn Otis            1910                1968                 68-50
JUNO                 William H.            1854                1939                 39-417-30
JUTZ                 Babygirl              1951                1951                 51-220-35
JUTZ                 Peter                 1884                1950                 50-181-61
KAIM                 Arnold N.             1919                1964                 64-58-50
KAIM                 Verna Mrs.Carl        1886                1973                 73-10
KAINZ                AnnaL.Mrs.Michael     1886                1967                 67-32
KAINZ                Mike •                1888                1965                 65-85-25
KAISER               Katie Mrs.C.C.        1894                1968                 68-15
KAITFORS             Mathas                1890                1926                 26-246
KANNE                Mersene Otto          1897                1977                 77-18
KAPAUN               Joseph Robert         1901                1957                 57-23
KAPAUN               Minnie R.Mrs.Jos.     1877                1979                 79-43
KAPAUN               Waldemar Ernest       1903                1978                 78-08
KASOWSKI             Babygirl of James     1q69                1969                 69-35
KASOWSKI             Lovina Mrs.Raymond    19~)O               1981                 81-24
KASOWSKI             Ralph Scott           1956                1956                 56-10
KASOWSKI             Raymond Sylvester     1898                1967                 67-20
KEETON               William Jay           1894                1953                 53-00-14
KEILEY               Miss                    ?                 1927                 27-17
KELLER               August              c.1880                1940                 40-461 -23
KELLEY               Gene Elliot           1919                1935                 25-241

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES           BORN                DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------           ----                ----                 ------
JOHNSON              Harry. Sr.            1893                1969                 69-33
JOHNSON              HarveyTheodore        1906                1983                 83-33
JOHNSON              Jerald Allen          1923                1923                 23-1 70
JOHNSON              Johanna Mrs.Emery     1906                1966                 66-164-49
JOHNSON              John                  1868                1949                 49-120-56
JOHNSON              John A.               1894                1952                 52-269-31
JOHNSON              John M.                 ?                 1943                 43-26-12
JOHNSON              John M.               1861                1951                 51 -1 93-9
JOHNSON              John Willis           1906                1954                 54-00-59
JOHNSON              Joyce Mrs.Beverly     1930                1983                 83-02
JOHNSON              KatheriQeMrs.Edwin    1882                1958                 58-44
JOHNSON              Kent Leroy            1920                1922                 22-1 45
JOHNSON              LainyJo              1969                 1969                 69-57
JOHNSON              Lillian Mrs.Severt   1898                 1937                 37-267-17
JOHNSON              Lonnie Keith         1952                 1980                 80-28
JOHNSON              Marjorie Pearl       1911                 1934                 34-215
JOHNSON              Marthea Mrs. Ole H.  1890                 1965                 65-88-28
JOHNSON              Marvin Lee           1924                 1986                 86-18
JOHNSON              Necolina Mrs.        1878                 1955                 55-30
JOHNSON              Olaf 0.              1894                 1957                 57-16
JOHNSON              Olga B.Mrs.Carl      1899                 1964                 64-10-03
JOHNSON              Oscar H.             1893                 1960                 60-107-11
JOHNSON              Reynold Adolf        1908                 1982                 82-18
JOHNSON              RickeyC.             1949                 1973                 73-21
JOHNSON              Robert Leroy         1936                 1936                 36-294
JOHNSON              RodneyAllan          1968                 1969                 69-60
JOHNSON              Sarah E.             1867                 1932                 32-1 42
JOHNSON              Sheldon Wesley       1920                 1976                 76-41
JOHNSON              Theodore S.          1886                 1961                 61 -1 67-08
JOHNSON              TroySheldon          1972                 1980                 80-21
JOHNSON              WalterAlfred         1922                 1977                 77-29
JOHNSON              Wayne Harris         1940                 1970                 70-05
JOHNSON              Wayne William        1907                 1963                 63-287-33
JOHNSON              William A.           1889                 1934                 34-207
JOHNSON              Winnie Mrs. Conrad   1893                 1957                 57-15
JOHNSON/JORNSONJohn  •                    1852                 1922                 22-141
JOHNSTON             Sarah Mrs.Jas.       1864                 1958                 58-31
JOHUK                Donna Mae            1930                 1930                 30-81
JOLOP                Fred                 1893                 1973                 73-07
JONASON              Ole C.               1899                 1982                 82-14
JONDAHL              Alma Mrs.John 0.     1895                 1974                 74-25
JONDAHL              Alpha Mrs.lngvald    1889                 1984                 84-05
JONDAHL              lngvald Peter        1 d87                1968                 68-56
JONDAHL              JohnO.               1886                 1968                 68-36
JONDAHL              Ole I.               1856                 1934                 34-212
JONDAHL              Oluf 0.              1890                 1967                 67-14
JONES                Alma Mrs.Clarence    1893                 1964                 64-60-52
JONES                Anna Mrs.Norman      1883                 1972                 72-17
JONES                Guy Leonard          1920                 1976                 76-22
JONES                Loren                1901                 1975                 75-17

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
KELLEY               Gene Francis         1934                 1934                 34-217
KELLEY               George              c.1873                1923                 23-171
KELLY                Baby of J.           1919                 1919                 19-85
KELLY                Maizie Mrs.Myrle     1895                 1956                 56-17
KELLY                Myrle Emmanuel       1896                 1976                 76-47
KELLY                RobertM.             1917                 1973                 73-35
KEMMER               Annette Marie        1951                 1951                 51-196-12
KEMP                 Peter L.             1887                 1980                 80-14
KEMP                 Viola Mrs.Peter      1891                 1971                 71-17
KENNEDY              Mary                 1839                 1923                 23-159
KENNEDY              Mathilc~ Mrs.AIex.   1869                 1956                 56-07
KENT                 Daniel robert        1956                 1977                 77-25
KENT                 Floyd                1904                 1981                 81-36
KENT                 Jennie Mrs.          1875                 1950                 50-149-29
KENT                 Ronald Leroy         1943                 1967                 67-06
KENTFIELD            Edmund David         1872                 1968                 68-20
KENWARD              HarveyJohn           1896                 1967                 67-10
KEPHART              Morris Wendel        1942                 1942                 42-(1 0-46
KEPHART              Ralph Morris         1910                 1983                 83-08
KERKOW               ArthurJohn           1909                 1978                 78-22
KETTLESON            Lars K.              1868                 1937                 37-266-16
KETTLESON            Mary Mrs. John       1892/1894            1944                 44-117-52
KEYES                Baby of Milford      1941                 1941                 41 -0-23
KEYES                Chas.Marvin          1912                 1929                 29-69
KEYES                Clarence Arthur      1904                 1985                 85-22
KEYES                Evelyn               ?                    1938                 38-000-A
KEYES                Evelyn               1909                 1930                 30-88
KEYES                Fannie Mrs.Thos.     1866                 1940                 40-000-44
KEYES                Florence Mrs.CIarence1910                 1982                 82-15
KEYES                Frederick            1875                 1940                 40-000-45
KEYES                Mary A. Mrs. Fred    1881                 1954                 54-00-42
KEYES                Mary E.Mrs.Milford   1902                 1954                 54-00-34
KEYES                Melford              1904                 1943                 43-17-3
KILLORAN             Patrick Francis      1886                 1953                 53-294-9
KILLORAN/SARAHA      Eliz.Saraha          1891                 1969                 69-54
KIMBLE               Anthony Lee          1966                 1976                 76-43
KIMBLE               Martha Mrs.James     1892                 1973                 73-09
KIMBLE               Voyed Jewel          1913                 1973                 73-22
KING                 Mrs.                 1837                 1925                 25-224A
KIRKPATRICK          Mrs.                 ?                    1924                 24-201A
KIRPARTRICK          Baby                 1921                 1921                 21-133
KJELMYHR             Adolph               1879                 1963                 63-264-10
KLASSIG              Max                  1 S58                1939                 39-394-8
KLEIN                Augusta W.Mrs.Geo.   1890                 1957                 57-02
KLEMMIK              MabeIJ.Mrs.Hans      1889                 1958                 58-45
KLESSIG              Charles David        1911                 1985                 85-31
KLESSIG              Erl Adolph           1888                 1974                 74-24
KLESSIG              Myrtle M.Mrs.Erl     1889                 1958                 58-28
KLESS1G              Susan Kay            1948                 1952                 52-267-29
KLESSIG              Victoria M.Mrs.Chas. 1909                    1962                 62-244-33

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
KLINGER              Emelia Mrs. Julius   1863                 1947                 47-09-52
KLINGER              Julius               1864                 1946                 46-230-37
KLINT                Anna Mrs.Chas.       1865                 1961                 61-177-18
KLINT                Charles              1867                 1939                 39-433-50
KNIGHT               Allen Joseph         1902                 1971                 71-24
KNIGHT               Andrew S.H.          1904                 1979                 79-25
KNIGHT               Baby of Herb           ?                  1918                 18-78
KNIGHT               Gladys Mrs.Allen     1903                 1974                 74-41
KNIGHT               Jennie Mrs. Joseph   1865                 1944                 44-120-56
KNIGHT               Joseph               1860                 1944                 44-85-20
KNIGHT               Percy 1~eonard       1907                 1985                 85-05
KNORR                Elmer William        1898                 1975                 75-15
KNORR                Lena Mrs.Elmer       1894                 1965                 65-99-38
KNOX                 Claude J.            1887                 1962                 62-246-35
KNOX                 Elizabeth Mrs. John  1857                 1947                 47-259-4
KNOX                 Flora Mrs. W.R.      1884                 1949                 49-112-48
KNOX                 Frank                ?                    1919                 19-96
KNOX                 MaryE.Mrs.Claude     1889                 1973                 73-28
KNOX                 William R.           1884                 1967                 67-02
KOENIG               Edward Albert        1925                 1983                 83-12
KOENIG               Max H.               1891                 1950                 50-183-64
KOENIG               Paul                 1904                 1926                 26-236
KOHLGRAF             Joseph               1886                 1964                 64-63-55
KOHRT                Hans                 1841                 1916                 16-30
KOHRT                Hans F.              1875                 1950                 50-132-12
KOHRT                Minnie Mrs.Hans      1886                 1965                 65-64-04
KOLEGRAF             Theodore             1888                 1954                 54-00-62
KORNIG               RobertJames          1933                 1941                 41-0-25
KORSHUS              Ole 0.               1856                 1932                 32-1 40
KORSHUSIKORSMUSIver  1884                 1949                 49-119-55
KOTTS                Judith Mae           1942                 1954                 54-00-15
KOTTS                Julia C. Mrs.Garrett 1881                 1969                 69-49
KOUKAL               Thomas               1879                 1951                 51-202-18
KRABBENHOFT          Baby boy             1937                 1937                 37-280-32
KRABBLE/KRAABLE Benjamin                  ?                    1925                 25-241A
KRAFT                FrankA.              1891                 1961                 61-188-29
KRANKER              Anne                 1875                 1936                 36-290
KRIEG                Josephine Marg.      1901                 1925                 25-211
KRINGLER             Estella Mrs.John     1875                 1959                 59-58-06
KRINGLER             John E.              1874                 1952                 52-252-14
KRINGLER             Karl                 1882                 1941                 41-0-35
KRINGLER             Martin               1886                 1954                 54-00-50
KRINGLER             Nannie 0.Mrs.Martin  1885                 1958                 58-34
KRIST                Peter                1888                 1946                 46-223-30
KROGSGAARD           Jens Kristian        1883                 1962                 62-214-03
KROGSGAARD           Mildred Mrs. Jens    1894                 1968                 68-29
KROGSGAARD           Mrs. Harold (Lois)   1922                 1949                 49-104-40
KRUEGER              August Rudolph       1904                 1967                 67-23
KUBISCHTA            Anton                1888                 1975                 75-36
KUBISCHTA            John A.              1916                 1963                 63-292-38

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                    ----                 ------
KUHN                 James Dale           1954                 1963                 63-294-40
KWIATKOWSKI          Samuel               1884                 1957                 57-36
KYLLO                Anne M.Mrs.Melvin    1895                 1975                 75-14
KYLLO                Elaine Mrs. Olaf     1896                 1974                 74-39
KYLLO                Julius               1891                 1967                 67-27
KYLLO                MartneO.             1867                 1932                 32-153
KYLLO                Melvin               1896                 1961                 61-194-35
KYLLO                Mrs. OleO.           1860                 1928                 28-58
KYSER                James                1922                 1974                 74-05
KYSER                Lila Mae             1948                 1948                 48-48-35
KYSER                MaeE.Mrs.Wayne.Jr    1921                 1976                 76-23
KYSER                Susiek~s.Wayne,Sr.   1885                 1976                 76-09
KYSER                Wayne Resley. Sr.    1881                 1968                 68-55
LACY                 John E.              1864                 1942                 42-0-16
LACY                 Mrs.John             1860                 1927                 27-19
LAKEY                Ernest               1900                 1971                 71-22
LAKEY                John William         1937                 1938                 38-338-4
LAKEY                Mary Mrs. Wm.        1890                 1950                 50-167-48
LAKEY                William James        1890                 1949                 49-83-19
LAMARE/LARAMORE      John Wesley          1852                 1943                 43-52-37
LAMMERS              Frank                1887                 1947                 47-298-43
LAMMERS              Lena Mrs.Frank       1882                 1960                 60-153-58
LAMMERS              Leo John             1916                 1974                 74-17
LANDE                Earl Alexander       1907                 1943                 43-45-30
LANDE                Helen Mrs.Lawrence   1919                 1976                 76-13
LANDE                Ingeborg Mrs. Lars   1879                 1953                 53-00-06
LANDE                Knute 0.             1882                 1967                 67-42
LANDE                Lars                 1862                 1937                 37-263-12
LANDE                Lawrence Satrom      1911                 1954                 54-00-46
LANDE                Lester Merle         1902                 1963                 63-273-19
LANDE                Nellie R.(Mrs.Ole)   1867                 1935                 35-251
LANDE                Ole E.               1864                 1949                 49-109-45
LANDET               Sigrid               1889                 1981                 81-03
LANDSTROM            Frederick Elmer      1894                 1984                 84-44
LANDSTROM            Willard Donald       1923                 1968                 68-32
LANE                 LelandOliver         1887                 1974                 74-27
LANE                 Margaret Mrs.Leland  1887                 1968                 68-40
LANG                 Joshua David         1976                 1980                 80-38
LANGAGER             AdaMrs.Sven          1888                 1973                 73-33
LANGAGER             James Milford        1914                 1969                 69-51
LANGAGER             Sven                 1885                 1975                 75-11
LANGDAHL             Alvin Oscar          1898                 1978                 78-40
LANGDAHL             Anton Oscar          1900                 1978                 78-30
LANGDAHL             Edward               1872                 1958                 58-08
LANGDAHL             Elene I. Mrs.Sigurd  1909                 1980                 80-48
LANGDAHL             OIeA.                1866                 1937                 37-292-45
LANGDAHL             Rosie Mrs.Edward     1878                 1969                 69-59
LANGDAHL             Sigurd George        1901                 1969                 69-41
LARSEN               Alyce Marie          1908                 1960                 60-100-06
LARSEN               Chrsitian            1880                 1945                 45-166-29

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
LARSEN               Johanne Mrs.Otto     1884                 1969                 69-38
LARSEN               Otto D.              1878                 1943                 43-59-44
LARSON               AlbertJulius         1884                 1955                 55-14
LARSON               AliceM.Mrs.Orlando   1905                 1980                 80-16
LARSON               Baby boy             1946                 1946                 46-212-19
LARSON               Bertha M.Mrs.Fred    1904                 1973                 73-25
LARSON               Carl H.              1870                 1924                 24-198
LARSON               Carrie               1877                 1929                 29-79
LARSON               Ella Mrs.Albert      1888                 1966                 66-141-27
LARSON               Floyd Everett        1914                 1984                 84-16
LARSON               Freder~k C.          1885                 1981                 81-23
LARSON               Hans                 1871                 1950                 50-172-53
LARSON               Helen Mrs.William    1904                 1984                 84-36
LARSON               Inga Mrs.Lars        1887                 1974                 74-30
LARSON               JohannaMrs.Hans      1880                 1970                 70-45
LARSON               Kenneth Wayne        1931                 1931                 31-118
LARSON               Lawrence M.          1890                 1945                 45-159-22
LARSON               Lawrence Magnus      1911                 1976                 76-21
LARSON               Lewie                1881                 1954                 54-00-39
LARSON               Thelma Mrs.Lawren.   1915                 1960                 60-130-33
LARSON               Tolluf B.            1875                 1952                 52-278-40
LARSON               Violet               1918                 1926                 26-229
LARSON               Walter William       1908                 1969                 69-55
LAUDERT              John F.              1886                 1959                 59-85-32
LAUDERT              Martha Mrs. John     1887                 1957                 57-45
LAUGHLIN             Stanlaus Patrick     1887                 1948                 48-30-17
LAVARUE              ?                    ?                    1926                 26-250
LAVOIE               GeorgeJ.             1882                 1948                 48-16-3
LAVOY                Luella Franics       1893                 1925                 25-221
LAVOY                Wilson               1881                 1926                 26-231
LAWLER               James C.             1877                 1955                 55-42
LAWYER               Elmer Lee            1908                 1985                 85-23
LEVIN                Edith Mrs.NeIs       1901                 1981                 81-49
LEAN                 Andrew E.            1892                 1975                 75-03
LEDBETTER                                 ?                    1918                 18-81
LEE                  Clifford M.          1918                 1946                 46-250-57
LEE                  Lars Petter          1905                 1964                 64-17-10
LEE                  Margaret Mrs.Sigw.   1906                 1955                 55-12
LEE                  Mike                 1871                 1945                 45-165-28
LEE                  Mrs.Pete            ?1869                 1936                 36-289
LEE                  Nellie Mrs.Richard   1903                 1976                 76-33
LEE                  PatriciaAnn (Rich.)  1941                 1955                 55-38
LEE                  Sigward              1898                 1974                 74-31
LEHMAN               Conrad Jacob         1916                 1973                 73-11
LEHMAN               Eunice Mrs.          1878                 1949                 49-94-30
LEHMAN               Jacob                1874                 1966                 66-128-14
LEMLEY               Baby boy             1957                 1957                 57-07
LEMLEY               Charleen Mrs.Frank   1929                 1971                 71-19
LEMLEY               GeorgeA.             1867                 1947                 47-01-44
LEMLY                Frank M.(Francis)    1921                 1983                 83-05

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
LENTZ                Lila                 ?                    1918                 18-79
LERFALD              John                 1870                 1951                 51-188-4
LERUD                Arnold               1918                 1982                 82-04
LESLIE               Libbie Mrs.Chas.     1868                 1959                 59-84-31
LEUTZ                Edward F.            1896                 1940                 40-000-28
LEVIN                Nels Theodore        1890                 1970                 70-30
LEVIN                Selma Mrs.Ed         1914                 1985                 85-03
LEWANDOWSKI          Walter Joseph        1893                 1978                 78-36
LIEBENOW             Othelia J.Mrs.Aug.   1870                 1954                 54-00-36
LILIEQUEST           Andrew               1870                 1956                 56-15
LINDEMAN             Arthur Emil          1899                 1973                 73-23
LINDEMAN             Louise~V. Mrs.Henry  1871                 1947                 47-291 -36
LINDEMAN             Mrs. Carl            1917                 1942                 42-0-9
LINDEMANN            Anne Mrs. L.         1896                 1958                 58-01
LINDEMANN            Henry                1866                 1933                 33-191
LINDGREN             Amelia Mrs. Phillip  1887                 1950                 50-128-8
LINDING              Nels N.              1868                 1948                 48-41 -28
LINDSAY              BabyofE.P.           1919                 1919                 19-88
LINDSEY              Baby boy             1944                 1944                 44-137-73
LINDSEY              Ella l.Mrs.Roy       1890                 1973                 73-43
LINDSEY              Elmer Roy            1882                 1934                 34-1 93
LINDSEY              Glen Vernon          1894                 1949                 49-100-36
LINDSEY              Maynard Chester      1913                 1976                 76-29
LINDSEY              Roy C.               1883                 1951                 51-238-53
LINDSTROM            Andrew               1866                 1948                 48-47-34
LINDSTROM            Bertha Mrs. Andrew   1862                 1947                 47-276-21
LINDSTROM            Charles A.           1870                 1947                 47-288-33
LINDSTROM            Edwin son of Lewis   ?                    1949                 49-85-21
LIPSOCK              Myrtle O.Mrs.Alex    1907                 1980                 80-23
LISLEGARD            Edward J.            1892                 1960                 60-119-22
LITTEL               Frank                1866                 1944                 44-73-8
LLOYD                Lewis Harvey         1871                 1950                 50-180-62
LOCKWOOD             Albert E.            1899                 1982                 82-08
LOCKWOOD             Eliz.EvelynMrs.Geo.  1878                 1958                 58-02
LOCKWOOD             Llewellyn George     1901                 1968                 68-53
LONG                 John JOseph’         1870                 1949                 49-95-31
LONG                 Mae(Burns)           1880                 1927                 27-4
LONGDAHL             A nne Mrs.           1872                 1924                 24-1 85
LORD                 Henry                1847                 1926                 26-243
LOVE                 Richard J.           1859                 1944                 44-134-70
LOWMAN               Charles M.           1882                 1962                 62-226-15
LUCKEN               Helleck E.           c.1850               1924                 24-1 90
LUDWIG               Minnie Mrs.Otto      1979                 1959                 59-92-39
LUDWIG               Otto F.              1878                 1946                 46-247-54
LUGABILL             Clara Mrs.Waldo      1891                 1986                 86-06
LUGABILL             Waldo E.             1892                 1961                 61 -1 98-39
LUNDGREN             Phil                 1881                 1943                 43-41-26
LUNDING              Mary Mrs.Nels        1873                 1971                 71-28
LUNDMARK             Anna Mrs.            ?                    1953                 53-293-8
LUNDMARK             Elmer                1886                 1968                 68-04

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
LUNDSTROM            Lance Lee            1969                 1969                 69-64
LUSH                 Charles              1886                 1941                 41-0-1
LUTJENS              Henry Fredrick       1900                 1967                 67-19-2
LUTJENS              Mrs. Henry           1904                 1942                 42-0-20
LUTZENS              Kathren A.Mrs.Wm.    1870                 1936                 36-275
LYNN                 JohnW.               1862                 1950                 50-124-4
LYNN                 Mrs. Alice           1872                 1949                 49-107-43
MACDONALD            Rev. John            1875                 1960                 60-1 48-52
MADSEN               Christ Pederson      1883                 1975                 75-16
MADSEN               JohanneMrs.Christ    1888                 1982                 82-21
MADSEN               John ~               1896                 1968                 68-06
MALM                 Fred                 1875                 1962                 62-218-07
MALSOW               Bernard              1874                 1939                 39-403-17
MALSOW               GladysTher.Mrs.      1909                 1931                 31-130
MANNER               Nellie Marie         1922                 1925                 25-202
MARCKS               Elizabeth Mrs. Ernest                     1881                 1951                 51-194-10
MARCKS               Emil A.              1882                 1969                 69-18
MARCKS               Harry Walter Ernest  1916                 1978                78-04
MARCKS               Laura Mrs.Emil       1889                 1969                 69-21
MARCKS               Michelle Marie       1966                 1970                 70-34
MARKS                Ernest Carl          1877                 1962                 62-249-38
MARLYN               Mary(Helen)Mrs.H.    1857                 1942                 42-0-29
MARROW               Isabella             1868                 1948                 48-43-30
MARROW               Mildred Mrs.Edw.     1894                 1930                 30-85
MARSHALL             James 0.             1866                 1951                 51-221-36
MARTIN               Cholie Mrs.Clarence  1898                 1962                 62-215-04
MARTIN               Clarence John        1929                 1945                 45-150-13
MARTIN               Eva Caroline Mrs.    1926                 1945                 45-161-24
MARTIN               Fred C.              1877                 1945                 45-176-39
MARTIN               Lucy H. Mrs.Alfred   1888                 1981                 81-37
MARTIN               Mabel E. Mrs. Fred   1880                 1952                 52-280-42
MARTIN               Mary E.              ?                    1936                 36-268
MARTIN               Shirley Mrs.Clarence 1902                 1973                 73-36
MARTYN               Helen Mrs.Harry      1857                 1942                 42-0-29
MARTYN               William Henri        1859                 1937                 37-297-2
MASTERS              Mary Lena            1866                 1949                 49-82-18
MASTERSON            Alice Mrs.Edward     1878                 1970                 70-02
MASTERSON            Edward Mathew        1874                 1948                 48-33-20
MATTHEWS             Hannah Fesin         1840                 1925                 25-210
MATTHIESEN           Frank                1893                 1973                 73-30
MATTHIESEN           Herbert Peter        1903                 1984                 84-43
MATTHIESEN           John Fred.Jack’      1887                 1981                 81-51
MATIHIESEN           Zelda Mrs.Herbert    1908                 1984                 84-12
MATTIS               Frank                1884                 1918                 18-63
MAWIE                Elmer Phillip        1895                 1927                 27-9
MAXWELL              Joseph A.            1905                 1957                 57-03
MC BRIDE             Magdelen Mrs.Theo.   1907                 1968                 68-17
MCBRIDE              Theodore F.          1901                 1981                 81-04
MC CAUL              Mary (Mrs.James)     1862                 1940                 40-455-17
MCCAUL               Mary A. Mrs.Jas.     1867                 1942                 42-0-32

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
MCCAUL               Norman D.            1903                 1965                 65-108-47
MCCAUL               HerbertM.            1861                 1947                 47-257-2
MCCLELLAN            Mildred Mrs.Thoma.s  1889                 1979                 79-34
MC CLELLAN           Thomas               1876                 1953                 53-00-09
MC CLOUD             Horace A.            1899                 1948                 48-36-23
MCCLOUD              Hugh                 1866                 1933                 33-182
MC CLOUD             Clarence Ellis       1912                 1956                 56-23
MCCUIN               Mrs.                   ?                  1926                 26-248
MC CULLOUGH          Baby boy of Chas.    1956                 1956                 56-27
MC CULLOUGH          Curtis Lee           1960                 1980                 80-07
MC CULLOUGH          Ethel M~ Mrs.Joseph  1898                 1974                 74-38
MC CULLOUGH          Glen Alan ‘Baldy~    1926                 1986                 86-14
MCCULLOUGH           John ‘Jack’          1904                 1978                 78-21
MCCULLOUGH           Joseph Hamilton      1896                 1970                 70-09
MCCUNE               John                 1868                 1950                 50-145-25
MC DONALD            Dan                  1863                 1939                 39-400-14
MC DONALD            Donald Sylvester     1886                 1944                 44-91 -26
MC DONALD            Ida C.Mrs.Bryon      1898                 1978                 78-09
MC DONALD            Margaret(Mrs. John)  1885                 1953                 53-295-10
MCDONALD             Mrs.                 ?                    1919                 19-95
MC DONALD            Sarah Mrs.Dan        1864                 1935                 35-237
MCDONALD             Vivian (M.Hannestad  1916                 1972                 72-19
MC GOVERN            Claude               1904                 1982                 82-35
MC GOWEN             Harry                1897                 1936                 36-291
MCGREGOR             Duncan               1874                 1949                 49-67-3
MCGREGOR             Jessie Mrs. Duncan   1875                 1947                 47-296-41
MCGUIRE              Howard John          1906                 1953                 53-00-04
MC INNES             Blanch Mrs.Grant     1895                 1977                 77-14
MC INNES             Clare Cuyler         1920                 1927                 27-18
MC INNES             Grant                1895                 1969                 69-61
MCINTOSH             George S.(Geo.L.?)   ?1862                1921                 21 -1 31
MCKAY                BarbaraAllen         1935                 1978                 78-19
MCKAY                Daniel               1871                 1960                 60-128-31
MCKAY                Ethel Mae            1917                 1930                 30-102
MC KAY               Judith Ann (Neil)    1941                 1955                 55-39
MCKAY                Mary Mrs. Ro~ierick  1875                 1949                 49-81-17
MCKAY                Roderick             1859                 1944                 44-117A-53
MC KAY               Daisy Mrs.Daniel     1881                 1964                 64-11-04
MC KEE               Louis Jonathan       1907                 1970                 70-32
MC KEUMA             Mary T.(Mrs.Peter)   1889                 1927                 27-25
MC KINNION           Alexander            1844                 1927                 27-28
MC LACHLIN           (MaryA.)Mrs.Peter    1867                 1938                 38-343-9
MC LACHLIN           Peter                1864                 1940                 40-460-22
MC LEAN              Donald               1857                 1935                 35-255
MCLEAN               Donald M.            1870                 1960                 60-125-28
MCLEAN               EIiz. Mrs. Donald    1876                 1955                 55-18
MC LEAN              Hugh                 1860                 1936                 36-266
MCLEAN               Mrs.Hugh             1870                 1935                 35-232
MCLEOD               Agnes M.Mrs.John     1893                 1980                 80-25
MC LEOD              Annie Florence       1891                 1969                 69-67

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
MC LEOD              John Edgar            1887                1976                 76-14
MC LEOD              Kate Ann              1873                1948                 48-56-43
MC LEOD              Margaret Mrs. Alex    1865                1967                 67-22
MC LEOD              Fern L. Mrs.Roy       1898                1979                 79-26
MC LERNAN            Harry(Joseph H.)      1871                1932                 32-1 60
MC LERNAN            Pearl Mrs.            1887                1945                 45-174-37
MC LERNAN            William H.            1917                1961                 61 -203-44
MCMILLEN             Reuben                  ?                 1923                 23-168A
MC NEAL              Phoebe                1901                1923                 23-162
MCPHERSON            Annie B.Mrs. James    1878                1966                 66-180-65
MC PHERSON           James’                1877                1937                 37-300-5
MCPHERSON            Jane (Mrs.Thos.)      1849                1926                 26-227
MELANDER             Leroy Floyd           1924                1977                 77-33
MELTING              Andrew Ingvold        1888                1978                 78-29
MELTING              Arnt                  1861                1948                 48-61 -48
MELTING              lngeborg Mrs. Arnt    1859                1947                 47-290-35
MELTON               Fred Lee              1870                1950                 50-165-46
MELTON               Lena Mrs.Fred         1880                1932                 32-1 55
MELVIN               Ernest 0.             1888                1944                 44-102-37
MELVIN Lillian Bates(Ernest              c.1884                1938                 38-378-38
METER/MEADER         George                1869                1927                 27-6
MEWES                Fredrick Wm.Edw.      1865                1950                 50-1 60-41
MEWES                Julia Mrs.Fred        1879                1961                 61 -200-41
MEYER                Charles F.            1859                1931                 31-116
MEYERS               Betha Mrs. Charles    1872                1952                 52-257-19
MEYERS               Harry                 1910                1958                 58-10
MEYERS               Jorgine I.Mrs.Theo.   1880                1956                 56-31
MEYERS               Linda F. Mrs. Terry   1943                1968                 68-39
MICHELS              Mary Mrs. Henry       1869                1949                 49-88-24
MICHTEL              Samuel Lewis        c.1859                1938                 38-356-23
MIDSTOCK/MIDSTOKIMr.                         ?                 1937                 37-285-38
MILLER               Annie Mrs.George      1896                1986                 86-02
MILLER               Arthur Edward         1885                1963                 63-275-21
MILLER               Charles W.            1856                1933                 33-164
MILLER               Douglas Lloyd         1931                1975                 75-37
MILLER               Effie Mrs.Arthur      1868                1965                 65-114-52
MILLER               Emma Mrs.JuIius       1873                1970                 70-21
MILLER               Estelle Mrs.Dwain     1924                1984                 84-30
MILLER               Florence Leona        1859                1925                 25-222
MILLER               George                1899                1958                 58-15
MILLER               George S.             1898                1955                 55-23
MILLER               Helen L. Mrs. Raym.   1913                1957                 57-42
MILLER               Isabel                1865                1940                 40-000-20
MILLER               Julius Caesor         1874                1955                 55-31
MILLER               Lloyd 0.              1904                1971                 71-05
MILLER               Lucinda Mrs. R.A.     1879                1965                 65-94-34
MILLER               Margaret(Mrs.Danl.)   1861                1941                 41-0-21
MILLER               Raymond Harris        1910                1965                 65-116-54
MILLER               VirgilE.              1912                1982                 82-11
MILLIGAN             Mrs.Edward           c.1888               1925                 25-228A

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
MILSOW               Adrian Bernard        1910                1974                 74-20
MITCHELL             Baby boy              1944                1944                 44-72-7
MITCHELL             Brenda Lee            1960                1973                 73-37
MITCHELL             Eugene Raymond        1931                1986                 86-21
MITCHELL             Fred Ralph            1909                1975                 75-18
MITCHELL             Georgia/ana Mrs.      1911                1947                 47-07-50
MITCHELL             Howard Leroy          1906                1974                 74-08
MITCHELL             JohnE.                1899                1882                 82-01
MITCHELL             Lois E.Mrs.Howard     1917                1958                 58-27
MITCHELL             Marion Russell        1917                1985                 85-34
MITCHELL             MerIan~ Jerald        1934                1934                 34-218
MITCHELL             Samuel Mrs.           1867                1937                 37-259-6
MITCHELL             William D.            1898                1964                 64-46-38
MITZEL               Claudius              1923                1981                 81-41
MITZEL               Martin                1909                1968                 68-10
MOE                  Carrie J. Mrs.lver    1885                1965                 65-66-06
MOE                  Edwin 0.              1882                1935                 35-250
MOE                  Ingrid Mrs. John      1877                1951                 51 -206-22
MOE                  lver B.               1889                1944                 44-105-40
MOE                  John U.               1868                1945                 45-178-41
MOE                  Lewis Oscar           1895                1957                 57-21
MOE                  OlineMrs. Edwin       1882                1965                 65-111-49
MOE                  Oluf                    ?                 1929                 29-64
MOEN                 Arvid J.              1920                1972                 72-25
MOEN                 Bertha Mrs.           1856                1939                 39-388-1
MOEN                 Edwin C.              1903                1971                 71-07
MOEN                 John H.               1886                1966                 66-184-69
MOEN                 Mathilda Mrs.Oscar    1899                1960                 60-108-12
MOEN                 Mrs.                    ?                 1924                 24-1 89
MOEN                 Oscar                 1892                1962                 62-224-13
MOEN                 William Lawton        1899                1979                 79-01
MOKEE                Mrs.                    ?                 1936                 36-277
MOLLINS              Allan R.              1916                1982                 82-31
MOLLINS              Charlotte Mrs.Wm.     1880                1959                 59-83-30
MOLLINS              John R.               1863                1935                 35-231
MOLLINS              MinnieMrs.John        1866                1945                 45-156-19
MOLLINS              William J.            1888                1968                 68-05
MONSON               Carl                  1887                1963                 63-276-22
MONTGOMERY           Alice O.Mrs.A.A.      1904                1960                 60-129-32
MONTY                Adolph              c.1875                1950                 50-178-59
MOORE                Alexander             1891                1948                 48-60-47
MOORE                David                 1879                1960                 60-103-07
MOORE                KatherineMrs.Thos.    1884                1958                 58-13
MOORE                RobertJoe             192~                1983                 83-24
MOORES               Richard son of Chas.  1907                1923                 23-1 77A
MORGAN               Anastia               1936                1937                 37-272-23
MORGAN               ElizabethMrs.Saml.    1883                1971                 71-04
MORGAN               Francis               1851                1932                 32-1 56
MORGAN               Gary                  1942                1942                 42-0-31
MORGAN               George Francis        1889                1984                 84-07

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SUNNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
MORGAN               Joann Marie          1936                 1936                 36-282
MORGAN               John Thomas          1878                 1930                 30-93
MORGAN               Lester               1918                 1943                 43-32-17
MORGAN               Myrtle R.Mrs.George  1898                 1979                 79-05
MORGAN               Sam                  1886                 1935                 35-246
MORRIS               Augusta Mrs. John    1880                 1950                 50-175-56
MORRIS               Bessie Mrs.Jonathon  1885                 1976                 76-52
MORRIS               Delbert              1893                 1943                 43-51 -36
MORRIS               Elizabeth            1851                 1935                 35-257
MORRIS               HoratioJ.            1898                 1970                 70-19
MORRIS               John A.              1877                 1949                 49-79-15
MORRIS               Martha               1862                 1925                 25-220
MORRISON             George A.            1862                 1957                 57-18
MORRISON             Rose Mrs.Victor      1892                 1939                 39-409-22A
MORRISON             SabraJ.Mrs.Geo.      1873                 1966                 66-115-01
MORRISON             Victor               1885                 1946                 46-213-20
MORROW               ArthurWm.            1926                 1926                 26-253
MORROW               Charlotte            1855                 1929                 29-63
MORROW               Christopher          1889                 1962                 62-245-34
MORROW               Grace Mrs.Christy    1891                 1982                 82-19
MORROW               John Wesley          1895                 1968                 68-51
MORROW               Lucille Mae          1916                 1928                 28-54
MORROW               Mrs.R.H.             1901                 1928                 28-56
MORROW               Robert B.            1847                 1935                 35-239
MORROW               Robert Henry         1863                 1930                 30-89
MORROW               William              1852                 1935                 35-253
MORROW               William F.           1905                 1929                 29-72
MORTON               Edmond C.            1858                 1930                 30-1 04
MORTON               Frank                1898                 1979                 79-44
MORTON               GinaChristina        1895                 1932                 32-151
MORTON               John                 1893                 1918                 20-123
MORTON               Karen (Baratholt)    1883                 1944                 44-125-61
MORTON               Katie                1861                 1928                 28-52
MORTON               Mrs. E.C.(PIumaS.)   ?1867                1921                 21-127
MORTON               Mrs.C.W.             ?                    1918                 18-65
MORTON               Thomas •             1825                 1916                 16-27
MOSESON              Halvor Christopher   1889                 1964                 64-16-09
MOSHER               Alfred Eugene        1913                 1925                 25-217
MOSHER               Arthur A.            ?                    ?                    26-240
MOSHER               ArthurAlpheus        1872                 1961                 61-168-09
MOUG                 Alec, Sr.            ?                    1918                 18-77
MOUG                 Alexander            ?                    1940                 40-000-31
MOUG                 BetsyE.              1863                 1922                 22-151
MOUG                 Carrie               1903                 1921                 21-135
MOUG                 David C.             1860                 1935                 35-260
MOUG                 Earl L.              1903                 1938                 38-382-42
MOUG                 Effie M. Mrs. Geo.   1882                 1949                 49-93-29
MOUG                 Ester Mrs. Alex      1887                 1937                 37-268-18
MOUG                 George               1876                 1951                 51-214-29
MOUG                 James. Jr.           1893                 1972                 72-32

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SURNAME              GIVEN NAMES          BORN                 DIED                 NUMBER
-------              -----------          ----                 ----                 ------
MOUG                 John C.               1857                1924                 24-1 86
MOUG                 Joseph Melvin         1903                1948                 48-46-33
MOUG                 Marvin James          1926                1950                 50-142-22
MOUG?                Eva                   1919                1923                 23-166
MOUG?                Kattie                  ?                 1917                 17-34
MOUM                 Annie (Miss)          1887                1946                 46-215-22
MOUM                 Cora Mrs. Phil.       1890                1961                 61 -1 90-31
MOUM                 Philip B.             1889                1960                 60-96-02
MUIR                 William               1875                1958                 58-11
MUIR/MUHR            Mrs. William          1881                1950                 50-133-13
MULHOLLAND           Bernard Clair         1892                1960                 60-115-18
MULHOLLAND           Carrie~.Mrs.B.CIair   1889                1972                 72-02
MULLEN               Bernard Matthew       1918                1985                 85-26
MULLEN               Effie G. Mrs.Matthew  1887                1976                 76-50
MULLEN               Sara Delna            1961                1966                 66-130-16
MULVANEY             James                 1900                1935                 35-224
MURCH                William Henry         1899                1964                 64-35-27
MURPHY               JamesJ.               1868                1948                 48-53-40
MURPHY               John                  1856                1950                 50-153-33
MURPHY               Lottie (Mrs.John)     1877                1922                 22-1 43
MURPHY               Maggie                   ?                1936                 36-264
MURPHY               Matthew              c.1866               1950                 50-134-14
MURPHY               Mrs. James J.         1867                1949                 49-91 -27
MURPHY               Mrs.Thomas            1872                1941                 41-0-44
MYERS                Thomas E.             1873                1941                 41 -0-36
MYHRA                Myrtle S.Mrs.Ray      1903                1981                 81-02
MYHRA                Raymond William       1904                1983                 83-11
MYKLAND              Anna                  1889                1982                 82-37
MYKLAND              Axel                  1887                1969                 69-11
MYKLAND              Johanna Mrs. Anton    1855                1954                 54-00-21
MYKLAUD              Anton                   ?                 1926                 26-239