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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....White, Joseph March 27, 1844
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume F, pages 195-197
Written: March 27, 1844
Recorded: May 1844
Testator: Joseph White

I Joseph White of the County of Orange and State
of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory
but Considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence
do make and declare this my last will and testament
in manner and form following that is to Say

First That my executor (hereinafter named) shall
provide for my Body a decent burial suitable to the wishes
of my relations and friends, and pay all funeral expenses
togather with my Just debts howsoever and to whomso
ever owing out of the moneyes that may first come
into his hand as a part or parcel of my estate

Item I give and devise to my beloved wife Nancy
One negro woman (Prissilla) all my Household stuff
of every discription two milch Cows & Calves her Choice
Twenty five head of hogs her Choice all the Corn and
Bacon that may be on hand at the time of my dec'd
my Waggon & two Horses her Choice,

   Also I leave to my beloved Wife Nancey during
her life time & widowhood the use of the land
whereon I now live togather with the use of one
Negro boy Walter and then to return to my estate
Furthermore it is my wish and desire that my Mother
Mary Couch shall have a home with my wife Nancy


Item I leave to my Daughter Susannah Craig the
use of two Negro Girls namely Pol & Margaret
during her lifetime then to be equally devided
betwe[e]n her then living Children togather with
their increas[e]

Item I leave to my Daughter Nancy Cole the use
of One Negro Girl (Patt) now in hir possession, during
her lifetime then to be equally devided between
her then living Children togather with her

[page 2]
Item I Give and devise to my Son Thomas White
all my Smith tools which is now in his possession

Item I leave four Negroes namely Washington King
Squire & Young to be equally devided according
to valuation between my four Children Namely
Thomas White, Nancy Cole Susannah Craig and
Joseph White and it is further my wish and
desire that the tract of land I purchased of Moses
H. Turner shall be rented from year to year and the
procedes[sic] thereof be equally devided between the four
above named Children

and the balance of my property of every discription
not heretofore mentioned to be sold and all my
Just debts paid and the balance of the money
if any to be equally devided between my four
above named Children share and share alike
but Should that fail to pay my debts them[then] the
four above named Children to pay whatever
may remain unpaid equally & further I appoint Thomas White
whole & sole Executor of this my last will and testament

In witness whereof I the said Joseph White do here
unto set my hand and seal this 27th day of March
AD 1844

Signed sialed published and declared    }
by the Said Joseph White to be his last }        his
will and testament in the presence      } Joseph (X) White (seal)
of us who at his request and in his     }        mark
presence do subscribe our names         }
as Witnesses thereto                    }

Jas. N. Patterson

Saml Couch
Anderson (A) Rhodes Jurat
         mark                    Exr qualified

[Will Book Volume F, page 195]
I Joseph White of the County of Orange & the
State of North Carolina being of sound mind &
memory but considering the uncertainty of my
earthly existence do make & declare this my last
will & Testament in manner & form following
that is to say First That my Executor herein after named
shall provide for my body a decent burial suitable
to the wishes of my relations and friends & pay all
funeral expenses together with my Just debts
howsoever & to whomsoever owing out of the moneys
that may first come into his hand as a part
or parcel of my estate Item I give & devise to
my beloved wife Nancy one negro woman
(Prissilla) all my house hold stuff of every description
two milch Cows & Calves her Choice twenty five
head of hogs her Choice all the Corn & bacon that may
be on hand at the time of my death my waggon
& two horses her Choice Also I leave to my beloved
Wife Nancy during her life time or widowhood
the use of the land whereon I now live together
with the use of one negro boy Walter & then

[Will Book Volume F, page 196]
to return to my estate furthermore it is my wish &
desire that my mother Mary Couch shall [have] a home with
my wife Nancy Item I leave to my Daughter Susannah
Craig the use of two negro Girls namely Pol & Margaret
during her lifetime then to be equally devided between her
then living Children together with their increase Item I
leave to my daughter Nancy Cole the use of one negro
girl (Patt) now in her possession during her lifetime then
to be equally divided between her then living Children
together with her Increase Item I give & devise to my son
Thomas White all my smith tools which is now in his possession
Item I leave four negroes namely Washington King Squire
& Young to be equally devided according to valuation
between my four Children namely Thomas White Nancy
Cole Susannah Craig and Joseph White & it is further my
wish & desire that the tract of land I purchased of Moses
H. Turner shall be rented from year to year and the proceeds
ther[e]of be equally divided between the four above named
Children & the balance of my property of every discription
not heretofore mentioned to be sold & all my Just debts paid
& the balance of the money if any to be equally divided between
my four above named Children abovenamed[sic] share and share alike ~~
but should that fail to pay my debts then the four above
named Children to pay whatever may remain unpaid
equally & further I appoint Thomas White Whole & sole
Executor of this my last will & Testament In witness Whereof
I the said Joseph White do here unto set my hand & seal
This 27th day of March A.D. 1844

Signed sealed published and declared   }
by the Said Joseph White to be his last}
will & Testament in the presence of    }         his
us who at his request & in his         }  Joseph (X) White (seal)
presence do subscribe our names        }         mark
as Witnesses thereto
Jas. N. Patterson
Saml Couch
Anderson (X) Rhodes

[Will Book Volume F, page 197]
                   Orange County May Term 1844
The Execution of the foregoing last Will & Testament
of Joseph White Dcd. was duly proved in open Court
by the Oath of Anderson Rhodes one of the subscribing
Witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded At the same
time Thomas White the Executor ther[e]in named appe[a]red
in open Court & qualified accordingly

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume F, pages 195-197
Recorded May 1844

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