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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Ward, William March 19, 1795
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume C, pages 164-166
Written: March 19, 1795
Recorded: Feb 1800
Testator: William Ward

I William Ward of Orange County and State of North
Carolina Being in health of body and perfect mind and
memory, But knowing the mortality of my body and that
it is appointed for all men once to die do therefore this
Nineteenth day of the third month Commonly called March
in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred
Ninety and Five Make and ordain this my Last will
and Testament in the following manner ~~~~~~~~~~~

    And as Touching such worldly Estate as it has pleased
The Lord to bless me with I Bequeath, give devise and dispose
of as follows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    first I allow my funeral Charges and Just debts to be first
paid out of my Estate. ~ ~ ~ ~

2nd I ordain and Constitute my Beloved wife Susanna
Ward and my Son Stephen Ward my whole and Sole Executor
and Executrix of this my last will and Testament as trustees
of the whole. ~ ~ ~ ~

I Bequeath to my beloved wife Susanna Ward the one half
of my Old tract of Land with priviledge and possession in
this house with orchards with all accounts bills and bonds
with all my Negroes and plantation tools horses and cows
hogs and Sheep and all my household furniture The Negro
Boy call'd Phillip I give her to be her own property & her part of
the Land at her decease to be possessed by my son Anthony
Ward. And the remainder part of my Negroes at her decease
to be disposed as follows. ~ ~ ~ ~

The boy called David to my son William Ward and my
daughter Susanna Pike. ~ ~ ~ ~ The negro wench called Bet
to my Daughters Sarah Clark and Prissilla Ferree.

    The Negroe man call'd Bob to my two sons Thomas and
Anthony Ward. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[page 2]
I Give to my Daughter Esther Wells Ten pounds to be paid
out of my Estate.

    The desk at my wifes decease I give to my son Stephen
Ward. ~ ~ ~ I give to my Son James Ward five pounds
to be paid to him over and above his part of the land as hereafter
directed. ~ ~ ~ I give to my son in law Daniel Ferree one hundred
acres of Land adjoining him and Adam Coble.~~ and I direct
my Executors to make him a deed for the same as Soon as the deed
comes to their hands. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I also direct my Executors to make Sail of all my Entries
of lands that I have not given deeds for nor Bonds to make
deeds and to divide the monies Equally Between my Sons
Living at that time. ~ ~ ~ ~

    I also give to my son Anthony Ward my Smith tools
to come into his possession at my decease ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Likewise the remainder part of the old tract that I now live on
I give to my son Anthony Ward to be possessed by him at my
Decease to be possessed and Enjoyed by him his heirs or assigns
for Ever. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    NB If my negroe woman should have any more children
from this time I give them all to my beloved wife Susanna
Ward for her to dispose of as she may see Best ~ ~ ~ ~

    In witness and Testamony whereof I William Ward have here unto
Set my hand and affixed my Seal the day and year above written

    Signed and Sealed in the presence of
                                             William Ward (seal)
Jacob Marshill   } Affirmant
Benjm Marshill   }
Jesse Hinshaw Jun[i]or
                          Exrs. qualified

[Will Book Volume C, page 164]
    I William Ward of Orange County and State of
North Carolina being in health of Body and perfect
Mind and memory, but knowing the mortality of my
Body and that it is appointed for all men Once to die
do therefore this Nineteenth day of the third month Com=
=monly called March in the year of Our Lord One thousand
seven hundred ninety five Make and Ordain this
my Last Will and Testament in the following manner ~~
and as touching such worldly Estate as it has pleased
The Lord to bless me with I Bequeath, Give, Devise & Dispose
of as follows ~~ First I allow my funeral Charges and Just
Debts to be first paid out of my Estate. ~~ 2nd I Ordain and

[Will Book Volume C, page 165]
Constitute my Beloved wife Susanna Ward and my son
Stephen Ward my whole and sole Executor & Executrix
of this my Last Will and Testament as Trustees of the whole~~
I Bequeath to my Beloved wife Susanna Ward the One half
of my Old Tract of Land with privelege and possession in this
House with Orchards, with all accounts, Bills and Bonds with
all my negroes and plantation tools Horses and Cows, Hogs & Sheep
and all my Household furniture. The negro Boy [called] Phillip I Give to
her to be her own property [&] her part of the Land at her Decease
to be possessed by my son Anthony Ward, and the remainder
part of my Negroes at her decease to be Disposed as follows ~~~
The Boy Called David to my son William Ward and my
Daughter Susanna Pike ~~ The negro wench called Bet to my
Daughters Sarah Clark and Priscilla Ferree ~~ The negroe
man called Bob to my Two sons Thomas & Anthony Ward. ~~
I Give to my Daughter Esther Wells Ten pounds to be paid
Out of my Estate ~~ The Desk at my wife's Decease I Give to my
son Stephen Ward ~~ I Give to my son James Ward Five pounds
to be paid to him Over and above his part of the Land as
hereafter Directed ~~ I Give to my son-in-law Daniel Ferree
One hundred acres of Land adjoining him & Adam Coble
and I Direct my Executors to make him a deed for the same
as soon as the deed comes to their hands ~~ I also Direct my
Executors to make Sale of all my Entries of Lands that
I have not given Deeds for nor Bonds to make deeds and to
Divide the monies Equally between my sons Living at that time
I also give to my son Anthony Ward my Smith tools to
come into his possession at my decease ~~ Likewise the
remainder part of the Old Tract that I now Live on I Give
to my son Anthony Ward to be possessed by him, at my
decease to be possessed and Enjoyed by him, his Heirs and
Assigns forever ~~~ NB. If my negro woman should have any

[Will Book Volume C, page 166]
more Children from this time I Give them all to my Beloved
wife Susannah Ward for her to Dispose of as she may see
Best ~~ In Witness and Testamony whereof I William
Ward have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal
the day and year above written ~~~
Signed and sealed in the presence of    }     William Ward (seal)
Jacob Marshill
Benjm. Marshill
Jesse Hinshaw Junior

                        Orange County February Term 1800
    The Execution of the foregoing Last Will & Testament
of William Ward deceased was duly proved in Open Court by
the affirmation of Jacob Marshill and Benjamin  Marshill
subscribing Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded ~~
at the same time Susanna Ward Executrix & Stephen Ward
Executor therein named Qualified accordingly ~~~~~

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume C, pages 164-166
Recorded Feb 1800

No estate papers found.