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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Williams, Andrew October 25, 1837
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume E, page 507
Written: October 25, 1837
Recorded: Nov 1837
Testator: Andrew Williams

In the name of God Amen.  As I do not desire to depart this
life intestate, I Andrew Williams Blacksmith of the County
of Orange do ordain and publish this as my last will
and testament.  From my long acquaintance with James Leathers
and confidence in his honesty and good feeling towards me
and my family - I do hereby constitute, and appoint him,
my Executor ~~~. In the first place, I desire my said
Executor, so soon after my death, as he conveniently can,
to collect, all such debts as may be due me, individually
or as copartner with Mr. Bennehan, in the Black - Smithy
Shop at Stagville and out of such collections if suff
-icient to discharge all outstanding debts: But if
the amount due me be not sufficient, to pay off all
debts due by me -- then it is my wish, that such
articles of household and personal property as
can be best spared by my family shall be sold by my
Executor to make up any defficiency ~~.

    In the second place as I anxiously desire to provide
a permanent Home for my family ~ it is my will and
desire, that whatever surplus there may be, after
the payment of debts, be it of money, chattles, Horses, Hogs
Cattles[sic] or other personal property, or so much thereof as
may be [x-out] requisite be by my Executor appropriated
to the purchase of a small tract of improved Land in
such neighbourhood, as my wife Phebe, shall name:
to whom I give all the residue of my Estate, during
her life, or widowhood, and after her death, to be
equally divided, between our surviving children ~~.

It is lastly my will and desire, that my daughters
Sally, Matilda, and Annis, should Keep and take
as a gift, each the bed which has been made by
them respectively - and I request my wife to point

[page 2]
them out to my Executor ~~.

        In testimony whereof I have hereunto
affixed my hand and seal ~~ this the 25th of
October A:D 1837

Published and acknowledged      A. Williams (seal)
P. C. Cameron
Fendal Southerland  Jurat
                         Exr qualfied

[Will Book Volume E, page 507]
In the name of God Amen As I do not desire to depart this
life intestate I Andrew Williams Blacksmith of the County of Orange
do ordain and publish this as my last Will and Testament. From my
long acquaintance with James Leathers and confidence in his honesty and
good feeling towards me and my family - I do hereby constitute and appoint
him my Executor ~~ In the first place, I desire my said Executor so soon
after my death, as he conveniently can to collect, all such debts as may
be due me individually or as copartner with Mr. Bennehan, in the Black
Smith ~ Shop at Staggsville and out of such collections if sufficient
to discharge all outstanding debts: But if the amount due me be not
Sufficient to pay off all debts due by me ~~ then it is my wish, that
Such articles of household and personal property as can be best spared
by my family, shall be sold by my Executor to make up any deficiency ~

In the second place as I anxiously desire to provide a permanent
Home for my family it is my will and desire, that whatever surplus
there may be, after the payment of debts, be it of money, chattels, Horses,
Hogs Cattle or other personal property, or so much thereof as may be
requisite be by my Executor appropriated to the purchase of a small tract
of improved Land in such neighbourhood, as my wife Phebe shall
name to whom I give all the residue of my Estate during her life
or widowhood, and after her death to be equally divided between
our surviving children ~~. It is lastly my will and desire, that
my daughters Sally, Matildey, and Annis Should Keep and take
as a gift each the bed which has been made by them respectively
~ and I request my Wife to point them out to my Executor

        In testimony whereof I have hereunto
affixed my hand and seal ~~ this the 25th of October AD 1837
Published and acknowledged           A. Williams (seal)
    P C Cameron
    Fendal Southerland

                       Orange County November Term 1837
The Execution of the foregoing Last Will & Testament of
Andrew Williams decd. was duly proved in open Court by
the oath of Fendal Southerland a subscribing witness thereto
and ordered to be recorded. At the same time James Leathers
the Executor therein named appeared in open Court and qualified

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume E, page 507
Recorded Nov 1837

No estate papers found.