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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Young, John October 23, 1822
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume E, pages 23-24
Written: October 23, 1822
Recorded: Nov 1822
Testator: John Young

I John Young of the Town of
Hillsboro & State of NC do
constitute and ordain this my
last Will and Testament in
manner and form as follows

To Wit

    first I desire all my Just
debts to be Paid

    Secondley I give and bequeath
to my Wife Nancy Young my
Plantation bought of Henry
Hasting to her & her Heirs for
ever Also my Negro Woman
Barbary & Green a Yellow Boy
also 3 Cows, My Bay Mare
Two Beds and furniture one Table
And all the Kitchen furniture
ten Hogs 40 Barrels Corn, Shucks
& Shuck House & Best Hay Stack
and Stock of Provisions now in
Hand also my Negro Boy Hamilton

Thirdly I wish all the Balance
of my Property to be Sold both Real
and Personal on a Credit of one
two & three years with Interest from
the day of sale & my Executors
Hereafter to be named are hereby

[page 2]
Authorized and empowered to sell
and convey the same And the
Proceeds of my Estate to be equally
Divided among my Children.

Fourthly I request my Executors
to Pay to my Wife Nancy Young
as She shall need It two Hun
dred Doll[ars] for the Support of
her and my Children the first

Fifthly I request my friend
Levy Whitted & Thomas D Watts
to take upon themselves the bur
den of Executing this my last
Will & Testament Witness my
hand and seal this 23 Oct

Signed Sealed and
Published as the last    John Young (seal)
Will & Testament of
John Young this day
and date as above in
Presence of
    James Webb
    J. S. Smith Jurat
            Thos. D Watts qualified

[page 3]
I also give to my Wife half
Dozen Chair my side Board &
a Walnut Beureau which my
father gave her a stock of oats
& a stock of fodder And all my
Stock of Hogs Witness my hand
and seal Oct 23 1822
  J.  Webb     John Young (seal)

[Will Book Volume E, page 23]
I John Young of the Town of Hillsborough & State of N.C. do
Constitute & ordain this my last Will & testament in manner and
form as follows ~~ to wit, First I desire all my just debts to
be paid ~~ Secondly I give & bequeath to my wife Nancy Young
my plantation bought of Henry Hastings to her & her heirs forever
also my Negro woman Barbary & Green a yellow boy also 3
Cows my bay mare ~~ Two beds & furniture one table & all the
Kitchen furniture ten Hogs 40 barrels Corn, Shucks &
Shuck house & best Hay Stack & Stock of Provisions now in

[Will Book Volume E, page 24]
Hand also my Negro Boy Hamilton ~~ Thirdly I wish all the balance of my property to be
Sold, both real & personal on a Credit of one two & three Years
with Interest from the day of sale & my Executors Hereafter to
be named are hereby authorized & empowered to sell &
convey the Same & the proceeds of my Estate to be equally divi=
=ded among my Children ~~ Fourthly I request my Executors
to pay to my wife Nancy Young as she shall need it two
hundred Dollars for the Support of her & my children the first
year. Fifthly I request my friend Levi Whitted & Thomas D. Watts
to take upon themselves the burden of Executing this my last
Will & testament Witness my hand & Seal this 23rd Oct 1822
Signed, Sealed & published as the last
Will & testament of John Young this      John Young (seal)
day & date as above in presence of
James Webb
J. S. Smith (Jurat)
Thos. D Watts qualified

                                 Orange County November 1822
The Execution of the foregoing last Will & testament of John Young
was duly proved in open Court by the oath of James S Smith a subscribing
Witness thereto & ordered to be recorded ~~ At the same time
Thos. D. Watts one of the Executor therein named qualified accord=
=ingly                           Test

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume E, pages 23-24
Recorded Nov 1822

Codicil left off of Will Book copy.

Estate Papers comprise 122 pages and are found in a folder labeled "Young, John (1822)" Inventory lists "5 Negroes"

"Negro Girl Jenny was sold 1 Mar 1819 for $550.00" Purchaser not listed. Jenny was not listed in the five slaves listed below because she was sold before the will was written.

[Estate Papers - Estate Sale 28 Dec 1822]
Return of Sales made by Thomas D Watts Exr of John Young Decd.

December 28th on a Credit of 12 months
Thomas Clancy      Negro Woman Lucy & Harry (child) $ 417 50
John Witherspoon   Girl Diana                         400 ~~
James Flintham     Boy Calvin                         174 50
Elizabeth Thompson       Girl                         125 50