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Bottineau County, ND 1930 Census Index, Surnames Wilding - End

transcribed by CIJ and JLR, Willow City, ND 
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(C) 2004 by CIJ and JLR

Last Name           Given Name        File #              Line #
---------           ----------        ------              ------
Wilding             Alfa              44-04a              12
Wilding             Joseph            44-04a              11
Wilhelm             Andrew L.         34-02b              91
Wilhelm             Arthur E.         34-02b              90
Wilhelm             Dorothy           34-02a              39
Wilhelm             Earnest F.        34-02b              93
Wilhelm             Elizabeth         34-02a              36
Wilhelm             Ellert            34-01b              83
Wilhelm             E****             01-01a              38
Wilhelm             Ida M.            34-02b              89
Wilhelm             Lambert A.        34-02b              92
Wilhelm             Lawrence          34-02a              38
Wilhelm             Louis A.          34-02b              88
Wilhelm             Robert            34-02a              35
Wilhelm             Sylvia            34-02a              37
Wilke               Charles           34-01b              51
Wilke               Hearld            36-02b              57
Wilke               Pearl             36-02b              58
Wilke               William           02-02b              64
Wilkie              Edna              06-02a              33
Willander           Albert W.         55-02a              28
Willander           Maxine W.         55-02a              31
Willander           Myrtle O.         55-02a              29
Willander           Natalie K.        55-02a              30
Willander           Valarie B.        55-02a              32
Willenbring         Raymond           25-01b              89
William             Raymond           25-03a              32
Williams            Adeline L.        34-01a              5
Williams            Albert            49-01a              45
Williams            Andrew O.         06-05a              3
Williams            Anna A.           04-01b              100
Williams            Charles           52-01a              34
Williams            Christina E.      06-07a              10
Williams            Clara V.          06-09b              73
Williams            Conrad            06-13a              5
Williams            Duane             54-02b              90
Williams            Emery A.          06-09b              72
Williams            Emily             06-09a              50
Williams            Esther L.         06-02b              88
Williams            Evelyn J.         34-01a              3
Williams            Fernann J.        06-02b              87
Williams            Frank             54-02b              86
Williams            Frieda B.         11-01b              83
Williams            George            41-01b              51
Williams            George A.         06-13a              2
Williams            Gifford           54-02b              88
Williams            Gladys I.         21-02a              17
Williams            Herbert           11-01b              80
Williams            Irwin A.          06-05a              5
Williams            Iva M.            11-01b              81
Williams            Janett            06-09a              49
Williams            John H.           04-01b              99
Williams            John R.           49-01a              44
Williams            Keith             54-02b              89
Williams            Lachie J.         34-01a              1
Williams            Laura             52-01a              33
Williams            Lena              52-01a              30
Williams            Lillian           52-01a              31
Williams            Lottie            09-02b              70
Williams            Mabel             54-02b              87
Williams            Malcolm B.        21-02a              16
Williams            Mary              41-01b              52
Williams            Mary P.           34-01a              2
Williams            Matt              18-01a              7
Williams            Mildred           52-01a              36
Williams            Millard S.        34-01a              4
Williams            Mina              06-05a              4
Williams            Nellie E.         06-13a              3
Williams            Ralph             52-01a              32
Williams            Richard           06-09a              48
Williams            Richard           09-02b              69
Williams            Richard L.        04-02a              2
Williams            Robert            06-13a              6
Williams            Roy               41-03b              78
Williams            Roy               52-01a              29
Williams            Sylvia            41-02b              78
Williams            Thane             09-02b              71
Williams            Thelma I.         04-02a              1
Williams            Thomas            06-10a              33
Williams            Vernon            52-01a              35
Williams            Vernon L.         34-01a              6
Williams            Viola M.          11-01b              84
Williams            Wanda             09-02b              72
Williams            William           41-02b              77
Williams            William D.        34-01a              7
Williams            William R.        34-01a              42
Williams            Willie C.         11-01b              82
Williams            Winifred          06-13a              4
Williamson          Catherine         07-02a              26
Williamson          Frank R.          07-02a              25
Williamson          Jennie C.         07-02a              27
Willis              Agatha H.         15-02a              48
Willis              Emma Josephine    25-02b              79
Willis              George            03-01b              78
Willis              Henry W.          25-02b              78
Willis              Lela              15-02a              50
Willis              Leland            15-02a              47
Willis              Purnoid           15-02a              49
Willmayer           Bennie            08-01a              36
Willmayer           Claudia D.        08-01a              34
Willmayer           Eugene E.         08-01a              35
Willmayer           Julius H.         08-01a              31
Willmayer           Lydia E.          08-01a              32
Willmayer           Rufus E.          08-01a              33
Willson             Elizabeth         34-02b              85
Willson             Jack W.           34-02b              86
Willson             Richard W.        34-02b              84
Wilson              Effie J.          06-14a              29
Wilson              Evelyn B.         40-01b              82
Wilson              Julia G.          05-02b              87
Wilson              Lillian           06-08a              34
Wilson              Nellie I.         06-14a              30
Wilson              Samuel H.         06-08a              33
Wilson              Samuel H.         06-08a              35
Winga               Edwin             15-01a              8
Winn                Cynthia           06-06b              88
Winter              Loretta L.        06-01b              87
Winter              Myrl Q.           06-01b              83
Winter              Ralph C.          06-01b              82
Winter              Ralph C.          06-01b              86
Winter              Vera L.           06-01b              84
Winter              Violet M.         06-01b              85
Wirth               August H.         30-02a              20
Wirth               Lloyd C.          30-02a              22
Wirth               Lucile M.         30-02a              23
Wirth               Millie M.         30-02a              21
Wise                Hazel E.          23-01a              27
Wise                Martin C.         23-01a              29
Wise                Wilbur S.         23-01a              28
Withey              George A.         02-03a              69
Withey              Jerome            02-03a              72
Withey              Mary A.           02-03a              70
Withey              Melba             02-03a              71
Witteman            Andrew            20-01b              91
Witteman            Cecilia           20-01b              75
Witteman            Christina         46-03b              56
Witteman            Edward            46-03b              55
Witteman            Ferne             25-01b              80
Witteman            Floyd             25-01b              81
Witteman            Frank W.          20-01b              84
Witteman            Fred              25-01b              78
Witteman            George E.         20-01b              74
Witteman            Leah              25-01b              79
Witteman            Lyle              25-01b              82
Witteman            Lynn              20-01b              81
Witteman            Nelle             20-01b              87
Witteman            Norma J.          46-03b              57
Witteman            Richard           20-01b              78
Witteman            Ruth              20-01b              79
Witteman            Vivian            20-01b              88
Witteman            Willard           20-01b              80
Witteman            William           20-01b              86
Witteman            William           20-01b              89
Witting             Bernis            06-10a              25
Witting             Francis           16-02a              37
Witting             Kenneth           06-10a              24
Witting             Louis C.          06-10a              22
Witting             Minnie            06-10a              23
Wittlaufer          Allan C.          01-01b              70
Wittlaufer          Burdis P.         01-01b              68
Wittlaufer          Carol J.          01-01b              67
Wittlaufer          Edith L           01-01b              69
Wittllaufer         Carol  A.         01-01b              71
Wittmayer           Clarence H.       33-02b              54
Wittmayer           Clifford          33-02b              51
Wittmayer           Edmond C.         33-02b              52
Wittmayer           Esther S.         33-02a              50
Wittmayer           Fred F.           33-02a              47
Wittmayer           Lena              33-02a              48
Wittmayer           Lloyd             33-02a              49
Wittmayer           Melvin L.         33-02b              53
Wittmeier           Elmer L.          16-03a              34
Wittmeyer           Loyd              16-02a              10
Wittmier            Emil              16-03a              1
Wittmier            Lawrenc           16-03a              3
Wittmier            Mimmie            16-03a              2
Wittmier            Norma             16-03a              4
Wittmier            Wilbert           16-03a              5
Wlunes              Gust              25-02b              61
Wold                Alvin             29-02a              30
Wold                Arthur A.         30-02a              17
Wold                Dwight C.         30-02a              19
Wold                Gladys            29-02a              28
Wold                Iver              29-01b              66
Wold                Joseph S.         29-02a              26
Wold                Margaret          29-02a              31
Wold                Marie             29-02a              27
Wold                Olive M.          30-02a              18
Wold                Raymond           29-02a              29
Wolf                Annie E.          39-02a              27
Wolf                Carl A.           39-02a              29
Wolf                Carl G.           39-02a              26
Wolf                Elmer             39-02a              28
Wolf                Marvin            39-02a              30
Wolff               Doris A.          31-02b              58
Wolff               Esther E.         51-01a              43
Wolff               George W.         51-01a              44
Wolff               Harold H.         51-01a              46
Wolff               Harriet O.        31-02b              57
Wolff               Inez M.           51-01a              45
Wolff               Jennie E.         51-02b              73
Wolff               Lenard A.         51-01a              41
Wolff               Louise S.         51-01a              42
Wolff               Richard B.        51-02b              72
Wolff               Ruth              31-02b              56
Wolff               Stephen J.        31-02b              55
Woods               Anna              06-13a              36
Woods               Betty A.          06-13a              38
Woods               Betty A.          27-02b              72
Woods               Charles H.        27-02b              66
Woods               Charles H.        27-02b              69
Woods               D. F.             56-01b              69
Woods               Elvie E.          27-02b              68
Woods               Elvina            06-06a              34
Woods               Emma E.           27-02b              67
Woods               John J.           06-06a              39
Woods               Lila M.           06-06a              36
Woods               Mark I.           27-02b              70
Woods               Mary O.           06-06a              35
Woods               Maude C.          56-01b              70
Woods               Monte             06-13a              35
Woods               Roberta E.        06-06a              37
Woods               Samuel L.         06-06a              38
Woods               Thomas F.         06-06b              67
Woods               Thomas K.         06-13a              37
Woods               William M.        06-13a              39
Woods               Wilma J.          27-02b              71
Woodruff            Elizabeth         06-10a              18
Woodruff            Margaret L.       06-10a              19
Woodruff            Marion            06-10a              17
Woodward            Adelia            06-14a              24
Woodward            Fremont M.        06-14a              23
Wooldridge          Irvin             40-02b              71
Worlan              Barbara           49-02a              20
Wrenn               Esther H.         06-07a              7
Wrenn               Herbert           06-07a              8
Wrenn               Julius            06-07a              9
Wrenn               Mary              06-07a              6
Wrenn               Thomas            06-07a              5
Wrieck              A.T.              01-01b              54
Wrieck              Aryline A.        01-01b              57
Wrieck              Beatrice B.       01-01b              62
Wrieck              Duane A.          01-01b              61
Wrieck              Edna M.           01-01b              60
Wrieck              Leone  M.         01-01b              59
Wrieck              Louise A.         01-01b              55
Wrieck              Lucille A.        01-01b              56
Wrieck              Ruth O.           01-01b              58
Wriek               John H.           01-01b              53
Wright              Archibald         53-02b              79
Wright              Benjamin          52-01a              37
Wright              Charles W.        52-01a              46
Wright              Christine         52-01a              45
Wright              Delbert W.        52-01a              50
Wright              Ellen R.          52-01a              47
Wright              Euphemia          52-01a              38
Wright              George            52-01a              43
Wright              Harold B.         52-01a              49
Wright              Jack              58-03a              12
Wright              Jean H.           52-01a              41
Wright              John              52-01a              39
Wright              Kate              53-01b              73
Wright              Luella M.         53-02b              81
Wright              Mae E.            53-02b              80
Wright              Margaret E.       52-01a              48
Wright              Mary              58-03a              13
Wright              Mary E.           52-01a              44
Wright              Mina              52-01a              40
Wright              Myrtle            52-01a              42
Wright              Norma J.          53-02b              82
Wright              Norman            58-03a              14
Wright              Rita              58-03a              15
Wright              Robert M.         53-01b              72
Wruck               Arthur C.         16-02b              81
Wruck               Conrad            17-01b              65
Wruck               Donald A.         16-02b              85
Wruck               Doreen            16-02b              86
Wruck               Elaine M.         16-02b              84
Wruck               Fredricka         17-01b              66
Wruck               Genevive M.       16-02b              83
Wruck               Gertrude M.       16-02b              82
Wulff               Ernest A. A.      21-01b              54
Wunder              John P.           11-01b              58
Wunder              John W.           11-01b              60
Wunder              Rosa B.           11-01b              59
Wunder              Roy W.            11-01b              61
Wunderlich          Arnold A.         12-01a              39
Wunderlich          Evelyn J.         12-01a              40
Wunderlich          Gene L.           12-01a              41
Wyman               Helen B.          32-01a              26
Wyman               Henry D.          07-02b              61
Wyman               L**** N.          07-02b              62
Wyman               Lester D.         07-02b              63
Wyman               Virl E.           07-02b              64
Yakima              Arthur            26-02a              14
Yakima              Ellen             26-02a              13
Yakima              Imogene           26-02a              15
Yanson              Cora              16-02a              43
Yanson              Elizabeth S.      32-01b              82
Yanson              Lloyd J.          32-01b              83
Yanson              M. O.             16-02a              42
Yanson              Victor J.         32-01b              81
Yates               Cornelius V       06-12a              26
Yeane               Anna C.           18-03b              89
Yeane               Arden W.          18-03b              90
Yeane               Arthur L.         18-03b              88
Yeane               Arville C.        18-03b              91
Yellen              Adolph            39-02a              8
Yellen              Annie             39-02a              7
Yellen              Annie M.          39-02a              20
Yellen              Charlie           39-02a              6
Yellen              Frank Jr.         39-02a              19
Yellen              Frank Sr.         39-02a              3
Yellen              Henry F.          39-02a              23
Yellen              Jeanette          39-01b              94
Yellen              Jim               39-01b              95
Yellen              Joseph            39-01b              92
Yellen              Kristine F.       39-02a              21
Yellen              Lenora M.         39-02a              25
Yellen              Lillie R.         39-01b              93
Yellen              Lizzie M.         39-02a              24
Yellen              Marie             39-02a              4
Yellen              Rose A.           39-02a              22
Yellen              Tomas             39-02a              5
York                Clayton C.        20-01a              45
Young               Beatrice          02-02b              94
Young               Charley           03-01a              39
Young               Cloyd L.          02-02b              88
Young               Dale R.           02-02b              89
Young               Dawne             03-01a              42
Young               Earl W.           02-02b              90
Young               Effie             03-01a              40
Young               Elizabeth         02-02b              87
Young               G***ge            25-03a              24
Young               Harriet           25-03a              26
Young               Ida               25-03a              25
Young               Kenneth           03-01a              43
Young               Lucile M.         06-12a              45
Young               Maurise           03-01a              41
Young               Melba R.          02-02b              96
Young               Olive M.          02-02b              92
Young               Orville C.        02-02b              93
Young               Raymond           02-02b              86
Young               Roabert           03-01a              44
Young               Robert J.         02-02b              91
Young               Rosie E           02-02b              95
Young               Stella L.         06-12a              44
Young               Wilbur            25-03a              27
Young               Williard          02-02b              97
Zabel               Albert            29-02b              69
Zabel               Arnold            19-02b              97
Zabel               Carl F.           32-01b              51
Zabel               Doris L.          32-01b              54
Zabel               Dorothy           19-02b              96
Zabel               Fred              19-02b              94
Zabel               Lola E.           32-01b              52
Zabel               Luverne E.        32-01b              53
Zabel               Minnie            19-02b              95
Zabel               Rufina            19-02b              98
Zabel               Vesta             29-02b              70
Zahn                Adeline           16-02b              53
Zahn                Arthur R.         16-02a              50
Zahn                Deno              16-02a              49
Zahn                Elmer             16-02b              51
Zahn                Emil A.           16-02a              48
Zahn                Evon              41-03a              30
Zahn                Fred W.           41-03a              29
Zahn                Helen A.          34-01a              41
Zahn                Marlin            41-03a              34
Zahn                Marvin            41-03a              32
Zahn                Raymond           16-02b              52
Zahn                Verlyn            41-03a              33
Zahn                Virgil            41-03a              31
Zahn                Virle             41-03a              35
Zetz                Carl              26-01a              43
Zetz                Charlie           26-01a              42
Zetz                Frederick         26-01a              44
Zieffls*            F. G.             01-01b              72
Ziehr               August            20-01b              82
Ziehr               Louise            20-01b              83
Ziemann             Anna              01-02a              1
Ziemann             Arthur            57-03a              32
Ziemann             August            01-01b              100
Ziemann             Carl              57-03a              30
Ziemann             Christina         57-03a              31
Ziemann             Edwin             57-03a              33
Ziemann             Freida            57-03a              34
Ziemann             Hilda             57-03a              36
Ziemann             Lillian           57-03a              35
Ziemann             Luverne           57-03a              37
Ziemann             Walter A.         01-02a              2
Zeitler             Anna              54-05a              7
Zeitler             Casper            54-05a              6
Zeitler             Dona              54-05a              8
Zietz               Ben Frank         26-01b              83
Zietz               Bernice           26-01b              87
Zietz               Bertha            26-01b              84
Zietz               Chester           26-01b              92
Zietz               Donald            26-01b              90
Zietz               Doris             26-01b              88
Zietz               Elenour           26-01b              86
Zietz               Eugene            26-01b              93
Zietz               John              26-01b              91
Zietz               Lillian           26-01b              89
Zietz               Vernon            26-01b              85
Zimmer              Blanche           52-02a              42
Zimmer              Maurice           52-02a              43
Zimmer              Urban G.          52-02a              41
Zimmerman           August            58-07a              5
Zimmerman           Carl              58-02b              94
Zimmerman           Charles           58-02b              91
Zimmerman           Edward            36-02a              13
Zimmerman           Erma              58-02b              93
Zimmerman           Gustav            36-02a              12
Zimmerman           Hans              33-02a              14
Zimmerman           Hartha            33-02a              15
Zimmerman           Louise            58-07a              6
Zimmerman           Lucille           33-02a              16
Zimmerman           Minnie            58-02b              92
Zimney              Elsie M.          05-01a              44
Zimney              John J.           05-01a              43
Zimny               Adaline           15-01b              81
Zimny               Agnes             15-01b              79
Zimny               Albert            15-01b              83
Zimny               Delbert           15-01b              84
Zimny               Doretha           15-01b              82
Zimny               Isadore           15-01b              80
Zimny               Mary Lewis        15-01b              86
Zimny               Paul              15-01b              85
Zimny               Paul J.           15-01b              78
Zirtler             Clara             26-01b              56
Zirtler             Evelyne Rose      26-01b              59
Zirtler             John              26-01b              55
Zirtler             Leonder           26-01b              57
Zirtler             Lillian Grace     26-01b              60
Zirtler             Marie             26-01b              58
Zoen                Arthur A.         34-02a              49
Zoen                August W.         34-02a              46
Zoen                Christ L.         34-02a              33
Zoen                Everette L.       34-02a              32
Zoen                Jean H.           34-02a              47
Zoen                Lillian H.        34-02a              31
Zoen                Lloyd L.          34-02a              50
Zoen                Margeret F.       34-02a              48
Zoen                Myrtle J.         34-02b              51
Zorn                Alfred H.         34-01a              33
Zorn                Dorothy M.        34-01a              35
Zorn                Howard L.         34-01a              40
Zorn                Irvin A.          34-01a              37
Zorn                Leo J.            34-01a              39
Zorn                Louis T.          34-02a              30
Zorn                Martha E.         34-01a              34
Zorn                Mary              17-01b              86
Zorn                Ruth M.           34-01a              38
Zorn                William E.        34-01a              36
Zurcher             Anna H.           51-04a              22
Zurcher             Chris             51-04a              23
Zurcher             Chris             51-04a              21
Zurcher             Lena              51-01b              99
no name             Mother Rose       06-03b              54
no name             Sister Alain      06-03b              61
no name             Sister Alphonse Ma06-03b              62
no name             Sister Aloys      06-03b              66
no name             Sister Anthirne   06-03b              56
no name             Sister Berthe     06-03b              63
no name             Sister Brigitte   06-03b              57
no name             Sister Damase     06-03b              65
no name             Sister Denise     06-03b              59
no name             Sister Gertrude   06-03b              64
no name             Sister Laurence   06-03b              60
no name             Sister Nazareth   06-03b              68
no name             Sister Tamothee   06-03b              58
no name             Sister Theaphane  06-03b              67
no name             Sister Vianney    06-03b              55
*afus               George            30-02b              53
*lager              Leroy             29-03a              4
*pril               Hilman J.         07-01b              79
*te*il              Thomas            04-01a              46
*te*il              Agnes             04-01a              47
*te*il              Robert            04-01a              48
*te*il              Henry             04-01a              49
*te*il              Thomas J.         04-01a              50